tv Hannity FOX News February 24, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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who better to be the boss of you... (patrick 1)than me. i mean, (vo) go national. go like a pro. welcome back to a special edition of "the kelly file." that us to face with the candidates from houston, texas. every time. last hour, you heard from texas senator ted cruz and ohio governor john kasich. this hour, a chance to ask the questions to florida senator marco rubio and dr. ben carson. rubio last night fin initialled second and the message today, majority of gop voters still don't want trump as their
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nominee. joining me now by satellite, senator marco rubio. thank you for joining us tonight. >> thank you, thank you. >> great to see you. so you believe -- >> great the see you. >> you believe the majority of voters don't want donald trump but at this point in the contest you have yet to win a single race. with the understanding that past is prologue, what are you going to change to get a different result? >> well, first of all, admit he's the front-runner and i'm an underdog but i have been my entire life. from where i grew up and how i came to the senate running against the republican establishment to this race. when i've been hit by over $40 million of negative ads by establishment money but this is a country of underdogs, a nation of people that scratch and claw to move ahead and improve their laws and an important election. we won't allow the conservative movement to be defined by a nominee who isn't a conservative and need to elect someone prepared to be president in a thoughtful and serious and
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important way given the thoughts this country faces. so that's why a majority of republican voters are not supporting donald trump and once this race begins to narrow a little bit, you will see more of that support consolidating. we are in this situation that we're facing and going to keep working hard and picking up as many delegates as we can. >> but i didn't hear anything in there talking about a change. an enthe question is whether you like being second because if you don't change anything, what are the odds that that number's going to start changing for you? >> well, we're not going to change our message. this is why i'm running, because i understand we have real challenges. i know people are angry. >> what tactics? >> that's why i ran in 2010. the tactics are the following. every state is different. we want to go in with the resources we have and try to move numbers an endo that. so our tactics are not going to dramatically change. the biggest change in the campaign is when the people not named donald trump choices narrow and give the republican voters a clearer choice of who
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they want to get behind. i'm as conservative as anyone running in the race. record of 15 years of turning conservative ideas into conservative solutions up against anyone running but i can win. i can unify this party, grow the party and i will win this election. the democrats desperately don't want to run against me and attack me more than anyone else in the race and if we lose that means bernie sanders who's a socialist or hillary clinton who's under fbi investigation becomes the next president of the united states. so, it's going to take a longer than people want but i feel good about it and no one will outwork us. that's for sure. >> all right. let's get some voters in here. this next issue is getting a lot of attention in the democratic race, a hot item with young republican voters, as well this is from tanya sue, she's here with her mom lydia and describe s herself as undecided and wants to ask about the cost of college today. what is your question for senator rubio? >> good evening.
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thank you so much for allowing me to be here tonight. i'm a student and first in my family to further my collection. what would you do to provide opportunities for students to further their education while making it affordable and decreasing the student debt that's crushing america's youth. >> yeah. thank you, tanya, for the question. that's an important one. i'm the only republican running talking about student loan debt. i have a plan to deal with all of it and one of the reasons i'm passionate about it is because four years ago becoming a u.s. senator until 2012 i still had over $100,000 in student loan debt. we have a comprehensive way to deal with it. the first is we're going to provide more information. when i'm president, you will know how much people make graduating from the school you're going to with a degree you're seeking to make an informed decision of whether it's worth borrowing thousands of dollars for a degree that may not lead to a job. we preel vid alternative ways for college credit without
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paying for sitting in a classroom and 21st century, through alternatively acredited methods, you should be allowed to get credits without paying for it and shorten the time in school and it's also going to open the door for higher education for nontraditional students. third is to make income-based repayment the automatic method of repayment. rather collect $20 from man than default and ruin the credit and unable to buy home or start a business or whatever and the fourth thing to do in the -- provide alternative to student loans called the student investment plan and it would allow students, especially graduate students, to go to a private investment group and get them to pay for your tuition instead of a loan. if you make a lot of money, they make their money back like invested in a small business that was successful. if you don't make a lot of money, they lose their investment. but it's better than a loan and doesn't sit on the credit report and all the risk is on the investment group so we have developed this straenl and
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because i feel passionately about it because i can tell you -- >> all right. the audience -- they wrapped you for me. they wrapped you for me. thank you for that. i want to get to the questioner who's carrie, a small business owner hearing from tonight. as a businessman, he say that is he has a number of concerns and one in person is a big deal for him. kerry, tell us your question. >> thank you so much for taking time to listen to us tonight. >> thank you. >> as a small business owner, we have a number of concerns. taxes, excess regulation and health insurance. as a small business, we have a tough time affording health insurance for employees. i don't think that's fair. but the health system is currently broken. what are you as president going to do to fix the broken health care system? we need more than repealing obamacare or breaking state lines. >> right. we are going to repeal obamacare and replace it. i don't want do go back to the old system. that wasn't working well either. substantial number of americans
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uninsured. by the way, only one running for president did anything about obamacare. i got rid of the bailout fund to use with your money to bail out private insurance companies. i led the effort to do that. part is allowing everyone to control their own health care spending. under my plan, you would be allowed to provide to your employees if you can't find insurance, you would be able to provide medical money, the equivalent of paying on their behalf to receive that money, only used for medical care but it would be tax free and not treated as income and they would be able to use it to fund health insurance any way they want, a health savings account, a combination of a health savings account and buying insurance of the kind they want from any company in america. you would be able to pool your resources with other similarly situated businesses for a coverage group. again, it would give you more options. so what i want to do is provide more choices because that leads to more competition in the health insurance marketplace and it is through competition for better coverage, lower prices
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and better networks and that's a much better approach than we have now where the cost of the health care exchanges where the companies are losing money, all being passed to the commercial plans and why the premiums keep going up. >> very good, senator. thank you. well, the issue of prison reform is starting to bubble up in the campaign trail, as well. on both sides of the aisle. and as an interesting point of preference, it is one issue where the obama administration and the very conservative koch brothers find themselves in agreement and working together. you got president obama, van jones and charles koch agreeing on the same issue. like your head is going to explode. our next question from jake and he's a young student at baylor university. welcome, jake. and your question? >> thank you. my question is about prison reform. currently there are several bills in the house and senate co-signed by democrats and republicans alike, all trying to
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fix the issue of mass incarceration. what would you do with the united front as president to solve this issue? >> well, first of all, thank you for the question. it's an important issue but i think largely misunderstood. federal crimes, vast majority of people not in jail for a small thing. the growth incarceration in the country largely of mandatory minimum sentences for violent offenders. up until 1980s we had huge crime rates in america and then minimum mandatories kicked in around the '90s and you saw that people once quickly released returned back to the streets an committing crimes, much of the crime in america committed by recidivist and now being locked up and suddenly a plunge in crime rates. that's the bulk of people incarcerated are. i won't undo that. i believe in mandatory norman mineta mum sentences. i'm hoping to diverting people out of the system first-time
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offenders and not a danger to society. i believe that's especially important for juveniles and young people who made a bad mistake or did something dumb and don't want them with the criminal justice system business that stigma oftentimes leads to criminalization later on. the vast majority of people commit crimes as users are addicted or dependent. i don't want to see them in jail. i'm hope to that. coming to violent and dangerous criminals and drug dealers, i support minimum mandatory sentences because it worked to reduce the crime rate in america in the last 25 years. [ applause ] >> all right. we will have much more on the opposite side of this break. opposite side of this break. yes.
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welcome back, everybody. a special two-hour edition of "the kelly file." on the stage with us now, senator marco rubio. via remote. thank you for being back with us. >> thank you. >> former president george w. bush said one of the toughest issues he struggled with as a president had to do with stem cell research and an issue first used the presidential veto. and our next question on this issue comes from sarah who's a science professor at lamar university saying she likes governor kasich and you, sir. what is your ke? >> senator rubio, you oof been criticized by right to rise being too pro-life to be president. what are your positions on stem cell research? as president will you veto legislation to help save a life at the cost of someone else's life?
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>> well, first of all, i don't view it as that couple of choice. there's all kinds of stem cell research going on, including umbilical cord blood and all of that. what i do not support anything that leads to the creation of an industry of embryos for the purpose of cultivating stem cells because i'm pro-life. i believe all human life is worthy of protection of the laws. it's a difficult issue. largely comes up in the context of abortion. this is a hard issue. i get it. it puts two competing rights against each other, the right to choose what you do your body and the right of an unborn child to live. i have to make a choice which side will i be on? i have chosen the side of life. it's a human rights issue. i believe deeply all human life is worthy of the protection of our laws and we are a soc headed in the wrong direction fast and so that's my view. i feel passionate and deeply about it.
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i understand and respect americans that have a different view on it and i certainly believe we make advances on research without creating an industry where embryos are cultivated for purposes of accessing stem cells. >> so cord blood fine but embryo research absolutely not? is that your position, senator? >> yeah. especially embryos for that purpose. yes, absolutely. >> what about discarded embryos of ivf procedures? >> that's a harder issue but it's difficult -- what's hard about policing that, anyone can claim they're discarded already and not for purposes of life. i just -- >> just to clarify -- >> very concerned about the industry. >> just to clarify -- >> worried about an industry -- yeah. >> no. understood. just to clarify on the abortion issue, we talked about this at the first debate in august, you state now that you are -- you
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are against abortion even in the cases of rape or incest. is that your position tonight? >> yeah. what i said, i don't require those exceptions to support a law. i have supported laws with those exceptions because i'm interested in saving lives. i support the 20-week abortion ban and has those exceptions. if i'm president, even though i don't personally require exemptions for those two things, i will support a law that has them because i am interested in saving as many lives as we can. >> understood. okay. our next voter came here tonight hoping to put the question to donald trump. since he could not be here, we have asked her to put the question to you, sir. >> okay. >> an issue of a lot of emotion on the campaign trail and here's alison with a story and a question. >> thank you. senator rubio, recently a muslim american army reservist denied access to a gun rage range in oklahoma and sign and saying it's a muslim free facility.
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what is your opinion on this and do you think the rhetoric of the campaign season especially the anti-muslim rhetoric increased the sentiment? >> yeah. the story you just told me is wrong. it's immoral. we should not be doing that to people. bottom line is millions of patriotic muslim americans. and if you go do a national cemetery where we bury veterans of the service of our country you will see stars of davids and a cross and also crescent moons, muslim americans who have died in the service of this country. and so, our issue is not with patriotic muslim americans and islam but radical jihadis. it's a radical ideology. threatens islam and the west. isis, wants to kill all shia and all sunnis who do not agree with that you are own version of islam so we recognize the contributions that muslim americans make in this country
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and no one should be discriminated against in america because of religion or faith. i also think we have to recognize and i think the muslim american community does that radical islam poses a threat. >> what did you make of the question of the rhetoric in the campaign putting some muslims in this position? you know, muslim american who is are worrying about their sons and their daughters walking the streets and going to gun ranges and so on? >> that's important. as president of the united states you have a mega phone and set the agenda and the tone for the country. we have a president that's divisive. we should not pit and divide americans against each other. a weak -- i we we are camible of recognizing the threat of radical islam without demonizing a religion. many don the uniform and die on behar of our freedoms and liberties. >> all right. we'll get on to the next question, which is on the plan
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announced by president obama on tuesday to close the u.s. military prison in guantanamo bay, cuba. transfer the detainees to a facility inside the united states. carolyn, what is your question for the senator? >> senator rubio, president obama announced to close gitmo. would you close gitmo and if so what would become of the facility and transfer the hardened war criminals to the u.s. soil without having u.s. civil rights? >> yeah. a couple points. great question. it is not just a prison for radical terrorists but a naval facility and we are keeping it. number two, we shouldn't be transferring people out of there. a substantial number of them released rejoining the battlefield against them. spanish police arrested a former gitmo detainee plotting terrorism. when i'm president we'll be taking people there, not taking
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people out. when i'm president we are going to have a real war on terror and means the armed forces will destroy them. and if we capture any of these terrorists alive, we are taking them to guantanamo and that's where they belong. they're enemy combat abatants i war against america. >> let me follow up on that with you, senator, though. what about interrogation of terrorists who we capture on the battlefield? back during the bush administration they didn't necessarily go to gitmo. they were subjected in some limited cases to enhanced interrogation techniques. what would a president rubio administration look like? >> well, first of all, i never talk about interrogation techniques because it gives the terrorists the opportunity to train to evade them. number two, let me say this, though, i believe we are capable of -- we have the capability of
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gathering information without having to do some of the things people feel offended by and interrogating a terrorist is not the same as a law enforcement interrogation. in a law enforcement interrogation, you're trying to acquire evidence to use at trial. in a terrorism interrogation, you are trying to acquire information to prevent a terrorist attack in the future and can't use the same tactics. this is not about evidence to put someone in jail. this is about evidence and information to prevent a future terrorist attack. [ applause ] >> now we selected this next voter because her issue is the issue for a lot of republican voters in this cycle and concerns the decision of supporting the person you like and supporting the person you think can win and this is from michelle. go ahead. >> hi, thank you. thank you, senator rubio. >> thank you. >> i'm starting with my decision of who to vote for because senator cruz shares similar
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values as me but i think you're more electable. what would you say to a voter like myself comparing electability to values? >> first i would say, you don't have to compromise those voting for me. i have a 15-year record of turning conservative ideas into action. >> let's just -- forgive me for the interruption, please pardon me. michelle, is there something about senator rubio that's giving you pause? >> one thing i really like about senator cruz is this idea of limited government and i -- sometimes the policies that senator rubio, you know, he puts those -- he puts out there i don't necessarily believe they line up with what i believe is limited gft. >> go ahead, senator. >> i have as i said a record of limiting government. i didn't just talk about it. i was in the state legislature in florida, a paurt time job but i was the speaker of the house. we balanced a budget two years i was speaker without raising taxes. we cut taxes. we actually reformed the school
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curriculum without common core at the state level where it belongs. i have clear ideas about limiting government. i have a regulatory budget proposal which would reduce regulations. that shrinks agencies. but i believe i am the conservative that can unite this party. i'm as conservative as anyone. i encourage you to examine my voting record in washington. it is up there with anyone in washington but i believe i unite this party as i have proven this week with more and more people coming on board and grow it. i believe i give us the idea to take conservatism to people that haven't voted for us in the past and instead of watering down the principles, convincing them our principles are the right way forward. that's a better futhat's a bett amic [ applause ] >> senator, i have one final question for you. same one i'm asking the other candidates. today governor mitt romney suggested that the gop voters should not choose a nominee
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until they have seen the tax returns of said nominees. will you release yours? when and how many years? >> yes. yes, i think, in fact, we were planning today, tomorrow the next few days. number two, a lot of them are out there and released them in the senate campaign. the information this them is already public because of my senate financial disclosures every year. but i'll release them. they're not complicated. they're just not very exotic. we'll release them. sure. >> the exotic tax return. we should all be so lucky. senator, great to see you. thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. >> stay tuned because we have got one more candidate to go. dr. ben carson joins our gop r forum here in texas next. think of it as a seven seat theater...
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welcome back to a special edition of "the kelly file." last night after finishing fourth in the nevada caucuses, dr. ben carson told his supporters his campaign was, quote, just beginning. here to make his pitch to the voters in when audience to help him and viewers at home, retired neurosurgeon, dr. ben carson. welcome, dr. carson. great to see you. >> thank you. thank you. great to see you. >> let's start with this. really? just beginning? >> absolutely. you know, 5% of the delegates have been selected already. we got a long to way to go.
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like a baseball game. everybody wants to call the game after the first inning. i think we have a ways to go yet. and the good thing is with fewer candidates, i think maybe there's a possibility -- i'm not sure it's going to happen, but there's a possibility people may get interested in the real solutions to the problems. and not so much the gladiatorial spectacle. >> now i know that you're a christian. your faith is important to you. you've spoken openly about that on the campaign trail. i want to ask you about a piece in "national review" by david french in which he wrote the following, he was addressing you and addressing governor kasich. and what he wrote was being a christian candidate for spth more than life and liberty and the family. it means being humble and self aware enough to know when your vanity is hurting the country. it's time to deny self, admit
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defeat and leave the race. he and so many other republicans while they like you, they have concerns that you're a spoiler in effect at this point and that a vote from you is effectively what he said was a vote to destroy the republican party. your thoughts? >> my thoughts are that the political establishment, the pundits like to think that they're in control. and it's really we the people who should be in control. and -- i believe there's still a possibility that we can sort of break the spell that they have over the people. you know, bear in mind that, you know, it's sort of like, you know, why do i stay here? it's like losing a child. if you have ever known someone when's lost a child, it's a horrendous thing, you would do
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anything to keep it from happening. i feel like we're in the process of losing our country. it is in critical condition right now and i don't see anybody else who really is going to do anything about it. one of the real reasons that we are in critical condition is because we've had so many people who are controlled, you know, they either are on a puppet end of the string or the puppetmaster end of the string. and as a result of that, things that are done are not necessarily the things that are the most beneficial things for we the people. and that's one of the reasons that i totally refuse to accept money from special interests and billionaires who want to control things. they are the problem. and anybody who is associated with them is going to continue to do their bidding. and we are going to continue to go down the same road and can't afford that. >> want to ask you about a controversial comment that you made yesterday about president
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obama suggesting that he was, quote, raised white. in contrast to yourself. in response to which many people came out, some well-known african-american commentators suggested that that plays into a narrative there's a correct or legitimate way of doing blackness, of being black. your response? >> my response is that that's hogwash. you know, basically, in the conversation and the transcript is available, i said that his experience in growing up is vastly different than most african-americans. and i don't know who could really argue with that. you know? he was raised by his white grandparents in hawaii in a very affluent area in a private school. >> he -- but he looks black. >> let me finish. and he formative years were spent in indonesia. >> four years of his young life.
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>> from. from 10 to 14. those are formative years with his white mother. fo to tell me that's a typical black experience -- you know, it's -- it's basically the media doing what they always do. you know? they take a simple statement that i made and they say so therefore he's saying that, you know, it's bad to be raised white. so that's a racist statement and he's saying that there's some other racism against blacks and, you know on and on they go with their, you know, just ridiculous analysis. which is only for one purpose and that's to try to ridicule me and to drive wedges. people ought to be used to it by now. >> let's move on to the voters who have good questions for you. our first one from landon, a
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young republican worried about whether there is place for a young voter under the gop tent. landon, take it away. >> many republicans under 40 fiscally conservative and lean socially libertarian compared to the older over 40 crowd. is there room in the gop for this younger than 40 crowd when there's a strong contrast on social issues? >> there should be room for them because, you know, one of the reasons that i've joined this race is because as a surgeon i was very concerned about the next generation and the welfare. now, we look at how our fiscal policies are affecting young people, the millennials and the next generation, we're talking $19 trillion. thomas jefferson said it is immoral to pass debt to the next generation. if you tried to pay off $19 trillion at $10 million a day,
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365 days a year, it would take you over 5,000 years. so we're not talking about the next generation, we are talking about generations as far as the eye can see. and that's the good news because, in fact, the fiscal gap which is all the unfunded liabilities, medicare, medicaid, social security, all the governmental programs, agencies, versus the money we have coming in from taxes and other revenue sources, should be even if we're fiscally responsible and if not there's a gap. bring it forward to today's dollars. fiscal gap over $200 trillion. so if somebody came today and said, america, i've got a gift for you. i'll give you $19 trillion to pay off the national debt, everybody would be dancing in the streets. we wouldn't even be close to being out of trouble. and that's what young people need to understand. so when people like bernie sanders come along saying free college for everybody, we need to understand what he's talking about.
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this is -- that's going to accelerate our fall off the cliff. and so young people need to recognize that at least in my case we're looking at people who are going to be looking for ways to ameliorate that financial deteriorati deterioration. >> all right. next question on an important issue. we get so many of the viewers writing in about this issue and asking us to ask you the candidates about the v.a. nearly two years since the scandal over wait times to put it mildly erupted and while the department's chief watchdog yet to release the findings of the investigations into 73 facilities across the u.s., this issue is shaping up to be a big one in 2016 and leads us to the next voter, melody. take it away. >> thank you. good evening, dr. carson. as megyn introduced, we want to hear about the v.a. and your solution, action plan for what you plan to do to improve the
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v.a. >> okay. i have had an opportunity to work in a number of vas and wonderful patients and staff and a mountain of bureaucracy in between them. it was ridiculous the situation. one of the things that -- first, let me put a couple of things in perspective. first of all, our veterans are incredibly important to our freedom. we have in some kind of conflict on the average every 15 to 20 years. so we're only talking about 1% of the population. we have every obligation to take care of them as they have taken care of us. now, what i would do is when a person enlists in the military, i would attach them with an external support group who would be with them throughout their entire military career, particularly when they're in combat and for three to five years afterwards and when ptsd
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shows up. a year before they're scheduled to be discharged, that group would start working on the integration back into society. so, they would quit the military on friday and start their new job on monday. they would have health empowerment accounts subsidized to go to any health care facility in the country and we would be delighted to take care of them. and then they could go to a v.a. facility if they wanted to. that creates competition. competition is the only thing that will, you know, improve the situation. it works in all parts of our society. and if the v.a. has to compete for the patients, they will improve, no question about it. >> our next questioner is r.w. a director of african-american engagement for the texas gop. r.w.? >> how are you doing? good to see you here. >> you, too. >> considering the importance of
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the african-american vote here of late we have seen the democratic candidates posturing their campaigns toward the black community in order to win their candidacy. when it comes through republican party, blacks are concerned about number one likability and relatible. the character of the president, relatability, meaning relating to the issues of the community. so my question is, what is your campaign doing in order to secure and win the african-american vote but not only that but secure and win it for the republican party? >> okay. well, i don't change my message just because i'm in front of one group versus another group. you know, i was -- but by the same token, i believe the right kinds of policies lift all the votes. you know, policies that our government has had has been extremely detrimental, particularly in the
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african-american community. in terms of destroying families. and, you know, our faith and our families are the two strong pillars, particularly in african-american community that got us through slavery and jim crow and segregation and racism and as those things are broken down, it's problematic. so republicans and particularly me very, very interested in finding ways to heal those families, put those families back together. and you think about something like out of wedlock birth, 73% of african-american babies born out of wedlock. well, usually this means the end of education for that woman. and it means that baby is four times as likely to grow up in poverty. that's very problematic. what we should be doing, i think, is supporting and creating groups that support that woman through that pregnancy so that she's not going off to get an abortion and then helping her to be able to
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get her ged or her associate's degree or bachelor's degree or master's degree providing adequate child care so that she can learn to take care of herself and her child so you can break the cycle of poverty. that's the only way it will ever be broken. i think, also, you know, one of the things that i have proposed in my tax plan, please go to and read about it, i got a lot of policy. i said we would have a six-month hiatus on the corporate tax rate. zero taxes so we could bring back the money, repatriot the money overseas, $1.2 trillion. only stipulation being that 10% has to be used in enterprise zones and create jobs for people who are unemployed, underemployed or on welfare. you want to talk about a
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stimulus, that would be the biggest stimulus since fdr's new deal and not cost the taxpayers one penny. those are the kind of things we have to do. and also, that once again gets corporate america used to the idea of investing in the people around them because whose job to take care of the indigent in the society? it is our job. it is we the people. it is not the job of the government. government does a terrible job of it. you know? lyndon johnson -- lyndon johnson declared a war on poverty. how did that work out? you know? $19 trillion later, 10 times more people on food stamps. more people on welfare, broken homes. crime, incarceration, out of wedlock birth. everything is much worse than it was before. and the government needs to read the constitution.
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i think that's the problem. >> we'll let them do that during the commercial break. we have more to get to after this quick break. live in houston, texas. stay with us. we have over 15,000 activities that you can book on our app to make sure your little animal, enjoys her first trip to the kingdom. expedia, technology connecting you to what matters.
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welcome back, everybody. more now with dr. ben carson. once of the most frequent criticisms about you, dr. carson, you in your admittedly astonishing skills as a pediatric neurosurgeon maybe don't translate to being commanders in chief like foreign policy or terrorism and greg who says he's likely deciding on you
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as a candidate has a question for you along those lines. go ahead, greg. >> thank you for coming out, dr. carson. how do you respond to the claims gnat foreign policy views are weak? >> well, i would respond to that saying last week when i was in south carolina i did a one-hour foreign policy town hall. and, you know, there are a lot of press there and i think only one of them wrote a story and their story was how astonished they were at my foreign policy knowledge. the other ones didn't write anything because they couldn't find anything bad to say. you know? i just say, you know, to any reporter who asked me that, ask me a foreign policy question. and find out what i know about it. i know more than i think a lot of people very good at giving canned 60-second answers. you know, i go into great depth about islam where it came from
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-- >> i got one. >> what jihadism is. >> what's did difference of shia and sunni? >> well, there are two different branches of islam. one is much more fundamental and one is much more secular. the sunnis are much more fundamental. the shia much more secular. and it is a relevant question because the deal that we made with iran, which is mainly sunni, stabbed a lot -- it was just shia, stabbed a lot of sunni friends in the back throughout the arabian we flans and then the nerve to come to them and say you be the boots on the ground and we'll be the air power. it makes no sense. these are the kinds of foolish things that happen when i don't think you fully understand what's going on. >> you feel like you're up to the job now? because that was something you said a while back that you were studying up, reading. >> that was, that was a couple of years ago. i have --
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[ laughter ] [ applause ] let me put it this way. i'm ready for the quiz now. but also, do bear in mind that i think it's very important to put the right people around you because will never be the world expert on russian affairs but i can get access to those kinds of people. but you do have to have a basic fundamental knowledge to know who you need to get and solomon said in numbers there is safety. and this next question, whether or not syrian refugees should be allowed into the united states. >> my question is should religious test be used as a factor of risk to allow those into our great country? >> i would not use a religious
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test, but i would use common sense. that is sometimes they don't do. they ask questions, are you a terrorist? have you been planning any terrorism? give me a break this, is ridiculous stuff. we should tighten up the process. and most of the syrian refugees don't want to come here, i've been there and talked to them. they want to be resettled in their own country. it would be so easy to do that in the northeast section of syria, that area is controlled by sunnis and christians and kurds. we'd have to put a international protective force. and the fact that canada is
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bringing tens of thousands of them over here, of course they're going to be infiltrated with terrorists and jihadists. i said it would be jihadist malpractice not to put people in there. of course, you get this vehicle. are you kidding me? >> did you say jihadist malpractice? that is a first. that is a first. all right. let's get to our next questioner, william green. he says he has never been and will never be a member on any political party. his focus is on one thing, the u.s. constitution. william, go ahead. >> amen. >> besides voting or urging our representatives to take action, short of another revolution, what can we, the people do to help restore our constitution? >> you're going to be surprised
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at what i'm going to tell you. you can stop listening to the pundits and you can think for yourself. and you can begin by looking at the candidates who are running for president and you can find out what they believe. you can read their position papers. those who have them, such as myself, and you can dissect them and we're not going to have to go through a revolution if we choose somebody who is a member of we, the people. the problem is we've been taking people who are members of they, the politicians, who are controlled by the political class, and they continue to manipulate us. and that is the reason i'm still here. i feel deep, in my heart, that what thomas jefferson said was
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true. he said the people of america would become less vigilant ant and not paying attention and as a result, the government will grow, infiltrate and dominate. he said just before we turn to another form of government, the people would rise up and retake control. i believe now is the time to do that. >> i want to get one more in. we've got a little time left. some voters here tonight hail from a variety of college campuses where conservative ideals are welcomed and promoted, no. they're not. thank you for getting it. this student says her school is no different. go ahead. >> hi, dr. carson. i was wondering how you would explain to college students
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would be better for their futures than policies that are liberal, like bernie sanders. >> i would help them understand what socialism is. i think young people think socialism being concerned about social issues. it's a utopian dream, where the government takes care of you from cradle to grave. that is the goal. they end up looking the same, but the small group of elites at the top, but i would begin to demonstrate that to them, boy also show them, the united states of america, which declared it's independence in 1776 and less than 100 years was the number one economic power in the world by creating a
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environment that encouraged entrepreneurial risk taking and what happens to regulations? it costs money and passed over to the consumer. it's the most regressive taxation there is. >> speaking of taxes, before i let you go, got to ask you. mitt romney thinks g.o.p. candidates should release their taxes. will you release yours? >> i'd be happy to. i have nothing to hide. i -- i will release them for how many years will satisfy people. you got nothing to hide, not a problem. one thing i can guarantee people about me, there are no scandals. there are no scandals. >> great to see you. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> pleasure. >> and thank you all for watching our special two-our kelly file, here in houston,
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11:00 pm
>> "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> we6ú won with highly educated. we won with poorly educated. i love the poorly educated. >> the trump juggernaut continues and his shrewd calculations about the republican party seem to be paying off. tonight, we will tell you what's going on behind the scenes with mr. trump. >> would you round up 12 million illegal aliens here and, if so, how? >> listen, we should enforce the law. how do we enforce the law? yes, we should deport them. >> will ted cruz and donald trump telling voters they will deport almost all illegal aliens in the u.s.a. is that legally possible? also ahead, dennis miller on the
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