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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  March 5, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PST

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republican voters are making their voices heard as pressure builds from party leaders to stop donald trump's momentum. will they follow their man or follow the party? i'm elizabeth prann in america's election headquarters. >> we are waiting for donald trump to speak in florida. i'm leland vittert. this is march 5 caucus day some places, primary days others. here's what is at stake for donald trump, marco rubio, ted cruz and john kasich before remaining republicans. there are 155 delegates from four states up for grabs today.
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kansas, kentucky and maine have caucuses. louisiana has a primary. for hillary clinton and bernie sanders, 109 delegates await the winners in kansas, louisiana and nebraska. maine goes to their caucus tomorrow. we have fox team coverage. mike emanuel in detroit where they will be voting on tuesday. there is a debate there tomorrow. of course, the town hall on monday. we begin in sunny florida with john roberts where donald trump, marco rubio are campaigning today. john, we understand that trump will be there tonight for his press conference/what he hopes will be a victory rally. >> he will, leland. he's in orlando right now. a big rally. arrived in florida just a short time ago in kansas. expecting 20,000 people to be at that rally in orlando. then this evening he'll be here in west palm beach, the trump international golf club for what he hopes will be a victory rally. he went in to today's contests leading in all four states.
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though the contest in kansas was a little closer than donald trump probably would have liked. in wichita this morning trump continued to attack marco rubio and ted cruz reminding voters that he is winning among evangelical voters. >> we're leading with the evangelicals all over the country. leading. big. because they don't want to vote for a liar. you have lying ted cruz. i nicknamed him "lyin' ted cruz. how would you spell that? lyen? >> lyen? donald trump speak. after today's contest, both hope to keep rubio from winning florida. speaking at cpac today, rubio made the case he is the candidate best positioned to win
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in november. >> these young americans have the chance to fulfill an incredible potential and destiny but we have to give them a chance. and they won't have a chance if a hillary clinton or a bernie sanders is elected. and they won't have a chance. and they won't have a chance if the conservative movement is hijacked by someone who is not a conservative. >> reporter: now ohio governor john kasich has said if he doesn't win his home state on march 15th he'll bow out of the race. marco rubio's campaign heavily suggesting that even if he loses florida, he will stay in. rubio's said i'll get in my pick-up truck and drive across the countrify have to buto. but if he does lose here he will be under tremendous pressure from the other candidates to drop out. if he doesn't win florida, it's
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hard to see how he can go on. >> john roberts, we'll check in with you again. thank you, sir. it's also a big weekend for democrats. the two candidates have a lot on their plates. will the gloves come off when hillary clinton and bernie sanders square off at two upcoming events in michigan? a debate tomorrow night and our special report town hall monday night. mike emanuel is in detroit with the latest. >> reporter: the stakes ln incredibly high for the special town hall on monday evening. michigan's primary is setting up to be quite a showdown with both hillary clinton and bernie sanders investing a lot of time here. sanders continues holding large enthusiastic rallies across the midwest, including one last night at grand valley state in michigan. he's trying to contrast his position on issues with clinton suggesting she was wrong on trade, foreign policy and more. a short time ago sanders in cleveland took this swipe on
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social security. >> that is not secretary clinton's position. frankly, i have no idea what her position is. she talks in vague terms. but that is my position. again, i want to emphasize -- i don't know why media is not particularly interested in this issue. maybe some of you can tell me this. you got millions of seep yors in this country who are trying to get by. >> reporter: clinton is here in michigan all weekend. she met with a group of african-american ministers earlier today. she's expected to do more events in detroit later on. clinton has taken criticism from sanders on the issue of free trade. here is her position on the issue. >> now no surprise, they've all criticized or opposed the auto rescue. what was missing last night is an honest reckoning with the most important economic challenge we face -- how do we
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raise incomes and create the good jobs of the future? >> reporter: three states up for grabs today for the democrats. but they are focusing a lot of time and energy here in michigan. that town hall monday night will be critical. a last chance for michigan voters to hear from both candidates face to face in a room full of michigan voters. >> mike, thank you. perhaps more surprising than the odds-on favorite for the democratic nomination being under fbi investigation is just how little we hear about it from her opponent on the campaign tra trail. when it comes up, hillary clinton dismisses the investigation of classified information on her home e-mail server as a review. we are learning the person who set up the server now enjoys immunity from prosecution in exchange for aernsing the fbi's questions. in the next few weeks the fbi will likely question clinton and
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other top aides. author the "clinton, inc." joins us now. the few times hillary clinton has been questioned on this, it's like oh, there's an fbi investigation. who knew? not a big deal. secretly is clinton world really worried about this? >> i think so. i think they're both worried about it but there is an element of there is nothing we can do about it so why harp on it -- >> why dignify it? >> the only way to politically for them to actually deal with it is to dismiss it and say it is beneath them an hope nothing comes out of it. regardless of where this goes it will never be going away this election cycle. one thing the fbi doesn't do is just close out investigations, tell the subject that it's all clear and that you can just relax. so it's either going to get worse or stay the same and that's how it is going to be through the election. >> the one interesting part of a federal investigation especially an fbi investigation by the
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justice department is this vacuum of real information. everything is sourced here and a leak there. when loretta lynch was on monday, great interview, she really dodged and ducked and basically said i'm not going to say anything about this investigation other than we're doing it. what are you hearing from your sources about a time line here? there is going to be more democratic primaries. there is going to be a democratic convention. . you can't imagine the justice department is just blind to that. >> i'm sure they're not blind to it but i'm sure they're also trying to make their decisions not based on any other of political timeline. there will never be a good time to go further with this investigation. as you point out, it will always be politically perilous. i'll also suggest, if they don't prosecute it is politically perilous as well. half the country will say how come hillary clinton is doing so that so plainly looks wrong and yet she seems to be getting a i way with it. either way they're really in a bind and there is not much they can do except follow the law,
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follow the investigation, follow where the facts take them and proceed from there on their own timeline and forget about the political timeline because that -- they have to. they don't have a choice. >> even if they proceed as we go and you say no investigation ends, but if they were to present this to a grand jury and the grand jury comes back with no bill, doesn't indict her, prosecutors can indict a ham sandwich, but if they don't indict her, that pretty much ends things. >> loretta lynch was asked is and she said no. there is some rumors perhaps something is in the works but we don't have any facts to go ahead and say what issing go on right now is that they are going before a grand jury. but the investigation is continuing. a hillary clinton aide seemed to slip on another network when asked about the aide who got immunity got it months ago.
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where are they hearing about this information? the white house also previously said we're not hearing that this is a criminal investigation. i think there is a lot of suspicion that the investigation has been politicized, that lo loretta lynch and the justice department is influenced by the politics and i think again, that suggests that it is a scandal in a totally different direction. then is becomes an obama administration scandal and one that will, well, how come justice isn't being administered fairly if that's the case. >> all presidents are worried about their legacies. they're all worried about what comes next after them. we have seen barack obama decidedly not take sides in the democratic primary. is there beginning to be a democratic contingency plan for if she gets indicted or are democrats just not even beginning to deal with that possibility? >> i don't think they are -- i think if you ask them, they say seriously, you think loretta lynch is going to indict hillary clinton, the top democrat? it's just not going to happen.
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either they're right, or not. >> we'll find out. all right. appreciate you being here. thanks so much on the clinton beat. we'll have you back. you can imagine that hillary clinton hasn't been asked much about her e-mail server but i would suspect it is going to come up monday in detroit. sanders and clinton will face voters in a town hall moderated by special report anchor brett bayer. that starts at:00 p.m. eastern. it is just one day before michigan voters go to the polls in that democratic primary. 6:00 p.m. eastern. don't miss this. two years since hillary clinton has sat down with fox news and she's back. with more than a dozen states in the books, voter turnout among democrats is significantly lower this election cycle than in 2008. republicans meanwhile are heading to the polls in record numbers. there's been no shortage of
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theories for this, including one named donald trump. joining me now to sort this all out is political reporter for real clear politics. thank you for joining us. i really appreciate it. >> thank you. good to see you. >> i want to break down both sides of this story. certainly a tale of two cities. full disclosure, we know that voter turnout during the general election would onness essobviou higher than the primaries but that doesn't mean we aren't seeing different things on both sides. >> republican turnout is very high especially in these primaries. as you mentioned, donald trump of course is a big factor. this is also an extremely competitive race on the republican side. you have several candidates still in the mix. of course donald trump has brought national attention for a long time, sustained attention to this race, and so you have
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lots of people tuning in and lots of people feeling compelled to participate in this election because of its magnitude, and also because of how competitive it truly is. i expect these numbers to really keep up as we continue on and the more candidates remain in the race i think the more competitive it will remain as well. >> that's what i was going to ask you. because we had 17 candidates and now we have four. so are we going to continue seeing this momentum and this drive to get to the polls or is it going to diminish because 4 is not 17 and we're not seeing that huge field? >> right. i can see a couple of different scenarios. one, if donald trump continues to win. i think if he continues to be on his way to winning the necessary delegates, i wonder if voters will kind of look the a the polls and say, in their respective states, he figures to win, should i show up anyway. but on the other hand, you have these other candidates rivalling
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donald trump, wanting to prevent him from winning the necessary delegates, really encouraging their respective bases and constituents to turn out in these states that are holding primaries. we have one today of course on march 15th will be a big one, and also this coming tuesday on march 8th in michigan and some other states. so if donald trump starts to secure the nomination, i think we may see activity maybe wane a little bit. but as long as these other rivals are keeping the pressure on, i think voters will be compelled to turn out. from is such an anger and frustration in the electorate as we know. people really want to voice their frustration. so going to the polls, of course, is a way to do that. >> i want to talk about the democrats as well. we're not seeing the same turnout as in 2008. in 2000 u8 hillary clinton tried
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to take on the momentum. she took on barack obama. but now she is trying to be his succe successor. how does she get that momentum we saw in 2008 and channel it? >> i think that will continue to be a challenge. turnout is lower on democratic side. i think that is in part because it is not as competitive race as the republican side. hillary clinton has been leading in polls in various states. we saw a lot of momentum and excitement of course in the beginning of this primary, and no you there are many states she figures to win and she had pretty much a blow-out on super tuesday. so i think her challenge is to really continue campaigning and excited about her campaign. i think as much as she is building upon the president's coalition, really bringing in diverse components there, but she also really needs to mobilize the youth vote.
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millennials and young voters have been tuned in to the bernie sanders campaign. i think hillary clinton in the general election will really need to mobilize those supporters. and if the general election as you mentioned earlier is as competitive as we are seeing on the republican side, i think that will help to boost her on the democratic side as well. >> we only have about ten seconds left but i've heard a number of democratic pundits say that primary turnout does not represent the general election turn sou turnout so they're not necessarily concerned. they feel like there will be a flood of people coming out on the democratic side. agree or disagree? >> i agree, but it depends on what the match-up looks like. i think democrats will be extremely mobilized if donald trump is the nominee. but i think it could be perhaps more difficult if there is another contender or two. >> all right, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. still ahead, remember
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malaysian flight 370? an american adventure stumbles across what could be a vital clue in the disappearance of that airliner. we'll tell you what part of the plane could be. plus, no river too deep to rescue a dog in distress. what these folks are doing is dangerous, risking their lives. we'll show you how this rescue ended up in new hampshire. and, back on dry but still cold land in maine. voters are spending this weekend choosing their presidential favorites. it is caucus day in maine. >> reporter: we are inside one of the caucus locations, it is the gop caucusing today. official tell me they expect record turnout. we'll have an inside look at what's happening here on the ground.
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it takes a lot of work... to run this business. but i really love it. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don't plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost®. came out today thousands of people to run the race for retirement. so we asked them... are you completely prepared for retirement?
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okay, mostly prepared? could you save 1% more of your income? it doesn't sound like much, but saving an additional 1% now, could make a big difference over time. i'm going to be even better about saving. you can do it, it helps in the long run. prudential bring your challenges
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so if you wants to know how the mystery ends, why not just try and solve it yourself? seattle attorney and adventurer blaine gibson has spent a year and his own money searching for clues to where a missing malaysian airliner might have ended up. gibson says he recently found what could be a piece of the plane off a sand bank in mow zach beak. >> i had planned to go to
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mozambique. i had planned to comb beaches there. i did not know specifically where. i went for other reasons to see other things as well. but yes, i always figured i'd spend a couple days combing beaches looking for possible items from the missing plane. >> the new piece of debris is now in the hands of aviation authorities. as you remember, 239 people were onboard flight 370 from malaysia to beijing when it vanished from the radar almost exactly two years ago. wow. maine is not exactly a tourist destination this time of year, but the cold and snow has not stopped donald trump, ted cruz and bernie sanders from heading north to make their case to the party faithful. and now this weekend, caucusgoers get their say. the republicans today, democrats tomorrow.
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we're live from lewiston, maine where republicans are casting their ballots. >> reporter: things are looking really busy here today at 1 of the 22 caucus locations people will be casting their ballots. 5,000 people across the state have already cast their ballots and officials say they expect record turnout. this is one of the biggest location. we have seen a steady stream all day. things have quieted down a little. we've seen bursts of activity throughout the day. we are witnessing an historic first. gop in maine has shifted their process from a non-binding straw polls of the not so distant past to a binding process where caucusgoers can participate, listen to speeches, or they can also simply cast their vote and move on with their day. the ballots cast are binding and there are no superdelegates. >> if a person simply wants to vote for president. there is a three-hour window at
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each caucus location. come in, check in. they'll be given a ballot. they sit down or stand up and just check that ballot and -- however they wish and they can vote and leave. >> reporter: maine is not a big prize, but just 23 republican delegates up for grabs. but some of the gop candidates did make a last-minute push here. senator ted cruz made a quick stop at the university of maine yesterday drawing a crowd of more than 1,000. if one candidate receives 50% plus one, then they walk away with all 23 delegates or it could be awarded proportional will. each candidate needs a 10% threshold. then the candidates who make it can walk away with some proportional amount of vote. we'll hear the results later on this evening. the polls here close at 7:00. it is tomorrow for the
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democrats. >> we know you'll stick around tonight. 8:00 p.m. eastern as results come in for a specs election night coverage, 7:00 p.m. live in maine, thanks, molly. still to come -- you're looking at live pictures of a rally in orlando, florida where thousands of supporters have gathered to hear donald trump's vision for the future. we'll bring it to you live as soon as trump begins speaking. plus, hillary clinton making her case all weekend to michigan voters ahead of tuesday's primary. we're following it all. stay with us. ates. ates. it's a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. whose long dayis sheldon setting up the news starts with minor arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day.
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back to the news.
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there's a lot of the talk and even more action on the campaign trail today. voters in five states are having their say. louisiana, kansas, kentucky, maine and nebraska. but several candidates are looking ahead on the primary calendar, both donald trump and marco rubio are in the crucial state of florida right now.
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awaiting a trump event in orlando and a rubio event in jacksonville. of course we'll bring those to you live when they begin. meanwhile in today's contest, democrats hillary clinton and bernie sanders will share the 109 delegates from louisiana, kansas and nebraska. 155 delegates are on the line for republicans, they will be given proportionally. there is no winner take all in any of these states. the final four republicans are hopscotching across kansas, michigan and florida. democrats are already looking ahead to the bigger delegate prizes later this month. bernie sanders is in cleveland where the voters will go to the polls on the 15th. we find clinton in michigan which votes on the 8th. they'll reunite at a town hall in detroit monday, the flight before michigan votes. you can see it all right here on america's election headquarters. this week really set up a battle royale. donald trump and his supporters versus the gop establishment.
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mitt romney launched his own campaign of sorts not for any one candidate but simply against mr. trump. f for a fair and balanced debate, as we look at the four races happening today for the republicans, cannkansas, kentuc louisiana and maine, not a lot of polling but some. in louisiana and kansas trump was up double digits but that was some time before super tuesday. in this post super tuesday world where the establishment has coalesced against this anybody but donald movement, is it in you have to move the needle, angela? >> i think what mitt romney actually helped trump because trump is anti-establishment. he's an unorthodox candidate. but it is still about who wins the most delegates. people are saying is trump stoppable? >> the most delegates or the majority of delegates? >> as steve forbes says, whoever gets the most delegates will be our nominee and only 30% of the
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votes have been cast. i think 70% is still out. if all three folks stay in the race, rubio, kasich and cruz, then we can go to a brokered convention. >> if we go to a brokered convention -- i realize you aren't exactly an expert on the republican convention rules, but as you look at those numbers, if trump continues exactly on the same path with the same percentage, he doesn't get to the magic number. you end up with a brokered convention. >> he doesn't get to the magic number but there is no way the republican survives in a flourishing way in the general if the person who won the most delegates in the primaries and caucuses doesn't become the nominee. we saw that in '68. this is the challenge. in a lot of ways the republican primary system is reaping what it's sown. so many candidates were afraid to take him on until recently, now it's winner take all very soon. he will have a legitimate claim to the mandate of the republican base. i think it is almost impossible
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to imagine the party coming together over someone else. >> are republicans though sort of -- the republican establishment, the gop, are they beginning to regret this idea that they front-loaded all of the primaries? >> i don't think so. the establishment has always had a plan in any race and they've always coalesced behind one candidate. but this time they haven't. and the establishment is losing. again, any time the establishment goes against donald trump, they give him a free commercial. i did misspeak. it is a magic number. if you don't get that magic number, then you're going to a brokered convention. >> to your point, angela. "the new york times" had a very interesting story about essentially rank and file republican voters telling the gop establishment to get lost. this is a quote from lola butler, quoted in "the new york times." 71, retiree from louisiana, voted for romney in 2012. you're telling me who to vote for around who not to vote
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please, she says, there's nothing short off trump shooting my daughter in the street and my grandchildren. there is nothing and nobody that is going to dissuade me from voting for trump. angela, how do you change people's mind if you're marco rubio, ted cruz, john kasich? >> all you can do is get out there like kasich said again. he's been endorsed by newspapers. voters have not all voted yet so i'm not saying that the lady who's 71 years old wherever she comes from making a statement. some people at the last minute change their minds. i don't think the fat lady has sang yet. i don't think it is over. >> as you look at the super tuesday exit polls, people who made up their minds late broke for rubio. same thing in iowa. we saw that as well. is that something that plays for his favor in, say, florida? >> i don't think so. there is a lot of talk about the "anybody but trump" movement. but this is really an anyone but the establishment year. every time somebody's making up their mind at the last second, that's kind of because they're not already angry enough to have
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decided who they're going to support. you can just see the tidal wave of fury. frankly, a lot of cruz's support comes from the same place, people fed up with the republican party's leadership, fed up with what's happening in washington and they're voting against it all. >> everyone in the establishment could come together to oppose trump, that would just help him win the primary in a landslide. >> you can't beat somebody who clearly donald trump is somebody. he is a movement. whamp you wa whatever you want to assign to that. you can't beat somebody with nobody. is it time for the gop to say to cruz, kasich an rubio, i don't know if you guys do rock, paper scissors, but we need one of you and that's who we're going to run? >> usually the party coalesces behind one candidate but we are divided. i think that kasich -- you should stay in a race if you want to because that's your god given right but the party is clearly divided. it's divided. >> as you look at this, we always want to look back in history in politics. is the republicans as divided as
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the democrats were in the beginning of the 2008 series where we saw that hillary clinton versus barack obama split? >> far more divided. far more divided. in 2008 people weren't voting for obama because they were against hillary and what she stood for. people weren't voting for obama for the most part because they were against hillary. these were pro-candidate movements on both sides. they were both quite strong but this level of just raw targeting the other side. >> even with carson, he got a lot of evangelicals and people are thinking that will go towards cruz? you have evangelicals now for trump. so there's no way to tell the true litmus test as in the past. >> that's true. i think a lot of trump votes partly are middle finger raised to the party establishment. i just don't think that that's the way it works. >> delicately said. >> said in the spirit of the times. >> is a long as you don't talk about other things that may or may not be raised, we'll be all good. 55% of kansas voters describe
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themselves as highly religious. how much of this is a win or go home for ted cruz. super tuesday was his big day, he said. now the question is does he still do well with evangelicals? >> in kansas, the last poll that i checked, trump was only up six points. like i said, the evangelicals are split. but if cruz loses kansas, he's not going home. cruz is in it to win it. he's going to stay in it. >> it seems like kasich, rubio cruz and are in it for a brokered convention. >> they all have this theory, if it becomes a brokered convent n convention, maybe they can win. >> these are the rules the republicans came up with. some republicans are very upset about it but these are the rules that we came up with. so live with it. >> they can't win if they don't play. >> we'll end on a lotto commercial. i've never done that with a
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panel before. a lot of programming is coming up on this. mitt romney who started the week with that big speech coming out against donald trump. he's going to be on fox news sunday tomorrow. chris wallace will ask romney why he is leading the establishment charge against trump. check your local listings for channel and time. still to come on the program, we are waiting a rally in marquette, michigan. if you don't know where marquet marquette, michigan is, it is in the upper peninsula, and it is really cold. these folks had to come through some serious weather to hear john kasich, the governor of ohio, take the stage. we'll dip in live when it comes. now to puppies and dogs. because we can. a dog fell 50 feet out in the ice, falls through the thin ice, and rescuers head out to try to get him in time. we'll let you know how the pup ended up. plus, you heard about this, right? a knife reportedly surfaces at
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o.j. simpson's old brentwood home. think about this. all these years later. can we take this story seriously? will carr is live in presentwood following the story and what they found in o.j.'s house. >> we're going to tell you exactly where that knife has been for nearly two decades and if the officer who ever had it in his possession ever thought it was the actual murder weapon. details coming up in a live report.
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this was a frantic rescue for man's best friend caught on camera. here's how it happened. a dog fell through some very thin ice out on a new hampshire river. luckily, members of the hampton fire and rescue team came in. two firefighters road over to the dog and pulled him out of the water. two firefighters on shore hauled him back to safety. he's got the blanket around him. the pup is being monitored at the local vet and we hear he is going to make a full recovery. you probably have been following this story. is it a bombshell or bogus? the knife reportedly found at o.j. simpson's former property is being tested by the lapd. but now the owner of the company that tore down simpson's house says he thinks the discovery is a joke. will carr is live in brentwood, california with the very latest. hi, will. >> reporter: hey there, elizabeth. that owner is not the only one
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who is skeptical. turns out that the retired officer who had this knife in his possession for nearly two decades never even thought that it could be the murder weapon. i spoke to his attorney a short time ago. he tells me what really happened at the property behind me as it was demolished in 1998, a construction worker found this five-inch buck knife, walked across the street, saw his client working off duty at the movie shoot across the street, handed him the knife. then the office every called lapd immediately, told them he had a knife off o.j. simpson's property. according to his attorney he was told by lapd that it was a closed case, which it never was. it still to this day is an open double murder case and that they had no interest in that knife. so what did he do? he too being it home and evidently according to his attorney he tossed it into his tool box where it's been for nearly two decades until the lapd found out about it last
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month. they are analyzing the knife to found out if there is connection to the murders of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman. people close to the case say since this was a five-inch buck knife based on that alone it couldn't be the murder weapon. detective mark fuhrman says it couldn't be the murder weapon. take a listen. >> certainly the knife has to meet certain size requirements to actually have inflicted the wounds on nicole brown simpson and ron goldman. that being it can only be certain width, length and thickness or it simply isn't the weapon. the autopsy results especially on ron goldman were very specific. >> as i mentioned, many people skeptical. some think it is a hoax to coincide with the popular television show going on right now about simpson's trial. we do know that tmz is reporting
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that they spoke with a medical examiner who testified during that trial and he says it could potentially be the knife. one thing we do know for sure is that the impact on o.j. simpson could be minimal. he's still serving time in prison on a separate case. there's no way that he could be charged at the state level here due to double jeopardy. >> will carr reporting live, thank you. a live look here in a minute as republican presidential candidates speak to the party faithful at the annual conservative political action committee conference. there it is. everybody was there except for donald trump. we're following the developments just ahead of the straw poll. >> reporter: we're about two hours away from learning the results of the annual cpac straw poll. that's the big finale of this conference. a few hours ago it was all about marco rubio. he received a very warm reception here. i'll have some of the highlights after the break. y around but if we want to keep the soda pop flowing we need fresh ideas!
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got it. we slow, we die. what about cashing out? no! i'm trying to build something here. how about using fedex ground for shipping? i don't need some kid telling me how to run a business! i've been doing this for 4 long months. fedex ground can help us save money and deliver fast to our customers. not bad, kid. you remind me of a younger me. aiden! the dog is eating your retainer again. let's take a short 5-minute recess. fedex ground is faster to more locations than ups ground. dog chow for 36 years now.d i've been making my dog girlfriend is 17 years old. she's been eating dog chow from her very first day and she can still chase squirrels. she can't catch them, but she can still chase them. after 17 years i'm still confident in feeding her dog chow because i see the high quality ingredients that go into it. i'm very proud to make dog chow right here in edmond, oklahoma.
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lxxivlxx . you're looking live at the upper peninsula where john kasich is speaking to supporters. >> we can all do it and feel good about who we are and maybe you're saying why would a guy run for president come here and
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talk about this? because i'm going to tell you. i can get these big things fixed. we not only balanced the budget but paid down a half a trillion dollars of the national debt. we cut taxes with investment and we had a balanced budget for four years in a rowand had a surplus when i left and the beautiful thing about it is that we were growing jobs because i learned in that little broken downtown that if something happened in the family like dad lost his job, you know what, that kid showed up to play ball and one very happy. when i think back now it was the economics of the family.
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not enough to do. not a chance to go to dinner. all of those kinds of things. so i believe jobs are most critical and balance in the budget takes will. it takes stepping on toes and being able to remember that we're in this to raise everybody. we lost common sense and we need to restore common sense without having to pass laws or regulations on everything because they're really hurting small business and we have to run america from the bottom up and i'd like to shift a lot of programs to you. i'd like to shift education, medicare, job training, infrastructure. all of it back to where you are. we can get this done. i know how to talk to our allies to ensure them that america has their back but you don't think
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this country is great because we have politicians in washington doing their job. they ought to be doing their job. presidents can help. i was there and saw what reagan did to lift our spirits. i looked around the world and saw margaret thatcher do it in great britain and winston churchill in world war ii. there's night a substitute for good leadership. i talk about neighborhood and community and mom and dad and family because our strength as americans doesn't rest on somebody else coming in to fix it our strength rests in all of us knowing that if we assert ourselves in whatever way we can that we changed the world. we changed the world where we live and if you want to reignite the spirit of america we
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reignite the spirit in the up and send the message to the rest of the country that we know how to solve problems and take care of one another and we don't know a bunch of politicians coming in here telling us how to do it. what do you think, huh? so fixing the country is two different ways. the people we pay to do their job and being americans before they're republicans and democrats. that's the most important thing and secondly making sure -- making sure that we pick up the mantle. that we run with the baton. that we finish the race so that we can leave this country better for these kids right now.
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>> we'll see how those context end up here in a couple of hours. >> our special programming begins at 8:00 p.m. tonight. thank you so much for joining us. be sure to tune in tonight. that's all the time we have. >> great being with you. great being with you at home. have a wonderful saturday. we'll see you back here tomorrow. this little guy is about to make his first deposit. we'd like to open a savings account for him. yes yes. great thanks to mom and dad and their safe driving bonus check from allstate. oh. look at this. safe driving bonus. are you a safe driver? lucky little fella. only allstate gives you two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safe. see how much more an allstate agent can do for you.
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12:00 pm
and this is a fox news alert. we are in the midst of super saturday as voters from both parties are fanning out across five states today to voting booths or caucuses as they get higher in the sweep stakes. the presidents are making the most of the momentum and looking ahead to states where we should see folks voting over the next few days and weeks. hello everybody. i'm at america's election headquaters. despite the voting underway right now we have donald trump and marco rubio waging a show down in florida today. both holding rallies for the winner take all contest


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