tv Red Eye FOX News March 8, 2016 12:00am-1:01am PST
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good night from washington, d.c. tomorrow night, don't forget wednesday night, down hall with governor john kasich. a whole hour. you want to see that see you tomorrow night at 6 central. welcome to "red eye." hello. i'm tom shillue. let's check in with tv's andy levy to see what exciting stories we will be discussing this evening. andy? >> coming up on the big show, bernie sanders is called racist and sexist for comments made at the democratic debate which makes him the democratic tom shillue. and they say hillary clinton's gun grabbing ways are anti-woman. i don't want none unless you got guns, hahn. and college dorms resembling hotels with beach volleyball. this is my last night on "red eye" as i am going back to school for my master's degree
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in just about anything. back to you, servant of darkness. >> let's welcome our guest. her style and substance go together like peas and carrots or salt and battery. the host of "kennedy" on fox business, kennedy. his voice is so soothing it is like morphine to my ears. charles cook. and his lines are deadlier than wal-mart on black friday. comedian and host of the pod cast "we know nothing" sam morrell. let's start the show. >> during sunday night's democratic debate deer nissan deers -- debate, better thee sanders is is accused of being racist and sexist. sanders said a woman in the black lives matters movement told him they don't understand what people do in certain communities which prompted him to say this -- >> when you're white you don't know what it is like to be
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living in the ghetto. you don't know what it is like to be poor. you don't know what it is like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car. >> later this happened. >> if you are talking about the wall street bailout where some of your friends destroyed this economy through -- excuse me. i'm talking. >> whoa! a man said excuse me i'm talking to a woman. that's really something, right? kennedy, look, a lot of people thought this was sexist. people have been called sexist , but never on twitter. >> that's absolutely right. this isn't sexism. we lost our bearings completely if we apply that word to any sort of exchange. this is in the middle of a presidential debate. both of this is people want the toughest job in the country right now which is being the leader of the free world. if you president c keep
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yourself from interrupting someone don't blame them for trying to shush you for finishing your thought. do you see what i'm saying? >> finally a man's turn to speak on this show. >> exactly. why didn't i go to you first, sam? >> i agree, this is not -- he said excuse me. he didn't call her sugar [bleep] . if this is bad what happens when she debates trump and he throws a tampon at her and he says oh you are too old. this is the best days of her life. >> bernie, he is getting up in year. maybe he can call the ageist card. he can say don't interrupt me. i am an old man. you will get in trouble with hillary and they will accuse you of something ist. >> that's the rational of the
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whole cam inpa. look at me. i am a woman. it is one of the reasons i don't want her to be president besides the fact thee is evil and a criminal -- >> just those two things? >> yes, small problems. i don't want to spend the next four or eight years playing the same games we played with obama. you are not allowed to criticize the president and it is taken as an ism. this is the best argument for the white man who 016. it is the beg argument for trump. >> don't argue with trump. >> let's fee fair to hillary. she didn't claim sexism. her supporters attacked jie. which i'm sure was not on her behalf or the fact that she has done it 1500 times and every time she runs into a challenge -- why doesn't she talk about her compartment at the debate? maybe it is a little rude for her to take that harpy shrill
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voice and blast it at people like a broken air horn that was swallowed by a canada goose. >> if i said that, that really would seem sexist. >> it is great that i can get away with bashing her. >> did you say canada goose? >> that's how you say it. >> that's the proper term. >> it is the kind charles likes. >> the head of the nra says hillary's gun policy says she doesn't care about women's rights. he argued that restricting gun rights as clinton favors puts women at greater risk. he noted, quote, no woman should be left to face evil with empty hands. >> all of america's women, you aren't free if you aren't free to defend yourself. >> if president obama, hillary clinton or anyone else denies you that right they don't
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really care about you at all. >> that's right. sam, if you are a woman -- if you are not holding a casserole, you should be holding a gun, right? >> one of the two. you are not pro-woman if you are not pro-gun. robert blake would disagree with that statement. >> he had a tustle with the law. >> did he shoot his wife? was he ever convicted of that? >> no. robert blake wasn't convicted. >> i thought he was. >> that's phil specter. >> kennedy. >> living alone in apartment buildings in california and they want a gun. >> it is the most dangerous state in the country. it may not be statistically, but it feels like. it this election will boil down to single women. they are going to be a huge part of the vote. if i was one of these people and watching these candidates
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saying you no longer have the right to defend yourself i would absolutely question whether or not i own a gun. you should have the right to own a gun. i don't think every woman is morally obligated to have a firearm at all times. i don't think you need a conceal carry permit given to you at your bough -- bat-mitzfah. they are relying you to have anti--individualist and anti-wog p woman. >> charles, why does wayne have to make a point that republicans should be making? >> i think republicans do make it. >> they do, but not as well as him. >> i think what he did and it is always important, but it is a link to right to bear arms and right to defense. the key is everybody has the right. it doesn't mean they have to exercise it, but everybody has a right to defend themselves. i don't think anybody disagrees with that. it is a foundational principal rule. if you are a woman on average
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you are weaker than a man. and therefore to equalize your chances over somebody who may attack you, you need a tool to do that. the tool in our society is a gun. but it could be anything. it could be a knife. when you take that away from women you say you are now at the mercy of people who are stronger than you. that's immoral. >> that's fantastic. kennedy, the statistics, they talk about statistics and gun violence. there is no statistic for the number of things that were prevented. say a woman is packing and her ex-husband who may be violent knows she is packing he won't go busting down her door, is he? >> no. and those are the relationships where women tend to be more at risk. there was a very famous photographer who took to twitter yesterday talking about in the united states 10,000 gun deaths in japan only 22. the statistics are like that. it is less than 100 for these other industrialized countries. the problem with that is they lump in suicides. suicides are not the same as
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domestic violence or a gang shooting. >> and they killed -- i mean they would presume plea find a way to kill themselves anyway. >> it is the easiest method for a lot of people who are depressed and taking that avenue. the thing you never hear about and the thing gun control advocates don't hear is how many people are saved by guns in this country? how many get to pursue their lives or liberty because they or someone else had a firearm? >> how many boyfriends were striaing to make a good point and were shot by a needy girlfriend? you never hear those statistics. >> what are the stats for people? >> in japan, -- the suicide rate is twice that of the united states. they just don't shoot themselves. you notice the language is gun death. gun death are bad, but the real problem is death. what you want to to is stop death. the fact that somebody
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is shot rather than stabbed is imperil if they die. what you need to focus on in this country is how many people are being murdered and not how they are being murdered. the fact is people across the world including in countries where they don't have many guns are still murdered. they still kill themselves. >> there it is. donald trump is not everyone's taste. to some he is too salty. and in a new anti--trump ad airing in florida take a look. >> i went to an ivy league school. i am highly educated. i know word and i have the best words. >> he gets the nomination they will sue his [bleep]. >> she said she is a problem bleep --] bleep [. >> they are ripping the [bleep] out of it. >> what the hell are we doing? you are not going to raise that [bleep] price. >> i have the best words. >> you can tell them go [bleep] themselves. >> i am not sure what the message of that ad is. the republican establishment hates trump in part because he
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is so unconventional and even his spelling is unconventional. >> they don't want to vote for a liar. he is lyin ted cruz. how would you spell that? l-y-e-n, lyen with a big uh post apostrophe. >> he said it so confidently. l-y-e-n with an apostrophe. >> that's how you spell jeremy lin, i think. >> it shows him cursing many times in the campaign. and then there is the tougher language from tapes a longtime ago. >> you don't have to show it out of context. just show trump in context. you don't have to bring editing in. he is terrible as it is. >> now they are showing this in flay you flaw, in the -- showing this in florida. pensacola, florida.
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>> panama city beach. >> it is not like there is any swearing going on down there. >> there was a lot of swearing when i was playing bough -- bough lieu -- >> i think they will bring it to trump side and they think it is cool. >> it does look like an old comedy special like where they have to bleep out what the comic is saying. what is weird is a lot of people that would have hated carlin and lenny bruce -- it is the people outraged like people speaking ironically and they seem to like trump. he has the same outrage. >> maybe it is because, charles. look, i know you are not a fan of trump, but let's talk about the ad in the holier than thou folks. every day of the week on "the daley show they are swearing et cetera. every day on comedy central and on all sorts of come p -- of cable shows. it is time to
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catch up with the jerks. >> i like swearing too. i don't think many presidents that say beluc cry's. you are in a slightly different category. no disrespect to you. there are few presidential candidates who spend their time on comedy central. they expect a little different decorum and attitude. >> they should. where do we have do decorum anymore? it is almost no where and so why are we pretending? >> i don't think it is pretending. when you have somebody in the highest office in the land it is good to have him know how to behave. he is dealing with foreign leaders. he is not george carlin. >> that wasn't the point i was making. >> no, but i know we have to uh pont. we are conflating politicians
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and leaders and reality tv stars. >> i don't really care. andrew breitbart said comedy is downstream of culture. he was right. he said it is time for the politicians to speak the language of the culture. it is a course language and we have to battle them using the modern lingo and whatnot. >> i don't have a problem with the language. if i were a voter and i were upset and had been financially hard hit for a longtime the appeal of donald trump would not be diminished by an ad like that. i would say, you know what? these last eight years have sucked. and finally here is someone so mad he is not sensorring himself and he is not a politician. it solidify those who are
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about him. i am not worried about his language and courseness, but i am worried about his policies. i am not upset when in a spontaneous moment he drops the f-bomb or a filthy word here or there. i am worried when he is upset he is asking the military to perform illegal acts. he is asking the military to kill civilians and to torture people and extend the laws and the constitution in this country. that to me is the most offensive thing and i worry that is the one least paid attention to. >> i think this ad -- i don't know if it will work. it is running specifically in the north part of florida and i think they will think it is fine a guy who swears. a former politician weighed in on the presidential race. >> i want john kasich to be the next nominee of the republicans and the next president of the united states. here here. >> thank you, arnold. willlove you, man. >> it is the first snap chat
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endorsement. he is expandable. obama needs a total recall. the last action hero we know is kasich. he will jingling all the way to the white house. i am not wearing under wear so i am going commando. i am i on camera? that was me. i do an awesome schwarzenegger, don't i? later schwarzenegger made another major announcement. >> i'm pregnant. >> that wasn't me. >> that was his maid. >> can i just say this very quickly, i have been a resident of california on and off since 1990 cht. i lived through the schwarzenegger era and he sucked. people were carried in on the shoulders of angels.
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they thought here is a guy who is is established. he doesn't need money. he will throw open the books and save cfl calf and he -- save california and he ran it into the ground. my worry is and the people in minnesota have seen the same thing with jesse ventura. these rich celebrity politicians are not always the best prescription especially when the electorat is angry and emotional. >> my perception and i don't know if this is -- if schwarzenegger tried to be a reformer and he got in the democratic establishment and the entrenched unions and then he turned and said i am not battling those guys and went back. kasich did the same thing in ohio so they are a perfect match. am i right? >> you are absolutely right. i don't think john kasich is fiery anymore. i don't think he is an arnold schwarzenegger-type figure anymore. his pitch is in the 90 he balanced the budget. that's it. >> any other appeal?
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>> he has some appeal, but it is not the schwarzenegger stereo type. his appeal is he doesn't get involved in fights. >> he is above it all. >> you like that, right? >> i agree. he is very much a snap chat candidate. he won't be here tomorrow, you know. it is weird to say schwarzenegger snap chats. it is a lot to process. arnold, i don't know. he has endorsed a lot of bad stuff forget the joke. coming up, extrave gant college dorms. get ready, i am bursting your bubble.
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wright. good morning. here is what's happening. officials in central california say a fallen tree is to blame for a commuter train crash. at least 14 people were hurt. the altimont corridor express was traveling east of san francisco when it jumped the tracks and careened into a swollen creek last night. one rail car was partially submerged. at first responders had to fight the currents to get everyone out. it is a miracle no one was killed. former new york city mayor michael bloomburg has decided against a third party presidential bid, but the media mogul has a few sharp words for donald donald trump and ted cruz. he accuses trump of using a decisive campaign and blasting cruz for, quote, pandering on immigration. fox sportscaster erin andrews scores big in a civil lawsuit against two hotel companies. a jury in nashville is awarding her $55 million for a nude video of andrews that a
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stalker secretly recorded while she was in her hoe reel room -- hoe reel room. it was later posted on-line. they argued that the stalker is solely to blame. north korea threatening to hit the u.s. and south korea with what pyongyang said it a preemptive strike of justice. our state department is taking it seriously and advises the north to cool it. this comes as 330,000 south korean and american troops kick off their annual military drills. the within -- the pentagon says this year's war games are the largest ever. residents have filed a class action lawsuit against the governor and the other state leaders over the city's water crisis. the suit accuses them of failing to take action even after tests show dangerous levels of lead in the city's water supply. so far no response from the governor. i'm kelly wright, back to "red eye it."
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>> off campus housing looks increasingly like resort hotel living with pools, hot tubs, fine dining. bloomburg did an analysis of the complexes across the country and 55% lived in properties with on site tanning salons. 45% have beach volleyball courts and 48% had study rooms. that seems excessive. education is a bubble like housing was a decade ago. the goal was to create ownership society so it subsidized more and more through ever riskier loans. and now we are subsidizing with more loans available to more students than ever. the return to the investment is falling. debt ridden graduates can't find good jobs, but where is the incentive to change when the money keeps rolling in. all they need to do is make sure their schools are fool. the schools are full. how do they do that?
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when the bubble bursts there is plenty to go around. this is the last luxury you will be experiencing for awhile. it will come in handy when you are pouring me a double shot. charles, was my comparison ridiculous or dead on? >> i'm sorry, which comparison. >> the housing bubble and the education. >> that's exactly right. >> it's got -- one of the problems is we have told young people two things. first if they don't go and get a degree they are worthless or they are worth less than those who have degrees and that is outrageous. my plumber. we told people if they go to college they will have a good life and make money. well that's just not true in all cases. especially as we have so many
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ridiculous majors now. we don't have that word in england. >> what is it called? >> we don't do that. i basically went to university in harry potter so it was a different system. this is the problem. when you start to tell people you have to go here or you will have a bad life you are making the university system a license to print money and give you little in return. >> it is not just go off to an ivy league school. these kids are going into debt to go to community college. >> it is a bit much. i remember eating easy mac in college and sleeping five feet from my other roommate. he would dip skull into a water bottle and i would be too tired to brush my teeth and i use the water bottle and get skull on my brush. that's how i remember college. >> at least you didn't drink it. >> i did drink it.
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there were no massage therapists or tanning beds. this is ridiculous. >> i think, kennedy, they should suffer in college. it is the only way adulthood would be available. >> i will go out on a limb. i didn't go to college until my late 20s until i could actually pay for it. by that time i had a mortgage. i had my hone us on p -- my own housing and a major that may help me in my career, god forbid. when we talk about college we talk about limiting free speech and being coddled and safe spaces and trigger warnings and all of the things that come with it. people who go in their late teens and early 20s are so bubble wrapped that when they emerge they are like vulnerable baby wraps. and they will get sunburned after a few seconds outside. >> they are out on their decks. >> it is the same thing here. it is like kids who go to pepperdine in malibu. they have a view of the ocean
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and incredible housing and then they graduate and have to move to the inland empire and get minimum wage jobs. it is a total shock. you have these people coming out of college completely depressed and they are running the country. they are hosed and because of the trickle down effect when it comes to power we are all hosed. >> she is right. how do you leave from like living in a steam shower to working as a barista. your self-esteem is too high. you shouldn't have this inflated self-worth. >> you turn on the coffee machine really hot to remember your glory days. >> the point is they have accomplished nothing. >> stay living with your parents until your late 20s and not moving in with them in your late 20s. half time is next. i will be in portsmouth, new hampshire on march 12th. get yourself some ticket.
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welcome back. time to find out what we got wrong and what we missed from tv's andy levy at the "red eye" news desk. >> let's start with bernie sanders, shall we? kennedy you said sanders saying excuse me i am talking to hillary is not sexist. is it fair to say claiming he is sexist for stoping hillary from talking to him is the dumbest of all happening in the dumbest of all campaign cycles and the people who are claiming it are horrible people? >> you are right. and none of them should be allowed to vote. they should be forced to move to canada no matter who is
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elected. charles you said this is the entire rational. i don't think it is fair. i agree that it gets to the mind-set of a lot of her supporters who theng if you -- think if you don't support her you are sexist. >> is there a question? >> that was my question. >> yes. >> sam -- wait, kennedy. you referred to hillary's voice as harpy and shrill. i ask you to please pre train from using such language. >> those are aggressive terms. ly gnaw done ham -- lena would put a pitch fork in my uterus. >> and would do it naked too. >> yay, a normal woman. >> you didn't talk about this in the story, but when bernie said you don't know what it is like to be poor, does it make it feel like you don't know in
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comedians? >> i said this is out outrageous. they say hillary is anti--woman. kennedy you are correct that robert blake was never convicted of killing his wife. but he was found liable for her death in a civil suit. >> big difference. that moons her family gets money, but he doesn't do anytime. >> you brought up robert blake being a reason anti--gun does president make you anti--woman. maybe if his wife had a gun she could have defended herself against him even though he didn't do it. charles you said if you are a woman on average you are weaker than a man. please refrain from such language. >> stop being such a girl. >> wow. we have to bleep that. kennedy, you said you don't believe every woman should be forced to own a gun.
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are you a writer? >> i would be have be a -- i i am not a republican. >> tom you asked how many times guns are used in self-defense. the pro-gun nra claims that studies indicate firearms are used two million times a year for personal protection and the presence of a firearm without a shot being fired prevents i'm -- prevents crime. they say it is 67,740 which sounds high to me. >> very high. >> take the suicides out and that surpasses. >> there you go. >> absolutely. >> showing some swearing. charles you don't think there were many that played bough -- john bough -- billuci. >> and he killed half of his audience. >> we got to the point, we are
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deflating. i agree with sam and tom but this ad will not hurt trump. >> it is possibly true. maybe it is not aimed at the north florida bad -- badasses. it is more socially conservative. >> or nailed -- arnold endorses kasich. you lived through the era and i did too and agree. tom may be right in saying it is not all his fault. he ran up against the california democratic establishment and the republican establishment to some extent. >> and he bent toward the democratic establishment he sold out and was an unprincipald politician who was unable to follow through. he had awful political timing. he completely miss spent it.
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>> heart. other than that. >> he is supposed to be charming. my husband saw him ordering coffee. >> in that election i ordered for gary coleman. >> god rest his soul. >> absolutely. you said tom prevented you from giving your punch line. >> it was going to be a batman and robin joke. the delivery was going to be killer and you will never hear it now. this is the type of stuff i would have brought to bough lieu she on the weaken. >> the dirt a 10:30. >> that club is out of business and that was like the third that has gone under after i played it. >> i expect that more from mackey. >> mackey is a terrible comedian and an even worse --
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>> maggie is not -- mackey is not even here and that is funny. >> on the dorm result thing charles did you say you went to university in harry potter? >> because you are a grown man and that's creepy? >> it is the exact words he used in that order. >> do you have an owl? >> two. one owl on the shoulder looks good. >> i want to close with according to the report of the campus dorms being resort 55% of off campus lived in a site with on campus tanning slaw lons. 28 years ago i spear headed the effort of my fraternity to buy a tanning bed. way ahead of the curve. i am done. nothing on my arnold schwarzenegger impersonation?
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>> i must have mixed that. >> big news in the science world. clouds were in the atmosphere and some say it is time to call pluto a planet again. this was based on mike brown. it has nothing more than dwarf plan thet pluto. planet pluto are they clouds? >> they are nice, fluffy clouds. the entire planet smell like wet farts. it is bad enough he manage tiffly rained on ma raid, and now god thinks it is funny to make it literally rain on my parade. rain, it wet farts all over my parade. >> you still haven't gotten being demoted by mike brown, have you? >> no, the dwarf were still
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happy. i have not gotten over it. now a black cloud follow me everywhere i go with a little abner. >> breaking news here. there are deep cloud and you have an atmosphere and i get you should be excited you will get back into the flan -- planet terry club. >> i am excited. it will be nice to be back with my old friends. i would like stand next to uranus and rub mike brown's nose in it. >> i got it the first time. are you supporting any of the presidential candidates? >> trump. >> time to take a break. a jihady prank war when we come back.
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live from america's news headquarters i'm kelly wright. good morning. four people are in serious condition following a commuter train derailment monday night. it was east of san francisco. 10 others were also hurt. the first two cars on the train went off the tracks. the first car ending up on its side in a creek.
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the alameda county sheriff says the derailment was caused boo a tree that had fallen on the tracks in heavy rain. it is a miracle no one was killed. a nashville, tennessee jury awarded erin andrews $55 million. she won the case against two hotels and a stalker who recorded nude video of her posted on the internet. they will pay 50% of the award and the two hotels that allowed him to stay in a room next to her will be splitting the rest. the justice department is asking them to reverse its decision in a routine drug case and order apple to open a locked iphone. they will be back where they have been asking a judge to order apple to develop software to unlock the iphone of one of the san bernadino shooters who killed 4 -- 14 people in december. >> hundreds of police officers from around the country are turning out in massachusetts
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yesterday to pay final respects to one of their own. she was shot and killed a week ago on saturday answering a domestic abuse call. she had just been sworn in the day before. and private funeral services for nancy reagan will be held. she will be berry read next to her husband in simi valley, california. there will be a public advice particular -- rise station. president obama ordered flags be flown at half staff in her memory. that's a look at news. i'm kelly wright. now back to "red eye." it is like cash tab except instead of playing a fun game for cash prizes, you think you will die at the hands of a jihady. they have been posing with a cabbie with a death wish. he reveals he is wearing a
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fake suicide vest and he says i want you to come to heaven with me. hijack -- i mean high jinx ensue. >> a lot of fun. they say the joke was designed to show the bloody culture of radical jihaddism, but it mainly just scared people for life. kennedy, i had some laughs watching this, but i was a little concerned for the people's safety. especially the driver. >> no kidding. that's balsey of him. i don't know what their gun laws are like, but what if someone else has a suicide vest on. let's go together. i'll put mine on first.
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do you theng it makes the p -- do you think it makes the point? does it really show you that? does it make it seem dsh dash. >> i think the entire region has ptsd. it is cruel. >> i am surprised this is allowed. i thought it was more of a police state. they wouldn't allow them to do the police shows. >> i love the excuse that it is educational. how many other things will we teach like this? you know who else is bad? the nazis. you know who was bad? jeffrey domer was bad. why can't you just have a documentary? >> i guess so. you want to get the word out there. and people love these viral videos, don't they? >> i guess. i guess it is saudi arabia.
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i got into an argument with my girlfriend and i said let me take the easy way out and jump out the door. >> he did fine. he didn't get hurt. there was video that showed him -- >> he was taken to the town square and beheaded. >> this guy is in the backseat and he chokes him. it is more dangerous for the driver. say someone had a knife. i will stab him in the temple. >> i didn't ask him to do that. >> if he had suggested this to me i would have said no don't do it. what it does do is -- i remember on the last show we had a guy in australia who was doing something. and there is a conspiracy theory that everyone was in on it.
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because they're big to you. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren't just measured in dollars. td ameritrade®. concert was held in 1996 in upstate new york. two strangers met that night and shared a brief connection and then parted ways forever. last week an 18-year-old kid posted this picture of himself on facebook. that's jet collins. his message reads, "i am looking for a man by the name of jason. he went to the first k-rockathon . i am the product of that night. i am not asking for anything. just would like to meet my biological father. it has been shared 10,000
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times. they shared a photo of jason, his biological father taken the night of the concert. his father looks familiar. >> i don't know where i have seen the face before. kennedy -- it is so awesome. >> were you there? >> i don't think so. >> i remember going to quite a few of those festivals and they were such fun. >> do you think this woman had sex with someone at the concert? >> i believe she did. i believe in her story. i think she feel empowered with a night of romance. >> is this a good way to go about it? >> i don't know howls you would do it. hopefully there is no secret database. i mean the woman got pregnant. >> which is a great story. >> she got pregnant and she
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was young and who knows what her life circumstances were. she had a kid. >> she went for it. >> i support the kid. should people find their -- does it matter dism? >> i think i would want to. >> i would want to know what he looked like and whether he had any serious illnesses i might develop. >> he could be very special. >> what do you theng? >> i ran into my biological father. he said is your biological father a good person? if he were i wouldn't refer to him as my biological father. i would call him dad. i actually do look like him. people say it looks like you
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special report is next with that special. don't miss it. welcome to a special edition of special report, i'm bret baier coming to you from the gem theater in downtown detroit. in just a moment, the first of two democratic candidates will take the stage at this town hall. we'll check the stories making headlines today. >> bloomberg will not run for president. he cannot take the risk that his candidacy could lead to the election of donald trump or ted cruz. he calls trump d
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