tv Red Eye FOX News March 10, 2016 12:00am-1:01am PST
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word of the day no sycophtonight. a special "on the record" with greta right now. welcome to "on the record." a live one-hour town hall with presidential candidates. we are here live in chicago as the next big primary election day approaches. we have an audience packed with mostly undecided voters and some governor kasich supporter. i have many questions and so does our live audience and we will take some questions from you at home. now let's welcome presidential candidate, ohio governor john kasich. nice to see you sir. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> and now, my first question to you, governor kasich, is there a path for you to get 1,207 delegates or will it have to be a brokered convention, and if so, do you fear a ruptured republican party? >> first of all, we picked about half the delegates, and we have, of course, the other half to go. and there was this poll today, i think -- i can't remember if nbc, somebody -- trump was at 27%, cruz was at 25%, and i was at 24%, so it's really, really jammed and close. and you know, i think anything is possible this year, greta, that somebody could get there. it's possible, but probably not. and i don't like to get too much ahead of myself, because it's a process, but can you go to a convention and actually come out united? absolutely. you know, i was a mere child when reagan, president reagan, or governor reagan at the time, challenged gerald ford. ford beat him at the convention. i was there. i was managing five states for governor reagan.
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it was the coolest thing in the world. actually, i showed up at the convention, and this guy was working for, wanted me to help him. and i walked in, they said one guy got sick, could you handle five states for reagan? i had no clue, but i ran five states for him and we lost and we left the convention hall united, and gerald ford ended up being a great president and got the national tragedy of watergate behind us. he didn't win, but it was very close, and it was fine, because i think at a convention, the delegates are very serious about picking somebody that can be commander in chief and the president of the united states. >> well, you had a big night last night in michigan, virtual tie for second place. and a new fox news poll has you in your home state up five points. cnn's poll came out, has you down six points. you have a job approval rate of 79% in your home state. ohio, you'd better win ohio, right? >> look, no, we're going to win ohio. that's not even a question for me. it's about what we do after that and all the places we have to
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go. but we're not taking it for granted. i mean, i'm working very hard there now, and so are all the team, our team out there, and i'll go down for the debate. then i'm back and i'll be living in ohio and all over the state, which is what i always do. >> there are reports that say you're going to meet with governor jeb bush the next day or two -- >> yeah, tomorrow. >> and senator marco rubio. i assume you're going to ask for his endorsement. >> not necessarily. >> what are you going to say to him? >> i'm going to have a chat with him. >> about what? >> he's going to want to know how it's going, i'm going to tell him how he's going. no, he's following. this is kind of a funny thing about -- you know, i probably will ask him to support me, but he's a guy i've known for a long time, and i'm just going to tell him what's going on out here. and i know what he's concerned about is having somebody who can actually run the country, somebody who has experience and vision and all that. so, i'm looking forward to seeing jeb. and you know, he campaigned for me when i first ran for governor. we have a nice relationship. and so, we'll see what happens.
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>> let me give you a hypothetical. you're president of the united states. you wake up this morning and you hear the news from your aides that the iranians have just tested two ballistic missiles, and on the side of them, it says "we're going to wipe israel off the map," doesn't violate the iran deal, does violate some u.n. security council resolutions, and what are you going to do? >> well, first of all, i would want to hear all the details. and now what i would say after learning about the details is i would actually move to suspend the nuclear agreement, because these missile tests, and particularly with the inflammatory language about destroying israel, is so bad, such a violation of the spirit of agreement, i would suspend it, try to get our allies to suspend it. i'd put the sanctions back on and say, look, we tried to make an agreement with you. this is not just about all the crossed ts and dotted is, this is also about the spirit of that agreement, which you now have violated. that's what i would do. now, now, greta -- i've had --
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people don't usually -- look, i've had a lot of experience in national security. i served on the armed services committee for 18 years. and after 9/11, secretary rumsfeld invited me in to the pentagon after 9/11 to help with some of the problems they had there. i did not say we need to rip it up on day one, because we don't know what's going to happen. we don't know -- but now that this has happened, if i were president, i would call them and say, i'm sorry, but we're suspending this agreement. and while it may not be a direct violation, it is a violation of the whole intent of the improving of relations, and you violated the whole thing. and i would say, look, you get your act together and get back to us. that's what i would do. >> governor -- we have a question from an audience member, from nicole. nicole, first of all, have you decided? and then secondly, what's your question? >> i am undecided. i'm a registered republican voter in illinois, though. governor kasich, i am a 2015
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college graduate, and i've seen a lot of my friends really struggle to find postgraduate employment. either they're settling for jobs they're overqualified for or they aren't finding anything at all. and all of these free college promises from the democratic candidates really aren't all they're chocked up to be, because more people will graduate with college degrees. what will you do to specifically combat underemployment with recent college graduates? >> first of all, we're not going to have free college, because we can't afford it and we're not going to do that. there's a lot of things we need to do to drive down the cost of higher education. and by the way, i was in michigan the other day. do you know that you could go two years to a community college in michigan, and it would cost you $6,000? and you can transfer all those credits to a four-year school? can you imagine how much money you save when you do that? so, the community college experience is one we all ought to think about. and frankly, if we don't get a handle on these costs, i think these four-year schools are
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going to be disintermediated. in other words, there is going to be dramatic change in the way in which we approach them. look, we have to have a growing economy. i think it takes four things -- one, it takes reasonable regulation so you don't crush small business. when you overregulate, you kill small business and you're killing jobs for somebody like you. number two, you also need to lower taxes all the time on businesses and individuals, because it sends a message to the job-creators. and number three, you have to have a plan to have some fiscal sanity. and you know, i made a speech one time back when i was in congress, and i said congress spends like a drunken sailor, you know. and this lady wrote me a letter and said i'm deeply offended because my husband is a drunken sailor. but the fact is, with that -- and let me say another thing to you. in my state, which is what i think we should do across this country, i would urge them all to do -- when you enter the two-year or you enter the community college to pick up some experience where you go to
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the four-year school, you should be made aware, what are the jobs that are available? what is it that is your passion? and do you know what that job pays? and by the way, this is what it takes for you to get one. in other words, we need to have somebody guiding us all the way through our higher education experience so we don't ring up all this debt and then we go, we'd like to get a job, but there's no jobs. we know what the in-demand jobs are across this country, and we need to be training people for them based on your god-given passions and what you want to do with your life. does that make sense to you? >> absolutely. >> there's a lot of -- >> let me also tell you, sometimes people say, is kasich tough enough? i'm telling our universities, you will do this. i'm telling you, you don't mess around with me on this. i don't want any student walking in there and walking around in circles for two or three years not getting a degree, ringing up the debt, and they're worse off than if they had never gone. our universities are going to be doing this, and we need to do
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this in k-12. we need to start, and we are doing it in our state, telling young people about occupations. what does a weatherman do? what does a policewoman do? what does a teacher do? and then as they become older, it becomes more sophisticated, and then they begin to realize a path for them, basically on the direction that they want to go. so, you know, that's the way i think we have to think about it. >> how are you going to get colleges to do that? >> well, i'll tell you how i get them to do. i say you're going to do it or you're not going to get any capital dollars out of me. you have to have some leverage. you have to have leverage. and one of the things that i would do as president is to show the governors across this country and the legislators about what leverage is. and frankly, they want to do it. they need to understand that you can't have people graduating without degrees, without jobs. and there are a lot of higher education institutions in this country that have 80%, 90% graduation with 80%, 90% in a position of where they can get a job. and when they do it right, it's
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really cool. and when they do it wrong, they need to change. >> all right, let me ask you another question. suppose you're a 55-year-old man or a woman, you've got two kids in high school, and you've worked for a company for 20 years. you've now been laid off or you fear you're going to be laid off. and you're out there and you're worried to death. what do you tell that person? >> well, that is one of the scariest things. these are sort of the trump supporters. you know, i'm 55 years old, i lost my job, and here's what happens. you go home, you fill out a resume, you go, this is all going to work out for me, and you never get hired. it is a scary proposition for a man or a woman. then over time, of course, you start to feel like you're losing your dignity, which is also a terrible situation. we need to have lifelong learning. number one, i think that, you know, there's always the access to the community college, and there's always access to the community college to get the skills for the jobs that exist. >> but who's going to hire the older -- if you get -- >> because if you've got skills, you'll get hired. if you have the skills. the problem is, you don't have the skills and you're out trying to get them.
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so, let me give you another thing that i think we can do. and we're trying to push on this. there are many job openings in illinois, in ohio, all across this country. and what we really want to do is to get blocks of companies to come together and put online an education program that if they complete it, that they will be guaranteed an interview with a company that is involved in putting the curriculum together. it's really cool. so, let's say you are not making a lot of money, you're working at mcdonald's, you've got a couple kids, you're a woman. let's say you want to go to work in health care, okay? you want to work in a hospital. well, we can get our hospitals to put together, like our insurance companies do, a curriculum. you can take it at your own speed. when you complete the curriculum and pass the course, you're guaranteed an interview with that company. now, those are the kinds of things that are creative in the 21st century we ought to be doing. and greta, this isn't pie in the sky. these are real issues that have to be dealt with. those are some ideas that i have. the other thing is, why did they lose their job? i want to move research -- or
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job training back to the states. the way the federal government works now is you have to lose your job, basically, before you can -- you have to lose your job before they'll train you for another job that you don't even have. so, why don't we keep people on the job and train them when they're there and upgrade their skills so they don't lose their job? i mean, that's the way normal people would do it. >> governor, you have a question from an audience member, chelsea. first of all, have you decided or not? and then your question, please. >> i have not decided yet. and thank you, governor kasich, for joining us tonight. i go to university of chicago, and education is really important to me. i grew up in a small farming town in wisconsin, and our public schools struggled to provide students with learning material because that was valuable to students going to college because most of the students do not continue to college, but rather, go on to work on the family farm. >> sure. >> the military or vocational school. at college, i sometimes feel farther behind than other
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students on my reading and math skills. as president, what will you do to make sure that by putting education at a state and local level that you won't leave behind college-bound students? >> well, there's a lot you said there. let me just tell you that there are 104 federal education programs that i would put into four buckets, including special education, and ship it to the states. because, young lady, i really believe that the best way to fix our schools is at the state and the local or school board level. and -- [ applause ] i know. everybody likes that idea, but we could be doing it now. you know what frustrates me is you want to have better education in the k-12 level? well, then go do it. what are you waiting on? there's nobody stopping you from doing it. run for the school board or go to school board meetings and start showing up places. you know, i call my daughters' principal. they love when i call.
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but part of it is for us to dig in, and you see a lot of entrepreneurs now who are dedicating themselves to fixing the local schools where they live. and god bless them. now, i believe that you should have vocational education. frankly, you should start it in the seventh grade. but it should not disqualify you from going to the four-year degree or the two-year, the community college. but for the college students, look, i think you should be able to take college credit courses when you're in high school. we call it college credit plus in ohio. and at the same time, if you get to be a senior, if you don't pass the math and the english tests you have to pay tuition to take it in college, we should remediate it online before you ever even get out. so, there are a lot of things that we can do, a lot of changes that we can bring in k-12, but it rests in the school board. my job as the president would be to travel the country talking, talking about the things that are working. see, that's the beauty of moving things to the states. the states then become the
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laboratories of innovation. and in washington, come on, i mean, there's not any innovation. and let me see, nobody here has a smartphone. i wish i had -- somebody here had a smartphone. this is the first time i've been in a room and never seen a smartphone. >> we took them away from them. >> okay, good. but if you think about a smartphone, look, everything is changing, everything's going at the speed of light -- communication. i mean, you're not even going to the store to shop anymore. medicine is changing. it's more personalized. transportation. i mean, uber and everything else. and by the way, government's trying to kill uber because the taxi union, you know. i mean, we shouldn't do that. but here's the point, everything in our country is changing. if you are a business and you are not changing rapidly, you die, you go out of business. if you're in the government and you're not changing, we just ring up debt that we all have to pay for. so, we have to move power, money and influence out of washington,
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back to where we live, but once it's back here, you have to change the world, you have to take up -- you need to take up the cause. >> governor, there are many people in your party on the far right, they hate common core. and you support common core. is there sort of a one-minute persuasive statement you can make? >> yeah, sure. >> because i'll tell you, that electifies a lot of people in your party. >> what we do in ohio local schs write the curriculum and our state board of education approves the standards. >> why does your party hate it. >> i don't know. because i think it got on the internet and they thought this was washington dictating something. look, every station handle it the way they want to. i believe in high standards. we did not have the highest standards in ohio. i pushed for high standards. we have reemphasized in our bench this is the job of the school boards to meet the curriculum to meet the high standards. if you don't have high
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standards kids can't get trained and they can't get jobs. we don't want washington running. this we don't want washington having anything to do with running k through 12 in education. [ applause ] >> governor, we're going to take a quick break. we're going to bring you much more so stay with us. thank you. >> yeah, clap. good. [ applause ] >> tonight, three special audience events. cruz, trump, rubio. >> we know the challenges we have. >> i'm going to do what's right for you. >> in a powerful, political night. megyn and sean are on the road, getting voters answers from the g.o.p. candidates. >> america has a choice. at 9:00, megyn sits down with ted cruz. then at 10 chock, donald trump sounds off on hannity. and at 11:00, marco rubio with megyn from florida. tonight, only on fox news
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welcome back to our special live "on the record" 2016 town hall with governor john kasich. we are coming to you live from chicago where next week illinois voters will hit the polls. let's get right back to all our questions from our audience with 2016 g.o.p. presidential candidate governor john kasich. let's start with questions from paul. paul, have you decided and then what's your question, sir? >> i'm currently undecided right now. thank you for joining us tonight, governor kasich. i'm a student from new jersey. i was just wondering so candidates on both sides of the aisle have spoken aggressively, strongly against free trade, particularly talking about
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transpacific partnership or with regards to companies that outsource jobs. i was just wondering what your stance was on nafta and the tpp especially with regards to the american economy. >> i voted for nafta. it was a wash. the purpose was to bring down the barriers to the united states being able to ship products over there there is 38 million americans have jobs connect to do trade. one out of five americans have r. connected to it. let's decide we are not trading with anybody. what do you think will happen? i can tell you, the price of things will go up. we will buy less of it, and people will lose their jobs. now, the problem with trade is that we have been and to some degree arrogant about when countries cheat or when, you know, like, for example, south korea was dumping steel, that means they were selling steel below the price of making it in ohio, and they were hurting u.s. steel which was investing, we should have
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just stopped that in other words, we need an expedited process to deal with countries that cheat so that we don't go to an international bureaucracy. they spend two years figuring it out and say yeah, we won and everybody is out of work. i want an expedited process. the other thing is i do worry about currency manipulation as spelled out in some -- in the wto agreement. this issue called origin, the parts in your vehicle. i don't want to get all detailed about this. and here is what i think. i have always had this position. we need free trade but we need fair trade. and when we see violations out there. we must act unilaterally to protect people's jobs. and be careful about it. because you just don't want to swing around and not know what you are talking about. but in the case of south korea, we should have stopped the imports immediately. so we have to be global, no question about it. we have to have better rules when it comes to trade. but then, when people
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violate them, then we have got to hold them accountable for it okay? [cheers and applause] >> what about, governor, where someone doesn't violate the rules but a company like one in indiana airconditioning company decide to move all their businesses to mexico and presumably because they can find cheaper labor and then it wipes out a town in indiana because it's not just the employees losing their jobs but all the people, where they spent their money it hurts the industry in the town? what do you do about this. >> we had one big company that was going to move and i don't want to get into it. it's easy to call names. i told them if you are going to move and send stuff back into the united states, you are now jeopardizing the public support for trade in this country. there is more to life than just making money. now, i have served on the boards of companies. i know how companies work. there is a value that underpins the profit. and, look, sometimes companies are not going to make enough money here, and
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can you understand. you can't put a wall#xd? up. they are moving anyway. we want to make sure that we don't have these agreements that encourage people to move out of our country. let me just tell you about what's happening in ohio in one place in dayton. we now have 1,000 jobs created by chinese investor. there used to be an auto company there that moved, left the place vacant. we now have -- they have invested hundreds of millions of dollars. we now have 1,000 ohioans working. it works both ways. we have to take advantage of low energy prices, access to the north american market, and skilled labor and skilled workforce. now where i was today, they are expanding their employment in the united states. so, it's a complicated issue. what i would tell you is, my family, my father carried mail on his back. my uncles worked in steel mills. that's where i grew up. i'm not going to permit the sort of trade that's going to kind of rip us off or deindustrialize us. it's not a choice of one or the other, in my opinion.
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>> steven has a question. [ applause ] steven, are you decided and can we have a question for the governor? >> i do. i am undecided. and, thank you, governor. welcome to the windy city. my question is republicans often discuss repealing obamacare and clearly some candidates have a harder time than others at giving us specific ideas about what that should look like. as a future physician, i wonder as to your policy for health care policy in the future. what is the appropriate care for the state in healthcare and how do we bring down costs, increase accessibility d preserving choice and protecting that important intimate relationship between a doctor and his or her patient? >> very simple question, just kidding, folks. [ laughter ] look, the problem with obamacare is it doesn't deal with the most difficult problem, which is rising healthcare costs. and if we look at our deductibles we are heading toward a catastrophic policy because the deductibles are
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so high. so that's a problem. number two, companies are not expanding because they don't want to get caught in the wedge of obamacare. in my state insurance costs have gone up an average of 80%. we have got to get rid of it. what would i do to get rid of it? one, i would take federal resources, combine it with a freed up medicaid program to continue to cover the working poor. we can't unassure people. secondly, we have to make sure no one loses insurance because of a preexisting condition. that all said, we are about to launch a program in our state that i would want to move nationally. right now we don't really understand what it cost when we go to a hospital, what our doctors cost. what the quality is. i mean, it's easier to translate the dead sea scrolls than it is a hospital bill, okay? so what we are saying is total transparency. i want to know if you are a hospital or if you are a physician, i want to know what your quality is and what your prices are we can chart itvñ on a graph. and there are people who charge high amounts whose
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quality is not better than those who charge lesser amounts. okay? there is a midpoint. what we are doing, this is a market system. we are going to incentivise with rewards to people who produce high quality at lower prices below the midpoint. see, we want to begin to drive healthcare, you know, put downward pressure on it so we don't continue to see it skyrocket. we end up in something like a rationing. we don't want to have that. so we are going to actually begin to pay primary care doctors, i believe next year, who keep us healthy at a lower price below the mean. cool, isn't it? you might want to be a primary care doctor now. [ applause ] >> i said a lot there. and it's very complicated. but we have been involved with every major health system in our state including the cleveland clinic and we believe this is the long-term answer for all of us. instead of being rationed as we find ourselves in a tough position. >> governor, we have more questions for you in the second half of the show and
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party and opened fire. three other people are hospitalized and two in critical condition. more rattling on the korea peninsula. apparently the protest to the ut-south korean war games. the north releasing what it calls miniature nuclear warheads that can be fitted on to the missiles. the white house telling iran not to violate the nuclear deal it reached with the west. two missiles had the phrase "israel must be destroyed" written in hebrew. they say the tests do not violate agreement. i'm patricia stark. now back to "on the record." we're back live in chicago with our special live "on the record" 2016 town hall with g.o.p. presidential candidate governor john kasich. governor kasich, hoping for a big day this coming
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tuesday. voters in his very important home state of ohio will cast their ballots. let's get right back to our questions from the audience for governor kasich. michael, you have a question for the governor and are you undecided or decided? >> i am undecided. i'm registered republican and i will be voting next week. but trying to decide whether or not i ought to vote for you. >> you have got a great voice, man. [ laughter ] check out radio. >> i was thinking of that, too. >> it was so good. >> anyway, the ongoing crises. [ laughter ] >> the ongoing crises in syria and iraq pose a sorrious and demonstrated threat to security both abroad and at home. would you be ready and willing to land troops on the ground in order to combat and secure those nations and would you support regime change in syria as a part of a resolution to the problem? >> well, first of all, we have to look at this in a couple ways. i don't believe in the u.s. getting involved in civil wars directly. i would not involve u.s. troops to push assad out, but i have been calling for a long time some of my
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friends in congress to provide the aid to the anti-assad forces in syria, which they should have been doing a long time ago, but we dithered andñ we didn't do anything. okay? now,. [ applause ] >> in regard to isis, we need to reassemble the coalition we had in the first gulf war. and can i remember when the egyptian ambassador to the u.s. stood in the rose garden and announced a coalition of muslim arabs. you know, we hear muslims. well, muslims are arabs, many of them, and they are over there in, you know, in the middle east, obviously in egypt and saudi arabia and jordan and the gulf states. they need to be part of this, along with our european friends and correct, we can get folks in the other parts of the world to join us. we need to go in the air and on the ground. some people say okay, we just put special forces on the ground. it's going to take more than that. in the air, on the ground. wipe them out because they are a cult of evil and a cult of death. once it settles down, come
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home and let the regional powers write the map, draw the map the way they want it appeared settle it down. i don't want to use u.s. forces to try to convert people our way of life. i don't want to have our direct involvement in civil wars. it never works out. and when we do go, it has to be our direct interest with a plan to get in, take care of business, and a plan to be able to get out. that's how i think you should run foreign policy. [ applause ] >> james, you're up. are you undecided by the way. >> yes. i'm also an undecided voters. >> got a lot of undecided people in chicago. i mean -- [ laughter ] >> governor kasich, in light of recent nuclear posturing by north korea and escalating tensions in the south china sea, how would a kasich administrationáoe act diplomatically and militarifully southeast asia. >> okay. well, if you are talking about korea, there are 10 million people who live uth korea. so it's easy to theory rise
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what you would do, but anything we do we have to take into account we don't want to lose a million people in south korea. so, i would tell you i'm beginning to see the pressure roberting up on north korea. even the chinese are participating. the nations has slapped on more sanctions but frankly even more can be done to keep the transfer of money, cash, back in and out of that country. we should intercept the ships that leave, the planes that leave. that's beginning to happen. in regard to the south -- and then we should tell the chinese because they are starting to get it that we will give this high altitude system to both the south koreans and[w the japanese, and that will stir them all up which it already has. and they are now beginning to put more pressure on north korea. how much they can do there, everybody says they can lock it down. i'm not sure. but they have to be involved in the resolution. now, in regard to china, they don't own the south china sea. and they are not in the
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spratleys. it's not been a big deal. we are sending battle carriers in the south china sea. gives us an opportunity to develop a much better relations with our friends in asia. and i would also tell the chinese to stop trying to hack us, and that i would build the cyber command so that we would actually have defense and let them know we have offensive capability to knock out what they have. we don't want to create an enemy out of china. they are a competitor but we have to make it clear what we stand for. in regard to russia which is the other thing we should talk about briefly is i would tell the russians we are going to arm the ukrainians with lethal defensive weapons so they can fight for their freedom. [ applause ] and i would also make it clear to putin that this whole russian speaking people we're going to go and get them and free them and all that. they come in to our sphere, into nato, even finland or sweden. you are attacking us. okay? when putin looks my eyes to
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[ applause ] welcome back to chicago for our live "on the record" 2016 town hall with john kasich. right now, let's get back to the questions. jillian, your question for governor kasich. i should ask as i have asked over questioner, have you decided? >> certainly. i'm jillian, i'm actually an early voter i'm a delegate for carlie fiorina. since she cropped out, i have been looking for another candidate. i'm really looking forward to your answer from my question today. i'm out in the chicago land
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area in shomber which is a subbush. during the debate you have been staying above the fray when it comes to debating with your peers. a lot of the other candidates are attacking each other. if you are the nominee, will you stay above the fray or will you take the offensive against secretary clinton? >> well, i don't like personal attacks on -- in any circumstance you can almost blow the roof off the ceilings at these meetings. i think people are tired of it. aren't you? [ applause ] i mean, my approach would be to talk about the record, but i'm not going to get into personal stuff. i have known her for a long time and by the way, it's really interesting. staying abovek the fray and everything, the latest indicates that we are -- i
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beat her by 11 points. more than anybody else because can i get crossover votes. okay? [ applause ] here's the interesting thing about polls. whenever they are good -- before you walk away, i want to tell you something interesting about polls. okay. [ laughter ] when they don't work for you, you dismiss them. but when you get one that works for you talk about it a lot. just so you know. >> next question we have is from natalie. natalie, are you decided or undecided? >> i'm undecided. i would like to ask you about how you would address the issue of sexual assault facing women across the u.s. on college campuses. i think it's an issue which neither party has properly addressed yet. i want to know what role you think the government can take in combating this issue and making sure that the victims are cared for and that's when the schools fail they are held accountable. >> this is something that we got -- i have gotten involved with i guess maybe
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a year ago, maybe not that long. and i have a woman lawyer who is one of the most important people in my office who kind of went through all of this. here is where we are. when a student enters a university they need to know or a community college, they need to know where they can go if, in fact, something happens. and they need to know that when they go there, their information that they give them will be held confidential. thirdly, there will be an ability to have access to a rape kit that will be safely secured and stored because what we find is that over time women are very interested in seeking justice when it first happens, i mean, it's so difficult for anybody, that we wanted to make sure that we preserve the option so that justice can be done. and we take it very seriously. and we have asked all of our universities to make sure that they adopt this policy. some are farther ahead than others. but, again, i have a good
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relation with the universities. i think they are important, but there is things that i expect as thekn governor of the state, and i would tell you that all the universities across our country ought to be dealing with this. and i think the approach that we're taking is a good approach and we will stay on top of this. is that helpful to you? >> yes, thank you. >> yes. thank you. [ applause ] >> and our live conversation with 2016 g.o.p. presidential candidate governor john kasich continues in just moments. [ applause ]
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[ applause ] >> welcome back to chicago. we are live with "on the record" 2016 town hall with governor john kasich and now, let's get right back to the questions. cathy, do you have a question for the governor and are you undecided? >> i am not undecided. i will be supporting you tuesday, may 15th. [cheers and applause] >> but you still have a question for him? >> i do. gang violence is at an all-time high in so many of our urban u.s. cities. chicago leading the pack, unfortunately. all the other educational opportunities in the world won't be effective if we can't stop the influx of illegal guns and drugs which are giving the gangs all the resources in the world to do the things they are doing if you were president, is there anything that can be done at the federal level to stop the flow of the guns and those drugs? >> well, we don't want any i
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will locally drugs or guns. that's why the border has to be protected. i mean, no question. but let's just talk about these gangs for a second. and i guess the story was 9-year-old boy who was shot and killed because his father had a dispute with somebody in a gang. i mean, this is just totally unbelievable. look, there are people who have gifts that no how to deal with young people. see, i'm a believer that the lord has made us all special and thata5 we all need to find out what that is and we need to go about healing the world. and this is an unbelievably difficult problem. we don't see these quite kinds of things in my state. i guess what i would say to you is, first of all, in our schools, i believe very strongly in mentoring. i was in a school system where the graduation rate was 63%, but when adults went in and mentored kids,
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the -- one hour a week for a year, the graduation rate was 97% and kids can turn around. they absolutely can. the other thing that i would say to you is when we think we have an an at risk kid who we may lose, then we have to change the whole curriculum to be able to drive them to something that they want to do to get them a diploma. i'm just not an he expert on gangs. bill bratton is an expert who is the police chief in new york city. frankly, you know, it might be a worth a call for me to call him it has to be handled right here. it has to be done locally. and those people that have the gifts to be able to deal with these kinds of gangs have to be brought in. bratton in a strategy in los angeles. i read about it i'm not really an expert on it. it's worth a call to him. you know, sometimes a president just has to work with people. but ultimately a lot"d of these things is crime issue, the drug issue, it's going to have to be settled and solved right where we live. >> and, coming up, governor
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kasich's closing thoughts from the live "on the record" 2016 town hall. that's straight ahead. >> tonight, three special audience events, cruz, trump, rubio. >> we know the challenges we have. >> i'm going to do what's right for you. >> in a powerful, political night. megyn and sean are on the road getting voters answers from the g.o.p. candidates. >> america has a choice. >> tonight at 9:00, megyn sits down with ted cruz. then at 10:00 donald trump sounds off on hannity. and at 11:00 marco rubio with megyn from florida. tonight technology.
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that's why i run on quickbooks. details. i use the payments app to accept credit cards... ...and everything autosyncs. those sales prove my sustainable designs are better for the environment and my bottom line. that's how i own it. okay, governor, last question, what's the most innovative thing have you done as governor of ohio. >> i privatized economic development and created an
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organization called jobsá&m3t ohio which has actually hired people who can talk to business people because they are their peers and it's really really cool. that's part of how we made our economic gains in the state of ohio. [ applause ] >> do you want this job as president? >> yeah, i do want the job of president because i have the experience and the record and the accomplishments and actually, i can bring people together. and that's what we need to do. we have to be americans, americans before we are republicans and democrats. we'll get this thing done. i can promise you. >> a bigpx thanks to governor john kasich. thank you, sir. thank you for joining us for our live town hall. now stay tuned for fox news all night long for a special prime time lineup of 2016 candidates. ted cruz, donald trump and senator marco rubio tonight. don't miss this 2016 action packed night on fox. thanks for being with us. see you tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. right here "on the record." good night from the great city of chicago. ♪ ♪
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