tv The Five FOX News March 14, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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25, 30,000 people. last week we had 35,000 people in alabama. out of that, we'll have disrupters, sometimes put there by other people. nobody's been hurt at all. as big as these rallies are, no one 'ever been hurt. some of the protesters are very rough and they're bad dudes, they swing and they punch, nobody ever talks about that in the media. we have a big portion of this co we have a president that doesn't have a clue, he doesn't know what's going on. the people of this country are angry. they're not angry people, but they're angry now. >> fellow contenders accused trump of fanning the flames. >> donald trump on a regular basis insights his crowds. there are people out there that listen to the stuff and we don't know how they're going to react. he keeps putting this stuff out here, we're going to have an ugly scene here. >> it's not beneficial when you
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have a presidential candidate like donald trump tell his supporters, punch that guy in the face. i think everyone ought to aspire toward civility, decency. i don't think we should be using angry and hateful rhetoric. >> he's created a toxic atmosphere where he's -- look, you want to start with immigration, you want to start with things he's said about muslims. i mean, where does it end. >> so obviously a lot of discussion about this as news broke on friday night with respect to the chicago rally, and that being shut down, and the protesters, some call them disrupters that were there to shut down that free speech. >> protest is protected speech. but they're not allowed to do what they did on friday night. they shun the go into -- they can't go into an arena, that was rented by a group and shut down free speech. that's impinging on donald trump
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and the pro trump people's rights to free speech. they've gone from protests to -- they changed the rules fp they went inside. i would say they would be insighting the violence by going inside and doing what they did. it's disrupting the peace and if i'm not mistaken, that's a crime. blaming donald trump for violence that occurs at or outside of one of his speeches is like blaming the -- you know, the old blame the girl if she's wearing too short of a dress. how is it donald trump's fault if there's a protest and two people get into it outside a protest? i think it's the same thing. >> how is it a protester's fault that they get clocked in the face. >> that's a protest, that was a donald trump guy. donald trump says i want to pay for this guy's legal bills.
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>> kimberly mentioned chicago friday night. do you think that was right? >> there's nothing on the ticket that says you cannot have a different point of view than donald trump if you come into this venue. >> raised money. they handed out a list of what to look for, how to act inside the protest. disrupt -- i mean, protesters. >> there's more of that on your block. >> disrupting is -- it's a -- i think it's a crime. >> if it's disturbing the peace or assault of conduct, battery, things like that that happens, it jumps into the legal venue, in terms of whether someone should be prosecuted, et cetera. >> i was at a restaurant on friday night, waiting for a table. and i was watching the scene unfold. these three younger people -- it
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was interesting to get their take, they agreed the protesters should not have gone in like that, they also said they expect to see a lot more of it, i hope that's not true. i think this is unnecessary, it's unfortunate. it's unworthy of our democracy and extremely unattractive. on both sides it does not draw me in at all. the wall street journal had a good point, maybe trump didn't start the fire at this particular chicago protest, but fanning the flames is a problem. on sunday he said, we've never had anybody hurt, this is coming off of -- right after what juan was talking about, where the young african-american man who's there as a protester in north carolina flips the bird to the crowd as he's leaving and then he gets sucker punched. sunday donald trump says he's considering looking into paying for that man's legal bills. that to me is fanning the flames. >> especially what he said afterwards, i'm gonna kill them
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next time. >> i love to go clubbing on friday night, nor get about politics for a second. what could happen on a friday night. next thing you know there's this huge thing happening. it turned out it was the riot that never happened. i don't care if you vote for donald trump or not. orphans fighting each other, because of what they said, you have to change your rhetoric, change the tell prompter as if you had one. these are guys coming into an area to disrupt and my analogy, and i hope it works is this. did i'm a new york yankee fan, and i walk into a boston red sox bar i'm going to get my head kicked in. is it right, no? but in reality, i'm there where i don't belong, getting in the guy's face who just wants to watch -- >> you're agitated. >> what do you expect? they went there to cause havoc and they reached their goal.
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>> they said they went there to protest donald trump. they feel that what donald trump is saying, what he's doing -- >> how would you be perceived, though. >> if you came out yelling at an event. >> eric bolling, and you were supporting eric bolling. >> i sit next to eric every day. i do not expect eric to physically attack me or tell me to shut up. you know, i -- he and i have disagreements, but we're friends. we talk all the time. >> that doesn't mean there has to -- that i should be saying to people, oh, you know, every time i'm mad at eric, expect me to physically express it, that's wrong. >> you wouldn't do that. that's what trump is saying, in the old days we would get that guy out of here. these days we're so pc, we take care not to hurt these guys. in the old days we just punched this guy out, that's what he said. i'm not making this up. >> you're right. then you can judge whether you want to vote for donald trump.
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when you come in there just to agitate, you saw these guys. between 21 and 25 years old are they there to create havoc. >> you can protest, but peacefully protest. >> they were paid -- in some cases they were paid to protest. that's not peaceful protest. >> i think you're putting a gloss on this. the guy that was led out was a peaceful protester in -- >> i'm just saying, here's the entire universe. >> don't try to attack the stage in ohio. >> he said he wanted to run up on the stage. in you're asking me, does in a then justify people becoming violent? >> no one said that, i didn't. >> don't -- >> the point is, you can't gloss over it to say -- there's issues on both sides of it, nevertheless you want to have some civility, people to be able to listen to a candidatcandidat.
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if the role was reversed, then you know what, there would be an outcry about it, the point is, there's a way to do things in a peaceful civil way that respects other people's viewpoints, that allows them to go and make informed decisions. >> these young people in chicago. eric keeps saying, let's talk about chicago. this is a facebook thing where young people say, we oppose the message being delivered by donald trump. we find it divisive, ugly, anti-immigrant, anti-woman. >> westboro baptist church protests military funerals, right? >> they're despicable, disgusting, but they do it, and they're protected, free speech. there's an area where they have to stay. they don't jump into the middle of the funeral home, do they? >> into. >> there's the difference. >> that's legal. >> there's nothing illegal about buying a ticket and going into the arena -- >> for going in for the purpose
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of protesting and being disruptive. >> you don't have to shut down an event. >> he cancelled it. >> i think it's very naive of you to sit there and blame him and not to see what the people are doing too, that are also being violent and not being good at these events. there's room to analyze on both sides of this, it could be improved. let me tell you something, whether or not he's the nominee, we're going to wait and see if there's protesters. >> i think it's very honest to say, if you hear someone delivering a divisive message, that's endangering our country. as an american i do not like what you say is good and right. you do it in a peaceful manner, you have every right to do that. >> they didn't. >> they didn't. >> all right, let's talk about ben carson.
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>> the event never went off. >> someone grabbed him from behind. the point is, it's not good, they shouldn't do it to hillary clinton, bernie sanders, anybody running. >> they did it to bernie sanders. >> could the violence actually get worse? >> ben carson who endorsed donald trump last week, believes it could. >> i think certainly if the protesters continue with their tactics, there is a real possibility of escalation, because those who are the victims of them have two choices. they can submit to them and meekly do whatever those protesters want them to do, or they can fight back. and if they decide to fight back, there could be an escalation. >> dana, what about the possibility of escalation here? >> i certainly hope not, and i would hope that the leaders who are being asked about this agree
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and would advice and ask their people not to retaliate in kind. the other thing is, we haven't mentioned, i'm not blaming the security forces. there was a problem in chicago in particular of the protesters that meant getting around the gate. that now if we know they're going to be up to this, you have to figure out a way. there's got to be more security for people on both sides. >> he dominated the media afterwards. he was on for our show for a half hour, went to another network for a half hour. he dominated saturday. guess what happened sunday? it was all about donald trump, where do we go from here. i'm curious how it affects tuesday. >> friday he was on with greta, hannity, come on and talk about it. >> something is wrong, juan, he
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went to the university of illinois, chicago, probably one of the most liberal bastians in this country. bill ayers is in the area. he went into an area of -- >> he's an american professor. >> yeah, my point is, he went into the unfriendliest of confines, he's the only one doing that he's the oath one going in areas where he's going to be the complete outsider, he's going to be verbally attacked. >> he was simply renting the arena, and it was there. >> let me just say. >> the next day he was in bloomington, illinois, about 50 miles south of chicago. >> i don't -- i'm just saying, these young people at that school organized. it's not to be blames on bernie sanders or move this is a divisive ugly message and we want to speak against it. the final point i would make is this, when i listen to the other republicans who are running for president. when i listen to rubio, when i
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listen to cruz, when i listen to kasich, they are saying something's wrong here. the atmosphere is poisonous, and in fact they say it's cancerous. it's a circus. >> what else do you expect them to say, they're the nominee. >> you think they're not speaking the truth? >> i think they're going to make comments that are derisive against donald trump. >> i have people concerned about our country. coming up, blaming trump for violence at his rallies, the new details may be behind the protesters. more when we return. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies.
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donald trump under fire from democratic rivals, hillary clinton and bernie sanders claiming he's the instigator of the violence at his rallies. hillary and bernie slammed the gop front-runner at a town hall last night. >> he incites violence in the way he urges his audience on, talking about punching people, offering to pay legal bills. donald trump is responsible for what happens at his events. >> donald trump is a pathological liar. we have never -- our campaign
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does not believe and never will in encouraging anyone to disrupt -- i hope mr. trump tones it down big time. >> other democrats including carl bernstein and rachel maddow blast trump for stirring the unrest. >> the word neo-has a lot to do with it, a new kind of fascist in our culture dealing with an authoritarian demogogic point of view. >> i've denounced donald trump. not defina the kind of very tree ole he's perpetrated with his rhetoric. he knows exactly what he's doing. this is a guy who's now soaking up this hate and -- >> trying to gin up political violence for its electoral utili utility. is i think inarguably what we're seeing here, the trump campaign
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will not say that is what they're doing. >> the left is quick to blame trump, who are the protesters disrupting the events. bill ayers was among the demonstrators in line outside the university of illinois chicago pavilion on friday. -- bring it to you, juan. if the bad guys are the ones behind the protests, why are we giving them so much air time and credibility. >> you just said they raised money post chicago. you didn't say they organized chicago. >> nobody said they organized. >> they did not organize? >> they did not organize. >> move >> everybody's reported this, who have got together online and -- >> after the event says, send us three dollars. >> that's okay? >> this is getting silly, it's getting ridiculous. it's not even an issue in dispute. >> the reality is here, you have something larger that i think the democrats are right to pick
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up on. >> wasn't move promoting this prior to the contest? >> your saying they capitalize going afterwards. >> and their facebook post. >> i'm going to say the same thing over and over again. maybe it will seep in eventually. be honest about it, to say exactly what went on here, obviously there are political operatives that are playing a role. it doesn't mean it shouldn't be denounced. all candidates want to say, we want to be able to have nonviolent peaceful speaking events. do not hurt people, do not hit, that's that. do not break the law, no one is encouraging violence. that's what should be stated very clearly. denounce any violence that occurs. at the same time, be honest and say exactly also what is behind this, they are trying to elicit and produce a specific response to try to discredit and paint him in a particular light. that is -- that's what's happening. >> i mean, the pope says, you
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know, for the way he talks, not christian. mitt romney, other republicans, bullying, agitating. >> this will be the first time in history that mitt romney, other republicans are on the same side as >> and the pope. >> they don't condone violence. >> i worry that the worst is yet to come. when i see the guy come running up in dayton and try to tackle, see how he treats himself as a hero and listen to him talk like he's bigger than everybody and smarter than everybody. i worry the worst is yet to come. your judgment should be on how donald trump handles it after. you cannot say he's responsible for the unruliness or what happened in the audience. he said, do you know that these -- i get word from the security, that guys are in there with tomatoes. you may think it's not a big deal, it's like getting hit with
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a baseball. >> you know at any moment you're going to get hit with somebody, because these guys got through security. >> and they couldn't find them? >> right. you don't see them throwing punches at security. maybe governor kasich says, don't hit back, guys calm down. donald trump is different, donald trump is like, i want to hit you back. you cannot have him blamed for what happens in the audience. >> rubio said, words have consequences. not only that, you stop and think about what he said about mexicans, what he said about women, what he said about blacks. i could go on and on. when you say these things pblly and then create an atmosphere that's basically, you're a sports guy, wwe, i'm coming here, i'm going to rip your head off. there are a lot of people who feel -- donald trump has authorized me to go after these critics. >> people have to have personal responsibility to behave and
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control their behavior on both sides. >> very interestingly as brian points out. the day after this event where the guy jumped the bar kind, got stopped by secret service. he was interviewed on cnn like a hero. >> is that a mistake on everyone's part? >> well, as brian just pointed out. i think kimberly did, donald trump was on air for the rest of the weekend from top to bottom. i don't think, as a media person, if you get that interview, you take it? absolutely. a lot of the questioning here has been, where did this start? it's like the chicken and the egg? where does it end? i think the first thing that they have to do, at certainly trump's rallies and maybe others, security has to be tightened up. the other thing is that the young people that are there, the way to beat donald trump if you want to is at the ballot box.
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there was a poll today that said young people, and remember there's 83 million of them now, the millennials, go against trump 52-19. there's a lot of ground to make up, if you actually want to beat him, you have the numbers to do it. >> let me make one point about -- think of this in a sports world analogy. you're watching your favorite football and baseball team. someone runs out on the field. you know what the cameras do? they don't follow the guy around. they take the shot of the bench. they're told not to take the protester or the guy running the field. and maybe it's time we do the same thing, we ignore these protesters. >> the first angle we didn't see, the second angle was iphone. i think someone was shooting low to see him jump on the stage. the first angle was donald trump turning his head. >> why do we even bother -- >> maybe bernie sanders can call out his supporters to not be
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disruptive, to honor people's right to first amendment and freedom of speech. >> can i go? >> yes. >> we have more winner take all states coming into play tomorrow, that could make or break entire campaigns. how the gop contenders are fairing in key battleground states, coming up. t not every iy understands the life behind it. for those who've served and the families that have supported them, we offer our best service in return. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. it's more than tit's security - and flexibility. it's where great ideas and vital data are stored. with centurylink you get advanced technology solutions
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on this super tuesday eve, all eyes are on the crucial winner take all states of ohio and florida. trump and kasich tied. meanwhile in florida, trump holds a big lead over marco rubio. despite the polls, both rubio and kasich believe they can take down the gop front-runner. >> these polls reflect how voters vote. he has no chance, but i can tell you they've been really wrong. and i think in florida especially, it's a close
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primary. that being said, we're going to win in florida. i don't think he's going to be the nominee. i'm going to win in ohio, we're rising all across the country. i believe there's a good chance i could go into the convention with the largest number of delegates, because the campaign has shifted to places where i think we're going to do better. >> tomorrow, give us some blessed clarity. >> i can't wait. i think i'm going to stay up all night long, how before you guys? >> midnight tomorrow. >> let's do it, why not. by the way, this is it. this is, i think the biggest deal so far, that we've had in terms of this election season. two huge things at stake here, depending on what happens, who's going to be in, who's going to be out. a lot of pressure on the candidates at this point with such a delegate rich number available. >> kasich said in the clip, that he plans to win his home state of ohio, and then i've heard that they think they'll do better in illinois, had is not
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winner take all. they think they have some support growing, some money coming in, he thinks he might have a shot. >> love him, good friend, i've known him a really good time, he has no chance to get the delegates, i love -- even if he wins ohio, it's so -- it's a slim possibility. illinois is your winner take most, which could turn into winner take all if the winner does very well. florida looks -- quinnipiac has trump up by 20 there. missouri is the big question. there's literally been no polling, 52 delegates could go a lot of places. north carolina, big number. 72 delegates, proportional. in ohio, look, you had rasmussen on this morning, he told you trump could lose ohio, win other states and only need 42% of the remaining votes. if that were the case, we would be down to a three man race. if kasich wins ohio, he will stay in.
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rubio would probably likely drop out. it's 40%. he's almost at 40% now with four people in. >> don't confuse, the rasmussen poll, he left. >> don't forget the northern marianas tomorrow as well. >> you're right. we couldn't put it in the prompter, because no one could spell it. kasich has 16% of the vote in northern illinois. someone else says 21%. he could walk away with something there, walk away with something in north carolina. i think the thing that's going to be the most inaccurate is florida. i do not believe -- famous last words, good thing no one tapes this show. my thing is, i do not think rubio's down by double-digits pp. >> his campaign says they're not either. >> i think it's a lot closer. >> i'll give you that. >> i mean -- no, because he's getting big crowds, made a lot of sense at the early voting. i thought he had a good debate. all of a sudden, after the
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debate, he craters, after that debate. >> are you excited to spend another tuesday evening with me? >> i think that kasich's strategy is not to win out right, it's to get to the convention. and increasingly, i think that is also, if rubio's strategy. >> if he loses to florida, he can't stay in. >> they see there is such opposition to trump, romney's out there today campaigning with kasich, right? you have people who say, this is not good for the party, and who at the convention will try to force it away from trump if he doesn't reach the 1237. >> then it becomes uglier. then it's about disenfranchising people who participated in record numbers to have their voice heard. which is also problematic. >> i think you're wrong, if you don't meet the numbers, if you don't get to 1237, it's an open convention. >> i think it's a fun fact, in ten republican elections, they've gone to the convention
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having -- with no one having the 1237 or the majority, and everything turned out okay. five out of ten of those went on to become the nominee. seven of ten of those did not become the nominee, the person who had the most delegates going in, but they didn't have a majority. there's a process. >> reagan? >> not ideal. >> no, reagan did well coming out of there, though, he became the guy, he changed the party. >> i will say this, the thing to watch, i think, we're all paying so much attention to ohio and to florida, but as eric was pointing out earlier, if you do well with illinois and missouri. >> north carolina? >> and north carolina. >> you might be on the way. i think that's another alternative for trump. trump was the guy. >> trump has all the momentum here. >> he does well -- >> i don't see rubio right now. i see rubio's last stand. >> don't forget the northern marianas. >> that's the gop side of the election. what's happening with the
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democrats. hillary is a bit nervous about bernie sanders. we'll tell you more about that. next, and a programming note, be sure to tune in at 5:00 p.m. and midnight eastern for our special live post election analysis. we'll be right back. this is my retirement. retiring retired tires. and i never get tired of it. are you entirely prepared to retire? plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e*trade.
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tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan on becoming pregnant, or are nursing. the most common side effects are nausea and an increase in liver enzymes. if you think you have ibs with diarrhea talk to your doctor about xifaxan. there's no denying bernie sanders appeal with young voters and hillary clinton wants to get in on the action. as you can see in this campaign spoof on "saturday night live". >> i know you millennials, you're fired up, you're angry. i'm angry too. because the top 10% of the top 1% controls 90% of the wealth in this country. and i've always said that. ever since i was a young boy growing up in brooklyn. so thank you millennials for
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lenneding your support to the biggest outsider jew in the race, hillary rodham clinton. there's a lot of work to be done, and that is why i am sick and tired of hearing about my own e-mails. >> pretty funny. >> with the polls tightening nationwide, clinton's campaign appears to be anxious hoping to avoid a repeat of super tuesday, according to nbc's chuck todd. >> i can tell you the clinton campaign is very nervous about ohio, missouri, which looks a lot about oklahoma to them. rahm emmanuel's unpopularity may cost them votes in chicago they normally would have. and they're even thinking north carolina's going to be close. >> when you look at this race right now, you say, gosh, what an upset happened in michigan. people say it's the biggest upset since the '80s. tomorrow going in, we see that sanders is up just one point in missouri, and close, very close
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in ohio and illinois. what do you think? >> i think this recent brouhaha about what she said about outsourcing being inevitable which is actually true and a free market argument. but she could have said, in order to bring jobs to america, i would do xyz, i think in north carolina and ohio in particular, that could hurt her. missouri is so odd because as eric was pointing out, there's such little polling there, that you don't know. bernie sanders campaign has been a lot more organized than hillary clinton expected. i would also add this, this primary for her has exposed her for being a weak candidate. i think that bernie sanders will stay in until june 7th at least. >> when you look to the two big states we've been talking about, ohio and florida. mrs. clinton is up plus five in ohio, she's up big time in florida. what does that say to you. >> well, obviously there's some disparity across the board there. other than that, she's -- she should have some concern.
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what's going to be advantages, they got a wakeup call with that shocking upset. now maybe they had enough time to catch up with the clinton forces into effect, whatever those might be, and make sure that they get the results that they need, because she can't afford another big upset like that. i mean, you can't have like, you know -- fence in the armor. >> latinos look like they're going toward sanders. and you have the whole issue of rahm emmanuel, the man. >> i love -- i'm from chicago, i love the fact that hillary clinton and bernie sanders have disavowed clinton. we don't want anything to do with him, we don't want your endorsement, we're pushing back. that's great. >> let's do it this way, i'll pretends like the numbers don't matter, just -- they don't matter. >> i can pretend that hillary clinton's still in this. maybe if bernie sanders does
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well throughout the midwest. some of these super delegates that are in hillary clinton's camp, they can switch at a later date. they're not pledged until the convention. maybe he could still win. honestly, the numbers show that he really can't. >> i was listening. i was listening to where you were going with this, i didn't know. >> we were so quiet during the break, i made a list. no one was talking. >> so i -- all the things that hillary clinton has changed, she used to be strong at the border now, everyone could stay. she used to have a crime bill, sorry about that, she used to be for welfare reform, that was a big mistake, libya was my job, so tpp was the gold standard for trade deals. i hate the tpp, she changed on everything. what is she voting for, who are you voting for. she's going to win it just on recognition, she's going to run out the clock and it's going to be exhausting. the republicans are kicking
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themselves saying this ought to be a layup. >> it will be a layup for republicans against hillary. >> if we're supposed to believe all the polls today, that trump's in the lead in all those places, are we not supposed to believe the polls, he's ahead. >> there are four people on the right. >> trump would lose, but the others would win. >> that's what i'm saying, are we not to believe those polls and only believe the polls where trump is winning? >> you know it's eight months out, it's way too early to be looking at polls. >> they haven't even begun. >> let's -- >> we have to get out of here. >> e-mail service scandal. >> embraces where it's just democrats voting? she is swamping him, there are more and more states coming up, it's going to be close primaries just among democrats, look for clinton. especially in the north. next another march, this time a march to march madness. we'll reveal our final four
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grab your bracket. after just a two hour bracket show, kansas, north carolina, virginia and oregon state are number one. it starts with a pair of opening round games. before that, we have to pick, make our picks to go around the table. i'm making my picks in the name of greg gutfeld. i will not be here to call them out. can you give me your final four, please? >> i have kansas against oklahoma, with kansas dominating there. then i have xavier versus michigan state, okay? michigan taking it, and then ultimately the big winner, the big ka hoon in a is going to be kansas. i'm very confident about that since kyle's father helped me pick them. who played ball professional. i'm going to call in an expert and get real. >> i'm going to call in juan.
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>> this is all about kansas. they've been head and shoulders above everybody. remember, i don't live in the midwest, i live in the east. i love virginia, enjoy watching them. maryland's been fun to watch. it comes down to kansas, texas, north carolina, virginia and i think kansas prevails. >> i think that it's a solid analysis, i think 1-800 espn for juan williams, surely. >> i have north carolina in the east, in the midwest, michigan state, great ball team. my director says, no way uva is going to beat michigan state, kansas in the south and west texas a&m, i also like my co-hosts, i have kansas winning the whole thing. >> i'm going to wait until the final four, and i'll go by -- i try not to talk about things i know nothing about, and sports is one of them. i'll pass. >> you do quite well, though. this is too many. >> i'm playing for broke, i'm playing for somebody else. my final four will be kansas and
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duke. they'll face off, duke will emerge, despite what juan williams says. kentucky will play michigan state. michigan state seems to have the stellar program with the great coaching staff. i'm getting the feeling that with a little expectation, this might be the time. >> what about kentucky? >> he has them. >> i have them losing to michigan state. >> kentucky is a team that's been underperforming. you didn't take that. >> you know what i think is interesting? >> way to pick another performer, if they constantly perform? >> i think they can come through, especially this time of year, with a great coach. >> we were all very positive for each or -- >> that's the thing. >> we were so positive for each other's picks, until juan calls me out on mine. can you embrace my picks? everyone's got a chance right now. >> you know what happened is, you came in here as a disrupter. you didn't come in -- >> you're right, you're right. >> get him out. get him out. >> one more thing is next, how do i know?
2:53 pm
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when they thought they should westart saving for retirement.le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren't prepared for retirement. just start as early as you can. it's going to pay off in the future. if we all start saving a little more today, we'll all be better prepared tomorrow. prudential. bring your challenges. the guinness book of world records has announced the world's oldest man. he lived through both world wars and survived auschwitz. he moved to israel in 1950 with
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his second wife and their son. when asked the secret to a long life, he said, i don't know. i believe that everything is determined from above and we shall never know the reasons why. congratulations on israel. >> also before i forget, i'll be on with lou dobbs later on fbn. i thought this picture was so cute. this is malia obama teasing her sister with a thumbs up sign. this is adorable, he's one of four canadian actors and actresses that were among the guests there. even girls in the white house just want to have a crush, and tease their sisters. >> is that the star of dead3508, the movie i have to see? >> yeah.
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>> you're behind on that. >> i hope that's their dad in the back. i hope their dad is aware of what's going on. >> absolutely. >> all right. anyway, back to the white house, because broadway came to the white house today as the cast of the hit broadway show hamilton put on a special visit. the creator of the show, a hip-hop history show. they agreed to have a student workshop from young people at the white house today. in case you don't know, it's the hip-hop rap version of alexander hamilton's life. the nation's first treasury secretary. >> you can't get a ticket. >> you can't get a seat. >> have you seen it yet? >> i love it. >> have you seen it? >> no, juan didn't take me. >> i offered to take him. >> he said he was going to, and didn't do it. that's a liberal for you. all promise, no deliver.
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>> bring dana out to the lott y lottery. there's a lottery every time. >> i should bring dana out. i think i'll get her tickets. >> or a ticket scalper. you know, like a nice one, like a broker. >> they're usually nice people. >> take a look at the polls screen right here. we'll be on at five, coming back at midnight, it's important, because florida illinois and missouri are going to close at 8, north carolina and ohio 7:30. these times are all eastern. within a couple hours of that, we should have some pretty clear ideas on how many delegates each candidate has. >> stick around with us. >> right. thank you, i should have been called on, congratulations to ainsley earhart, since she joined the show, ratings are up 30%. >> nice. >> we know how to pick them. >> wonderful person and it's been great working with her.
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>> you did some crazy scientific experiment this morning. >> took over new york city. >> set your dvrs so you don't miss an episode of the five. special report next. republican challengers embrace their last full day of campaigning, before what may be their last chance to stop donald trump and trump's chance to run the table. this is special report. it is closing argument time, in the winner take all states of ohio and florida tonight. native son candidates in those states likely face win or stay home scenarios against the political phenomenon that is donald trump. the emotion that comes with
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