tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News March 15, 2016 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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super tuesday seemed a long ways away just a few months ago. and as we wait for the next contest, the general election will be here soon too. from today just 237 days until all of america votes. thanks for being part of the real story. your pictures tomorrow. it's 3:00 on the east coast, noon on the west coast, and today voters could finally end the questions about the republican convention. if donald trump locks up florida, ohio, and the majority of the other delegates, the nomination could be a cinch to clinch. but if he fails, well, then it's anybody's game. all four republicans say they're in it to win it. and the head of the rnc says he's prepared if this comes down to a contested contest. >> it would be a challenge, but i think it can produce enormous interest and ultimately a winner. >> it certainly would do that. and the kasich campaign appears to be counting on that sort of showdown. >> when i win ohio, it's a whole new ball game. i mean, we're going to be off to a convention. and i think at a convention they're not going to pick the --
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who's the best slanderer. i think they're going to pick who can actually be the commander in chief of the united states of america. >> meantime, in florida the polls have shown marco rubio trailing donald trump. but the senator says don't trust those numbers. >> the polls this cycle have been crazy and way off. both in michigan on the democratic side, virginia and other places on the republican side. those polls are not accurate. >> and while republicans await what could be a defining moment tonight, hillary clinton and bernie sanders are doing the same over on the democratic side. we'll check in with the campaigns. it's a big day. let's get to it. >> announcer: now, "shepard smith reporting." live from the fox news deck. >> and first from the fox news deck this primary tuesday, what could be the very final hours for two presidential campaigns as donald trump's rivals fight to end his dinner show. polls show donald trump just might sweep all five republican primaries today, making the trump train almost unstoppable.
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voting today, ohio, illinois, missouri, north carolina, and florida. florida, which has the most delegates on the line today. recent surveys show donald trump on track to demolish marco rubio in his home state. according to the real clear politics average of the polls, trump was ahead in the lead in florida in every single poll since august. that's more than three dozen surveys in a row. still marco rubio insists he's going to win. >> polls of this election cycle are horrifying. and i'm really -- quite frankly i think a lot of people are going to be embarrassed tonight and are going to want refunds from the money they've spent on these polls because we're going to win florida. >> rubio has said he will stay in no matter what happens today. but there is no sign that his super pac has spent one red cent on races after today. that's according to federal filings. and that could be the teller. polls say donald trump's biggest weakness tonight is ohio, where he's running neck and neck with john kasich. the popular ohio governor makes
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a big deal out of not attacking his rivals. once calling himself the prince of light and hope. now at the 11th hour john kasich suggests his tone will change, taking dead aim at donald trump. >> i've been very concerned. i just saw a commercial, i guess it was last night, of these comments that were made about women. i have two daughters. they see this stuff. what do you think they think? we'll have more to say about that. >> we'll have more to say about that. of course he's referring to the ad which you've no doubt seen from the super pac dedicated to taking down donald trump. the video is all over the cable news channels today. it shows women reading real quotes from the republican front-runner. >> a person who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. >> i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. >> look at that face. would anyone vote for that? >> she had the height. she had the beauty. she was crazy. but these are minor details.
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>> that ad goes on to include quotes that needed bleeping to air on television. today donald trump insisted he's polling very well with women and he blamed the ad on one of his toughest critics, mitt romney. >> well, you know, i have seen it. and it was a romney deal, you know, who ran one of the worst races in the history of presidential politics. he should have easily beaten a failed president, obama. and you know, they're just -- it's a lot of sour grapes. >> sour grapes. actually, it's his words. even if john kasich does spoil a sweep for donald trump tonight, ohio would be the only state kasich has won so far. there's a gop rule that you may have heard about. it requires a candidate to win the majority of delegates, majority in at least eight contests to even be considered for the nomination. take a look at the delegate scorecard as it stands right now. a kasich win would not bring him even close to donald trump or ted cruz. tonight cruz is looking to up his delegate count in states that are not winner take all. that could raise the chances that no candidate, none at all
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could get the delegates needed to clinch the nomination, setting the stage for a floor fight at the convention in july. more on that potential craziness coming up. with so many possibilities and so much at stake today, this primary day could either effectively seal the deal for donald trump or guarantee the bitter fighting goes on for months to come. politics 2016. and we have team fox coverage of it hp steve harrigan is in miami, actually in hialeah, florida. >> reporter: if john kasich were to win ohio, kasich has said that would give him the momentum that would lead to the nomination. but if he wins tonight in ohio, the buckeye state, the most quintessential bellwether in republican politics, a tate that's demographically very much reflective of the country, with minorities, with a recovering economy that's had a hard time during a lot of the downturns in the last few years, he'll get 66
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delegates. and still be in fourth place. so the politics and the math run sort of counter to that argument. if you add 66 to his existing 63, he's at 129 and trailing marco rubio. john kasich would still be in fourth. but he would have the momentum. on the other hand, mr. kasich has made it very clear that that unofficial rule about if you don't win your home state means you've got to go home, he's said he will. and as for that rule that you were talking about about every candidate needing to win a majority of the votes or delegates in eight states, the republican national committee, when they hear that it's like fingernails on a black board to them. they say wait, stop, hold, it that's a rule that exists now but all the rules change before the convention when they make their own new rules. so that one, which happens to be rule 40, which has become notoriously bantered about on the campaign trail, will be obliterated if that's what's necessary to ensure that they get somebody to nominate. shep? >> back to marco rubio. he's low on funds. his super pac hasn't spent any
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money on any states after today. is that more telling for us than his words about whether he'll stay in this thing? >> reporter: well, it's a bad sign. but the super pac has also been putting all of its emphasis on florida trying to shore up what has been a deficit in the polls and a deficit in the buzz. donald trump has been able to overshadow marco rubio. marco rubio has admitted on the campaign trail for the last week and a half that he made a mistake in frayeding personal insults with donald trump. at an event just last night he talked about it and there was pin drop silence in the audience because they couldn't believe they were listening to any presidential politician in 2016 actually acknowledging the possibility of having made a mistake. and he got a huge round of applause afterwards for taking the more aspirational and positive tone. marco rubio started as a candidate who said that he wanted to be optimistic. he wanted to talk about reforms. he wanted to talk about undoing the mistakes of the obama administration and bring the country back, bring the country together. but when he started engaging in that slugfest with donald trump the bottom fell out and even some of his supporters got angry with him. and there's one other facet to the rubio candidacy that cannot
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be overlooked here in florida. when he was elected as a tea party candidate, beating the sitting governor, he said he was going to be a true conservative and adhere to conservative principles. when he got into the senate, he got involved with a gang of eight. he was the co-author of the immigration bill that many have called amnesty. and even in florida people who voted for him then and are conservative and do appreciate his politics, that is one black check on him that they continue to talk about even at the rally last night where he got extended applause. that of course is where donald trump has pounded him. immigration is a huge issue in florida and he's vulnerable on one of the biggest here, shep. >> carl cameron live in the palm beaches. carl, thanks. this year's nominating contest has shed light on the notion of strategic voters. people whoo are co are coming oo vote, not necessarily for their candidate of choice but instead against a candidate they vehemently oppose, namely donald trump. workers at the marco rubio campaign have asked supporters to vote for john kasich in ohio. there's no doubt that helping
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their fellow republicans return the favor in florida, though both kasich and ted cruz have made clear they do not support this strategy. steve harrigan is live outside a polling place in hialeah, florida. hi, steve. >> reporter: shep, one thing to keep in mind on the republican side of this florida primary, and that is it's winner take all. a long time ago people thought that the republicans originally designed that to perhaps help either jeb bush or marco rubio clinch the nomination here in florida. instead, that rule might end up knocking the florida senator out of the race. when you do talk to the rubio camp here in florida here they say they are still very optimistic. they say they're going to shock the world, not to believe the polls. and when you talk to voters who support rubio there is still some sense of hope and excitement. >> at the beginning i wasn't sure if i was going to come out. i didn't -- no one really piqued my attention. but as i heard more about the --
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what they stand for, i made a decision as for marco. >> reporter: when people talk about voting blocs in florida they often talk about hispanics or seniors. one key voting bloc this time around, new voters. florida election officials say 43% of the people who are voting this primary did not vote in 2012. they are a new force and they're coming out in record numbers. shepard? >> steve, can you rock the summer bonnet for us just for a second? >> reporter: no chance, shep. i'm dying out here in the heat. >> i saw it seconds ago. i know it's to your right on a table there. >> reporter: oh, yeah. >> could you rock that for us? >> reporter: t-shirt for sweat here. tampa bay. might be my new look going into the future, shep. hairline decline. i might be a hat guy. >> i think you should expect a call from a realtor at the villages. >> reporter: we're not too far away from that, shep. >> steve harrigan, the man.
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that's one you should know. that's a special guy. steve, i appreciate it. donald trump gets elected and turns out to be a terrible president. if he does, listen to this -- if donald trump gets elected and turns out to be a terrible president, at least he won't be in the white house for long. who said that? one of donald trump's critics. no. one of his backers. dr. ben carson endorsed trump for president last week. now he's explaining that support in an interview. >> even if donald trump turns out not to be such a great president, which i don't think is the case. i think he's going surround himself with really good people. but even if he didn't, we're only looking at four four year. later in the same interview ben carson admitted that donald trump was not his first choice. >> is there another scenario that i would have preferred? yes. but that scenario isn't available. >> okay. with one of the other candidates, you mean? >> yes. >> yeah, but he got offers here. dr. carson then said he'd been talking to donald trump about
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having a role in the trump white house. he did not reveal what that role might be. let's bring in "time" magazine political reporter zeke miller. it would only be four years. >> yeah. with friends like those, i guess. >> i'm not sure about -- if john kasich can pull off ohio, what does that mean? >> what it means is that -- it would be the clearest indication that donald trump is not going to run away with this. that takes 66 delegates off the map, keeping donald trump pretty far away from 1,237, the number you need to win the majority of the delegates to the convention. mathematically that means donald trump would have to win well north of 50% of the remaining delegates on the table. that's a really hard thing to do with two other candidates in the race, maybe three if marco rubio decides to stay in this race. that means this thing will continue with this intensity for another two, three, maybe four months to the convention. >> and then if he has the most delegates but doesn't have the 1,237 required to clinch the
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nomination, then the party might do something different? >> it really depends how close he is to that magic number. if he's 20, 30, maybe even 50 delegates away, a lot of the party will say it's not worth contesting it, fighting it out at the convention. if a little bit more than that then you start talking about multiple rounds of balloting. you'd have to change rule 40, as carl was talking about a few minutes ago. that's the rule that says you need to win a majority of the eight delegations -- of eight delegations to the convention. that's something that would happen the week before the convention in cleveland. you go from there. and then the jockeying among the remaining candidates in the race, the fight over unpledged delegates, things get a lot more complicated. and it's not really clear at the outcome of that that, a, you'll stop donald trump but, b, that the outcome of having that bitter fight on the floor will lead to a more unified party ready to take on democrats in november. >> zeke, rubio says he's going to win florida tonight, that his internal polling shows something different from what we've been seeing. is that possible? >> it's certainly possible. anything is possible in this
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business. we've seen surprises before. but you know, when every poll is lined up against him, it would be -- in the realm of sort of the truly historic upsets in politics to see marco rubio win florida, his hope state tonight. it would shock everyone in this business. >> zeke miller, "time" magazine political reporter. thanks for coming by. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> democrats could be in for some convention drama of their own. have you heard about this? bernie sanders' wife talked to fox news latino about how long her husband plans to stay in this race no matter what happens tonight. so what'd she say? well, that's next from the fox news deck on this primary day tuesday.
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if you're a couple, you fight over directions. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. oh ohhhhh it's what you do. ohhhhhh! do you have to do that right in my ear? bernie sanders is predicting he can pull off more surprise wins tonight if enough people show up to vote. he came from 20 points back in the polls to beat hillary clinton in michigan just last week. the latest survey shows the race has gotten closer in missouri and ohio and even illinois, clinton's native state. her staffers say they're hoping to pick up the most delegates tonight with big wins in florida and in north carolina. but jane sanders, his wife, told fox news latino that her husband has no plans to quit no matter what happens. >> we're staying in until the convention. i mean, there are a lot of large states coming in the future. and as i said, the more people know him, the more they support his ideas.
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so time is on our side. >> the democrats hold their convention in philadelphia in july. ed henry live in lake worth, florida just south of palm beach. hillary clinton may have slipped up a bit during a town hall in illinois. fill us in. >> reporter: yeah, no doubt about it. this is the second time in a couple of days there was a cnn town hall where she said that she wanted to put coal miners out of business. that doesn't play well in ohio. won't play well in west virginia and other states coming up. they tried to clean that up. and then last night at an msnbc town hall she was trying to defend her record as secretary of state and comparing syria and libya, she completely left out benghazi. listen. >> libya was a different kind of calculation. and we didn't lose a single person. we didn't have a, you know, problem in supporting our european and arab allies in working with nato. >> reporter: we did not lose a single person. obviously doesn't square with four americans being killed in those terror attacks. another blow for clinton.
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but as you mentioned, at the top she's hoping to win here in florida tonight, maybe have a tough night in the midwest. but bottom line, get a lot more delegates tonight, chuck. >> on the bernie sanders side, there was a question about why you're running as a democrat. how'd that play? >> reporter: it didn't play well because rather than talking about his principles perhaps about this whole revolution that bernie sanders talks about, pressed on why he didn't run as an independent, which he's been an independent in the senate, he basically said he wanted to get more media attention by running as a democrat. watch. >> wouldn't it be more revolutionary to work outside the traditional political party structure, run as -- >> the problem is chuck would not have me on his program if i did that. >> reporter: so look, he's reflecting a political reality, which we in the media would probably cover a third party challenger a lot less than the two major parties and what they're up to, all the candidates vying for that. but that obviously might trip him up a little bit by saying
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it's about media attention when he's out here on the trail saying this is all about his principles and a political revolution, chuck. >> well, chuck said he'd have him either way. so we'll never really know. ed henry, nice to see you, thank you. 2ke7ding on how donald trump does do tonight, he could have a contested convention come july, as we've mentioned. so what exactly would that mean? the details and why the choice of the next president could come down to a room full of delegates and why in some cases they'd be able to pick whomever they wanted regardless of which candidate won the primary of state prizes. judge napolitano is here to give us all the details. that's coming up. thousands of people came out today to run the race for retirement. so we asked them... are you completely prepared for retirement? okay, mostly prepared? could you save 1% more of your income? it doesn't sound like much, but saving an additional 1% now, could make a big difference over time. i'm going to be even better about saving. you can do it, it helps in the long run.
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could be headed to a contested convention this summer in cleveland. one where apparently anything can happen. here's how it works. during the first ballot most of the delegates are required to support the candidate their state voters selected. but candidates can try to win over the remaining unbound delegates. then if nobody gets the majority after the first ballot the convention moves on to a second ballot. and if there's no winner after that, possibly even a third and on and on and on. and as this process goes on, more and more delegates get freed up along the way. and they're allowed to pick whichever candidate they choose regardless of who won their state. there's one major restriction to all of this. in the year 2012 the republican national committee adopted a rule that requires any nominee to have "the support of a majority of delegates from each of eight or more states." a majority of delegates. the rnc could vote to change that rule before the convention. but as it stands right now, not
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only do candidates have to win eight states. that candidate would have to win eight states and a majority of the delegates in those states. that is not an easy task with four candidates still in. but donald trump has already done. ted cruz and marco rubio are only partially there. and a win today in ohio would be john kasich's first state with a majority of delegates. fox news judicial analyst judge napolitano is here. >> it's easier to understand the federal laws than it is the republican rules. but the basic rules are as you said. a person's name cannot be put in nomination if they do not have a majority of the delegates from eight or more states. that means that donald trump could be the only person whose name is put in nomination. however, if ted cruz or marco rubio or john kasich are still in the race, has delegates pledged to them, those delegates must vote for them on the first ballot. even though they're not on the ballot. that of course might prevent
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donald trump from getting a majority on the first ballot. once you go to the second ballot, the 50% rule in eight states no longer applies. anybody can be nominated. and the delegates are free to vote for whom jofr they want no matter how they got there and no matter toto whom they were pledged. >> if you don't want trump to get the nomination, you have to stay in this thing. >> correct. and you'd have to stop him on the first ballot. then you'd be at liberty to lobby his tell gas as to why they should vote for you if you're one of the other candidates. >> of course neither rubio nor kasich monor cruz has the state necessary, at least not yet. >> correct. >> so they couldn't stop a first ballot. >> well, they could because if you are -- >> just by being there. >> let's say you are a rubio delegate from the district of column. i think he won the district of columbia. i don't know how many delegates they have. it's very few. under district of columbia law you must vote for marco rubio on the first ballot whether he's been nominated or not. that's the silliness of the
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rule. >> right. but the silliness of the rule could be a moot point because they can change all the rules before the convention begins? >> here's the zinger. the week before the convention starts, when we're packing all our equipment and getting set up out there, the republican national committee rules committee meets. they can vote to change everything. if the change is material it has to be approved by the entire convention on day one. so donald trump, ted cruz, marco rubio, and john kasich could be pouring in all this money and all this time expecting the rules to be this, this, and this. they could show up in cleveland and find out the rules are that, that, and that. >> but the delegates have to approve them. >> if there's a significant change. correct. >> and who decides what's significant? >> paul ryan, who's the speaker of the house of representatives and the chair of the convention. so if he says something's significant and the delegates don't think he is, he can overrule them. if he says something's not significant and the delegates think it is, they can overrule him. it really becomes -- trump people don't want to hear this.
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good old-fashioned american democracy. a majority vote on virtually everything after that first ballot. >> so you have to have 1,237 to clinch the nomination. what if donald trump gets 1100 and nobody has more than, say, 600. and he gets there and he's not nominated. he doesn't get the republican nomination -- can you imagine what would happen? >> i would think there would be a significant break in the republican party and many of his people would go with him and what he would do in november, who knows. >> he could go off and run with another -- make his own party. >> yes, he could. and that would probably defeat the republican candidate. he could also be very gracious and say this wasn't the ending i expected but i'm a republican, i promised to support the nominee, so and so is the nominee and i'm behind him. >> all of this would be very good for television ratings. >> it would. >> the rest of it is unpleasant. but the tv ratings part. >> it's all been great for ratings so far. all of it. even bernie sanders trying to speak in spanish. it's all great for the ratings. >> and thank you for watching.
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we do appreciate it. judge, thank you for coming. >> you're welcome, shep. >> john kasich's entire campaign is on the line tonight in ohio. even if he wins his home state, his path to the white house would be impossible. truly impossible. the math is not there without this contested convention about which we've been speaking. plus what the governor has to say about the possibility of teaming up with donald trump. kasich teaming up with trump. what? that's coming up as we aappropriate bottom of the hoap the bottom of the hour and the top of the news. every day you read headlines about businesses being hacked and intellectual property being stolen. that is cyber-crime and it affects each and every one of us. microsoft created the digital crimes unit
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an officials in brussels, belgium say police found a man man dead in an apartment after an anti-terror raid there. that raid linked to last year's coordinated terror attack in paris. investigators say someone started shooting during today's raid and four officers were hurt but not too badly. russian warplanes and troops started to return home from syria. this comes a day after russian president vladimir putin said he would start pulling forces out of the country. it's also exactly five years after protests in syria started a civil war which by one estimate has killed nearly half a million people. and rising flood waters in louisiana and texas forced crews to close an interstate there. officials today shut down i-10 near the state line. they say a river nearby will likely hit historic levels this afternoon. rain and flooding across the south have forced thousands from their homes. the news continues with shepard smith right after this.
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symptoms may include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so talk to your doctor, and for details, visit if john kasich wins his home state of ohio today he could go on to win every delegate from
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the republican contest after today and still not have enough delegates to win the nomination. the governor has already acknowledged that a contested convention is his only chance at becoming the party's choice for president. polls have shown john kasich and donald trump in a dead heat in ohio. but kasich today refused to accept even the possibility of losing to the billionaire. he also said he would never join forces with trump. >> there's no way i would team up with donald trump. no way. forget it. i'm going to be the nominee because we're going to win ohio and we're going to move across this country with a positive attitude of bringing people together, with a record that i've had both in washington and in ohio, a positive record of bringing people together, reminding us we're americans before we're anything else. and we'll fix these things that haunt us and bother us today. i can promise you that. >> yet he has yet to win a primary contest. he's come in second a few times, but ohio would be his first victory. doug mcel waite's live at a polling place, rocky river,
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ohio. hello, doug. >> hey, shep. and as you can see from that sound bite, he's supremely confident that he is going to win tonight's election in ohio. he points to his record as an effective governor, where he helped to balance the budget, diversify the economy, and bridge political divides. some of the political divides in the state were absolutely huge. you remember one of them. it was the 2011 fight over senate bill 5 in ohio which would have limited the collective bargaining rights of ohio government employees. unlike a similar fight in wisconsin, the ohio version included police and firefighters who would have had their collective bargaining rights limited somewhat. and that got kasich into deep trouble. he lost that fight big-time. but two years later kasich managed to heal the wounds from that sight -- from that fight, rather. he won 51% of the union vote in the last gubernatorial election. but even if he wins ohio, as you've been pointing out, his route to that 1237 delegate count number seems mathematically impossible. we asked him about this yesterday.
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he seems not to even entertain it -- >> we'll continue to accumulate delegates. and you know what? march madness. home court advantage. it starts to work for us. we will do well in places like pennsylvania, where we will be on the ballot. we will be age to do well in places like maryland and connecticut and new jersey and new york. and then we're going to hitch up a covered wagon and we're going west. >> donald trump meanwhile pulled into ohio for one last time last night. a hangar rally in vienna just outside of youngstown. and that area, which has seen many, many hard times from the removal and the decline of the steel industry to overseas sites over the last couple of decades, he hammered away at kasich's support for international trade agreements. >> remember, when he was a congressman, he signed nafta! nafta destroyed ohio. it destroyed ohio. and now he wants to sign tpp.
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that is going to be worse. i have studied it so carefully. >> poll workers told us today that turnout at this particular polling station has been extremely high. in fact higher than it was in the general election of 2012. absentee and early voting also very high in ohio. it ended yesterday with gop votes outnumbering democratic votes by about 30,000. again, it points to a clear advantage on the gop side, at least in terms of enthusiasm. who gets the benefit of that enthusiasm? we do not know. we'll find out in a few hours from now. shep. >> doug mckelway, thank you. john bussey's here, associate editor of the "wall street journal." can't tell from the polls what's going to happen in ohio. it's too clowe. >> it is. it's close in illinois as well. there's been a lot of negative ads that have been running. anti-trump ads. women talking about the language that he's used toward women. and you have to ask yourself, how much the negative attack on trump helps or hurts him. clearly the ads are provocative.
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but his constituency is very passionate about this guy. so the rallies in chicago where there was some violence, did that work for or against him? did it show that the trump campaign is chaotic or did it show in the minds of trump supporters that there are people out there to get him? out to get our guy. so will negative ads in chicago pull even more support among trump's constituency for him to the polls? will the same thing happen, to criticism over the violence at the campaign rally over the weekend in chicago, will that pull even more support for him at the polls? very interesting to watch this. >> the exit polls will be interesting on that. i wonder how much in ohio if kasich wins how much will be about democrats crossing over. you can do that there. >> yeah. this is very interesting because there's a constituency within what would be the traditional democratic pool that finds trump attractive. people who feel economically disenfranchised, who may have lost their job, who are in unions and see the decline of unions, who would normally go with a democratic candidate.
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might even be a sanders voter. >> really? i was thinking more hillary. >> but possibly even further to the left. might even possibly cross over to trum because of that feeling predominantly of disenfranchisement. here's a guy, sort of the public campaign says gets things done and is watching out for your well-being in washington. might cross over. the other thing to watch for is whether it's better for trump if kasich wins in ohio. that sounds odd. but he's splitting the republican vote. he's splitting it with cruz and with rubio at this point. leaving donald trump to be clearly the front-runner going into the convention, which would be tougher for the convention to deny if it becomes contested. >> but if it is down to cruz and trump, then cruz has a very difficult path to get the delegates necessary, much more difficult even than donald trump's. and then you could have neither of them. but those are the two main ones. and in the end the party would have a hard time going with someone other than those two. and they hate them both.
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>> yeah. and the question is whether or not the consolidation around cruz, if he is the only one left standing after today's primaries, if kasich loses in iowa and decides not to go on, though he's not saying that. if rubio loses as badly as it looks like he's going to lose in florida. if the dade county vote doesn't come out spectacularly for rubio to push him up and to narrow that enormous gap between trump and rubio right now and trump does win florida, that's going to be pretty compelling for the convention even if the kasich and rubio voters consolidate behind cruz. is that enough to push him within fighting distance of trump? probably not. and again, a difficult argument in a contested convention to deny trump the nomination. >> help me understand how rubio could go forward. he doesn't have -- he has almost no money left. his super pac has not spent a penny on anything past today. so how do you pay for it? >> yeah. i think that if florida turns out the way that the polls suggest that it might, and of course polls could be wrong, but
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if it turns out the way that it looks like it's going to turn out, with rubio losing substantially, it's to wher near as close in florida as it is in ohio and illinois, if he loses this substantially, it's very difficult for him to go on in the contest. >> it's very expensive. i mean, you've got to get to pennsylvania next. pennsylvania, a lot of media markets. you look at pittsburgh and philadelphia. it's expensive. >> that's right. and it has to be kind of a political argument. there has to be sort of a rationale. and it's kind of hard to have a rationale when you're this far behind, not just the leader but the other contestants as well. >> john bussey from the "wall street journal." think it will be a long night? >> it's going to be a fascinating night. it's going to be a great night to watch -- you're talking about ratings in the last segment. the interesting thing about this is that it has pulled a lot of people into the political process. like the candidates, don't like the candidates. wherever your politics lie. this is a very engaged democratic process, this election. >> we put a trainwreck on the tv they'd watch that too. >> that's possible. i think they're watching more of
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this, though. >> we need the llamas back. remember the llamas? it was a year ago last week i think. they did no one any harm. thank you. >> pleasure. >> the results are already in from one of today's races. and donald trump swept up all nine delegates in the northern mariana islands. where? the northern mariana islands. that's a u.s. commonwealth somewhere. in case you're wondering, the northern mariana islands are -- and let's all learn together. a chain in the northwestern pacific. there they are right there. they appear to be blue. they also happen to be on the other side of the international dateline. so their tuesday started while it was still monday in the continental united states. northern mariana airlines. islands. the islands have an important place in u.s. history because during world war ii they were home to the world's largest military air base and some of the fiercest fighting in the entire war. it is the site from which warplanes carried atom bombs to japan. and now the site where donald trump won all nine delegates.
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less than four hours now that the polls are scheduled to close in north carolina. scheduled to close. it's not a winner-take-all state. so everyone could pick up some delegates. take a look over on the big wall over here. 72 delegates are up for grabs on the republican side. while the democrats have 107. in years past north carolina's held its presidential primaries in the month of may. but in 2013 legislative leaders decided to move the date up to march. jonathan serrie has the news in charlotte. how's the turnout? >> reporter: it's been heavy and steady here at this polling location in downtown charlotte. statewide elections officials
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are describing voter turnout as brisk. they say there have been no major problems, but a precinct in each of four counties faced brief delays opening this morning. state officials tell fox these four delays had nothing to do with the state's new voter i.d. law but were the result of either technical issues or workers simply opening the polls late. so the board of elections is holding a public phone conference at 6:30 this evening to consider extending closing times at any polling location that opened more than 15 minutes late. the two leading republican candidates have made recent appearances here in north carolina. ted cruz is hoping to shore up support among evangelical christians. but donald trump has been able to cut into this key conservative voting block in other states. he hopes to do the same here in north carolina. meanwhile, john kasich and marco rubio, instead of appearing here in north carolina are staying down on their home turf trying to shore up as much support as possible in their respective home states of ohio and florida. shep?
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>> hey, what about the democrats, jonathan? >> reporter: yeah, hillary clinton has been actively campaigning in north carolina up to the 11th hour and even beyond. even after the polls open this morning she was still campaigning in north carolina. here's what she said at a stop today in raleigh. listen. >> i feel good. i think, though, that you've got to just keep working all day on election day and remind people how important it is to vote and don't let anybody get complacent. >> reporter: bernie sanders visiting charlotte yesterday talked about the need to bring manufacturing back to north carolina after many textile and furniture jobs went overseas. things that he blamed on free trade deals. sanders obviously hoping to repeat his surprise victory last week in michigan here in north carolina. shep? >> jonathan, thanks. we're headed to illinois next. voters also hitting the polls there today. it's the third biggest prize of this day for the republicans.
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i mentioned illinois is the third biggest prize for the gop today after florida and north carolina. 69 delegates at stake. but it's not winner take all, proportional instead. recent polls show donald trump is in the lead with ted cruz in second. cruz campaigned in the state today trying to win of as many votes as possible. for the democrats, they're fighting for 156 degrees in illinois. the polls show hillary clinton and bernie sanders in a very tight race. sanders trying to pick up another midwest win after his
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surprise win in michigan. mike tobin is live. the delegate process is a little tricky there, right? >> reporter: it is. on the republican side, the overall winner for the state gets 15 at-large delegates assigned to him. but then the voters in their individual congressional districts will pick three delegates which they assign to a candidate. on the democratic side, this is the standard allocation process, you end up with 156 pledged delegates and 26 super delegates. that gives the party a little more flexibility who they assign them to and that seems to be working in hillary's favor. >> ted cruz trying to make a comeback there? >> reporter: it looks like they see fertile ground in illinois. that's why he made five stops there yesterday. it looks like he's closed the gap from nine points to about 6 1/2 points. kasich is looking like a distant third, even though he has buzz on talkradio right now, word of mouth. but the thunder belongs to
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trump. the turnout is high, about 37% above the record year and you have to assume the excitement with this anti-establishment year is responsible for that. shepard? >> we now know todd palin broke his ribs and was left with a collapsed lung after a snowmobile accident. sarah palin says he's in intensive care in a hospital in alaska. the family did not give details about how this happened, but todd palin's father called it a freak accident and expects his son to recover. we'll be right back with a look at a land mark day for a u.s. president anding? our next president will have to do whether he, or she, likes it or not. and it happened on this day in history. (avo) my name is pamela and i've been making dog chow for 36 years now. my dog girlfriend is 17 years old. she's been eating dog chow from her very first day
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and she can still chase squirrels. she can't catch them, but she can still chase them. after 17 years i'm still confident in feeding her dog chow because i see the high quality ingredients that go into it. i'm very proud to make dog chow right here in edmond, oklahoma. when they thought they should westart saving for retirement.le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving
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reps for disney made the announcement today. they said it will be released in july of 2019 and that steven spielberg will return as director. the last time harrison ford played dr. jones was in 2008. this comes after the 73 yoerld revisited the role of hans solo in the new "star wars" movie last year. on this day in 1913, woodrow wilson became the first president to hold a news conference. it was apparently pretty awkward. a reporter who was there later wrote, a good time was not had by all. he said the journalists at first hesitated to ask questions. when they did ask him questions, president wilson would respond in the fewest words possible. also, it was all off the record. president wilson held at least 60 of these press conferences, after starting a white house tradition 103 years ago today. should news break out, we'll break in, because breaking news
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changes everything on fox news channel. the dow kind of flat, now kind of up. small things. enjoy them. "your world with neil cavuto" is beginning. stay with us all night, primetime coverage othe election should be fascinating. all right. this could be the night that, well, ruins a lot of promising presidential careers, or it could be one that ignites a couple or one namely. ohio is the focus with all the other races because it's in ohio that someone other than donald trump stands the best chance of emerging the victor. jeff is at a polling place now in north homestead ohio. >> reporter: i don't think it's too strong a word to say these voters behind me outside of cleveland hold the key to the presidential future in their hands. could it be
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