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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 16, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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getting a lot of mail on twitter and facebook on our session with ted cruz. do you believe he has a realistic path to the nomination? kelly file. let me know. thanks for watching. this is "the kelly file." number one. >> tonight, gop front-runner trmp has a warning for the republican establishment. >> if you disenfranchise those people i think you have problems like you have never seen before. >> our guests are here tonight with reaction. plus rnc chairman priebus weighs in on the possibility of a brokered or contested convention. >> only two campaigns have a plausible path to the nomination. ours and donald trump. >> senator ted cruz says it's time for his campaign to go head to head with donald trump. >> nobody else has any mathematical possibility whatsoever. >> monica and mercedes will have
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reaction. then a blistering new political attack on hillary clinton. "hannity" starts right here, right now. and welcome to "hannity." 2016 republican front-runner donald trump had some big wins last night and today, well, trump had this to say about the possibility of contested convention. watch this. >> i think we'll win before getting the convention but i can tell you if we didn't and if we're 20 votes short or if we're, you know, 100 short and 1,100 and somebody else at 500 or 400 because we're way ahead of everybody, i don't think you can say that we don't get it automatically. i think it would be -- i think you would have riots. if you disenfranchise those people and you say, well, i'm sorry, but you're 100 votes short, even though the next one is 500 shorts short, i think you would have problems like you have never seen. i think bad things would happen. i believe that. i wouldn't lead it but i think
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bad things would happen. >> here with reaction, geraldo rivera, contributor tucker carlson and kimberly guilfoyle. kg, i'll did to you. say trump or cruz, top vote getter, they go to the convention. we know mathematically, yon kasich, i like him, it's impossible for him to get to 1,237. he tries to pick off delegates here, there and everywhere so to prevent trump or cruz that do have a mathematical possibility, if we get to the convention and they try to take this from the top vote getter, and delegate getter, those people aren't going to vote in the general election. what are they thinking here? >> you are just alienating a lot of new people energized in the party that want to vote and cast a vote for the republican party and conservatives in general. why would you want to shut those people out? that's the very idea of washington building a wall
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themselves and excludeing everyone else saying, you can't decide for yourself. we know better. we're going to, in fact, pretend like none of this happened and put in who we decide and we think is best for the country. >> you know what? tucker, what would that do but disenfranchise the people that went to caucus and pulled the lever or trump or cruz? assuming donald trump is a big guy to manage now and, again, the very reason that caused this insurgency year, republicans being weak and feckless and their inability to fight obama and broken promises and stopping executive action, all of that will just reinforce. >> it's a populist movement. what kind of fight will washington republican party put up in the meantime? here's the problem. they haven't just identified support for trump as an ideological deviation. they have identified it as a moral crime. republicans who support trump,
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according to the d.c. leadership, are basically collaborators. they're committing a sin. they've -- they've introduced extremism to a greater degree than trump. trump takes the heat for being extremist. listen to the rhetoric of washington. this guy is immoral. he's a klansman. a nazi. boy, there's really no reconciliation. >> i want to take it a step further. good to you, geraldo. look at john boehner supporting paul ryan. not running for president. he says about ted cruz, he's lucifer and he's a jackass. john boehner contributed. couldn't use the constitutional authority of the purse and he contributed to nearly $5 trillion in new debt. because he didn't stand up and he got fired as a result. so you have that and then you have this gop spokesman official saying, oh, we choose the nominee not the voters.
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listen to this. >> the rule says specifically that it's a vote of the delegates at the convention. >> oh, not at the actual voters? >> not a primary vote. primary votes are not considered. it's the delegates votes. the media created the perception the voters decide the nomination. that's the political parties that choose. not the general public. contrary to popular belief. >> oh, they get to choose then why are we all voting? >> right. >> voting for representatives. go ahead. >> i think john boehner's right about ted cruz. no, i'm kidding. i was watching you last night, sean. you were spot on last night saying that people would walk away from the republican party if trump was in some way denied. i don't think it will happen. i also saw tucker last night calling trump an animal. and i just want to say that i know he meant it a complimentary way and trump was a force of nature.
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>> i didn't think that was a negative way. >> i agree. that's what i'm saying. but i think in terms of trump, there is no denying that he will be the republican nominee. there is no denying that hillary clinton will be the democratic nominee. this will be the contest, stop the moaning. stop the groaning. get over it. support the candidate of your choice but let's move on to the next step, sean. >> i agree with you. at least ted cruz -- >> last of the titans. >> exactly. at least ted cruz mathematically has a chance. harder for him. probably needs 70% of remaining delegates. he is in the race. i don't think anybody should demand that he get out of the race. >> trump has even said it should be a two-man race and saying last week versus ted cruz. kasich with a big win with ohio, very important state going forward to be able to win the election. >> shouldn't have been last night. >> correct. now he is in it. and what is he? essentially let's just do the math. the obstructionist candidate to represent the establishment going forward to some kind of brokered and contested convention. but again, what about this whole
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thing where they're subverting the will of the people? and disenfranchising them? what do you mean the delegates? why is everyone voting in record numbers and why wouldn't the republican party take them and have an open arms approach and say we want all of these new, excited people because we lost already with romney and mccain when people didn't show up to vote. >> there's a meeting in washington tomorrow. >> yes. >> i know people who will be there. >> me, too. >> the purpose to disenfranchise the voters and sneak in a way to get somebody else besides if it's donald trump to get the nomination. trump was brought in new people to the party. if you dike him, fine. didn't we have to suck it up with john mccain and bob dole and weren't we conservatives lectured that we need to do it for the good of the party? even though they were horrible candidates. >> run the romney campaign again. i think republican leaders horrified to find out that the middle class could vote in primaries and kimberly alluded to the tragedy sending a message and if the republican leadership
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would be a little bit more flexible and you don't need radical changes to the platform but we care about you and going to focus on you a little bit. no, not invade iraq again. we're sorry for that. basic common sense stuff -- >> you said learn from them. that stuck in my mind. >> that's the point. >> they're not doing it. just the opposite. herr geral geraldo, i think it's further. they're not learning the lesson of the voter this is election year and now create a circular firing squad ar maybe even a third candidate that would ensure the presidency for hillary clinton. how stupid is that? >> it is stupid. and when i was flirting with the idea of running for senate as a republican in new jersey, the political consultants flocked to me like bees to honey. because they wanted a job. trump is such a disrupter that he threatens this whole, you know, gravy train that these people -- >> i would have voted against her. >> you may have.
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but i believe, here's what i think. just one thing that kimberly said i want to re-emphasize. i think john kasich as a big role to play. to me, the best, strongest republican ticket you can imagine is trump at the top, john kasich and experienced, government hand as the vice president. >> yes. >> of the united states. i think that would be very potent. another thing about disruptions. i lived through 1968. when humphrey watched as liberal kids, kids that were leftist and would ordinarily be democrats disrupted the process, humphrey lost to nixon. it changed the political landscape of the united states. i caution people on the right not to make the same mistake of the left so long ago. >> take ohio then. that's a no-brainer. good choice. >> we will have to see. speaking of disrupters, we are hearing and we'll talk about later that we're going to have a long, hot spring and summer because of the same people that showed up in chicago last friday. good to see you. thank you as always.
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coming up, heather nauret breaks down what a contested convention could look like and reaction from the rnc chairman and why i believe it's a disaster. also later tonight -- >> only two campaigns have a plausible path to the nomination. ours and donald trump's. nobody else has any mathematical possibility whatsoever. >> texas senator ted cruz stating the obvious. this is now a two-man race. also tonight -- ♪ >> arf arf arf. arf, arf arf. >> maybe the greatest ad. that's donald trump's blistering attack against hillary clintonment this is how banks saw me. ever since i had a pretty bad accident. the medical bills all piled up. so i signed up for experian. they helped educate me
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back to 34erk's news headquarters. washington d.c.'s metro system will be back up and running thursday morning following a 29 hour shut down for emergency repairs. several electrical fires prompted the unprecedented closure. the latest fire on monday caused big delays. it is the second busiest in the country after new york city. more than 700,000 people riled the trains in d.c. every day. rising flood waters continue to wreak havoc in texas. flooding shutting down an interstate in both directions. officials say the roadway would remain closed until next week. emergency workers are urging thousands of people to leave their homes from 20 inches of rain hit the area over four days. i'm patricia stark, and now back to "hannity." for all your headlines, log on to you're watching the most
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powerful name in news, fox news channel. welcome back to "hannity." 2016 gop front-runner donald trump had several big primary wins last night but if he doesn't reach the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the republican nomination, well, could we end up with a contested gop convention? joining you us now to explain what that would mean is heather nauret. everyone is talking about that. >> hi, everyone. you mentioned the magic number, so in order for ted cruz or donald trump or john kasich to win the nomination one needs 1,237 delegates before the republican convention this summer in cleveland according to the associated press as of this morning donald trump has to win a little over 50% of the remaining delegates to capture that nomination and he has a pretty good chance at this point. senator ted cruz needs to win a little less than 80% of the remaining delegates to be the
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nominee. governor john kasich statistically eliminated needing more than 100% to be the nominee. if they don't lock up the required delegates, we could be heading to a brokered convention. most states and territories, those delegates required to vote based on the outcome of the previously decided primaries or caucuses but if no candidate reaches the 1,237 mark after the first round of portivoting, por an of delegates is unbound and support any candidate they like f. the threshold is not reached on the second vote, more delegates are released and voting continues until a candidate reaches the majority needed. you got all that? is it possible that even if donald trump had the most delegates in the convention, he could lose the nomination fails to get the delegate support that's required?
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sean, the potential process may sound unfair to a lot of people but it has happened before. most recently back in 1976. the republican nomination was settled at the convention with ford defeating ronald reagan. there are a lot of ways that it could play out. we'll keep an eye on it as it evolves. sean? >> ford has the majority. he had more delegates. >> right, right, right. >> heather, is there a test at 10:30? >> got all that? thanks so much. >> all right. and earlier today, i spoke with rnc chairman reince priebus. good to see you, mr. chairman. >> hey, great to be with you, sean. >> okay. this is really important because john kasich mathematically has no chance, no chance to get to 1,237. you're the chairman of the party. why then would he stay in? because, you know, for cruz supporters and trump supporters, they're saying he is preventing anybody from getting to the
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magic number. do you think that's right? do you think that's good for the party? >> well, i think that the governor can make his own decision. you know, obviously, what i would tell you is that if someone gets the bound delegates before the convention they're the nominee. there's no doubt about that. so then the only question then is in the review is very good and the only question is, therefore, if someone doesn't get the majority by the time you get to cleveland, what is the procedure thereafter? and i thought the explanation was very good. and it is fair. i mean, the reality is that you have to get a majority of voting delegates on the floor to be the nominee. >> okay. i understand that. but -- >> candidate does, though -- right. >> falling short -- >> i'm sorry, mr. chairman. if someone falls short and they fall short because -- between now and when does it end? june 7th i think the last primaries. between now and then, say kasich
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picks off 200 delegates, okay, prevents trump or cruz from getting it, they have a mathematically chance to get there, then at that point in time then they have served the position of spoiler. now, i just am imagining kasich says that would be educational. but if the establishment comes in and try to say, well, let's get a consensus candidate and want to take it away from the delegate winner and the vote winner, trump or cruz, they're going to walk out. those people are going to be so angry and so frustrated and feel so disenfranchised. don't you think that creates nothing but a disaster? >> well, i mean, that's why you have to play it above board. i mean, i can't carpet the world and tell candidates what to do and not do and the truth is that if a candidate were to drop out, those delegates would become unbound, sean. you would still not be able to count that delegate as a bound delegate so it's still up to the candidate themselves to
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accumulate a majority of bound delegates before the convention. so, dropping out wouldn't create a bounty of bound delegates. it would simply create more unbound delegates basically free agents on the floor so to your point, though, that's why it's really important for the party to play it straight, to not play games, to be transparent and say these are going to be the rules and when the time comes that we know whether we're going to have an open convention or not, that everyone understands moving forward the preparations are made and everyone's included in the conventirsations and when y get to cleveland you want people to at least say, when they walk away, okay, they played it straight. that's what's really important in this process. >> i got to tell you it is getting scary to me because i think a lot of people would feel like, let me give you an example. i want to play for you, this is a gop official this person from north dakota, i'm sure you know it.
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curley hagelin saying we choose the nominee, not voters. why are we all voting then? listen to this. >> the rule says specifically it's a vote of the delegates at the convention. >> not the actual voters. >> not a primary vote. primary votes are not considered. it's the delegate. the media created the concept. that's the conflict here. political parties choose the nominee. not the general public. contrary to public belief. >> we choose the voters, not the people. it seem that is if that's the attitude, it is an arrogant statement and, you know, when's the point of anybody voting then? >> well, you have to understand, in north dakota they don't have committed delegates. they're all unbound and go into the convention as free agents and the mind-set that they bring in to the convention. but i can assure you that if you have the majority of bound
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delegates, you are going to be the nominee. one person's opinion can't change that. but it is true that delegates that are bound based on the outcomes of these elections choose the nominee. so there's a lot of word playing here but if a nominee gets the requisite number of bound delegates they will be -- i mean, the candidate will be the nominee. it's just no question about that, sean. >> all right. >> and all of these stories are going to continue and everyone's going to have opinions and get people stirred up. but those delegates will vote on the first ballot as they're bound to vote under the law. >> mr. chairman, i hope you're not in this position but if there's an effort by the establishment to try and undermine and create a consensus candidate as john boehner said, anybody can be nominated on the convention floor and i want paul ryan to get it, if that happens, i would argue that cruz and trump supporters will walk out
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and you won't see them again. i hope that doesn't happen. >> if -- you know what? the first ballot is going to be very important because on the first ballot is when all of the bound delegates -- >> i'm telling you, if the number one -- >> i know what you're saying. >> they're going to walk out if there's shenanigan that is go on. that's my mood in addition. i'm not saying you're responsible. >> sean, sean, it is not a matter of number one vote getter. you have to have a majority of delegates. >> i got it. >> to be the nominee. nothing nefarious object that. >> if you take it from somebody with a huge lead, it will be ugly. coming up next, tonight here on "hannity" -- >> only two campaigns have a plausible path to the nomination. ours and donald trump's. nobody else has any mathematical possibility whatsoever. >> all right. senator cruz states the obvious.
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declares this is a two-man race. why is john kasich still in? and then later tonight -- ♪ >> arf arf arf. >> donald trump's new trump, hilarious, attacking hillary clinton and reaction to the president's supreme court nominee who shouldn't be even talked about. i'll explain. plus, according to a new report, we could see a l when you think about success, what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours.
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only at a sleep number store. starting tomorrow morning, every republican has a clear choice. only two campaigns have a plausible path to the nomination. ours and donald trump's. nobody else has any mathematical possibility whatsoever.
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>> all right. that was texas senator ted cruz telling it like it is. this is a two-man race. here with analysis, contributors mercedes schlapp and monica crowley. he is 1,000% right. why is john kasich in and john boehner saying anybody can be nominated on the convention floor. i want paul ryan and calls ted cruz lucifer. >> the establishment is invested in seeing neither trump or cruz when this nomination -- >> too bad. too bad. they lost. >> look. i completely get it and with you on that but this is the nomination. they put the eggs in the jeb bush and marco rubio basket and it failed. i think they're trying to deny either one the nomination outright and the road of right now. they hate ted cruz. they fear donald trump. and they're willing to throw the spaghetti against the wall, sean, and hope that something sticks to deny the will of the
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people, whether voting for trump or cruz. >> mercedes, i mentioned earlier that there's a big meeting in d.c. tomorrow and how to get an alternative. i think mostly against donald trump. i agree with monica. let me play for you mark halperin, the showtime show called "the circus" and listen to this k-street, you know, back room dealers talking about the problem of a donald trump candidacy. >> and around this table i know, we've been in every presidential campaign probably since 1980 in different degrees. in trump, you don't his come pass. >> before it's all over, it's going to be hugely problematic. >> i talk to people as i'm sure you all do. why don't you republicans do something about this guy? i'm sorry.
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this is not soviet union. we can't call a meeting and decide trump is out. >> and we hate that. >> mercedes, isn't the very cause of the rise of cruz and trump, the very thing that they're continuing to do? they won't look in the mirror, they won't admit they caused this. take no blame on themselves. for the position they're in. and all they're doing is trying to usurp the will of the people. and disenfranchise the voters. how's this all going to end up if they do it? >> i think the establishment, they really don't understand the phenomenon that's occurring in america. they don't understand the fact that out in kansas, for example, a relative of mine, her husband lost her job. she's so mad at washington that what she wants is complete change. that's why, for example, they voted for donald trump. when you look at state by state by state, you're looking at between 60% to 80% of the gop electorate voting for the outsiders. that means ted cruz who i call the original outsider taking on
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the establishment and donald trump. and that is something that the establishment here in washington, it is funny. the inside the beltway folks who are looking that the saying, when's going on here? why -- because here in washington they haven't felt the effects of the economic recession. >> the next question, monica, is they have to cut the nose to spite their face? are the establishment going to turn on -- the winner? >> many of them are. many of them are -- >> wait a minute. >> rather have hillary clinton. >> voting for hillary clinton than donald trump or ted cruz by the way. >> right. >> this is not surprise. saying that they fear donald trump, what they fear is that this guy is promising to come in and smash the existing order. this means all of their power, all of their control over the party and their gravy trains, special interest, the big money they get. promising to blow that wide open. which is what the american people want. the voters who keep him on a winning trail here. >> if they're that self destructive, they're going to pout and pick up the little toys and they're going to go home
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like a bunch of babies, they will destroy, there will be no republican party. at the end of this. because if they're successful, guess what. cruz and trump supporters are walking out an i'm walking out with them. >> right. and i think that if you have the state party officials, if you have these delegates really at the end do not support the person getting that majority of the delegates, the votes, you know, it creates complete chaos. and i really feel that, for example, the kasich crew, trying to build this anti-trump -- >> that's fair. he has a chance. not great but he's got a shot. >> he is saying i'm the only one to be that anti-trump. >> he's right. >> her's the deal. those never trump people, they're going to have to make a decision come november. will they really allowlary clinton to become commander in chief? >> great question. >> that would be a complete disappointment for the republican party. we need to unify. it's only way we can beat hillary. >> monica?
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>> there is a race of donald trump and ted cruz. in any other year with another front-runner like donald trump scoring win after win, the conservative base, the republican party will be back -- >> bringing new people in the process and the enthusiasm gap, david pleuffe pointed out last night is huge. >> they would coalesce and get others not in a position to challenge him out of the race and helping him, sean. they'd be briefing him on the issues. >> undermining all of them. >> would be trying to help him and instead they're undermining him. >> sad. pathetic. get this. left wing and kay or thes created chaos in chicago last week and according to a new report, it could be a long, hot spring and summer filled with more of the protests and potentially violence. we'll get to that. and later tonight -- ♪ >> arf arf arf.
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arf arf arf. >> donald trump releases a hilarious video slamming hillary clinton. we'll play that and then get reaction. earlier, president obama announced the supreme court nomination. if question is, will they hold th here's the plan. you're a financial company that cares, but your logo is old and a little pointy. so you evolve. you simplify. you haven't changed. you still help people live their best lives. and finally your new logo is ready, and you decide the perfect time to show the world is right... now.
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celebrating a global movement and impact ♪ join us at 19th march at 8:30pm ♪ welcome back to "hannity." so in a move reminiscent of occupy wall street, a group is threatening to target washington, d.c. with the quote largest civil disobedience actions in a generation. the group declared, quote, we will demand that congress listen to the people and take immediate action to save our democracy. and we won't leave until they do. or until they send thousands of us to jail. well, could this mean we are in for a long hot, spring and summer filled with unrest like
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chicago last weekend? here with reaction, a.j. delgado, larry elder. good to see you both. a.j., we all saw what happened in chicago., bernie sanders supporters, all the left wing groups and legitimized being invited to the obama white house. i don't like the sounds of what they're predicting here. thoughts? >> right. it is donald trump who is somehow to blame for what they do. right? ironic part. what i find funny is we hear when they're legitimized, they are. they're referred to as protesters. protesters are people outside, with signs exercising their free speech. right? once they come inside the venue and look to silence those around them, it's against federal law. they're committing a federal crime. you cannot disrupt or protest inside a venue where the secret service is providing protection.
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they're committing a federal crime. this is a fact. yet, where do you hear this in the media? lionized, praised even as protester who is are nobly exercising the right. they're criminal thugs. >> larry, you know, you saw the video of a guy that jumps the barrier, you know, like we see right there on the screen. jumps the barrier and charged with a misdemeanor. you know? and he had put out a threat, sort of a threatening tweet he later erased and yet a misdemeanor? i couldn't imagine if somebody did this to hillary clinton or bernie sanders, do you think that's all they would be charged with? >> i don't know whether that would be all they would be charged with. i'll say this. we ought to be paying the people. they have no idea they're playing right into donald trump's hands. the idea that if donald trump has a different point of view on m inauguration, trade, all of a sudden, therefore, he should be threatened and disrupt the
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ability of people to come and hear him speak. this is the stuff donald trump is talking about. playing into the hands. didn't hurt donald trump on super tuesday 2 and probably benefited him. we have to pay the guys to be doing this. exposing them for the hypocrites they are. the disrupt earls they are and the criminals they are. he is playing into donald trump's hands. he's going to get -- >> if that happens, that only helps him in the end. i agree. assuming trump gets the nomination. >> absolutely. >> what do you make, a.j. -- >> he'll get the nomination. >> the establishment guys, they want it to get to the convention to disenfranchise the people that voted not the way they wanted. o.j.? >> yeah, well, look. the establishment is about all about cheap labor, cronyism, offshores and outsourcing the economy and donald trump not only doesn't stand for that, he's against it firmly. his nomination and it will come, you can bet on that, is the end of their gravy train and of course they're going to try to
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pull every trick in the book. i should warn them not to because the people are not going to stand for being disenfranchised that way. he will have the plurality of the support. trying to deny the nominee that has the plurality of those delegates, it's going to cause havoc. i don't think they want that. >> i think it's worse than havoc. they'll say to the people that voted, they'll all stay home an i'll stay home with them. larry? >> right. >> and, sean, i analyzed it a little bit different. i like ted cruz. virtually nothing he stands for. >> i like him, too. >> but the problem is the establishment doesn't understand this is not a center right country. that is center left country. and the ronald reagan people aren't there anymore. 35 years of indoctrination caused half the country to believe there's a free lunch and republicans are stopping them from eating it. donald trump is a populist where the american people are. ted cruz as much as we like him, as bright as he is could not be elected right now. donald trump can and beat hillary.
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>> they would be doing this to cruz, too. they're doing this to cruz. >> of course they would. >> john boehner calling cruz lucifer yesterday. i'm sick of all the people. they caused it and trying to undermine the voters. i think this is one of the funniest campaign ads i have ever seen. this is donald trump instagram ad. watch this. ♪ >> arf arf arf. arf arf arf. >> we don't need to be a punch line. you know, isn't that the type of thing that has drawn attention to the insurgency? a.j. delgado? >> yeah. look. he's one of us. he speaks like us. he says what we think. and he's just someone that you could see yourself having a beer with, the way he makes the jokes, that type of ad. we love he's breaking with the typical orthodoxy and why he's
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called the blue collar billionaire. i love that he put on an ad like this. >> larry, real quick, last word? >> i have a friend who cannot stand donald trump. a conservative republican. he said how does a billionaire become a hero of blue collar people, i said he'll stop the jobs being shipped away and do something about illegal immigration taking away the jobs. that's all. >> all right, guys. thank you. >> that's it. when we come back, president obama announced the supreme court nominee to replace justice scalia earlier today. scalia earlier today. two guests weigh in next. ♪ scalia earlier today. two guests weigh in next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ geico motorcycle,
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welcome back to "hannity." president obama announced the supreme court nominee. joining us from washington the latest, shannon brie. shannon? >> hi, sean. scholars say don't be fooled. the president knows what he is doing with the no, ma'am nation of judge merrick garland. >> there's no way this president would nominate someone to the supreme court who he wasn't confident of in joining the four very extremely liberal judges we have on the supreme court to make an unassailable five justice majority. for just a laundry list of
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items. >> critics argue that includes the s say garland's record on the issue puts him in stark contrast to justice antonin scalia's hearty defense of individual gun ownership. on the short list in 2010, "new york" magazine said, quote, his consensus building skills might make him the best progressive hope for staving off the court's progressive tilt. >> put aside the views or preferences and follow the law. not make it. >> senate republicans say it doesn't matter. that their objection to the nomination has nothing to do with the person but the process. here's senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. >> it is a president's constitutional right to nominate a supreme court justice and the senate's right to act as a check on a president and withhold its consent. >> mcconnell said he had a phone call with judge garland today
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and wished him well and no point in meeting. several other gop senators said they'll meet with garland if only to explain why they cannot support his nomination. sean? >> all right. shannon junior. what goes around, comes around. >> yes. >> mitch mcconnell citing the biden rule, and biden saying president bush should not name a nominee until after the november election is completed and if the president were to go ahead, a process already endowed, many of us should, all the senate consideration distrusted by the senate that they shouldn't go forward? >> the democrats would act the same because it's a political determination. listen, president obama wants everyone to believe somehow the senate has an absolute duty that once he makes a nomination, they must advise and consent under
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the united states constitution. they have the power to do so, but there is no mandate they do so. the president is saying i have a constitutional duty to nominate. you have a constitutional duty to advise and consent. no. no. no. under the constitution, the senate and house have the right to make their own rules. and if they decide not to take up the nomination, and advise and consent president obama, then, the nomination go nose where. >> and joe biden went on, its my view he goes the way of past presidents in an election year, makes an election year nomination, he said the senate judiciary committee should consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination. and this is a politically
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charged time in america. and serious appointment to make, put it aside until political issues are decided, and a new president is chosen. and what senate mcconnell said was whoever wins, says republican or democrat, whoever the new president is. what the president is doing is skillful and politically manipulative. he's saying it's the political version of "let's make a deal". >> and maybe he is, maybe he isn't. >> and a good moderate here, just turning it down but why would he appoint a moderate, so do you want the cash? or the curtain? you don't know what is behind the curtain. >> we have insight into garland being a left wing jurist. it would overturn the heller
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decision, second amendment is in trouble. and this is a tipping point for the court. >> it is. >> the question is, has obama talked today, i'm thinking wait a minute. isn't the guy that said justice roberts is qualified for the position? and went against them? wasn't he one of the few senators to filibuster a choice in the case of justice alito? >> nothing makes sense. this is about politics and trying to put a wedge issue on the republicans. trying to embarrass them. they're raising money and doing everything to embarrass republicans and republicans, if they hold the line, they might get brownie points considering they have disappointed their base. >> if they discuss the constitution, and what the powers are, under the constitution, then, they're on steady, strong ground.
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>> on political grounds, all they need to do is cite obama and joe biden and there is your precedent. >> you put it together. wonderful. >> thank you. thank you. >> i can confer on you the degree. >> let's not go that far. >> all right. >> thank you. >> coming up, we need your help. a very important question of the day, straight ahead. when heartburn hits fight back fast tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue and neutralizes stomach acid at the source tum, tum, tum, tum smoothies! only from tums
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scheming to make that happen. just go to and let us know what you think. that is all the time we have left this evening. thanks for joining us. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. tonight, "on the record," is the establishment trying to knock out donald trump? right now three republican candidates left standing but is there a path to victory for number two or three? you will hear from laura ingraham allen west and former governor rick scott. right now, here is the frontrunner. >> we don't win anymore. as the a country at this we don't win anymore. countries are leaving our country to get their money. >> i'm disgustedvñ with it and i'm tired of seeing it, and there is no reason for it. it's just gross incompetence at the highest level. we have to bring our party together. we have to bring it together. we are going to start winning again. this country is going to start winning again. >> we are going to have such great deals. we are going to do so