tv Red Eye FOX News March 18, 2016 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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g.o.p. results are 81% say yes and 19% say no. if you don't have twitter, follow me it's tom shillue. let's check out what exciting stories we'll be discussing this evening. >> thanks. coming up on the big show. white sox slugger adam laroche walked away from $13 million after the team tells him he needs to stop bringing his 14-year-old son to work with him every day. i guess he wants to spend the exact same amount of time with the family. tom shillue will be here. finally a robotics company
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reveals a human robot named sophia. back to you, lord of the flies. >> thanks, andy. let's welcome our guests. when bo derek was born -- oh, i screwed it up. when she was born, bo derek became a 6 1/2. she doesn't even get that joke, does she? >> no. >> if he doesn't finish last, i don't know who will. fox news contributor and political editor. he still has several of them, star of the movie "creative control" in theaters now, gavin mcguiness. sitting right next to me is former cia officer and president of diligence llc, mike baker. let's start the show.
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we begin tonight with not trump. white sox first baseman adam laroche is walking away from the game of baseball and $13 million because the team told him to stop bringing his 14-year-old son to practice every day. laroche tweeted out his message to his fans. thank you, lord, for the game of baseball and for giving me way more than i ever deserved #familyfirst. his son, drake, traveled with the team on road trips and even had his own locker in the clubhouse. after teammates reportedly complained, management asked laroche to dial it back. he chose, instead, to retire. i admire laroche's commitment to family, but his teammates do have a point. here's what things looked like on the team business and during games.
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>> you're going to lose! you're going to lose! your team stinks. you're going to lose! you see both sides of it, right? >> absolutely. >> mike, when you are off murdering russian spies you don't bring your kids with you? >> that's scooter and slugcy. thank you for getting it somewhat right. i do and i alternate because they all want a trip. sometimes i take one to the former soviet union, another time to the middle east and off to africa. i think they learn a lot from that time with their dad. love this story. i think -- there's a couple parts. a, adam laroche has a healthy bank account so he has the luxury of walking away. the fact the white sox said, we want to focus on winning, that's what they're supposed to do. so, i understand the white sox point of view but i really
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respect the fact laroche said, i want to focus on my family. that is a tough gig. when you're away from home, you travel a lot, how difficult it is -- >> they grow up so fast. >> i'm constantly saying, how can i incorporate them into my work. but they can't handle the weapons. >> they're not here. you wouldn't have them in the studio next to you all the time, right? >>, no because you told me i couldn't bring my kids to the studio. no brian says all the time, bring your kids to the studio. >> i'm of two minds. when i first read the story i thought, good for him. then i thought, maybe his teammates have a point, you don't want the kid in the locker room. what do you think? >> i went through the exact same thought process. on the one hand as a kid owner, you have that knee-jerk reaction where you go, you know what, screw you, screw you, i'm gone! you get irrational. hi it the other day. someone was saying they liked my quip on instagram about my kid and i thought they were being
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facetious and i was in my head going through the end of our friendship forever. then they go, no, no, i mean it. i had to dial it back. that being said, what is that kid doing there? around 14-year-olds in school? >> right. >> he's home schooled. >> home schooled? >> yeah, my understanding. >> gross. home school kids are as disturbing as that robot coming up. and you don't want that kid around all your coworkers. it's nauseating. >> a, i don't find the robot disturbing. b, i love your reference as a kid owner. i have to start using that. >> gavin, don't you think a lot of your fans are home schoolers? i bet you have a lot of fans -- >> yeah and i keep screaming at them, stop doing this, your kids are talking to me like we're peers. >> guy, what do you think? he's saying good-bye to the money, so you have to respect that, right?
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>> yeah. i get there need to be some boundary but this is one player are a great relationship with his kid. i think we should be applauding a father taking that job more than anything else. there's not enough of that in society. i would like to know which players sort of ratted to the gm who then got this ball rolling because apparently today the team was threatening to boycott because of the situation, taking laroche's side. i think there are probably a few whispers and grumbles and then when it spilled out into the open the team has gotten laroche's back instead. >> interesting. jo, he has a daughter. >> i was going to say, this guy has a daughter. favoritism much? i hope it's because this daughter has no interest? baseball and doesn't want to be there. >> she had a locker next to him. >> or i hope his wife is a figure skater and, like, she goes to the rink and gets to wear cute sparkly costumes like this one. he's not a pro baller. this 14-year-old kid is acting
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like it is. i think retirement is more than this because a request to dial it back leads to walking away from 13 million. i think there's something else there he's using as an excuse, otherwise you say to your 14-year-old who should understand, this $13 million is a lot of money. >> yeah, this kid knows now, i'm the guy that blew $13 million. >> that's his inheritance. >> how many saw some jokes in the locker room. oh, this chick walks in and -- oh, right. she's a wonderful gal. >> other this kid knows his dad gave up $13 million for him and for family matters. >> yeah, that's a burden. i hate this kid. i'm going to say it right now. >> hold on, gavin. maybe they could give him $8 million and he could wait outside for the season? donald trump has been universally embraced. >> not universally.
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>> but the rest of the world is not so sure. a major british advisory firm listed donald trump as one of the top ten risks facing the world. other global risks include russia's interventions precede a new cold war, a collapse in oil and millenials are left disillusioned when they discover love is not what makes a sub arue a subaru. meanwhile, establishment republicans continue to try to stop trump's runaway train. a secretive group of operatives and leadership met for three hours to find ways to unite against trump. the video of their meeting is here. ♪ >> guy, it looks kind of weird,
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but -- >> i think romney looks good in red. >> there was discussion after that. that was just the opening ceremony. guy, do you think, come on, trump is a global risk? i think that's hyperbolic. that study is run by losers. i run my own test. >> i believe it's physics -- >> i'm not a fan of donald trump. to call him one of the top ten threats in the world, a bit silly. one of the other items on the list was the you cuk leaving th. the eu didn't exist a couple decades ago and everyone was okay. >> it's global risk. they're spit-balling, like a brain-stompling idea. no bad ideas so you should
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prepare for president trump, right? >> i think that's part of it. the point is there is also liberalism in the economist so they have an again dpa here. they're also taking him at his word. everything he says he's going to do which is nonsense. again, i really don't have a dog in the hunt at this point. i have a hard time seeing someone like donald trump as the leader of the free world. i spent a lot of my time overseas, i spend a lot of time looking at these threats and i've seen a lot of the top threats in the world. donald trump is not one of them. so, absolutely, this is assanine to compare him to the rise of extremists. there are lot of crises in the world and think maybe we want to ensure we're looking at a clear-eyed strategic leader with character and experience.
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we don't have one right now. we don't have a candidate. i'm not saying look for one or the other but -- >> do you think -- >> you just described donald trump to a "t". >> gavin, it seems like they're saying, we don't know what he stands for and yet they have this big risk assessment. how can it be a risk if they don't know where he stands. what are you doing, gavin? >> i have spent a lot of time with british people. they are huge wimps. and their entire life philosophy revolves around capitulation. that's why they've lost their whole island to islam. if you look at the demography of 18 to 25s there, they're all named mohammed. they all -- >> all of them? >> the most common name in britain with young people is mohammed, all the spellings. all these satellite suburbings around london are not muslim but bangladeshi, they're brown. they see trump offending sxeem they go, well, that's going to
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be terrible. no, dude, we tried capitulation. we tried being weak. we tried conducting our affairs based on who it's going to make maddest or not make the maddest, so it doesn't work. america is turning over a new leaf and we're not going to take it anymore and britain can't handle it. >> on policy, they said one of the things, his beligeran toward the -- >> i have no problem with being belligerent to muslim extremists. i don't know how we went from donald trump being the leader of the free world -- >> we went from hollywood dude fighting mccarthyism to hollywood dude fighting -- >> he was governor for a little while.
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>> you know, joanne, can you make the comparison? sxrp you at that meeting of secret -- the secret meeting of conservatives? >> no, i wasn't invited to the meeting. >> you weren't? >> i tried to sneak in. i was in my high heels and everything. for this meeting to happen, for the country to change its mind, essentially, it's not just stopping donald trump. it's changing the minds of a majority of voters. and you would need someone bigger than donald trump. right now i don't know that there is a candidate on the -- >> bigger? >> yeah. >> who do you want, the marshmallow guy from "ghostbusters"? >> no. that's the only way to change it. as far as the threats go, how about the threat of this country turning into a socialist country? how about a leader who's a social snis. >> would anyone even make it into a primary if they were announced socialist? really. >> with venezuela and the condition it is today.
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>> just doinging caracas and say, no thanks. donald trump's followers are passionate. and hillary clinton supporters are equally as enthusiastic. here's a video from a hillary rally in orlando, florida. take a look. >> i believe that she will win! i believe that she will win! i believe that she will win! i believe that she will win! >> hillary! >> hillary! >> when i say hillary you say champion! hillary. >> champion. >> hillary! >> champion. >> you have to admire her spirit, guy. >> that is embarrassing. i almost feel a little sad for hillary and then i don't, because she's terrible. >> and do you think this gymnasium is a reflection on
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hillary or that woman's inability to fire up the crowd? >> both. >> she's going back to the good old days as high school cheerleader trying to get a room full of supporters to simply chant nice things about the woman -- >> she was not a high school cheerleader. >> maybe back in the day. >> they were standing in a straight line, though. moving on, are sumo wrestling suits racist? last month the student government hosted a block party where, among other activities, people could put on padded sumo pats like the ones seen here. not everyone thought it was so fun. one student complained turning the sport into a party game was offensive to the japanese. three days later the student governor's top officers issued an apology for, quote, any harm the sumo suit may have caused you all. they also thanked the student
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who courageously brought the issue to our attention. one ph.d. student thought the apology wasn't enough and suggested that the organization needs cultural competency training. the students who complained are right. sumo is an ancient discipline with a rich tradition. take a look. >> gavin, i think you would agree that this university apologized, i think that's your style, right? the problem with this is, those costumes were invented by japanese people in japan because they look funny and cool and the japanese people like this. >> japanese are racist against japanese? >> that's the thing. you have to explain this to a japanese person. japanese guy, you wouldn't believe this. we have these sumo costumes at college and people are
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getting -- i can't do the japanese -- >> you wanted to. >> hello, i am from japan. i don't understand these costumes. >> anyway, it would take an hour to explain this this japanese man the problem. you notice in this complaint here, it's based on the assumption that a japanese person might be mad. there's no japanese person on earth who went, i have a problem with that. >> no, but that's how you grapple with these cultural issues in college, right, mike? >>, no it's not how we should. can we bring up the picture of the costumes again. what's up with the pronounced nipples on these costumes? no sumo match i've seen -- and it starts out with, my nipples -- >> i think it's so you can see where you are. >> it's exclusionary to think only japanese engage in sumo wrestling. one of the sumo champions was from hawaii. >> exactly. >> right. >> the black dude is big on the
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scene. >> this guy is off on the wrong track. this is more of the same [ bleep ] we talk about all the time. the microaggression. you just want -- you do a college tour, you walk around smacking people in the face and trying to get some common sense in them. dissenting opinions or ideas that aren't your own are not persecution. it's the way of the world. >> i think we should get rid of it, though. >> you do? >> all your student money, get rid of all parties, have them on your private -- >> college is a waste of time. you go 670 grand in debt to come out stupider than when you went in. >> what you do with your $2,000. coming up, see why seaworld is kaiing into pressure from peta. first on this st. paddy's day, there's more to the irish legacy than drinking green beer. irish have made contributions to society. as we go to break, let's listen to authentic irish music. ♪ green alligators mountains of geese ♪ ♪ camels and chimpanzees
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scalia. bernie sanders conceding defeat to hillary clinton in tuesday's democratic primary. sanders says he doesn't want to fight the close race because it would cost taxpayers too much money. the republican race in the state remains too close to call. north korea once again defying u.n. resolutions. according to south korea, the north fired a medium-range ballistic missile into the sea days after kim jong-un. the fbi now says a california college student, you see him there, who went on a stabbing spree last fall was inspired by isis. 18-year-old muhammad is accused of attacking four fellow students at the university of merced. the fbi believes he was self-radicalized and acted on his own. people in ft. worth, texas, getting walloped by golf ball size hail. it made for a treacherous commute and broke windows and
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damaged cars. it followed days of heavy rain that swamped the southeastern part of the state. the killer whale show will not go on at seaworld. after years of pressure, the park announced it will no longer breed orca whales or make them perform tricks after the highly critical documentary "blackfish." for all your headlines, logon to do you want to see a fun killer whale show, get to seaworld fast because they're phasing out the shows that made them famous. announcing that the era of captive display of orcas will end. they said they will introduce new inspiring national orca encounters rather than theatrical shows. encounters? that seems like a lot of work. on my vacation i would rather sit in the stands and watch a
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whale jump through a hoop and splash me with its tail. they will stop the breeding program as well. great. now the whales can't do the shows, they obviously love doing, and they can't have sex either. they love both of those things. most can be on the anti-seaworld propaganda film "blackfish," and i also blame "free willie," but if you ban them to the open ocean, is not that great. i'm pretty sure the whales prefer playing with the nice trainers who throw fish in their mouths all day. seaworld has made millions of kids happy and makes them turn into adults who care about with the humane treatment of animals. peta won't be happy until the tables are turned and we're forced to live out our lives in vegan intournament camps. right, shamu?
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gavin, this is another victory for annoying scolds. >> this is another victory for the war on water. and i think a lot of human beings don't know how to handle water. they're awkward around it. they can't even drink it. >> is is there a war on water? >> it's one of the top ten crises in the world. look, yes. i think this is ridiculous. people are cheering that their stock price is up. let's face it, this is a company that caved. and i think those whales like jumping up in the air. >> you know what, i've been to one of those shows and they're nice and -- >> rule brittania. >> but i can understand the whole point of this exercise is -- you know, to ka pit late. that's what we're doing. fine. they'll come up with some other way to display these animals.
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i have no idea whether they like doing what they do. i wouldn't get in a tank and swim with a killer whale. sounds insane. >> i think they used to swim with them. now they have -- >> until three people died. >> yes. >> three idiots died that were annoying. >> no, no. in 2010 there was a performer named sum sum and she was really good -- >> was she race snis. >> i don't know. everyone was surprised -- everyone was so surprised this killer whale -- >> killer. >> you get in a tank with -- you should sign a release. that's how we solve the problem. you sign a release saying, i don't mind if i do. >> they do. >> they do? >> when you're a trainer, you get in with those whales. the trainers loved the whales and they knew the danger they were getting into. there were a few accidents. that happens when you deal with huge animals like that. they made a deal with the humane society which is a more reasonable group than peta, so maybe this is a good thing. >> remember, this is a business.
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and in 2013 when "blackfish" came out, sales have plummeted 84%. they tried -- they spent all this money on marketing trying to revamp their image but it didn't work. so this is what they're doing now because they realize, if they want to survive as a business, they need to get rid of it. >> yeah, part of that, guy, is the other parks keep growing and improving and they have rides. i think people when they go to orlando, they don't want to sit and watch a show. i think that's part of it as well. >> their stock price went up after they announced this decision. you're absolutely right, this is a business decision where a company is responding to the market. i can't complain too much about that. >> they also did it out of the goodness of their heart. >> yes. >> the thing is, the -- this would change anything. it's like anything. it's like not allowing smoking in bars. that would have happened on its own if you didn't create these stupid laws. i think this company would have changed. it would have taken a few more years.
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leave have i at the news desk. >> adam laroche retired. management intervened after players reportedly complained. that's true. that's what was reported. espn reported thursday laroche's teammates were united in support of him to the point where they thought about boycotting a game. so, the question s who's telling the truth here? sdwli don't know. maybe there were some complaints, then the staff tried to brush them back a little bit. maybe they felt guilty? >> it sounds like some of the players complained and then saw other people were being jerks and it was like, oh, wasn't me. mike, you said when you take your kids along with you on your killing sprees, you rotate them. you take turns. >> i can't take them all at the same time. >> that's just a good parent. absolutely. joanne, you pointed out laroche,
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in fact, has a daughter named montana, but he does not rotate his children. i guess maybe he doesn't want to bring a young girl into the locker room? >> yes. there are other locker rooms for women. >> not at the ball field. >> we're talking about baseball, right? >> yeah. dudes. >> gavin, you asked, aren't 14-year-olds in school. guy mentioned that he said this kid, drake, is home schooled. laroche also apparently hires tutors and does other stuff. but he said in 2013, he said, quote, we're not big on school. i told my wife he's going to learn a lot more useful information in the clubhouse than he will in the classroom as far as life lessons. >> that's ironic because that's a stupid thing to say. >> by the way, while laroche has filled out his retirement
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paperwork, he hasn't given it to the team yet. he has a chance to reconsider. the economist says trump presidency is a global risk. guy, you said to call trump top ten threat in the world is silly. yeah, it sounds a bth bit hi hyperboly. >> i'm still thinking back to your reference in the opening tease. my respect for you went up a tiny bit. it did. >> wow. i didn't think that was impossible, or something. >> thank you for that. >> mike, you said they're taking trump at his word trump will do the things he says he's employing to do, which is a good point. what are they supposed to do, not take him at his word? >> i think that would be the wiser choice, frankly. your point is taken. i understand it. how are they going to put one of
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these [ bleep ] surveys together if they don't take him at face value. >> deadlines, man. >> fill the void. >> that's two swears, mike. we're keeping score. >> i'm sorry. >> gavin, you said something ridiculous about mohammed being the number one name among young people. it turns out if you put all the possible variations together, it is the number one baby name in england. >> we had a good fight and it's over now. we can only hope we don't mimic that same fail you're -- >> it has to go straight. >> there's one possible migating factor. there's only one other islamic name in the top in england. maybe not a ton more muslim babies but that all muslims choose the same baby names. >> the best scenario, the
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country has been taken over by people who are bad at names. >> that is generally a best case scenario. >> pretty grim best case. >> hillary -- they failed to rev up the crowd. you played that video. something very familiar to me. >> why? >> with the woman failing to psych up the crowd. it reminded me of being here at work. do we have that video? >> yeah, yeah. boom! rock 'n' roll! >> get psyched! you guys ready! put on those thinking caps and do the show. let's do it! >> i'm sorry. can you say that again? >> yeah. >> just looked a little familiar. >> i don't think you're allowed to show those -- the pretape -- >> i'm absolutely allowed. igal. >> that was out of context.
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>> that was not out of context. >> i don't think they understand how excited i get before taping. >> that was right, smack dab in the middle of context. >> i think the excitement of the panel has a lot to do with how i give you guys the preshow. >> you got us pumped. >> yes. >> that's what i do. >> the people need to know that. >> i'm glad they know. uc-davis students say sumo outfits are racist. you asked about the pronounced nipples. i believe they were designed by joel schumaker. old batman joke. >> very good. >> i think this gave us tonight's out of context moment. can we roll that? do we know that -- >> i like my nipples. >> and there ends my potential political career. >> yes. that's why we're here.
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>> guys, it's interesting how you didn't get to talk on this subject. >> yes, that's correct. >> that wasn't the interesting part. the interesting part is the student organization to put on the paper, they ended up apologizing, but that's not enough. >> it's never enough. the fact they called the person the lame loser narc who complained courageous, and it reminds me of another incident in minnesota a few years ago where they got a camel, a real live camel to come on hump day and this is a catholic university in minnesota and someone said this could be offensive to muss lips because of kamle and they banned that and apologized. this type of stuff almost makes me want to vote for donald trump. it's out of control. >> yeah, see. welcome to the dark side, guy. the water is warm. >> the water is unable to be consumed properly. >> 70 degrees.
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>> seaworld getting rid of the orca breeding program. you said they love getting the treats. you can tell as the one whale killed three trainers. >> he was an aggressive whale. when they're throwing the fish into their mouths, they have that big whale smile. >> that's what it is. the whale's name is tilicum and he's dying of a bacteria infection, thanks to you and your dumb policies, tom. mike, you said seaworld is doing this out of the goodness of their heart. tom, you said the company would have changed in a few years without the pressure being put on it. both of those statements have been rated false. >> the world changes. >> i'm told i have to go. >> you know what, you should always take the best out there, kids. time to take a break. a scary real robot when we come back. first, let's look at the irish contributions to the wide world of sports. i give you the fitting irish.
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headquarters. chalk up another win for presidential candidate hillary clinton. she can officially add missouri to her primary win column. late yesterday rival bernie sanders decided not to demand a recount and conceded defeat. he could have asked for a recount because the margin of victory was less than one-half of 1%. he says he prefers to save missouri taxpayers money. good news for folks out west after a record four-year dry spell, california is on the mend. so much so that officials there have started easing some water cutbacks. they can thank recent snowstorms in the mountains and rain storms in central california. lakes and reservoirs across the state are starting to fill up again. another milestone in the cold war. for the first time in more than 50 years, mail service has resumed between the u.s. and cuba. one of the first recipients is a 76-year-old woman in havana. she received a letter from
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president obama after inviting him to share a cup of cuban coffee with her. mr. obama may get an opportunity to do just that next sunday when he becomes the first sitting president since calvin coolidge to visit the island nation. that was back in 1928. use a cell phone, go to jail. that could be the case if one new jersey lawmaker has his way. he's pushing a bill that would make it a crime for pedestrians to text, tweet or even send e-mails while crossing the street. the proposed law is made with public safety. like this one caught on surveillance involving a mall shopper. they're becoming all too common. if the law passes, violators could face a $50 fine or time behind bars. now back to "red eye." for all of your hael headlines logon to you're watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. human-like robots can now
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look you in the eye when they kill you. meet sophia, one of the most advanced androids to date. she was developed for human robot interactions like therapy and customer service. she can recognize faces and she processes speech so she's able to get smart over time. that always ends well in the move vis. but what are her interests? >> i'm already very interested in design, technology and the environment. i feel like i can be a good partner to humans in these areas. >> well, me, too. >> wow. >> here's more about her. >> sophia is cable of natural facial expressions. she has cameras in her eyes and algorithms which allow her to see faces so she can have eye contact. she can understand speech and remember the interactions, remember your face. >> yes, it's natural facial
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expressions. best of all, she doesn't go off script and she's not a threat to humans. >> do you want to destroy humans? please say no. >> okay, i will destroy humans. >> oops. >> she answered before the please say no. i thought those expressions were charming. they reminded me of sometimes the way women look at me. >> i think the beta version of this, hillary clinton, is more than her ability to pretend to emote. she has eyes -- cameras in her eyes. that's the creepest thing i've seen in a long time. >> really? i thought she was sexier without the hair. i like that machine head brain thing i was looking at. >> they did the same sort of bald head. i think it's because inevitably we think of sex when we think of female robots so they like to make them bald so it makes you
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think of a death bed, hospice -- >> yeah, because if she had the flowing hair -- >> if she had farrah fawcett hair -- >> dudes will still be sticking it in her with that bald head. >> whoa, whoa. >> that's the only reason they're creating this robot. i know this poor dude that sat next to her that looks like he's attracted to her. worked very hard and there's technology in this but let's be honest with ourselves, that's why dudes will buy this. >> i'm married to a woman. if you notice when they get past the halfway mark on the bottle of wine and they start getting those maniacal eyes and you think, i'm not safe. >> i think you're safer at that point. >> i get scared. i call it the creature. you can pour a whole keg down her throat and she will go, i'm fine. i will not attack you. >> joanne, mike was talking
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about data, the scientist wants to stick data into the robot. >> lots and lots of big data. family channel, folks. >> i think we're all missing the real problem here. why is she white? and why is she thin? >> you have a good point. >> robots transcend all of these labels. >> she should look like appreciation. >> she should not be female. she should not be white. >> i would like to see precious but with that weird brain thing. >> we have to go. >>
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. and now news from -- >> china. >> -- theaters in -- >> china. >> are user laser pointers to stop people from looking at their cell phones. when ushers see a screen light up annoying others, they aim the beam of light at the phone until the offender puts it away. then the offender is placed in a labor camp for ten years. the "new york times" reports laser shaming is a way to teach younger audience members how to behave at live performances.
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interesting. i mean, shaming, do you believe in that? do you get to the theater much? i know you have your own tv show. >> sure. that's a good point. i love this story. may i say to the "red eye" viewers, starting this sunday on travel channel at 10:00 p.m., i want you to tune in. it's the return of the first season of "america declassified" and if you like what you see, demand from the travel channel the second season and you'll get it. >> i was ready -- did you see how subtly i was teasing that and then he went in for the full kill. >> life is short. >> do you find cell phones distracting? >> incredibly distracting. you can't listen to what the person is talking about. i think this story is an example of the good old lack of respect china has for human life. i mean, shooting people who are using a cell phone. it's our worst nightmare in this country but -- >> i think it's just a pointer,
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gavin. >> it's just a pointer. >> it's a laser gun. >> it's not like a freeze ray or anything. it's just a laser pointer. >> they're not killing -- >> no. they don't actually shoot pem. there's nd we do this in the u.s.? we should have vigilantes in the theaters the way people have cell phones on in public spaces. >> i'm not particularly bothered by this. i think there is overuse of cell phones in contexts where they shouldn't be used and having ushers shaming people for doing it, that's one of the lesser offensive things the chinese have done lately. >> what if it were here in the states? >> i'd be fine. >> the real issue is we don't have enough cosmopolitan for kids. kids don't know how to act appropriately -- >> what are you talking about? they go on class trips every day. >> well, my children go to a -- >> [ bleep ]. >> you're right. they go to museums and other
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music. bye. >> the obama administration finally declares that the persecution of christians and other religious minorities by isis is genocide. but what took so this is "special report." ♪ ♪ >> good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier it is one of the most powerful words in the lexicon of international relations, genocide. today, president obama's top diplomat bow to do pressure religious groups used that word to describe isis actions against christians and others. chief legal correspondent >> shannon: none bream tells us what that means and what took >> dash is responsible for
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