tv Happening Now FOX News March 18, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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martha: thank you, leland. leland: great being here. martha: we will see you back here on monday. actually, i'll see you this afternoon on the real story. see you then, everybody. leland: "happening now" starts right now. martha: it sure does. ♪ ♪ jon: the gop front-runner, donald trump, is counting on momentum, trump hopes to win enough delegates to secure the nomination while other republicans work hard to keep that from happening. hello and happy friday to you, i'm jon scott. heather: and i'm heather childers in for jenna lee, so nice to be here. thank goodness it's friday. jon: you've had a long week. heather: we all have. along with the candidates, and for them it is all about the numbers. trump needs 57% of the remaining delegates to get to the 1237 needed to clip. the -- clinch the nomination.
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cruz is at 413 while kasich stands at 143. and joining us now from washington is peter barnes from the fox business network. hi, peter. >> reporter: well, hey, heather. according to "the wall street journal," from here -- as you mentioned -- trump needs to win 57% of the remaining thousand or so delegates in 22 states to get to the magic number for the nomination. ted cruz needs to win 83%, a high bar, and even if he won all the remaining thousand delegates, john kasich could not hit that magic number according to the journal. now, a group of conservative leaders met in washington yesterday to discuss a stop trump strategy. they feel trump is not a true conservative, and his nomination could hurt the conservative cause. separately, according to the washington times, top republicans are battling over the rules for the party's national convention with some favoring changes to make the nomination process more
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transparent which could help trump and others fighting to keep the rules the same which could hurt him. >> there is an all-out effort to stop donald trump from the established power brokers. the question we have to ask is why. and the answer is, is that the failed political class is trying to hold onto power. >> reporter: now, miller says the trump campaign plan is to power through the remaining primaries and win enough additional delegates to head to cleveland this july with at least the necessary 1237. the scramble to block trump is leading to some unexpected alliances. south carolina senator lindsey graham, a former candidate who previously had endorsed jeb bush after graham dropped out, is the latest surprise. he announced thursday he is now backing ted cruz. heather? heather: which might be exactly why people question politics. all right. thank you so much for joining us. senator marco rubio putting
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speculation to rest, saying he is not running for re-election in the senate. he also says that he will not be running for florida governor and ruled out being a vice presidential candidate. those announcements come just days after he suspended his presidential campaign. jon: overseas now to north korea. the communist nation test firing two ballistic missiles into the sea. the move coming just a day after president obama imposed new sanctions against north korea. greg talcott is keeping an eye on that live from london. greg? >> reporter: hey, jon, yeah. more muscle flexing from the rogue nation, north korea. this follows short-range missile launches and other provocative actions by north korea. fox news can confirm mid-range missile launches, two of them. the rockets traveling some 500 miles. that makes them capable of hitting u.s. bases in that region. now, experts say pyongyang might
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have been testing a nose cone for a nuclear warhead like the one purportedly shown in this picture this week with north korean leader or kim jong un. that would be necessary to operate if north korea would have and boast of a long-range nuclear ballistic missile. remember that kim also has been threatening to hit the mainland of the united states with a nuclear weapon. here is what state department spokesman john kirby had to tell martha maccallum on "america's newsroom" just a short while ago. >> just another indication the regime is willing to continue to take actions which destabilize the peninsula, and once again we call on them to stop these provocative acts. >> reporter: meanwhile, we are getting more indications of why north korea acted so strongly in their actions concerning uva student otto warmbeer. he was sentenced, as you remember, to 15 years of hard labor for committing what north
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korea says was a crime against the state, actually took down a poster in a hotel he was staying at. pyongyang has now released video e claiming to show him in the act, but probably most importantly, they've also said what that poster said. and it said, i quote -- according to pyongyang -- let us arm ourselves with kim jung-il patriotism. that refers to the former leader of north korea and the father of current leader kim jong un. i can tell you, jon, from spending time in north korea, there are some topics you don't mess around with, and that is one of them. let's hope this young man gets released. back to you. jon: greg talcott from london, thank you. heather: back home the water crisis in flint, michigan, new raising concerns about lead-contaminated water pipes in other parts of the country. in chicago there are charges that ongoing construction and repair of water mains there is causing alarming levels of lead to flow out of household pipes.
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matt finn is live for us live in chicago with more on that story. hi, matt. >> reporter: good morning, heather. a leading lead contamination expert who has become a key player in the flint crisis says people here in chicago who choose to use tap water are essentially drinking out of a lead straw. the concern here in chicago is so high because the city's infrastructure is made up of 80% lead pipe. now, the city of chicago insists its water is fine, that there's a protective coating on the pipes and that its tests are above epa standards. however, recent epa studies here show lead does end up in the water. a leading expert warns cities might not be totally forthright about the danger of lead in water. >> they really are in the business of selling fear about lead paint and dust x that's justified. but how you can downplay another serious lead source, especially this is a product intended for human consumption.
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we are actively encouraged people to -- encouraging people to drink this water. and so i just, i've never understood that. >> reporter: what's interesting is that the city of chicago and the epa encourages people to run their water at least four minutes before using it, especially for cooking. it's a message that seemingly has been lost. if you are at home and you are concerned, the epa says most water agencies will test your water, and there are filters you can buy that must say it removes total lead. chicago is not alone. the epa says cities like washington, d.c. might also see considerable lead contamination. heather or, back to you. heather: matt flynn live for us, thank you. jon: well, as you know, donald trump hopes to secure the republican nomination to be the u.s. president. but his detractors warn a trump victory could mean the end of the republican party as we know it. is that true? we'll talk with former speaker of the house newt gingrich next. and emotional testimony in
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the be murder trial of a former corrections officer. witnesses point to his anger as evidence that he killed his wife. and we want to hear from you. do you think the mainstream media are giving enough coverage to ted cruz? our live chat up and running now. go to to join the conversation. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything.
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the craftsmen of commerce. these are the hands, the hands that drive commerce, that build business across borders. these are the hands of pitney bowes, the craftsmen of commerce. heather: right now some crime stories that we are following for you. a new hampshire judge hearing arguments to revoke bail for a prep school graduate convicted of sexually assaulting a teen. prosecutors say owen labrie violated his curfew. he is appealing a one-year jail sentence. the former mother-in-law of tom fowler speaking out during his murder trial. she says her daughter, ashley, told her in august of 2011 that she was thinking about getting a divorce. four months later she was dead.
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the prosecution claims that he shot and killed his wife, but the defense says she committed suicide. and the defense attorney in l.a.'s grim sleeper trial planning to bring in dna as evidence. lonnie franklin jr. pleased guilty to not murdering nine women. franklin's attorney says he will be focusing on dna found on the bodies that was not connected to franklin. jon: well, tuesday's primaries solidified donald trump as the front-runner for the republican nomination for president. many republicans still say they want nothing to do with the billionaire businessman. they say he's bad for the party. but is this the start of an inevitable change among republicans? peggy noonan writes in the "wall street journal" today: a side story that may be the central one, it is possible there is some big, unforetold evolution going on within the republican party and more suddenly than anyone would have expected.
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mr. trump is bringing democrats in. for more on this, let's ask newt gingrich, former speaker of the house, presidential candidate in 2012, also a fox news contributor. peggy noonan went on to write that the republicans are either going to have to evolve, or the party is going to break down. how do you see it, newt? >> well, i think peggy has a real point there. it's clear that barack obama has driven an amazing number of people away from the democratic party.e state of west virginia which was historically very democrat, now for the first time i think in 90 years has a republican state legislature. all sorts of things are happening across the country. there are more republican state legislators today than anytime in the history of the republican party going back to its founding in 1854. so things are happening that are far beyond donald trump. in addition you have in trump somebody who is bringing in independents and democrats.
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and i find it ironic that people who don't want trump say, luckily, a number of the upcoming primaries are closed. think about this. they're basically saying we don't want to let democrats and independents into our party. now, how do you grow a majority party if you say to the democrats and independents, we don't want you? trump is doing more than anyone since ronald reagan to bring in a new generation of voters who are saying, you know, i like what he's saying about american nationalism, i like what he's saying about controlling the border, i like what he's saying about taking on washington. i think, of course, if you're a washington establishment type, all that stuff scares you to death, and that's why you see these constant ripples as they try to find change. but look what the alternative is, it's ted cruz. cruz would have been normally the most anti-establishment candidate in the race. so the only two people left are both anti-establishment, and that ought to say to the establishment crowd in washington that they've been
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doing something fundamentally wrong with. jon: when a guy like lindsey graham turns around and endorses ted cruz, a guy who he basically said he couldn't stand, what does that say? >> well, i think the senate republicans have been wavering between disliking cruz and fearing trump. and you've got a lot of folks out there who just wish it would all go away. but in the end, we're going to have a nominee. we'll learn a little bit more about that in arizona and utah next week. and in the end, that nominee's going to be the only practical alternative to hillary clinton and a very, very left-wing supreme court and control by union bosses through the government unions that are supporting hillary. so i suspect almost all republicans will come back together no matter who we nominate when this is all over. jon: the famous, you know, national review issue with all of those pundits writing about the case against donald trump, they said he's not a conservative. does that matter to republicans? >> well, trump is not a
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traditional conservative. by the way, cruz is. cruz has every right to defend having grown up studying conservativism, understanding text by it by people like hayek and friedman. so cruz is an authentic conservative. trump is an anti-establishment businessman who has concluded that the welfare state doesn't work, that bureaucracy doesn't work, that political correctness is stupid and that american interests as a nation deserve to be protected. now, that makes him, i think, the natural ally of conservativism, but he's not a traditional, automatic conservative, and nobody ought to try to explain him that way. he is a very anti-left, very anti-stupidity -- which means bureaucracy -- [laughter] and i think very much of an american nationalist. jon: i don't want to put words in your mouth, but that sounds like something very close to an endorsement. >> no. i think ted cruz and donald trump both are worthy of a lot of respect. cruz is a brilliant guy, has put
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together a tremendous campaign, and trump has done something nobody's ever done. he came out of nowhere politically. he had a lot of national name id because of "the apprentice" and books and other things, but he basically came out of nowhere politically on june 16th and has been the front-runner ever since. it's an amazing achievement. so i think we're actually lucky. we have two really smart people who are fighting it out to get to the convention. i think that's healthy for the republican party. jon: you were leading the republicans in the house when a democratic president sort of -- you two got together, reached across the aisle and balanced the budget, among other things. people say that our politics these days are so polarized that kind of thing is unthinkable. >> i don't think so. jon: can it happen again? >> no, i think if you look at paul ryan as speaker, he's already gotten several major bills through including a highway bill i think for the first time in five years. if you look at people like lamar alexander as chairman of the health, education, labor chief
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in the senate, he's worked on major education reform, got it through the house and senate, signed into law. probably the biggest conservative education bill in at least 20 years. so things can happen, things can work. i'm enyoungerred that -- encouraged that trump, for example, is talking both with mitch mcconnell and with paul ryan. i think that's a step towards collaboration next year. and i think, frankly, that you're going to see in the process over the next few months that reince priebus and the republican national committee hold things together, get us to a convention that really matters and have laid the base for a very successful campaign this fall. so i think things can come together. but the biggest difference between what i did with bill clinton and cooperating and what's happened recently is named barack obama. i don't think if i'd been speaker when he was president, we'd have gotten very much done. jon: former speaker of the house newt gingrich. good to have your expertise, thank you. heather: can i tell you something one of our followers actually tweeted in response to our question?
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this is vicki carr, and she answered his question. she said for "happening now" that donald trump is running for president as a republican established approximately 150 years before the conservative movement. jon: interesting. heather: so thanks for watching, vicki. think about ted cruz's coverage in the media. do you think senator cruz has a reason to complain when it come toss the amount of press coverage he gets relative to his performance in the primaries? our media panel is here to discuss that. plus, some very tense moments in the sky after a plane is struck by lightning. >> i've never had this kind of experience. >> pretty terrifying.
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jfk airport. what happened as the plane was circling new york city, according to passengers there was a moment of silence as shock spread across the cabin. >> i've never had this kind of experience. it's first time for me. >> this was a flash of light and a big explosion. the plane dipped about 100 feet, i don't know. it just felt like i was on a roller coaster. >> like out of nowhere -- >> never experienced this before. my last meal's going to be the bag of peanut ands the cup of water i got on the flight. it was pretty intense, but i'm glad we made it safe. heather: i've been on a plane hit by lightning. the 70-seat american airlines jet was enroute to laguardia. the faa is currently investigating. >> the network media that is trying to do everything they can to make him the nominee because they know he's the one candidate on the face of planet that hillary clinton can beat in the general election. jon: republican presidential
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candidate ted cruz there on the kelly files slamming the media for nonstop coverage of donald trump, charging there is a conspiracy to use trump to insure victory for hillary clinton in the general election. does cruz have a point, or is it just sour grapes over all of the free air time that trump manages to get? syndicated columnist, ellen rattner, bureau chief for talk media news, both are fox news contributors, and they comprise our media panel today. does cruz have a point? he does seem to get a lot less coverage than donald trump, ellen. >> well, he does get less coverage, that's true. however, the media's been extremely tough on donald trump, and i don't think that it's necessary when, for anybody. i think it's certain lu up for grabs, and i think ted cruz has also gotten his piece of not-so-great print, but so has hillary clinton. i think the media's being, actually, pretty fair. jon: you think the media's been
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tough on trump? >> i do, absolutely. jon: can you just give me a sample off the top of your head? >> i mean, they're talking about the fact that he won't release his tax records, i think they're talking about how he talks about minorities or the wall and immigrants. i think the media's actually been pretty tough on trump. jon: all right, cal, give us your take. does ted cruz have a point? >> he has a point up to a point. ellen 's right, the networks have been giving trump a lot of coverage. mostly this is because of ratings. he's like a train wreck. you're driving down the road, you slow down, you do the rubbernecker thing. he's exciting, he's new, he's different. newt gingrich said a moment ago in the interview you did with him, he's a different kind of conservative, not a traditional conservative. i'm not sure exactly what that means, but they've allowed him to get away with a lot of nonspecifics. look, the media have a history of this, jon. you may remember with john mccain running against barack obama the first time, new york
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times, other media outlets were all for him. a war hero, a responsible republican voice. and then when he gets the nomination, they trash him in favor of barack obama. so this is a game they play, and they're playing it with him. i think if trump gets the nomination, they're going to be all over him. jon: what about, cal, cruz's claim that the media essentially are choosing trump because they know that he's going to lose to hillary clinton? dissect that for us. >> i think they have a point there, and there are other issues as well. as i wrote among those 20-something writers for the national review cover story a couple of months ago, i don't believe he has the temperament to be president. there's a piece in "the washington post" today which says many, many foreign ambassadors are scandalized by the -- and very nervous and outraged and concerned that he could be the nominee and president of the united states. so i think, you know, there's a lot to be concerned about. he's very non-specific on a lot
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of things. he told one of his supporters told megyn kelly the other night on this network that his foreign policy adviser is senator jeff sessions of alabama, and the rest of his foreign policy information he gets from watching the chat shows on tv. i'm not sure that's a good way to approach foreign policy. jon: ellen, what about -- i mean, you know, you're at a party, a couple of people walk into the room, your eyes naturally gravitate to somebody. is donald trump just the most, i don't know, entertaining, most media-savvy, most, you know, attention-getting candidate in the race? >> i don't know that he's the most media-savvy. he certainly is, as dr. cal -- i call him dr. cal -- would say. [laughter] it is certainly somebody that a lot of people are worried about and paying attention to. but i don't think if ted cruz does the kind of campaign he's done and he actually has run a good campaign whether you like him or don't like him, i think that, you know, he still has a chance.
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and those are the issues that the media needs to be paying attention to. jon: do the media need to put more questions to both men and get, you know, honest answers from each of them about specifics of their plans and policies, cal? >> >> oh, absolutely. you know, jon, it's been an indictment of much of the media that we are more interested in the horse race than substantive things. and i think in this era of reality tv, we're more interested not so much in the horse race, but the other end of the horse. i think it's gotten, as i wrote in a recent column, not into the gutter, but into the sewer. the gutter would be a step up with all of the name-calling, the misogyny, the trashing of megyn kelly and so many other things. this is not the kind of dialogue that promotes candidates to high public office or shouldn't. jon: well and, ellen, you know, the guy who really hasn't engaged in that kind of stuff is john kasich. we haven't talked about him at all. i suppose he has a real argument that the media are not being fair. >> well, he does and, of course,
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he's from the great state of ohio where i'm from. but unfortunately, he does not -- unless he's going for the vice presidentship or there's a contested convention -- he's not going to be the nominee. jon: all right. spoken like a true media expert. ellen ratner, cal thomas, thank you both. >> thank you, jon. heather: meantime, hillary clinton's allies reportedly launching an all-out fencive to try and -- offensive to try and stop donald trump. what's their plan, and will it work? we'll debate that up next.
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jon: the desperate search for a missing 14-year-old girl in. adriana coronado disappeared last weekend after her father was found shot and burned in a field. detectives believe adriana was with her father when he died. they released this surveillance video, and they are asking for the public's help in identifying the man running to a nearby alley in that video. >> we believe him, at this point in time, to, first, to be a person of interest, and we are needing to identify this individual. we at this point in time don't have any reason to believe that she's not alive, and we are pursuing the investigation as if she is. that's why we have managed to stay so intent on trying to accomplish that. our goal is to try to locate her alive. jon: detectives believe adriana is in danger. if you have any information,
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call the walker county sheriff's office, 936-435-2400. and new information on a new jersey lawmaker proposing fines and even jail time for people caught texting and walking. proponents of the bill say a person on the road who is testing whether walking or driving presents a risk to others. they say many distracted pedestrians are on headphones and unaware of traffic signals or speeding vehicles. according to the study, about 40% of pedestrians were so distracted while crossing the street, many of them strolled through don't walk signals. in 2010 4,000 pedestrians were killed while engaged in distracted walking. in addition to a $50 fine, violaters in jersey could also get up to 15 days in jail. no word yet on when that bill will come up for a vote. heather: word now that some groups supporting hillary clinton are organizing to try
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and weaken donald trump ahead of his anticipated showdown with mrs. clinton in the general election. among their plans trying to discredit mr. trump's business background and organizing anti-trump rallies at the republican national convention this summer in cleveland and marches in major cities. karim joan pierre is a democratic strategist and -- [inaudible] is communications director for american crossroads. thank you both for joining us. >> hi, heather. heather: will this work? it hasn't worked so far from republicans. >> great question, heather. well, the first thing i have to say is don't -- no more barking. if you have to bark, do it in private. certainly, do not do it in public. look, when it comes to donald trump, you have to play by the rules of the playground, do what your mother told you to do, right? when a bully makes fun of you, you just walk away and leave the bully looking silly. democrats will lose if they play
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a race to the bottom. they will. you, you know, if we call him a womanizer, he's going to call her an enabler. you attack his labor practices, he's going to come back and say she's collecting money by warlords. so we just can't do tit for tat at all. heather: ian, why do you do youk they're doing this? they already tried to come after trump, specifically with women, and he came back even harder. >> yeah. well, i think it shows that despite some of the bluster that you're hearing from democrats, they really are scared of a donald trump candidacy. look, he's bringing out voters that we haven't seen since well before 2008. i think turnout is up seven million amongst republicans and down four million amongst democrats, and hillary clinton has had a really tough week. they see a vulnerability in hillary, especially in some of these purple states, states that may not even have thought to have been in play before like pennsylvania, michigan and maybe wisconsin where donald trump is speaking to working class
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voters, and hillary clinton just isn't. heather: so, karin, you were saying this would not work, this type of strategy. what type of strategy would work, and do you think they are really concerned about donald trump? >> yes, i think we should be concerned about donald trump, most definitely. absolutely. look, you know, he is becoming -- he's so unpredictable that he's becoming predictable. i think the playbook here is to not play by his rules, and we have to figure out how to ignore him and really talk about the issues but not play by his rules. heather: and, ian, one of the things they said they are going to do is talk about the the issues, specifically only of his business dealings -- some of his business dealings. do you think they have information they would not have used so far like they do? >> yeah, i really do -- oh, sorry. >> what i do see is what issues are they going to talk about. hillary clinton is all over the place on the issues. she was for tpp, now she's against it. she was for nafta, now she's against nafta. she's hoping that illegal
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immigrants will all someday be able to vote for her. the bottom line with hillary clinton, at this point it looks like she was built in a polling firm in a basement in washington d.c. she has no strong convictions. the only convictions she has is what her consultants tell her to do that'll get her elected. and it's going to be tough to draw a contrast with donald trump when you don't have strong convictions of your own. heather: this does seem to be the year of anti-establishment and, karine, she's been in washington, she worked with president obama, she was part of washington when bill clinton was in washington. how does she escape that? is it just the negative ads against trump that will differentiate her? >> well, look, the republicans are also going to be splintered. there was a recent polling that showed likely republican voters are trying to decide, 800 likely republican voters are trying to decide whether they're going to vote for -- 20%, i should say, are trying to decide if they're going to vote for trump or hillary clinton. they're still unclear. and so i think there is an issue there for the republicans as well as having trump as their
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nominee. heather: yeah, but there are also plenty of democrats or -- republican-leaning democrats and also independents who are crossing over and considering trump. an example specifically is the state of ohio where that happened. do you think some of these ads would push some of those voters, specifically independents which will count heavily in this latest general election, 40% of people claim to be independent, do you think it would push some of those people in favor of trump because of the negative ads? >> i hope so. i mean, that's the hope. i mean, the last six months there hasn't been a lot of strong attacks, negative attacks on trump. we kind of let that go, the republicans let that go for a very long time. so now we've got to refocus, you know, really focus on trump and go negative on him, these outside groups that are clearly supporting hillary clinton. and we need to do that. there's no other way to do it. she can't do it. she can't do it at all, but the outside groups can. heather: ian, do you think this could benefit the other two who
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are still in the race, either kasich or cruz. >> >> well, i'm not really sure because thus far, you know, several have tried to attack trump, and all have failed. i'm not really sure someone attacking trump from the left is going to help his opponents in the republican primary. there haven't been a whole lot of negative ads on hillary clinton. bernie sanders has not laid a glove on hillary clinton. he's done soft contrast ads. think about some of the things she said recently, we're going to put coal companies out of business. eastern ohio, western pennsylvania, that's not going to play very well, and you combine that with her anti-fracking stance, people are going to be paying $300 a month electric bills. donald trump can use that in these swing states. heather: but the goal, karine, would be for these super pacs or other groups to present those ads to keep their candidate, hillary, directly out of the fray? >> that's right. heather: all right. >> that's right. heather: thank you both for joining us, karine, ian, have a great weekend.
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♪ ♪ heather: well, during this divisive time in politics, it is easy to forget that come this summer all americans will unite behind one cause: team usa. athletes are currently preparing for the olympic trials, and we learned about a very special track star who is pursuing her dream of going for the gold. sarah brown had a unique hurdle to overcome, and that is the unexpected addition to her team, the birth of her daughter, abigail. jenna lee, who is expecting, of course, her next child any day now, sat down to speak with sarah about the surprise of a lifetime. >> i was kind of struggling with my running, and that's why i ultimately went to the doctor, to try and get to the bottom of what was happening. and so when i found out, there was a sense of relief.
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i'm like, oh, i finally know what's wrong with my body, because i could tell something wasn't -- was off. but there was also, you know, a sense of joy because, you know, your first child, it's an exciting time, but it was also really scary. ultimately, like, the journey be has been incredible. we couldn't feel more blessed, and we just are so grateful now to be on the other side with our daughter. and it's such an amazing time in our lives, and we're just really excited to, you know, share this next stage of me training for the olympic trials and everything as a family. jenna: we have some incredible video and photos of you doing this training -- [laughter] and hard training, sarah. tell us a little bit about what was your routine during your pregnancy. >> well, for me, i mean, it was never a question of whether i would continue running. just because that's something i enjoy. it's something -- it's part of who i am.
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and so as long as i could do it safely and, you know, we checked our resources to make sure that everything i was doing was, you know, acceptable. and, you know, for me it took a little bit. pregnancy has a lot of unforeseen things pop up, and you have to be prepared to handle those. but we got in a really good routine towards, especially towards, you know, in that last, third trimester of running about four days a week x we really made those count. i was running 10-12 miles on those days, workout sessions like hills or track intervals and then two of them being longer runs. and then in between i supplement it we limit call which is like an outdoor bicycle, but he had it on a stationary trainer, and i would do sessions on that and then swimming for those three days kind of in between. so that was my, my routine as much as you can have a routine. [laughter]
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jenna: right. >> you have to be prepared to adjust. jenna: it is so true. did any doctor or any health expert say, sarah, i don't know if this is such a good idea? >> i -- not, not the ones i was working with directly. you know, my body got pregnant doing the activity, at the activity level i was at. a lot of people said, you know, your body's prepared to handle that. like, you've trained for that. your body's adjusted to that kind of workout load. so if you told me to go sit on the couch, that would actually be probably more detrimental to my health and the baby's health because it's not what i was accustomed to doing. jenna: what did you learn about yourself as an athlete through this entire process? >> i think that it's definitely going to make me tougher because my running actually got better during the third trimester, but it was a lot more uncomfortable. like -- [laughter] you have this, like, awkward weight on the front, and then, you know, constantly being
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kicked in the ribs, and it's pressure on your bladder. and there's just these little annoyances that you kind of just have to mentally block out. jenna: what message do you want your daughter to take away from what you did while you were pregnant with her? >> the message i really want her to take away is that she just shouldn't be afraid to go after what she wants and just not be afraid to try, not be afraid to lay it on the line and put it out there and say this is my goal. it's an ambitious goal, but, you know, that's what i'm working towards. and so i think, you know, i have a quote that i've always used in my running career that was to ever achieve greatly, you have to dare to fail greatly. and so i think that's kind of the message that, you know, just even though it looks like a lofty thing on the outside and you might have people who are kind of like, you know, what are you -- you really think you can do that, like, is that really possible and you know?
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but just being able to persevere through some of that negativity and keep your eye on, you know, what you want to accomplish. jenna: we thought the interview ended there, but then we got an unexpected surprise. she is so cute! and we had one final question. there's a lot of perceptions about labor, sarah. and i'm curious, how does labor compare to training for the olympics? what's the real story there? >> well, when i was -- i will be honest, when i was pushing with her, my husband, during the break, looked at me and said how does this compare to a 1500? and i said, well, at least i'm allowed to take a breath in the 1500. [laughter] in this they want you to hold in, hold in your breath. like, i was thinking about it as intervals and, you know, you push on a contraction, and each contraction is one set of this many intervals or something. and that's how my mind was working. and there was one point where i,
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like, how many more intervals? i need to know, i need, like, a number! [laughter] jenna: well, it looks like everything worked out just fine anyway, you pushed through the intervals, literally and figuratively. [laughter] congratulations. she is so beautiful. heather: yeah, congratulations to that great family and jenna as well. we miss you and come back soon. jon? jon: and while exercise surely will lead to many gold medals for the u.s. at the olympics, new research is showing it might be an even more powerful weapon in the fight against cancer than we had previously thought. have , if you don't have a villain. the world needs villains [tires screeching] and villains need cars. ♪ ...of fixodent plus adhesives. they help your denture hold strong more like natural teeth. and you can eat even tough food.
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from donald trump saying there could be riots if he's denied the gop nomination. the most powerful republican in the house not very happy. so can donald unite the republican party? harris: plus, the stunning video that has people talking, showing hillary clinton knew the national security risks of using her personal e-mail as secretary of state while overseas. andrea: and candy companies agreeing not to advertise to their target audience: kids! so is that really necessary? i thought i was the target audience. i love candy. harris: sweet. i actually can do my job, but it's nice of them to offer. all of that plus our #oneluckyguy, top of the hour. happy friday, jon. jon: it is friday. see you both. heather: well, delaying, stopping and preventing cancer, there's some new research revealing exercise may play a bigger role than we previously thought about battling the deadly disease. dr. marc siegel here to tell us all about it. hi, doctor, happy friday.
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>> hi, heather. heather, we know exercise is helpful in the fight against many diseases. now, according to dr. lee jones at sloan-kettering memorial cancer center in new york, you can add cancer to that exercise list. can impact cancer in many ways including bolstering the immune system and affecting the growth factors that cause cancer to spread. observational studies have shown that women who report regular exercise have a 20-30% reduction in the risk of their cancer coming back or even killing them. >> what we wanted to know is how much of the drug do you need, how much exercise do you need to get this effect. what are the mechanisms of -- how is exercise working and who does it work for. >> exercise just made sense to me as far as something that you'd want help knowing what to do, you'd want help knowing how to care for your body in multiple ways, not just through oncology. >> dr. jones makes it career
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that exercise is not -- clear that exercise is to act in concert with traditional treatments. breast cancer specialist dr. maura dickler agrees but needs more research needs to be done. >> patients often ask me, you know, what can i do in addition to the standard treatments? because patients are really looking to participate in their care and to also be empowered to make themselves better. >> we want to go in the future is, is really can we harness the effects of exercise as another weapon against cancer. but also can we use exercise as a weapon in combination with standard cancer treatments? >> heather, scientists and doctors now say it's all about caring for your body in multiple ways including exercise in an effort to treat cancer while no longer focusing only on oncology. heather? heather: so don't be a couch potato this weekend, get out and do some exercising. >> absolutely.
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heather: thanks, dr. siegel. jon: new next hour of "happening now," closing arguments expected today in hulk hogan's $100 million lawsuit over a leaked sex video. we'll have a rundown of the case so far. e allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything.
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>> does unpacking boxes count as exercise? that is what i'm doing this beakened. >> it does. squat and lift. >> see you back here in an hour. "outnumbered" starts right now. ♪ harris: hello on this fine friday. this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, andrea tantaros, co-host of "after the bell" on fox business, melissa francis. actress and commentator stacey dash is here. today's #oneluckyguy fox news contributor and iraq, afghanistan veteran pete hegseth. we salute back to you my friend. you're outnumbered. >>
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