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tv   Sunday Housecall  FOX News  March 20, 2016 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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i'm arthel neville. time now for "sunday housecall." >> i'm eric shawn. welcome. joining us, dr. marc siegel, the author of the inner pulse, unlocking the secret code of sickness and health. >> and dr. david samadi chief of robotics surgery at lennox hill hospital. >> good to see you. >> we are going to start with something in the headlines. growing concerns over lead-contaminated water. new reports are showing the problem is more widespread than the crisis in flint, michigan. dr. siegel, how do you know if you have lead in your water? and how bad is this health emergency for your country? >> it is a bad emergency. you know by getting your water
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tested. one of the ways you can get your water tested of the top is you can call the e.p.a. safe drinking water hotline. 1-800, 426-49 4791. they will tell you how to get your water tested locally. there is a hats off to u.s.a. today, they took the story in flint michigan and made it national by finding out there is 2,000 drinking water areas which are in trouble and 96 million americans can be affected by lead in their water. that is huge. why is that? because up until 1996 we didn't have the lead out of our plumbing lines. if you have a brass faucet, you could have a lead solder. it's not about corrosive water like we saw in the flint river. it could be in your drinking water. we are worried about young children here. >> you would think this never would have pd hatch it's
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unbelievable. u.s.a. today talks about 6 million americans right now in 50 states have elevated levels of lead in their drinking water and don't know about it. >> if you are drinking this contaminated water, what can you do about it? >> you can prevent it. you can test for it. but arthel going back to what we were talking about, almost 30% of the country are exposed to this lead and you may not know it because it has no odor, it has no taste. you wouldn't know the difference. now we are finding a lot of these metallic toxic metals, cadmium, lead, aluminum, they are in our system. we are getting them from soil and from water. and symptoms of depression, fatigue, feeling weak and all of that that we talk about, maybe lack of sleep, could be as a result of these toxic metals. what does this do to your system? when you take a lot of this, 15 parts her billion or higher that's dangerous. >> what does that mean when you
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say 15 parts per billion. >> in michigan you are seeing somewhere in the range of 4,000, over 5,000 level is toxic. and there are place where is they have 13,000. that's a huge amount of lead in the water. what it does to kids, it is a neurotexic. it reduces objection general in the brain, lowers iq and causes mental retardation in high levels n. pregnant women it's dangerous because it can cause miscarriage and still birth. for us, for adults, it can increase the rick of high blood pressure and cardiac and kidney disease and on and on. this is a very serious problem. you can test it. what we were saying, you can get a sample of your water, send to it the lab and they can give you the amount of level. sometimes it could be fine. but the next level it could be abnormal. >> marc, talk about those symptoms. how do you know? you go to the drshs how do you know it's not something else. when you have a blood test with your parents patients do you
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test blood levels for lead? >> this standard has put this on the map for me. if my parents are irritable, behavior issues, anemia or adult kidney problems, i can put that test on the list. >> can you ask for this test. >> i can put it on the list. >> is it blood or urine. >> blood, and you want it to be less than 15 micrograms per diss testy liter. at virginia tech they looked at infants who were drinking formula. if they had 18 parts per billion in the tap water used in the formula, and david was just saying, epa says 15 parts per billion. if the infants had 18, 50% had developmental delay or behavioral problems or irtdability. it is a huge problem. >> on the side of the e.p.a. there was never a real standard. if you look at the website in 2002 or 2004 they said 40 per
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billion is a good level. then they brought it down to 20. now down to 15. there are some studies that suggest over 5 per billion is actually a good problem. what's a good level? zero. that's what you really want. and i think that we are seeing that the houses that are built before 1986, they used a lot of these plumbing that has lead in them. guess what. makeup -- let's talk about women who use hair displays, make up. we are surrounded by dust, air, soil -- and we'll talk about in the next segment what you can do to -- >> 75 million homes. >> 90 million people are exposed. >> when we come back, we'll talk about the filters, like britta and things like that. does that work and help prevent us from consuming lead? also we'll talk about new research showing that exercise can actually play a role in preventing cancer. we'll tell you how. that's straight ahead.
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we're back now talk more on the growing concerns over lead contaminated water that's happening nationwide. dr. siegel, i would like for you to talk to us about home kits f those filters work. and then eventually maybe dr. samadi can tell us, if your system has been compromised is the damage irreversible? >> it's important you brought it down to the practical level. i would tell people out there, use cold water, it's less likely to have lead in it. this is a faucet by faucet problem. in other words you could have problems in one faucet and not another. have all your faucets tested. showers are not going to cause you a problem because lead isn't
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absorbed through the skin. only drinking it only. the kits you can use, most of them work. they can do it by boiling the water andle coulding it and or by leaching out the lead. >> go out and buy britta -- i'm not endorsing it. that's what i use. does it work? >> yes, first you should get your water tested. if you have questions call a plummer and fine out what kind of system you have. when the water comes to small pipes in your house that's when the contamination comes if the house is built over 20, 30 years old. the other thing you can do is get a osmosis filter specifically to prevent lead. and make sure you change the filter on a regular basis. >> the filters you can get on your faucets. >> orv the mugs that has the filter in them. make sure -- no shoe policy in
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the house. you bring a lot of soil. >> i'm already way ahead of you. no shoes in the house. >> you leave the shoes outside. >> yoerks yeah. no shoes in the house. >> there is a lot of lead in the soil. that's really important. and finally make sure, if if there is something wrong -- we admit that doctors are not well trained on testing on toxic metals. you don't learn this in medical school. don't assume just because you go for your physical, is there going to be mercury, aluminum, lead. you have to find out, dock is it a metal? >> even early autism and as perfectingers may be perhaps related to some of these toxic levels. if you have information i would love to hear from you. >> the u.s.a. today article said one school in maine had 42 times the e.p.a. level of lead in the water. i want to get back to something --
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>> quick thing on that point, texas, pennsylvania, new york and california are the worst offenders here. every year that you get your water big bill you can get something called the consumer confidence report. they are supposed to tell you. >> the water company sends me a whole thing. it breaks it all down. you mentioned one thing about running the water. they have had advice of running water at least 30 seconds in the work. >> five minutes. >> in newark, two minutes. what should you do. >> the longer the better, especially if you have one of those homes where the pipes have lead in them from 1996 or before. or your sewer line, they literally call it a lead straw. a lot of "people" patients ask me should i have lead level? if they are not feeling well, i do it. >> i want to talk about what happens again if your system has been compromised?
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is the damage irreversible? or is there some way to ward off lead contamination? >> the effect of lead is irreversible, especially at the very high levels. but if you and i for example, like we think we were exposed and you are not feeling well, you can ta 1,000 milligrams of vitamin c. and a lot of the vitamins have chelating agents meaning they can suck the lead out of your system and clearing it. sometimes it gets absorbed into your bone. by taking 2,000 iu of vitamin d you can prevent it from getting there. you know where this is more prevalent? on post menopausal women. you see women that start losing their hair out of blue or they have thyroid changes, hormonal changes. a lot of secret is in this. we need more studies. come to my social media. i want to hear from people.
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>> vitamin c? >> vitamin c. >> run your water. also get it tested. call your doctor or call the e.p.a. we have the numbers up. >> and check with your plumber. >> thank you, doctors. it is a large problem. hopefully you don't have lead in your water. you can find out and do something about it. coming up, there are benefits to exercise. but there is a new one we are being told about. new search that shows it could be a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer. the doctor talks about how that could work. y that cares, but your logo is old and a little pointy. so you evolve. you simplify. you haven't changed. you still help people live their best lives. and finally your new logo is ready, and you decide the perfect time to show the world is right... now.
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back now with the doctors and "sunday housecall." preventing cancer. did you know new research shows that exercise could play a bigger role than was previously thought in battling it. here is a cancer patient and her doctor. >> exercise just made sense to me as far as something that you would want help knowing what too do, you want help knowing how to care for your body in multiple ways not just through oncology. >> where we want to go in the future is really, can we harness the effects of exercise as another weapon against cancer? but also, can we use exercise as
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a weapon in combination with standard cancer treatments to help those cans he were treatments maybe even work more effectively than they do by samt is exercise in treating or preventing cancer? is that possible? >> you know, this segment, obviously, was about someone who already has cancer, and there's a lot of study, a clinical trial that tells you that by doing exercise, you can reduce the risk of occurrence, meaning you can slow down the cancer. stage 4 breast cancer that was supposed to die in six months to a year can go on for three, four years. so, there's something about exercise. changes the inflammatory cells. it can delay and stop the cancer cells from growth. but i want to go back to a lot of people who don't have cancer. that's millions of americans out there. how do you stop these cells from becoming cancerous? and i want you to remember something called metabolic syndrome. metabolic syndrome is somebody who is obese, has high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. that's the majority of us, unfortunately, in this country. what happens in those patients?
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this fat around the cell and your liver cells are secreting a lot of inflammatory cells. it ends up changing the regular cell into a cancer cell, then that's why every day on this program we keep saying, lose weight, watch your cholesterol, et cetera. now, the reverse is also true. if you already have cancer, you can -- there are many studies, including my study, that shows by doing exercise, you can reduce the risk of recurrence, you slow down the process. one thing i want people to know is that exercise is not a replacement for chemotherapy or for your surgery. don't let any of these alternative people say that with yoga you're going to cure breast cancer. that's nonsense, but -- >> what do you say to your patients? you obviously encourage exercise to lose weight and that belly fat, but how about dealing with cancer? >> you know, i always looked at from the point of view of hope, that people that had cancer, if they could get on a treadmill, if they could exercise, it would change the hormones in their brain, they would feel better.
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but after interviewing dr. lee jones at sloan-kettering memorial -- that's who you saw just before dr. samadi came on -- dr. lee jones is doing a long-term study to see if exercise can be used in breast cancer that has spread all over the body or ovarian cancer that is spread all over the body. and why is he doing it this way, tessing people over time? because previously, we have what's called observational research that shows 20% to 30% of people that had breast cancer that spread said that if they exercise, guess what, their chance of recurrence or dying was a lot less. but asking people how much they exercise and putting them on a treadmill and actually exercising them are two different things. now, what seems to happen here, is that it improves your immune system if you exercise. that helps fight cancer. decreases your insulin levels. insulin causes tumors to grow. so, if you decrease your insulin and you improve your immune function, you're going to have a situation where people are going to do better, and their cancer -- now, again, he says
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very carefully, dr. jones, this is not instead of standard treatment. this is not replacing chemo, it is not replacing immunological treatment. it's in addition to. >> so, get on the bike. we've got to go. >> it's important for people to individualize that care, because if you have bone metasteces and lesion in your bone, that can increase the risk of fracture, so talk to your bike. >> get on the bike and exercise. if you are trying to cleanse your system of toxins, do you know about that? do you try green juice and all that yucky stuff? well, the doctors will explain other methods you can do to try and cleanse yourself. you know, just drink lots of water, eight glasses a day, maybe nine. went to ancestry, i put in the names of my grandparents first. it gave me a leaf almost right away. within a few days, i went from knowing almost nothing to holy crow, i'm related to george washington. i didn't know that using ancestry would be so easy.
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try alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmm...amazing. i have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. so, fruit and veggie smoothies sound like a great way to detox, but health experts recommend you do more to rejuvenate your body. dr. siegel, what more should we do? >> you know, i think it's all about replacing the bad stuff with good stuff. so, if you increase your fruit and vegetable intake and you have probiotics and you have a lot of fiber, which is found in fruit and vegetables, i think that that's part of it. now, there's a lot of studies out on fasting that says if you fast in addition to that, provided that you're not dehydrated, that you can restart your immune system, that you can
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lower your blood pressure, you can lower your cholesterol. i'm all for that, too. i do it all year on yom kippur. mentally, it makes you look at, what have i been eating? maybe it's not good for me. >> so, you have to do something. what do you do? >> i say keep drinking water, but on a high holiday, we don't do that. it depends what your religion is. >> religion aside -- >> religion aside, the key is to stay hydrated. when people do these crazy fastest and all this fad stuff, most of the time, the problem is dehydration. >> how long should you fast? how long is too long? >> i don't like more than 24 hours. i think beyond a 24-hour fast can be risky, especially because of the water. >> dr. samadi? >> i think detox has two components. one is the actual physical component, one is an emotional component. what do i mean by physical? your biggest filter in your body is your liver, followed by pancreas and your kidneys. so, if you take a lot of carbohydrates and pro tooenz and salt, your kidney's in danger. if you take a lot of sugar, now
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you're going to get your pancreas to get exhausted. liver is the one that actually takes all of this alcohol, all of the toxins and filters it. if you overwhelm your body with all of this, and you're talking about salt, sugar, carbohydrates, protein, all of those, then you're going to have an exhausted system, and the overflow is going to go around the belly fat, and that's when you're going to start having a lot of problems. >> can you do something to help your liver? >> the way you do this is cut down on all of this, cut down on alcohol, and that's how your detox should start, by drinking good water, a glass of water with lime or lemon juice and some apple cider vinegar. that's a major detox. and also, you can add your exercises. fruits and vegetables. cut down some of your sugar and salt. and i know it's repetition, but add fruits and vegetables all the time. let's talk about the emotional part -- >> and no processed foods. get rid of the processed foods. >> of course. >> yeah, yeah. >> that's the key thing. all of the stuff that's manufactured, that ends up on the shelves, been through 5,000 filters, that's processed. >> ten seconds. >> in ten seconds, reduce your
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stress, because when your cortisone level goes out of whack, you know what, i'll put it on my facebook. >> cut down alcohol, protein, salt, carbs. save your liver. >> no chips for today. >> no. >> thank you for watching. one day after major clashes at trump events out west, donald trump heads to florida today for a palm beach event tonight. while his rivals criticize the tone of his campaign. >> i also have pointed out at times when i thought his language was inappropriate, like if i don't get nominated, there's going to be a riot. i mean, what kind of talk is that? plus, president obama leaves the white house within the hour for cuba, starting a historic trip to the communist island. you're looking live at havana. kevin cork is standing by with more on the president's visit, and we'll talk to a top cuban-american in congress who is none too happy about this trip.


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