tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News March 22, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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throughout the night for continuing coverage of the brussels terror attacks. tonight's primary election. o'reilly is next and brit hume's special coverage. good night from washington. >> "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: [siren. >> this is the scene as it unfolded, terrified passengers running for their lives. >> [screaming] >> you can see the scale of the devastation. >> another terror attack. apparently isis driven, kills more than 30, juries more than 200. will the world ever confront this madness? >> the attack in brussels is in many ways the fruit of a failed immigration policy in europe that"c has allowed a massive influx of radical islamic terrorist into europe. >> senator ted cruz calling
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for drastic action against isis. he will be here tonight. >> we must be together, regardless of nationality or race or faith and fighting against the scourge of terrorism. >> also ahead once again, president obama promises action as do mrs. clinton and senator sanders. we will analyze the democratic response to the isis terror. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. destroying isis, does america have the will? that is the subject of thisss evening's talking points memo. shortly before 8:00÷qs3ñ a.m. belgium time 2 suicide bombers exploded setting off two explosions.
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then later brussels subway system. 30 people dead, 200 injured. and isis claiming responsibility. ironically just last night on the factor my talking points memo partially dealt with that terror group. right now the i i didn'td. jihadi son the move in africa, asia and the middle east. president obama has ditedderred allowing isis and other groups to grow stronger. it's got to stop. >> now, i have been saying for years that president obama's strategy of containing isis is dangerous and puts the entire world at risk. the solution is to mobilize the nato alliance against the savages and take the fight to them. right now many muslim extremists believe the jihad is working. that they are winning an armed struggle against the infidels of the west. it's not hard to see how that kind of propaganda takes root when isis and other muslim extremists continue to kill at will. the u.s.a. and other powerful western nations
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basically fighting a war of reaction allowing isis to commit atrocities anda then reacting to those atrocities often with words, not action. that strategy has failed dismally. here's the proof. listen to what happened just last year alone. january 7th, muslim killers murdered 12 people in a paris magazine office. 11 others injured. two days later four people killed by islamic terrorists inside a kosher grocery in paris. on march 18th, 22 people murdered by terrorists in to your knowledge. june 26th, 38 people murdered, again, to your knowledge. tunisia. four u.s. marines and a sailor in chattanooga, tennessee. october 31st, isis claimed responsibility for bomb ago russian airline killing 224 people in egypt. november 139, isis savages attack ad concert hall in paris, killing 130, 368
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human beings. december 2nd, 14 people killed, 22 seriously hurt when two isis-inspired killers gunned them down in san bernardino, california. and just three days ago istanbul, turkey suicide bombers killed five people, wounding 35. we haven't talked about the muslimb"÷c killings in subsara ha, africa. hundreds of thousands injured there. what has president obama done about it? very little. isis is not afraid of him. today the presidential contenders reacted. >> we have got to tighten our security. i have talked about a visa system and our passenger main record system. it's unrealistic to say we are going to completely shut down our borders to everyone. >> we need to collision of of -- coalition in the countries.
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including some that have not been ache active as they should be. finally destroy this barbaric organization. >> what senator sanders is really saying is we should abdicate our responsibility to defeat isis transferring it to muslim countries. he believes it's not our fight despite the worldwide carnage. on the republican side reaction also came quickly. >> you need surveillance. you have to deal with the mosques, whether we like it or not. i mean, you know, these attacks are not done by swedish people, that, i can tell you. >> i think we have been too lax, not aggressive enough against this kind of radicalism. >> the attack in brussels is in many ways the fruit of a failed immigration policy in europe that has allowed a massive influx of radical islamic terrorists into
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europe. >> senator cruz will be here in just a few moments. now, as far as president obama is concerned, i hate to use a cliche but it's same old same old. >> we must be together, regardless of nationality, or race or faith, in fighting against the scourge of terrorism. we can and we will defeat those who threaten the safety and security of people all around the world. >> for seven years, mr. obama has been saying stuff like that. for seven years, islamic terrorism has grown in ferocity even though the president himself will not use those words, islamic terrorism. talking points has put forth a solution that the north atlantic treaty association the most powerful military alliance on the planet declare war on the muslim jihad. after doing that nato forces would attack selected sites where based. set up safe zones like
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places syria and libya so they would not have to migrate to other countries. nato would ask all the muslim nations on earth to contribute forces as well. then the world would see which muslims are interested in justice and which are not. it is simply incredible that on this planet a jihadist group comprised of about 30,000 savages can wreak this much destruction and still sit down to dinner tonight without any fear of reprisal. think about it. we all know where the isis thugs are. syria, iraq, libya, pakistan and now afghanistan. their movements are not secret. they wage active military campaigns. and, yet, president obama and the leaders of the nato nations have done little to neutralize this threat to the world. again, the jihadists believe they are winning. and that leads to more recruits, more terrorists willing to blow themselves up in the pursuit of
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murdering innocent people in order to impose islamic culture. it is long past time for the american people to demand responsible leadership in washington. yes, president obama is a weak leader against the i didn't haditha. but congress is not exactly following in the steps of general george patton oeither. blather coming out of the democrat party in general is stunning. as mentioned bernie sanders has absolutely no clueh. or even an interest in defeating the i jihadi. and hillary clinton the architect of the libya mess doesn't seem to have a strategy either. on the republican side no, candidate has outwardly called for a nato involvement. and the u.s.a. cannot do this alone, nor should we. the world needs to be mobilized. but in order to do that, a strong leader must sound the alarm. barack obama is not that person, nor is angela merkel or david cameron or any of the other european
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chiefdoms. right now there is no one willing to stand up to this isis scourge. no one. and that's the memo. next on the rundown, colonel ralph peters our security guy will weigh, in then ted cruz. later we will take you to brussels for the latest. the factor is coming right back. ♪ ♪ try alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmm...amazing. i have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow.
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(patrick 1) how about a 10% raise? (patrick 2) how about 20? (patrick 1) how about done? (patrick 2) that's the kind of control i like... ...and that's what they give me at national car rental. i can choose any car in the aisle i want- without having to ask anyone. who better to be the boss of you... (patrick 1)than me. i mean, (vo) go national. go like a pro. and in the exact segment tonight, we continue with our lead story another isis terror attack, this time in belgium. joining us from washington lt. colonel ralph peters. do you think the american people have the will to fight isis? i mean, the polls show that most favor ground troops but an entire political party, the democratic party is against any kind of meaningful confrontation.
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what about the folks in general? what do you think? >> well, i think the american people certainly could summon the will to key feet isis, -- defeat isis, destroy isis if properly led. we are not properly led. i'm concerned looking at the political landscape we may not be properly led.+ generalities won't defeat isis. i'm not hearing the kind of expertise depth and strength of character it will take. worse, bill, worse, we now have two generations of military officers educated, trained, convinced that it's more important to prevent casualties and collateral damage than to win. honestly, i don't know if our military leaders have the character, the wherewithal to do what it takes to key feet -- defeat isis. it's not about winning hearts and minds it's about splark heir hearts and brains all over the landscape. >> if the next president and if it's a republican, it certain solid going to have to be more aggressive confronting this because all
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of them say they would be more aggressive than president obama. but, europe remains a problem because the united states can't do it alone, and i don't know whether the nato nations would cooperate. i mean, if it were me, and i would look at nato say cooperate or expel you from the alliance. if we have enough of you who willqí not cooperate we will pull out of the alliance. that's leadership. i don't think we will see that i don't know if europe despite all the carnage has the will to do it. >> one, i just disagree with you on that. nato has a real purpose as a bullock against russia. united states start kicking countries out. vladimir putin would be cheering and jumping up and down. >> absolutely they would be. you don't have alliance if they don't cooperate. >> not all alliances. nato has kept peace in europe. we are the big dog but we are not the only dog. more importantly, europe is now going to be concerned with internal security. that's where the budget dollars are going to go because they have got a
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problem right now. >> they're never going to solve the problem. spend as many dollars as they want. >> they will when it's too late, when it's far, far ugly glory. right now the slums, the muslim slums we have heard about in molenbeek, they have turned into colonies of islamists. >> what are you going to do about it, dismernl they are in there. they are rooted in there no matter how you try to defeat them. are you going to burn down their houses? they are there. they are helping the terrorists. they are sympathetic to the jihadi. what are you going to do with them. >> practical things europeans will do. they won't find the strength of character to do it. >> what are you going to do. >> one, it's about family in that world. so, when you produce a jihadist, when one of your relatives, you know, is involved in terrorism, you lose all government benefits, permanently, the whole family does, including the extended family, including right to subsidized housing. two, they have got to get serious about revoking citizenship of those who
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commit terrorist acts, including natural born citizens and, third, finally, they have got to find a way. it's going to be tough. break up colonies where the police -- it's not that they're no-go zones it's not want to go there zones like molenbeek and other slums. if you are unwilling to take that on, the problem will metastasize further. >> european nations are not going to do that. they just aren't. >> i'm telling what you it's going to take. >> they are going to be dealing with muslim terrorism. and we will long be in the ground. >> we have different problems than they do. >> and u.s.a. has to lead, if isis is going to be defeated. like i said, they are eatingyh dinner tonight. they are not worried about barack obama coming in to raqqa, syria, and disrupting their terror levees. they -- terror lives. they are not worried about that and they should be last word. >> europe's problems are dinner. europe got the welfare queens and hustlers. we overwhelmingly, not
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exclusively but overwhelmingly want people who want better lives and educated and want to work. very few american plusms a a -- muslims are a problem. europe european muslims are a problem. >> we don't have to solve their problems but we do have to solve the isis problems. >> their problems become our problems. >> well, we have to lead and we are not leading and the whole thing is a mess. >> agreed. >> thisn is going to be on and on and on and on as we pointed out. colonel, thank you. senator ted cruz will be here. we will talk about terrorism and how he plans to defeat donald trump. many believe the democratic party has absolutely no plan to defeat isis. is that true in the factor is coming right back. what makes thermacare different? two words: it heals. how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep
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new york city. i believe you are correct when you said earlier today that a lot of this muslim violence in europe is because of their failed immigration policies. as you know, the eu has openo borders. anybody goes anywhere, refugees flooding. in nobody knows who is coming and who is going. we don't have that here in the u.s.a. we have some problems but not nearly to the extent that they have. is that right? >> well, you know, when it comes to open borders a few days ago i was down on the border in arizona. i will tell you it was a tiny little fence. mya-year-old daughter could have crossed that border in all of about 10 seconds. actually, we had a bunch of reporters there. several of the reporters jumped the fence into mexico because they had a better shot from their cameras. and i was laughing we are literally watching them cross the border illegally and enter mexico. we have had 12 million people come in this country illegally. we are not securing the border right now at a time with threats from isis and radical islamic terrorism to not know who is coming in this country. >> you agree with me and
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your competitor trump that you need a wall, you need a formidable wall. >> absolutely yet. a wall alone doesn't do it. more important than that is boots on the ground. that's why we are going it triple the border patrol and used fixed wing and rotary wing reporter craft to monitor the wall. the fence slows them down but you have to have boots on the ground. >> you made some other statements against isis today. one of them caught my eye. you say you would carpet bomb them. you said that before. >> um-huh. >> you know that carpet bombing means women and children dead in the street. you know that? >> it doesn't mean that what i mean by carpet bombing is using overwhelming air power. >> they hide in civilian areas. you know? that. >> the first persian gulf war we launched roughly 1100 air attacks a day. we carpet bombed them for 37 days. and then after that our troops went in and in a day and a half mopped up the iraqi germany. >> were you over there? i was over there. it was a different situation. we degraded saddam hussein's military.
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we didn't bomb kuwait city. okay. where he was. >> nobody is talking about bombing civilians. but the difference is. between 15 and 30 air attacks today. it's pinprick. what we ought to do is using overwhelming air power, carpet bombing to take out their command and control infrastructure. take out their communication. take out their finance. take out their transportation. take out the oil fields. >> still not going to beat them. they are going to hide -- >> -- that's not the only thing. of course it's not the only thing. >> i called earlier in the program here for a nato declaration of war against isis. >> i absolutely agree and indeed i noted this morning in the wake of this brussels attack that it was more than a little ironic that just yesterday donald trump called for america pulling back from what nato either weakening it or withdrawing. >> that's because he doesn't feel they carryheir weight financially there and -- but i think you and trump -- >> -- that would be a catastrophic mistake. bill, it's. >> withdraw from nato at this point, it would. >> that's what donald called
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glor he would massage it. you know that. >> step back and doing that would be a massive victory for putin and a massive victory for isis. and we shouldn't -- there's a point that matters here. donald's approach on foreign policy is7l1; one of weakness and isolationism. that's his position consistently across the globe. >> see, you are putting me in a difficult position because i'm not going to defend trump but i will6á say -- we will try to get him on tomorrow. >> i got an idea. why don't a you donald trump to come here and defend himself. donald is afraid to debate. one-on-one. you can moderate. he wouldn't argue you are unfair moderator. i'm happy to have you moderate. >> we will work that. >> nato is a good example where he throws out a foreign policy position that is weaker and more liberal than obama's and hillary challenged because he is afraid. >> i will follow up on that debate offer and i appreciate you making it?
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>> i think it would be terrific. >> you are also taking heat because you said u.s. law enforcement should patrol in america muslim neighborhoods. that's not going to do any good. >> what i said is we should use law enforcement to prevent radicalization and to target radical islamic terrorism. this president, president obama. >> how do you do that specifically? >> so, for example, here in new york city, mayor bloomberg created a program that worked cooperatively with the muslim community to target radical islamic terrorism. prevent radicalization and stop terror attacks. stop terror cells. >> watch certain mosque and de blasio has done away with that. >> de blasio ended it because7mhjt political correctness. >> of course. >> it's the same silliness and that obama and hillary do where in the wake of these terror attacks they don't say the words radical islamic terrorism. and even worse, predictably president obama goes on tv and lectures americans on islamophobia. enough already. we need a president who makes clear to the world if you are a radical islamic terrorist, if you are a
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jihadist, your day of reckoning is coming. and on january 20th, 2017, the world will change. we will come after you and we are not coming after to you negotiate, to compromise, to capture you, if you have declared jihadi in america, we are coming after to you kill you. >> okay. let's just recap this segment so everybody is clear. all right? you don't believe in carpet bombing cities where isis is for the civilian casualties. you are north going to do that. >> you don't wantonly target civilians but at the same time, you don't use rules of engagement that make it impossible for our troops. >> you step up the bombing. you would encourage nato to declare war on isis. >> absolutely. >> have all of that power then. >> yes. >> launched against these savages. you want increased law enforcement surveillance here in the united nations united states on radical muslim concerns; would that j fair? >> absolutely. >> and you are for a very stringent border with more backup. >> yes. >> to keep
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>> and we shouldn't be allowing in tens of thousands of syrian muslim refugees that isis has said they want to infiltrate and send jihadis. >> that's what's happening in europe. it's obvious that is happening there. we would hold you over to talk about the political thing. we have two votes tonight in arizona and utah. senator is kind enough to stay over. i wouldn't. i would have left a long time ago. we will work on that debate. later, the factor will take to you belgium where all hell is breaking breaking loose tonight. have europeans finally had enough of islamic terrorism? up ahead. ywall into my van, i invented the fold-o-matic 5000. my metris also holds over 2,500 pounds of payload. hauling 2,500 pounds in my small van is no problem. i just divide and conquer. hauls more, stows more, tows more and fits in your garage. the mid-size metris from mercedes-benz.
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continuing now with senator cruz. so, it looks like you will win utah today. >> i hope so. >> all right. and you will lose arizona. >> well, we will see on that. >> i'm just saying what it looks like. exit polling, regular polling, all of that that's what it looks like. but that's a wash, right? that's a wash. you are still going to be a little bit behind donald trump in delegate counts. what's your strategy, do you think you can overtake him in delegates? >> i do. this is very much a delegate battle to get to 1237. >> right. >> i'm the only candidate that can beat donald trump and win the republican nomination that can get to 1237. >> you would have to win california pretty decisively. >> which we are -- i believe we are going to do. >> polls you have behind now. >> well, the last field poll that was done several weeks ago had us in first place in california. >> more recent polls you are behind, not far. >> and head to head, consistently polling has shown us up. kasich is going to be there
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kasich is not going to get out. >> not necessarily, bill. i agree kasich wants to stick around but it's mathematically impossible. he can't be the nominee. >> he wants to be in the convention conservation. >> here is the dynamic that's going to happen. kasich is going to lose in you utah and arizona. he went 0 for 27. won his home state. >> do you think john is going to get out? >> i think when you start loading and losing and losing, your money dries up. people run out of money they drop out. >> that would help you. >> and he is a good man. but at this point, what is he doing doesn't make any sense unless he is auditioning to be trump's vice president because he can only be a spoiler. illinois. we would have won illinois without john kasich. trump had 38% in illinois. i had 30%. kasich had 19%. >> but you are assuming all the kasich voters would have gone to you. >> no, i'm assuming the majority of them would. and that's what the polling trump has a hard ceiling of
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35% to 40% that he has had a real difficulty breaking. it's why head to head, where you have got to get to 51%. or 50.1% to win trump is in real trouble. >> the cbs poll out today say trump crushes you he has 46 and you have got 28. this is a national poll. >> national polls, at the end of the day, trump is still running into a hard ceiling. take illinois, illinois is a blue, blue state. and he only got 38%. >> i don't think you can discount that national poll. i mean that gives him some solace. here in new york trump will win. >> i don't agree with that at all. >> up by 40. >> that poll also showed trump up in texas. that poll is not a reliable poll at all. >> all right. if you could beat donald trump in his home state, everything turns around. >> look, new yorkers know donald trump. new yorkers know donald trump. >> they like trump. >> you would be surprised. one of the things about new york, the way new york is, it is by congressional districts. there are a lot of conservatives in this state who want a real
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conservative. and you know what? the people of new york have suffered under failed liberal democratic policies for decades and donald trump has funded just about every one of those liberal democrats. >> if you can beat him here, that's a game changer for everything. if you can beat him here. >> we were talking in the previous segment about mayor bill de blasio's dissolving the unit that was targeting radical islamic terrorism. bill de blasio was supported by donald trump. he funded the liberal democrats, who have hurt the people of new york. >> but trump, he supported giuliani. he does that because he wants zoning variances. come on, you know that. >> but that's notv why supported jimmy carter and not why he supported john kerry and supported hillary clinton for president. >> that's why all these businessmen do what they do. they spread the green around. you know that i have got to ask you a personal question. >> you are asking me no one can do business unless you support federal democratic candidates. >> at that point in his/s life donald trump could care less
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if mickey mouse were president. >> it was a couple years ago that he wrote presidential race. you know what? when you support open border democrats for 40 years. >> i got it, senator. >> you bear responsibility. >> trump owed hillary for giving him nice wedding gift. now, do you get mad and you have got to tell me the truth. because i would. when trump turns and goes lyin' ted? i don't know if i could stand there and. >> donald is a very simple man to understand. he gets rattled when he is beat. and when is he scared he begins yelling. he begins insulting. he begins cursing. the more upset donald gets -- listen, we have beaten donald in nine different states. >> when do you get upset when he calls you a liar. >> no, because that's who donald is. >> you don't take it seriously. >> the bizarre thing about donald he can say one at 8:00 in the morning, something completely different at)f noon, and then at 3:00, when you point out what he said at 8:00 a.m.,
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he screams liar, liar, liar. you can literally quote him. >> all right. >> the bizarre thing about donald, is that each stage i'm convinced if he took au7 lie detector test he believes what he is saying and when he says the exact opposite he believes it then also. when it comes to defending this country, you know, for example on foreign policy. >> we're running out of time here. >> trump has said he wants to be neutral between israel and palestinians. we need a president who understands islamic terrorists. >> you want to debate with me with trump with me as moderator. you believe you will win new york. that's a game changer. i will invite mr. trump on tomorrow because that's fair, right? >> one of the things about california and new york, both of them are byict. what's likely is we will both get delegates. >> some, right. >> from both of those states. i think we will do very well both in new york and california. especially if we are head to head, if kasich is no longer
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of a paragraph thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. in the factor follow up segment tonight. as i stated in the talking points memo, there doesn't seem to be any specific, key word specific strategy put forth by hillary clinton or bernie sanders to defeat isis. it's all general stuff we have mobilize muslim nation and empower our partners strengthen alliances. you know that kind of thing. with us now here in new york city andrea tantaros and marshall. am i missing any specific action that clinton and sanders want to take against isis? >> have you. and it's far better than anything the republicans have said including especially the ted cruz segment. the fact here is hillary clinton -- let's put bernie sanders aside. hillary clinton clearly wants to continue what barack obama has done. which, four the most part, has beenñhm: successful in preventing a 9/11-like attack in this country. >> okay, wait, wait, wait. i'm talking about defeating
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isis, mary ann. containing. i'm not talking about we have not had a 9/11. we haven't ha san bernardino. is there any strategy on the part of hillary clinton who we are talking about now? -to-defeat this organization, to wipe them out, to make them surrender and stop? and if there is, tell me. andrea. >> this is a long-term problem with no short-term solution. >> okay. so i'm going to say there is but you don't have anything specific. we have heard awful this b.s. before. >> it's not b.s. >> well, tell me what the specific thing is. >> it's everything. >> no. that doesn't. >> it's economic, it's social. >> everything doesn't cut it for me. >> it has worked thus far. >> no, it has not worked nkt preventing major attacks and homegrown has increased. >> it hasn't worked thus far. >> for the most part it has worked. >> isis is running wild throughout the world and everybody knows it. now, on the republican side, trump comes off as a hard guy. >> um. >>um cruz comes off as a
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hard guy. >> um-huh. >> is there any difference between trump and cruz? >> i think there are big differences. >> what? >> well, today trump came out and he said he wanted to waterboard and he talked about closing the borders and a number of other things. on refugees, i do like what trump has to say. on waterboarding i'm not sure what he is talking about. is he talking about enhanced interrogation. but there is no one currently in custody, bill that we could use these tactics on to garner information. >> you have 30,000 isis troops. all right. cruz says stepped up bombing and he agrees with me nato should declare war who squeezes them almost immediately that sounds like a strategy to me. >> it's not a winning strategy. >> it's not. >> no. carpet bomb something about 50 years behind the times. it's something you we used in vietnam dropping dumb bombs. >> concentration with a huge force from nato moving in with muslim allies as well. why wouldn't that work? there is only 30,000. >> couple
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formality. united states toe doesn't have the resources to sustain or target isis. >> each nato country has its own army. >> not to sustain this kind of war, bill. >> why not in if each nato country gave 7,000 troops and the united states added 20, that would overwhelm the 30,000 savages. >> that's assuming they would actually do that. >> they have to do it or they are expelled. >> long term it's not a winning strategy. they don't have the economics. they don't have the available resources or the money to sustain it. >> all right. i'm going to go back to you, mary anne because i disagree entire whether i andrea. bernie sanders, nothing, right? just say yes, bill, he has nothing. instead of just hesitating and going and trying to pull something out of the air, mary anne, say you are right he has got nothing. >> bernie sanders is opposed to all war and most military action in allts forms, okay? >> that's good. >> one point on bombing, bill, i have to make it here. >> sure. >> bombing doesn't work. we have been bombing iraq
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for 25 years and here we are. >> it doesn't work by itself. >> 2,000 bombs on syria and here we are. bombing doesn't work. >> overwhelming ground force. it certainly would work. >> no, it doesn't. >> nobody in this country wants a ground war because they don't want to be in the wars they want to be in. >> i will tell you what. >> not carpet bombing. >> if general george patton were alive and gay him nato forces backed up by u.s. air power. i would give isis two weeks. ladies, thank you. on deck, we will take to you belgium. the hot zone for muslim terrorism in europe. will anything be done? right back. constipated?
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terror tragedy in belgium. suicide bombers attacked the airport in subway station. isis has claimed responsibility. joining us now on the phone from brussels allen hall correspondent for the london times also on the phone carmichael a reporter for afp. mr. carmichael, you were on the train directly behind the one bombed. what did you see? >> yes, i was. it was around 9:00. i was heading to work on that line, and we all felt a blast, a kind of concussive blast, a shock wave that seemed strange and immediately the strain stopped and we heard a recording that an incident had happened on the line and they would resolve it soon. they looked at each other, everybody looked at each other in a strange way and we had all heard about the bombing at the airport, the two bombings. so, that was definitely on my mind and it was on the minds of other peopleoz i talked to because we
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discussed that. >> all right. so that's interesting. so through social media, i would assume, you already knew that there was a terror action taking place in brussels then you heard something. how did you get out of the train? how did you get out? >> right. well, the train just to fill you in with some of the scene the train was filling with smoke and staff from the front of the train came by and said we have to be evacuated and we had to leave by the rear carriage and walk back to the station we had come from. so that took about 20 minutes, i would say people proceeded calmly. there was no yelling or screaming. one guy wanted to leave the train immediately. he tried to open the doors. but everybody else i would say reacted calmly. >> so you got out. and obviously now you continue your reporting. we appreciate that, mr.
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carmichael, and we're blood you're okay. mr. hall, i'm going to you for the bigger picture here. you believe critical mass has reached in europe. you have a flood of refugees, most of them muslims, many of them young men who are dominating certain neighborhoods. is there any new action you think is going to be taken? >> you mean in terms of combatting them? i think there will be more terrorist outrages in europe, because the -- >> but the folks, how are the folks reacting to being under siege by this jihad? how are they reacting to it? >> i don't think europeans feel under siege at all. i think they're quite resilient. every time they detonate a bomb or every time they fire an ak-47, they feel stronger. they feel you can't do this to our lives. we will live our lives as we did
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before. and that's all right and proper. but the other side of the coin is, the security services do say we should expect more terrorism, that there is a corporation of terrorism that the jihadists have a cell structure in place. when i arrived in brussels today, i had to drive from berlin, which is 500 miles because there were no trains or planes. all the -- they are determined to combat these people, but this is not the end of it. isis has to be defeated, we know that. but how that defeat is brought about i don't think anyone knows that answer. >> is there a call for direct military action against isis? >> not that i've heard so far. everybody thinks that boots on the ground will be an incitement
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to more islamic terrorism anywhere in the world. >> wow. >> i think the strategy that president obama and david cameron in england and president hollande in france have adopted, which is air strikes and a few special forces, i think that still reigns. but they must ha a breaking point. >> it hasn't been reached yet. the break point hasn't been reached yet. >> no, but i don't think it's very far away. >> all right. mr. hall, thank you. "factor tip of the day," what you yourself can do to fight terrorism. the tip moments away. don't let dust and allergies get between you
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>> bull feathers, jim! i analyze mr. trump fairly and challenge him when necessary. explaining his strategies are not justifying them! my job is to give you and all the other viewers insights into all the candidates. i root for no one, i scrutinize everyone. >> no, it doesn't. bill clinton was re-elected because his welfare reform worked and the economy was decent. americans want problem solving. whatever problem does that will win in the long run. >> jessie watters was a booker for us, convincing him to come
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on "the factor." to stop him from annoying everyone, i put him out there on the streets to talk to the folks. the rest is history. >> wouldn't help, bill. millions of americans of all ages are now lost in cyberspace. the times, they are a-changing. >> truth telling is always risky, norm. who's the best example of that? hint. easter, this coming sunday. the old adage is, the truth hurts. usually the person who is saying it. thanks for reading my book.
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>> did not know that, ed. will bring my colors. [ laughter ] i had a motorcycle in europe. i was one of those guys. and if you would like to see miller and me on stage, we'll be in fairfax, virginia may 7. then in connecticut, and london, england, august 5. reno, nevada and denver, colorado in september. atlanta and biloxi, mississippi in october. >> you know what, randy? i still can't feel my upper legs. that's a long trip on that bus. we stopped in south carolina. and finally tonight, "the
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factor" "tip of the day," how we can tight terrorism, by paying attention to what is going on in the world. but many americans live in their own world, escaping from reality by using high tech, drugs, alcohol, you name it. paying attention fights jihad, because the more you know, the more informed votes you will cast. we have to stop putting people into office who are afraid, who are clueless, who put ideology above everything. we can to vote for people who are realistic and courageous. that means we have to all pay more attention. "factor tip of the day." that is it for us tonight. check out our "the factor" website, which is different from name a town if you wish to opine. word of the day, do not be
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taciturn when writing to "the factor." i am bill o'reilly. please remember, the spin stops right here because we're definitely looking out for you. it's 9:00 p.m. on the east coast and we have two major stories. a desperate manhunt under way after a deadly terror attack in the heart of europe. here at home, voters heading to the polls in three critical states. this hour, arizona, idaho and utah. this is salt lake city, utah where caucuses are under way. i'm bret baier. >> and i'm martha mccallum. it is a big night of politics ahead. but first, isis claiming responsibility for the bombings that rocked the city of brussels this morning. belgian officials release thing picture, a
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