tv Hannity FOX News March 22, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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nvest with more certainty. mfs. that's the power of active management. the donald trump steam roller in this primary rolls on with a decisive winner take all win tonight in arizona. hello, everyone, i'm eric. >> and i'm heather with the latest results of tuesday's presidential primary and caucus races in arizona, utah, and idaho. >> a busy night. >> here's what we know at this hour. so far for you, donald trump pulling all 58 republican delegates in his win column. the republican race in utah has yet to be called. on the democratic side, hillary clinton also scoring big in the grand canyon state, with 75 new delegates to her name. >> this campaign is about both growing and sharing the promise
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of america. we are determined that we're going to give back the hope that every american should have, that their hard work will get them ahead, enable them to have a better future, will give their children, and yes, their grandchildren the chance to live up to their god-given potential. >> bernie sanders meantime still hoping that he can pull upsets in utah and idaho. no results, though, to report for you just yet. >> today's primaries and kaukshs are overshadowed by terrorists, striking as we saw all day in brussels, in the metro and the airport there. this is the pair of suicide bombers authorities say were seen on the airport security cameras, those two men on the left. in the attack that so tragically
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claimed 34 lives and left 200 others injured, all in the name of isis. and now, amid the scenes of carnage and destruction, anti-terror police in europe and the u.s. here at home are wondering what red flags they might have overlooked. >> we will, of course, throughout the evening have extended coverage on both major stories as we follow the terror developments overseas, and the politics here a home. >> the contest out west, we do begin with that. long lines creating long days for voters in utah and arizona. jackie joins us now with a look at what was behind tuesday's surprising voter turnout. good morning, jackie. >> good morning, heather. definitely a long day. long lines. imd talking people waiting hours
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just to cast a ballot. but voters say these long luns, they could have been avoided. in utah, the democratic party's website crashed about an hour before the start of the party's caucuses. the site includes information such as the addresses for the 90 democratic caucuses in the state. the problem was eventually fixed in utah. in arizona now, lines, several blocks long. look at that. some people even waiting up to three hours just to vote. in fact, the turnout was so great, in one polling place, they actually ran out of ballots. we're told the lines are the results of maricopa county cutting back the number of sites to save some cash. the county had 200 polling places in the 2012 election, and just 60 this year. that's quite some cutdown there. the county also thought the popularity of the ballots and the fact that independents can't vote in the primaries would
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require fewer polling places. that only led to a lot of confusion. >> there's a lot of independents in line that don't know that they can't vote. so they get up to the front after two hours, and they're very upset because they can't vote. they didn't understand. >> how long were you in line? >> about two hours. >> what do you think about what's going on here with the lines? >> i think they need to do this in the neighborhoods where the people live. by cutting down the polling places, it's just really making for a catastrophe. >> now, to add insult to injury, voters in arizona, they waited hours in the hot sun with temperatures topping near 80 degrees. that's a little uncomfortable right there. one voter came back after casting her ballot to hand out bottled water to other voters. very compassionate after standing this that line herself. a long, long day there. >> thank you, jackie. the long night is still continuing as we wait for utah and also to see about idaho. what are the wins by mr. trump and mrs. clinton mean for the race ongoing? joining us are fox news panel
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contributor, eleanor of talk media news, and tony from jamestown associates, and janine chief political correspondent for the conservative review. staying withes us all through the evening. we've got the coffee, chocolate and tea. >> and jeanine, nice to have you with us tonight. >> thank you. >> tony, let me start with you. tet cruz. he was down at the border in arizona. he was campaigning hard, but donald trump pulled it off big-time tonight. what does that mean? >> it was so natural, clearly immigration was how he launched his campaign. the law on the southern border largely sup pord by the vast majority of arizonans. if you think about the idea that the establishment endorsements have been going to everybody but trump, the establishment in arizona went to trump. a lot of the party and political leadership in the state was well behind trump.
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and this is the 58 winner take all delegates. cruz for his part clearly is looking to gain delegates in utah, and if he goes beyond that 50 prsz threshold, he gets all 40. they'll both have good nights. for trump, this is all about accumulating delegates to the 1237 number. >> a big one do you think to governor cruz, though he is expected to potentially take utah? >> i'm sure it is a big concern and disappointment to cruz. but looking at arizona, we also had a record number of individuals coming out to vote. some people who had never maybe voted before, record number, long lines. a lot of frustration and anger because of the setup with some of the polling locations, where people had to wait for hours, sometimes two, three hours. >> doesn't that assure a lot of excitement? >> i'll get to my point. there is a lot of excitement.
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people are engaged, involved, they want to participate in the upcoming election. and it's an exciting thing. it's a marathon. we've got a ways to go. but there is a lot of excitement out there. >> immigrati already a top topic in arizona. do you think that the numbers of people who turned out at the polls was perhaps increased as a result of what happened in brussels this morning? >> i totally think that arizona, that is a border state, and for what happened in brussels, that was only hours ago. people are still really emotional about it. it is a really tragic thing that has happened. it is a big concern with security and also illegal immigrants who are coming to the country. and with the possibility of terrorists coming through on these border states. >> one other question. not related to that, but arizona, a closed primary. and what does it mean for trump that he won so overwhelmingly and didn't have to depend on
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independents, or democrats crossing over? >> this defies what you've heard from the non-trump side, from the conservative contests, donald trump is going to have a harder time. clearly it was not the case. i would say that what trump has done most effectively is connect the idea of open borders, illegal immigration and terrorism. in europe it's a result of bad open-border policies in that continent that have fostered these type of terror cells in heavily muslim enclaves that go basically unchecked in the large urban areas. i would agree with the idea that trump, and on the democrat side, hillary clinton, perhaps did gain late deciding voters on the issue of national security and terrorism based on the sad events of today. >> ellen, what do you think? >> first of all, i think it was senator cruz that said, we should go to every muslim's home. that's just insane. the fact is that we have had bad
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things happen here. 9/11. and so i don't think that we are immune in any way, shape or form. but when we get to the general election, and you have mr. trump going in this particular way, you also have the situation that we do have three branches of government, and we're treating this presidential election as if it was a one branch of government. we also have the senate, the house and the judiciary. that is not being dealt with at all by presidential candidates. it will be dealt with in a republican party. >> or they could be looking toward president obama who's done a lot of executive action on his own. >> he's done executive action, but he has tipped his hat to the fact that we do have a supreme court and we do have a legislature. and maybe that's why he's taking some executive action. the fact is, this is going to come up in the presidential debates, which pit the democrat and the republican. >> let's take another look at the fact that obama has been
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able to get away with so much. we have the house, the republicans, the republicans have the senate, they have basicallynt obama to continue to fundamentally transform america. i think that also feeds into why a lot of conservatives and republicans are out in record numbers. >> and democrats, too, with anti-establishment, bernie sanders. >> that's true. >> let's talk about that right now. we'll go to utah where it is 11:09 mountain time at the moment. the caucus day was packed. long lines, big waits. they ran out of ballots in some places, and even crashed the democratic party website. joining us from salt lake city is utah's democratic chairman, peter karou. early morning hours, eastern time, do you think bernie sanders will pull it out tonight? >> bernie sanders looked like he was in the lead in the rural areas. we'll see what happens. we had lines one hour to two hours long, record turnout this year.
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and so we may not know the results until early morning, if then. we had people still voting at 10:00, even after polls were supposed to officially close at 8:30. anybody who was in line at 8:30 was able to vote. we had people still voting there 10:00 our time. >> the senator really put a lot of effort into utah. hillary clinton not so much. but in terms of salt lake city, i mean, that is more of the liberal bastion in your largely conservative republican state. how do you see the results there? >> we don't know the results here yet. again, we had people stit voting up until just about an hour ago. so we're still counting. we're doing things the old-fashioned way here. we've got paper ballots. so we've got people back in our offices right now counting those paper ballots. record turnout. we had more people voting in the two and a half hour caucus meeting than we had vote in our primary in 2008. >> right now, we're showing
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numbers on the right of the screen, only 1% in. as you can see, senator sanders is 55% to mrs. clinton's 40%. does that surprise you is this and was there a major issue in yush sense? >> well, i think there's excitement on the democratic side. this is the first time we've had a caucus in march in a long time. usually you have a primary in june after basically things have been decided. so people were excited on the democratic side because we had a close race. i think democrats also got out in a little bit of anger against the republicans. people wanted to come out and have their voices heard. we'll find out the results early tomorrow. >> the registration numbers in utah, the republicans are crushing the democrats. but did you see this poll recently that showed allegedly that if donald trump was the nominee of the republican party,
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hillary clinton would potentially win utah? do you think that is anywhere in the realm of reality? what's the cause of that? >> i think that is a -- in the realm of reality. when you have donald trump coming out and speaking neck tifl about mitt romney, utah's favorite son, and not being very kind to him, i think utahns look at the other side now and saying, maybe for the first time since 1964, we may vote for a democrat this year. >> you talk about donald trump, and, of course, the major influence of the lds, the latter-day saints. have they been offended? have they taken issue with his language, with some of his demeanor, with what he has said, besides attacking mitt romney? questioning whether he's a mormon or not? >> i think latter-day saints are offended at his style. not necessarily his message. we have a very conservative
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state here. but i think they are offended at his style. and, you know, the mormon church has been persecuted in the past. when you have a candidate coming out and speaking about things involving, you know, not being friendly towards religion, they've seen that in the past here in utah, and aren't very happy about seeing a candidate who will start questioning whether we should let people of religious faiths into our country. >> we just saw a minute ago, just a second ago, the numbers for ted cruz increasing, up to 60%. before i let you go, remarkable the three young missionaries from utah, their lives were spared in the horrendous attack in brussels. your thoughts that three of your young constituents there for the churn on their mission were saved and protected by god. >> our hearts go out to them. our prayers go out to them and their families. we're obviously very happy that they're alive and hopefully will recover in the near future.
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>> peter, we thank you for joining us tonight. we will be staying up all night here in the fox news channel. as you count those paper ballots. just make sure there are no chads, please. >> the old-fashioned way here in utah. >> that's terrific. thank you very much. >> already with the four-letter word and we're just starting. chads. not going to repeat that. i remember it well. we're going to have a lot more political coverage ahead. and we'll be discussing the latest developments in the horrendous terrorist attack that has shattered one of the european capitals. >> coming up, the latest from brussels, and the search for another possible suspect. that is under way right now. >> it felt like a wave. and you knew as soon as it happened, no doubt, it was a terrorist attack. don't let dust and allergies get between you
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camera walking with the other two suspected suicide bombers at the airport. that man is suspected to have survived the attack. let's go to benjamin hall who is joining us now from london. hi, benjamin. >> reporter: good morning, eric. a sad day today, and three days of mourning being announced for the 34 people killed and 200 wounded in brussels. the massive manhunt continues for the man who got away. the three suspects where 14 died, the two appear to be holding deadman switches in their left hands, so when they released the trolleys, the bombs went off. the man in the hat is suspected to the third attacker. a suicide vest was found undetonated in the airport. so we don't know why he chose not to do that. or if it didn't work. he is expected to be at large and police are searching for him across the city of brussels.
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a taxi driver took the three to the airport. he brought them from an area called schaerbeek. one apartment is the main focus in the area. chemicals have been found there, explosive device containing nails and isis flag. it's unclear who the extra belt was made for. this continually points to more networks in the heart of europe. a blast in the subway is still unknown. there is believed to be only one explosion at the metro. it happened in the heart of brussels, close to the european parliament as well as near the u.s. embassy. the attack at the airport was at check-in number 8 which is where the american airlines desk is. there is a suspicion it may have been targeted. the question is now whether this attack was carried out by the arrest of salah abdeslam last week. authorities are scrambling to find out whether this is the same network or a different
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network. there are suggestions an attack is already in the planning and time will move forward because of his arrest. time and time again, belgium comes back to the story. it is the heart of the story here. and the highest number of per capita people who have gone to fight in syria come from belgium. a big question whether there are more out there if more attacks are possibly going to happen. >> benjamin, thanks so much for the latest. >> we'll talk more about this. by phone is congressman robert pittinger from north carolina, chairman of the congressional task force on terrorism and unconventional warfare. thank you so much for staying up late with us. this is a very important story today that has been breaking, and continues to over the last couple of hours. are we doing enough to keep our nation safe there another terror attack?
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>> unfortunately i think this is a deep regrettable tragedy. i have met with heads of state and foreign ministers throughout the middle east time and again. each of them are deeply discouraged over the president's unwillingness to step forward and to lead. they're not looking for american boots on the ground anywhere, they're looking for the moral authority. they're looking for the president to take the initiative to recognize that we need to take out assad, to recognize to have a real strategy to take these people out. we have several components in our toolbox. one is intelligence gathering, the other is intersenting the money. recently the president had an aggressive effort to go after the sources of the money. they, frankly -- there are environmental reasons for taking
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out a truck. we took out refineries in world war ii. you do what you have to do to defeat and win a war. i think we have to be clear in our objective. we have to be thoughtful in what can be done. isis needs money. and much of what i do is related to tracking money, and intercepting the money. even what he did in iran is going to bring additional more tens of billions of dollars even into this war. >> the way that isis makes their money, just to tell people at home, is through oil, correct? >> well, that's one of the primary reasons, extortion, antiquities, i'm headed down to latin america because of the working relationship between criminals now. and utilizing drugs and the various cartels aligned with
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isis members. they've gone to various sources for their money. but we have to track this money through the international financial system, intercept it. we have real rules right now that restrict our databases there coordinating together among our agencies. >> that's actually one of the things i wanted to ask you about. because you mentioned intel. and now you're talking about coordination between agencies. one of the concerns of people, and they've discussed this, and so many questions involved, and the problems that happened with the intel, in investigating these individuals, because there seems to have been somewhere, where something went drastically wrong, because we have salah ab des slam who had been searched for since last december, when the paris attacks happened, and he was hiding in plain sight. >> yes. you're exactly right. and sometimes we don't gather all the intel together, we don't fit all the pieces together. let me say, lawsuit has done a
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great job of protecting our homeland. we've prevented maybe 70 or more attacks on our homeland. they got through a couple times last year. i have read over 20,000 classified documents of attacks prevented in europe. yet they can be right just one time and they make it. >> tell me if this is correct, i read a report there were at least 90 americans here on our soil who have been killed or injured by isis. >> well, there have been. that's a correct number. we have sleeper cells in every state. and we have to be on guard in tracking these people, and following them. that's why, frankly, the public got so upset over the government having all this data. and, you know, now it's in the hands of the private sector. well, frankly, there was more protection with the government. the private sector exploits our data on a daily basis.
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we have more protections, more oversight, more protections of our own privacy of any country in the world. i was with one of our forums with members of parliament from 25 countries. germany came clean and said, we really don't have any oversight. we have four members of the intelligence community, on the committee, they meet once a month for four hours. we have 30-plus members who manage all 17 agencies, that have everything to do with this. our courts, the white house. but we have to -- when a known terrorist is contacting somebody, here or abroad, we have to know who they're contacting and what it's about. >> i'm sorry, that involves communication, and cooperation between different groups as you're saying, and having the moral authority to figure out what's going on with isis.
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congressman, thank you so much. >> good to being with you. >> thank you. >> arizona has been called for trump and clinton. but in utah, what's behind this overwhelming turnout on this caucus night. >> that means you have to stay with us all night. which is okay. we will be talking with our panel about what all this may mean. so stay with us. everyone's lookin' red carpet ready. my man, lemme guess who you're wearing... toenail fungus!? whaaat?!? fight it! with jublia. jublia is a prescription medicine... ...used to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. jublia is workin' it! most common side effects include... ...ingrown toenail, application site redness,... ...itching, swelling, burning... ...or stinging, blisters, and pain. oh!! fight it! with jublia! now that's a red carpet moment! ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. visit our website for savings on larger size.
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welcome back to america's election headquarters here on fox news. turning our attention back to the political contest, tonight going on right now, trump and clinton taking arizona. but no call yet in utah. here's the latest numbers from the gop side. you can see ted cruz with 58%. and i believe that that was kasich. was that kasich in second place? maybe we can get back to the screen in just a minute. here, this is on the democratic side, bernie sanders at 74%, and hillary clinton at 24%. and this has been called bernie sanders winning, and winning handily there in utah. so we can add that. bernie sanders wins utah, and hillary clinton wins arizona. joining us now from the fox news bureau in washington, d.c., daniel, the online editor for the "weekly standard." thank you for staying up late, or getting up early, whichever it is for you. >> great to be here.
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thank you. >> bernie sanders being called for him in utah. is that a surprise to you? i think it was like 74% or so to 22%? >> the margins are pretty high. much higher than expected. it was expected he would win some states. the problem is that it's not a very delegate rich state, like arizona, which he lost by a big margin. the problem bernie sanders has had for a while is hillary clinton has a very high lead in the pledged delegate account. it's very hard to overcome that. there aren't winner take all contests on the democratic side, it's all proportional. it's hard to make up lost ground. that's not to mention the super delegate which he is well, well short of, even competeding in that. so it's very hard to see how once again bernie sanders can hold something together and be competitive on the democratic side. >> in terms of the super delegates, as hillary clinton is well aware, sometimes they don't
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stick with you. so they could change, you know, who they're deciding to vote for. we'll talk a little more about that. let's go to arizona now. where trump handily won. do you think that the events that happened in brussels several hours ago, assisted in his numbers there in arizona? >> it seems plausible. however, i would suggest that the numbers are still coming in, so we don't yet know. it does suggest that trump's margin before today was larger than it is today. that means the pre-election day vote tally, he was winning it by a larger margin than he will ultimately win the contest by. nonetheless, i think we can say quite easily that these kind of events with muslim -- presumably muslim migrants performing jihadist terror activities, it probably helps donald trump who has directly addressed these issues in many of his campaign platforms. so i think overall, it probably
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helps. though i'm not sure we see the evidence in the arizona numbers specifically. i think he just had too large of a lead to give it up, regardless, honestly, of what happened today or in the last couple of days. >> a huge concern in arizona, being a border state. immigration a top concern. let's move to utah, though. how do you expect the numbers to shake out on the republican side in utah? if we can pull those numbers up again. at this point we have john kasich in second place with 22%. donald trump just below him at 19%. and there's only 2% in. so these numbers will change as we continue the evening. >> well, it's important for ted cruz to get over 50%. if he gets over 50%, he gets all the delegates and becomes a winner take all state. his campaign manager just tweeted a few minutes ago that ted cruz in fact would make over 50%. and he would get all the delegates. that's their bet. they're going out and saying it. so i think the numbers suggest that -- look, it's really
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interesting, because arizona and utah tell very different stories about the race. both very, very relevant. utah proves donald trump is still unliked by a large percentage of republican voters, and losing utah by a very large margin. arizona shows he's very well liked by a large number of voters, and that ted cruz hasn't been able to expand his base and expand to, you know, expand some more voters, more moderates, more different kinds of voters to win the race. i think we learned two important lessons from the state that really showed different kind of lopsided results. although, again, we're still waiting for the final utah numbers to come in. >> isn't arizona a closed race as well? am i wrong about that? arizona's closed, right? >> i believe so. i'd have to double-check. >> there were no independents as you were just talking about, other voters that could vote in arizona either. so, you know, republican voters
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only in arizona of the trump did a great job. then you have the opposite going on in utah. >> well, perhaps that's one explanation. look, i mean, there's also a heavy mormon population. donald trump has done a lot to aggravate mitt romney, the first mormon serious presidential candidate, nominee. and he's done a lot to aggravate that community, and tends to be more socially conservative than somebody with new york values in the way that donald trump is. as you can see how ted cruz would be a more natural appeal. sort of a more traditional conservative type. and that really is his base. what's interesting, as you talked about earlier in the show, is that poll that shows ted cruz -- or that donald trump, rather, might lose utah to hillary clinton in the general election. that really gives, i think, a new texture to the race. it really shows sort of the dynamics and how complex it is, and how donald trump really does
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change things. and there's a grand theory which donald trump likes to suggest that he would win over a lot of states. that could be the case. we don't know yet. the evidence right now is suggesting that he's got a long way to go before he gets to that mark if indeed he is the republican nominee. >> all right. it does continue. daniel, thank you so much for joining us. thank you. >> thanks, heather. >> what does a win by senator sanders in utah mean. let's go back to the trio of fox contributors who will be along with us all night. eleanor, and tony, and jeanine. let me start with you. you're the democrat. >> all right. >> she's ready. >> i know you are. there's something fascinating here. 2008, hillary lost to barack obama big-time, 56 to 39%. >> because the super delegates were with her originally, and
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they went most of them to barack obama. and this could happen again. if you take a look at hillary clinton's lead, and you take away the super delegates, the lead isn't that great. and particularly bernie sanders sent out this big e-mail today to get money, saying that he won the democrats abroad. and so if you take a look at this, it's very, very different if the super delegates decide to be fickle. >> what do you think they'll do? >> i have no idea. but if it's a very close race, or if had ebegins to get more delegates, they may mi grade to him. >> on the democratic side, utah is largely white. liberal in terms of the democrats. that follows the pattern we've seen that bernie sanders has been able to exploit. is it possible for him to break out of that? he's not been able to do that, especially in the african-american community. >> that's very true. i think he does have a problem with african-americans. but we do have a lot of the mid-level fly-over states coming
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up. and this is going to be interesting. i have to say one thing about the republicans since i am from the great state of ohio. and governor kasich did very well in utah. but i think some of this may be backlash against trump because trump talks about his negotiating power. but in fact, on one-on-one negotiations, and kasich has negotiated with legislatures as well as being in congress. >> tony, you're making a face. ellen wants to give her home state governor john kasich a boost, but i could hardly say 22% is a good showing, albeit a second place showing in utah. going back to sanders, an earlier guest made the point that the proportional delegation count hurts him. that's completely untrue in my assessment. if anything, the fact these are
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proportional races, helps bernie sanders, because he's able to then make the case first thing in the race longer. and not being forced out of the race if hillary is going to win a lot of these states, which we saw her do on super tuesday, both on the march one and earlier one. the fact that sanders continues to win states, continues to do well, performs much more significantly now with african-american votes in illinois, missouri, north carolina, all much better than he did on super tuesday, one michigan, highly diverse state, over illinois. he still has the rationale for making the case for the progressive movement. >> midwest has it. >> where basically hillary clinton has not been able to do without his insistence. he has made hillary a much more progressive leftist candidate as a result of being able to stay in the race so long. >> he's also done very well with
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young voters. i want to later on this evening talk about the online voting that they were doing. and see if maybe perhaps there were younger voters that were more inclined to use that. and so maybe they were larger numbers of turnout for him in that area. >> they say that could be the future. >> i don't know. they've got some problems, though. >> well, the shocking terrorist attack, that issue back in the forefront of this contest. straight ahead, we will have the latest developments on what authorities are now finding in brussels. and here are the candidates weighing in on the attacks on the campaign trail. >> in the wake of brussels, we don't need another lecture from president obama on islamicaphobia. we need a commander in chief to do everything to defeathe memory and immediately halt the president's ill advised plan to bring in tens of thousands of syrian muslim refugees. [alarm b]
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10:46 pm
on monday,hich happened to be the day before the latest terrorist attack occurred, our next guest introduced a new bill in congress to try to stop any flow of terror suspects to our country. what do we need to do? we're joined on the telephone by lee zeldon who is part of the house foreign affairs committed tee. thank you for joining us in this early morning hour.
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thank you for your bill. you must have been as shocked and stunned as anybody, that the next day, what you want to try to prevent actually happened so devastatingly and tragically in brussels. >> no question. so monday evening, we're having this debate on the house floor with regards to the movement of foreign fighters, terrorists from one country to another. the need to increase the standards all across the globe to be able to better leverage our foreign aid, our supplies and surplus to assess which countries are medium risk, which ones are high risk. so that we can improve the security situation not just at home, but abroad. so there we are monday evening, having what turned out to be an especially timely debate with the events that happened just hours later. fortunately the bill passed the house monday night.
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but certainly very interesting timing of everything. >> do you think that the bill -- that we're safe? can we prevent 5,000 europeans, that got the visa waiver program, belgium is on the visa waiver program. what's stopping a potential terrorist from getting on a plane and landing at l.a.x. or jfk? >> that security flaw is one that is so huge, that we should seriously consider changing the visa waiver program so that it isn't as easy as it is for someone to be able to come to the united states. you know, we have certain countries abroad that are -- i mean, woefully inaccurate security, border security, entry in and out of their countries, and we need to coudo a better j of having one set standard, so that if you and i are having a
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conversation about a particular country and with esay that a country is a medium risk or high risk country, it's not subjective. there needs to be objective standards. >> i'm sorry, we're up against a hard break. we'll be right back. you totaled your brand new car. nobody's hurt, but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax constipated? use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief
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10:53 pm
welcome back. let's bring back our panel. joining us tonight, our team of fox news contributors. ellen from talk media news, and chief political correspondent for the conservative review, and tony, the executive vice president of jamestown associates. so, the numbers are starting to come in. we have hillary in arizona, bernie in utah. any surprises so far on the democratic side, jeanine? >> i think the biggest surprise is that bernie has made it as far as he has made it. especially with all the money he's been able to raise and the momentum that he's been carrying forward. he is very attractive to young voters and also independent voters. basically he's been a gnat flying around hillary clinton's head, because she can't focus on ted cruz or donald trump, and she's having to spend resources on bernie sanders. >> she's starting to focus more on donald trump, though.
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tony, in terms of john kasich, he is right now i think in second place for the republicans there in utah. although only 2% of the precincts have been reported. why is he still in the race? what is his purpose? >> his win in ohio was sigtd significant, if you think about the larger stop trump strategy that deprived him of 66 votes that he otherwise would have gotten. i think kasich thinks he has a road map through the northeast and the upper midwest. wisconsin is the next contest in two weeks. but i think it's going to become very hard, and some of the numbers we're starting to see in arizona, and utah substantiate, to think you could stop trump with two people siphoning votes away from donald trump. there's going to be pressure whether or not he gives in to it from the forces that do want to create a singular non-trump candidacy behind ted cruz for
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kasich to exit the race. >> does he still think he has a pathway? >> it's because if trump does not come in with enough of those tell gates, and he very well may not, kasich may very well come in. so goes ohio, there goes the nation. >> what happens at the convention? how does he use that leverage and who does had ethrow it to? >> he says, i'm a governor, i've goshd with people, i've used the three branches of government. he uses all of that to get people behind him. >> is that enough to become president? >> well, the fact is he was the nominee, the polls have him very close with either hillary clinton or even bernie sanders. >> the same goes for ted cruz in that regard. the problem with the kasich logic is the following. it presumes that the rule 40 rnc rule is going to be suspended.
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that suggests you have to have gotten the majority of delegates in eight states to even be introduced to the convention floor as a possible nominee. if you're going to suspend rule 40, you're basically going to create this open situation where more than just john kasich then could be brought in for consideration for the delegates at the convention. i think he's really stuck at this moment, although there is a logic that says if he can win a handful of states in the northeast, that ted cruz, in the minds of some, never win, then he's still helping -- >> another hour coming up. we're now waiting for the republican call in both utah and idaho. we'll have the latest numbers straight ahead. >> stay with us. he's noticing a real difference in his joint comfort.
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