tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News March 23, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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envoy, they've said isis infiltrated the refugee population. go to and twitter and let us know what you think. that is all the time we have left this evening. as always, thanks for joining us. "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> we must dismantle the global network of terror that supplies money, arms, propaganda, and fighters. >> hillary clinton putting forth her plan to defeat the isis savages. we will take a hard and fair look at it. >> and now in arizona we can see donald trump, he won. >> donald trump takes arizona. ted cruz wins utah. bernie sanders does pretty well against mrs. clinton but does it mean anything? we'll have the latest polling and you may be shocked. also ahead, dennis miller and a college in the south that may be scrutinizing students who support trump.
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enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. hillary clinton terror warrior that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. it was good to seat "wall street journal" editorialize today that the only way, the only way to stop isis committing mass murder in the future is to confront them at their source in syria, iraq, and now libya. talking points said that last night, and it has been a major theme of this program for years. unfortunately, most western leaders are afraid to do that. pointing to the debacle in iraq and the tremendous problems in afghanistan as a reason to avoid meaningful confrontation with islamic killers. but, if we;)ñ do not attack the savages, the world will continue to absorb violent terror incidents. they will never stop. enter hillary clinton, who might become president.
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today at stanford university she spoke about the isis threat. >> on 9/11, nato treated an attack against one as an attack against a on september 12th, headlines across europe, most notably in ramon, proclaimed we are all americans. now it's our turn to stand with europe. >> whats to that mean? stand with europe? we annualized mrs. clinton's speech today and can find no concrete action. she is proposing to defeat the isis savages. nothing. instead, she used her platform to attack republicans. >> it would also be a serious mistake to begin carpet bombing populated areas into oblivion. proposing that doesn't make you sound tough. it makes you sound like you are in over your head. slogans aren't a strategy. >> on that, hillary clinton and i agree. slogans are no strategy.
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but, again, what is her strategy to stop the terror killings plaguing the world? what is it? if talking points hears about alliances one more time, cardiac arrest may follow. let's stop the b.s., people are dying. innocent people. isis is like the black plague marching through europe killing at random. 400 terrorists have been dispatched by isis to cause damage in europe. the lies in bruit force. not dumb suggestions that the kurds handle the whole thing. that kind of blather. america needs a strong leader who will sit down with the smartest military people and map out a clear fighting plan. then, nato needs to declare war on the isis group. then every muslim nation in the world needs to be asked to pledge troops to help nato fight isis. no moreí6 dithers, no moreñzy sloganeering, because, and mark my words here, a weapon of mass destruction will be used by the isis savages. it is just a matter of time.
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and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight, reaction. joining us here in new york city the former mayor of new york, rudy giuliani. i don't think any of the presidential contenders have a clear vision to take this isis group out. do you? >> she has got the least. i mean,. >> bernie sanders, he has got the least. >> i don't consider bernie sanders. >> he is still a contender. >> for her to say that, you know, they stood with us the day after september 11th. and we should stand with them. well, her president was sitting at a baseball game doing the wave and laughing instead of trying to rally the west against isis on the date that this killing took place. what he did yesterday embarrassed me as an american. >> i wasn't surprised because hev! feels that this terror stuff is just a matter of business. it's just the way the world is now. we're going to have it every month or so. we're going to have it and he felt that his detente with cuba was important
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enough for him to go through it i know exactly what he was thinking. i understand what you were thinking because you were in charge of new york city when 3,000 people were killed. >> if you are talking about doing what she wants to do, which is to rally our forces against isis, you have got to come back to the white house. you have got to sit in the situation rom. you can't leave until you come up with a plan. >> barack obama doesn't want to do that barack obama doesn't want to rally anybody. >> she had her chance to do it. she helped create isis. hillary clinton could be considered a founding member of isis. >> how did she help because we have a guy, an expert coming on about isis, how did she help isis. >> by being part of an administration that withdrew from iraq. by being part of an administration that let maliki run iraq. >> into the ground. >> into the ground. you forced the shiites to make a choice by not intervening in syria at the proper time. by being part of an administration that drew 12 lines in the sand. >> and didn't do anything. >> made a joke out of it. i want to be fair to hillary
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clinton. as secretary of state she could not force barack obama to do anything. the only thing she could have done was resigned. >> that's it. >> which is what a patriot does. >> okay. but let's go forward now. bernie sanders nothing. hillary clinton, i didn't hear anything today. donald trump general. i'm going to get, i'm going to put a hurt on them. >> that's better. >> ted cruz on this program backed away from the carpet bombing a little bit. he wouldn't do it in population centers. he wants to bring more intensive air in and support a nato declaration of war. john kasich, i'm not sure. i have to be fair to the governor. i mean, i haven't heard him be a terror warrior. >> i think trump and cruz probably have been the most specific on it. as specific as you would expect at this level of the campaign. there is no question they will take the war to isis. exactly how they do it, they probably don't know yet until they get in there. >> i think that's fair. they don't know. >> i have no doubt and, you know i prefer trump over
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cruz. but i have no doubt that either trumpwç or cruz if that had happened would have been angry and shocked as opposed >> why would you be shocked because it's happened so often. i ran it down last night. it's every month. every month you get this. >> the president should be shocked because the president thinks he has defeated isis. >> he doesn't think that. >> yes, he does. >> he doesn't. >> he thinks that isis is under control. under reasonable degree of control. >> contained. >> it's not. >> of course. but you have got to look into his mind if you want to solve the problem. >> if he believes it's contained. >> yes. >> this is collateral damage what happened yesterday in brussels. this is the world we live in. the brave new world. you are always going to have it and he says we have to live with it. >> if he considers it contained. let's assume it does. now all of the sudden you get an attack in brussels which proportionately is like the september 11 astack where you consider the population of belgium, then
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he should be shocked. that should say to him my strategy is wrong. >> is he not shocked. not just democrats, republicans too. willing to accept these terror attacks. willing to accept them, all right, as the new age we live in. they are not -- they don't get angry. they don't get emotional. they don't try to sit down and find out how we can destroy these people. they want to, well, we will arrest the guys who did it. you know, we will arrest them. >> this is why we need a leader. >> we haven't had a strock leader in this area. >> the civil war was unpopular after three years. lincoln didn't pull out. >> roosevelt had to coax us into the second world war and ronald reagan had to spend money on the military, which was veryç@ unpopular in order to defeat the soviet union. that makes a great president. >> i expect to you endorse trump any moment. [ laughter ] >> you know that's going to be a controversial endorsement. >> it wouldn't be the first time did i something controversial.
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>> look what happened to christie. look what happened to chris christie after he did it. he got hammered. >> when i make an endorsement, there will be very good reason for it. here is my goal. i want -- i don't want hillary in the white house. she has had her chance. bill, she is running on her record as secretary of state. what was her record of secretary of state. >> she went to more places than anybody else. >> more failure. she mentioned putin today. she reset the relationship with putin and medvedev and look what we got. >> you don't want hillary clinton and what else goes into your endorsement. >> i look at trump and cruz. i tell my friends it's like poker and we have got three cards left. you have got to pick one of the three cards. right now, trump looks like the best one to me. i haven't made my final decision yet. >> if trump wins, you will be director of homeland security. does that matter. >> i don't think i will be. i don't want to be in more particular. i would be happy. >> you would answer the call for your country i know you. if trump gets elected and says listen, mr. mayor, i
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don't know at he calls you. you need to come in here and direct homeland security. >> he call -- depends on whether i agree with him or not. >> i know how that is. you would take the job. and you would be a good director of homeland security. >> i don't know if i take the job. you know something? i think it's illegal to bet on government office. >> you would know. all right. when you endorse trump, i want to you come back and tell us specifically. >> i will give you my detailed reasons. happy easter. >> same to you, mr. mayor. >> next on the rundown, some brand new polling that may surprise you. wait until you see the trump vs. bernie sanders number. and, later, miller on why some americans are so apathetic when it comes to their own country. the factor is coming right back.
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39, 38 clinton ahead. clinton vs. cruz. the senator wins that one 47-44. clinton vs. kasich, the governor ahead 51, 40, fairly stunning. not as stunning as this. bernie sanders vs. trump. the senator wins 52-38.ñt sanders beats cruz 47-43. sanders loses to kasich 44, 43. 4% say they would be&oiç scared if donald trump becomes president. just 8% are scared if kasich wins. with us now pollster frank luntz.
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so, matchups now when they are not going head to head they are in a way but it's primary. do they mean anything. >> it gives you indication of what could happen on election day. what i find interesting about this is that the so-called trump democrat and there are them and they deserve to be focused, these are people who believe that trump is the right choice for president but they won't vote republican for the senate. they won't vote republican for the house. they are doing the same thing in 2016 that reagan democrats did in 1980? that should be factored into this poll because this is just registered voters. it's across the board. >> correct. here's the problem. there aren't enough trump democrats to overcome latinos to overcome 18 to 29-year-olds and overcome younger women because that is where trump is weakest. is he losing the traditional vote that they get among those three segments and the trump democrats don't overcome that. >> we should mention there was a head to head in the primaries in the fox poll todayw trump, this is 49
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preference, 41% prefer trump in the republican precincts. 8% cruz. so that's in the margin of error. and 17 kasich. on the democratic side, llary clinton is surging 55%. she was at 44% in february. 42% for sanders. i was surprised that sanders beats all the republicans. i mean, i don't understand that. because bernie sanders is pretty radical guy. >> the funny thing is they are not voting based on policy. they are voting based on personality. and that's what's interesting about a general election. in a primary you got your liberals and conservatives. in a general election independents, moderates, they matter. they don't vote based on where candidates stand on the issues. they vote based on integrity and character and somebody who means what they say. >> bernie sanders is beating all the republicans except kasich and it's a tie there? bernie sanders would? i know it's hard to believe. >> it is for me. even the dimmest americans must understand, all right, that if a guy like that got intoed office, number one he
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would never get anything passed, right? who in congress is going to vote for a socialist program, nobody. >> they want somebody who looks you straight in the eye and tells you the truth. >> the truth is i can't get anything passed. that's what they want? that's the truth. >> compare bernie sanders to hillary clinton. she is the most inauthentic, manufactured candidate in the last 20 years. >> still winning the democratic precincts. >> because she is so well known to them. she wins the african-american votes. >> i got it? >> that's the difference between a primary electorate and general election. that's why she can win a primary. if this were a general election and open it up to independence, sanders does best in open primaries. >> if you think if it were just between democrats running for president sanders vs. hillary sanders would beat her. >> if independence could vote in precincts. if you were donald trump's campaign manager and you saw this poll roll in today, what would you tell them. >> first thing i would tell them be on the show. >> be on the factor.
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>> >> answer the questions. >> we did invite them today after ted cruz last night. and i don't begrudge him that he is relaxing with his family in florida. he needs a day off. i don't begrudge him that what else? >> the second thing is that what he did at aipac was very professional. it was a teleprompterred speech and it was prepared. he dealt with the key issues that the public wants to see third is that they need to know a few more details on issues like spending. what do you cut? taxes. what goes down? and particularlyçuñ foreign policy number one issue to independence is national security. >> he is pretty strong on national security. is he going to wipe out all the isis bad guys and let me tell you. he is going to get them. would you be concerned about a poll like this or like me would you say, look, it's not really valid yet because we are not in the general. is he not bringing bringingcr8[o hillary clinton and he is going to change a lot of minds in that way. >> you would be concerned.
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>> you would be concerned, why? >> the voters start to see the two of them as the nominees. and as the enemy knees they begin to make choices. much easier to someone undecided in your camp than take someone from hillary clinton and bring them over to donald trump. >> you would be concerned that is he so far behind, 13 points behind hillary clinton suspects going to be hard to make that up. now, in the general, trump vs. cruz, okay, it's almost a tie now among republicans in those precincts. >> right. >> but the delegate count is way ahead for trump. >> trump has to assume he is the nominee. ted cruz will not like to hear that cruz does not have a chance of winning a majority, let's be clear. >> can't get more than trump. >> he cannot. he still hold trump below the majority. >> right. >> here's the problem. if you deny donald trump the nomination. >> blows the party up. >> exactly. and you will have the most violent situation. >> you are predicting it's trump as the nominee. >> at this point, yes. and, but, still, the challenge for trump is to demonstrate to those who don't vote in the republican
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primary, not that you are qualified, but that you are capable and credible. >> but is he frightening them and poor john kasich wins against all the democrats but he can't even compete in the republican circles. that's interesting. frank luntz, everyone. we have a brand new bill o' poll question for you. it is provocative. should john kasich drop out of the presidential race?wñ should he drop out? please go to bill o' and cast yourllot. directly ahead, we will take to you belgium where there is a manhunt underway for terrorist suspect in yesterday's bombing. then, later, emory university in georgia accused of scrutinizing students who are supporting donald trump. big story up ahead. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america.
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factor follow-up seeing wanted tonight. death toll at least 31 in belgium after yesterdaqm4j4(p&c@ terror bombing. there are four suspects. three are dead. today in argentina president obama said this about confronting isis. >> when i hear somebody saying we should carpet bomb iraq or syria, not only is that inhumane, not only is that contrary to our values, but that would likely be an extraordinary mechanism for isil to recruit more people willing to die an explode bombs in an airport. >> joining us now from brussels, fox news senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot. so, are there any terrorist suspects at large now or they got three of them are dead. log for anybody else? >> that's a big question, bill. now there are new reports tonight that the king bombmaker might have been killed. killed by himself in a
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suicide bomb at the airport a guyzsex named najim fact coule is thought he might have gotten away. now there is information he may have been at the airport in that carnage. subway station flattened by these guys went into one of the cars and killed 20, injured up to 100. same kind of thing happened at the airport. this city was whacked yesterday. and i think rudy giuliani was right. on a scale of comparing belgium to the united states, this had big impact on the people here, bill. >> what does that mean though, greg, big impact. are they angry as americans would be? are they calling for the belgian government to do something actively against isis? how does it manifest itself? >> right now, bill, they are
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upset. they are angry. but they are more sad. they are looking for solidarity among each other. we were with the crowds today at their makeshift memorial. you know what, pill? this is exactly what we saw last january when we were in paris for those charlie7li hebdo terror attacks. >> it's the same thing. >> whenlíjñ they got whacked again in november in france, it was totally different feeling that we got. they were angry. angry at the government. angry at the groups that terrorism. it might take another serious hit like this to getd0> people upset here. upset at their government, which has got a divided law enforcement structure that's allowing this to happen. set up the european union which is allowing a lot of and maybe the other super powers that maybe should be getting involved. >> you have been to these neighborhoods in brussels that are controlled by islamic fanatics. their entire blocks and blocks and it's not just
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brussels. you have got them in germany. you have got them in paris. where there are thousands of muslim immigrants, tight nit community. these guys are allow to do walk around and do what they want. is there any way to dismantle that or get that under control? >> under the radar, bill. that's what we saw today. where the bomb factory for all of this?y> carnage was. but it was a small apartment and normal-looking building. we talked to one woman who 40ek&ate at night every night with the lights on. we kind of wondered what they were doing, were they renovating stuff. we saw them downstairs with the hoods on talking to each other in front of their building. but, you know, we never expected them to be terrorists. there is a feeling among someñ that thish on, they look the other way. a feeling among others that, in÷p fact, the law authorities should do something more.
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i don't know what they do because these ghettos are firmly established and they are in every major uppermean city. hey, greg, woe thank you very much. plento factor moves along this evening. controversy at emory universor#jeip &c @&c@ some say the administration is unfairly targeting students who support donald trump. also, dennis miller on politics and why some americans could not care less about what happens to their own country. their own country. t/i#6me you stay tuned to reports. don't let dust and allergies get and life's beautiful moments. with flonase allergy relief, they wont. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. every day, america prints about half a billion dollars.
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personal story segment tonight. who is responsible for isis? upcoming documentary on hbo@j titled only the dead see the war will debut on march 28th. michael wear co-wrote and directed the film. i believe this as well. the rise of isis, you know, as organization began when the u.s. polled -- pulled all their troops out and the maliki4óñ government, sunni government startedkq43 basically persecuting the sunnies again which had kept the isis and al qaedas under control in the parts of iraq that they controlled. is that wrong? >> a little little bit, bill. that's a run itr2 indicated history.+t a isis actually months:,) straight after the invasion. the first ever attack, the islamic state carried out was in august 2003 on the jordanian embassy.
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isis, in its history, has hadf/a four or five different it's had four differenti6 leaders. but it was all started by one man, the jordanian militant abu moo sab al zarqawi hot u.s. killed in june 2006. >> he wassu6 associated when hea was killed with al >> he had such a view of'4 holy war. more barbaric, more monster russ even than usama bin laden. so much so that bin laden opposed many of his ideas. and he did not join al qaeda, except for one brief period after 2004 where he agreed to be badged as al qaeda. >> so he was the guy -- >> -- he terrified bin laden. >> so he was the guy that basically started the isis movement. but it didn't take on momentum until they had the free fire zone in iraq
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because there was no american regulation. had you a corrupt president maliki. the8&u! sunnies said do what you want. >> you are/ right about)@ that. we had one moment in history where we were disseminating what we now call the islamic state. that's when we m the deal with the insurgents. >> this is the surge. >> the tribal -- >> -- the surge. >> and the bush administration put 107,000 insurgents on the u.s. government payroll. the insurgency stopped almost overnight and they started assassinating the islamic state. >> so it is fair to that thetw7%ñ obama resent time to do/xm;e at distance itself from the bush administration did the wrong thing and isis prospered. as far as you are concerned, you were actually dealing with these isis killers, right? >> i witnessed the -- >> i want to run a clip from the documentary, go. >> began taking me to secret meetings in the dead of/d
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night. that's my breathing as i am doing the filming. it was frightening. i surrendered myself to these guerrillas many of the americans were hunting and i had found. not knowing if they were friends or if they were going to kill me. >> so why did you do that? because you knew that these beheading you,bp using you for propaganda purposes. >> those guys we see in that clip6s are actually insurgents years later became our allies as we just discussed. they were the ones that first told me that zarqawi j4(p&c@ be-ag the beginning of the iraq war, after the invasion, we didn't know who was shooting at us or why they were shooting. >> we didn't know. that's for sure. >> it was through those sorts of men that you see there, exiraqi military who we eventually made the peace deal6ñm with. it is those men
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went out eventually and started killing the islamic state. >> so do you yourself feel in jeopardyú# these precincts. >> oh, goodness, of course i did. >> it wasn't as bad then as it is now with these guys now. all right. let me give you this question, michael. if you got a call tonight, and after this is on and they will see it, all right. and say, look, you come over here, we want to talk to you, you come over to syria to would you go? >> today, no. >> okay. that's what i'm talking about. >> today, no. once upon a time. that's precisely what i did. let's not forget rocca is not the first capital of the islamic state. the first capital of the islamic state when it was called the islamic state was the city of ramadi. the only way i was able to access that city was by going in with american marines and soldiers who were desperately fighting for their lives. >> last question. i need a quick answer. when you heard president obama say that isis was the jay vee, your reaction? >> that's definitely wrong.
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>> okay. >> these guys are the top of the line. tpz are the worst nightmare that we have. >> worst killers on earth. march 28th, hbo, michael. we appreciate you coming in. >> thank you, bill. >> the d man will discuss the latest polling and why some americans don't give a some americans don't give a hoot what happens
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thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the miller time segment tonight. let the's get right to the sage of southern california who joins usxo from sanaa da barbara. you know, miller, one of the very funny things that you do in "who wants to be president" show, you say you don't mind giving 50% of your income to the government, but you would like to meet the people who get your money. you would like to sit down and have a conversation with them, what they're doing with your tax money. it's a funny bit. today we learned that bernie sanders would take 90% of our money, your money and my money. is running ahead of all thece republicans. how do you process that? >> well, the good thing about losing to bernie if you are down by 10 his personal ethose is that he will give you a back, he will do that right? >> sure. >> of course he won't. there are winners and losers in life. sometimes there areh
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like bernie sanders who is loser. bernie sanders, if he runs, i think the democrats know this, people will smile because we live in p.c. times. you don't want to say anything against anybody. they are not going to let him win. they have too much rich guys who don't want a socialist system. bernie sanders that you said to me a while back i didn't get it. at least he believes his own crap, do you know what i mean? >> he is sincere. >> hillary knows what her crap is until her head hits the pillow at night and she sees the talkingúu'ts. >> bernie is not going to get the nomination for the very reason you just cited the democratic party is a bunch of people who are poor. the people who run it are very wealthy like george soros. they may sympathize with bernie. >> hillary is going to get it. have you ever seen somebody running away with it a more tired campaign? she trundles out there in those volvo silhouette
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pantsuits and goes on and on with the same old tropes. it's like kim jong un or something. what's with that outfit they will start shutting down roads. blessed are the fake peacemakers because they shall intimidate the earth. we are living in the era of the violent do gooder, billy. all they will say he is a clansman. to all the experts out there on clans man. it's ku klux klan not ku klux klan. you are notoweven pronouncing it right for gods sake.3 if trump want to do get everybody off his back tomorrow he ought to convert to islam. it would appear no one can say anything if it's violent on tha- end of it. trump says something he is hitler. the country has gone mad. when paul ryan announced today that he is, in essence that to me was paul ryan jumping into the race. can i tell you something,
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paul. you seem like nice enough kid you know why people are pissed off, the g.o.p. is now chipotle. you were making your own customers sick. that's why therapisted off. -- they are pissed off. >> you say you think ryan is going to run or offering himself up as a candidate? >> he will be the lucky recipient if they broker that convention. interesting. >> i thought i knew mitt. i don't know mitt. i'm not trying to say we're friends. i'm elm embarrassed for him in what he has done. >> why? >> listen, he had his chance. i like what bush did, bush 43, when he is done, he goes away answered shuts up. listen, mitt is a nice man, he ran a bad race. he ought to let this thing go forward. see who has the most votes and let them be the president. there is a million miles to go. for him to get involved to this extent this early, i just want to say boy, i don't remember you being this activated when you ran. >> that's true. he has more spunk spunk now.
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what about in your journeys around the country. do you think most americans know what they are talking about/ when it comes to politics? do they pay attention? >> what do you think, billy? no. i think people either overthink their politics or under think their politics if you can really put an accurate scope on it politically -- i heard a woman when i was coming over his or her today talking about waterboarding. if your children were kidnapped andw$v they caught one of the kidnappers. would you waterboard him to get the information on the other kid and she said. no do you think we are overthinking things politically when political correctness supersedes the primalcy of being a mother for god's sake. we have way overthought. this i feel i'm appropriately disengaged in a country that appears to have gone mad. i they will like i'm living as an expatriot in another country that used to be my
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own4ñ country. and i think a lot of people are thinking that right now. >> but you follow -- you know what's happening. you follow the news. you watch the news. i'm talking about the people who, like watters catches up with, who have no blanking idea i'm just wondering how big their numbers said, the people that watters catches up with he does not have to shift into fifth gear to catch up with them. >> no. >> let's put it that way. >> as they say in that zombie show they arep walkers. i think the zombies thing has now almost physical zombies they are mental zombies now. >> i saw an episode last week they got one of the zombies and they said would you waterboard somebody a couple days out to preclude another brussels they said no, i wouldn't. must have humans. that's how crazy the zombie thing has got.iv >> dennis miller, anybody. tickets for who wants to be
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there are rules against defacing property, but this goes beyond that. joining us from atlanta, josh goodman, college republican and a junior. so tell me what's going on, how did this thing start? >> it all started over the weekend when there were a couple of pro-trump chalk writings seen throughout the campus. on monday, a handful of students complained. they used terms like they were traumatized and they felt this was a violent action just seeing the pro-trump chalk writings. >> they were traumatized and these chalk writings -- we're not condoning graffiti, but does this happen a lot on campus? >> this is very common, especially in the middle of campus, students routinely -- i've seen a lot of support for bernie sanders in chalk, even
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pro-black lives matter support. >> did that raise any controversy, the pro-bernie sanders -- >> it raised no controversy. it was just another day of someone supporting their cause. all this said was vote donald trump 2016. trump for president. stuff like that. >> so let me get this straight, because this is a little hard for me and the audience to believe. >> it's college campuses today. >> students come out and they see vote for trump, trump 2016, then they complain to the college president that by seeing that, they are traumatized, they feel they are in danger. is that -- >> not just complaint. they demanded to speak to him, they went to the administrator's office. they held signs. they were disruptive. they were loud. and they said -- >> what did the president do? >> and the president, i think that he legitimized their claims. i was disappointed. i expected president james
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wagner to come out fiercely against this, to stand for first amendment rights and to stand for the student's rights, to support one of our two major party's political candidates, the front-runner, and he didn't. he legitimized them. >> how did he legitimize them? >> he did a number of things. he said that we should value and honor their complaints. he said we should not dismiss what they are saying. what they are saying is that you are not allowed to support donald trump at all. >> but i also understood that he said he's going review security camera tapes to see if they can catch the trumpites, is that true? >> he said he would use the security camera footage on campus to nail the culprit. >> nail themnd how? are they going to get double secret probation? >> i'm not sure how. you would have to ask him. the protesters are demanding action. >> what kind of action do the
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protesters want, josh? >> you would have to ask them. they're saying they're very upset, they feel this was triggering, a term they use a lot. they feel that this is racist against them. one even said this was a violent action against them, if you can believe that. >> i believe it. that's why we're doing this. you keep us posted, if any action is taken against any student. we appreciate you coming on, josh. good luck. >> thanks for having me, bill. >> "factor tip of the day," how to celebrate easter if you do not believe. the tip, moments away. don't let dust and allergies get between you
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the group is as dangerous as ever. you might want to wise up. >> it was always a fiction, janie. a paper tiger. >> well, we are going to try. we'll let you know how it goes. these things are never easy. we'll tell you what happens. >> senator disagrees with your assessment, jan. he made the suggestion.
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>> you see, it's impossible, it's impossible. if you do a political interview on television, you're going the get hammered. it doesn't matter what you say or do. >> we have all kinds of spring special stuff on the website, paul. thanks for pointing it out. stock up on those gifts, save a bundle down the road. we have so much good stuff and little promotions. you should take a look. it's like going into walmart. and you don't even have to have one of those little carts that
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you bang into the lady in front of you. and "the factor" "tip of the day," celebrating easter. palm sunday i went to mass in florida and the catholic church was half empty. no question, america has turned secular, so if you are a nonbeliever, how should you celebrate easter sunday besides have a nice dinner? let me make a suggestion. america was started because some brave men and women wanted freedom, which they believed back then was god's intention that man live free of oppression. on sunday, you might read something about judeo christian philosophy and how it was forged in america, how it influences everything we do, even today. our laws, everything we do. if you're not inclined to worship, then educate yourself. easter is a great time to do it. that is it for us today. please spout off about "the
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factor" from anywhere in the world. word of the day, do not be a pettifogger. please remember the spin stops here because we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight. belgium on high alert. and americans across europe are being warned their very safety may be at risk, as we learn isis may be deploying hundreds of fighters across the continent in a "wave of bloodshed." welcome to "the kelly file." i'm sandra smith in for kelly tonight. it's been more than 36 hours since terrorists first attacked the brussels airport, and a busy subway system. at this hour, a number of americans s
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