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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 24, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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there are potential suspects out there. despite that we have seen lapse after lapse after lapse. the two brothers associated with this were on the u.s. watch list and turkey warned belgium and all of europe to watch out as they booted them out of the country. hello, everyone. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." belgium lowered its alert level today even though there is still an intense hunt for a second suspect who may have been involved in the bombings in the brussels be attack on tuesday. and investigators still don't know what happened to the man in white pushing the luggage cart alongside the two suspected suicide bombers. at least two americans still remain missing. bring us up to speed, mike. >> well, you mentioned the very
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latest. there is a second mystery suspect caught on security video. you know about the known bomb here entered the metro station and detonated his bomb there. the second individual caught on security video with him apparently carrying a bag. all that police have released is a sketch of the individual. it leaves with us two unfoid vds. two people are missing. two from the state department. now at the local military hospit, there are four unanswered survivors. however, anguished families are not allowed to see them to identify or rule out foigs. >> they're frustrated that two and a half days later, at least a half dozen families haven't been told whether their children or loved ones are the once still
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in this hospital alive. we know there are legal issues. we get that. issues of investigation. we understand that. but human compassion in my opinion trumps all of that. >> adding to the growing list of apparent intelligence failure, information through the wall street journal that an arrest warrant had been issued. it was issued by a local judge with a specialty investigating the paris attacks. the majority coalition in parliament is now forming a commission to investigate the intelligence failure subsequent to the attacks. the justice minister, the interior minister, both offer their resignations. however, the prime minister refused the resignations due to what he called the situation of war. back to you. >> thank you. a day after taking a lot of heat for the optics of the baseball heat while brussels burned, president obama took a more serious tone in argentina. watch.
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maybe not. he really thinks he has a handle on terror. >> this is my number one priority. i've got a lot of things on my plate. but my top priority is to defeat isil. and to eliminate the scourge of this barbaric terrorism around the world. groups like isil can't destroy us. they can't defeat us. they don't produce anything. they're not an existential threat to us. it is very important for us to not respond with fear. >> leading from behind the third place dugout and leading a dance partner in the tango aren't really leading the war on
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terror. i don't think so and neither does charles krauthammer. >> everybody understands that's a farce. he doesn't believe a word of it. he said it by rote because he knows he's supposed to say the. he has said it in interviews, to his staff as reported in the atlantic. more people die in falls in their bathtubs than die in terrorism. >> emclimate change was more important. >> everything is more important than isis. he thinks it is the back ground noise of our time. >> okay. a couple of big thins. >> i would say the optics. the baseball game is predictable and in keeping with how he has chosen to respond to terror attacks. remember, it was james comey of the fbi who called san bernardino a terror attack. the president was not going to do that. when the fbi said, oh, no, we're doing that. then president changed his tune. and then makes a little stopover to his place in hawaii.
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otherwise the san bernardino attacks would have been written off and forgotten by the administration. so i think his response is typical and in a pat person we've seen before. i've said the enemy is departmenting. if the enemy is departmenting, doesn't that mean we should too? the third thing is it is a very different viewpoint. president obama has viewed terrorism as more of a law enforcement matter and not as terrorism. it is a different approach to fighting terrorism. i have to say if you look at that list that i mentioned in the "wall street journal," day after day of all that has happened to innocent civilians in the western world. taking the fight to the enemy is a much better alternative to me than leading from behind. >> you listened to president obama and you said he's circling the airport. >> yeah.
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he was not even focused. i really enjoyed the latest lesson of dancing with the potus. europe is burning. 400 other trained fighters are coming in to wage jihad across europe. let's get some focus here. he's dancing. he has his head in the cumulus clouds and worried about climate change. this isn't his focus. this isn't something he thinks is a pressing concern. if did he, his actions would speak louder than his hollow words. >> rebuttal? >> i don't understand what's being said at this table. >> of course. >> to me we have hardened targets in this country. we have people on the ground even at this moment as the president committed to put more people on the ground. our security apparatus is far superior. in fact, today what you saw in europe was, the foreign
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minister, the security minister in brussels. we'll resign. they're embarrassed. they knew they should have done a better job. the americans doing a great job. we're trying to find out more about the people who perpetrated that horror. >> if president obama says he doesn't want to keep gitmo open because it will kick out the terrorists. he doesn't want to say islamic terrorism because it will tick off the terrorists. two countries that have sent a lot of troops in. >> guess who gets blown to bits two days ago. >> they have a real problem in that neighborhood. and don't forget. >> my point is -- >> show people. >> they certainly do. nobody is denying that. in the middle of the darkest night, do i want somebody leading me who is panicky? fear mongering?
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reacting out of threat? or do i want a steady commanding -- >> steady on the dance floor. it sounds like your only problem is he didn't do the fox trot. he is literally dancing in the dark while people are dying in the street. president obama gave up golf during the war on terror. it looks like president obama has just given up. let's remember some others. fist bumping, golfing after the beheading. remember bowing to the saudi king or flying to vegas fundraising. he doesn't get it. to say that trump -- >> hang on. >> how do you think isis -- >> after 9/11. >> bush said after 9/11, americans -- we need to go shopping and go about our business. we should not let the terrorists
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dictate the way we lead american life. >> you can walk and chew gum at the same time. but obama isn't doing either. >> juan thinks -- >> juan, you think though -- you think that the president's rhetoric, smoother, cooler, softer approach is taking a dental out of jihad and it is not. >> a softer, easier approach. we have so much money and person and he will time invested in fighting terrorism. >> by the way, why are you so afraid of words that you won't say radical -- >> i'll tell you why. open up the eyes and ears, kimberly. the reality is we need our allies in the muslim world on our side. if we say we are perpetrating a war on muslims, that is trouble. >> we're not saying that. >> he won't even say war on terror. >> the other topic that we highlight there was -- he is against saying that.
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the intel failures. that was the ambassador to denmark saying massive intel failure is going on. >> it is hard to believe that 15 years after 9/11 we have this big of a problem. every nato meeting i ever had i had the privilege to attend, one of the big issues on the table was how the european countries were not meeting their obligation to spend at least 2% of their gross domestic product on self-defense. belgium is at 1%. not only that. they've known about this neighborhood for years. they were basically providing the negligence by the belgium official was allowing the terrorists to plot and plan in a safe haven within brussels. and that was what we were supposed to be able to disrupt. 15 years ago. and the things about breaking down intel and law enforcement, to be able to talk to each other. they haven't even done the basics. they can't even learn from our
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terrible mistakes. that we rectified. >> the turkish government told them that the guy was a terrorist. but they didn't react. >> and also, they lowered the alert level today. this bomb, this attack was supposed to be perpetrate on mop. you would think they would wait until the easter monday. >> and still with potential heads up. after the horrible devastation and tragedy that happened in paris. they knew they came from that area. they knew it was a safe haven. therefore they are aiders and abettors to jihad and terror. they stood by and allowed it to proliferate. >> you have one of the most tolerant countries in the whole european countries, belgium. >> how much time do they spend?
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they spent years going after google so they could erase any history on the internet. as if that were possible. that you have a riot to be forgotten. that's what they spent all their time going after. >> do you know what i find? they're always condescending to us about race. the europeans. they're so much better. you look at how they have handled their situation where they have allow their muslim community to be get overized. where you have that 40% can. this come to us from people who are condescending about racial issues. >> i think the onus does lay with the terrorists. >> and again, i want to highlight this one more time. and brussels is the country that didn't send troops into the fight, into africa work into the middle east. but other countries have. so pussyfooting around these terrorists and not trying to
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offend them is a losing game. >> as long as you tell them that they're weak. >> coming up, how the attacks in brussel could affect the presidential election in november. plus, how giuliani blames clinton for the rise in isis. [e] you can't have a hero, if you don't have a villain. the world needs villains [tires screeching] and villains need cars. ♪ don't let dust and allergies get and life's beautiful moments. with flonase allergy relief, they wont. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. i love to take pictures that engage people. and to connect us with the wonderment of nature. the detail on this surface book is amazing.
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with the tiger image, the saliva coming off and you got this turning. that's why i need this kind of resolution and computing power. being able to use a pen like this. on the screen directly with the image. it just gives me a different relationship to it. and i can't do that on my mac. this is brilliant for me. ♪
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welcome back. brusselses and european authorities knew an attack was ill nenl but despite all the evidence, they failed to stop the attack in brussels. the issue has been once again thrust to the forefront of the presidential race at home. hillary clinton gave a speech yesterday that outlined how she would protect america from harmful rudolph giuliani argues that she has put us in harm's way. >> she helped create isis. hillary clinton could be considered a founding member of isis. being part of an administration that with drew from iraq. about i by being part of an administration that let al
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maliki. by being part of the administration that drew 12 lines in the sand and didn't do anything. >> rudolph giuliani pulling no punches against hillary clinton. >> could i listen to that all day long. he is my kind of man. he is my kind of candidate. he is telling the truthful he is a prosecutor who ran the city in an incredibly efficient crime-free way unlike de blasio who needs to go. he make a persuasive case. her dna is all over this. how does she answer to that? is that someone you want to be commander in chief of the united states? is that the one want to promote to the most important job in the world that has failed miserably as it relates to foreign policy that has put this country in a worse position than before she even has the ability to be involved? >> a chance to weigh in. your thoughts about hillary clinton taking it on the clinton by rudy. >> the clintons get their dna
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everywhere. i do think that rudy has a point. if you look it a. go down the line. all of our enemies have gotten stronger. the iranians, the chinese, the russians. and all of our allies have gotten weaker. the ukrainians, the iraqis, she left them to hang out to dry. if she tries to separate herself from president obama, that's going to look opportunistic. he will leak something not too nice. if she embraces him. >> before we get to that, let's listen to newt gingrich on how he thinks this helped him. >> i think the attacks in many ways, trump reports the obvious. everybody thinks he is stupid because he is the only guy saying it and now several months later, the fact is donald trump
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was right. hillary clinton was totally wrong. and it makes you question her connectivity to the real world. >> when i heard that this morning, it reminded me of when romney predicted that putin would invade ukraine. and obama said come on, they want the foreign policy wrong but romney turned out to be right. >> my thoughts going back to hillary. here's how things work. so hillary negotiated with the iranians. this whole thing was set up under the hillary clinton state department that later on became the john kerry state department. seven iranians today were caught today in new york state. they're there and we have no recourse. they won't be extradited. no deal put into place to say, we're going to give you your money back. we call. doing something stupid like. that. you're a criminal. she is part of the problem. she can't even say islamic terror. if you think it isn't
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perpetrated by the iranians as well as isis. i agree with rudy. i'm not blaming her for isis but i think nothing in her state department foreign policy has helped the situation at all. >> i hate to agree with you but i think you're right. >> stop right there. you heard that right. i think you're right. i don't think that she created isis. i think american policy going back. if you look at al maliki, if you look at why we agreed to get out of iraq. if you saw so many of the people who we alienated from the iraqi government then turn into isis, the division between shia and isis. and yet giuliani once appointed hillary clinton. i think you said it right. you liked listening to giuliani. >> i like what he does.
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i like his actions. >> giuliani is not over there fighting the war on terror. >> i'm talking about what he did here. it involved making sure new york is safe against terror. >> and all this rhetoric reminds me of the chess-like -- >> trump was right. >> why did they cut and run in iraq? >> what are you talking about? democrats like to stand up for their allies, why did they leave iraq to fight for itself? >> we established them as an independent country. are you for nation building? >> juan. even hillary clinton says in her book that she disagreed that decision. >> then you should defend her only point. >> i'm not defending her on that point. >> that's great.
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ahead, some brand new fox news polls are out. we'll show you where the candidates stand with voters now. plus, john kasich on why voters should want him to stay in the race. [plumber] i need to be where the pipes are. so i use quickbooks and run my entire business from the cloud. i keep an eye on sales and expenses from anywhere. even down here in the dark i can still see we're having a great month. and celebrate accordingly. i run on quickbooks.that's how i own it.
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i love to take pictures that engage people. and to connect us with the wonderment of nature. the detail on this surface book is amazing. with the tiger image, the saliva coming off and you got this turning. that's why i need this kind of resolution and computing power.
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and stop itself to avoid it. when the insurance institute for highway safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight. not toyota. not ford or any other brand. subaru eyesight. an extra set of eyes, every time you drive. 123478 cruz voud eat meet the nominee at the convention. >> we're seeing republicans uniting behind this campaign. coming together and joining in unity. we recognize if we nominate donald trump, it elects hillary clinton. it hands the general electric to hillary clinton. and hillary clinton gets a third
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term of the obama administration. >> how do you pick somebody that had millions of less votes? a little bit to 1237. i think we'll get there. i've been running against six, seven, nine, ten people. who do you get 1237 when you've had to beat all of these people? so it is a little bit unfair. >> what do voters want? in our new survey, they would like the nomination to go to the one with the most votes rather than the flexibility if there is no majority. >> i'm excited by numbers. so going now to wisconsin. 40 of the 42 delegates at stake. winner take most. so look, it is clear to me. reince priebus is out. there was a big meeting between some lobbyists, today, yesterday, whenever it was. they were figuring out a way to make sure if donald trump
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doesn't get 1237. if he gets 1236, they're going to a contested convention and try to put someone in, and scott walker. he may not be someone who is even running right now. so the establishment class are definitely saying, giving the people a heads up. he'd better get his 1237. that said, it looks like. there were some polls out today that shows trump doing well in california. 195 delegates. he is doing well in pennsylvania. also a big 95 in pennsylvania -- or 95 in new york. >> kasich is coming up. >> but he is an interesting phenomena. if the establishment really wants to go against trump, i would think they have to get kasich out of there to give cruz more delegates. >> did you hear -- >> he said that cruz can't come east and win the big states. >> that's why he's needed to stay in to shave off trump.
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things of that nature. >> later, you want it head to head. not trump, cruz. >> you want trump to get the nomination. juan, what a big brain you have. but you understand what he's saying. you understand, in the speech he doesn't name trump but he talks about the divisive, ugly politics going to in republican primaries and caucuses. >> and he said he would support the nominee. >> what he said clearly, and i think what the establishment is saying, we are not comfortable with trump because we care about keeping the senate and we care about extending our majority in the house. not reducing it. >> dana perino politics. go ahead. >> well, 1237 in terms of the delegate number. that's the finish line. that's the number you have to get across.
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and i don't think it is unreasonable and i don't know anything about the rnc meeting. i don't think it is unreasonable. i was not there. i don't think it is unreasonable to say we haven't had a contested convention for a long time so it is not unreasonable to say how does this work? okay. you have delegates. the delegates show up. how will they cast their vote? i don't think that's unreasonable. >> can i just add, allegedly what they did talk about was the possible of changing the rules at the convention so that it would benefit them to go to someone who was not even running for president at the time. so if it is not 1237, it is 1236. you know at the convention, the rule committee can change the rules. >> i don't think they would. >> if i can add one other thing. i think there are lots of interesting polls that came out yesterday. you have the front-runners and
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they are winning at the ballot box. trump and hillary could go great. they're also winning at the highest number of untrustworthy numbers we've seen. 64% and 65%. how do they close that gap? the other thing on quinnipiac, i think the reason the head to head polls continue to look dismal for him. and i understand there's a lot of time. but it is 11 points between hillary and trump. and here's one of the reasons. the obama coalition, college grads, millennials, you have 75% saying they will never vote for trump. 65% say they will never and 65% of millennials. you can try to grow the republican party by bringing in democrats. if you are losing a bunch of conservatives and not growing the party in regard to these people, you have a problem. >> what about the poll that says the majority of voters want it to go to the party that has the most delegates. >> i was talking about the
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national election. >> i was saying in specific this primary. cruz has the most or trump has the most. >> the winner should inwater temperature there are some things at play there. >> trump needs to clinch it or they'll steal it. that's the bottom line. they'll give to it cruz. they would rather lose with cruz. that's the strategy. they want to protect the republican party. it is like a kamikaze mission. they're saying their vote will go down in flames. i don't think that's smart. what i think is they roll the dice. let the people speak. he gets the nomination. he goes into november. if he loses, do you know what they do? they keep the voters in the ten and reconcile. or maybe wins. maybe trump wins and he changes the math. and you have -- they can you can -- >> they could have all rallied behind john kasich.
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if came gets votes and cruz stays in the game donald trump will not get 1237. now we have an insider and they can go forward. >> kasich! >> i don't think, i am sort of stunned by this. they don't seem to have the long view. if you're interested in the republican party -- >> i'm not. >> we're interested in the country. >> oh. here's the problem. they're actually talking about the ability to change the rules that when you get to the convention, 1237 doesn't matter anymore. >> you don't care about the republicans controlling the senate? you don't care about the supreme court nomination? all you care about is donald trump? >> no. can i -- stop. no. we're not leaving yet. >> what are you saying? are not you saying -- >> all you care about. all you want is trump.
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>> i'm saying, they care about republicans having a voice in a republic. and having the senate majority is important. impair i have the, too. it is also important to put the next two or three supreme court justices in place. there. >> it's time for the bow flex commercial. did bill clinton help his wife's campaign about president obama's awful legacy? stay tuned for that when the five returns. make delicious recipes
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a comment that didn't get much attention this week due to the terror attacks in brussels. but we wanted to make/we address it. hillary clinton has spent most of her campaign touting
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president obama's legacy. this week her husband gave a very different assessment of mr. obama's performance. >> did you believe we can all rise together? if you believe we finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us and the seven years before that when we were practicing trickle down complex and no regulation in washington which is what caused the crash, then you should vote for her. >> the clinton camp clearly went into panic mode and quickly tried on mop up that one by saying the former president wasn't referring to obama. when he said the last eight years were awful. quote, after president obama was elected, republicans made it their number one goal to block hill at every turn. that unprecedented obstruction the last eight years is their legacy and the american people should build on president obama's success so we can all grow and succeed together. first, i found it iron pick the
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impeached president is saying some other legacy's president is bad. on another note, do you think this was bill clinton telling the truth? or was this him misspeaking and you buying this walk back that he was really talking about republicans? >> yeah. somebody gave him some truth serum. it is true. i agree with his statement and i disagree with the clean-up in aisle seven after. it is objection, this is what happened. a vote for his wife would be an extension of that awful legacy. now we're done. that being the case, they tried to spin this and say in fact it was actually the republicans that made the last eight years awful. yeah. try selling that one. no chance will. >> she is going to really have to distance herself. at some point, not now, to obama's legacy. >> i don't think so. she has a tricky line to walk. one thinger in.
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>> her favor, her line, not her husband's. obama's approval numbers are better. the stock market is pretty good. >> i think that's versatile approval. no one likes his policies. >> the democrats are like plus 72% approval on obama. so you take the numbers that i just talked about before. and in material of his coalition and their enthusiasm, against trump. can he rally them to get to the 270 electoral votes? i think she needs to stick close. >> she will do the best she can. she has the fbi investigation hanging over her hes. obamacare premiums are rising. wages are going do you know. terror attacks all over the european continent. >> that's the awful legacy of the last eight years. can i point out that bill clinton, they're trying to clean up in aisle seven. he went on to say after the
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awful legacy comment. and the seven years before that. which means he's pointing out president obama's legacy and the prior legacy. so he was clearly painting the obama legacy as an awful legacy. no matter how much they try to steer it away. so hillary clinton will be the nominee. do they pull bill clinton back? this has not been a great campaign for him. he's had three or four fairly sizable fumbles on the campaign trail. they may want to hide him a little bit between now and the general. >> he did not look like he was in perfect health in that clip. he was very, very -- growly and under the weather and thin. he didn't look like he was on his game there. >> i think that's the problem eric is referring to. sometimes he looks like he is a little off. he looks a little older. >> and we hope he is okay and in good health. >> his wife looks very energetic.
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it seems to me the clinton campaign got it wrong. yes, the republicans have obstructed. i thought what bill clinton was referring to was the slow rate of the check recovery and trying to speed it up and getting a better past seven years. the thing that he's most proud of is the economic performance of his years. bill clinton. so when he talked about bush and obama. >> can i correct something? i didn't have anything to do with the way looked or talked. you said eric was quickly talking about the way he looked or was acting. remember when he threw the military guy out of the speech? he is doing a little -- >> yeah, yeah. >> he is the most popular politician in america. he is not the old bill clinton. who was such an amazing speaker and such a powerful influence on america. >> still, the nfl versus "the
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a new twist in the nfl concussion scandal. a bombshell report today accuse
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of holding back the research that downplays. the nfl responds by calling it sensationalize asked contradicted by clear facts refute both the thesis of the story and each of its allegations. the league also said it has committed millions of dollars to make football safer and is dedicated to caring for its players. eric? let me tell you something. this is so interesting to me. it reminds me of the tobacco case. no problem here. >> did you just go there? right off the bat. >> to me, it seem like "the new york times" is using that as a hit on the nfl. by tying the tobacco litigation to this, they're saying, they're making a bigger conspiracy. >> they have something.
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the new york times has something. if the nfl did in fact hide concussion data, they got them. then stay with that. then to say that the nfl clueded and conspired to take the tobacco lawyers and play that tobacco defense game. that looks like -- >> okay. so i think -- >> a major cover-up of our time. and just earlier, was it last week or this week? you had an nfl official say there's a link between concussions and football. >> and he's a doctor in his spare time. >> i think head injuries are very serious. you see it happening in high schools. like bomb warn he ball, et cetera, et cetera. i take issue when they don't provide proper disability and medical treatment for people who put it all on the line. many end up in debilitating conditions and they are unable
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to care for. they with a lifetime of pain and suffering and addiction to pain medication. that being the case. i would like to see the zpakts the evidence. and i am not just going to rely on what the new york time says. i would take all of it in the aggregate. >> so what you're saying, the until officials who said there is a link between the two, the studies, the fact officials earlier had rebutted the nfl's findings and said we don't think so. now that they found some of the congress cushion cases were omitted, does that seem convincing to you? >> i know that when you are the target of the new york times hit piece, it is hard to climb up out of it. i was really surprised when i saw the nfl's response. it was very lengthy and detailed. it was almost as long as the article. now it is basically gerry ael warfare. the nfl is in a little box. if they havethis, or they
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have more evidence, this is not going to be the first story "the new york times" runs about there. i imagine this will be a series and the nfl will have to deal with this until the season starts in the fall. >> so much disagreement with b this. i think jesse waters is a rational person. >> it is either a smear job or there is some truth to it. if there is truth to it, the nfl needs to get out ahead of it. i played football. i don't want to see the rules changed. but at the same time you have to protect the players and make sure they're taken care of. and make the guys who get drafted sign payment work and say i realize the stakes. i know what i'm getting into. and they can't sue afterwards. >> stay with us. breaking news coming up. with my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc.
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we have a fox news, breaking news overseas alert. it looks like france just foiled another likely attack. one frenchman has been arrested who was in advanced stages of a terror plot. and we'll be following that closely. in the meantime, it is time for one more thing. >> well, tomorrow is good friday. sunday is easter. and there is a new poll from pugh research that indicates women are more likely to affiliate with religious faith than men. now the gap is not that big. what was interesting to me, the
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u.s. shows an exceptionally high level of commitment. for instance, 64% of american women, 47% of american men pray daily. in france, 15% of women. 9% of men. if you really look at the unaffiliated, people who don't have any attachment, 52% women. women far more religious. >> amen. >> and i know why you're wearing a purple tie. >> thank you. >> one of the great things in life is making new friends. last fall i met a new friend. he's the tall one in the blue shirt. and then president bush was there. it was a great event. we've stayed in touch and i really like his books. he writes mystery novels. he has a new one called fool me once about a former special oms pilot. and i asked him, what would surprise people about this book? and he said he believes no one
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can guess the ending. and he has a show called "the five" in the uk. on sky news -- not sky news but on sky television. based on one of the books he wrote called "the five." >> he is a great guy. >> all right. this is a nice one for you. i hope you enjoy it. this is about a life saving dog named wiz who was honored with a posthumous award after passing away at the age of 12 from cancer. he was trained to leap off boats and rescue people in the water. over the course of his life, he saved nine humans and one other dog from drowning. he was awarded a order of merit award. he is part of the royal navy rescue for animals display outstanding devotion to their owner or wider society. >> what a great way to spend a life. >> a role model for our friends who visited yesterday. >> i don't think they'll save anyone. >> the little rescues.
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>> can we show the video of this picture? what happened to emory college? emory university? trump 2016 written in chalk on various thing. on the swrauk. students found it damaging to their psychological there and mental well being. >> better not going on twitter. i have a son who -- >> do you know what they had to do? emergency counseling. like 911. i need trump counseling. >> i think i need to go down to emory. >> everybody misses david letterman and late night. it is not the same without him. colbert can't really fill his shoes. but we got a little look at mr. letterman in retirement. there he is. really, really letting himself go. >> is that real? >> that's the way to retire.
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just let it all go. my hats off to dave. >> i'm going to keep working the rest of my life. he looks like the unibomber. >> "special report" up next. this is the fox news alert. breaking right now, word from france of an arrest of a suspect in what is called the advanced stages of a plot to attack that country. france's interior ministry says there were no links to the brussels attack or the paris massacre last november. also tonight we have new information on the brothers who carried out tuesday's deadly terror attacks in belgium. khalid and ibrahim were known by terror officials before the strikes. it is now believed there are at least two terrorists at large. that speculation come as


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