tv The Five FOX News March 28, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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a fox news alert, hello, everyone. shots rang out on capitol hill this afternoon after a man showed up and pointed a gun at officers. the white house was briefly put on lockdown. the latest now from fox's james rosen. hi, james. >> reporter: greg, good afternoon, from a sunny and breezy capitol hill, where the tourists are visiting, the school children are touring the capitol visitor's center. at the capitol visitors center. it's separate from the dome, it's on the capitol hill complex. it's at the north screening
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entrance, where apparently a male visitor to the capitol visitors center, someone who had been known to authorities, due to a previous incident, showed up, tried to get through the magnetometers with the weapon. the weapon triggered the ma magnetomet magnetometers, shot by one u.s. skap toll police officer that suspect is now undergoing surgery in a nearby hospital, condition unknown, no officers were injured during the encou encounter we're told one bystander was injured during this event. it's not clear whether there was an exchange of gunfire or just the capitol police who fired off their weapons, injuring this assailant. so far, we probably should consider ourselves lucky. given how crowded and busy the
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visitor's center was on this otherwise gorgeous spring day. >> if anything else happens, let us know. >> to the monologue. what a rusted garage door. john kerry opened his mouth this weekend defending the recent terror response. i bet he says the president's schedule isn't set by terrorists. >> the president of the united states' schedule is not set by terrorists. the president of the united states has major diplomat ic responsibilities. life doesn't stop because one terrible incident takes place in one place. >> says the man so wooden, orkin sprays him weekly.
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life doesn't stop unless you're in brussels or pakistan and it's shredded to pieces. for kerry, there's biggerh fis than isis. climate change, wage gaps, argentinian dance instructors. here's the talking tree on how the world views trump. >> every leader i meet, they ask what is happening in america, they can't believe it, they are shocked, they don't know where it's taking the united states of america, it upsets people about our steadiness, reliability. to some degree, i must say to you, some of the questions the way they're posed it's clear what's happening to us is an embarrassment to the country. >> after so much terror, this is the world's concern, trump. i don't care what the world thinks, they don't have the best
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track record. his vague hope and change, lauded for ending the america of old, tired of the world's policemen, obama buried its badge and gun. sure, trump's an impulsive hydrant. can the fear he causes worldwide be worse than obama's aloofness. favoritism toward enemies. dismissal of our own safety all in the service of world acclaim for obama. maybe it's time for us to be the scary guy on the block. that this lunge with a pit bull and bloodshot eyes. if we learned anything this weekend, all love gets you in this world is killed. >> jedidiah, i saw you on the
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view today. do you honestly believe him, that if he was going around the world and that's all the world leaders were talking about. if they weren't, he would have to say that? >> he doesn't realize there's bigger problems, the whole world, people suffering with poverty, terrorism, they're all talking about trump. somehow obama doing the wave at a baseball game, that's not embarrassing. donald trump and ted cruz fighting, that's a cause for world humiliation. the president has been an embarrassment on this. when you have our men and women out there, have you the president acting like this, it's a bunch of none sense, he knows that. no one's buying what he's selling. >> we know the logic behind this 37 if you change your plans, it looks like the terrorists have an edge. >> i said if, i'll say it again,
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i think the white house has got this miscalculated. the obama administration has come out through their correspondents and said, this is us being strong, this is us not letting terrorism dictate what we do as america. on a basic level, i get that, but it's not trans lated that way, it looks we're burying our head in the sand and acting like this is not a problem. it also looks like, he's talking out of both sides of his mouth. we don't disrupt -- >> do you think this whom idea of staying calm. when president obama is doing the wave, he's kicking back, why are you here? along the lines of what we say. no, there were at least nine
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american americans -- i'm not suggesting he drops everything, comes back to d.c. and hand tell from there, don't do things that optically are so bad. >> you know what else is embarrassing? when he went golfing six minutes after announcing an american was beheaded by isis. it's also embarrassing when he calls isis the jv team. we handle it by being vigilant and using diplomacy. really? we've been vigilant, we've tried her diplomacy. >> we know how the media reacts -- whether it's president bush reading a book -- >> they try to startle young children. >> you think michael moore is going to make a movie about this? >> i doubt it, i don't think he will be making movies for quite some time. maybe he should get on
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nutri-system. if president romney or duquesne -- the world would burst their eardrums. >> there are certain times that the look of something -- the optics of something, is out of whack with what you're doing behind the scenes. sometimes you never recover from that. >> right. michael moore decided to make a movie about watch this dry, as if that meant president bush didn't care anything about the war. the flyover over hurricane katrina, considered to be the same. if you're president obama, have you other ones, going to the fund-raiser the next day in las vegas after the benghazi terror attack. he called to congratulate the belgium leader when they arrested the terrorists and then they put out an announcement, i thought mark tiessen made the point, why was anyone tell
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graphing to the world on capturing this terrorist, to prevent the terror attack that happened on monday, which was accelerated because they knew had he had been captured. we knew their interrogation didn't try. i believe most of the leaders of the world are not asking about what should we do to prevent terrorist attacks, but are worried about trump. >> there could be world leaders that are going -- finally, get rid of this guy, i don't think kerry wanted to transmit that information. standing in the world. let's listen to them from this weekend, shall we? >>. >> i don't think america's a safe place for americans, if you want to know the truth. i don't think europe is the same place. i think there are a lot of problems in europe that are very, very severe. weak. you know, lots of the free world has become weak.
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>> for seven years, president obama and hillary clinton and this administration have been so bound up by political kaektness, they refuse to acknowledge what it is it we're fighting. the president does a national tv conference where he refuses to say the words radical islamic terrorism, instead he lectures americans on islam phobia. >> very short point on this, i think the statistics are amazing, and this is a record that obama and kerry and hillary clinton are going to have to answer for, and cruz, trump, whoever else decides they want to press on it. >> this is amazing, about 2500 innocents a year, between 2001 and 2006. today, that is 28,000 a year. so i do think if you're just looking at measurements of fighting the war on terror, certainly they're not contained, you could argue isis has more ability to plot and plan terror
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attacks from safe havens than they did before president obama took office. >> people would say, that's obviously america's fault. >> for meddling. isn't everything our fault? all of these islamic extremists are our fault. >> you have these enclaves of islamic extremism throughout the country. for me, the big issue here is i don't see how hillary is viewed as a strong point. this administration has failed on this. they lied about what level threat we've had, they're taking it seriously, going after isis, she's the front-runner and has to stand there and defend this. trump in particular, looks tough on this issue, cruz does as well, i think the american public, once they realize this is a home grown problem, this could be right in our backyard, right here, not far away, not something that is untouchable.
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something that could be right here today. hillary clinton is not someone that inspires confidence or security for me. >> i think statistics, i'm someone who was willing to give the president the benefit of the doubt originally when he talked about his plan for isis. okay, let's hear it, i want to hear what you have do say. you talk about it being a jv club, not taking it so seriously, not giving a platform for what they're doing, we see the number and the death toll go up, that's when even i have to ask legitimate questions about, if the strategy is not working, we gave you an opportunity here, now when is the adjustment going to take place. >> we didn't hear president obama speak on this very much, we did hear him suggest that in the aftermath of brussels, we have to be sure we don't change the way we look at the refugee program, in other words, let's take more refugees. i'm hearing we are taking more than -- they're letting us know. they're coming in, they're -- i guess they're going through the
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vetting process. >> that's the lack of adjustment i'm talking about here. >> is this really the time to be talking about taking more refugees, knowing how controversial that topic is right now? >> he's tone deaf, and he has a legacy at this point. he was one foot out the door. right now, it's all about legacy for him. he's a guy, he's not strong on this issue. he's not strong on terrorism. >> you got dumped. he went out and put out his hand to castro, leave us alone we don't want you. >> fidel castro did, that's got to hurt. >> he was reaching out to an adversary. the adversary said no. >> a live report from brussels. arrested as a suspect in last tuesday's bombings, details tuesday's bombings, details ahead.
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toll developments now in brussels, the death toll has risen to 35. they released the man who they initially identified as an expectant accomplice. meanwhile the man in white scene on camera is still at large. mike tobin is live in brussels with more. the very latest, bring us up to speed, please. >> that was a big set back for investigators, they thought they had their biggest catch in this investigation. a man locals described as the mysterious third bomber. he was facing the most stiff charges of anyone who's been picked up yet. including a terrorist murder. they had to let him go. proto cal mandates they send this beforage investigating
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judge. whoever the mysterious third bomber is, he is still at large. he walks away from this a free man. the investigation continues at a fast and furious pace. two raids today in the western part of the country. there have been raids in rotterdam, in the netherlands, that was connected to a raid in paris, italy. investigators are coming away with documents, explosives, phones and simm cards that expressed all over europe. people communicating with cell phones, prepaid simm cards. evidence of this problem right now, a text message circulating at this moment, encouraging jihad, investigators can't track it down, because it's from a
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prepaid card. >> blowing themselves up in a park where christians were gathering to celebrate easter. a branch of the taliban claimed responsibility and said they were targeting christians. the obama administration left that detail out in its initial response to the attack. the state department didn't want to get ahead of itself. christians weren't the only ones killed. >> i didn't mention in my statement that this was specifically darg etted against christians on easter sunday, was as much an indication of the fact that it just happened and we didn't know that much about the attack at the outset. >> even though this terror attack was targeted at christians, a religious minority, that is grotesque, but the fact of the matter is, the majority of the victims were
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actually muslims. >> the president has said nothing about the latest targeting of christians. >> we have to wield another weapon alongside our air strikes, our military and counter terrorism work and diplomacy, that's the power of our example. our openness to refugees fleeing isil's violence -- a distorted view of islam. >> you know, ebony, josh ernest saying, this group of the taliban, the offshoot, did say they were targeting christians on easter sunday. there are other people killed too. what are they afraid of, they're even admitting to it. >> i'm going to say, i'm glad you came to me first, as i said, i supported the president, i voted for him, this is -- makes me -- i'm almost shaking. i'm so upset, here's why, this
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white house in an effort to respect -- he said something else, religious minority. i think that's the issue we're not talking about. i think this white house is so concerned with protecting the religious minority in our country which we know to be muslims. they're less than 1%. and in doing so, they're overcompensating, they are not calling a thing a thing, i think in an effort to protect a religious minority, i can appreciate the sentiment there, i am absolutely angered and saddened at the price that we are all paying internationally for that overcompensation. >> do they sit around saying, okay, this taliban group took credit for -- they're targeting christians, how do they not mention it. how does he not circle back and say, look, it's an outrage and it needs to stop. >> give us a thought process in those meetings?
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>> the direction is coming from the top. you don't make that kind of a statement without checking first with either the secretary of state or the president. they have to walk on egg shells about their topics. they could just quote the taliban. they don't have to say they believe the taliban is targeting christians in pakistan on easter sunday, because the taliban said they are targeting christians on easter sunday. police are still investigating why are you investigating when the taliban said this is what they did. i think it's time we take them at their word. they don't have to come up with their own language that says president obama said that, just quote the taliban. isn't it time for muslims to say, hey, enough. muslims are getting killed too.
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>> it says something that they're as terrified as radical iz lanl -- that muslims are terrified of radical islam. they're so scared, that's why you don't hear about it, the biggest cause of stupidity as you can see is stubbornness. president obama is stubborn. he cannot admit that he was wrong from the start, and believes, therefore believes that backlash is actually worse than the act of terror itself. >> you're watching the west, europe, or our politicians trying to make sense of terror, it's like a dog looking at a flat screen. they see all the images, but they don't know where it comes from, and they're eternally surprised by it, it's like, oh, my god, whoa! where did that come from? they said it's from radical islam? they have the short term memory of a guppy, they can't admit to themselves they were wrong from
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the start. >> obama administration is so worried about backlash, they don't want to offend anyone. look at brussels. they're not isis' enemy. brussels is like the gun free zone in the world. who cares about backlash. >> it's not only they're concerned about complacency and backlash. it's going to make things -- i don't know who he's talking to out there. anyone with common sense is going to say, the screening process is flawed. let in the women and children, and then you sigh photos of these people, and it's men of fighting age, don't tell me i'm against extremism -- you have more home grown terrorism, i think he's going to lose a lot of points on this. anyone who reads the news knows
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this is a tough time when it comes to terrorism. >> the bombers weren't -- i agree, the future refugee is a problem, is a question, it's really oath solved at its source, make the refugees want to go home to a place that's safe. the people who perpetrated these acts in brussels were born in brussels. >> we have to leave right there. >> the clinton e-mail investigation enters a new phase as the fbi reportedly arranges videos with her top aids and the secretary herself, that's next. you both have a perfect driving record. until one of you clips a food truck. then your rates go through the roof. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. with extraordinary offersmance on the stylish, all-new rx...
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private e-mail server. the agency is accelerating the investigation, putting 147 agents on the case. the fbi started setting up interviews with her closest aids and will be speaking with the secretary herself. judge napolitano expects there will be a decision on the case soon. >> the democrats need to know whether or not they're about to nominate someone for president who may be a defendant in a felony criminal case by november. >> what do you think? >>. >> it's not the constitution. >> it's got do be weird to work or know the clintons. at a certain point three things will happen. one you will be questioned by the authorities, two you will end up in court, three you may sleep with bill. i think her way out of this, is to blame it on her husband, who
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else would have needed a basement server than him, with his browsing >> it did start with him. >> whatever he searches for on that computer, that history is probably dirtier than a construction port-a-potty. stay away from it. >> i was surprised they said 147 fbi agents. if you're a client you find out it has 147 agents. >> you know what, dana, it tells me it's indeed accelerated. i worked on federal cases this thing is only 10 months in. to say -- by the time they're intervi interviewing hillary clinton herself, they're in the final phase. that means the fbi has the meat of what they need. get her to say some things if this goes to trial, she will be in contradiction to herself, 147
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people on an fbi case, that's humongous, the fact that they're wrapping this thing up within the year, it's very much accelerated. i agree with the judge, it's on fair that the democrats know for fact if the candidate they're voting for. is even eligible for the presidency. >> the other thing we found out was that brian pag leann know, he was the first ever political appointee to work for the state department's i.t. department. meaning, you don't need a political appointee in the i.t. department. >> the way i understand this now, there were some e-mails that were exposed to hillary clinton. apparently she had e-mailed someone back saying, i got it or i'm on it, i understand. and then there was a period of
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time where nothing happened and she started using the server again. she was aware of the problem she decided to skirt, go around and continue. if you're -- you would know this. you have classified information, and you go and have dinner with jedidiah and leave the folder you're going to be in a lot of trouble she's doing far worse than that. any mere mortal who was accused of this, would be walked out the door. >> if the state department feels any pressure that she's a high profile person and she's a presidential candidate. i think they should put some blinders on and say, if this were jane doe, what would we do?
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>> people with common sense, forget there's regular people out there watching this. there's so many questions, she has this server. it's ridiculous, you have democrats screaming, donald trump, ted cruz. this woman might be indicted, you're not embarrassed? she's a disgrace and she's in really deep with all of this you have the transparency issues, i don't know what this woman can run on. people keep telling me she's so efficient, where is it? >> she's gotten herself into a mess. the knee jerk of the fbi is to protect her, everything i've heard about the fbi is he's apolitical. he wouldn't want to be seen as playing into that type of politics. >> watch out if you're one of her aids. >> right. >> all of them have to hire
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lawyers. there's a force thing that happens, you go into legal debt. you can't afford lawyers. >> what a great job the fox i.t. department does for all of us they really do a bangup. they're fantastic. >> i love them. >> they're the unsung heroes of everything we do. >> i agree, i think they're great. >> ihink there's a hidden message in there. >> yeah, be careful, greg. >> that's what i'm doing, it's a preemptive strike. i don't want them to go into my stuff. i love the i.t. department. >> they always -- they are the best. >> after three more landslide victories, bernie sanders is calling on hillary clinton to defect, will they consider that? john kasich thinks it's time for trump and cruz to get out, not him. when the five returns.
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the battle for delegates moves to wisconsin next tuesday opinion john kasich and bernie sanders have no plans to exit the race. his rivals should be the ones to get out. >> if i had gotten out, trump would be the nominee, he would have won ohio, and frankly, we'll win some districts in wisconsin, we will move to pennsylvania, where i'm basically in a statistical tie with trump, we go to new york and everywhere else, we're going to pick up delegates. it's absurd, let them consolidate behind me, i'm the one that can win in the fall, and i'm the one that can get the cross-over vote. >> sanders says he has the momentum to win his party's nomination, after picking up three more states over the weekend. his strategy is to get hillary clinton's super delegates to reconsider. >> we've won the last five out
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of 6 contests. all of them in landslide victories. i think the momentum is with us, a lot of these super delegates may rethink their position with hillary clinton. you have super delegates in states that we win by 40 or 50 points. i think their own constituents are going to say, why don't you support the people of our state, vote for sanders. >> as he was speaking, i saw you nodding. does he have a point? >> yeah, if you're sanders or kasich, and you're looking at your numbers and polls. and the long game, they both have points. i think bernie sanders improves as a candidate. bernie sanders has improved, the one thing he seems reluctant to do is attacker her where she's most vulnerable. the thing about the e-mails, he could bring it back up. he has a good point. when you're winning in the mid-80s, 84%, 82% in key states
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for democrats. yeah, i think he's got a good point. >> he comes off as the guy who beats hillary clinton, do you think that's part of the reason he's staying, he figures if no one gets the proper delegates, he's the guy? >> it's like saying i can win the world series even though i can't make the playoffs. sanders got 71% in washington and hawaii, what do these three states have in common? very outdoorsy. have you people who are hikers and climbers. >> there's one more. >> what? >> it's very white. >> the reason why sanders is going to have a hard time going-forward, he's done great. he's within -- if every super delegate left hillary and they can. he would have a statistical tie, they wouldn't. here's his issue going-forward.
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northeast has a higher percentage, african-american population in the states coming here, he gets destroyed in those states. >> i don't blame john kissic at all. for staying in this thing. greg's right, i don't think john kasich loses anything by staying in there he does appeal to many moderates and independents. it doesn't matter if you get the nomination. i didn't think he has any incentive to get out at this point. >> what about trump or kasich? >> they don't need to. >> forget it, he would never. >> they all lie. >> he's not -- >> you can't believe politicians. the final four are set. we'll make some predictions on
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carolina, syracuse, oklahoma and villanova will be battling it out for the ncaa championship in one of the most dramatic and unexpected comebacks came from syracuse after trailing by 15 points with less than 10 minutes left in the game syracuse is the first number 10 seed to advance all the way to the final four. >> you're the only one in the room who had the original bracket. who did you pick? >> originally i had kansas beating north carolina. that's original. >> understand. >> now what we did is redid our brackets. and now i have unc taking the whole thing over oklahoma. oklahoma's had an amazing run. what a great basketball team. >> they have a strong program.
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i'm picking my school to win it all the thing that i think is going to put us on top. oklahoma has a great player. villanova, that's a strong program. i think we have the most weapons and we'll do good. >> i said i wait until there's four and do dana's mascot theory. i'm already changing my mom, jeannie e-mailed me, she's a tarheel, can a ram beat a horse. i'm going to go oklahoma winning the whole thing. i think horses are strong, and i think a horse can either outrun or kick in the head a ram. if the ram came up from behind jeannie may have a chance. i think a wildcat can beat an orange. that's just common sense. >> you can do all sorts of things to an orange. >> a wildcat and a sooner, a sooner is a horse. >> i think the horse can outrun or kick in the face a wildcat.
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>> i didn't know a sooner was a horse. >> i'm lost, i called my dad. the basketball expert. he picked north carolina, i have the pom-poms, that's all i have. he picked north carolina, he said, his heart is with villano villanova, but north carolina will take it. >> north carolina they have a legacy program, you can't count them out at all. >> my four picks, i picked little people versus the elderly the unathletic versus the chickens. they will advance and the chickens will be the final clamp on. none of them can participate in organized sports at this level. college basketball wreaks of athletic privilege.
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department says it successfully unlocked the phone of a san bernardino terrorist with the help of a third party you can not apple. the doj has withdrawn its request for apple's assistance. time for one more thing, let's go to you, dana. >> i did something fun last week, it's called 22 questions. interestingly i found out why it's called 22 questions. anyone here know? >> that looks like a mugshot. like you guys ran off on a bank robbery. >> it's only a 15 minute pocket. here's a clip of it. >> favorite spot in new york? >> central park. >> that was an easy one. but 6:00 to 9:00 a.m. when it's leash free. >> what is your guilty pleasure. >> chips and pleasure. >> your favorite thing to do on
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the weekend. >> walk my dog. >> it's true, but it's a fun thing. >> hammer is not leash free, anyway. >> how do you know that? >> let's move on. tonight, take a look at this, you have to check this out, a big o'reilly factor tonight. donald trump is going to be on, i'm going to ask him about the refugee program president obama was talking about. later on, karl rove is going to come on and talk about stuff. nor my one more thing, i love dogs, i'm a god fearing man, how about a god fearing dog that prays before he eats. >> sit, buddy. lord we ask that you bless this
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food and allow it to nourish our bodies. in jesus name we pray, amen. >> good boy for sure. >> pretty cute. >> you know, there's no god. who's next. time for greg's robot news. this is exciting stuff, dominos in brings bain, australia, now is trying to deliver pizzas, deliver pizzas, via robots, the pizza gets stuffed in there, and it drives about 12 to 15 miles an hour, virtue of a gps to somebody's house, this is the phony part where they take the pizza without tipping over the robot, i would tipover the robot, kick it, and take its money, i'm a jerk living in brisbane, australia. >> when sean combs has a new project, no, not a new album,
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he's opening a charter school in my backyard in harlem. he's countering with the preparatory school. everyone who knows me knows that education is near and dear to my heart. opening up opportunities. new school in harlem, backed by diddy. >> all right, jedidiah. >> one of greg's friends in australia had to get a police escort. see the koala? i don't know what greg does. queensland couple filmed the moment in brisbane. he's adorable, but clearly greg is going to need to stop hanging out with these. >> adorable but incredible flatulence, can't let him in the house. it's horrible. >> you have to be a better example for the koalas. >> nicely done.
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>> all right. set your dvrs, so you never miss an ep society of the five. that's it for us. special report is up next. i'm bret baier in washington, this is a fox news alert, the justice department says the fbi has successfully accessed the information on a cell phone belonging to one of the terrorists from the san bernardino shootings. the government has asked a california judge to vacate her order compelling apple to assist in the action. two radicalized muslims killed 14 people during a holiday luncheon in guess in that case. you're looking live at the u.s. capitol behind me, about 3 and a half hours ago, gunshots were
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