tv The Kelly File FOX News March 29, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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i'm eric boling in for bill o'reilly. please remember, the spin stops here because we're looking out for you. breaking tonight. two big things happened today on the campaign trail. wisconsin governor scott walker, one week before the crucial wisconsin primary, endorsed senator ted cruz. and donald trump's campaign manager was slapped with misdemeanor criminal charges for simple battery against a female reporter. whereupon the candidate defended his staff ever and went after the alleged victim in the case. welcome, everyone. i'm megyn kelly. we'll get to governor scott walker's endorsement in a bit. but first, dramatic developments in the trump campaign saga began march 8.
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k a reporter for a trump website michelle fields asked trump a question. according to a tweet that night, lewendowski tried to pull shields aside. fields claimed she was jolted backwards. someone grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down. i almost fell to the ground but was able to maintain my balance. nonetheless, i was taken. a trump spokesperson, hope hicks, released a statement denying the incident ever occurred and suggesting "not a single camera or reporter of more than 100 in attendance captured the alleged incident." neither of those is true. first, one reporter confirmed
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the story, recounting that he "watched as a man with shortstop cropped hair and a suit grabbed michelle's arm and yanked her out of the way." he was cory lewendowski. moreover, videotape did capture the incident, as did audiotape released the very same day the trump camp denied the story. listen. >> fields provided evidence of injuries she said were caused by lewendowski, posting these pictures of bruises she said she sustained. for his part, lewendowski called
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into question her past reporting. later that night, donald trump weighed in. >> the trump camp attacks on fields continued the next day. as lewendowski tweeted that fields was totally delusional and he said he never touched her. fields filed a criminal compliant with authorities in florida that afternoon and we saw the release of several videos showing the incident. it showed that trump was, in fact, just inches from home run
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that day, and lewendowski was close enough to have touched fields who you see on the left side of your screen. later that night, fields came on "the kelly file" making it clear all she wanted initially was an apology. >> i didn't want to make a big deal out of it because i didn't want to be all over the press and i was worried about my job. hope hicks, who is donald trump's spokeswoman, asked for my cell phone number and i was told that i was going to get an apology. so i waited on that. i didn't want to make a big deal out of it. they were going to apologize, but i never got that apology. instead, yesterday they released a statement calling me a liar. they have basically done a character assassination on me. if you asked me in private who do you support? i would say donald trump was my second choice for president. donald trump always talks about i love my people, his people love him. wouldn't i be considered his
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people? this has to be besides my father's death, the worst experience i've gone through. >> this morning, police announced charges would be brought. lewendowski turned himself in and was charged with simple battery. that requires the defendant actually and intentionally touches another person against the will of the other. contrary to claims you may have heard in the last hour, no malice must be proven in order to secure a conviction. police also released another video. along with a sworn police report by criminal investigation detective of the jupiter police department concluding lewendowski grabbed fields' left arm intentionally and against her will. although the trump camp again denied this was captured by any cameras. this tape here was obtained by police from the trump properties on which the altercation took place. after initially insisting that
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this incident never happened, and accusing fields of "making it up," mr. trump was out today suggesting that fields' bruises are possibly fake or caused by someone other than lewendowski. he said his campaign manager was being maligned and that fields was the real aggressor that day. >> those tapes to me are very conclusive. a lot of people are looking and saying how can anybody can charged? if you look at her, according to a lot of people, she's grabbing at me and he's trying to block her from doing that. i think they've really hurt a very good person, and i know it would be easy for me to discard people. i don't discard people. i stay with people. if you look at that tape, he was very, very seriously maligned. she was grabbing me. does that mean i'm supposed to file charges against her? she was grabbing me. how do you know those bruises
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weren't there before? i'm not a lawyer. but she said she had a bruise on her arm. i mean, to me, if you're going to get squeezed, couldn't you think she would have yelled out a scream or something? >> joining me tonight, attorney david wool along with ben shapiro, the news editor at large at he resigned along with michelle fields because of how the website handled her case. thank you for being here. ben, your reaction to now charges being filed against mr. lewendowski? >> look, lying liars lie. this is the trump campaign. where lies are told and then lies are told to cover up and then lies are told to cover up those lies. cory lewendowski grabbed
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michelle, bruised michelle and they all lied about that story. they are story has evolved from corey lewendowski never touched her to she had it coming because she clearly was in a position to hurt donald trump. so corey lewendowski ought to have a medal of honor for defending her boss. donald trump is a smoking garbage heap of human debris and so is cory lewendowski, in my opinion. david? >> brilliant commentary. >> so ben is not a trump fan. you're a lawyer, as am i. what happened to the incident never happened and lewendowski's claims he never happened? >> because it didn't happen, megyn. what she describes happening never happened. i have the affidavit of arrest right here, megyn. it's very, very clear. what she told officers, this is the important part, she said
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after she asked mr. trump a question, she felt someone yank her arm. she fell back, but caught herself from falling. you can see clearly from the video that never happened. what happened was, she snuck past secret service and there's apparently a secret service agent who told the daily mail that he told her to stop twice and she went any way. she then grabbed mr. trump on the arm and asked him a question. corey saw that and coming to the defense of his boss, went up to her, grabbed her arm and moved her aside to exit the building. that's all that happened. >> there's a lot to unpack there. let's just start with the notion that secret service somehow perceives ms. fields as a threat or told her twice, what happened to mr. trump's assertions that the secret service said nothing happened. so if something happened, how did it get changed? cory lewendowski said he never touched her and now it's
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transferred to, i saw her and in defense of mr. trump i touched her. >> the secret service said nothing happened is because what he answered is corey going up to michelle, grabbing her on the arm -- >> no, mr. trump said the secret service -- let me finish. mr. trump said the secret service said nothing happened and right after, i think she made it up. >> well, she obviously made up what she said, megyn, because she wasn't jolted aside or almost knocked to her butt. she didn't have to stop from falling. that never happened. if a jury sees this, what she reported versus the surveillance video of what happened, this case is going nowhere. >> ben, i want to give you the floor. m she said, i almost fell but
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maintained my balance. but let's go back to the contemporaneous audiotape that caught the altercation. listen. >> so in the moment, ben, donald trump says once she learned how rich i was, she changed her story. that is what she said in the moment. that's the incident being caught on tape seconds after. >> i'm sure that michelle fields was deeply unaware of how rich trump, is because trump has never mentioned his wealth at any point in his career of bloviating about his sense of wealth. how many times do you have to change your story before you just come out and apologize for your campaign manager bruising a woman. now he's reading her affidavit in dramatic voice, because this is what trump does. he has no capacity to do two
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things that are required of any decent human being. >> when it comes to the bruising, she tweeted a photo of her alleged bruising 18 hours after the incident. when she tried to prosecute corey in the court of social media and failed, that's when she lied about what happened because the video surveillance shows what happened and it was nothing even resembling what she said. >> so she lied to the police and is obstructing justice now? [ overlapping speakers ] >> the police are the ones who released the videotape. we can see him touch her on the tape, david. >> we can see that, megyn. what i'm saying is, i'm telling you not to believe her embellishment. megyn, that happens probably dozens of times. >> david, if he didn't touch her, then why did he say he
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didn't? >> no, no. what he was reacting to, michelle fields' account of what happened. he said he didn't do that. >> that's not true, david. i showed the tweets -- what corey lewendowski said, i never touched you. in fact, i've never even met you. >> because based on what michelle fields described, i'm sure he thought, wait a second, that never happened. who is this person saying i grabbed her and almost threw her to the ground? he probably didn't link it to this incident, obviously. >> what happens when the presidential candidate himself weighs in, there's a lot of backlash. we talked a lot during the obama administration about how he should be careful about weighing in on cases like trayvon martin and ferguson, because there can be significant backlash against the target. michelle fields is 28 years old, and i don't know that she's got
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somebody protecting her as mr. trump comments forcefully about her. you know her. what is she going through tonight? >> i think michelle is having a tough time. i was texting just before this. i've been encouraging michelle to come on tv. she's being lied about by mr. trump and the rest of the trump campaign. one of the reasons she didn't want to do this is she expressed she didn't want to be the center of the story in the first place. she just wanted an apology. she's sick of being labeled an attention seeker just because she told the truth about cory lewendowski. >> i haven't said that, ben. >> i said people like you. [ overlapping speakers ] >> so let me ask you this -- >> i've got to go. ben, i'll give you a quick chance to respond.
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go ahead. >> essentially the trump campaign is saying we can tell you any lie that you want to hear, so as long as you believe us rather than tape. we'll provide tape and audio, none of it matters because donald trump says something and what the great donald says must go. >> thank you both for being here. >> thank you, megyn. also tonight, newt gingrich is here on why he thinks donald trump needs to win on the first ballot this year. >> plus, ted cruz picks up a big endorsement and trump takes a hit from some conservative radio hosts. one of those hosts charlie sykes is here. and trump supporter and former u.s. senator scott brown. why he thinks none of this is why he thinks none of this is going here's the plan. you want a family and a career, but most of the time you feel like you're trying to wrangle a hurricane. the rest of the time, they're asleep. then one day, hr schedules a meeting with you out of the blue. and it's the worst 19 minutes of your career. but you don't sweat it because you and your advisor have prepared for this. and when the best offer means you're moving to the middle of nowhere,
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manager, there is very, very tight, hotly contested race going on here. and tomorrow comes a new poll from marquette university. it will show this is a very, very tight race, particularly between ted cruz and donald trump. and cruz today got a big boost from the state's governor scott walker, an endorsement that was expected. they weren't actually together, but mr. walker says he will be campaigning cruz aggressively. and there will be several appearances with cruz. now, cruz is going to leave the state tomorrow to go to california to be a late night tv and to fund-raise, leaving a state this hotly contested is a big risk, and cruz today was going after trump saying he's got to come clean what happened with his campaign manager. trump in turn called ted cruz the establishment candidate and bad mouthed scott walker and said the state is not doing economically as walker has been
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boasting and asked a crowd earlier tonight what they thought of paul ryan, who also lives here, and paul ryan got booed in his own hometown of janesville. if cruz were to win here, it could slow down trump's ability, if not halt his ability to clinch the necessary 1237 delegates for the nomination before the convention. with those two battling it out, it's john kasich. trump calls kasich happen establishment guy, but in this state, kasich isn't competing all that hard. he's been trying, but has been saying he's not got high expectations. he's looking for states in the east, pennsylvania, new york, where he thinks he can get delegates, stay in the race and continue to fight his way to the convention. megyn? >> carl, thank you. yesterday, donald trump spoke with one of the most important conservative voices.
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take a listen. >> is this the standard, if a supporter of another candidate, not the candidate himself, does something despicable it's okay for you, a candidate of the united states, to behave in that same way? i expect that from a 12-year-old bully on the play ground. >> i did a retweet by somebody es, because i have a lot of support, i have a lot of supporters. i can tell you this, charlie, i have been better to women than any of these candidates. >> except you won't apologize to a woman you mocked. is this the way you would want anyone to -- you would want their sons to behave? >> i thought this was a dead issue until i spoke to you. >> really? before you called into my show, did you know i'm a #nevertrumpguy. >> that i didn't know. >> charlie sykes joins me now.
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charlie, good to see you. so you spoke with him over 20 minutes and the interview went viral. it was sent around all over the internet. trump said today, i thought it went fine. i thought we had a substantive exchange. what did you think? >> well, i thought it was -- i actually was naive enough coming into wisconsin that maybe if he wanted to make the pivot from being the blustery bully to being presidential, this would be a good occasion to say that wives were off-limits. what i got it, he started it first. this is the way, if you're a kid on the play ground acts like that, you sit them down and explain every once in a while real men learn to apologize. you don't insult women. you don't behave in this particular way. you want the job that abraham
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lincoln had at any point. but he's unwilling to admit he made any mistake and he seems to be tone deaf about the way that his conduct and his treatment of women is playing in a state like wisconsin. >> you know that he believes, and his defenders say, okay, maybe it's politically incorrect, but what he is showing is that he's a fighter. so if he believes that ted cruz's super pac attacked melania trump, he's going to attack heidi cruz and that's the way it is. >> that's the way it is with donald trump. i've been writing about political correctness when he was giving money to hillary clinton. this is just rudeness. i think to the -- in the trumpcan bubble, they may say this is touch politics, but you have 70% of women that
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disapprove of them. >> don't you think he can get those numbers back up? >> no. what you're going to see in wisconsin and see this next tuesday is that in the vote-rich southeastern wisconsin area, he's going to lose and lose badly, and that's being driven by conservative republican women who are repelled in his treatment of women that's looking at a man going look, you would not allow your children to behave this way. you want to be the president of the united states, and when you're given an opportunity to behave like a human being, you say, he started it? >> does this governor scott walker endorsement matter at all? >> it does. it will be considerable and the fact that donald trump responded by attacking scott walker in a state where he is popular is weapons grade stupid. >> good to see you, sir. >> thank you. joining me now, former
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senator scott brown and donald trump supporter. pick up on where he left off, where the disapproval among women is 73%. >> i've known charlie, i have a lot of respect for him. wisconsin is a battleground, as you know, when they talk about wisconsin is a little bit different. we had recall elections, governor walker had death threats. so many things are happening in wisconsin. that's where the revolution aside from what happened in massachusetts in my race, but what happened in wisconsin with governor walker in particular, started that anti-establishment movement. with regard to women, listen, i don't agree with everything that donald trump says or does, but there are different levels in my view as to spouses, kids in elections. if a spouse or a kid is going to step back and they're just married to the spouse or the son or daughter, that's different. but if a spouse is going to go out and play an active role,
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campaigning, unfortunately, the nature of the blood sport of politics is they'll be treated very similarly -- >> so that's one thing, and you're going to get into the political mix, but what about the picture tweeting out a picture saying she's unattractive? >> i'm hopeful that they'll all start to focus on the things we're seeing in brussels, seeing on a daily base which is our economy and boarders. >> i think the american people want to see that, too. but it's one thing if the spouse puts herself in the line and makes political points. but what trump got hit for, he tweeted out a picture suggesting she's less attractive than melania trump. >> they're both lovely women. they both love their husbands and their husbands love them? can we at least say that? >> it's not really about their love for their husbands.
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it's about them as independent professional women. >> they're both independent, lovely women. so that's great. and that's enough really said. when you're going play an active role, you're going the get hit. now i want to focus on the things that we were just talking about. what ben and david were going at was unfortunately typical of what's happening not only with the republicans but quite frankly with hillary and bernie supporters. there's a tremendous amount of anger, which we're seeing right here develop, i think it started in massachusetts, went to wisconsin and we're seeing it more and more each day. here's the thing with charlie. i have a lot of respect for him. he's a never trump guy. i guess he's been a pro-hillary guy. the only way trump loses is if people don't unite behind our candidate. if it's cruz, i'm with him. if it's kasich, i'm with him.
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that's the difference between me and others. my message to everybody is, when this is over, we're going have to do a lot of healing, because we are americans first. we do need to work together to really take back our status in the world. >> maybe it will be you. >> maybe it will be you. >> you swooped in, in that massachusetts election and shocked the country. who knows if there's a second ballot in cleveland. great to see you, senator. >> that's not going to happen. i was honored to be a senator from massachusetts. you saw the senate get more and more. then the house got taken over. >> and then they changed the rules in the senate. i've got to go. >> okay. you get it. >> great to see you. it's a fun story. thank you for being here. the other big story is a battle tested republican strategist who worked with president ford in 1976 has signed on to team trump
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1976 has signed on to team trump and newt gingrich is here on this is my retirement. retiring retired tires. and i never get tired of it. are you entirely prepared to retire? plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e*trade. plan put under a microscope,ing retired tires retirement we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day.
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delegate fight. paul manniford, a man who helped gerald ford manage his contested battle against ronald reagan. joining me now is newt gingrich. mr. speaker, great to see yo tonight. >> good to be with you. >> let's talk about this, and whether this signals a growing seriousness by mr. trump when it comes to this other piece of the game, which is shoring up your delegates and their commitment to you. >> look, we have to remember this is the first time donald trump has ever run for anything and he decided to run for president. so he's having to learn a lot of stuff in public, sometimes embarrassingly. they found out in louisiana they weren't prepared. they really weren't ready to get involved in this delegate by delegate fight and they brought in a real proe. paul is as good as there is in this business. he will immediately improve the trump campaign's ability to
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fight this kind of grassroots campaign, and it's a good thing they have, because cruz put together a very solid campaign. until manford came on, trump didn't have anybody of the same level of talent. you'll now see the trump people within a few days become dramatically better at winning the delegate fight. >> it still doesn't make sense to me. i understand if there's no majority winner on the first ballot, the delegateks do what they can. forget you trump or cruz, i'm going to vote for who i want. how can you win over a delegate who was sort of pledged to a different candidate before the delegate gets to cast the ballot on the first vote at the convention? >> well, let's say you pick somebody who is not for your candidate, and that person is willing to vote for the candidate in the first ballot, they're legally bound to by most state laws.
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but there's a platform fight, there are resolution fights. and on lot of other things they may decide to vote not the way they're legally bound, because the legal binding is only for the candidates. so one of the reasons it's so important for trump to win in the first ballot is he's going to have a number of ballots that are not reliable on the second or third ballot. it's a free for all. he needs to win on round one. >> let's talk about the trump campaign. you know, today we saw the candidate himself come out and attack michelle fields after his campaign manager was criminally charged. there really wasn't any need for donald trump to insert himself into that fight. but he did so, attacking heidi cruz last week, which also did not need to be done. he's attacked others who he didn't necessarily need to do that. what do you make of the repeated attacks, in particular against women by a campaign that is
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struggling by women? >> i think in particular, in the case of mrs. cruz, it was a total mistake. he was angry because the cruz super pac had attacked his wife, melania. but he had a lot of easy answers to come back and say look, she's beautiful, she was on a professional shoot for a classy magazine. she would be a very attractive first lady. instead he automatically attacked. i always recommend to people to read "the art of the combat," because part of what trump learned was to always counterpunch. if you watch him, he always counterpunches. i draw a distinction in the lewendowski case because he was going to be asked about it. strump's basic model is to stay on offense. >> why couldn't he say, this is my guy, i'm not firing any day until this plays out. or he can say what i saw on the tape didn't rise to a fireable
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offense. but the demolition campaign against her reputation is a different matter. >> but notice the language you just used. it goes from a misdemeanor to a criminal violation -- >> it is a criminal violation. >> so now we have is lewendowski a criminal? >> those are your words. he's been charged with a criminal misdemeanor. >> all right, by a democrat local official in a county with a history of partisan politics. >> you saw the tape. no one is saying this is a major beating. it's a simple battery, that's it. >> simple battery, which has now been translated into a criminal offense. and you have never been in a scrum in a presidential campaign where people were shoved around, including by the way -- >> of course i have, many times. she didn't want to file a
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federal case over it, she wanted an apology, then they attacked her and said she was delusional and said she tried to make the whole thing up. so she went and filed the police report. that's how we got to this place. got to leave it at that. >> good talking to you. coming up, a split decision in the supreme court means a big win for labor unions. plus, just a week away from the next democrat primary, the clinton campaign warning senator clinton campaign warning senator bernie sanders to watch his
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i think we should've taken a tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is? . . . . you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. oh ohhhhh it's what you do. ohhhhhh! do you have to do that right in my ear?
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and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica. developing tonight, the democratic presidential candidates going at each other hard. both hillary clinton and bernie sanders campaigning in wisconsin today, and right now, the real clear politics average of polls shows a very tight race there. ed henry just filed this report from milwaukee.
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ed? >> reporter: hillary clinton still has a commanding delegate lead over bernie sanders, but she appears to be getting nervous about the next big prize after wisconsin, her home state. in fact, she's now added campaign events on wednesday and thursday in new york, even though the primary is not until late april and her top strategist is rejecting a call by sanders that they have a debate in new york. that strategist saying that there's just been too much of a negative tone from the sanders' campaign. i have to tell you today here in wisconsin, sanders refused to back down, and clinton herself, despite the accusation that sanders has gone negative, used a church as a backdrop to launch a new negative attack on sanders over gun control and brought together some moms who had lost sons to gun violence. and with clinton standing by, one mom launched a pretty negative attack on sanders. >> i would rather be here with
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you in appleton than begging billionaires for their money. and this is one of the real differences of opinion that secretary clinton and i have. >> you want my vote? you better work for it. i'm not going to give it to you just because you said you can do free college. because if my child is dead, he can't go to college. >> reporter: it's clear what's happening between both candidates. sanders doesn't want to give up the negative attacks because they've resonated. he's won six out of the last seven contests. for clinton, as the front-runner who wanted this race to be over a long time ago, the last thing she wants is another debate. especially on her home turf. megyn? >> hmmm. ed henry. now since ed filed that report, hillary clinton's campaign is saying they are in talks with the sanders' campaign to debate in new york or any other place they can mutually agree on. joining me now, robert
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zimmerman, a democratic strategy and dnc committee member and richard fowler, radio host and senior fellow of the new leaders council. >> good to see you, megyn. >> all right, robert, the messaging yesterday was clearly like, improve the tone or we won't be debating anymore. >> well, actually, that may have been an interpretation of things and a lot of us feel frustrated. hillary clinton has been engaged in tough attacks on bernie sanders focused on his record. bernie sanders hasn't been talking about the record, he's been running campaigns of personal attacks and i think that's the reason hillary clinton has gotten 2.5 million more votes than bernie sanders. >> okay. but not to sound too r-rated about it, robert, but it's politics, right? look what is happening on the republican side. they're so mean to each other. you can't just say to your
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opponent, robert, you must be nicer in your tone. >> well, look, my side may need some couple counseling when this is over. but the republicans are going to need anger management therapy when they're done with their process. yes, we have clearly a sharp debate going on. we've got some serious issues to debate. but we're in a much better position for unity after the convention than the republicans are. >> richard, if hillary clinton winds up going against donald trump and tries to say, you must improve your tone or else we a hrveh shanlt -- shant debate. >> the republicans are going to need jerry springer or sally jessie raphael -- >> that doesn't solve anything. >> but here's the thing, debates and tough debates make hillary a
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better candidate, no question. another debate with bernie sanders will not hurt her as we go into a possible match against donald trump. >> she's not go be able to take punches, right? >> very few people have taken the hits she has and come out like she has. >> they're pointing out her wall street ties. hello, what do you think is going to happen if >> when it comes to standing up to wall street, hillary clinton has -- >> why? because she has a story to tell. that's not the same as, you improve the tone or we're not doing it. she's already under criticism for being in a protective bubble. people say hillary clinton is bubble girl like chris christie said marco rubio was bubble boy. she had debates and they put them on like christmas eve at 11:00 p.m. so if she doesn't get more battle tested going head to head
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with somebody,trump, kasich, i don't know. >> what you see here is when you see hillary clinton in the town halls where she has a longer time to expand her answers, she's a lot more less bubbly, and is more real and authentic and people connect with her. that's why another debate is a step in the right direction for the clinton campaign. >> there are several more debates in the works, megyn. so don't be concerned. >> how about one on fox news? >> certainly talk about having one in california. >> how about one at fox news? >> i think it would be a great idea. >> they did a town hall, megyn. >> richard, tell hillary clinton and bernie sanders they should sit down with yours truly, bret baier and chris wallace and sit. >> only if i get to sit in the front row, megyn. >> i got you. great to see you both. up next, supreme court, shoc
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yeah? then how'd i get this... [ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. silence. are you in good hands? silence. man 1: he just got fired. man 2: why? man 1: network breach. man 2: since when do they fire ceos for computer problems? man 1: they got in through a vendor. man 1: do you know how many vendors have access to our systems? man 2: no. man 1: hundreds, if you don't count the freelancers. man 2: should i be worried?
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unions who are not members. the court was expected to rule against the unions, but that was before the death of justice scalia last month. fox news' shannon breen reports. >> reporter: no names or dissent but the impact was a reminder of the absence of the late justice scalia. when this case which was brought by public schoolteachers in california objecting to paying fees to a union they didn't want to support argued in january it appeared poised for a 5-4 decision and deal a blow to unions but with the passing of justice scalia in february, everything was thrown in question. today we got the answer, a tie decision setting no precedent and leaving the decision in the union's favor intact. >> this underscores the importance of filling the ninth seat and it tells us that there
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are many cases divided by a 5-4 margin and the outcome depends on who fills that ninth seat. >> bernie sanders applauded today's ruling and warned, quote, the extreme right wing is just one conservative supreme court jus jis away from dismantling public sector unions. mark kirk is facing a tough challenge in illinois chatted and continues to buck republican leadership calling for hearings on the qualifications. as for the case, the attorneys who challenge the fees said they'll petition the court and hope it's held o ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪
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thing is clear. michelle fields feels very much attacked and stands by the story and she wants not to be the news but instead to be covering it. let me know your thoughts on twokokokokokokokokok. thanks for watching, everyone. see you tomorrow night again. tonight, the republican battle for wisconsin is on. gop front-runner donald trump is here with reaction. then, the battle for delegates continues as the political establishment moves ahead with plans for a contested convention. laura ingham is here tonight to weigh in. >> i think i'm probably the most transparent person in public life. >> a blistering ad attacks hillary clinton and proves why she is unfit to be our commander in chief. >> a job well done is more than about just handing someone a microphone. >> president obama scolds the press for the coverage of donald trump? >> especially when politicians issue unworkablela
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