tv Red Eye FOX News March 30, 2016 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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don't forget to vote on the twitter every night. that's all for now. see you again tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. eastern. don't forget, sean hannity has an exclusive with donald trump tonight at 10 p.m.q( eastern. stay with fox all night for welcome to "red eye." i'm tom shillue. let's check in with tv's andy levy to see what exciting stories we will be discussing this evening. andy? >> thanks, tom. coming up on the big show, would susan sarandon support donald trump over hillary clinton? the story you didn't think you cared about and probably won't even after we talk about it. and sean parker unveils his plan to let you pay $50 to stream a movie in the privacy of your own home on the same day it is released to theaters. it seems like a small price to pay by idiots talking on their cell phones. and long-time "red eye" guest returns to talk about his hit
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tv show" billions." here i thought he was thinking he was too big for our fun little show. back to you. >> thank you, andy. let's welcome our guests. she worked for overseas banks which is great because i have money i need laundered. she is the host of "risk and reward" on fox business network. his beard is thicker than the wool he pulls over your eyes. comedian joe devito. and he is as lively as jimmy olson in the new batman superman movie. next to me is andy levy. let's start the show. we now know the real reason for president obama's nude alarm. last week you will recall the president had an awkward moment when raul castro, the cuban leader tried to raise his hand in solidarity after the historic press conference. take a look.
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♪ raise your hand ♪ if you're sure ♪ raise your hand if you're sure ♪ >> the president was clearly not sure. now the white house press secretary has explained why obama went limp in the wrist. >> i do think president castro had in mind the iconic photo of president obama and his arm raised together. it would imply more agreement on issues than exist. that's why the president resisted the idea of a photograph like the one president castro apparently envisioned. >> wow. is he reading minds? reading president castro's mind for what he envisioned for the photo? do you buy this? >> all i am pumped p is you found the sound track for that
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commercial from years ago. this is pretty -- i mean ernest, god bless him is the saying. actually president obama meant to do that because they didn't reach an agreement on all of the topics he hoped. he wanted the photo to look lame. it was a success. >> yes, and is it -- i would think you could argue it is more iconic because we played it 200 times on this show. do you think he was nervous about that? you are supposed to work it out and then we shake hands? >> president obama was so criticized for continuing this trip. there was the attack in brussels and president obama in paris was not there and belatedly said i should have been there and made a bigger gesture. so too he may be anxious that he was still there and then went to argentina and did the tango. >> perhaps he was tired. perhaps they should have used that excuse that he was tired
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from doing the wave all the time. >> localized fatigue. >> so much for the cool black guy handshake. he has the tim conway nova cane sketch. >> it was dead, you're right. >> does he have to be physically weak too? so much for the 10-pound dumbbell workouts. you can't out grapple an 84-year-old man. you don't let the arm get up. you block it on the way up. you don't do the handshake at all. what would be so bad -- what would be bad if they both had the stiff arms. >> almost anything would be better. what could be worse if he did the shocker or something like that. that would have had a little more prestige to it than just to go limp. that's what a child does when you are trying to remove them from the premises. their bodies go like this. >> it drives me crazy when you go to shake their hand and they give you a soggy hand.
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president is that true? >> i don't get that too often. >> i don't know why i always get the soggy hand. >> i just don't think people want to shake your hand. >> they are not excited at all. andy, are you a long-time obama uh poll gist. >> i have been an obama uh poll gist for 25 years. >> you have? >> yes. >> i do think for once the administration is giving us an honest answer here. >> really? >> yes. that is why he did it. the only problem is as you pointed out we did end up with an iconic image of an american president looking silly. and of course as joe pointed out with the whole physically weak/metaphor rickly weak thing he gave conservatives and anyone who doesn't like obama and his foreign policy the perfect metaphor for the foreign policy. >> is it us? are we looking for it? in doing the story today we did a google search hoping to get the iconic photograph. there are tons of
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photographs. anytime obama bends his hand there is a blog post about it. >> ernest said for an 84 yearly president -- 84-year-old castro has strong reflexes. it does keep you young. it is something to keep in mind for you kids out there. >> this makes me jealous of russians when you see putin coming out and getting ready to train with the national team, and then we have -- >> because those aren't staged at all. he is a legitimate martial artist. >> apparently like donald trump you have a soft spot for dictators, joe. >> it is my choice. i am just saying. >> you will go with the authoritarian war lord. >> we should cut obama some slack. a lot of heros have gone limp
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wristed at their biggest moments like rudy and rocky balboa, of course. it looks like he is is doing yoga. and even john travolta. >> that was style. >> what do you mean even john travolta? >> even american icon john travolta. >> he was a typical hollywood liberal. an outspoken supporter and said many people can't bring themselves to vote for hillary. >> we'll see what happened. >> if he gets in things will really -- so you say he is
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fighting the contradiction? >> he went to grad school. >> it all makes me wonder. what would a trump presidency look like? >> it was huge. it was huge. can you hold on for us? >> exactly what it would look like. >> wow. >> and here is what a hillary clinton here is what a presidency would look like. >> ♪ x with the og at the yankee game ♪ ♪ you should know i bleed blue, but i ain't a crypt though snow snow.
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>> i can't help but move of. >> it is a good contrast to see the knife-like rigidity compared to obama you's. obama's. >> hillary is -- i mean she is pretty tough -- >> sarandon says it is team to put an end to the status quo. but the status quo is it really that bad? >> she is supporting bernie sanders and so she is a big fan of the campaign. >> did she vote for him in the general election? >> maybe she didn't get out to vote for him. that happens a lot with the celebrities and a lot of promotional stuff. >> wait a minute. going from sanders -- sanders is not the nominee to trump and the reason -- first of all -- >> i don't think she was serious. >> she is saying the things shooy is concerned about she thinks trull p will take on. she is talking about low
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minimum wage. >> i don't think she is is saying that at all. i don't think she is saying she will vote for trump if he is the nominee. i don't think she ever said she would vote for trump. >> but she did say that trump -- when she said -- >> trump could bring on the revolution. >> she didn't mean he would leave the revolution. >> i thought she was kind of positive though. i did see clearly that she hated hillary clinton. she said she is a liar and all of the fracking business has destroyed a lot of industry and health and she is anti-hillary. >> how much different is susan sarandon's attitude bringing it on sooner than republicans who are, say, the never trump cry. if he runs we will stay home. but hillary will be elected and then we can rebuild the party from scratch. >> they have been working on that recipe for a couple years. >> i think she meant start the revolution like kick off the
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zombie apocalypse. you wouldn't say he has a great thing that is going to happen. i give her credit because what she said about hillary, she is consistent and i thought it was interesting the way lib -- liberals pounced on her. the status quo is wealthy people who built up their money without any work. at least she did it through acting. to say she will not be affected through the policies, that's the status quo. they are the wealthy elite that make decisions that don't affect them. we are the ones who are stuck with the price tag. >> if anyone is affected by bernie sanders raising taxes it is wealthy people. >> she doesn't live in a swing state. >> she can stay home. a new gallop poll trump supporters are by far the most enthusiastic. they have a passion for making
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america great again. and that brings us to a delightful exchange from today. the twitter user tweeted at the establishment, f-u. the establishment responded, thanks, we are so lucky you tweet your trump support at us every day. it is something special to look forward to. she said screw you all. trump knows what you are doing as do we the pome. ever heard of us? they replied, what? do you know how this works? you are yelling at a women's magazine named "the establishment" and not the government. joy respondy, i am really embarrassed. forgive the inconvenience. >> you know what, here is a one-woman waive for joy. listen, that was brave. she didn't delete the tweet. she just said oops. >> in the 10 years on twitter that is by far the best thing that has ever happened jie. the best exchange. >> usually she is tweeting the man.
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she is really sticking it to that account. >> she picks her battles. >> do you think trump would have admitted this mistake or just gone with it? >> no, the fact she apologized means she is not a true trump -- >> if an ex-president leaves you a tip don't say he did 9/11. lisa, a waitress with no last name, had the honor of serving george w. bush and his wife, laura. the former first couple had burgers and onion rings and posed for a photo with lisa. w left a tip that was anything but loose change, specifically he left a $40 tip on a $21 bill. that's presidential. lisa later tweeted the pic with a cheeky caption "bush did 9/11, but did me a solid and left me a hella tip." predictably it went viral. she did the bush did 9/11 for laughs. i have a couple of friends
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that use the mim a lot and they were the only ones expected to see the tweet. i was just trying to get a laugh out of my friends, but i in no way believe the conspiracy. she later tweeted psa, i don't think bush actually did 9/11. andy, did she mean ps like postscript or psa? >> maybe she meant public service announcement. we need to cut her some slack. bush did 9/11 is a mim is used by people who don't think he did 9/11. she is not a public person and she had 2 had you followers -- 200 followers at the time. i think she may have deleted her account. i tried to access it before the show and it wasn't -- >> you are not already friends with lisa? >> i am not. she thought she wag a dumb joke to her friends. it is a dumb joke of the 9/11 is is not that long ago and it
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is touchy for a lot of us. >> why is it a mim for those who don't think it happened. >> because mims are dumb. you say dumb things in mims and that's part of the mim. anyone who uses the bush did 9/11mim doesn't believe -- >> because it is not cool for people who really believe it? >> i was able to look at her account earlier today and it may be gone by now, but it looked like she was getting a lot of support. yeah, he totally did it or at least in spirit they were supporting her. >> not from the establishment. >> what made me realize -- well two things, when did tipping and receipts become a way to grandstand on politics? there is a lot of people in the tip area writing down "i don't approve of your lifestyle." it is strange. i write what 20% is and then i leave. i don't have to say go back on the gold standard. >> some people do.
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>> they do. i believe you have to cut her some slack. she appears to be pretty young and we forget that someone who is 25 was around 10 years ole and 9/11 to them is like pearl harbor. >> it is. it is more of a joke -- not a joke -- >> not a joke, but if you take a photo with a former president you have to know that's going to go viral, right? >> young people are supposed to be savy with the social media, but i would know not to do that. >> young people don't realize -- i don't know. i think you are older and you would say i just took a picture with the president. people l are going to be interested in that and for younger kids it is another snap chat thing. all right, coming up, are you allowed to say women's basketball is boring? we will find out after the break.
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm jackie ibanez. donald trump won't be telling his campaign manager you're fired. the republican front runner vows he will stick with him even though he is facing misdemeanor assault charges in florida. the case stems from anen -- from an encounter earlier this month as she attempted to ask him a question. he yanked her away from the candidate and he said he never touched her. surveillance video released yesterday appears to show him grabbing the woman's arm of the our nag appears to be losing -- our nation appears to be losing the battle against heroin addiction. mr. obama noted that nearly 30,000 people lost their lives to opioid over doses in 2014. that's more than the number of people killed in car accidents. the president added the good
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news is that the republicans and the democrats are working together to address the issue because it is affecting everybody. tough times could lie ahead for the boeing employees. the aerospace giant is taking steps to eliminate 10% of the workforce in washington state. that translates to about 8,000 jobs. the cost-cutting plan is expected to be done by june and will affect workers on every level of the commercial unit including executives and managers. president obama's will talk about what to do about north korea. they say if pyongyang keeps advancing their nuclear weaponses program the u.s. will need to take defensive measures that china may not like. they hope they will apply the economic pressure on north korea to convince the rogue nation to step in line with u.n. guidelines. now back to "red eye" for all of your headlines go to fox
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you are watching the most powerful name in news. fox newschannel. >> can you be too good for your own good? uconn women's basketball team is dominant. not just a little, a lot. after their lopsided victory, "boston globe" sports writer tweeted this about uconn. hate to punish them for being great, but they are killing the women's game. watch? no thanks. the uconn coach responded my question is don't watch. don't wawmp. don't watch. that's not really a question, coach. but i do get your point. that's the same as shaughnessy. but the pile on had begun. people on twitter jumped to uconn's defense and many attacked shaughnessy. holly rose said his comments were sexist. if this were a men's team
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doing this no way he makes the comment. maybe. or is is is there sexism in the fact that anything in women's sports will cause a hair trigger backlash. n -- novak djokovic suggested that men should fight for more because the stats are showing we have much more spectators on the men's tennis match. he was so widely condemned that he had to publicly grovel and ask forgiveness. many still refuse to ago ept is. as they say in tennis, game set and never express an unpopular opinion. >> they do say that, right? you are not a big fan. >> i used to be a big tennis fan. >> they had different catch phrases. >> is it sexist to talk about women in any capacity some. >> you mean in general? >> first of all -- i don't
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think what he said -- >> they are the greatest team ever. and they are so gad they are boring to watch. >> there are two ways to look at this. you can say, wow, i am in awe at how good this team is and i want to watch them because of that or you can say i have no interest in watching a game where one team beats another by 60 points. >> that's it. i'm leaving. >> either is valid and either -- and neither is sexist. i may tune into the final of the women's ncaa championship to check out how good uconn is. >> there was a score. >> they beat texas by 20 points. >> that's a compliment. >> i love the fight and the competition and i like the drama. this is more like performance art. this is maybe where he got on -- he said it was like ballet and it was like theater.
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didn't he say there are better writers than o'shaughnessy? >> he came out with the comment and fought back. but it was the idea that the espn commenters and the woman on espn said it was a sexist remark. he comments all the time, did you president he? >> yes. if i was the coach i would be proud. i built an amazing team. >> it is definitely an ignorant opinion. if he doesn't want to watch he can spend his day however he wants. when he says it is killing the sport that's not true. if it wasn't for uconn and tennessee having all of that and then uconn becoming a jugger not they wouldn't be watching it.
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ratings went up 30% when they made the championship. i love to see the vein sticking out. it is like watching somebody beat up another team in a video game. i enjoy it. >> he said was tiger woods bad for golf? no he brought a lot of people to the sport when it was dominant. movies at home when we come back.
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no moreover priced popcorn and milk duds. this can be the end of movie theaters. a new venture called the screening room would allow people to watch movies at home the same day they are launched at the theater. it is being launched by the guy from napster fame. here is how it works. customers buy a $150 set top box . the screening room is being tested in some homes m -- look. >> clark kent, daily planet. >> son of crypton. >> he seemed to be enjoying
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batman v superman. maybe that's it. maybe you have to enjoy it in your home. so they understandably are not so hot on people watching at home. moviegoers theng it -- think it is exciting. >> no. >> no. that's too much. i could buy so much food with that. >> the movie i saw cost a fraction of that and it was on a way bigger screen than i have at home. >> absolutely not. >> maybe not that excited. dierdra, do you think this is a good idea? i think this is where it is going. >> $150 is the proprietary set top box and i am just looking back, but they kind of tried it. it was $29.99. it wasn't an immediate release, but it was a newer release and that fail spectacularly.
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i personally like leaving home. i live in new york city. i know, andy says are you crazy? i like to leave even if it is for five blocks even if it is to a movie theater. >> andy, you obviously are a shut in. you can't wait for this to happen. >> that's not a slur. >> wouldn't you describe yourself as a bit of a her met? >> no. >> sometimes i play a character on tv. >> i get it. >> so this is most likely never going to happen because i don't think -- i am not sure if the studios will go for it and the national association of theater owners or nato as they are known, they are not going to let it happen, and i blame nato for the garbage conditions you have to put up with in movie theaters which is like donald trump i support
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pulling out of nato. when you where this might interviewed those people, well i just went to a movie for a fraction of a cost of that. in manhattan it is a high fraction. it might actually work better in bigger cities where you are paying upwards of $20 for a movie ticket. >> well, joe, what if they make -- the $150, that's what was getting her, right? >> what if they gave away the box. that's what you have to do. you give it away for free. >> what about the sticky seat? what about the bedbugs? what about the joy of sharing -- >> you are all bringing down the theaters. >> the theaters aren't the problem. it is the people. >> i used to go to movies because it was a shared communal experience. and now i don't go to movies because of the sheared communal communal -- the shared communal special.
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>> directtv some. >> they can complain all they want, but this is what they said about vcr's, and then that changed the industry. >> it is going to the home eventually. we'll see when it happens. ponytail? more like pony fail. a woman on a plane failed to drape her hair over her seat. it flipped over the back. we know this because the "boston globe" columnist tweeted the picture with the caption congrats to ponytailed woman in 22b. you invented a whole new way to be awful at 35,000 feet. the tweet went viral. some suggested ramos light her hair on fire. that's reasonable. aver marvel -- after marveling at her unobliviousness, she moved it. why didn't he just -- >> light it on fire? >> well is the option lighting it it on fire or tweeting
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about it? he could have just spoken up first. >> excuse me, miss, you may not -- i don't know how she didn't realize that, but excuse me, miss, raw -- rapunzell, your hair is cascading down the screen. and you hope it is a normal person. my hear is bothering you? well how about this sticky drink. >> you're right. >> what if it was a biker, a big, bad dude with a ponytail and he went up -- >> yeah, watch out. >> my question is why was dante ramos who works for a major newspaper, he is way back on 23 and can't he get closer on that plane? >> it is not like you are in a movie theater where the person is is being rude. what if the woman starts a fight with you and now you have to think is it worth it to create a big problem on the plane? what i would have done if i
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were him was incorporated her hair to be a character in the movie like a cousin it. that's why before i fly drugs, headphones. i get to whatever closest to comatose. >> you mean legal drugs like a benadryl or something? >> theoretically. >> andy, was he right? >> no, he was completely wrong. >> you can't see her face. >> it would be like you are watching "the ring" where the girl came out of the tv with the long hair and everything. enjoy "the ring." it is a good movie. the fact that the instinct now is i have to tweet about this instead of -- i find it hard to believe that as awful as people are i find it hard to believe she did it on purpose. i can't believe somebody can be that awful. i know it sound weird me saying that --
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>> it is terrible. first of all i don't understand why the person sitting behind her wasn't wasn't -- if it were me i would be -- ma'am, do you know your ponytail -- >> he is a journalist. >> i don't know why that person didn't do that in the first place. that's what is weird. maybe he has a fetish. >> did you see the list of tweets that follow? you think that is is bad? and there are all of these people person kicking my chair and person putting shoes on my shoulder. >> it is unbelievable. >> now it is time for interest interest -- international demon news. >> the bishop says demons are most active when people are asleep and that's why his loud preaching and amplified music must continue. demons are active from 3:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. that explains the tweets we get from viewer. take a look. i can't wait to shave.
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joe devito owes beard with my pitch fork. he warms my heart almost as must have as the lake of fire. and he makes more points than a pentagram and with "red eye" was so funny i forgot i live in a world that feeds off human suffering. they love "red eye." and look at this message from a long-time viewer, demon dog. >> he loves our show. he is taking a bath. andy, what do you think? do you think -- are you up at that hour? >> i am. that's one of the reasons i am up at that hour. if you stay up until the sun comes up, you are safe. >> it is a church service.
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>> i like any church that plans their services around level of demon activity. >> i guess you have to know when you move in next to a church. >> maybe you can move around with time zones and the demons are active in those hours. you can make an effort. if you are next to a church you will have more foot traffic. >> i didn't know demon appreciated this show. that's why andy introduces me in that way. do we have the video? back to you, old scratch. back to you, father of lies. back to you, lord of the flies. son of perdition, king of the bottomless pit. king of babylon. yen-lo wang. >> i thought those were terms
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families to get out of southern turkey. the directive coming as security concerns grow where turkey shares a border with syria. the country has seen several bombing attacks in the past few weeks. one report said isis is is planning to attack jewish schools there. the u.s. operates strikes from a base in turkey. the u.s. is advising against travel in the area. the three gop presidential hopefuls backing away from a pledge to support the party during a cnn town hall on tuesday. donald trump, texas nor ted cruz and ohio governor john kasich all signed the pledge in september and now trump says he has been, quote, treated unfairly and would no longer support it. kasich weighing in saying none of us should have answered that question. earlier cruz said i am not in the habit of supporting someone who attacks my woif and my -- my wife and my family. walker called off his own presidential campaign in
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september. that state will hold its primary next monday. north carolina's attorney general says he won't defend the new anti-discrimination law calling it an embarrassment to the state. a number of groups say it limits protection for lgbt people. the attorney general is running for governor. scott is offering a chance for the connecticut-based school to avoid taxes on the endowment. if the state tax hike gets approval the spokesman says they appreciate the offer, but they will stay put. now back to "red eye". log on to fox you are watching the most powerful name in news. fox newschannel. >> are you tired of election coverage, but still want to see two grown men in an all
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out battle over who has the bigger -- isn't that it? isn't that it in a nutshell? you will love billions on show time. it star damion lewis as hedge fund billionaire and then the powerful attorney chuck rhodes in the battle for dominance. take a look. >> what kind of crimes succeed in this country. everyone has access to the information. we just know how to analyze it better. >> we spotted a suspect trading pattern. >> you must get that all day. >> all three firms have links to bobbie axelrod. >> play hard, play clean and be careful out there. >> joining me is the comedian and the actor dan soder and the two creators and the executive producers of "billions." guys thanks for coming. i love the show and i have seen every episode and i am
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totally into it. tell me, when i was in eighth grade my english teacher put protagonist and antagonist on the blackboard and i thought i understood drama for life. i don't understand who is is the protagonist in this? >> well, we grew up watching old school pro-wrestling and it can flip at any moment. there can be a heel turn and it can split. people ask why isn't he just a hero? who was a good guy wrestler, but if he had the brawl he could brawl with the best of him. that's what his character is able to do. i made $5 for mentioning martino. >> and it made sense. you really worked it in. is one of you guys -- would you say one of you guys identify with ax and the other with chuck rhodes? >> are you think back to high
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school don't you think we miss the part where they suggested going into hedge fund? i didn't even think about it. we are writing about it -- >> they used to call the writers schmucks. we are fascinated by the guys who can go out and make billion of dollars. but instead of being those guys we will type about them. >> you started in 2008 you had the idea? what was it? >> we had been interested in the hedge fund world as a subject of a drama for a longtime. we have been researching it, but it was in 2013 we started on this project. >> let's talk about the actors, david and dan. we have a clip of you guys working together. let's show that. >> great news. >> here it is. >> you all have them. so-called friends at other fund who will tell you we are dinosaurs and unoblivious to our own extinction.
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>> are you going to tell us they are not our real friends, mom. >> i will tell you they are [bleep] and wrong. >> he didn't say words there. he was just bleeped. that's how he curses is talks in bleeps. >> dan, i want to ask you how you got this job. he was so good that a lot of people don't realize that you are the guy in breaking bad and you are the guy in lincoln and the jennifer aniston movie. >> we are all a little uneasy because we know how tom loves you. he doesn't feel like he considers himself to be a bad guy. but i feel like you do and you like it. >> i don't consider myself a bad guy, but i consider myself like an animal and i am that. >> he is the it of the hedge fund. >> are you the stand up
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i'm back with actor david constable. the comedian and actor and the two creators and the executive producers of "billions." guys, i want to talk about a real issue. another guy went down from world of prifl lj to the ago -- privilege to accusations of fraud. the fictitious capital is accused of insider trading. i want to know what you would think about insider trading. i want to know why it is a big deal. it is just knowledge. trading and securities by individuals with access to
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nonpublic information about the company. >> that's not really the prosecutable definition. >> what is it now? they have information. >> but there has been benefits exchanged. >> that's why two convictions were overturned. they couldn't prove there was benefit given. the idea is -- you know we co-created the show with andrew sorkin who brought us into contact with people on all sides of the issue. we pressed all the time to say where do you see moral culpability. there is always somebody else on the other side of a trade. market manipulation is clearly bad. insider trading is clearly bad. if you pay somebody to give you idea that they know they shouldn't disclose and you have that information, you are violating the basic premise on which the market trades. and the real problem is if we
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destabilize the market and if people lose confidence because the market is down, people lose confidence because they believe it is crook cede like a caw -- crooked like a casino in tombstone because we will have a massive selloff and people running from it and eventually what happens is is there is a run on the bank and you end up walking around in a barrel. you get rid of the clothing and you have a barrel with suspenders. >> so you guys are the average guys. what did you think? when martha stewart came down she said you have on sell the stock. how do you expect her to not sell the stock? >> i just moved into a bedroom with a window a year ago. this is all you guys. >> that's the actor who has done the kind of research who will under. >> he was coming all the way up. >> waiting tables in midtown
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another else of "special report" next. donald trump takes his campaign to the next primary state while his campaign chief prepares to take his case to court. this is "special report." good evening. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. there have been several surreal days in the 2016 campaign so far. and you can now add this one to the list. while republican presidential front-runner donald trump is planning the flag in wisconsin, the man who is supposed to keep the trains running is dealing with a bump.
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