tv The Five FOX News March 31, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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a lot of breaking news today and we have the first fox business poll out at 7:00. before that, make sure you catch my show, making money with charles payne at 6:00 p.m. eastern. we had a remarkable recovery in the stock market. where it goes from here? i'll see you then. hello. from the prairie, melissa, "the five." after relentless annoying poking, donald trump said women who have illegal abortions should be punished. >> should a woman be punished for having an abortion? this is not something you can dodge. if you say abortion is a crime or abortion is mur, you have to dealith it under the law. >> well, people in certain parts
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of the republican party would say yes. >> how about you? >> i would say it is a very serious problem. a problem we have to decide on. >> do you believe in punishment for abortion? yes or no? >> the answer is there has to be some form of punishment. >> for the woman? >> yeah. >> after both anti-and pro abortion groups denounced this, trump quickly back tracked. maybe the question was a trap. but it isn't a trap if you a pro-lifer have thought about it once in your life. what should trump have said? chris, i just became a grand dad the sixth time and i can tell you it is amazing. the innocent, you have to protect them. that's what i believe in my heart. the science backs me up. very pre mature babies can survive even if they're born way too early. you've sustain sonogram on the frig. it is fabulous stuff. i don't want women to feel they need an abortion and i want her to feel enough love and support that she should have the kid
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instead. she shouldn't be punished. monsters should be punished. i can tell that you babies will love president trump. but he didn't say that. that requires preparation. he feel he is above thinking things through and expects his fans to do it for him. often they will. has there ever been a candidate that needs so much explaining? he gave no thought to lifelong righties who have no problem defending the unborn. now every gop candidate will be asked if they think women should be punished. it is fueled by deep think here's try to pre serve life despite a rabidly pro abortion media. that's a classic gotcha question. every republican ends up with an abortion question. bits rape or something like, will you punish them? this is why you have to surround yourself with good people who can prepare you. >> if i were running on the
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republican ticket, i would be most prepared to answer questions about abortion, contraception and gay marriage. before you get to terrorism. before you get to the economy and jobs, you have to answer these three things. and republicans repeatedly. we watch todd aiken, we watch them come out and stay most ridiculous things. that was the guy who talked about legitimate rape and the female body shutting down. crazy things. if you're watching republicans get trapped by the media. these aren't trapped questions. these are regular questions. he should have been prepared. that's not the media trying to get hill. that's a question that any of us at the table should answer. they're looking at these top igs all the time. we can say abortion, contraception, gay marriage. so do what you just did. greg gutfeld for president. >> too many skeletons in my closet. some of them still alive, by the way. i keep them on a drip.
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the one thing that bothered me about this. >> one thing? >> the thing em, there are some conservative republican who's believe there should be punishment. i don't know anyone. >> i think he would have been better if he had gone to the middle of fifth avenue and shot someone. i felt like he was saying gem. he kept saying, the answer is, the answer is. it was painful to watch. if you've thought about this issue, you've gotten to the point and it made me wonder if he is really pro-life. maybe this is the wake-up call. >> how many wake-up calls? >> he women to d.c. he met with the rnc. he got some speech help. so she's shown in the past. i don't know. that's it. that's what i got.
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>> he should have expected this from chris matthews on msnbc. >> i guess he should. what he likes to do is just, he says what's right here. it's not like, let me go through my notes or let me final out my preparation. >> you need prep. don't you want him to prep? >> maybe. okay? >> you don't want a president who is prepared? >> that's not what i am. i said at this stage of the game where he's resonating with people who say i like what he said does. he doesn't prepare. he's not poll tested. >> what i would recommend is instead of answering chris's question, dodge it. i wouldn't answer a question on gay marriage, abortion or contraception. this is what got the republicans in trouble in 2012. we sat at this table and said how about you stick to the jobs issue? to foreign policy and terror and security? if someone asks you a gay
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marriage question, just say, look, i really want to stay on the thing that matter most to the american public right now. it is safety and jobs. >> i wouldn't do that. then the media says, they're dodging. that becomes the story. >> that's better. >> that's a third option. having the right answer. i would never dodge it. you can't escaped a dodged question. >> i don't deal in ridiculous hypotheticals. it had gotten to that point by a lot. >> what if the constitution was -- the supreme court declared abortion constitutionally illegal. >> and monkeys were flying. >> i've been asked that question and i have an answer. juan, what do you think of all this? >> i must stay democrats delighted. i mean, he really hurt himself and he hurt the party brand. so you get situation where hillary clinton says, he has made criminals out of women and about a third of american women have had abortions.
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>> so clarify his comments? >> hang. on i'll finish up. i think clinton is delighted. sanders is delighted. the whole idea of what he will have to go against given his high negative ratings with american women and democrats, he did something that i haven't seen him do before. which is that he quickly said, i was wrong. no, no, let me change that up. so he had three different positions by the time he got to one but this is an instance where did he change. normally he does, i'm not pc. i'm not your normal politician. i am sticking with what i said and you love me for it. this time he didn't do it. >> president obama evolved on gay marriage, right? if you're going to hold a guy to something he said and then clarify within hours, why wouldn't you -- >> it was obvious he had no answer.
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he said i would like it to go to the state level. and he misspoke. >> at some point it will be a foreign policy question, iran or something. and then the whole world will be laughing. >> on foreign policy, he said he doesn't blank the nuclear triad is. >> neither does 90% of america. >> shouldn't we aim higher than 90%? >> if i'm going to give you the bomb, i want you to know what the nuclear triad is. okay? >> so do i. charlie krauthammer, also a fox contributor, on the flaw. >> what disturbs me is not that he got it wrong. it shows about his attitude toward the facts, or toward issues. this is fairly elementary. tony perkins of the family council who has been in it for decades was, what troubles him is that trump said at the
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beginning, many republicans, many women think women ought to be punished. perk indianapolis said, perkins said anyone familiar with this knows that's not true. that's not the position of anybody on the pro-life side. >> see, that's what gave it away to me as a pro life. i don't know anybody in the movement who actually feel that way so i don't know where he got that from. other than that shallow brain pan that you're saying, he just says things. >> it was a logical train of thought. he was talking about, this is illegal. so somebody breaks the law. somebody gets punished. he was following the train of thought but he had not thought through the larger issue which made me wonder how pro-life he really is. he hasn't thought through the whole entire position. >> i think the problem is you're drawn to a person that just speaks his mind. he is unfimtered and tells you what he thinked. the problem is that he is running for president of the united states. his words echo everywhere. and other world leaders listen
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to him. when you're running for president, there is no gotcha question. if i were running, you can ask me anything. you have to assume when you walk into the room that everything is on the table. if you ask me if a black and white cookie is racist, i'm going to have an answer for you. >> is it? no, it's not. it is diverse and delicious. >> i have one on right now. it compliments my leg beautifully. >> why does it have to be beige? >> it is the color of my skin and i aim to please. >> he said something that i'm sure he corrected and wants to correct and will go forward with the correction and we're still talking about it. >> of course. >> but it is like holding everyone to every wore that come out of their mouth. even if you come back and say i was wrong about that. >> this isn't the first time. >> this is a trump moment, right? he's fabulous at getting out there and turning the page. changing the conversation. so change it.
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>> when he said what emabout john mccain, he didn't. he doubled down on many things. >> he didn't double down on it. he came back and said, i may have misspoke. here's what my real policy is. >> so now move on and turn the page. >> come on. if you're a trump supporter, you would say hey, people who are detractors, leave him alone. what i noticed today is republican women absolute lip bit through their tongues. you talk about senators li, not ready would. they're backed up. so people who are pro-life like you are, he love your answer as a grand dad. people who are pro-life are like oh, my gosh. we've always tried to say we're not about punishing women. now he makes it like the old mistake, some of these people
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are about punishing women. theon mistake trump made was telling the truth. democrats will eat that up. >> hillary would love that. >> what he corrected it to. >> corrected. but what emfrom the heart. >> coming up, will the odds of a contested convention increase if trump loses wisconsin next week? more to come on the gop race, next. and i never get tired of it. are you entirely prepared to retire? plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e*trade. in new york state, plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement
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now to the gop presidential race. states are very split. wisconsin april 5, next tuesday, cruz now in the lead there by 10 points. but on april 19, new york votes. trump right now has a 36-point advantage in his home state. as for john kasich, he still remains in third place. but he took some new shots at trump today and still believes this race is going all the way to the convention. >> he says one thing and then
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come back and tries to clean it up. he's not prepared. are you kidding me? how close is his thumb to the trigger? this is not the way you lead the united states nor the way in which you lead to world. >> how do you get the nomination short of a contested convention? >> well, there will be a contested convention. >> you believe that as a fact. >> absolutely. >> the gop political strategist working against donald trump in wisconsin says, if the ant-trump forces beat trump in wisconsin, and then no more races in two weeks in new york, they could change the entire tenor of this race. >> absolutely correct. donald trump had a big lead in the latest polls in new york. he is now trailing cruz by 10 points. >> in wisconsin. >> yes. and then for two weeks, almost no races. nothing to talk about. however, i am a 19, new york, 95
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delegates. trump has a massive lead. new york, pennsylvania, other northeastern states, trump is overwhelmingly faifd to walk out of there. talk about a game changer, i would say wisconsin is important. obviously. but those northeast states, that's where it is. that's where it will be won or lost. >> when i think about melissa going forward for donald trump right now, i think wisconsin, who would have thunk it? but i see the republican establishment binning with scott walker. then going on to paul ryan, the speaker of the house. >> i know who he is. and then you go see the local congressmen. >> the money pouring in, stopped trump in wisconsin. >> it's true. but that could have won it for him. he still has time. he's supposed to be the
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anti-establishment guy. that could have help bring democrats over. deep down in the polls, something in wisconsin, 60% believe that undocumented immigrants should stay and apply for citizenship. only 15% of responsibilitients said they believe they should be required to leave. maybe they don't agree with him on the issues. he needs to get had there and turn the conversation back to what made him great in the first place. making america great. he has to talk about national security. one thing women really care about is keeping their families and their homes safe. not having some their black cloud of terror haunting us at home even more than it already has. he needs to turn the conversation back. there is still time. that would do it. >> he says he will spend the entire weekend there. he took a break to go see reince priebus in washington. he says he will spend the weekend there. the last time we saw him loose to my mime, iowa.
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the big difference in iowa was you saw ted cruz with a tremendous ground operation. apparently he has the same thing in place in wisconsin. >> wisconsin is the most portant contest obviously since this started. that's all i have. what's unfair, like we talked about this this contested convention be unfair. but trump benefited at the beginning with so many candidates. he stood out. there were 17 candidates and they were all kind of the same. that helped him. but now that number has come out to hurt him. now he has to deal with the fact that he might not get a majority. because there were too many candidates in the start. so there are two sides. >> i have a second question for you. >> i noticed in wisconsin, conservative talk show hosts are opposed to trump. why? is this the first time -- charlie sikes is the guy in milwaukee. is this the first time we've
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seen the right wing talk radio say no to trump? >> i think there are two things. maybe they're returning to the question. who has the best chance of beating hillary? they might be thinking about that. and maybe they're worried about conservativism and they don't think trump is a conservative. >> what happens if came gets involved and starts taking votes away from cruz as the alternative to trump. is kasich the spoiler? should he be getting out? >> he should be getting out but i don't think emtake enough away. i think cruz will take wisconsin. i think no matter what cruz does in wisconsin, he a shot in new york. there is no way donald trump will absolutely take new york. the new york values comment. if you talk to people in new york -- >> they have new york values. >> i was thinking this morning. there is no path to a legitimate majority. he is in there clearly for a contested convention. the gop has decided they love ted cruz right now they will
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have don't love ted cruz. they're going for the contested convention. they'll drop him. >> an arranged marriage. >> so kasich is here. why didn't jeb bush or marco rubio stay in the race? there would probably be enough ant-trump money to keep him in. >> i can't run this piece of tape because we're out of time. i know that tonight on the o'reilly factor you're talking about his visit with reince priebus. >> oh, them we can run it. >> it was a very good meeting. we met with reince priebus and the staff. a terrific meeting and it is really a unit meeting. we're leading by a lot. we have far and away the most delegates. >> who called the meeting? did you or did they? >> i think it was probably mutually called. we've been talking and dealing a lot. >> so i didn't let him stop right there. i asked him again. i wanted to know.
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did you call them or did they call you? >> you're very suspicious of this. >> i am. i literally got a call from the people high in the rnc twice yesterday. before o'reilly and after. they want to talk about whether they can change the rule. >> you've been saying you're afraid they are going to change the rule on trump. you have to hurry up. they want to us get out. >> go for it. i caught him as he was coming out. rnc meeting. and his tenor and demeanor was very telling. check it out. >> in a good way or a bad way? >> you have to tune in. >> a tease. >> anyway, watch. >> that would an american president in smoke weed? the coming up next. (patrick 1) what's it like to be the boss of you?
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(patrick 2) pretty great. (patrick 1) how about a 10% raise? (patrick 2) how about 20? (patrick 1) how about done? (patrick 2) that's the kind of control i like... ...and that's what they give me at national car rental. i can choose any car in the aisle i want- without having to ask anyone. who better to be the boss of you... (patrick 1)than me. i mean, (vo) go national. go like a pro.
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welcome back. time for the fastest seven minutes on television. first up, donald trump says he's never done drugs. how does he feel about making pot legal in america? >> i think that as far as drug legalization, we talk about marijuana, in terms of medical, i think i am basically for that. i've heard some wonderful things in terms of medical. i'm watching colorado very carefully, see what's happening out there. i'm getting some very negative reports, some okay reports. but i'm getting some very negative reports coming out of colorado as to what's happening. we'll see what happens. >> what do you say? >> i don't know. after this campaign, we're all going to need to get high. we can get high together. we're going to the mountains. i'll buy a -- i don't know. i don't know what to buy. you know what? the problem with pot. i'm for legalization.
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medical marijuana to me is irrelevant. i don't think you need it to legalize it. the problem with pot is not if but when. you have to achieve something in life before you smoke. it is like a martini. a martini after a hard day's work. if you start smoking pot before you get a job or find a career, you will never get a job or final a career. what say you? you have some kids. >> i was not sure where trump actually stood on that. emhe's heard some wonderful things and some very terrible things and some okay things. so i don't know what he thinks. >> what do you think? >> i lost my train of thought. again, you never know where he truly believes and where he truly stands. he is all over the map. i will say that hillary clinton and bernie sanders are pretty clear. hillary clinton is not necessarily for legalization but she's pretty close on medical marijuana and bernie -- >> good dodge.
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>> i'm a bertarian. i support it. i'm not a drug girl. i'm hungry enough as it is. i love watching him. he is figuring out how he feel about everything while he's running for president. and not many people have the guts to do that. >> next up, we all know there's not much love between trump and ted cruz. did cruz go too far when joking with kimmel last night? >> donald trump. is he the person youlike most of anyone in america? >> oh, no. >> who do you like better? obama or trump? >> i dislike obama's policies more. >> i see. >> but donald -- donald is a unique individual. i will say i was watching the early part of the show. and if i were in my car and getting ready to reverse and saw donald in th i'm not confident which pedal i would push.
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>> all right. i give a hat tip to his comedy writers. that was a great line. it was hysterical. i didn't know he had that kind of funny inside of him. >> funny? >> dark funny but funny. >> so? >> do you think it's funny because politicians would never say i would run that son of a gun over? >> that would also be funny in my book. i'm a smart alec. >> i hike it. i think with cruz his issue is likability. that's what he struggles with. to see him do this and deliver it well and have an audience laugh. good for him. everyone needs to stop getting fo offended. >> we're seeing someone and part of is it a product of trump that republicans are learning to department to talk shows. it used to be, you would watch a talk show and you see a republican and you would be cringing in advance on how stiff they would be. >> i still do that. >> half the nominees is this year could handle themselves.
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christie was funny. cruz had great timing there which i never thought he would have. that surprised me. and trump is a natural entertainer. so this is, it is a seed change among the republican party and it is a positive thing. >> i have to set this one up. this morning i got in around 7:30, quarter to 8:00. who is in the hallway but john kasich? i said what's one eating pizza in new york with a fork. soap he said whatever you do, don't bring it up. we saw people eating pizza with utensils. today he attempted to explain himself. >> first of all, i didn't use a knife. secondly the fork, i get a piece of beats. a it is that big. it is scalding hot. i am trying to be responsible. >> responsible. >> do you know what my wife said? she said about time you learned how to use a utensil properly. he's a smart woman. >> you're from ohio. so am i.
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it is okay to eat but the your hands. >> a little piece. >> you know what it is? it is tabloid press. they're out to get me. >> sorry about that, governor. you have to know, you say don't do that to bolling? i'm going to do it. >> absolutely. didn't palin get in trouble for this? >> i think she folded it. >> at some point, look. i grew up here. i know how to eat pizza. leave him alone. it's funny. >> he's a nerdy, dorky guy. it fits perfectly with his image. the way he explained it. he is charming when he was trying to explain it and his wife says you can finally use a knife and fork? >> i think after seeing this, he needs to drop out. we cannot have this man's finger on the button. he'll just put a fork in it. >> you got sicily and naples in the house here. i have to see grease all over
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the face. we italians like it dirty. fork and knife. for pete's sake. >> an investigation of the private e-mail server. clinton is starting to get very nervous about the outcome. guess who is here, ed henry with his take next. then your rates go through the roof. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance.
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nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. the fbi's investigation of hillary clinton's private e-mail server may be coming to cheese soon. they've finished examining the messages and has now moved on to the interview phase. a huge cloud still hanging over the democratic front-runner's campaign, of course. more with ed henry live with us here in studio. i read that the agents involved are going to be given polygraphs so they don't leak? that's disappointing. i love leaks. >> we all do. they've kept most of this under
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wraps. the clinton adviser was on the phone. she said we want to talk to the fbi. we want to get it behind us. >> do you believe that. >> i believe they want to get it behind them. part of the deal with the investigation, they've gone through server, through the e-mails but people end up getting in trouble for misleading law enforcement officials intentionally or even accidentally by something you say in a deposition. campaigns like to have knowns. how many money do we have in the bank? what are the poll numbers? >> as you know you can go to jail for lying to the government, lying to the fbi. so anyone who has to go in and testify. this is a big deal. >> sure. >> ask martha stewart. >> cheater.
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call her. >> juan has her number. >> oh, yeah. >> it is not just the story of hillary clinton, it is also her top aides. think about how many investigations start with one thing, e-mail. and lead to what's going on at the clinton foundation or something else? i'm not saying it will lead there. but it has happen with the fbi before. >> that might be the reason for 147 agents on the case. >> first of all, the fbi has said that's not true. it is a lot, 30, 40. i don't think anybody at this table wants 30 or 40 fbi agents combing through anything. it has been exaggerated, number one. and number two, yeah. to your point. if 30 or 40 agents are going through it, it suggests it is very serious. and james comey, whether he will
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do the interview or not. this is someone known as a straight shooter. he took on the bush administration. he has credibility. i think if he wants to move forward with it or not, he will be scrutinized. >> give us a scale of one to ten. how concerned is hillary clinton right now about this? >> it is hard to answer. >> answer it! >> i think ultimately they're trying to give thus great poker face and they're not worried. two points. at the end of the day the clinton folks believe she will be common raxtd they could be wrong but they believe it. >> noon, the reason they were more worried than they're letting on is 30 or 40 agents are not just sitting rahm saying let's move some papers around. any time the fbi is investigating, it could lead somewhere you're not expecting. so they're more scared than
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they're letting on. >> let me ask but the trust issue. >> how hard could that be? just pick a number. >> just answer. >> i want to ask about the trust honesty factor. >> greg? >> we know the answer to it already. >> they're very similar in some ways. when you looked at the polling on this issue, you saw that people, particularly women of group that's she really needs looked at her and. she's dishonest. not necessary reply criminal charges will be filed. but that people will discrust her. and won't head out to the polls.
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i think they can do something short of a criminal referral that could be very damaging. this straight shoot here took on the bush administration could come forward and take to the democratic front-runner and say gross negligence, sloppy handling of classified information and issue a very damaging report but stop short of an indictment. so they'll be relieved but you have this scar of the revered figure saying you made some mistakes. it doesn't reach the bar of indictment because it is a high bar. >> answer. >> what kind of questions -- >> is there a different standard for a presidential candidate? >> there should not be. that's the point. everybody says it. everyone expects there is. i think this is something we've
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been addressing in this campaign about people being frustrated with what's going on in washington and the rest of the party. when people face charges, why is there a different standard? >> i think she was trying to avoid, evade freedom of information act time requests coming from reporters. so a lot of reporters in washington have been hostile to hillary clinton on this point. recently i've seen ron who was very critical say odds are, nothing is going to happen. >> i don't know if that's why she set up the server but if laws were broken, it is not that i didn't want to deal with freedom of information. especially when she was serving as secretary of state to president obama who. this is the most transparent administration. >> i heard if she goes to prison while president, bill offered to do her sentence for her as long as it is in a women's
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penitentiary. >> is that true? >> on a scale of 1-10. >> 37. >> thank you. >> so is this the world's worst airline passengers? look at this picture. what would you do? if you were sitting behind this pony tailed intruder? i'm going to ask my co-host coming up next. i think we should've taken a left at the river. tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is? waterfall? no, me tarzan, king of jungle. why don't you want to just ask somebody? if you're a couple, you fight over directions. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. oh ohhhhh it's what you do. ohhhhhh! do you have to do that right in my ear? rheumatoid arthritis like me,e and you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira.
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sometimes people can be completely oblivious that others exist in this world besides them. example, this woman on a flight from houston to boston. as you can see, she hung her pony tail over the screen of the passengers sitting behind her. the boston columnist was also sitting behind her and took a picture and tweeted it out writing, congratulations to the pony tail in seat 22 b. you've invented a whole new way to be awful at 35,000 feet. it i can qui went viral. lots of folks had suggestions like cut it off, dip it in your drink or a small piece of gum properly placed ought to do the trick. what would you say? this woman is in front of you.
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her pony tail in disarray. blocking your movie or whatever is in front of you. what do you do? >> i'm the worst person to ask. i have a pony tail fetish. i wear. i'd be fine with it. i would probably just pet it lightly and smell it. yes. i collect pony tails. in my basement, i have about 5,000 pony tail. >> my instinct said not to start with you but i went there any way. i was going to eric next but i won't go there. melissa? >> i am so horrified. i had no idea about this whole pony tail thing. i may be rethinking hair styles. i would get one of my kids to yank on it really hard. when she turned around, stop that, why did you do that? and i would pretend. >> that's a violent instrument. i like that. >> yes, exactly. >> i might think about having kids now. >> i feel like single guy seated behind her would somehow find a
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way to make this a pick-up line. this is handing him an opportunity. >> i'm a married guy. >> well done. >> a sin guy, the pony tail. >> it would be a great seat to have when i was single. >> how do we know it was a woman? >> that's a good point. >> that would be really bad. >> excuse me, would you like to have a cocktail later? and and he turns around. absolutely. >> i thought you had a campaign going against man buns. >> girls with pony tails. get your act together. >> i think i travel more than anybody in the usa, right? i'm on planes all the time. this would gross me out. dwro have reaction my colleagues have. people with bare feet. i don't like that. and then what about -- how about people, this is so common in america. people just get in.
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it can be the largest person on earth. you know? joba the hut. they put their seat back. please. i'm trying to sit here. >> the seat back is your right. you paid form. >> now you can get had device to stick in there and stop these people. it is rude. seats are tight any way. >> but you paid form. >> no, you don't. >> you pay for a seat. you don't to have pay to sit in my lap. >> take it up with the airline. >> take it up with the airline? >> my goodness. >> it's there. you're playing by the rules. right? >> you can move back yourself too. >> i don't want to sit back. the other thing is people come with these big suitcases and they want to jam it up there and it falls on your head. where do these tourists come from? >> how about people bring really smelly food on the plane. they're eating. >> i can't get the big suitcase
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up in the thing. i have to get somebody to help me. >> how about you're sitting next on jedidiah, right? and you say, jedidiah, there's one armrest here. why do you have to take whole thing? >> do you say that? >> a lot of complainers here. >> they'll just go all day. one more thing is coming up next. and 6 essential nutrients. ever see a peanut take a day off? i don't think so. harness the hardworking power of the peanut.
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>> as usual, this isn't about sports. this is about the happiest creature you will ever see in your life. let's to go spring training in the field there. check this guy out. look at the face on this dog. this dog, okay. there might be something weird about a guy putting a little dog in a carrier. maybe it is a therapy dog. look how happy that dog is. and he has the best seat in the house. >> and he loves baseball. >> the only problem if he happens to pee on the person in front. >> juan? >> oh happy day. look what came in the mail today. faenlly this book i've been working on forever. i got copies of it and i brought them. greg is helping. the name of the book is "we the people." the modern day figures who reshamed and aif i recall the founding fathers. vision of america. it is getting great reviews.
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the library journal said it was important. >> important? >> tuesday is the day you can buy it on sale. to go amazon book stores. nationwide. >> where is obama's picture on there? >> i'm not in the index. >> you are. here you can see on the cover. billy graham, ronald reagan, thurgood marshall. >> at least it didn't have the word "killing" in it. >> i finally found a woman who takes pizza more seriously than i do. a hartford woman called 911 to report a problem with her beats. a let's take a listen. >> i ordered a small pizza, half cheese and half bacon. and they give, they bring me half hamburger. so i call them back and they don't want to give my money back. they keep hanging up on me. >> okay. that's not a police matter,
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ma'am. you'll have to work that out with the pizza shop. >> if i don't get my pepperoni -- >> i hear you. >> that's a police matter in my house. >> eric? >> very quickly, o'reilly, we talk about it. right after donald trump met with the rnc he came and we did an interview. a wide ranging interview. final out what they were talking about. but also, we talk about the controversial comments on abortion and he made some comments on nuclear arms and how he would use them. we go through all that. and before you go apoplectic, never trump people, we offered ted cruz and john kasich an opportunity to come on but they sent surrogates and rebutted a lot of the stuff. >> did you know the hamburglar is alive and well? a guy was driving, he got outside. they couldn't open up yet. they stole 33 cases of
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hamburgers. >> the be hamburglars. i think we know who it is. i do love them. it could have been me. they say they'll never solve the crime because they ate the evidence. >> set your dvr so you never miss an else of "the five." donald trump meets with party leaders in washington after a bumpy week on the campaign trail. this is "special report." >> good evening. welcome to washington. for perhaps the first time this campaign season, donald trump may be in damage control mode tonight. today, trump left the next primary state, wisconsin to come here to washington. and meet with the head of the republican party. that game just a day after after trump was able to offend both pro-life and pro-choice voters with a
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