tv Red Eye FOX News April 8, 2016 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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♪ welcome to with -- welcome to "red eye." let's see what exciting stories we will be discussing. >> the presidential candidates are here in the big apple riding the subway and eating at the deli. and a new trend has patients texting pictures of private parts to their doctors. i would like to remind tom shillue i am not and never have been his doctor. and the trailer for the new prequel premiered on thursday. will the hot take that made twitter popular continue?
>> thank you, andy. let's welcome our guest. she is so open minded she likes red and white wine. joanne nosuchunsky. he is so low key i call him e flat minor. nick mullen. he is so dashing he make hussein bolt look like a jogger. editor of the national review, rich lowry. and he is so pro-freedom he makes william wall los -- wall lass look like kim junk u.n. kim-jung-un. let's start the show. >> to quote demi levato, welcome to new york. ahead of the primary, the presidential candidates are all taking a bite out of the big apple. some taking bigger bites than others. that's john kasich having a light snack. it looks like he is eating his fingers. one reporter tweeted kasich is
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thin-skinned. >> do you think one new york values comment, and i know we are picking on him for that, but is that the reason he is not doing well in new york? >> sure, that's part of it. and donald trump will do great because new yorkers have great taste in their candidates apparent -- apparently. he is unctuous. i don't know what that is, but he is unctuous. even those inclined toward his politics find him personally repulsive. i don't know why. >> i mean, let's face it. new york is made for trump. not only because he is from here, but i feel like new york and new england, there is a boston thing and people love trump in boston. and i think it is because -- i don't know, they like rudeness i think. isn't that a northeast thing? >> it will play well here, and everyone except for marco rubio has won his home state. i was sure if ted cruz had any idea that we would be in april
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and the new york primary would actually matter he wouldn't have done the new york value. he would have limited the damage instead of new york values. >> why didn't he have the foresight? he knew it would come to new york and he would need votes, right? >> he thought he would win iowa and wrap it up early. no one thought they would be engaged in a granular fight that will go to june 7th. >> kasich said it is fun. >> my theory is he has nothing else to do but sit around and stuff his face all day. he is not out winning votes anywhere. >> but he is not a racist. what did they say? he is not a racist. >> forgot the graphic already. there it is. >> but kasich is doing well in new york. 25%, that's fantastic. >> i love the candidate that embarrassed themselves the least is the one that ate too
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much spaghetti. that's how you do well with new yorkers is act like a stereo type on top of a pizza box. >> new york, we are not used to being the center of attention. the vote never matters in new york. it is a fore gone conclusion. isn't it exciting that people are fighting over new yorkers' votes. >> i guess. i enjoy watching fights where there are homeless people or people trying to stuff as many sausage and peppers in their mouth as possible. yeah, i'm all for it. >> will he get a tummy ache? >> oh my goodness, i hope so. i love kasich now this was it. this was the turning moment for me. the fact that he not only ate, but ate a lot of food in front of so many cameras, it is one thing if you are on on a date and you are diving into that bowl of pasta. that's one person judging you. but there are so many. there's a lot of sauce and
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that can get everywhere. my one criticism is red wine should really be after 5:00 p.m. if you are gonna drink during the day, keep it to a pinot-gregio. that's a daytime drink. >> i agree. i don't drink red wine in the day, but if i have wine i have white. >> i think it is because ever since we were in the womb -- i have no idea. >> where are you going with that? >> my mother is not an alcoholic. >> meanwhile, beloved hometown girl hillary clinton was also in the bronx. on wednesday she spoke outside yankee stadium and then got on the subway and road from 161st street to 170th street. that's a real trip and not just a photo op. but before she got on the train, clinton had some trouble using a metro card.
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>> rich, look, she is a senator from new york. shouldn't she know how to use a metro card or gone over this the first time? >> it is cloorly the first time she -- clearly the first time she encountered a subway card. it is impossible to get through on one swipe. when the train is there and it is about to leave and you know you have one chance, i can never get it. >> you never get the swipe? >> you need to regulate your breathing and do this zen thing. i have some sympathy. >> is this on a loop right now? >> shea is -- she is still trying to get in right now. this is live tape, joanne. >> points for not doing the actual turn style.
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>> that is totally embarrassing. >> let's be real. it is to new york what the secret menu the a inn out burger is. it is a dumb way to make locals feel like they are super smart. the locals know, with the exception of rich lowrey. >> the locals know how to do it so they can feel superior. >> it is all a trap? >> it is all a trap. >> nick, look. >> don't take the metro card away from me, man. that's the only thing i have is my one swipe ability. >> you can get it every time? >> every time unless i don't have money and that's not a swipe error. >> you know the speed. it is the rhythm of life of new york city. sanders who fancy himself kind of street wise, he also doesn't know anything about the subway. listen to the exchange with the reporter.
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>> actually we rolled the subway when we were here. you know how to ride the subway. been on it once or excise. >> do you real? do you really? how do you ride the subway today? how do you get on the subway today? >> never talk to me again? >> wrong. >> a token? >> i love the daily news goi. no, how does it work? how does it work? you are wrong. go for it daily news. >> he is pushing him, right? bernie knows from his youth of running a trolley car. he is thinking of the turn of the century. >> when is the last time we had a token? when i first got to new york they had tokens. there were grooves that had been worn into the turn styles for decades of people. >> and women wore bonnets.
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look what we left out of the interview. if it didn't work out i would hop the turn style. that's a $100 fine and many people end up in jail because of it. new york cops are very serious about -- >> i have seen them. >> about the subway and paying. bernie, you should not joke about that. >> he should not. nothing hurts bernie. the young people love him, right? >> whyy. yes. and it used to be a $40 fine. you don't get arrested for it. it is just a ticket. i thought you were doing the single swipes and not jumping open. >> you get the insufficient fare. it was 2003 when they got rid of the tokens. i went to the transit museum because no day job and i have time to walk around. >> i thought it was earlier than that. >> that's when they stopped accepting them in 2003. >> the transition, yes. and i remember when they had the unlimited -- they introduced unlimited rides.
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okay, the next story after the big win on tuesday his campaign manager issued a warning to the clinton campaign about playing hard ball politics. >> this is what i would say to them which is don't destroy the democratic party to satisfy the secretary's ambitions to become president of the united states. harmless comment, right? wrong. some call it sexist. rebecca wrote that the remark played on the long-standing assumptions about how ambition, a quality that is required for powerful men and admired in them looks far less attractive on their female counterparts. i love ambition, but on a bias cut. as for hillary herself, she seems determined to have the last laugh. >> senator sander's campaign manager said something interesting and inflammatory on air. the clinton campaign, sct clinton, they need to be
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careful not to destroy the democratic party merely in pursuit of her own ambition to be president. very strong words. your response to that idea. >> it is ludicrous. >> is it ludicrous? what was making her laugh so much? >> i guess it is sexist. i stopped arguing with people when they told me it was sexist. i don't know why that comment specifically. it may be rude, but is it sexist? >> apparently if they say it is. right, joanne? >> i will not defend hillary clinton, but if i had to it would be now. how is that inflammatory what he said, ambition? like you said, i don't understand the connection between sexism and the word ambition. they will do anything to get ahead and she has been a part of the democratic party for so long. like she said in defense of
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herself on this show i don't think she is destroying it. she is soen twined into its fabric. >> she is it. >> that's it. >> they always say this. they say you would never say that about a male politician. but every time someone is running for office they say he will do anything and say anything to get elected. they use that on men all the time. >> maybe people call women politician shrill. everyone is called overly ambitious. only people who were overly ambitious run for president. this is the wrap against ted cruz all the time. hillary has been desperate to lodge accusations against bernie. he said she was shouting. so that was sexist. then at one of the debates he said excuse me, i am talking. now his campaign manager says she is ambitious. >> how can you blame her? it works.
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when she ran for senator i will never forget. rick was running against her and he held a paper too close to her. you are not supposed to hold paper close to women. it is sexist. >> and i love how she is trying to playoff the -- bernie sanders is suspicious with african-americans because he was being mean to bill -- not bill clinton, but barack obama a couple times. did you hear what bill clinton said today? he was being protested by "black lives matter" activists. he said you would be happy if one of these 13-year-olds gets hoped up and kills one of these black people. if bernie sanders said that hillary clinton would have him pegged up to a cross. it would be absolute brutality. bill clinton can say it and apparently skate by. >> is hillary happy about it? >> no. she is pissed off. what do you do? >> now it is time for --.
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>> it is not sexting. it is serious. patients are texting their photos of jenna -- genetalia to doctors. they say is this normal? is this an std and what are you doing on saturday? one person told" the guardian" that is was shock and in a weird way, awe. >> he points to the prevailing sexting culture. it probably wasn't specifically me. it was the nature of young people being comfortable and showing a picture. millennials are texting photos of their willy. willy nilly seems silly. currently there are no guidelines for how doctors should respond. doctors say it is legally treacherous territory. i thought it was going to be a video, but it is a photo of a doctor. >> he is scrolling on his mouth.
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>> i am assuming he is looking at these pictures. look, i think this is the future. they said we are supposed to be able to communicate with our doctors via smartphone. why not? why not the whole -- >> because we passed really, really stupid laws in city after state after country about sexting and teenagers. we are so terrified that kids somewhere may be looking at kids' genetalia that we are putting them on the sex abuser list for texting each other stuff like this. more so than if they perpetrated any sex crime. only now people are getting to the point where they say maybe we should roll back these laws. we are turning in these normal 16-year-olds. god knows what you were doing at 16. but they are turn fog career criminal -- turning into career criminals. >> i think matt welch is on to
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something. i want to send a picture of my you know what. i can't because of hysteria. >> do you reel want to send -- do you really want to send it? >> i wouldn't feel comfortable sending such a picture. would you? >> i want to get his take on it. i mean a professional take. what do you theng? i think doctors will have to work this way. it is the future. >> first of all i didn't know that was an option. i am on medicaid and presumably i can do this for free. i can proof read my [bleep] pics. honestly i am surprised that doctors' offices have texting. >> that's right. you have to fax it in. >> what are the laws on [bleep] faxing? is [bleep] faxing a loophole for teens? >> i am pretty sure that is a porn name. >> it is true.
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joanne, why haven't the doctors kept up? they are still using filing cabinets. they should have tablets like chick-fil-a does. >> there is one insurance company, oscar, and that's who i use. i signed up through the marketplace for health insurance. >> you did? >> i did. and they say you can take pictures. say you are not sure if it is strep or what it could be, take a peck tour of the throat and send it to your doctor and you don't have to go in and they will prescribe something. this is one of the ads. it is on subways and billboards. this is why. oscar is to blame. if someone, many people saw this ad and they are taking inappropriate photoses. if you are at the point where you are not sure what is going on there, you should go in. see your doctor. >> that's the worst way to take a [bleep] pic. that's not how you do it at all. >> first of all if you wear that kind of underwear you shouldn't have sex with
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anybody, period. >> it looks like a kid. >> why is the only part that is supposed to be naked -- you really should have put a beard on the guy. >> they have that at the subway stop where i live. my daughter was like, oh that's what you do with the camera? she took a picture of her own butt. >> they wanted to get on shows like this. you wanted it for the publicity. coming up, are republicans really as rich as they seem? find out the truth, next.
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unfavorable view of the gop front runner. hillary clinton and bernie sanders are trading punches on the campaign trail. both questioning whether the other is qualified to be president. chilling new video shows the so-called man in white leaving the brussels airport after carrying outlast month's terrorist uhing tays. the suspect was first seen with the two suicide bombers moments before the devastating blast. 30 -- 32 people were killed and hundreds more injured. the number of isis fighters in libya doubling to 6,000 over the last year or so. u.s. army general says local militias are helping to contain isis in parts of the country. the u.s. carried out two airstrikes targeting mill -- militants and some of the leaders. the man who busted out of a psychiatric hospital has been spotted in a wooded area knee spokane. the man at large was arrested for murder in 2013, but deemed
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incompetent to stand trial. >> it is a pretty serious crime. it is the worse you can imagine. and he has mental illness. we don't know what he is thinking. we have no idea if he is -- he could be just trying to escape and go someplace. the opportunity to commit a crime is there if he is out. >> the man he escaped with was captured hours after breaking out of the western state hospital. and a man who made pot brown knees with his mother is behind bars. he made the brown knees without telling his mom the ingredients. she gave one to her in home aide who ended up getting sick. i'm patricia stark, now back to "red eye." >> why can't we all just get along? maybe because we don't know about each other. republicans and democrats think they noah lot about the people they disagree with, but according to a new study they don't. basically democrats think the
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republican party looks like this and republicans think the democratic party looks like this. when dems were ask how many republicans earn more than $68,000 a year and it is -- they said 38% and it is actually 2%. when they asked how many were gay, they said probably a third. it is only 4%. although there are probably more gay democrats. here is the real surprise. you think people who would follow politics would do better than the average person. but they do worse. those who most closely follow politics were more confident than their assumptions, but further off base. don't be so quick to judge. to quote samuel jackson, when you make an assumption, you make an ass out of you and umption. rick, what do you think is the reason for this misconception? >> well, i think everyone
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operates off stereo types. both parties have these images and they get exaggerated. >> what do you think? did it surprise you that democrats are more off on their assumptions about republicans? democrats who are always crying about people being prejudice, they actually have more. >> the republicans were branded as the party of the rich since hoover. everyone would assume they are richer than average when actually more rich people are democrats. that blows everyone's minds and it would be good if republicans could actually rebut that stare yow type and they have -- and they have been at it for nine decades and haven't succeeded yet. why is that? they are not fighting back. >> they are trying to hide it. don't you wish mitt romney had a little donald trump in him? he never said that.
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>> i mean it is very funny to watch democrats depending on the cycle spend all of their time talking about mitt romney's swiss bank accounts. john mccain's seven houses. every speech at the democratic convention was the fact john mccain through his wife had seven houses. but then when it is john kerry running for president or hillary clinton we will not talk about that much. >> if trump is the nominee it will be an interesting test case. the first republican ever who is unapologetic about being rich. >> people want people to be honest, right? >> nick? >> they are all rich. we learned that with the subway fiasco. i mean, yeah, the numbers are probably inflated because gays and rich people are very loud. they are loud groupses of people. that would inflate the numbers in my mind and other people as
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well. >> that's it. you say they are making all the noise. 96% of republicans are not rich. >> owe -- okay, well 4%, rich, very loud. >> why do you think that is? manhattan is all wealthy people. they are all democrats. >> but also hollywood. all of these democratic celebrities with all of this money and i agree. a lot of money is going to that party. yes some people are loud, but the stereo types started because people were tight-lipped about who they were voting for. now everyone is sharing it on-line. they are airing their laundry out. they are like, this is my guy. i remember growing up my parents would never tell me who they voted for. >> they wouldn't tell their own family. >> yes, i don't know what changed. now the truth is coming out.
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>> i think demi levato may have done it as well. have you ever care karaoked with her? >> i don't think so. >> ask me now if i have ever karaoked? >> have you ever karaoked? >> [bleep] no. >> you would do a pretty mean "easy on a sunday morning." >> matt, you said cruz has the anti--values backlash because they are thin-skinned wooses. that really hurts, man. i would like you to apologize. you said if cruz had any idea the new york primary would have been important he would have dialed back the new york values comment. do you think he would have said it to get political gain from it? >> no, of course not. >> i wanted to make that clear. you didn't seem excited that
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they were excited about the election. what if you said they are not. >> i would be more excited. >> you said you now love kasich for stuffing his face. i think he was trying to make up for eating pizza with a fork. >> we have to clarify. it was the first bite that was hot with the fork which i have done. and then he picks up the pizza. he has an interesting way of housing what is in front of him and i respect that. >> the first bite if it is too hot you don't use a -- it is still going on your tongue. >> no, it is the roof of the mouth. that's the killer. with the fork you have a little space. >> and you can wave it a little bit. >> it is physics. >> hillary has subway turn
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style issues. can we check back in and see how she is doing? >> it is all about the speed. >> god speed, madam secretary. >> tom, i found it odd were having trouble at the turn style. >> i said you are a senator of. i lived in the city since 1991. >> you are good with these kinds of things? >> yes. >> i was going through today's security footage and came across -- can we roll that? >> yeah. yeah. >> you know i sweep the security footage.
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>> whatever i can get my miss on. >> i got a lot of connections. >> rich, you said it was impossible to get through the turn style in one swipe. >> i didn't say impossible. i said when the pressure is on. >> you can't perform when the pressure is on. and nick you said you can always perform regardless of the pressure i guess. you can always do it in one swipe. >> sure. >> i think sometimes it depends on the turn style. there was one that was minimum five times to get through. i am pretty much a one swipe guy. >> we will go through the security footage. >> exactly. >> you mocked hillary for taking it one stop and nine blocks. you know what? when the weather is bad -- >> you do it all of the time. >> no i don't. >> yes you do. >> show the footage.
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>> 10 bucks in midtown and there is an excuse. 10 blocks in the heights? where is she going? >> she didn't know where she was going. >> by the way, of course this would be meaningless except that her taking the subway was a political stunt in the first place. it makes it hilarious. >> nick you said the token stopped being accepted in 2003 and i apologize for the other panelists, the fact they gave you grief. >> thank you. i had such a great time at the transit museum. that's the only thing i can share is that token. >> is it because the other stuff is secret? >> we will go that route instead of ig authorize rains. ad sh dash instead of ignorance. >> they started to use the metro cards by thient 3 and 90 -- 93 and 94. and we are replacing them by
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2019. >> with what? >> they haven't specifically said, but they are thenging some kind of like apple pay where you wave something. the sanders campaign is sexist. you don't under the connection between sexism and the word ambition. the difference is ambition is considered a compliment to a man, but bad for a woman. >> they are projecting. where are the documented cases of that happening? >> let's go to the footage. i have no footage. >> it is just footage of me. >> rich what do you make of sanders saying hillary is unqualified to be a president. >> i would agree? well it is interesting because he spent the lion's share of this campaign until now never saying anything harsh or cutting about her, and he has realized at the last moment
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that actually should probably try to stop your opponent if you want to win a primary. >> good for him for trying. matt, you brought up what bill clinton said to the black protesters. i will keep saying this. the bill clinton of the past yore years is not the same and he is a political liability. >> he still has mortal lent than hillary does on the stump. >> every time he speaks now he commits a gaff. >> he has a sense of sabotage. i saw him at the 2008 democratic convention. it was in front of journalists and it was musing about how the country could maybe be threatened if we just had a scenario that he is making up. if we just happen to elect an unproven senator who didn't know how the world worked how it could lead to essentially
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nuclear war. he did it on the eve of the democratic convention. creating a news bubble that wouldn't happen before. you can see it in his eye. i am messing with him. it is like an snl opening. >> matt, you brought up the stupid laws as a reason to not send pictures to the doctor. more importantly any doctor that gets pics like this from an underage patient should be really, really worried. >> sure. it is a complete liability. when i threatened -- when my daughter took the picture of her butt i went ahead and used our stupid laws to scare her, but you don't understand how many places this is a problem gee you know what, i have to get her off the butt photo jie. this could be a problem for daddy.
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just lastly, you want to send pictures of your genitals to a doctor to get a take on your junk. in that case send the pics to a porn star. i guess it is a different profession. >> i am looking for clinical information. i am done. >> thank you, andy. time to take a break. gender neutral cats when we come back.
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live from america's news headquarters i'm patricia stark. donald trump may be the republican front runner, but new numbers show he is unpopular with most americans. an associated press poll shows 7 of 10 people have an unfavorable view of trump. that means half of republican voters. former president bill clinton getting into a heated exchange with "black lives matter" protestor. for 15 minutes he argued with protesters and defended a bill he signed into law while president. it lead to tougher prison sentences for gang-related crimes. >> i don't know how you would characterize the gang leaders who got 13-year-old kid hoped up on crack and sent them out on to the street to murder other african-american children. maybe you thought they were good citizens. she didn't. she didn't. you are defending the people who kill the lives you say
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matter. tell the truth. >> "black lives matter" activists say the law unfairly targeted african-americans. two burglary suspects taking police on an hour long car chase on thursday night. the high speed chase stretched the freeways to a south l.a. neighborhood. one of the men showing off some fancy moves before the cops arrived. the suspect stopped to chat and take a few selfies. both men were arrested when the police arrived. "american idol" has closed the curtain on their final season. he was the contest's last winner on thursday night. the hit show welcomed back past winners and contestants to finish out the 15th year. and now back to the show that is always a winner, "red eye." for all of your headlines go to fox you are watching the most powerful name in news, fox newschannel.
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when ever someone starts an essay by saying don't laugh i get ready to do just that. the "washington post" published an op ad that says don't laugh. i have a serious reason for raising my gender neutral. she explains why she made the decision. the cat's lives wouldn't change. and it would help me to use plural pronouns from my colleague who go by they, their and them. i would make and say something like where is your brother? yes i talk to my cats. usually i would remember to fix it. where is your sibling or where is your pal? just as i hoped. i began finding it easy to find gender neutral for humans. then one of the cats got sick. she explained how to explain the pronoun situation.
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friends would say how is your cat? they are better or the same. the vets don't know what is wrong with them. wait a minute. are they both sick? people would reply, you're confused. i'm micked up. i'm mixed up. >> how would you like to complicate your lifelike that. owning cats are hard enough. >> i lived with one. they don't care what you call it. it is still going to hate you. i mean, i think she should take this a step farther if she is still into it. how about gender neutral and the cat will tell you what gender it wants to be and even farther like she doesn't want to be speciesist. how does a cat decide if it is a cat? >> she is using the cat to practice for her behavior on humans. that's speciesist.
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and wouldn't you if you are a transgender person, wouldn't you find it condescending that she is practicing with her cats? you know, how she will treat you? >> what is going on? what is happening? >> i like that identity politics is getting close to the point of proving my elementary school theory that all cats are girls and all dogs are boys. >> why is that? every time i meet a dog i call it a him. why? >> they are all boys. that's current information as of 2016. that's on the gender politics of cats and dogs. >> cats do act like women, don't they? >> what? please, go on. >> joanne, you know they do. they seem like women cats. >> i don't noah loft women who spend their time outside my back patio presenting me with dead birds and wiggling little rats. >> you haven't lived. >> i have been hanging around
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with the wrong people. we do it differently in brooklyn uh pearntly. apparently. >> there is somebody who writes an academic paper and an academic journal. i think this might be that. it is trying to find out if anyone would agree. they are so absurd that they are calling cats who are gendered this way a different gender. they are changing the meaning of the english language. give them a benefit of the doubt. we will close things out with a bedtime story.
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coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye." gavin mcginnis and particularrer -- and tucker carlson. >> if you felt a great disturbance in the force today it is as if millions of nerds cried out in joy. the next trailer for "rogue 1" was released. it takes place in between episode three and four and it tells the story of how the plans for the first death star were stolen. take a look.
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>> state your name for the record. >> ha, ha, not funny. >> forging imperial documents and stolen property and aggravated assault and resisting arrest. >> stirring it up a little bit maybe. >> i made your weapon. the test is imminent. we need to know what it is and how to destroy it. >> is that clear? >> ya, i'll go, send me, you betcha. >> heads are spinnin. media heads are spinnin. >> we had a little fun. that was not the right video. can we see the real trailer? >> that's rogue 1. are you excited, rich?
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>> i am not a big "star wars" guy. it is always the same movie. they never get rid of this death star. they always blow it up and it always comes back. >> you rebuild them. you blow up the death star and they will put it back. >> was the one in this one called the death star? didn't they at least change the name? >> no. the new one is the death planet which is completely different. >> darth vader loves death. >> "star wars" is the best. i just have to say that. i am sure i would love it if i saw it. all of you are wonderful people. i love this trailer because my arch nemesis, jennifer lawrence, is not in it and she is probably hating the fact she is not in it. >> very quickly, "star wars," are you excited? >> i am. is it the same actress who played in the
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"special report" is next. the 2016 campaign. go it almost alone. donald trump$ hires and delegates. and no more mr. nice guy from bernie sanders. this is "special report." ♪ ♪ >> good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. we are seeing some very real changes in the presidential campaigns tonight. of the civility in the bernie sanders, hillary clinton race is disappearing, seemingly by the hour. not only has bernie sanders taken off the rhetorical gloves. it appears he is putting on some brass knuckles. chief white house correspondent ed henry has the tale of the tape. >> while hil
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