tv The Kelly File FOX News April 8, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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that is it for us tonight. bill will be back on monday. i'm watters, and this is my world. breaking tonight. a delegate by delegate fight breaking out, unlike any we have seen in modern history, as the republican presidential hopefuls try to reach the magic number of 1237 to win the nomination outright or prevent their rival from doing so to force a floor flight at july's convention. welcome to "the kelly file," everybody. i'm megyn kelly. senator ted cruz has been on a role, capitalizing on his well organized campaign to grab a majority of delegates in north dakota, wisconsin, and now colorado, where some 37 delegates in all are up for grabs. colorado has a very complex
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selection process that culmin e culminates this weekend. it's like you've got to date colorado, take it out for several drinks and we'll get to the wmd and see what happens. [ laughter ] so far, ted cruz has managed to secure 21 of that state's delegates. john kasich and donald trump have been shut out. but 13 more will be awarded today. this is the beginning of a very complicated path that takes us through the contest over the next two months. for more on this, our chief explainer, our chief washington correspondent james rosen. james? >> reporter: megyn, if your head doesn't hurt by the time this segment is over, then i haven't done my job. consider that when new york's mostly lonely republicans hold their primary april 19th, 81 of the 95 delegates up for grabs will reflect the results in the state's 27 congressional districts. three delegates per district. clear 50% in a district and you get all three delegates. otherwise it's two for the top
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finisher, one for the runner-up. if no candidate meets the threshold, the delegates get dolled out proportionally. so far most agree that ted cruz has developed a superior organization for cultivating delegates at the county and district levels. >> so he doesn't have to convince the entire state of new york to support him. he believes that donald trump will win, but he does think he can win over district by district and prevent trump from getting the nomination that way. >> reporter: the first of the two remaining super tuesdays comes on april 26th, when voters cast ballots in connecticut, delaware, pennsylvania, and rhode island. that's 172 delegates, all awarded in the same winner take most formula as new york. june 7 brings the final tuesday with contests in new jersey, california, montana, new mexico and north dakota.
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that's 302 awarded by a winner take most formulas. >> the parties have their own rule books. and when an election is very close in the nominating process, those rule books matter more than the primary results. >> reporter: an open question is what happens if and when these delegates in a contested convention become unbound? are they really free agents or will they look to their own district or party chairs for guidance on how to vote? megyn? >> yep, the head hurts. thanks, james. ted cruz may be on a winning streak this week, but donald trump's new numbers man said this will be short lived for cruz. watch. >> by the time we get to california, the momentum is going to be clear and ted cruz's path to victory is going to be in shambles. >> chris stirewalt is our politics editor and tucker carlson is host of "fox and
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friends." no, skir walt didn't plan this, but aren't we adorable? great to see you. i don't know -- i have no idea what's happening in colorado. it's very weird. but basically ted cruz is winning the weird system in colorado right now, stirewalt. >> look, nobody cared about -- this is always how it's been. nobody cared about this stuff before because guess what? in the modern era, we've never been paying attention. >> who the heck wants to woo new yorkers. >> you're not like your colorado, three dating and a drink and see what happens on a weekend. new york is like whatever, make it happen. i've had to learn about our republican head counting in colorado and all this stuff, because we're going deeper and later than we ever have. and we're going to tucker's country, we're going to california.
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so i'm going to have to learn a lot more. >> just when i thought you knew everything. tucker, the reason we're getting into this mind numbing stuff is that there are two contests right now. it's the vote -- it's the push to win the votes of the people and the push to win the votes of the delegates. and i think most americans didn't quite realize that there was avenue b at all. >> no. because as chris said, they didn't have to. the closeness has laid bare the details of the process and the closer you get, the more corrupt and flaky it looks. it's dispiriting. this is something you take for grant it. the details are not something the average person has seen or wants to see. all of this becomes moot if neither candidate gets to the majority of delegates. after the first ballot, the delegates have a lot of latitude to choose who they vote for. the sense that, as conveyed to the delegates that one of these
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candidates can win in the fall. so it's important for the trump people to hire an adult with relevant experience. they did that with paul mannifort. but they need to make the case about electability. that will winuch more than anything i would predict. >> so now what trump needs to do is what he's been doing, winning contests with the people. but he has to work these delegates, too, to shore them up, to win them the way that cruz is winning them on these delegates where people vote for them. you don't want to know, but basically you can win them without even involving the people. and then shoring them up before he gets to cleveland in july to say, vote for me and you better stick with me. this is legal. we just had somebody talking about this on cnn, you can woo them a little. >> and you can take them to dinner and do whatever you want. the deal is, if donald trump doesn't win this on the first ballot, he ain't winning.
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so all this talk about, well, when the delegates unbind and all that stuff. it's not going to be donald trump. if he's going to win, he has to get to 1237 on the first ballot. he will be close enough, he could be close enough, if the unbound delegates who are out there, there are hundreds of them, that could come over and put him over the top, that's what he needs to do and win on the first ballot. if he doesn't, his delegates will abandon them, because probably hundreds of them will be party loyalists. >> that leads to the next question, tucker, and the final one, which is does trump need to do on those electability polls to put the pressure on these people to say, you may not like me, but i'm the only one who can beat hillary clinton, he has to make that argument that cruz cannot do it. >> if the cleveland convention were held today, chris member right. but trump needs to clean up the campaign and refocus it and make
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it about voters. second, he needs to say how many republican voters or any voters who didn't vote for mitt romney in 2012 are now going to vote for ted cruz if he's the nominee? it's a small number. he can make a case. but the third factor to consider, this is the most dynamic and volatile year of any of our lifetimes. so you don't know what america is going to look like three years from now. there could be other crises that benefit trump. it's hard to imagine. >> great to see you. >> you bet. senator cruz's relative successes in colorado and beyond are prompting a series of reports suggesting there may be disorganization inside of team trump. politico declared monday trump campaign in disarray. today, "the washington post" saying donald trump's terrible night in colorado exemplifies
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his campaign's achilles heel. but is that true? joining me now, katrina pierson, and rich lowery. good to see you both. so katrina, the media, they love these stories. we saw this four years ago. any campaign shuffle or shakeup of any sort is, they're falling apart! you tell me whether that is real or wishful thinking by the publications we just listed. >> it is completely wishful thinking. the rumors of the trump campaign demise are greatly exaggerated. mr. trump has won 21 states. senator cruz has won 9. we won 7 of senator cruz's states that he was supposed to win. yet there's this magical ground game. this delegate system is an extension of the state
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republican party. therefore, a construction worker who maybe has two shifts is not going to make it beyond the pyramid process from the precinct level or the congressional district. he's working with the establishment and that's how he's getting the delegates. >> everything she said is right, is it not, rich? >> yeah, and anybody who is writing trump's political obituary is making a big mistake. it is true that the trump campaign wasn't built for this. it was basically built as a media operation, with donald trump going from phone interview to phone interview, and that worked brilliantly, much better than anyone expected. but now we may be getting into this granular delegate by delegate fight, and ted cruz is built for that, because there's nothing corrupt about it, it's just that his campaign is a
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grassroots campaign that depends on organizing. this is what it's been from the beginning. if he wins the nomination, that is what it will be at the end. >> if that were true -- >> we haven't really paid any attention to this. katrina, there were reports that donald trump is taking a few days and he's not as much on twitter and he's thinking about things and he brought in this guy mannifort who everybody says is very good. is there a shift happening here? what is happening? >> well, there's an expansion that's happening here. and if it were true what rich said that he has this -- ted cruz has this masterful ground game, he would have won those seven states trump won. every campaign has a turning point when it's time to focus on something else. when this first began in june and mr. trump shot to the top, it was very much -- he was very
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much the guy to beat. now we have the gop establishment joining with some conservatives who supposed by wanted to fight the establishment and we have this anti-trump movement on top of that. we have the gop literally telling everyone we are not going to let the people choose our nominee. of course mr. trump brings in someone that specializes in the process, because this is a party apparatus. they publicized the fact that they don't want trump or cruz. so but we are confident we're going to get those delegates by the time we get there. >> rich, is there a chance that -- a realistic chance that trump is going to get that 1237 number before -- or as of june 7, the very last day? >> there's some quite realistic chance. i would say 30%. if it goes to a convention, the rule is you have to get a majority of the delegates. that's the minimum requirement
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for showing you have a consensus of the party. if no one gets there, then the rule of delegates comes in. >> let me just say -- >> they can change the rules. >> if you're looking for consensus and you get to the second ballot and one of those three doesn't get it and they parachute in a third person or a fourth person i guess, that's not a consensus candidate. >> yeah. i think that is very unlikely and i would counsel against it. the paradox of trump is that he's rocketed to front-runner status in the republican nomination battle. at the same time, he's made himself toxic with the general public. nearly 70% disapproval rating in his a.p. poll this week. donald trump loves to talk about polls. there's a reason he's not talking about general election polls very much. also in that a.p. poll, 30% of
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republicans say they wouldn't vote for donald trump in the fall that. is a party heading to a debacle. there's no way that delegates are going to forge a suicide pack with donald trump for the fall. >> in that same poll, megyn, ted cruz is at 60% unfavorable, and hillary clinton is only five points down from trump. there have been in elections in the past where the front-runner was 20 to 25 points behind. >> ted cruz is at 59% unfavorable and hillary clinton at 55%. so pick your poison, american people. thank you for being here. so one political analyst came up with five possible outcomes at the gop convention. they are easy to understand. we even did a fancy graphic. coming up, we'll give you the odds on which of these five outcomes is the most likely. wh another contentious week on the campaign trail, mark mckinnon, creator of "the
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circus" is back again with some of the key moments you didn't see but should. wisconsin would be the last best chance for the challengers to make a play. trump has to win or it's all but over. >> i think there's a very good chance cruz will win and win big here. mary buys a little lamb. one of millions of orders on this company's servers. accessible by thousands of suppliers and employees globally. but with cyber threats on the rise, mary's data could be under attack.
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showtime's popular series "the circus" has been giving viewers a front row seat to the 2016 presidential campaign. now they're reflecting on how we got to this point, and one of the key moments involves the runup to the primary in wisconsin. >> i'm getting tired of you guys. >> you've got really conservative, tea party movement here and you have labor unions, a huge part of the politics in this state. >> that's some rich history. 1960 john kennedy runs against humphreys. >> wisconsin could be the last best chance for the challengers to make a play. >> someone but trump or clinton has to win here or it's all but over.
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>> i think that's a very good chance cruz will win and maybe win big here. >> any state that has any retail campaign and capacity to organize, where you have to do something strategic, cruz outruns him. >> kasich doesn't really think he can win the primary. >> john kasich is now in the delegate accumulation business. he's not in the winning state business. >> this is a game of checkers but he's trying to play chess. >> bernie sanders fans think we've buried bernie sanders too early. they are constant lly howling a you [ bleep ] in the media who say this race is over, they keep saying this race is alive and we'll show you right here in wisconsin. >> they might be right. >> if trump and clinton both get beaten here, it blows up the narrative of this race is all but done. you take the fork that was in
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the race like this and you pull the fork out. >> joining me now, mark mckinnon, former chief media adviser to president george bush. looks pretty fun out there. i don't know why we're feeling sorry for you guys on the road. that moment is pretty interesting, because earlier on "the circus" he stuck the knife into the steak say thing race is over and now he's saying this race is not over on either side. >> john stuck a fork in it a couple weeks ago and last week he pulled it out. in the beginning, we had 24 episodes and we said we have to save some for the summer and some for the fall. it's still not resolved. and it could go to the convention. but we've got to hit the pause button and we'll be up for the convention and the general election in the fall. but it's been an exciting and dramatic race and may continue to be that way.
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>> why was the estimate so off? because trump and hillary lost wisconsin? trump has new york right around the corner. >> it was so off because a year ago when we planned this thing, we said it will probably be wrapped up after super tuesday. >> but the prediction that it's done. >> oh, oh. yeah, first of all you look at the delegates and the super delegates on the democratic side and all those super delegates are likely to go to clinton. there's this convenient theory put forward by the sanders' people if the delegate count is close, that those super delegates will look at polls and say perhaps sanders is better general election candidate, stronger that they might switch. the fact is, those super delegates are really dedicated to clinton and very unlikely to switch. and a couple of weeks ago, it looked like trump was having a
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good run and at least on a traditional path, it wins new york, wins california that you would likely get pretty close to the majority of delegates needed. >> that's her ace in the hole, those super delegates. because even if bernie gets very close to her in the delegates she gets from winning the races, she too has this ace in the hole, which is things that are available not from -- not slow the will of the people. >> that's right. these super delegates go back decades with the clintons. 95% of people who worked with the clintons in the '72 mcgovern campaign. so they're deeply loyal to the clintons and it's just unlikely under any scenario that they would come unblue eunglued and sanders. >> it's amazing how that race keeps going and he's got a lot of money in the coffers.
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>> $44 million, amazing. mark, great to see you. >> thanks for having us on. >> with the contested convention looking more and more likely tonight, one analyst has come up with five possible outcomes at the gop convention. they are easy to understand. and coming up, we'll give you the odds on which one is most likely. looking for 24/7 digestive support?
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>> >> from the world headquarters of fox news, it's "the kelly file" with megyn kelly. breaking tonight. the republican race to the nomination may be more complicated than we've seen in years. but this week, a veteran political scientist by the name of norm orenstein posted a piece of analysis, offering five possible outcomes on how the republican race could end. convention expert tom beven will give us his odds on each in a moment. but first we go to trace gallagher who has the breakdown on what to expect. >> reporter: regardless of how the nomination process ends, we know it won't end until at least june 7th, the day of the last gop contest.
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there is no realistic way for any candidate to get to 1237 delegates before then. and the truth is, unless something miraculous happens, only donald trump has a path to actually hit 1237. so the first scenario is very simple. donald trump goes on a roll, hits the magic number on june 7th and becomes the nominee. the second scenario is donald trump falls short of 1237 but in the 45 days between the last primary and the start of the convention, trump is somehow able to gather enough unbound delegates to push him over the top. but that would mean the gop establishment would have to coalesce around donald trump. scenario three is the one ted cruz is hoping for, and that's a contested convention where donald trump loses on the first ballot and delegates become unbound. and because the cruz campaign has been very effective at going state to state, courting those
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delegates, on the second ballot, they dump trump and make cruz the nominee. that might please some of the gop establishment like jeb bush and mitt romney, but it would infuriate trump supporters which could lead to chaos in cleveland. scenario four goes like this. gop party leaders decide to propose new rules, allowing other candidates into the mix, maybe paving the way for someone like paul ryan. but in that scenario, trump and cruz could fight back by creating an alliance and pooling their delegates. even setting up a trump-cruz ticket. scenario five, we could call the karl rove scenario. looking for a fresh face on the presidential ballot. listen. >> somebody who has those convictions that they can? a compelling way. we could come out of the convention in a relatively
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strong position. >> reporter: and the idea there is to stop the bleeding to find someone who may not beat hillary clinton but would at least get republicans to show up and vote to maintain control of the house and senate. if you think cleveland rocks now, wait till july. >> very clear. thank you, trace. many possibilities but there will only be one outcome. joining me now, tom beven, the co-founder of real clear politics, and he's going to tell us which will happen. so which is it? [ laughter ] >> i don't know, megyn. nobody knows. i think if you look at scenario one, i would rate that at about 25%, one in four chance that trump wins outright. that will become a lot clearer after new york. if he can stay above 50% and sweep up a lot of those delegates, that will boost him. the other state to watch is indiana. that's a big one being
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overlooked. if trump can win in indiana, that will set him up for a pretty good position in california and in that case, he would get there but not by much. >> it will come down to june 7th, at best for these candidates. no one is getting the nomination before june 7th. >> that's right. if you look at scenario two where trump is short, i would give that about -- >> we get to june th, all the voting done and trump is the leader but doesn't have 1237, how does he make up the difference between then and the convention in late july in >> he has to woo these delegates like stirewalt was stay saying. >> which ones? >> he says he's a dealmaker. he's going to have to prove it. and he's hired manaport -- >> which ones, the ones not bound, so it's like, i don't have a partner, i'm available. >> that's right.
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they're free agents. and again, it's going to matter how close he gets to the number. i would use 1200 as a break even point. if he gets to 1200, he could probably get there. if not, it's going to be a lot harder and depend how he finishes off. i think it will be easier for him to sweep up these delegates. if he stumbles, lit be harder for him. >> we understand how it happens that cruz would win on the second ballot, but what about trump and cruz unite to give the establishment one of these if the establishment, whoever the establishment is, just go with it, wants to pilot in a third party candidate, do you think they combine for a president-vice president combo? >> it seems unlikely. but look, we've had stranger bedfellows. jfk despised lyndon johnson.
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trace mentioned the rules, but imagine this, megyn, trump, i agree, he either gets it on the first ballot or he's done. if he gets denied on the second ballot, he might be done. the longer this goes on, the more ballots it goes, the more pressure will be on these delegates to find a compromise candidate. so trump and cruz may end up on the outside looking in. so maybe perhaps on the third delegate, cruz goes to trump and says let's pool our delegates. we've combined a unified ticket and that's how i think the small chance of that, maybe 10%, but it is something that could happen. >> we've got to eat our wheaties in the month of july. tom, great to see you. thank you. president bill clinton was doing a little damage control today after he went head to head with protesters from the black lives matter movement yesterday. robert zimmerman and ebony williams are next on what this
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new fallout for the clinton campaign after bill clinton's dust-up with some black lives matter protesters created some heartburn for his wife's campaign. watch this. >> i don't know how you would characterize the gang leaders who got 13-year-old kids hopped up on crack and sent them out on the street to murder other african-american children. maybe you thought they were good citizens. she didn't. she didn't! you are defending the people who killed the lives you say matter. tell the truth! >> and while many have argued that president clinton was making valid points, the former president came just inches away from apologizing today.
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>> so i did something yesterday in philadelphia, i almost want to apologize for it, but i want to use it as an example of the danger threatening our country. i rather vigorously defended my wife as i'm one to do, and i realized i was talking past her the way she is talks past me. we have to stop that in this country. we have to listen to each other. >> the question now is whether president clinton is losing his political mojo? robert zimmerman is a clinton supporter, and ebony williams is a fox news contributor. good to see you both. did the campaign take him behind the wood shed and say, mr. president, not helpful? >> never works that way, not with bill clinton certainly. >> but his wife could do it. >> what they discuss amongst themselves i'm not privy to. but that was a real authentic
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moment. we always talk about wanting to see our political leaders unscripted and just being candid, and that's what it was. >> he was fiery, but is it politically risky? >> i don't think for a moment. let's remember the crime bill he's talking about was supported by many african-american clergy and half the african-american caucus. one of the unintended consequences was mass incarceration. hillary clinton has acknowledged that. so has bill clinton for that matter. but having those unscripted moments is very good for the system and good for our debate. >> is there an opportunity here do you think for bernie sanders to make inroads with black democratic vote sners because the assumption going into this race, hillary clinton has those folks locked up? >> i agree, there was a moment of truth and honestly to robert's point what we saw from bill clinton. but many in the black community feel there's a conflict. because last summer at the naacp
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convention, president clinton said the scope was too broad, too many black people were incarcerated. so to hear him back pedaling now seems inconsistent at best. black voters have been the most consistent voter base for hillary clinton. the south, she does have that firewall she spoke up. that's a place bernie sanders has not been able to permeate. so if he's able to get even a little bit of that electorate, that can make a big difference. >> this is her adopted home state. we ran a report on how many times she swiped the metro card and how it should have been easier and she went on the subway and maybe she violated rules. it lot a lot of press and people said it doesn't look real. we know she doesn't take the subway. [ all talking at once ]
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>> you've got political pundits with too much time on their hands, so they're going to obsess about the metro card. >> she went on the subway like she's woman of the people. >> did you see ted cruz yesterday? >> problems on both sides. >> here's the question, robert. i think we all know, because when she came out of the white house, you were talking how they were broken, for most americans that felt maybe even offensive. just be okay with who you are, and your stature and maybe people can palate that more. >> she came out and said, i haven't taken the subway in years. this is one of the fringe benefits of being me. >> then you'll have political pundits of her not being in touch. if she wasn't herself, she wouldn't have been elected to the senate in new york. this is a tough state. >> how about bernie sanders saying, i've used a token to get on. >> that's the issue. every time you want to say bernie has an opening or there's
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an opportunity here, he also voted for the 1994 bill. so they really are two sides of the same coin, so it's tough for many people to identify with either on some level. >> as i said, pick your poison. coming up, wait till you see how some students want the girl behind this pro-trump post punished. we'll bring you the latest dispatch from cupcake nation, next.
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man 1: i came as fast as i man 2: this isn't public yet. man 1: what isn't? man 2: we've been attacked. man 1: the network? man 2: shhhh. man 1: when did this happen? man 2: over the last six months. man 1: how did we miss it? man 2: we caught it, just not in time. man 1: who? how? man 2: not sure, probably off-shore, foreign, pros. man 1: what did they get? man 2: what didn't they get. man 1: i need to call mike... man 2: don't use your phone. it's not just security, it's defense. bae systems.
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this is what it looks like to actually get in the way of -- [ multiple speakers ] >> another dispatch from cupcake nation tonight, as student protesters at a university in portland descend on a pro-trump meeting organized by peers. not to engage in a debate, but rather to silence the pro-trump supporters for holding political views other than their own. it happens all the time. trace gallagher has the story.
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>> reporter: the meeting was standing room only filled with trump supporters and protesters. it was contentious, boardering on ferocious. they were able to hold their fists, but their voices ran unfiltered. watch. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ]! [ multiple speakers ] >> can't stop the trump! can't stop the trump! >> reporter: amid the f-bombs and insults, there were brief moments of rational dialogue. watch again. >> i don't see why it's fair to -- [ inaudible ] >> he has made very clear that he hates mexicans, he hates muslims. >> why are you students against trump? >> reporter: but in the end, those who supported donald trump
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felt drowned out by those who don't. though the meeting was never officially adjourned, students for trump steadily left the building which you do this [ bl- >> we're coming back. >> we're coming back. >> later on social media, students for trump called the meeting a win saying it reflected poorly on the protesters. >> thank you. while the attack on political speech hitting the university of tennessee chattanooga as haley puckett, a newly elected student senator joined student on campus. now, pierce claims she is not fit to represent them in the student senate an demanding to resign from the student government post. haley puckett has a response for critics and joins me now. how are you doing? you decide to go down with some students to the sidewalk and to express your support for donald trump.
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how? explain what you wrote. >> well, we went down to heritage plaza and started to work on the art work and wrote trump 2016 and drew a hat with make america great again and my my friends drew a wall underneath the art work. >> what was the first whiff you got this was wrong from -- according to your peers? >> well, i put it on twitter and after about 26 minutes, a bunch of people just started tweeting at me and very harsh and threatening things so i was just like, i'll take it down because if it's hurting that many people, i'll take it down. so i did. >> why can't you have your point of view that you like donald trump and are in favor of a wall to protect the southern border and they have their view and everyone gets to express it? >> yeah. that's the same feeling i have. i feel that i don't really question their opinions so i don't feel like they should have to question mine. >> but even if they question your opinions, i think we saw at the other university up there
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fighting, the dialogue dicey and at least they're fighting and expressing ideas. they want you fired, they want you off the student government. why? because of the chalk? because you wrote make america great again with a wall? >> well, everything's been taken a little koult out of context s that the wall is division an we want unity but include everyone and hard to say this i'm wrong and then also say that you want unity so it's just -- >> why do you like donald trump and supporting him? >> i feel that he can bring up our economy and just help everything about the united states. >> we will continue to follow your story. by the way, you going to resign? >> no. i am not going to resign. i was elected by my students and my district and i feel that if they elect me i want to serve them. >> good for you. thanks for being here tonight. we'll be right back. >> thank you so much.
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a great day today in new york as variety magazine hosted the power of woman new york event. some well-known faces recognized for their charitable works, including actresses jewel moore and yours truly honored to be there and was given the chance to speak about my favorite charity, child help. >> child help is brave. yvonne and sarah are brave. they do not look away. they intervene to prevent the abuse through in-school education programs trying to show kids what abuse is. and how to stop it, what to do if it's happening to them. to stop the abuse, with their 24/7 national hot life staffed by professional counselors and most have master's degrees and provide help in 170 languages. the heal the wounds of abuse
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with recovery centers known as villages where the most severely abused and neglects children go for love and counseling. but it takes money to help the children which is where we come in. imagine being the one whose donation helps a child out of an abusive home and into a facility that greets every boy and girl with the words, all who enter here will find love. >> that number is 800-4-a-child or surrounded by powerful women today, we also discussed the concept of fearlessness. a word it seems we're hearing a lot lately about women and girls in particular. >> some have used that word fearless about me. and it's wrong. i am not fearless. nor do i know any fearless people. this seems to be a new standard, a new goal that we are setting
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for people. go forth unafraid. you go forth unafraid. i'm scared about a lot often. fear is normal. the goal is not to get rid of it. the goal is to walk through it. courage is what we need. courage. if you can muster courage in the face of fear you become more confident. you become tougher. vanity fair called me the toughest anchor at fox. okay. i'm tough. but i cry. i worry. i have fear. i have self doubt. i have insecurities. i have cellulite. what? i don't want to lose or fail or embarrass myself anymore than the next gal but i am willing to take the risk of doing all that and more for the chance to make
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my life sing. to make it sing. >> but by the summer i'm going to work on that and look like miss sy copeland and exercise. follow me on twitter. thanks for watching, everyone. this is "the kelly file." > . tonight -- >> when he started lecturing me on new york values like we're no good -- like we're no good -- >> i'm campaigning across new york an people are stopping me literally every day say i know what you meant and i'm fed up with what these liberal democrats are doing to us, the people of new york. >> the new york primaries are only 11 days away. kimberly guilfoyle, david limbaugh, michael cohen are here to react. >> some point between now a -- they say this --
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