tv The Five FOX News April 9, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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president obama sits down with chris wallace. you must tune in for that. fox news sunday tomorrow. and tune in at 7:00 o'clock. i'll be back for the fox report. the five is next hello, everyone. i'm kimberly guilfoyle. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." it was a showdown no one expected to see at a rally for hillary clinton yesterday. former president bill clinton was in philly stumping for his wife and had a dramatic run-in with some black lives matters protesters. they were upset about an anti-crime bill that he signed while in office. the confrontation lasted more than ten minutes. here's a portion of him sounding off. >> i don't know how would you
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characterize the gang leaders who got 13-year-old kids up on crack and sent them out to the street to murder african-american children, maybe you thought they were good citizens. she did not. she didn't. you are defending the people who killed the lives that matter. tell the truth. >> today, clinton express someday regrets for that response. >> so did i something yesterday in philadelphia, i almost want to apologize for but i want to use it as an example of the danger threatening our country. >> vigorously defending my wife as i am wont to do and i realize i was talking past her. >> nice recovery? >> give that man a cigar. no, don't. what he said first was refreshing.
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and he was correct. he is absolutely right. if they are upset with him over that, go after the community leaders who wanted it. what that act did in the mid '90s, it stopped horrendous rise. he cut the homicide rate in half. that was not the only thing that did it but it sure as hell helped. so this is a fact that bill clinton has saved more lives than al sharpton, spike lee, the black panthers combined. as he black hero. and there are a lot of people that those black lives activists probably know who are alive because of bill clinton. >> very interesting perspective. i like that. started off shaky. >> on you. >> i have about three other jokes that i can't use. >> they've been banned by the better business bureau. >> i think this is a really clever ploy on the part of the clintons. i think they're having their cake and eating it too.
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this is bill clinton on one side of the issue and hillary clinton on the other and voters can decide which side they like. they are the most skilled politicians in the universe and this is totally contrived. >> a nice clean-up on aisle 7. anything would you like to clear up? >> i know it is his move. i only did it because gutfeld said i had to do it and then he laughed at me. i'm sorry, bolling. you can do it to make up for it. >> did you see that machiavellian move by the little man there? >> i may be a little man but there's a lot of big things happening. >> they're protesting the first black president. do they know he is not the first black president? that's not right. it is also rich and delightful
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to watch. watching democrats fight each other. i'm sick of watching the republicans do it. it is nice to sight on the other side. and greg makes a great point. the welfare reform bill and the poverty bill. violence went down, urban violence went down 50%. what's their eternal i have the? they want more people on welfare? more crime? it doesn't make sense. that he apologizes. it is so soft. >> come on. you know the machine was like. this it's not right. you have to apologize. the problem is hillary relies on black votes right now where they would say the clintons are separating from the black community. the facts are the facts. 90% of black people are killed by other black people. and that you have in the black community this horrible thing
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going on of failure of leadership by black leaders. naacp, all the rest of them to get out there and march. they'll march against the cops and you can have an argument because the cops have the power of the state. you know what? there is no excuse for not going directly at black on black crime by black lives matter. the black lives matter people say everybody who raise this point is really diverting from the real issue which is police brutality. you can have a legitimate issue about police brutality but that doesn't equal black on black crime of 90% of black people killed by other black people and yet people want to make excuses and say it is structural. it is because have various historical issues. it is systemic. come. on talk about bull. that's bull. and that's making excuses for the deaths of black people of of course, the politics of it get in the way. ray lewis, i don't think we have this. ray lewis won't a rant on video
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and it went viral. what he said in his video, we have to do something about black on black crime if we are responsible black people in this generation. >> juan williams, people! >> that's the problem. >> that's the problem. if jesse says that -- >> tauthor of the soon to be best seller, we the people. >> back in the '90s when we were conservatives and juan was still liberal, we thought bill clinton was a liberal. when you look at him now in 2016, could he still be welcome in his own party if bill clinton, you have speech fascism on campus. you have hatred for criminal justice system and the police. you have apologists for radical islam. i don't think he feels at home. >> the clintons having their cake and eating it too. they can march bill out and he can appease everyone who is a
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centrist. wall street in particular. you look at everything wall street did. he was great to corporate america. everything was growing. people on wall street think they're getting bill clinton back. then she can say everything the opposite. so you can vote for the clintons. who knows? >> having their cake -- >> where do you see hillary clinton on the other side? >> because she's taken back what she said. in the past when she supported bill clinton's crime laws. she said in 1996, you know, it is not just gangs of kids anymore. they're called super predators. they have no conscience. no empathy. we can talk about why they ended up that way but first we have to bring them to heal. can you imagine her saying something like that? first we have to bring them to justice. >> that's what she apologized for. she said i shouldn't have said
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that they're super predators and deal with they have become murderers. she did not apologize for the 94 reform. and i might add this point to the conversation. for all of this back and forth, do you know that bernie sanders also supported that same 94 law? so i don't know what's going on. because you say, not a liberal. well, bernie sanders is beyond liberal. >> you're helping the clintons there. good on you? can we talk about el presidente a little more? >> he did something at that event that his wife can't be very happy about. he unloaded on president obama's legacy. >> unlike when i became president, a lot of things are coming apart around the world now. we would like to just think about our economic issues. you have to worry about a collapse in europe, dragging back the american economy. you have to worry about all these, the largest number of refugees. since world war ii.
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and all this stuff come home. >> my goodness. >> he still has a problem with president obama. he still feels in his heart that he cut in line. that it wasn't fair to his wife. and he could have been first man sooner which would have been a lot more when he was younger, a lot more fun than it is now. i think he has got, he will never -- i think president obama knows that as well. they will never be besties. >> it's true though. they did steal it right from out under. there's no love lost there. for sure. >> it is like he's going sxlang he's talking and then remembers -- he hates obama and then he goes in on them and then he catches himself and he tries on backtrack and he says forget it. i'm going after them after all. you can tell they hate each other. it is just a matter of when it blows up. >> at this point how many will he be helpful to her on the trail if we keep having these?
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>> you roll the dice with him. you never know what's going to happen. you make a great point. i think he is the attack dog and she stays home. this is the second time he is going after them on economics, and remember what he said. i think it was in south carolina he said a few years back. this guy obama would be getting me coffee. and bill clinton was accused of being racist in south carolina. they hate each other. he xlanls that president obama doesn't call him for advice. remember? bush talks to him. 41 talks to him. obama doesn't call anybody. >> one thing is bill clinton is praising bill clinton. he wants everybody to put all kinds around -- >> what? >> that's a good point. >> he wants all the be applause for himself. the second thing is i don't think they hate each other.
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i know republicans want to say that. but you can't forget. barack obama chose hillary clinton as secretary of state. >> he wanted her to be his secretary. >> that might be the real deal. and the second thing is don't forget from bernie sanders's perspective, and this is something that burns the bern, he thinks that obama white house is really behind hillary clinton. and in fact, obama said recently, that bernie needs to ramp it down and not divide. so the obamas are not supportive of bernie. >> you know why? they don't think he can win. they want hillary to preserve the legacy. that's what this is about. >> bernie's next step? recomme reparation. he has mentioned it before. he knows hillary is against it. that will be the next debate. i think. >> that's a losing debate for bernie. >> we would invite him once again to join us at the table.
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>> i think in the heat of the campaign people say lots of things. i want to stay focused on the issues. therein contrasts between us and that's fair game. >> despite all the mud slinging, they have foundnd a few nice wos for one another. >> i think the idea of a donald trump or ted cruz presidency would be a disaster for this chrism i will do everything in my power and work as hard as i can to make sure that that does not happen and if secretary clinton is the nominee, i willec certainly support her. >> i will take bernie sanders over donald trump or ted cruz any time. they pose real threats to our values, to groups of americans. >> so are their attacks doing any damage to the democratic party? senator feinstein says yes. this week she said i don't understand what's going on.di
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this is dividing the democratic party. what do you think? >> i don't think so at all. i have think the way to she wants this is send them both into the subway, hillry and bernie. which ever one could get on the subway could be the nominee.r it's a fake fight. they're not even really being vicious with a each other. i mean, he's not attacking where there is so much room toey'r at. she knows that she already has all the super delegates bought and paid for. it's a joke. >> is it ae kn joke? >> i agree. i paid called it a karaoke conf. watching them argue over qualifications is like adam and eve quarreling over wardrobe. there is nothing there. they're both qualified for different things. he should manage a small town hardware store because i think he would reallyl enjoy talking o people about what the -- you got to use the plunger.
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you got to press hard with the plunger. you got to pull the thing out first. you do, or it's a mess. and hillary would be a great warden at like a minimumin security penitentiary. she would be good and have so much in common with the customers. >> she might be in one. >> all right. jesse, a serious question for you. dan pheiffer, obama's guru, he said bernieegu is making a seris mistake by saying hillary clinton is not qualified to be president because clearly she is qualified and most voters, republican and democrat, say yes, she's qualified. and yet bernie thinks she's not. it fell flat for dan pheiffer. >> it was a lame attack. it was desperate. he looks erratic. when you're 70, don't look erratic. it's not a a good look for you. he had aratic. lot of things gor him. he had won six out of seven. his poll numbers were coming up. now he's flip flopping on attacks. i admire hot democrats keep everybody in line. republicans are burning the house down and the democrats are
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like, i'm sorry. oh, i'm sorry. anything for the good of the party. and then republicans are talking about running a third party. so i just wish the republicans could maybe learn a little thing or two from the democrats about party loyalty. >> right, because otherwise now they're playing for every other team because all of this in-fighting and disenfranchising voters and contesting this and that ends up with one foregone conclusion. hillary. >> who is disenfranchised? nobody is. you vote for who you vote for. if you don't get the majority, sorry. that's how it works. >> we're talking about the contested convention, and changing the rules. >> they're not going to change the rules. stop listening to alex jones. >> and tearing each other down. they're so effective at tearing down the people in their own party that they -- >> the problem is we started with 17, the republicans did. problem.always the you have too many. they were very good, the democrats were very good about keeping it down to like two or three. i think there were four.
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i love jeb webb. d did -- jim webb. >> he isoh the original democra. >> and he he wanted martin o'malley. why would i stop these republicans from fighting, and the fact they admire the democrats' unity. still to come, facebook friday. the dual between trump and cruz is not letting up. trump still taunting cruz over his new york values jab while the texas senator is working to clear it up before new york voters head to the polls all ahead mobility is very important to me. that's why i use e*trade mobile. it's on all my mobile devices, so it suits my mobile lifestyle.
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thinking of the new york voters. he has to defend that. >> the people across new york and across the country know those are the values of liberal democratic politicians who have been hammering the state. i've been campaigning across new york and people are stopping me literally every day and say, i know exactly what you meant and i'm fed up with what these liberal democrats are doing to us, the people of new york. they're the ones suffering for it and as you noted, donald trump has been funding it year after year after year. >> in case any new yorkers have forgotten about cruz' remark, donald trump is making sure to remind them with his new posts on instagram. >> everyone understands that the values in new york city focus around money and the media. >> i saw something that no place on earth could have handled more beautifully, more humanely than new york.
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>> charles krauthammer doesn't think that will work for cruz on this one. >> cruz is really extremely defensive. he doesn't have a chaabout his . he's got to defend the new york values stuff whichchtalk was an enormous mistake. y it didn't really help him in iowa. he could have done it without that phrase. and now how does he defend it? he can't. >> so i think cruz is toast in new york. and not only that, probably toast in neww jersey and connecticut. i don't think he's going to play very well in these states. >> yeah. that's a problem. it's kind of one of those inagainstible. he's tried to massage it by saying oh, i was talking aboutfe people like anthony weaner and liberal values, et cetera. but that's not what he said. and when you say new york values, it's like insulting the people from boston. boston strong. we think of what happened to them and the terrorist attack. the marathon. new york values, like everybody felt and swelled up with support for new york when 9-11 happened.
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we were a country together. that's why i think that was an effective ad. obviously it's not going to play well for him. >> he had a great night in wisconsin and comes to new yorks he gets heckled. he's on the defensive over this. the tabloids are killing him. >> that's normal, though. i got to defend cruz on this one. >> come on. >> what's your problem? >> you're going to defend him on this? >> why not? >> he was not to trafficking unr the illusion that he was going to win new york. are you kidding me? donald trump is in new york. t son of sam has a better chance of winning new york than ted cruz. but you also shouldn't traffic under the illusion that this is great for trump.. is less popular with women than dirty sheets. so if you're cheering over him winning new york, that's like standing on the gallows and looking like, i can see my house from here, 'cause come november, you're dropping. >> he's going to win new york, maryland, connecticut, general mid-atlantic sites.
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>> let me tell you all the ways i hate this comment. no matter what he says, he makes it worse. mummy in the media. hello, i work for fox business. money in the media? he's saying he hates money and the media. when he says new york value. it's like don't sit where he sat. he has new york values. n you might catch he's trying to say he's a democrat in republican clothing. then say that. don't say new york values like everyone from new york has the cooties. >> but we do. >> we're proud of it! >> do you know what i love? watching so many conservatives defending new york liberal republicans so much.>> i've never seen that so much. >> i think it's the 9-11 thing that got everybody going. i think donald trump pivoted defendantly to it. juan, if he could take it back, do you think cruz would go back
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in time and take this back or not? >> no, because he was trying win the evangelical vote in iowa when he made the statement.. >> he didn't need it. >> he was very direct in trying to appeal to those evangelicals and i don't think that it's true. he says oh, i'm talking about liberal politicians like governor cuomo. >> no. >> he was not. he said exactly what melissa said. said it was about the financial industry, the media industry. that's open to a whole nother can of worms. >> are you suggesting a little anti-semitism? >> that's what people are saying. i don't buy it. i'll leave that judgment to you. but i'm saying as a politician, why would you want this conversation? >> it's like bernie sanders going into texas and saying issues you hate the dallas cowboys. >> it doesn't work. so what do we say in the polls right now? kasich is outpacing cruz in new york. you say, and giuliani won't even endorse trump, but he said if it's cruz, i'll vote for trump.
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>> what's that tell you? >> what do you mean? >> yeah. that's an endorsement. >> that's what i'm trying to stay. >> fox news sunday host chris wallace joins us next. we got an exclusive interview with president obama. his first appearance on fox news since 2014. what they spoke about in the preview clip ahead e 2014.
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>> breaking news overseas, the last fugitive wanted for november's attacks in paris was arrested today in the suspect, homicide abrini, could be the mysterious man in the hat last month. greg palkot is live in london with more on this one. what do you know? >> reporter: we just got confirmation from the belgian authorities, as you noted, he
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was confirmed to be arrested today. we know for a fact that he was wanted in relation to the paris terrorist attacks last november that left 130 dead. he was seen transporting the now arrested paris attacker, he played a big role in that. now they're looking very hard to confirm that he was the so-called man in the hat, the third suspect at the airport bombing in brussels last month. all told, it left 32 people dead. he was seen -- aall suspect was seen in video that was released yesterday and they're working to confirm that this man is that man. all they said tonight was that dna and fingerprints of him were found at the apartments used by the terrorists. a second man was among the five arrested, could have played a role in the metro station bombing. so major arrests, terrorist attacks tied to the isis terror group. >> thank you very much. there is aied big ivinterew airing this weekend on fox news.
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chris wallace has an exclusive sit-down with president obama on fox news sunday. it is the president's first appearance on the show since he was elected. they talk about everything from the current election to terror,e to hillary clinton's e-mail investigation. here is a clip of the president on hiss supreme court pick, s merritt garland. >> you made a commitment thatup you're going to stick by him through the end of your term, or perhaps let's say hillary clinton is the newly elected president. would you pull him? >> what we can't have is a situation in which the republican senate simply sauce because it's a democratic president, we are not going to do our job, have hearings and is have a vote. >> to button this up, are you saying you will still with merritt garland through the end of your term? >> yes. >> wow. all right. the full interview airs sunday on fnc at 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. eastern. also on fox broadcasting
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network. check your local listings. chris wallace joins us now for his one on one. chris, what was the bestor question that you asked that reaped the best answer? don't tell us the answer could you say i don't want to spoil your special. but when you're going through them, what worked out the best for you? >> well, first of all, they're like my children. i like all of my questions. i would say that the two other areas that i talked about with him that were very interesting was one about terror and the criticism that you hear if all sides that this president doesn't react appropriately when therehat is a terrorist attack, that when james foley is beheaded, he goes out and plays golf; that when you have the brussels attack, he stays in cuba and goes to a baseball game. i asked him about whether or not he actually feels the terror threat that most americans feel. and the other area that we explored i think that's very interesting, and i think will make the most news, is he hadn't been asked about this since last october when he was on "60
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minutes" and he gave hillary clinton basically a clean bill of health on the idea that she hadn't effected or endangered national security by her private e-mails. of course, since then we found out there are 2,000 e-mails that had classified information. 22 that had top secret information. i asked him does he still give her that same clean bill of health. following up on that, can he c assure the american people that the f.b.i. investigation intoha the clinton case, the ultimate decision on how to handle it will be a legal decision and not a political decision. >> ooo. you did a great job, of teasing that. i am now desperate to hear his answers. juan williams has a question for you. >> in addition to being interviewed, gosh, it's 20 years of fox news sunday. i guess i'm the senior guy sitting on that panel. 20 years, tony snow, to chris wallace. great show. at you, when you are talking to this president, and the democrats always say, oh, we don't like to come on fox.
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we had this problem, we had that problem. butt here is president obamapr sitting down with you. what does he have to say about the republican campaign, donald trump, ted cruz, governor kasich? >> well, i didn't ask him -- first of all, thank you for all those nice comments. i didn't ask himkasi specificaly about that 'cause frankly, he doesn't have any problems taking off and criticizing cruz and trump. and he does take a veiled shot at both of them in this thing when he's talking about the terror and some of the comments they've made at like carpet bombing. i did ask him about the anger that we're seeing in this election and the t fact that its not just on the republican side, but also on the democratic side with the bernie sanders voters and i said, do you feel any personal responsibility that after eight years of your presidency, so many millions of americans still feel cut out, still feel like there is a rigged game in washington and on wall street? he takes some responsibility, but i will say he shares the flame with the republicans.
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>> jesse? >> chris, it's jesse here. did he know he was doing the fox news interview? did you runun into him at the library or something? this guy hasn't done any fox except for the super bowl interviews. how did you get this super view? -- interview? >> the key is timing. and in life and in thisti interview, because we've asked him every week for the last eight years. the last time that i interviewed him was in the indiana primary in may of 2008. so it only took me eight years. but i had a sense that because he's pushing republicans so hard to give a hearing and a vote to merritt garland, that he might want to reach out to our audience. that's the pitch we made and they agreed to it. >> that was crafty. i i love me some chris wallace. good one. thatat was great. so congratulations. you're making us very proud and i'm glad that the president sat down with you. wise choice. do you think that it went so well that it was quite awe
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publishes that he might come on fox again? >> well, at the end of the interview -- after the cameras were off, i sort of asked him, and he said, well, listen, you always treat me fairly, chris. but he didn't give an answer.s, so i think it's a definite maybe. but he's not going to be there that much longer, so what the heck. i will say one other interesting thing in the interview. we have the big serious issues interview, but also this was a sentimental journey for him because he was a professor at the university of chicago at the law school in 2004. we talk as we walk through the law library, you saw those walking shots of us. i talk about the last eight years. the best day in the white house, worst day, biggest accomplishment. we end up at the office where he wrote the book as a laws professor "dreams from my father" and it's so interesting. we go in. it's a cubby hole. a broom closet. there was in 2004 and i say, it's a heck of a journey from there to the oval office. what he has to say about that is
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very interesting. >> all right. >> chris, last question for me. i was curious if he mentioned me at alli wa because we haven't td in a while. >> he did, but we cut that part of the interview out. >> did he say anything about what he plans to do in -- he'll be the youngest former president, i believe. so there is plenty of time to catch up on your reading.e. what do you think -- did he say what he's planning on doing? >> it's interesting. one of the things in asked him s do youe feel this job has aged you? he said well, yeah. i'm eight years older. but he said i don't think emotionally or mentally it has because he says it's so invigorating. actually i'm giving an answer here. it's interesting, he said, but i have a feeling four or five months after i'm out of office, i have a feeling i'm going to suddenly realize, man, that was really a turbulent time and there was a lot of pressure on me and it will be almost like some posttraumatic stress that goes on. i will say offcamera, i asked
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him 'cause he's going to stay in washington because his daughter is still going to be in high school. and there has been talk he might move into the neighborhood that i'm and i said, mr. president, you're not going to move into my neighborhood, are you? and he said, you don't want me to screw up the traffic there, do you? and i said frankly no. he said no, don't worry. i'm not moving into your neighborhood. >> good stuff. >> i know where he lives. >> interesting. thank you so much. we look forward to watching it . chris' exclusive interview with the president airs on sunday on the fox news channel at 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. easter. or you can catch it on the fox broadcasting network. check your local listings for that one. don't move. facebook friday is up next check your local listings for that one. facebook friday is up next. [ala] ♪
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to be with the jackson 5. then i was thinking about the pressure and abuse. well, look, really, money for nothing? i like irish straight. and i finally said, the biggest party i've ever seen. i didn't see them live. i saw it on tape was jimmy hendrix, the experience. >> you would have to be his handler. >> i'm going with nws. >> very good. nice choice. >> you would blend in. straight out of compton is one of best rap album of all time. >> what is with it young white guys and rap? >> that's another segment. >> this is really embarrassing now. i would like to be a back-up rammer. have you seen them? they do nothing. they just stand back there. yeah. after that, my answer is
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horrible. >> you could be a back-up singer? >> no, back up rapper. >> both the cover bands. >> tt would be good. >> i would pick cold play. so in one evening i could poison them. >> that's not nice. >> poison them with love. and poison. we'll go this way. if you could eat one thing only, for the rest of your life, what would it be? >> in and out. >> it has to be in and out. >> i'm going to leave that one alone. >> lobster. >> lobster? are not they hike insects in boston? >> they ran out. >> yeah. i hate it. >> keep it going, people. >> you have to eat it forever and ever.
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>> i would eat blue crab covered with old bay. >> interesting. you know what mine is, right? salami. do you know why? you can bring it anywhere with you. it doesn't need to be refrigerated. always so tasty. >> i would say bald eagles. >> oh! >> from jennifer. what was the one thing that was the most instrumental in becoming the person you are today? >> we'll thing way. >> death of my mother. -- definitely my mother. >> boxing. >> i'm going with my wife. i'm smart. >> very good. >> i would say growing number hollywood. michael landon. working as a kid. >> i'll bet he was quite an inspiration for you. >> he was a really hard worker. he was a good guy.
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a lot of fun. he was very serious, a great businessman. he he kind of help to raise you. >> i was working. he was very, we always said none of the kids on little house on the prairie stealing drug or robbing dry cleaners, he had a pure daniel work ethic. he really drove us hard. >> that's where i get it. >> i was going to say my mother was the most instrumental. then i thought being born was the most instrumental thing that happened to me. so many people have mothers and they're not born. >> okay. >> one more thing is up next. downer. every insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. for those who've served and the families that have supported them,
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it's time for one more thing. so last night, i was on comedy central to talk about my new book, we the people. please to go amazon, your local book store and pick one up. in the course of the interview, trevor asked me what it was like. >> check it out. >> i see your face every day when watching the news and you're on fox. >> right. that must be an interesting world for you to be a part of. >> remember, i am on "the five" so it is four against one. so it is really something.
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>> you're not arguing for or against these people. you're going to shape the country, positively or negatively. you're just saying they shape the country this way. like a sculptor gets in there, these are the people who shape america as we live in it right now. >> my thanks to trevor noah and his wonderful staff. i had a great time. and let me say, please go out. open up. "we the people." you're going to have fun with this book. >> i watched it all last night. it was very good. tomorrow night, 10:00 people. one of my heroes from the police. one of the greatest drummers that have ever walked the earth. i have to remind you. me and dana, the town hall. hershey, pennsylvania. we'll have larry gatlin there. and of course, the dog. we talk about politics. we're going to talk about the campaign. we'll talk about the book. there will be a q and a. it will be awesome.
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>> i had a very exciting one more thing today. super delighted because we have a new baby in the fox news house. yes, indeed. that is liberty josephine, a beautiful, beautiful daughter of our very own jenna lee. 8 pounds, 5 ounces. her name was chosen many years ago in a phone conversation between them. her daddy was in iraq, deployed there. and named after a fallen seal. and the baby shares the same date of birth as michael monsour. and she was lookinging at the stat you've liberty so it is an incredible story. the baby's name pre derld. the day she was born was not determined. and the middle name is in honor of her great grandmother. so god bless. what a wonderful family and baby trace has a little sister to enjoy. blessings from all of us.
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so "variety" magazine today celebrated the power of women and they honored our own megyn kelly who is so powerful, she surrounded herself with other women from fox news shelf gave a very inspirational speech and they said all the ladies at fox news at the table. this crowd from hollywood didn't clap for the rest of us. >> but they liked megyn. >> they only like certain times of women. >> there's the magazine. >> god bless. great job. >> so o'reilly is out and they needed someone to fill in. they called about six people and finally got to me. we'll see how it goes. >> we'll check you out on ha hannity after that. that's it for us. have a great weekend. "special report" is next.
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crunch time in colorado. a little less than an hour left for that day to reward its remaining republican delegates. i'm arthel neville. welcome to a brand-new hour inside america's election headquarters. >> happy saturday. >> good to see you. >> i'm greg gutfeld in for eric -- i'm gregg jarrett in for eric shawn. ted cruz, the only candidate to attend that event and he has scooped up 21 delegates so far in colorado at the district level. now he's looking for more at the state convention. the other gop candidates are focusing on
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