tv The Kelly File FOX News April 14, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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change. so when you have a building that's 7 columbus circle, you have to go through the whole united states government to get, because of the u.s. mail and all of the different problems. so it was 7 columbus, and i basically stripped that one down. we built a tremendous building, and i went out and i really put on a big campaign in washington and i got it changed to number 1 central park west. that was good, too. [ applause ] you know, i figured the day i got that changed, it was worth seven times more than i paid for it. but this has been just an amazing event. i think of it because when i did the building, everybody said don't do it. it can't be done. never going to happen. bad area. bad location. tremendous crime. the city's dying. and the city was dying. it wasn't just like not doing well, the city was dead. and i remember when i said to a friend of mine who was in a
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different business, a very good business, and he was talking about what i did, became a friend. i said i'm in the real estate business in new york. he looked at me and said oh, that's too bad. that's how bad it was. but it turned out to be a great business and a great, great success as a hotel. and it was built and hyatt was my partner, and we did a good job and it was from the time it opened, it was amazing, because from the day it opened the market changed. that's happened with a number of jobs. that happened with me with 40 wall street. i bought the tallest building in downtown manhattan. i bought it during the depression of the early '90s and paid very little for it. again, nobody wanted it. and then when i opened, it was like the world had changed and it became a tremendously successful building, which i still have. so a lot of things happened. but with this one in particular, because when i did it, people just didn't want it, especially my father. my father was the man that taught me the most.
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and he loaned me a small amount of money and i built it into a great company. this became so successful and he said wow, paid him back the money. did other things. we did the convention center, i got the state and the city to build and to this day -- they were going to build that in the water and they had all sorts of environmental approvals. and they had the pierhead bulkhead problems and they were in the wrong location. i went to governor kerry, who was a democrat, but he was a great, great problem solver. and they were spending so much money and wasting it. i went to the governor. we had a man, i won't mention his name, but he's very well known. he was totally against what i was doing. and he just wanted to build it in this one location.
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you had to go through hell's kitchen, build ramps over the highway and it was being built in the hudson river. and this guy, i won't mention his name, his name was richard ravich, new yorkers know that. he was so intent on building it and i was arguing with him and fighting. i said look, i have an option to the west side railroad yards. i had it for this purpose. i said look, this you don't have to go, it's on the proper side of the west side highway. the site is great. we went up to governor kerry and he appointed ravich to convention center. i sat down, i'll never forget it. i sat down with the governor and his staff and he said, you make the case for your site.
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and he made a case for 20 minutes. every time he talked it was just wrong, wrong, wrong. he said donald, will you make the case? i made the case, it took me five minutes. at the end of five minutes, he said not even close, got it build. it was called the jacob javicz convention center, so we're happy about it. [ applause ] and then i built many other buildings all over the city. i'm just listing some of them, because this one really was my first. this was my first. the grand hyatt hotel. and then little things like seven years the city couldn't fix an ice skating rink. i think i became more famous for that rink. they had for seven years couldn't build an ice skating rink, for seven years. i had my daughter, ivanka. she kept saying daddy, daddy,
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can we go ice skating? year after year i said you can't because they're building the rink. so i went down and looked and there were 400 men, it was all men, 400 men sitting in the rink, not working. i came back after an hour later, they were taking lunch breaks many times a day. nobody was working. and they went out and they got from miami beach an expert on ice. but they meant refrigerators, not to make ice. sort of an interesting story, i hope it's interesting. but i got to tell it any way because who the hell wants to talk about politics all the time? because politics gets a little boring. because what happened i went to the mayor and said listen, mr. mayor, ed koch, i said it's seven years now, it's going to be eight, nine, ten. they have no idea. they used a thing called freon.
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that's a gas that goes through copper tubing. it's almost 90,000 square feet. that's like big office floors times three. it's been such a tremendous place. but they had the freon and it was laid four inches, miles of it. every time they put this beautiful copper down, every single time, the next night people would steal it. so they kept putting it down, kept getting stole. then they put the police force around and it was fine, until the police went to lunch and it was all stolen. they were in for $22 and they had nothing. i went to see ed koch. he said, i'm not going to let you do it. then i went to see some of the newspapers. i went to the editorial boards. i said i can fix this thing in six months to a year and you're
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going to be years and years and they don't know what they're doing and spending a fortune. i'll never forget, i went to two editorial boards, the new york still times and the other won't say because i don't like the paper, but i do like "the new york post." and they did editorials, you have to let him do it. any way, they let me do it. i took over the project and a lot of people said well, it wasn't built. the concrete was poured. it was nine inches higher on one side than the other side. so when you poured the water, you had a big swimming pool. it was just a mess. and the one was so deep you couldn't freeze it because it was too much. so i had to rip out the entire slab and it was a foot and a half thick. so we ripped it and i finished it in four months and i said if it cost anymore more than $2 million -- it's true.
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they study this at the wharton school and harvard, because the difference may be between the public and private sector. i went if, you know, it's really been -- to this day it's a great case study. i went in and we did a job like you wouldn't believe. we took out that horrible big massive slab of concrete. we leveled it out. most importantly, i said to the people what is with this freon. i hear they're losing millions of copper tubing. who are the people? they said it's an air conditioning firm from miami. miami? i don't want ice from miami. so i called up a friend of mine who was a partner with the montreal canadiens. i said do you know anybody who knows how to make ice for an ice skating rink? he said i have the greatest guy in the world. he came to new york and he saw me. he said this is crazy. he said mr. trump, they're going to have five miles oh of this
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piping. if there's a little pinhole in five miles, it's dead. he said you don't want that. you want rubber hose and you want water and in the water you put salt so it doesn't freeze. i said boy, that sounds good. and we bought it for just a tiny amount of money and it was rubber hose. we got the equipment, it's called brine, they call it brine. and we did the rubber hose. nobody stole the rubber hose. nobody wanted it. we didn't need security. nobody stole the rubber hose. and we opened it up and it was the most amazing thing. we put the rubber hose down, we tested it, there wasn't a leak in the whole thing. 6.2 miles of rubber hose. that's a lot. now what happened is we had concrete trucks lined up to harlem. all of my construction friends in that corner, in fact, they
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all have the worst seats, i don't know why. construction guys usually have the best seats. but they understand what i'm talking about. because we wanted a continuous pour. the city used to pour ten feet, come back a week later and pour another ten feet. we had all the way back to harlem trucks and the most amazing thing. and they poured. it took two days to pour the slab. we made it six inches because that's better. and we turned on and put two inches of water on top of the slab. it was such a perfect slab, they put the water on top. i said try it. because this thing hadn't had ice in nine years. i said try it. and in two hours we had the most beautiful ice, just like the montreal canadiens. [ applause ] and we had our rink. so i've had a lot of fun with
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new york and we did another job recently in the bronx where it was the same thing. [ applause ] there they are. you know what i'm talking about. ferry point was under construction for 26 years. people say, give me a break. the only reason i don't say 32 is that can't be proving. it cost hundreds of millions of dollars, nobody knows the price. and michael bloomberg said can you look at this? it's been under construction for so many years and it was embarrassed. it's designed by jack nicklaus and many iterations, but i got it built in one year and it's open today and greatly successful. and by the way, and for peanuts. when i say open, am i right? am i right? >> you're right! >> i don't know who the hell she is. i know she's not a protester, she's on my side. and she's certainly not -- i'll
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tell you what, you take a look outside, these are paid protesters. they have the most beautiful signs made at a factory. if they're real protesters, we want those signs made in the basement. any way, so then we've done in jobs since then. it's a vibrant and amazing city. we have to be careful. our mayor has to be careful, because he can blow it very quickly if he keeps going the way he's going. better be careful, mr. mayor. but we have a city that outlasts the mayors, it outlasts everybody. it's going to outlast us. it's one of the great, great cities of the world and it's called new york city. [ applause ] all right? and i think while i'm at it, and
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we're so proud of so many of the jobs, especially my job on the west side of manhattan, which is almost 6,000 units, goes from 72nd street to 59th street, a tremendous success. just so many great, great experiences from new york. and we can do the same thing with our country. we can bring these jobs in, under budget, instead of 20 times budget. we need infrastructure. we need more military. our military is being decimated. we have to take care of or vets. we have to do so many things, but we can do it, same thing, large scale version. ice skating rinks and ferry point. it's all the same thing. we're doing the hotel on pennsylvania avenue. the gsa, total professionals, who i think the most competitively bid job in the history of the gsa, everybody wanted it. the old post office. and we got it, ivanka was working on it. concept was great and our financial statement is great, because i wanted to make sure it got built.
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it's now under budget. it will open in september. more than a year substantially more than a year ahead of schedule. and we'll have it open in september of this year opposed to almost two years from then. it will be open for our fantastic parade. you guys can stay in a hotel, i'll be in the white house and you'll stay in the hotel, okay? [ applause ] one of the reporters recently asked me, they said mr. trump, let me ask you, if you win the presidency, sir, will you be staying in your beautiful new hotel or the white house? i said i'll take the white house. i want to talk just for a second about new york values. because it's become a big thing. and i wrote a few things down, but it's just one of those things. i talked tonight about new york values that we all, many of us, that we all know so well.
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the values that make us love this state, which has been a symbol of american strength throughout the world, no matter where you go. they love new york. you can be from lots of other places, and if you want to see somebody, you just say when are you coming to new york? everybody comes to new york eventually. there's nothing like it. so when we talk about values, what do we see in new york values? we see our really incredible, when you look at september 11, especially, new york police and new york firefighters, incredible. we see our unbelievable, and they keep those trains going, and those buses and everything else, but we see our transit workers and what they went through on september 11 was incredible. we see families playing in central park. thousands and thousands of families with their children.
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some without children. some together. some not together. but we see people in central park and people playing in central park. we see restaurant workers all over the city in delis and factory workers in upstate new york. unfortunately, i spent a lot of time in upstate new york and those factory workers are rapidly leaving our state. and we can't let that happen. and we have a whole fabric of our community. so what are new york values? because you know, people are distuting -- i'm not disputing and the new yorkers aren't disputing, and most people that have watched what we done, when you look at what happened with september 11, the job that this city has done and the people of the city have done is beyond what anyone has ever seen. you say what are new york values? number one, honesty and straight talking. honestly, you better believe it. it's a work ethic. hardworking people.
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it's about family. new york, believe it, is about family. so important. it's the energy to get things done. big energy. if jeb bush came here, i'm telling you, he would have much more energy than he has right now. [ laughter ] he should move to new york, right? we're builders. we make things happen. it's so important. we make things happen. and it's courage and community service, because there's tremendous community service. new york values were on display for all to see in the aftermath of 9/11. a strike at the heart of our city and our nation. in our darkest moments, as the city, we showed the world the very, very best in terms of bravery and heart and soul that we have in america. [ applause ]
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the firefighters and first responders and the police officers and the port authority workers who ran up those stairs, those are new york values and those are new yorker values. i'm not sure, is she serious or what? for the michael judge chaplain to the new york city fire department who died, an amazing guy who i knew, a little bit -- who a lot of people knew very well, who rudy giuliani knew very well, but you look at father, judge, and i tell you what, he ran up there to pray and he knew what was going to happen and he died. and he died praying and taking care of people and he was an amazing guy. the people in the towers, who
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helped rescue each other, those are those of new york values. the restaurants and local businesses who kept their shops open to help everybody during this incredible time, those are new york values. everyone who helped clear the rubble and the rescue, the injured, those are new york values. every small act of kindness. every great act of courage of which there was so many. there's never been anything like this. this was the greatest attack and the worst and most horrific attack in the history of our country. far greater than pearl harbor, because the attack was on civilians. it wasn't on the military. it was on civilians. but those are new york values. and these are the values that we need to make america great again. we need these values. to bring america together again, and to heal america's wounds again.
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so i just want to tell you that i am so proud to be with you tonight. i am so proud to be discussing all sorts of topics, but most importantly, new york values. because no matter where you go, anywhere in the world, they talk in the most positive tones about what all of us have done. so ladies and gentlemen, have a great dinner. we're going to have an amazing election coming up. we're having some really great primaries. it's been a lot of fun for me. it wasn't supposed to be this way. a lot of people said, well, what do you know? i've been dealing with politicians all my life, so i think i know something. but it's been a great experience. right now, i'm millions of votes ahead of my closest rival. people don't talk about votes anymore. [ applause ] they talk delegates. by the way, i happen to be hundreds of delegates ahead, too. but to me, so important, i'm
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millions of votes ahead of my next nearest rival. thank you, thank you, darling. we have millions of votes, 22 states, 22 states, and it started, by the way, with new hampshire. we went down to south carolina. states that i wasn't supposed to win and i ended up winning in a landslide. alabama, arkansas, kentucky, the south. i may move to south if new york doesn't treat us well. because the south has been so great to me. then we went to florida, where, you know, that's my second home. this is my first home. that's my second home. and we did so unbelievably well. won in a landslide by 20 points and it was an absolute landslide. and now we have something happening that's going to be very exciting. the next four or five weeks are going to be very exciting. and we start -- we'll bring it home. thank you, thank you, man. and we start on tuesday.
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so big. and is, with all the primaries that we've been through, years and years and years of primaries, some of these are not very important by the time we get to new york. new york is so important, it's so important. like new york should be so important. and i see what's happening and i see the polls coming in and i'm so honored, because the people that know me best are the people from new york. so when i'm up 42 points, 42 points? that's a lot. but when i'm up 42 and 44 points in the newest polls, that's such an honor, because those are the people that know me best. so we're going to have a really exciting next four or five weeks. we'll have a great time in cleveland. hopefully not too good a time because hopefully by that time it should be solved. enjoy the hotel. enjoy this great, great city. and it's an honor to be with you tonight. thank you very much, everybody. [ applause ] thank you. thank you.
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>> welcome, everybody. breaking tonight, republican presidential front-runner donald trump just wrapping up his speech at a big republican dinner, just days ahead of the big new york primary. welcome to "the kelly file" at 9:23 p.m. i'm megyn kelly. for the first time since the last gop debate, the entire republican field is in the same room at the same time tonight. governor john kasich should be coming up shortly. then senator ted cruz who may go after mr. trump here in new york. and while we wait for all of this, we have a special show for you tonight. joining us live to react to these candidates and weigh in on the state of the race, a kelly file focus group of republican voters who will be casting ballots in five days. thank you for being here. i'm fascinated to know, because i was watching your faces, what did you think of that? it was an unusual sort of speech given what we normally here from donald trump. >> it was great.
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>> in the back. >> the speech was great. he was substantive, personable, funny. it was all the best of trump in one speech. that's why he's leading not just in new york, maryland, pennsylvania, all the way to california. >> right here in the middle. >> it was a great thing. i think he was hitting on a lot of valuable points speaking about new york. as retired law enforcement, one of the things that hit home was about 9/11, how everybody in the city came together, the values that we have here, and how we move forward and i think it was great. >> go ahead, you in the green. >> the fact that this man is using 9/11 and the deaths of thousands of people particularly father judge to get votes is disgraceful. >> why? [ all talking at once ] >> he just visited the 9/11 site a few days ago. not only that, this man is a multibillionaire. he likes to tell us over and over again, but didn't he file and get a grant for small
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business when that was supposed to be for small businesses trying to stay open at ground zero? it's a disgrace and he should be ashamed, because those were his own words that ted cruz was talking about, with new york values. and that kind of crap that he just said, now, after thousands of people died, that man should get on his knees and pray to god for forgiveness. >> you're looking at it the wrong way. as i was watching it -- as i was watching this, i thought about one thing. you know who donald trump is? donald trump is me. donald trump is you. >> no, he's not me! >> donald trump is every one of you. donald trump is the guy -- [ all talking at once ] >> -- the last 7 1/2 years have been horrible and we should do this and that. donald trump talked about this 20 years ago. he said the same things that -- [ all talking at once ] >> i want to ask you a question
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if trump's defense, though. how many of you live in new york? everybody, right? how many of you have been to the 9/11 museum. those who haven't, raise your hand. does it mean you don't care about 9/11? >> you live in the city and you don't go to the stuff that's in your city. >> every republican knows what he meant by new york values. he meant the -- >> ted cruz you're talking about? >> no, trump. >> ted cruz originally said trump has n york values. >> that means when you're a conservative republican that lives in new york, you can't talk at work, you can't say things, you could lose your job because you have the wrong values. you're in danger with constant political correctness. not one of the conservative republicans is offended that ted cruz said "new york values" because that's what he was talking about. not about 9/11.
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>> with ted cruz, i'm a republican, and i do support trump. i felt like that was offensive. >> what was offensive? >> about the new york values. >> what ted cruz said? >> i think it's stereo typical that say new yorkers this and that. we're strong people. even if it was about liberals the -- >> i'm from connecticut and i was offended when ted cruz attacked new york values. >> we all share those values. you don't go attacking a state or a city like that. >> i would just like to say, this is the whole problem, the fact that we're arguing over values instead of going with a candidate who has experience, john kasich, 18 years on the house armed services, unlike arguing over petty issues. >> you, sir, with the hat. >> this entire phrase "new york
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values" came -- the reason it came about is because two years ago, tim russert interviewed trump and he said, are you for gay marriage, are you for gun control, are you for abortion? and trump shrugged his shoulders, and he said i'm from new york, i've got to support new york values. when cruz pointed that out and when he replayed that in his ads, trump called him, oh, what liar, even though you can see it taped. [ all talking at once ] >> top corner. >> one of the things you have to take into consideration, i understand this is an introductory speech by donald trump to the masses in new york, however, he massn't focused on the fee points. what are you going to do when you get in there? just going back to him not having an understanding what happened in colorado, if you're going to be the head of state, you need to know the playing
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field. you're running for president, you're not running for a minimal office. >> he's winning across the country. >> he is -- >> go. >> he brings up a great point. everyone is concerned about obama came into office and he had little experience. so ted cruz, bingo, we don't want that. trump has no experience. john kasich is the only one that has state experience and federal government experience for decades. >> trump owes no one anything. >> in the top in the white shirt. >> i like the fact that his speech showed a mastery of technical details. >> it was unusual. we haven't heard it at that level. >> it was refreshing. >> i wondered whether you would think it was details or fascinating because it showed you what he does on a day-to-day basis. >> building, rebuilding america's infrastructure --
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that's what he's good at. not as president. >> is he a divider or uniter? this was inspiring to me, him talking about new yorkers getting together and expressing their values. we just discussed this. this is the side of him we want to see. >> you in the middle, he's speaking now, and then back to our panel. >> so these kids now go off to college, they ring up the debt, and they're hopeful about the future and we find many of them living still at home with their parents. this has created tremendous anxiety in people. job insecurity, the lack of wages, the fact that they're not getting a fair shake. we hear politicians talk about it, but i grew up with it. if the wind blew the wrong way,
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over in mckees rocks, people found themselves out of work. and that's how i've come to know that the most important thing that a public official can do is to create economic growth and prosperity in the neighborhoods. now, folks -- [ applause ] let me say a couple of things about this anxiety, and it's something we need to pay close attention to. you see, you really have two paths. when you go into a room, and i've been doing it all across the country, and you realize people's anxieties and you come to understand these people's anxieties, you have two choices. you can either go into that room and tell them how bad everything is, you can tell them that the country is in decline. you can tell them that they've been ripped off. you can feed on their anxiety
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and cause anger and division. paranoia and even at times hatred. or you could walk into that same room and you could recognize the struggles and the problems and the anxieties that people have. and you can talk to them about how we solve those problems. about how there are solutions that can give them hope, that can improve their lives and the lives of their children. we can do that by taking a positive approach. and i've just got to suggest to all of you, when we live in the dark, when we practice politics in the dark, over time, people don't like it. people want to know there are solutions. over the course of this campaign, there are many people who said why it is that kasich keeps talking about what he used to do? i'm going to tell you why i talk about it. i think when the public looks at a politic whose lips are moving, they figure that politician is lying.
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and i'm a citizen myself, and when people come to tell me about what they want to do and why they want to be elected, i always say to them, what have you done in your life? why should i believe you? how do i know you can deliver the foods? i just want to take a second and tell you as a public official, and i've been in politics very a very long time, my mind's eye are helping those people where i grew up in mckees rocks or the people that live in brooklyn or in queens. you see, there are people who are searching for a fair shake and they want to know when they get a promise, that promise can be kept. you know, i got to be a congressman at the age of 30. i was the only republican in america to defeat an incumbent democrat that year, and i'll tell you what i ran on. i ran on the reagan agenda. nobody wanted to appear with ronald reagan in 1982, but i did and i got to spend more time with him, because nobody wanted
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to associate, because the economy was in shambles. reaganomics had not kicked in. and getting into the congress, i spent 18 years of my career on national security issues. and six years into my term in congress, i got on the budget committee. and i figured something out as a very young man. we have $19 trillion now in debt. $225 billion goes to pay for interest on the debt. think about taking $100 billion of that, and investing that in solving the problems of alzheimer's or dementia or pancreatic cancer or childhood disease. and yet the debt keeps rising. and when i go to college campuses, i told them to look at the rising debt, because we have a debt clock that shows it's over $19 trillion. i'll tell you what i tell them. when the debt goes up, your opportunities to get a job goes down. and when the debt starts to come
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down, your opportunities to get a job go up. and by the way, if you think about bernie and hillary, by the time they're giving away all the free stuff, the debt will be at $30 trillion and nobody is going to get a job. that's why we have to stop them. [ applause ] well, i fought with my own party. spent ten years of my life to get us to a balanced budget. and at the end of the day we did. i negotiated the agreement with the clinton administration. we had a balanced budget for the first time that man walked on the moon. we paid down $500 billion of the national debt. we cut taxes on capital gains, and the economy was growing like crazy and there was no discussion of income inequality or the problem of to rising wages, because the country was working because we used a formula to cut taxes, shrink government and balance the budget, which gave confidence to the job creators in this
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country. and then i left washington. i went out in the private sector to learn about how it really works. and then i decided i needed to run for governor and i got elected at exactly the right time, because our state couldn't get much worse. we had an $8 billion hole, 20% of our operating budget was in the hole. we had lost 350,000 jobs. the state was polarized and had lost hope. but i applied that old formula, common sense regulations that does not break the back of small business. lower taxes on business and individuals to help small businesses, particularly to have incentives to grow. and a path to a balanced budget. we went from 350,000 lost jobs to a gain now of almost 420,000 new jobs, that were created. we cut taxes by $5 billion, more than any governor in the
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country. our wages are going up faster than the national average, and i want you to know that we've left no one behind. we have left no one behind. we don't believe -- we don't believe that the mentally ill ought to be sleeping under a bridge or living in a prison. we don't believe that the drug addicted lives ought to be tossed down the drain. we don't believe the working poor ought to be ignored. in fact, we want a system for the working poor where a single mom with a couple kids actually can get ahead by getting a pay raise, rather than losing her child care and going further backwards. let's have a party that helps people get out of poverty, not be stuck in poverty in this country. [ applause ] so i have solutions. here's what i really want you to hear tonight. because of the approach that i have taken, because of my vision
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going forward, of dealing with federal regulations and cutting business taxes and individual taxes and balancing the federal budget, because of the efforts to try to bring people together and remind people in this country they're americans before they're republicans and democrats, there have been a series of political polls that have been conducted. i am the only candidate who beats hillary clinton on a consistent basis, every single time! [ applause ] every time! and yesterday, the electoral college had a calculation applied to it, and guess what happened? the two candidates who are running at the same time i am got swamped by hillary clinton. and in that electoral college, i crushed hillary clinton in that survey done yesterday. [ applause ] now, i want to ask you something, i want to ask you something, if you feed on the negative attitudes of people,
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you're going to have high negative ratings. go and try to sell something when people don't like you and when they don't trust you. or go and try to sell something when you have a positive message with a record of accomplishment. ladies and gentlemen, i'm just standing back here with the senate president. you know what will happen if we nominate people who have high negatives and cannot beat hillary. we're not just going to lose the white house or the supreme court. but i'll tell you what, there's a very good chance your senate majority leader will be the senate minority leader, because we risk losing everything from the white house to the courthouse to the statehouse if we don't advance a positive, uplifting, unifying message to this country. that is what we need to do. [ applause ] you see, because it's not pie in the sky. it's really about a solid record
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of pull thing country together, improving its national security reputation, and the strength of our military. and at the same time, rebuilding the economy of the united states of america. so that america's greatestlegac will do better than the america we inherited from our parents can be real, and can be realized. i'm about done here, okay? i just want to tell you this, i've enjoyed being all across this state. i'll be campaigning here. in fact, i don't know whether you heard, but tonight governor george pataki endorsed me for president of the united states. [ applause ] and he's going to be campaigning across this state and this country for me. and we're going to go to a convention. we are going to go to a convention. i've been saying it for months. and when we get to that convention, and when the delegates enter the hall, because i was there in '76 and i
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saw a convention that was contested. the delegates are going to think about two things. number one, who can win in the fall? because this is not about who can win a nomination, but who can win the white house and defeat hillary clinton, number one. and number two, because of the importance those delegates are going to inherit at that convention, they're also going to ask themselves, who at the end of the day has the experience and the record and the ability to bring this country together? who can be the best president of the united states? and i maintain to you, i'm going to leave cleveland as the nominee, whether you believe it or not, it's going to happen. thank you, new york, and i love you. [ cheers and applause ] >> and we are back now with more from our panel of gop voters. let's talk about that, that's his argument. he has many policies he pushes as well. but in terms of this convention, electability. he says i am the one that can beat hillary clinton.
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>> john kasich has gone out and pointed out that he can beat hillary clinton. if you look at polls of other candidates, especially donald trump, he turns utah possibly blue. that's the reddest state in the country. the house and senate will be in play if you have some of these other candidates. we need to keep a majority in both houses of congress and take the white house. >> go ahead. >> hold on. what state is kasich going to win from here on out? >> can i just ask, can you respond to his argument? that's what kasich is saying, if trump is the nominee, and others have been saying that too, it will hurt the party's down ticket, that republicans could lose the senate. and that's why these delegates will say, can't do it. >> look at the wave of enthusiasm that's been behind trump since he got into the race. that enthusiasm will help the ticket. >> but you know the unfavorables. >> he has seven months until the elections. the unfavorables were the same for reagan when he ran.
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>> in the back. >> i'm no major kasich fan, but one thing i noticed right here in the studio, kasich, while speaking, was not as captivating as donald trump. people weren't as interested in listening. however, here's the thing, everyone wants to listen to donald trump but when he speaks you're essentially listening to nothing. the man has failed repeatedly to provide substance and he claims to be a conservative now. when you look at his past, it's quite questionable. >> at what point does the loser say we lost and rally around the winner? he has won. >> the only problem here, high stakes for our country right now. mr. trump, you claim to be a conservative. when we look at your past, it's clear you have not. if you have evolved, mr. trump, provide an explanation how you
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evolved. >> a man gets older, his views get more conservative. yes, go ahead, in the front, you, ma'am. >> something about planned parenthood, donald trump is always saying that he's for the good part of planned parenthood. and that really essentially shows that he does not understand the issue of abortion. there is no good part health care of planned parenthood. there's just a minute front -- >> another response to that, a lot of girls that don't have money go there to get birth control and prevent unwanted pregnancy. >> anybody who knows the real plight of abortion knows there's very little that goes on in planned parenthood except in service of abortion. they do a little birth control, they do a few mammograms. it's a massive business on abortion -- [ all talking at once ] >> you in the front, who do you like? >> i'm a cruz fan.
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>> what did you think of that? >> kasich? >> what do you think of the new york values comment that cruz made? >> i totally disagree with trump. i lived in new york for five years and i have seen the new york values cruz is talking about. i know there is some good. 9/11 brought out the best in people. but on a day-to-day basis, there's some nasty -- >> no wonder you didn't say anything. >> megyn, governor kasich, we were talking about this before, he brought up the point, when it comes down to the convention, people are going to ask who is the most electable person here, if the objective of the gop and republicans in general is to beat hillary clinton, it's not going to happen with trump. trump doesn't have the woman vote. he doesn't have the minority vote. so he's going to lose. >> trump says, give me time, i have been getting battered in the gop primary.
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once i only have hillary or bernie to focus on -- >> hold on. >> who can walk into the white house right now and start working as a president? >> that's a different argument. he's believing he can turn those unfavorables around. >> kasich has that experience. [ all talking at once ] >> donald trump has made success out of himself. all along for the past seven years, even before that, people said we need a businessman. we need a businessman. i hate politicians. you talk to someone about a politician, they say politicians are liars, politicians suck. that's what everyone says. now we have the opportunity to get a businessman -- you guys are saying a lot of things but you fail to recognize one thing -- donald trump has had steam and momentum from day one. donald trump has brought things to the table, immigration,
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china, trade imbalance, that no one has brought up. donald trump is the only one with the hutzpah and the new york attitude -- >> go ahead, sir. >> ted cruz when running for senator was talking about building the wall. ted cruz funded the policy to support it. what do you talking about, no one is talking about these things? >> most of donald trump's policies -- [ all talking at once ] >> two things about kasich to one knows about. why is he still in the race? the answer is, he's working with trump. how do we know this? not my conspiracy theory. he had three delegates in michigan, who he assigned to
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trump. he's working for trump. second point, where is he getting money? george soros. why would george soros, the most left wing person, give money to kasich? it's all on the record. my theory, this is a theory, he wants kasich to do well, which will hurt cruz and help trump because he wants trump to be the nominee, because he knows trump is going to lose against hillary. all the polls show that. [ all talking at once ] >> kasich is still in because he's waiting for the contested convention. trump is still 500 delegates away. >> ryan has the floor. what do you say to ted cruz's point two weeks ago, which is the man who loses 49 states is not going to be the republican nominee. >> i agree to that. that's a tough situation. but at the same time, the republican -- the rules are, if
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you don't have the delegates, you go to a contested convention. delegates are bound for the first round, after that they can hop ship and vote for whoever they want. >> we've got to stand by. i have to squeeze in a quick break. don't go away. i'm watching you guys on twitter. we'll be right back. my school reunion's coming fast. could be bad. could be a blast. can't find a single thing to wear.
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welcome back. we want to bring you now to ted cruz who's speaking. let's listen. >> new normal. this is as good as it gets. well, everyone here understands that is not the case. the heart of our economy is not washington, d.c. the heart of our economy is small businesses all across the united states of america. and if you want to see the economy take off, it's very simple. you lift the boot of the federal government off the back of the necks of small businesses. if i'm elected president, we will repeal every word of obamacare. we'll pass common sense health care reform that makes health
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insurance personal. and portable and affordable and keeps government from getting in between us and our doctors. and we will pass a simple flat tax. on monday, it's tax day. many people in this room will be writing very, very large checks. if i am elected, every one of us will fill out our taxes on a postcard and we will abolish the irs. and we're going to rein in the federal regulators who descended like locusts on small businesses killing jobs all across this country. we're going to stop amnesty, secure the borders, end sanctuary cities and end welfare benefits for those here illegally.
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and let me tell you what's going to happen when we do all of that. we're going to see millions and millions of new high-paying jobs coming back to america. we're going to see jobs coming back from mexico. coming back from china. we're going to see wages rising again for working men and women. we're going to see opportunity growing as young people come out of school with two, three, four, five job opportunities. that's what this election is about. bringing back the opportunity that your parents and my parents had in america. the opportunity for anyone to start with nothing and achieve anything. the second critical issue in this election is freedom. you know, just a few weeks ago with the passing of justice scalia, it undercored the stakes of this election. our supreme court is now perilously balanced 4-4. the next president will appoint one, two, maybe even three
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supreme court justices. if you care about religious liberty, about the freedom of every one of us, christian and jew, muslim and atheist, to practice our faith to live according to our conscience, free of government getting in the way. this election is pivotal. if you care about the second amendment, right to keep and bear arms, this election is pivotal. if you care about preserving u.s. sovereignty from the international court and international law and maintaining the authority of we the people to decide our laws. this election is pivotal. and i give you my solemn commitment that every justice i appoint to the supreme court will be a principled constitutionalist who will follow the law, will follow the
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constitution and will not legislate from the bench. the third critical issue in this election is security. for seven years, we've seen an administration that abandons our friends and allies and that shows weakness and appeasement to our enemies. three years ago, i was at this dinner. if i'd had suggested at this dinner three years ago that the elected prime minister of israel would come to the united states, would address a joint session of congress, and he would be boycotted by the president of the united states, the vice president of the united states and every member of the cabinet, that would have been laughed at. that could not possibly be true, surely we were not living in that environment. and yet as i sat on the floor of the house of representatives listening to prime minister netanyahu give a speech that was
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positively churchillian, neither the president nor vice president or any member of the cabinet was willing to join us in the house. we have a president who insults and ridicules the prime minister of israel. we have a president who celebrates a nuclear deal with iran that i believe poses the single gravest threat to our national secure world. my opponents in this race, all four of them, pledged to maintain that iranian nuclear deal. one of them says he'll renegotiate it. well let me be very clear as president on the very first day in office, i will rip to shreds this catastrophic iranian nuclear deal.
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and if you feel a sense of despair, can we keep america save after seven years of receding from the world, it is worth remembering that foreign policy perhaps can change the fastest. that in january 1981, this same nation, the nation of iran, released our hostages the day ronald reagan was sworn into office. that's the difference a strong commander in chief can make and that is the difference as president i will make unequivocally clear to iran either they will shut down their nuclear program or we will shut it down for them. new york city is hallowed ground. it is the site of the worst terrorist attack on united states soil and yet in the 15 years since 9/11, many in
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washington have forgotten. today, when we see an attack, whether in paris, whether in brussels, whether in san bernardino, inevitably president obama goes on national television, refuses to say the words radical islamic terrorism. and instead lectures the american people on islam-o-phobia. well, i want to be clear that come january 2017, our military will no longer be governed by political correctness. and every jihadist, every jihadist on the face of the earth, these words, if you wage war against the united states of america, if you seek to murder innocent americans, we are coming to get you. we are not coming to
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