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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 19, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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so let the others say that they have your back. while they're kind of kicking it in. not us. we're here for you. all night if that's what it takes. because there's free gatorade. hello, and happy election day, i'm kimberly guilfoyle, along with julie roginski, eric bolling, and greg gutfeld, it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." it is primary day here in the empire state. and if you noticed, we've taken the show outside today as new yorkers put their mark on this wild presidential election. polls close in four hours. 247 delegates are up for grabs,
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in the democratic race, that contest in a moment. but first, there are 95 delegates at play on the republican side. donald trump is hoping for a land slide on his home turf to help get him to the magic number of 1237 to secure the republican nomination. here are all three candidates ahead of today's big votes. >> you going to go out and vote and you're going to make sure all your friends are going to go and vote. and you're going to look back in four years and 12 years and 25 years, and you're going to say -- that's the greatest single vote i've ever cast. >> because if i'm the nominee, we win the general election. we're beating hillary in the key swing states. we're beating hillary with independents, we're beating hillary with young people. >> we're caught in this place where my name has come up, but people still haven't decided. they still haven't decided. well who is this guy? cbs just released a poll, i beat
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hillary clinton by 12 points in the two other guys lose. >> all the delegates at stake here in the empire state. all of the candidates hoping to be the one to move ahead in this important crucial moment in the fight for the republican nomination. let's take it around outside. how are you guys enjoying the weather here? >> i know what dorothy feels like. >> exactly. so bolling, take us through the numbers here, the number of delegates at play for the gop side. >> 95 clearly we've been talking about that it breaks down that each of the districts gets three delegates and if anyone gets 50% of the vote in that specific district, they get all three delegates. if they don't, it splits up. thereby ted cruz still wants to play here. he still wants to do well here and john kasich does, if you win the state you get 17 or so total delegates, the way it looks, some of the polling, some of the experts have said, a win for donald trump will be anything above say 65 or 70 delegates. a win for ted cruz would be
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10-15 delegates. and a win for john kasich because he's in second would be 10-15 and ted cruz, if he gets ten. that would be a good number for him. add those to where they already are, bottom line, next week is big. it looks like on the gop side it's going to go down to june 7 any way you slice it. >> take it all the way through. dana, how do you see "today" shaping up. >> eric is going to be wearing ties every tuesday for the next several weeks. i think that it's likely that donald trump is going to win tonight. so you have the three republicans all won their states, right? kasich in ohio, ted cruz in texas and donald trump in new york. and the way i think about donald trump in new york is that he has 100% name i.d. all throughout the country. but the people of new york, know him personally. and they are, he is their guy. and so i expect him to do really well tonight. but it could be that at least in a couple of the congressional districts. that kasich or cruz is able to
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keep donald trump below 50% and pick up a couple of delegates. next week also it becomes very important. all of those new england states that are going to vote next tuesday. >> and also in terms of momentum, greg, going forward, all eyes right now on new york to see how donald trump will perform. the expectation level is very high here for him. >> a lot of things are very high here, kimberly. >> even you today. >> i'm getting a little second-hand high from being outside. i love the fact that we're on location for this primary. we moved 100 feet from our studio. officially this is a travel day. i've charged all my food on expenses. >> good point. >> i have a hotel room and i live in the city. if anybody is free -- no. the thing is, this is, this is trump's town. he's like you know what he is? he's like a major league pitcher at a carnival dunk tank. he should just walk uk everyone. meanwhile, ted cruz, new york to him is like -- walmart after black friday. there's nothing left for him but like a single sock and a train
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brag. >> and a leftover remote control. >> so what about also now you know we've got the republicans all vying for it. what do you think the democrats are thinking about the empire state and how it's going to shape up? >> again, bernie sanders claims he could do very well here, kimberly. i think he's smoking a little of what greg said he smokes he smelled outside today. hillary is going to do very well tonight. the question is can she hold him to double digits? i keep saying you know, bernie sanders keeps talking about momentum. it's very nice, but we all know in campaigns, momentum isn't what matters. math is what matters. and the reality is, he's going to go from here to places like maryland to places like new jersey, eric's home state. to places like california. and traditionally places he has not done as well in. demographically. new york is another good example of that. so bernie sanders has to exceed expectations tonight. you'll notice he's not in new york. he's in erie, pennsylvania, campaigning. i think he puts new york in his
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rear-view mirror. >> you think that sanders has kind of seen the writing object the wall and has to move forward with the campaign? >> bernie is all about momentum, a movement, becoming a left wing liberal hero. he's not going to get the numbers. he's going to end up -- he can't lose over the next two weeks, by june 7th again. she has got it locked up. he can't get it. but he can be the one that says, i was a spoiler. i made it rough on hillary clinton. i'm your hero. ? so dana, what do you think in terms of the role he'll have with the party and of course at the convention. >> i'm glad you asked that. i was fascinated this morning to read that in 2008 hillary clinton won her state, her home state, adopted home state by 17 points she not going to do that today. and so if you think about how the democratic party has changed in just eight years.
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and how far left it has moved. that bernie sanders can still be giving her a real run for her mofr mond her money. and the other thing about momentum, it's about the money. campaigns usually die because they run out of money. bernie sanders is not in danger of running out of money. they run a lean machine, but he's also been able to tap into a donor network all across the country with, they'll donate $27 here and even $3. that's a lot of people turning out to vote. will the youth vote that's turned out for him so far be able to squash hillary clinton's dreams here in new york? i don't know. >> well you wonder, because they have skin in the game and that they've made a capital investment in bernie, somebody they believe in. he's attained folklore status. the hero of the left. if i'm hillary clinton, i want to make sure going forward, boy would she want to get ahold of bernie's rolo dex and donor list to be able to get momentum for
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her going forward. >> the interesting thing is whenever you hear somebody saying they're looking ahead, that means they've lost. bernie is like half socialist, half zombie. wherever hillary goes, he's in the rear-view mirror. he's like yul brenner in "west world." everybody is getting serious, you're seeing trump do a shake-up on his staff. you see cruz running to pennsylvania to steal some delegates. and you got bernie, he's trimming the ear hair. >> but very interesting, he's actually driving that bus from behind. >> yes. >> she's winning but it's all coming down to when does bernie turn and say all right all you followers, i have a great, 27,000 people showed up the other night. all of you people, it's time to focus on hillary clinton, the democratic who wants to be the republican. >> so he's holding the cards. >> here's the problem. we notice this with the trump kids, we see this again today. how many of those people thought about registering to vote
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democratic. by october 15th of last year? that's the difficulty for a lot of people in this movement. new york makes it impossible, impossible to vote. >> but not just in new york. though in general when bernie decides to say okay, i can't win, i don't have the path delegatewise to the nomination, put your support behind hillary. in the meantime, he's still beating up on her. so he has a lot of power. >> running mate. if bernie becomes trump's running mate. you get the rebel sides together. >> in michigan he was the number one and two choice of voters going in. >> a lot of people do, they like one, like the other. let's also talk about somebody else on the gop side, that is john kasich. appears to be getting tired of answering questions about why he's still in the race. check out this exchange with a reporter yesterday. >> listen, at the end of the day, i think the republican party wants to pick somebody who actually can win in the fall. >> you've only won in ohio.
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>> i'm answering might the question the way i want to answer it. you want to answer it? here -- let me ask you what do you think. >> i thought that was funny. >> i don't think it's a problem. >> it's kind of clever. >> especially when you're in a scrum like that and reporters are bearing down on you and everyone is asking you why are you still in the race, you're such a loser. at some point. he showed a little personality. >> that's the literal snapchat. he always said he was good at it. he just did a snapchat. >> and if he's sticking up for himself. he's trying to run a serious campaign and he is in second place in new york. >> he's right about the polling. in head-to-head match-ups in the polling that exists today, he's the one that can beat hillary clinton. he's looking around at the group saying -- why doesn't anybody look at me. guess who beats all of them head to head? remember the fox news poll last week? bernie sanders beat all of them if the election were held today.
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>> interesting, mitt romney today said hey you republicans if ted cruz and john kasich both stay in the race, you're basically handing the nomination over to donald trump. he suggests, i guess, kasich getting out. >> i thought romney say that and i would imagine the kasich team was thinking, why don't you butt out, buddy. >> what's interesting about kasich is for all of these months he's been trying to be the gentler, kinder john kasich. he's not in his nature. he's ornerier. and that's coming out. >> he's cranky like are you sometimes. >> it's almost like he's waking up from a nap. >> hugely popular in ohio, he's done very well there and he has a tremendous amount of experience and we have points to the general election and win. he's like i'm the guy. >> that's why it's so exciting. >> he's a piece of pizza. >> much more to come on this
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primary day in new york city, ahead, spike lee and other celebrities have teamed up to get america's voters to wake up. but maybe they should go back to bed instead. ♪
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if you want to find out the one candidate most likely to ruin a country, find out who spike lee supports and treat him he's like godzilla with a cold sore and run screaming. here's spike's ad for bernie sanders. starring other big lefties. >> wake up! >> so many of our citizens can't get an education. if they do, they end up paying their student loans for the rest of their lives. education is a right, not a privilege. >> instead of pools, they build prisons for profit and fill them to the brim with more people than any other society in history. we must disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline, reform our criminal justice system. >> from strong island to staten island, queens to the boogie bell, we need you new yorkers,
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don't bes d disliking us online. you've got to get in line, show up, represent. >> lefties love bernie, because he's the leftiest. he makes che look like cheney. but celebrities are status markers. like saying you're for bernie is like saying you only eat hemp underwear. like telling your dinner guests is that your dinning table is recycled wood from peru. sanders is the distressed vintage stool that costs more than your car. shoor, he's far from new, but you still pay a heavy price for his bad ideas. because leftist ideas only drain you of wealth. having no idea of how to pay for things, it's all take, no create. supporting bernie is the expensive act of authenticity, only rich people can afford. the stars can shout for free everything, no more jails, but only them can endure the consequences, they don't live in
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the high crime areas and their income makes higher tax as nonissue. supporting bernie may seem like you're keeping it real, it's about as organic as a spray tan and another blast from the past that leaves nothing for your future. hoping i wasn't going to sneeze. all right, julie. let's face it, a vote for bernie sanders is kind of like a status vote among the left like i'm more progressive than you are, you hillary supporte >> i think it's a status vote for a lot of people on campuses. >> it salvages my streak with the leftist community. liked his old ad. remember the america ad he did in iowa, i thought it was the best political ad i'd seen. this ad was a little -- too, a little creepy. don't start emailing me on the democratic side. i'm not comparing spike lee to lenni riefenstahl.
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cut it down by about 20 million hours. it was six minutes long. >> it had shawn king in there, he plagerized his identity and words. eric? >> i thought it was effective. and i get what you say it's propaganda. that's what bernie sanders is. i think the real reason there's such a movement for bernie sanders now is he skated below the radar for so long, no one thought he had a chance and they hadn't dug deep into what his policies are. his higher taxation. wanting to give everyone everything free. health care, tuition, to transfer more payments -- he's never been like the front-runner and he's never been the one you were worried about. so he didn't get the media scrutiny. he doesn't get the scrutiny that trump, cruz and kasich get. >> kimberly he's like the underdog, like herbie the love bug, everybody wants to root for
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him. it's cool to be on a team where he's the underdog. >> he does have the charm and appeal and he kind of like has folklore status. the great with the whole "saturday night live" thing. he's had an imprint, when people think about him, he's like this charming, easy-going funny guy. he doesn't seem that dangerous. or that harmful, right? because when you think about it he sounds like he's the right things. even the pope said hello to him. he wants to help people. he's for social justice. at the same time everything has a pricetag. when you get the reclaimed wood from peru, the freight charge will destroy you. the table is $1, the freight charge is $10,000, so you have to do the math and not be fooled. and i don't know why haters gotta hate, greg, but i heart the spray tan. feast your eyes on this. >> dana, you live in new york, we live in new york. if you're at a cocktail party, somebody finds out you're not a
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democrat or not for sanders, you lose points, it's all about getting points at parties. >> it's the hipster vote. you could check the box off. think it's kind of funny that the democrats are fithing over whose celebrity are better. fighting, it's going to be like "west side story" in hollywood. >> do they help? >> i don't think that celebrity endorsements help that much. i think it helps when you have a crowd. it does get you media attention. but i don't think it helps that much. >> i have a wide range of celebrities. you had the actors. but then you had the activists. erica garner, shawn king. >> do you think bernie sanders knows any of those people. >> he's seen them around. >> john king, an embarrassment. if you find out shawn king is voting for sanders, can't vote for sanders, because shawn king is a fraud. >> but kasich has schwarzenegger, i like that. >> and trump has scott baio.
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>> you cannot not love him. >> if you have "charles in charge". >> he was also chachi. >> i can sing that song. nicole egger. >> some of us watch tv instead of reading, what are books, anyway, just tv without images, gross. stop writing 'em. [ laughter ] >> that hurts deeply. i'm going to write a book about you. everything sordid. that's what it will be called. everything sordid. two of america's top election experts are about to join us for the first time together on t the "the five." scott baio and john stamos, no, it's not.
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welcome back to "the five" in new york. you're about to see something you've never seen on this show before. campaign carl and election ed have both appeared on the fief, but have never joined us together until now. carl you've been with the republicans, traveling all around, now you're in new york. what do you think is going to happen tonight? >> no question that trump is going to win. kasich and cruz have acknowledged that. the margin of victory is what matters. the margin of victory will determine how many delegates he gets, the trump campaign says they would like to get 80, 85 delegates, they don't think they'll sweep it it's complicated, you have to win those 27 congressional delegates by 50% in order to get 81. if you win 50% you get all 14. it's complicated for the trump campaign they're just now getting the kind of people on
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the campaign team that know how to work this delegate more. >> bernie sanders maybe took a double-digit deficit. and turned into single digits, with the big rallies, we'll see if the folks turn out for him. the bottom line is he's going to play the expectations game again. if he loses by single digits he'll try to spin it as a victory. he's running out of time to keep saying there's a moral victory. i beat the expectations game. he has to not just win new york, he has to win it big, it's all proportional for the democrats, it's different for the republicans, even if hillary clinton was wr to lose by a few points, she's basically going to get the same number of delegates, so her lead of delegates is not going to change. >> the momentum protects the front-runner. >> it's good for sanders. >> but the momentum protects the front-runner. >> yes. especially the superdelegates, 15% of the entire take. so no mat weather happens in
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these states, she's got the party. >> kg? >> it sounds kind of like walking the tightwire you've got the safety net, no matter what for hillary clinton. because she's got the superdelegate padding under there. >> like a big mattress. >> you know, we can play, if we play expectations game, sure. for hillary clinton to lose her adopted home state, the media narrative would be so bad, forget about it. >> i'll stay up all night talking about it. >> you mean you'll be in bed by 10:00. >> there's a big irony to this, while the system is supposed to protect the front-runner on the democratic side, it was exactly the same concoction on the republican side the back after the 2012 romney loss, the rnc establishment got together and wrote rules that were supposed to make it easier for whoever broke away to win the nomination without being derailed. and now it's the very establishment that created the plan that's trying to turn it inside out to stop the front-runner because it happens
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to be trump. >> julie? >> my question for you, trump is struggling upstate. he's done well here downstate. is it possible for him to come incredibly -- it's not possible for kasich to win any congressional districts upstate. but it is possible for trump to do 40%, if not less in some places upstate? >> kasich figures if they did target the specific congressional districts they pigged would be friendly. -- figured. it's possible for him to win 10 delegates, which still keeps trump in his target area of 80-85. but it shows that trump can be beaten even in his home state, or at least held by low 50%. >> i can't see my co-host, eric bolling. >> one second, ed, this is so important. you travel with the clinton campaign for what nine months now. >> a year. >> be honest, have you ever seen her pull hot sauce out of her bag? >> no, but i know from her staff -- i never get close to her purse, why would i be close to her purse?
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that's a little weird. >> good answer. i don't get close to a woman's purse. >> you're looking for the server. >> hot sauce coming out of her bag. >> i have previously heard her say when she has a cold. if you have jalapenos and hot sauce, it helps her. >> can i ask -- tell us about the rules. who is trump freaking out about the rules committee and the rule changes? >> yeah. there's no question about it. he hired paul mana ford, a guy who was involved in the contested convention between reagan and gerald ford 40 years ago. he's hiring additional staff, election lawyers getting prepared for it. there has been a significant shake-up in the campaign. the campaign manager, cory lewandoski has to get authorization for a lot of decisions he was making unilaterally not long ago and there's a question whether or not bringing in all of these washington veterans does something to tarnish trump's i'm an outsider, i tell it like it is. he's in danger if he were to start acting like one. whether that means prepared speeches, limiting his
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availability to the media, as opposed to tweeting in the middle of the night. and doing every talk show in the morning. that would change the type of candidate he is. there's clear lay push to do that among some of the people he brought in. >> now, let's see. >> you have him in person. >> both of them. good to see you guys. i appreciate you guys sharing the pull-out in my apartment. it will be a little tight. but anyway. >> saving money, though. >> that's what we do here at fox. basically more vegans in dallas than there are republicans in new york. what do you think the turn-out will be tonight and what will it tell us in november? >> it's somewhere in the neighborhood of 50% over the last 2012 turn-out for the primary, it's big and trump is a new yorker. he's got huge popularity here. people all across the country have been familiar with him before he was a candidate, because of his celebrity on
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television. he needs to break out. the question is the margin. he'll probably get more votes than hillary clinton, too. >> democrats excite, in large part because of bernie sanders getting young people involved. two problems he could have tonight. he had a rally in nyu, 27,000 people there. how many of those nyu students are registered to vote? they may be registered where their parents reside, in pennsylvania, california. this is not an open primary. when new hampshire when sanders won by huge double digits, it was not just democrats, it was independents coming in independents can't come in here, that's a frob for him tonight. >> any questions? >> crooked hillary. >> i refer to her as -- >> has she heard it? is she hearing it? >> i think george stephanopoulos reminded her of it she said i'm not going to pay attention to that. >> can i ask a question based on the turnout. if the republican turnout in new
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york is as carl was discussing, does that scare the democrats going forward in november? because that's been replicated throughout all the states so far? >> they insist they're not worried about the numbers, i think the democrats are banking on the fact that the demographics are still on their side. african-american voters, hispanics. look, if donald trump makes some of the changes that carl is talking about, maybe he can do better with female voters. right now he's cratered with female voters in a broader general electorate he has a lot of work to do. >> that's it. thanks for joining us. >> we're not usually supposed to be in the same place. >> it's a continuity. >> probably got separation between us. >> too weird. >> next time we're going to make you arm wrestle. president obama pushes back on a bill to let 9/11 families sue saudi arabia for ties to the attack before heading to the country amid the firestorm. why he's stig sig naling he won't sign it if it gets to his desk. that's next. i'm mary ellen,
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did saudi arabia's government help the 9/11 hijackers carry out the attacks? the answer could lie in the 28 pages that remain classified from the 9/11 commission's report of more than a decade ago. does president obama know the answer? >> the 28 pages of the 9/11 report, have you read it? >> you know, i have a sense of what's in there. but this is -- a process, which we generally deal with through the intelligence community. and jim clapper, our director of national intelligence, has been going through to make sure that whatever it is, that is released, is not going to
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compromise some major national security interests of the united states. there are just reams of intelligence that are coming through constantly. some of them are raw and not tested. some of them -- >> some of that may be in the 28 pages. i don't know. >> isn't that strange that the president wouldn't have read those pages. he's on his way to saudi arabia right now after the kingdom threatened to hurt our economy if congress pass as bill to allow 9/11 families the right to sue their country. and many democrats back the legislation, but obama is indicating he'll veto it if it gets to him. >> this is not just a bilateral u.s./saudi issue. this is a matter of how generally the united states approaches our interactions with other countries. if we open up the possibility that individuals in the united states can routinely start suing other governments -- then we are
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also opening up the united states to being continually sued by individuals and other countries. ? a lot of issues here, dana, first, let's start with this. shouldn't president obama have read those 28 pages? >> this is not a new issue. this was an issue during the bush administration. it was probably one of the you first things i would have asked to read if i was the president. and i defend the president's right to make a decision about the veto. but i do think that it is negligent not to read the 28 pages. obviously this is something that is of great interest to the families, the 9/11 families at least. a subject of a lot of consternation by the saudis. headed to the region, it's 28 pages. it shouldn't be hard to read. i think it's negligent. >> president obama gave an interview to the atlantic magazine where he said the saudis need to learn how to share the neighborhood with the iranians. >> that, you, that last word -- you know what could be in that? >> it may not be about the
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saudis, maybe about iran. we just made a deal with iran. if there's something in there that really implicates iran in 9/11, then obama looks like he just took the 9/11, the people who caused 9/11 to the prom. we just made this big deal. the other thing is the logics, they could do it to us. we better not go to war because they'll go to war with us. it doesn't make any sense. >> kg, the saudis, they buy a lot of our military equipment we buy a lot of their oil. this is about a deal, he's, is he protecting that relationship, that economic relationship at all costs, including the 9/11 families? >> that's why you have to look at what's right morally and ethically, to say is the ends justifying the means? is the financial relationship and benefit that could be for the united states, worth sacrificing truth and honesty and transparency for the victims of 9/11 and their family? perhaps this is something that the president should consider. he's trying to say look, but then we're making ourselves open
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for other people to sue us, if they're in fact involved and they have people who are directly involved with 9/11, then the truth should be known and there should be repercuss n repercussions. >> the president seems like he's concerned about the way the kingdom sees us in the relationship they have with us. should he be this or should he go a little hard centre. >> i think he's wrong about this. i suspect he has either read what's in there or it was explained to him. he knows exactly what's in there i suspect it's the fact that the saudis or some element of the saudi government was implicated or had a relationship with these terrorists, most of whom were saudi. and the policy to protect our relationship with the saudis, who export wahabiism and we keep protects the saudis, despite the things they do all around the world, to put americans in danger. think he's wrong about this. i think the 9/11 families
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deserve to know what's in there and i agree with senator schumer, republicans on both sides of the aisle, democrats, who think that the president is wrong about this. >> couldn't it be more about iran than the saudis? >> i don't think so. >> really? >> no. can't we just expose what these 28 pages are. without allowing the families, to sue foreign countries? i mean there are -- >> that's a compromise position, then. to say release it, i think the truth should come out and they should be able to explore the opportunity to be able to sue. with allies like that, who needs enemies. >> open it up to being able to sue any country, not just the saudis. >> if somebody has committed crimes or committed acts of terrorism and sponsored terrorism against the united states, then why shouldn't they be held accountable? >> i think that it is possible that it was dangerous to release the 28 pages at one time. because of possible sources and
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methods and you have human lives at stake and possibly american lives at stake. you also have intelligence threads that you've gleaned from that. have those been exhausted at this point, 16 years later. 15 years later? possibly. if that's the case, at least president obama should read the material and be able to say on his own -- >> he's the lawyer. >> he doesn't have time. there's a lot of golfing. the other thing -- >> it's a long flight. he's probably thinking, what's worse than saudi arabia? whatever replaces it. the back of his head, he's learned a lesson. if you want to see something worse, see what replaces a really bad regime. it's something worse. >> dana, i agree with everything you said. but kimberly, i agree with everything you said. how long are you going to protect these people? >> i agree with everything you said, 100% wrong about chachi.
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"charles in charge" was a much better show. the people who lost families on 9/11 deserve to know if the saudis were implicated. i believe the 28 pages will give them an answer. >> you could brief those, you could brief the families' lawyers on the 28 pages if you felt they shouldn't be released to the public. >> you could put a date certain, three years down the road we will release these 28 pages. and anyone who is in harm's way, the intelligence department. >> that's the first step. >> you have to examine and do that analysis first. dana said whether there's still assets that could be compromised. >> once you have cleared that, this is no longer a threat. you've removed one of the road blocks to be able to release the information all of it contained in there and it goes steps two and three. >> getting wrapped next. hear hillary clinton essentially admit she was pandering to black voters during an interview in new york yesterday. "the five" returns in a minute.
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nothing unleashes power... quite like the human foot. introducing the 255 horsepower lexus is 300 all-wheel-drive. with twenty-five percent more base horsepower. once driven, there's no going back.
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with hillary clinton attempting to score points with black voters before today's primary in new york, was this answer on a hip hop radio show. >> what's something that you always carry with you?
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>> hot sauce. >> really? >> yeah. >> really? >> yeah. >> hot sauce in my bag swag? >> hot sauce. >> i want you to know, people are going to see this and say she's pandering to black people. >> okay. is it working? >> kind of admitted it and donald trump hit her on it. >> is that an authentic answer, donald trump? >> no, it's the same thing she always does, she carries hot sauce, like i carry hot sauce. i don't know, it's so phony and so pandering and so -- terrible. >> all right. eric. i know you're up -- what are you on the trump talking points, calling her crooked? i know you're up in arms about this. back in 2008, a staffer admitted that she always had had habanero with her. >> she never went to her purse.
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>> just saying. >> is this much to do about nothing? >> i say -- i like green tabasco. am i pandering to anybody? i think -- i think it was cute. i don't see any problem with it. >> maybe i'm naive, but kimberly, i've never heard of hot sauce being a thing that panders to the black community. i didn't know that was a thing. >> you came to the puerto rican woman. >> i'm back to you. >> i think she was trying to be humorous and have some personality. she's like on the on the cool, popular radio show, trying to connect with people and be warn, be spicy, be saucy? i don't know, if it worked for her, she's going to be never as hip and cool as bernie. >> isn't that the problem, that you have somebody who is like a grandma trying to be cool like the cool kids. >> as much as i'd love to hit her on this. i can't. she had hot sauce back in the '90s in the white house.
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she loves her hot sauce and her pepper, she's talked about it. and at least you know, her problem, she sounds like she's pandering even when she telling the truth. but everybody panders. at least the object that she holds, she actually uses, unlike some other people who pander. >> i don't know what that means. >> that is really weird. >> bibles. >> bibles? >> there's a lot of pandering with the evangelicals, and we don't seem to mind that. >> good point. >> thank you. >> excellent reporting. i did win, but i didn't rub it in. >> is it true that steve harvey has been your inspiration? >> steve harvey? >> i think steve looks pretty sharp. i went to michelle obama's birthday party and beyonce performed. and it was so amazing. i went to her for the children's defense fund and that was
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started by one of my mentors and great friends, a woman named marion wright edelman, the first african-american woman to pass the mississippi bar. a friend of dr. king's. white people have to recognize there's systemic racism. >> this is what i want to say, she doesn't need to pander to the african-americans. because she wins that vote by like 91%. so she's got that. >> if there's any pandering that needs to be done. it's by bernie sanders. >> i feel like we also kind of know her. i don't understand where this is coming from. >> from the black community. not from us and not from trump. there was a big uproar amongst the black community saying i can't believe i'm done with her. >> over this? >> over this. >> >> yes. >> wait, i'm sorry. >> they were looking for a way out of the relationship. >> here's my -- dirty socks on the floor, i got it. >> i had know the hot sauce was a thing in the black community,
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you live and learn. one more thing is up next.
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wrely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you it's a wild one, never a dull moment. with a special guest that you will see beneath me here. >> maybe dana. >> we try to put jasper in a
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stool, but it didn't work at all. i'm sure we have good videos of that. jasper is back from a trip in south carolina. can you say hi to everybody. even more good news comes out. jasper helped me promote the paperback. there's new material, new chapter on george w. bush and working behind the scenes with him and also some more mentoring advice. so if you can pick it up, that would be great and we'll try to get jasper a better shot of him. >> he's got the cutest bow tie on, ever. and pete certificate giving him commands. >> eric, what you got for us? >> want to make sure you keep it on fox all night. big, powerful line-up in new york on primary night. 6:00, special rort, bret baier kicks it off, greta sust ren. and greg, are you on o'reilly?
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>> yes. >> and megyn kelly. brit hume. dana you're on "special report" at 6:00. >> special election coverage. julie and i are on it together. >> and hannity is live from trump tower and 11:00, stick around, megyn kelly and bret baier for two more hours, i'll be watching it right at home. >> outside. >> greg, just keeps smiling. >> so yeah, this. where am i looking? >>? barcelona, they had the international tennis ball boy championships. a very intricate kind of competition. please go ahead and roll it without me setting it up. thank you very much. this is what happens. they test the ball boys, right? usually it's -- >> oh. they try to pretend it didn't happen. if you notice he got a very dirty look. and what happens is he was immediately disqualified and he was placed under arrest. and he went to ball boy prison,
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which is in barcelona. or bark-lona. any, now the kid's fine. >> you're going to get emails. >> do you feel bad they're making fun of a 10-year-old kid on national television? >> probably injured himself. >> he was raised so well. >> more mortified. >> the final sewed with a ball boy. >> also i guess now, look at jasper is behaving so well. i want to put him in instead of greg. >> what about those kibbles i gave him. >> want to say thank you of everybody who showed up last night for my magazine cover party. apartment 25-a magazine. tons of fun. look at all the fox news ladies there. i want to thank again christopher, the editor in chief and the the publisher. cam, the photographer, a big thank you to nelson braff the
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hunt and fish club, including the manager, mark list. a great place that we love here at fox. thank you all for coming, my co-hosts, we were out in different quarters of the room. some of the pictures we can't -- that picture is only for you and me. holding dana. and greta, tonight as bowling said, i'll be over there joining here in times square, momentarily. we all set? julie. >> so i don't know if everybody saw this. but a little while ago, johnny depp's wife, amber heard, tried to sneak their dogs into australia. i'm not sure what happened, but yadda yadda yadda, this video was the result of their punishment. >> australians are wonderful island. with a treasure trove of unique plants, animals and people. >> it has to be protected. >> and i'm truly sore are i that pistol and boo were not declared. protecting australia is important. >> declare everything when you
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enter australia. >> is that real? >> johnny depp is turning into ray liotta. >> he's finally hitting his age. >> is that real? >> they smuggled their dogs into australia. and they got caught. >> he needs today's "new york times" to show the hostage videos. >> that was very creepy. >> hey, jasper. and the worst part of this by the way is that the guy who made them do this in australia, the australian d proceeded to go on twitter and mock them mercilessly. >> it was clear that johnny had a drink. he was under duress. >> if you're wealthy, can't you just get your dogs, you do your paperwork, you get your dogs in, right? >> i think they should have hired actors to make the apology. >> that's what this guy said, the deputy prime minister said johnny depp is good at playing everybody except johnny depp.
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>> what do you think, it was fun doing the show. >> set your dvrs, never miss an episode of "the five." "special report" is next. we are coming to you tonight from america's election headquarters, here in new york city. for fox news coverage of the new york presidential primary. this is a fox news alert. the city that's the entertainment, media and financial capital of the world is also the political capital. as front-runners donald trump and hillary clinton try to solidify their standings and beat back challenges from the runner-up in the new york primary. ed henry here in new york with hillary clinton seeking a big win in her adopted home state. carl cameron at trump tower where the question is not whether trump will


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