tv Happening Now FOX News April 20, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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we have to show up every wednesday. have a good day everybody. should we send it back early? bill: we can do that. martha: will we tell one more story? we will tell that story tomorrow. happening now starts right now. jon: we thought about it too long, this is not early. heather: you have your tie on, you are ready to go. jon: i hope you are ready to. donald trump crushing the competition in new york, , notching his biggest win yet, only far ahead of his rivals in the delegate count.welcome to happening now, i'm jon scott p7 i'm heather, in for jenna lee. trump winning his home state in a landslide last night with more than 60 percent of the vote. john kasich coming in second with 25 percent and ted cruz distant third. the candidates are set to look ahead to next week's contest
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with five northern states and eastern states from the mid-atlantic up for grabs and that could put trump even closer to clinching the nomination. jon: let's go to correspondent john roberts live in philadelphia with more on all that. john? reporter: good morning. we will be here a week from yesterday, the 26. more than five states including connecticut, maryland, rhode island and delaware. the most important thing about last night for donald trump is it turned the narrative around. we talked about this idea of winning creating its own momentum and trump now hopes his campaign will be like a snowball rolling downhill as we head toward the remaining 15 contests in this primary fight. donald trump now only need 53 percent of the remaining delegates to clinch and after last nights when there's an increasing belief among some people in the party that he will win it on the first ballot at the convention. for his part last night, donald trump was sounding confident.
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>> we don't have much of a race anymore based on what i'm seeing on television. senator cruz is just about mathematically eliminated. [applause] and we won another state. as you know, we have one millions more votes than senator cruz. millions and millions more votes than governor kasich. reporter: but his opponents are not giving up. john kasich's campaign sending out a message saying quote, the next seven days areabsolutely critical. it's now or never to stop trump and save the republican party. lastight , cruz ignore the records the launches campaign in the final stretch, a speech that was less about red meat and more about vision. >> america has always been best when she is lying down with her back on the mat and the crowd has given the final count. it is time for us as a nation to get up.
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to shake it off and be who we were destined to be. reporter: a bit of a different ted cruz than we normally see on the campaign trail. less the firebrand, more the visionary, trying to model himself in the role of ronald reagan or john f. kennedy but we also saw a different donald trump last night. you note that in the soundbite he played, he called and senator cruz, not lying ted cruz. he also called him governor john kasich. is this the result of his team in dc say you've got to be more presidential. you've got to win the hearts and minds of voters. it can't be my way or the highway if you want to win this thing before the convention. john? jon: donald trump the grown-up we've been hearing from. john robert, thank you. in the meantime on the democratic side, hillary clinton also winning decisively
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in her adopted home state, picking up 50 percent 58 percent in new york and 135 of the 247 delegates. our next guest says the results forced bernie sanders to make a difficult decision with the next tuesday's contest looking though better for him than new york. he faces increasing pressure to drop out. senior politics writer for u.s. news and world report, there are no signs that any kind of a dropout decision might be imminent from the vermont senator. how do you read what he, what faces him after last night? >> look, if you would have made new york a competitive race, 80 only lost to hillary clinton by two, five points, that would have given him marching orders to go on to these other northeastern states and say hey, we're going to make inroads in pennsylvania and maryland and connecticut. but the fact that he got walloped last night and walloped pretty much with the demographics that he needs to do better with, needs to show improvement with. latinos, african americans and women, the core of the
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democratic base, that makes it a lot tougher for him to make an argument, rationale to soldier on. his campaign has been saying we're going to go all the way to california. all the way to june and fight it at the convention but now he's facing the question of where can he win to make that rationale palatable going forward? jon: if you are bernie sanders you on what, eight out of the nine previous contest? yes, he loses new york which is a big price but he had a lot of momentum going into last night he did but what we are seeing is there hasn't been a lot of momentum on either side that's been carried over from the previous victory and frankly, a lot of sanders wins have been in smaller states. they been in caucus states with fewer voters where the electorate is wider and the clinton campaign and democrats would point to their own them and say it is impossible for him to catch up. he is now talking about winning over superdelegates.
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basically coming back in some of these states, winning in a couple places but then being dependent on superdelegates which he had been critical of before to put him over the top against hillary clinton. it is a hard argument for him to make and i think you will see in the days and weeks where senator sanders not only continues his campaign but where does he focus his message? is he as personable and talk on hillary clinton as he has been in the past two weeks or does he drawback and focus on his issues only and his movement? >>. jon: what about on the republican side? we heard a different tone from ted cruz last night. is that an acknowledgment that victory is beyond his grasp at this point or is it something else question mark. >> i don't think it's an acknowledgment of that. i was just struck by cruz tone last night in philadelphia looking ahead to the next series of states in the northeast where he does need to
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do well against trump. this was cruz invoking jfk, ronald reagan and bernie sanders. he saying hey, i'm an outsider to just like bernie sanders. we are both fighting the system. come with me, join with me and unify to save the republican party. cruz has basically thrown out his earlier script. you go back six months, he was talking about fighting the establishment, washington cartel. how everyone in washington includingrepublicans were lined up against him. now he's trying to look more statesmanlike . these are the trump and its coming as unifier. it is a new, different tone from cruz and i think it's going to be fascinating to see if he continues with that to try to defeat trump in these next series of primaries over the next week. jon: it's looking an awful lot like the two people on the democratic primary, hillary clinton and donald trump, are going to bethe nominees of their respective parties . in all the: we've seen so far,
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donald trump loses to hillary and loses badly. can he turn that around? he can certainly turn it around. there are lots of examples in history where you had a one candidate down by double digits. frankly aslate as summer then turning it around. world events happen . things change. you can't predict what's going to happen once you get in the campaign and i think everyone would agree, even his detractors would agree that donald trump has thrown a lot of wildcards and defined a lot of skeptics during this presidential race so hillary clinton will be the front-runner going into the general election contest but i think he is a wildcard that will make some democrats nervous once that campaign is engaged. jon: fascinating campaign season, david e, thank you for sharing your insights. heather: right now president obama in saudi arabia where he wrapped up a meeting with king song on. the president is planning to discuss broader counterterrorism efforts against isis.
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that trip is also meant to repair strained relations over the iran nuclear deal as well as a new bill in congress that could allow lawsuits against that kingdom i 9/11 family members. let's check in with kevin corky who is live in riyadh. but does the president plan to discuss those documents in the meeting with the king question mark that's a great question and here's the thing. you never know exactly how the conversation will play out. if it's something that will happen in passing but it's a good bet that it has, in the topic at least broadly speaking in the topic of conversation because it has been all over the saudi kingdom. it's fair to say that security in syria to say the least, the 911 congressional report will be probably among the major things please people will be talking about as a president leaves after a relatively brief visit to the saudi kingdom. this is believer not his fourth visit and i think there's no question it is his most complicated because as you pointed out previously, the president comes here on it rising tensions between washington and rihanna over a
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host of issues and we've been talking about that link through the day. the meetingyou discussed earlier, the president and saudi king solomon , it lasted a couple hours, and then talking security cooperation and the growing threat of iran that had us officials looking to reassure the saudi's and other goal partners that they can in fact count on us support. >> in iran i noted that united states shares with our dc partners the view that even as the nuclear court verifiably prevents theran from obtaining a nuclear weapon , there are many more issues to be concerned with regarding iran's behavior in the region. >> you better believe iran did not miss a beat in trying to take advantage of the apparent writ between these longtime allies. the supreme leader of that country taking to twitter. let me show you what he had to say. powerful presence of the republican region boils their
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plot for forming the new middle east. he went on to say there is an intangible war going on between the islamic republic and the us and designers. there you have i the yet to be released 28 pages of that congressional 9/11 report continues to reverberate across the saudi kingdom. the problem is from the white house's perspective is led to legislation we talked about which good find responsible or hold accountable foreign governments that are said to have sponsored acts of terror that could presumably include the saudi's if that is part of the subject in those 28 pages that we have not seen. they remain classified. white house said you have to be careful. if there's going to be a release of that paperwork and they went on to say, josh earnest is saying those 28 pages are very delicate. listen to what he had to say about that yesterday. >> intelligence community understands what is necessary to protect the american public. they also understand that there is a legitimate public interest
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in more of this information being made public if it can be and that's the question they are working through right now as it relates to these materials. >> so it's a national security issue. when will the 28 pages be released? we don't know but it's a good bet it's come up in conversation during the present time here in riyadh. martha: great to see you, have a terrific trip. jon: new information on the suspect in the arizona freeway shootings last summer. leslie merritt junior is out of jail now. he was arrested in september you may recall after police found a gun linked to four of the 11 shootings. but additional tests revealed the original bullet fragments could not have come from merits gun. correspondent jonathan hunt live in los angeles with more on that.
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reporter: it's a stunning turnaround for leslie merritt junior has who has spent seven months in jail since being arrested for that stream of shootings that took place along the phoenix area freeways and terrified drivers there. there were 11 shootings in all. leslie merritt is the only suspect ever id by cops from the moment he was arrested he's maintained his innocence and import, merits attorney told a judge prosecutors main evidence against him, and alleged link between the shootings and the gun once owned by merritt has simply fallen apart. >> potentially the only evidence was the link between the gun pond by mister merritt and the bullets. the state own expert now says the identification or match thatdds made is not exist or did so with all due respect your honor, mister merritt , there's no evidence against him to show that he's responsible for this. reporter: after that lead, the judge refused merits failed to
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zero and he was released. he says he wants to get home and be with his kids but it's not over for him yet. merritt phil faces a potential trial at this stage and he has to wear an ankle monitoring bracelet but the prosecution case against him certainly seems weaker than it was 24 hours ago. and john, if merritt was not the arizona freeway shooter then the people who drive those freeways are going to want to know pretty quickly who was, where that person is right now and why he or she has not been arrested. john? jon: such a frightening case and it's not over yet apparently.jonathan hunt, thank you. heather: a non-fighting a dui charges about to learn her fate. will the so-called ambien defense work in her favor? tell you about that plus, the death toll rising from those floods in houston texas after historic rainfall domain residents out of their homes. we want to hear from you. with hillary clinton's video
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jon: right now, crime stories we are following. family and friends of a missing virginia firefighter gathering tonight for a prayer vigil. 31-year-old nicole mittendorff was reported missing friday. two days after her family last heard from her. officials found her car on saturday in a parking lot in shenandoah national park. to washington state brothers suspected of killing a couple may be heading for mexico. police found a car driven by john and tony reed in phoenix. the two men who are considered dangerous are wanted in the disappearance of john reid's former neighbor. the brothers surveillance video exposing and if you be belonging to the couple. they were last seen a week ago.
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a philadelphia non- is awaiting her fate in a dui case. kimberly miller claims she was driving when she had an accident in new jersey in november. her attorney says she has a history of sleepwalking. she testified she took a sleeping pill with a glass of wine and does not remember the crash. police say at the time of the accident, her blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit. heather: box weather alert. seven people now confirmed the dead from flooding in the houston texas area. much of that city is still underwater today. more than a foot of rain drenching the region in less than a day. and it has caused massive damage they are. no rain at the moment but flood warnings are still in effect. let's check in with maria molina live in the fox weather center. how are things looking today? >> it looks like we could be seeing more rainfall across
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southeastern texas where we have flooding on going and i want to share with you some of these reported rainfall totals because they are sound. many of these areas become more than a foot of rain in a short period of time once produced the flooding. taking a look at radar you can see we have storms on the way to houston and some of the areas that have experienced flooding north and west of that city are already dealing with that rain right now. where expecting to see several more inches of rainfall across the region. not only across the houston area but parts of louisiana. some areas could see potentially or to six inches of rain locally, even higher amounts and parts of texas, the same goes for you as the storm continues across this unsettled region over the next few days producing more heavy rain so we do have a number of watches in fx across texas. also louisiana and park of arkansas. even farther north across oklahoma and texas, we had a threat for more flooding so a big concern out there.
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the other threat aside from flooding is severe weather and that will be in place through the day today. we are looking at the risk for hail and even isolated tornadoes with some of these under storms that develop later today. the tornado threat isolated across this region in texas, to the west of wichita falls and taking a look at radar you can see we have one batch of rain moves through and another pass develops, bringing in more rain yet again across parts of texas. heather: they had such a tough winter and spring. i hope everybody is staying safe there. maria, thank you very much be on donald trump and hillary clinton both winning big in new york but what did we learn from the voters and how could impact the general election? plus, a defendant who went to middle school with the judge on his case. what happened after his nearly 10 month jail sentence? we've got the update next. >> he's a nice kid from middle school. i used to play football with him. ♪
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heather: welcome back. new information on the burglary suspect who learn in court he actually attended middle school with the judge who was hearing his case. watch this. >> mister booth, i have a question for you. >> yes ma'am. >> do you go to nautilus middle school? >> oh my goodness. >> i always wondered what happened to you, sir. >> oh my goodness. >> he was such a nice kid from middle school. >> oh my goodness. heather: can you imagine how heartbreaking that would be not just for her before him? they were friends in middle school and this story ends nicely. 10 months after her his ear and they were reunited when booth was released from jail after serving his sentence. the judge stood by along with's family to greet him as he got
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out of jail. she told him to take care of his family, take care of his job and get clean. he said you'd better believe it and he said the judge will now be his inspiration and motivation. fascinating. one went one way and the other went the other way and hopefully they can back on track. they were close friends in middle school, yes. jon: voters in new york not only gave big wins to donald trump and hillary clinton, they also provided information about the nomination battle and the general election and had in the form of very interesting exit polls. joining us now, hogan gidley, former communications director for huckabee for president and simon rosenberg, democratic strategist, president and founder of nbn and a former campaign advisor to bill clinton. welcome to both of you. >> thank you. jon: can you first simon, was the democratic race more of a blowout than you expected or did you think hillary could run it? >> i think it was much more of a blowout than anybody expected.
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certainly i think both the clinton and sanders campaigns were surprised by the margin. it was a big night for hillary clinton and our race is getting much closer to being over. it's not over yet, our primary system goes through june and we don't and a basketball game or half-time or a baseball game after the seventh inning, wegot to let voters vote but we are getting closer now to having our nominee . jon: hogan, what about the republican race? there were some thinking that donald trump might be held below 50 percent. instead he got 60. >> absolutely enormous win for donald trump. he did an amazing job. it is his home state but what this does is muddies the water so the two that didn't do well in new york, kasich and cruz,
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ted cruz has basicallybeen seeing his slogan has been look, i'm the only one. get it down to two and we can take this thing. kasich is mathematically eliminated from winning this out right in primaries. what happens? now take cruises eliminated mathematically as well so it's going to be interesting to see. kid crews can't win this but he can stop donald trump . they are making a play for the convention and polls show 72 percent of people believe the person who enters the convention with the most votes should be the nominee and if they tried to take that from donald trump at this point it is absolutely going to be chaos.jon: the two parties obviously are, well, they have different governing philosophies but the members of the two parties are looking for something different when it comes to their presidential candidates. among new york republicans, hogan, it's if no candidate wins the majority the feeling is that okay, i'm sorry. i'm mixing up my poll screens here. that's what we call it when we put these things on the screen. they prefer the next president, republicans, the a political outsider. 85 percent like trump, nine percent like cruz and six percent like kasich. on the democratic side, if we can get that one on the screen,
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democrats want their next candidate to be somebody who has the right experience so hillary clinton gets 91 percent of the boat there and ernie sanders with six percent. it sounds like the two parties are looking for very different things. simon? i think part of this has to do with the fact that i know i'm what i'm about to say is not going to be agreed upon by many watching this network but the democrats have done a good job when they had the presidency. the economy has grown, we've seen the deficit go down. there's less anger toward our establishment in the democratic party because our establishment has done a good job when we been in power. that's simply not true of the republican establishment. they had to largely failed presidencies and so i think there's a desire on the republican side, not only in losing presidential elections but there's been disappointment in their presidents.
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they want something different and i think that's part of what's generating the difference in this sentiment toward the establishment in the two parties. jon: i suspect hogan is going to dispute what you just said that's absolutely ridiculous but let's talk about the polls. most of those polls are in line with the polling from the others primary states we seem to this point. they want an outsider and donald trump, someone with experience in the democratic side. the reason the margins are bigger in this race is because they are hometown folks. trump is from new york, hillary clinton is from new york so those gaps we've seen in primary states are going to be bigger here. it's just the home cooking if you will for the folks that they love and no. on the point of democrats versus the republican presidencies, let's be honest. the disparity between hass and have-nots as only grown under president obama. women, latinos, for to put him in office are making less. youstill have jobs hemorrhaging to other companies . we are not respected but we are not like and sure not feared
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with our international players as well. isis is on the move, making advances. members of the obama white house are saying they had to cook the books a little bit to pretend as though we are doing better against terrorism so let's calm down on the whole democrats do better when they are in the white house he wants one more interesting thing out of the exit polls from last night. among republicans, when asked who do you think should win the nomination? whoever gets the most votes or whomever, if nobody goes into the convention with 1237, whoever the delegates best. 68 percent say the person with the most votes, almost certainly donald trump, should get the nomination. hogan, what do you think? >> it's not so much about the delegates. donald trump has said i can win with votes. ted cruz is saying i can win with delegates. donald trump had a bad month but he's now in the advanced position and can become successful again by pointing out thefact the system looks really .
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these rules have been in place for a long time but the problem is the optics appear if it's stripped away from him there's going to be chaos at the convention. one of the person with the most votes to win the nomination. that just seems fair and if it appears to be unfair is going to get worse and the divide will get deeper be on the computer is about to cut us off. hogan, simon, thank you both. protection
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cuts at intel, the tech giant announcing they are handing out pink slips to 12,000 people or about 11 percent of the workforce, saying a declining market for personal computers is prompting those cuts. our lauren is following this story from our sister network, the foxbusiness network. when it is set to take place? >> this is a lot of jobs heather and it's happening soon. intel hasn't changed with the times fast enough. there are many people who are not upgrading their computers fast enough because they are buying smart phones and tablets and intel makes the trip chips for those devices. they struggle to make the jump to mobile so those 12,000 workers will lose their jobs as a result.
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as for when, all of them will be out of work by the middle of next year so this is relatively soon. intel looking to save money as it transitions to a chipmaker and powers everything from connected devices to the cloud to the internet of things, that's grown, robots, even self driving cars. investors may have thought the job cuts were necessary, that's the reason intel shares are up right now. stocks in general are gaining momentum. stocks are higher at this hour. the dow is about 18,000 for the third day. as in beholding the 1200 level. oil prices are down but tiny stock market selling a big way but we are doing okay in the us. there are some stocks hitting historic highs once again. mcdonald's is one of those stocks. mickey d's is the best performing dow stock in the last year. united health, johnson and johnson are also at lifetime highs. coca-cola shares are fizzling, looking at the biggest drop in a year and a half. customers staying away from soda. i'm sure you don't give it to your boys, heather. heather: they go wacko with that stuff but i think mcdonald's is doing well because i think some of those places have all-you-can-eat french fries deal. >> mark x did you hear the new one, the mac junior ? tiny versions of the big mac, a bigger one and smaller one? heather: have a great day,
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thanks. jon: i like that egg mcmuffin at midnight. a new drug tunnel discovered near san diego. the cross-border tunnel is the third discovered in southern california in the past month. in march, officials found a 415 yard drug tunnel connecting restaurants in mexico to a house in california. william is live in la with more. reporter: there are two new angles to this story. one, the growing competition for the california drug market and new methods and tunnels in areas agents did not expect. let me give you the lay of the land. in the last six months, border agents and federales discovered for tunnels. one connecting mexicali and mexico on the right side and three connecting tijuana and san diego. agents discovered this tunnel on monday connecting a home in
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tijuana under the border fence about 1000 feet to a pallet yard in a warehouse district. this within a mile of that. agents found another tunnel in february containing a huge tunnel in october with 10 tons of marijuana. about 100 miles to the east, agents got to a home under construction in calexico and watched as trucks began to show up barren drugs from the tunnel and began in a restaurant in mexicali under the border about three football fields to a trap door in the living room and after each load, workers there retitled the floor just in case of a raid which is exactly what happened. >> we are finding them faster than we can dig them. we are on top of them before they pop out. even though this tunnel was utilized, we see everything that came through.jon: here's a new angle. agents in yuma recently discovered a drone, this one, being used two very drugs over
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the border fence and also agents there recently stopped two vehicles, each carrying large amounts of both methamphetamine and cocaine self marijuana and coke are common but agents are now seeing more math than ever before and what is unique to that mexicali tunnel, the owners there would rent it out on a daily basis to the highest bidder so it wasn'tdedicated to one cartel. basically showing that california is a very lucrative drug market . jon: incredible the thinking that goes into some of that stuff.william, thank you. heather: isn't that scary for our national security? they say those things are built faster than they can take them down.well, the fourth murder trial now underway for a man, cal harris but why did thejudge just strike testimony from a key witness? we will have our legal panel .
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some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney failure. with trulicity, i click to activate what's within me. if you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a non-insulin option, ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. and click to activate your within. . heather: testimony stricken from the record in cal harasses
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fourth murder trial. the witness a convicted murderer refused to answer questions about harasses alleged jailhouse confession. harris accused of killing his estranged wife michelle in 2001 although her body nor amurder weapon has ever been found. in 2001 michelle harris filed for divorce but the couple continued living in the same house with their four young children . several months later on the morning of september 12, 2001, michelle harris reported missing by her attorney who was contacted by one of michelle's female friends. let's take a look at this timeline . december 2005, calvin harris indicted by a grand jury on one count of second-degree murder in his wife's disappearance. in june 2007 is found guilty of second-degree murder but just after a guilty verdict, new witness comes forward claiming she saw michelle the morning after she was reported missing arguing with another man in the harris family driveway. in july 2009, cal harris
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granted the second trial and found guilty for the second time but the jury verdict overturned for the second time on procedural errors. in may 2015 versus third trial begins but the jury comes back deadlock and a mistrial declared. this thing is not over. harasses fourth trial is now underway. for more on this, let's bring in wendy patrick, trial attorney and prosecutor and dan sure, a former prosecutor. i know folks have been following this case but i can't get my mind around it. or different trials for this case. >> this is heartbreaking. as the wheels of justice continue to serve turn slowly, for trials is unusual normally we like to wrap it up with one file with a verdict . here's what else is plaguing this trial. you talk about procedural error. what happened most recently witness testimony being
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stricken is yet another setback. it's true thewitness was a jailhouse informant as we call them , and credibility counts but also motive matters and that's something brought up by this witness coming in and deciding on the advice of his attorney to take the fifth so the judge in this case because it's a defense trial, there's no jury as to basically engage in selective amnesia. in other words has to do his best to forget this disregard the powerful testimony this witness inferred. heather: let's bring you in on this. there is a bench trial as she mentioned which means the judges totally in charge of determining everything. this person's guilt or innocence. why do you think it went down this way? >> the defense gets to decide whether it's a jury trial or a nonjury trial in the first retrial for a jury trial, the last one was a hung jury and the journey was split so the defense open with one judge the judge will find reasonable doubt and will be swayed by some of the more emotional nature of this case and equip the defendant. it's a calculated risk that may pay off, it may not.
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you heard testimony from this jailhouse informant and then it was stricken because he wouldn't follow throughhis cross-examination but the jury found it more of a problem because they would have already heard it . the judge is more likely to disregard something if they understand the law. heather: as a prosecutor, would you want to bring in this jailhouse testimony of sorts? the allegation is that the husband , mister harris had allegedly said something in jail about how he had killed his wife but the guy was reporting that information has a vested interest in getting out any information because it could reduce his sentence. >> that's exactly the issue but here is the problem. for prosecutors and defense attorneys. jails and prisons are not filled with nuns and choirboys. they are filled with criminals. but in jail often we have powerful testimony in terms of who overhears what. bragging, overhearing things, threats going back and forth so we are forced, referring to both defense attorneys and prosecutors, we are forced to
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call upon jailhouse informants to report what they heard. the issue there, one of the issues, probably the main issue is credibility. what is the motive for somebody wanting to volunteer what they overheard in a jail or a prison? heather: i want to ask you, the prosecution has gone after this case another time and i'm not suggesting you drop it because there's a women was potentially murdered. we should mention nobody has ever been found, no murder weapon has been found but you don't give up. on the other hand, should the prosecution say at some point we are not getting anywhere with this case? >> do they really believe the defendant is guilty and keep pursuing this, they obviously do. the second part is, can they obtain a conviction here. twice they did obtain convictions although they were overturned and there was a hung jury on the third trial so i think it's reasonable for fourth time, if they think he is guilty of murder they should
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pursue it. heather: this is quite a case. if you are the prosecution where'd you go from here? >> i will tell you where you go is you discontinue running along with the evidence you had because you believe in the strength of your case. this case wouldn't be pursued unless the prosecutors believed they could prove it so one of the things for this judge has a big job. the judge basically, the role is going to be to weigh the testimony and disregard what they dropped. heather: let'só, for children here. they are teenagers now, standing by their father but you want some resolution as to what happened to your mom, she was about 35 years old at the time she disappeared. wendy patrick, dan sure, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> thanks, heather. jon: some restaurants are seeing a new breed of clientele of the four-legged variety. where doggie diners are not getting a hard time anymore and where health inspectors are actually behind this plan. >> show me movies with explosions.
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call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. see on wednesday get what's ahead on outnumbered at the top of the hour, sandra and harris, what you have? >> big victories for the frontrunners in new york last night but could what donald trump calls the rig nominating system leave the gop to a contested convention? >> plus as president obama arrives in the middle east, the state department admits it doesn't know if iran is using cash recovered under the nuclear deal to fund terrorism. and a mock college acceptance letter.
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at one of america's top universities, warning students they will be sexually assaulted. who would do this and why? >> all that plus our hashtag one lucky guy on outnumbered top of the hour. jon: we will be watching. thank you. heather: a strong aftershock in ecuador, the 6.1 magnitude quake striking 50 miles off the coast. no immediate reports of damages or injuries. the tremor was the strongest aftershock since the deadly earthquake that killed more than 500 people over the weekend. jon: new info now on your dinner could be a real dog. as georgia becomes the latest state to allow folks to dine with their dogs at restaurants. jonathan is live in atlanta with that. reporter: hashtag one lucky dog. you still have to follow commonsense safety guidelines but now here in georgia i can take my dog daisy out on the restaurant without fear of the dogcatcher or the health inspector. >> we like to take our dog with us everywhere.
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reporter: now max and can dine out with his owners with the blessing of georgiahealth officials. >> we only go to restaurants where we can outside on the patio with our dogs . reporter: the state is one of the growing number to allow what was already taking place under the table. >> this is a practice that was already happening and against the previous code. we were trying to find a way to allow it and do it in a safe manner. reporter: here in georgia, dogs like daisy have to remain on lease and stay in outdoor dining areas. they can have no contact with customer plates and utensils and it's up to individual restaurants to decide whether to allow dogs at all. >> i think it attracts an additional clientele. >>. reporter: chef eric roberts says a dog friendly policy works well for his restaurant in the atlanta suburb of cater. >> there's a lot of greens areas around, one dog walking around so it gives them the opportunity to sit on the patio and enjoy a meal beside her best friend b6 maxes owners would agree. >> i think it's going to work fine as long as the people are more problem than their dog, usually. jon: george's doggie dining timelines are similar to those
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already adopted in california and new york. florida slightly different, it requires the restaurants to obtain a permit on their local government before allowing doggie diners. jon: daisy is going to be living the good life every night. >> she sure is. she's a great dog, well-deserved. jon: good for her. jonathan, thanks. heather: that's so sweet. i was just looking at that sweet little daisy. he looks like my yellow lab. next in the next hour happening now, terror attacks in brussels and paris prompting the feds to step up their game against soft targets in the united states. we tell you what they are doing to protect the homeland. plus, remember this case? the menendez brothers murder case. that is the latest one to be sent to the true product crime treatment on tv. >>
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i could love it on one hand. i'm a mom of a whole bunch dogs but on other hand -- >> would you take yours? >> a yappy dog barking whole time, that would be pretty annoying. they are pretty well-based. >> winston, not so much. see you back here in an hour. >> "outnumbered" starts now. ♪ harris: this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, sandra smith. nationally syndicated radio talk show host meghan mccain. democratic strategist, julie roginsky, she is awake after a long night. today's #oneluckyguy "washington times" columnist charlie hurt. he says he is "outnumbered" but he says he is ready. >> i am. glad to be back. harris: absolutely. big night, we'll get to it. front-runner strike back in the empire state. sound like a new movie. donald trump and hillary clinton bouncing book from their
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