tv Happening Now FOX News April 27, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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defeat terrorists and promote regional stability, not radical change. we need to be clear-sighted about the groups that will never be anything other than enemies. and believe me, we have groups that no matter what you do, they will be the enemy. we have to be smart enough to recognize who those groups are, who those people are. and not help them.
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tackling our common challenges. for instance, discuss how to upgrade nato's outdated mission and structure including migration and islamic terrorism. [applause] i will not hesitate to deploy military force when there is no alternative. but if america fights, it must only fight to win. [applause] i will never send our finest into battle unless necessary. and i mean absolutely necessary. and will only do so if we have a plan for victory with a capital v.
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our goal is peace and prosperity and not war and destruction. the best way to achieve those goals is with a disciplined and deliberate and consistent foreign policy. with president obama and secretary clinton, we've had the exact opposite. a reckless and rudderless and aimless foreign policy. one that has blazed a path of destruction in its wake. after losing thousands of lives and spending trillions of dollars, we are in far worse shape in the middle east than ever, ever, ever i challenge anyone to explain the strategic foreign policy vision of obama/clinton. it has been a complete and total disaster. i will be also prepared to
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deploy america's economic sanctions and resources. and we have to use them with total determination and selectively. our power will be used if others do not play by the rules. in other words, if they don't treat us fairly. our friends and enemies must know if i draw a line in the sand, i will enforce a line in the sand, believe me. however, unlike other candidates for the presidency, war and aggression will not be my first instinct. you cannot have a foreign policy without diplomacy. a super power understands that caution and restraint are really signs of strength. although not in government
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service. i was against the war in iraq saying it would destabilize the middle east. sadly i was correct. and the biggest beneficenceary is iran who is taking over iraq and gaining access to the rich oil reserves. something they wanted to do for decades. and top it off, we have isis. my goal is to establish a foreign policy that will endure several generations and that's why i look and have to look for talented experts with approaches and practical ideas other than surrounding myself with those who have perfect resumes but little to brag about except for responsibility of long history of failed policys and continued losses at war. we have to look to new people.
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[applause] we have to look to new people because many of the old people frankly don't know what they are doing, even though they may look good writing in the new york times or watched on television. finally, i will work for our allies to reinvigorate western allies and institutions. instead of spreading universal values that not everyone wants, we should understand strengthen and promoting western civilization will do more to inspire positive reforms around the world than military interventions. [applause] these are my goals as president. i will seek a foreign policy that all americans, whatever their party can support, so important and in which our
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friends and allies will respect and welcome. the world must know that we don't go abroad in search of enemies. that we are always happy when old enemies become friends and old friends become allies. we want the world to be -- and bring peace to the world. too much destruction out there. too many destructive weapons. power of weaponry is a single biggest problem in the world. to achieve these goals, americans must have confidence in their country and leadership. again, many americans must wonder why our politicians are more interested in defending the border was foreign countries than their own? [applause] americans must know that we are
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putting the american people first again, on trade. [applause] so true. on trade, on immigration, on foreign policy, the jobs, incomes and security of the american worker will always be my first priority. [applause] no country has ever prospered that failed to put its own interest first. both our friends and our enemies put their countries above ours and we while being fair to them, must start doing the same. we will no longer surrender this country or it's people to the false song of globalism. the nation state remains and true state of happiness and harm no.
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i am skeptical of international unions that tie us up and bring america down and will never ever enter, and under my administration, we'll never enter america into any agreement that reduces our ability to control our own affairs. nafta, as an example has been a total disaster for the united states and emptied our states of our manufacturing and our jobs and i've just gotten to see it. i've toured pennsylvania, new york and so many of the states, they have been cleaned out and their manufacturing is gone. never again. i have to say this strongly. never again only the reverse will happen. we'll keep our jobs and bring in new ones and there will be
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consequences for the companies that leave the united states only to exploit it later. they fire the people and take advantage of the united states and there am be consequences for those companies. never again. under a trump administration, no american citizen will ever again feel that their needs come second to the citizens of a foreign country. [applause] i will view as president the world through the clear lens of american interests. i will be america's defender and most loyal champion. we will not apologize for becoming successful again but instead embrace the unique heritage of who we are. the world is most peaceful and
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prosperous when america is strongest. america will continue and continue forever to play the role of peacemaker. we will always help save lives and indeed, humanity itself. but to play that role, we must make america strong again. [applause] and always, always, always, we must make, and we have to look at it from every angle and we have no choice. we must make america respected again. we must make america truly wealthy again. and we must, we have to, and we will make great again. and if we do that, and if we do that? perhaps this century can be the most peaceful and prosperous the
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world has ever, ever known. thank you very much, everybody, i appreciate it. thank you. thank you very much. [applause] thank you. [applause] >> the front running republican candidate for president leaving the stage from the mayflower hotel a few blocks from the white house where he laid out his vision under a trump administration. >> he talked about 45 minutes and we are reviewing a copy. calling america's foreign policy under the current administration a disaster and speaking on teleprompter. >> something that he has not generally done in the past he
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riffed saying we must make america strong and truly wealthy again. how is it playing with voters and received in the foreign policy realm. joining us foreigner white house security staffer. and also ambassador john bolton and senior fellow of the american enterprise. mr. ambassador, let me start with you. i know you are neutral in the race and did not endorse donald trump. did anything in the speech win you over. >> i thought it was a strong and impressive speech. i thought by coming back to the point what should be the load star of america and protecting
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american enter he was on target. and i like the strong american economy and strong presence in the world and analysis of many failings of obama administration's foreign policy was on target and i thought his observations of need to have a strong military to create the structures of deterients were all very strong, too. it was a surprise that he didn't have the campaign didn't have it 6 or 8 months ago. it is a beginning and doesn't cover everything. even though it was 45 minutes long. he joins senator cruz in this debate. senator are cruz made a number of thoughtful speeches on national security before. it was an impressive first statement of his thoughts, not
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all i agree with but now we'll see the debate going forward. >> i know jill, all of the foreign policy has been waiting. >> a lot of anticipation surrounding it. the question was mr. trump come to jesus moment with the establishment and i believe it was. this is the best tone and tenor we heard on the national defense probably for the duration of the campaign. i would have liked to seen it six is or eight months ago, and made me feel better about his prospects as commander in chief. but he brought the substance to the heart of the washington establishment. and that will go a long way to engender good will. >> he didn't shy away from criticizing the obama administration. one line early in the speech that i want to play for you and
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get your reaction. our friends are beginning to think they can't depend on us. we have a president that dislikes our friends and bows to our enemies. something that we have never seen before in the history of our country. >> there is controversy of images of president obama whether he bowed to king of saudi arabia. as an over all statement how do you take that? >> i think he's saying something that republicans said for seven years. our friends can't defend on us and our adversaries don't respect us. and i can give you 20 house and senate members that said the same thing. i agree with his assessment of the obama/clinton foreign policy is a huge set back for the
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united states in the world. it is our declining willingness to protect our own interest that is undercutting our a liiances and structures and deterients and fostering more chaos to the united states. i thought that was down the mainstream of republican foreign policy. >> of all of the things that you heard donald trump wanted to do. some of it lacked specificity. what would be feasible the first thing he could get done as president of the united states. >> one thing he mentioned, and certainly dear to my heart. the restarting of the national missile defense cap blt. under the joeshgs w. bush we got out of the missile treaty so we could begin a national missile
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defense to protect ourselves from states like iran and north korea. and the obama administration, which has never believed in national missile defense, the president himself, and joe biden, and john kerry and hillary clinton gutted that program and leaving innocent citizens vulnerable to blackmail by iran and north korea. that would be a great way to start. >> i think our allies in europe, that would be music to their ears to hear it taking place. >> if he reengages with the parts of the world where the administration has been lacking is the important thing thoo he brought to bear. he shored up for some people who doubted his perspective and
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calling things in question like nuclear alliances and our long- standing traditional a liiance in western europe. it is reassuring. >> some folks doubted his stance on the iran nuke deal. did he calm their concerns? >> i didn't have a text of the speech in front of me, i may have heard this wrong. but it sounded to it me that he did not say he would accept and try to improve it. i heard him say iran will not get nuclear weapons. my view that signing the deal was a mistake. i don't think it can be fixed or renegotiated and i think it should be reputeiated and that
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is senator cruz's position. the deal to say they will not get nuclear weapons. that is a strong statement. >> a statement that caught my ear. reinvigorate western values and spread them around the world. that contrasts with the obama administration who may be practice i am okay, and you are are okay foreign policy. how will that be. time to reinvigorate western values. >> i think it is something that americans need to hear. regardless of what the rest of the world needs to hear, this will be welcome here at home. not just voters but the policy establishment. and one of the biggest criticism he levied against the obama administration is their refusal to acknowledge the economy.
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refusing radical islam to name it. and that goes hand and glove of reasserting western values and what it means to be american and see is all of the things in the international community. >> thank you, jillian turner and ambassador john bolton. thank you for listening to the speech and giving us your expertise as well. >> we'll bring in walid pharses. >> and you liked what he had to say? let's talk specifically about the middle east and his approach to iran and libya. how would trump deal with the iranians right now? >> he just announced that he will restructure the current
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u.s. policy changes with iran by admitting this deal did not work and beyond the deal, iran regime has taken advantage of the deal and they are purchasing weapons and continuing in the aggression in iraq and syria and lebanon and allies in the gulf. and so what you heard today from mr. trump it would be changed and regarding the tension in the region and he spoke about one of which change the the way we address the international relations. he will talk to the russian and make sure on the the ground we have a coalition of friends. we'll not abandon friends one of them israel and then the arab countries. >> there is questions in israel about donald trump's loyalty to the country. how would you describe it?
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>> israelistic is a democratic country. and mr. trump at apac israel is a ally of the united states regardless who is in the white house. israel was not happy with the current white house and he intends on changing this. >> do you have to solve the israeli- palestinian conflict before you make changes in the middle east. >> it is may be changing. it is a product that we can't do anything in the middle east. that problem has to be solved, absolutely, but it looks like mr. trump would like to restructure the foreign policy, and addressing the challenge of iran and getting back ool lies and friends and making sure we
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have the right challenges in iraq and syria we should not be arming the wrong people. and should be destroying isis. there is a whole framework that would make it possible for the israelis and palestinian to talk. hamas has to be dealt with. and the architecture is more complex in the past few years. >> i am heather, i want to ask you about nato, he wants nato nations to pay more than they do right now. how would he go about p doing that? >> first of all, i have heard this discussion in brussels. and the european parliaments talked about how to rebalance among themselves.
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it is it a open subject. and the u.s. president will be committed to nato and make sure they are looking south and southeast and the jihadi threat. and how he would negotiate with the member states especially those wealthier is when he will be in the white house. he will be advised about the realities and right now he is a candidate. he would have to wait for transition. and be be in the white house and meet with allies and then decide the numbers. >> walid, when you talk to him, what is he most passionate about. and what is the one specific thing he is most interested in? >> you would feel the title is what it is. american interests is first. it is not the american elite
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intchlt -- interest. it is the american people. he will put the policy to what the american people want to see upon happening. >> there are other foreign policy advisors to donald trump. did you throw out ideas? how did he assemble the speech he put together? >> this is the only thing that advisors can talk b. he can in the future. but many, many advisors and experts and people you see like ourselves and people in the background. but the final decision is his at the end of the day. walid, a fox military analyst and advising the trump campaign. good to have you on.
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>> donald trump and hillary clinton how closing in on their party's nominations and focusing their attacks on one another and a start of the epic battle. and in texas, a tornado swept through injuring several people. we'll get the latest forecast from the fox extreme weather center when we come back. before earning enough cash back from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. kenny used his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to join the wednesday night league. because he loves to play hoops. not jump through them. that's the excitement of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. hi mom! hi! every mom is a coach...
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and find out how to get the most out of your service. so when you get home, all you have to do is enjoy it. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. >> welcome back, hillary clinton and donald trump crushing rivals today and circling each other mriek a pair of prizefighters. both candidates coming closer to clenching the nomination. trump swept all five east coast by wide margens and hillary
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clinton losing rhode island to bernie sanders. no one is giving up just yet. but indiana could be do-or-die for ted cruz. we'll bring larry. larry, i want to ask you about donald trump's foreign policy speech. i know you caught a bit. people who have not gotten behind a cappedidate. they are saying it was pretty good and giving it high marks and a lot of popullism. how will this resonate with the voters? >> it was a prepared speech. this is important. when is he making the turn to looking and sounding more presidential. using a teleprompter is part of that and having a prepared text. i think that helped him and the statements in the speech were carefully considered. and if you are speaking
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sometimes that is not true. and he has in the entire republican process, he never backed away from the fact he is not for the iraq war. i am sure that doesn't sit well with republicans, but the american people agree with his position. >> and looking at the races yesterday and looking ahead to indiana. real clear politics has donald trump in indiana. >> if he doesn't carry indiana it is not gloom and doom for him. though i doubt he will get the 1237 in the primaries. he will have to work on that to order in the republican convention. it would be easier for him if he won indiana. if ted cruz doesn't have another
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wisconsin or big win in indiana, it is going to take the air out of the cruz campaign's tires. indiana is important more of what it may do to cruz than trump. ntalk about indiana a bit more and how it differs from the state of wisconsin. they had a radio talk show host that played a role. indiana is hardly similar to wisconsin. talk to us about that. >> remember one of the key differences that may make a difference, is that scott walker, the governor of wisconsin really went all out for ted cruz. he endorsed him and campaigned for him and had a massive organization in wisconsin. that was a giant plus for cruz. the governor of mike pence is up for reelection this year and not endorsed at that point. and so that is a problem for cruz in indiana.
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and you have places where trump is bound to do well. southern part of indiana is more like the south of new york. and part trump did well in illinois. cruz has his friends in the indianapolis suburbs. and i tend to think that both candidates have areas of strength and both will do reasonably well. it should be close, but at this point, it is impossible to say who squeaks it out and who doesn't. >> larry, sabatto, thank you. >> and defense secretary ash carter and general dunnsforth appearing before the senate panel as law maker ares consider the next year's budget request. we'll have more on that, doug? >> reporter: jon, this was a chance for secretary carter
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and joint chief to present the budget request. and it raises questions that the present day trouble, the recent buzzing in the baltic sea by the fighter. they took close range passes. dunnforth spoke three times with the russian counterparts that they promised not to make public. but he suggested that the u.s.- russian relationship is damaged. >> it is greater in the cold war because it is brighter. >> whether it is encouraged from the top or higher up or not, i can't say. we expect it to be discouraged from higher up. pilots need to get the word, hey, knock it off. >> reporter: dunn fort talked
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about the aging aircraft and maintenance especially for the marines. >> senator, that is characteristic of the aviation prize. there is not enough ready basic aircraft. >> reporter: it is not just aircraft that are suffering from the deferred maintenance and lack of parts. >> they can't upon meet all of the demands for submarines, correct? >> it is the number of submarines requested today falls less than the inventory we have. >> reporter: things are expected to be more contentious when secretary carter faces off against the senate armed services committee over the lack of the fight against isis. >> thank you very much, doug, in
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washington. >> eastern texas and mississippi sale bracing for thunderstorms and even tornados. take a look. holy. >> holy is right. a fierce lightning strike in st. louis. in kansas, the storm turned roads in to rivers. and then another state, oklahoma, the system unleashing near hurricane force winds and tearing roofs off of buildings and uprooting trees. rick is in our whether center. how is it looking so far? >> it is a powerful storm and worse than today. we have severe weather. six tornados yesterday and large
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hail. and this part of the country has seen so much rain in the last 6 or 12 months that the ground is saterated. this is the storm that we are dealing with. more severe weather threats. none of them reaching severe limits yet. severe threat in the mississippi river valley. and if we see tornados, it would be north of st. louis and the upper mississippi river valley. that is far deminnished to yesterday. that is the future radar and this moves out and we'll turn our sights out the west. there is rain and snow to the four corners and we see it develop especially across texas again all of the flooding over the houston area. and tomorrow, a severe weather
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threat and friday, again, the severe threat. and we'll look at more tornados and may is the biggest month. >> texas had a hard winter and spring as well. we are praying for our friends and hoping that everyone is safe. >> a family in north texas lost their home to a tornado. but realized their dog had given birth and the litter of puppies made it safe and sound. they emerged from the storm and found t mother watching over the pups. easy to give each one a name. >> what a great mom. she was watching and nursing them as well. nuchls out break in harvard
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i am benedict arnold, the infamous traitor. and i know a thing or two about trading. so i trade with e*trade, where true traders trade on a trademarked trade platform that has all the... get off the computer traitor! i won't. (cannon sound) mobility is very important to me. that's why i use e*trade mobile. it's on all my mobile devices, so it suits my mobile lifestyle.
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and it keeps my investments fully mobile... even when i'm on the move... ahhh. ...cleasee ya!ake off. and it keeps my investments fully mobile... when you're living with diabetes. steady is exciting. oh this is living baby! only glucerna has carbsteady, to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and try new glucerna hunger smart to help you feel full. there may be a lot of empty seats in harvard's grauchlthz dozens of students coming down with the mum ps. it causes swell negligent salivary glands. and also the cheeks, and all of the students have had the mumps' vaccine. it is not foolproof. administrators tried to isolate
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the students. and school officials are worried about the outbreak affecting next month's graduation ceremony. >> i hope it is foolproof. >> new questions about ted cruz and john kasich. they announced they would join forces in an attempt to block trump for locking up the gop nomination. look at the current delegate count. trump is getting close with 954 delicates so far. cruz, 562 and kasich 153. trump said it was a bad idea from the beginning. >> i think they have really, really hurt themselves.
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because kasich said rrnt they voting for me in indiana. i thought they made that deal. it is something they can't get it done. >> we'll talk about the way forward. and matthew is a former speech writer for joe biden and a political consultant. so matthew, you are coming from the other party. but what would you say to ted cruz and john kasich about donald trump? >> donald trump is right in this case. and i hate to say it and that foreign policy speech was horrible. and in this case trump is right. it is too late for them to beat trump. they should have tried to do it months ago. as far as i am concerned trump
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is the republican nominee and shows how incompetent upon the cruz campaign has turned out to be. it is way too late. >> meredez, let's get your take. is it too late for them allied or not to stop donald trump. >> the kasich/cruz, is like a shotgun wedding and lasted maybe 24 hours. the best for cruz is kasich to get out of the race before indiana and gives cruz a fighting chance to be in a tight race for donald trump. when all three of them are running in indiana, cruz and trump are eight percentage points away. if it was a two man raise it narrows it town to two percent. the only way for a path for cruz to fight against trump, is
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kasich to bow out. >> that sounds like wishful thinking. kasich gave no indication of getting out of the race. >> right. >> and so far, kasich hasn't said he would dropout and the republicans have show kasich is the best general election candidate on the republican side. and kasich wants to get to the convention and think he will get pickedas nominee. i agree that kasich should dropout. i agreement >> and we are running polls in the voters exit polls like pennsylvania, two-thirds said they said who ever comes in to the republican convention with the most delegates ought to be awarded the nomination and that seems to be ted cruz, i am sorry donald trump and the 1237 major
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number. >> that's right, the party made it chlor the rules are the rules. and now, i can tell you, jon. he's about 50 delegates short, i could see how the trump campaign has enough of a reason to court the delegates and this is why the trump campaign has to walk a fine line. they could be critical of the republican party and rnc and system is working, but at the same is time he needs the delegates in the critical moment to win the first ballot. he will need them if he is nominee. those are the people making the phone calls and it is part of what he needs for his ground game going into a general election. >> we'll go back to trump, i am sorry, kasich/cruz aliance. and trump gets fodder out of the
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fact that two guys in political office got together to try to deny him the nomination. >> you know, i hate to agree with mercedez and donald trump so much. >> twice in one day. >> i really do. but they are right. in this case, donald trump is right. they are colluding against him and late in the game and what mercedez said if he comes close to the 1237 and 50 delegates short, he will campaign for that 50 more and he will get it and get the nomination, and yes, mercedez, you are obviously very smart. >> matt littman on the republican side. >> nice job. >> there is nothing like the home on the sea shore and why corns of the beach house said they are extorted over the sea
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wall that keep the surf at bay. we'll explain. thousands of people came out today to run the race for retirement. so we asked them... are you completely prepared for retirement? okay, mostly prepared? could you save 1% more of your income? it doesn't sound like much, but saving an additional 1% now, could make a big difference over time. i'm going to be even better about saving. you can do it, it helps in the long run.
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donald trump, out lining five problems with america's place in the world. we'll have full analysis from bret baier. and a disturbing new report, showing how many pilots are flying under the influence of drugs. homeowners are fighting over their property. to get building permits, the government is forcing them to sign waivers
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say they wouldn't tamper with the sea walls protecting their land. live in san clemente to explain what is going on. william, why do they want to change the sea wall? >> well, here is what -- state law says homeowner has the right to use a sea wall like this to protect itself from the ocean. now they're saying the homeowners have to waive that right, because it can be bad for the environment. >> obviously it would come and take out the homes. >> not just this home, all 90 mobile homes would be wiped out. >> gone, because the coastal commission doesn't allow protection for new homes. >> they want to see the properties removed and one strategy is to deprive those owners of the right to protect their property over generations, erosion occurs, the property will be gone. >> attorney and permit fees for coastal commission is
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approaching $100,000. >> he moved here in 2001, a 25-year-old mobile home, which today is falling apart. when he tried to replace it way smaller home on the same footprint, the coastal commission agreed provided he never repair, maintain, enhance or reenforce the wall protecting his property. >> it is a taking and whether it is an active taking or passive taking through regulation, the government is taking your property. >> in a statement, the commission said shoreline protections such as sea walls erode beaches and any new structures be built in a way that does not rely on a shoreline protective device. yet the commission approved new sea walls along pacific coast highway, and another project protecting homes in malibu, the difference, new homes are not entitled to a sea wall. >> this is not an issue that we're going to walk away from. this is life and death for this. >> the bottom line, it goes to
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