tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News April 30, 2016 5:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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treasures. that's how the fox reports saturday april 30th. justice with judge ja nine starts right now and i hope to be with you next weekend before i have the baby. >> right now on justice. protest and politics. >> that was not the easiest entrance i made. >> donald trump looks to lock up the hoosier state with a help of a legend. >> this man is not a republican or democrat, but just a great american. >> and rallies in california. we break down the race, the key indiana primary and hits the streets for battle of the sexes. >> is the white house ready for a woman. >> i am a man and i want to see the man in the white house.
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>> justice starts now. >> breaking tonight. republicans in california meet it hear from candidates as the washington elite gather for laughs in the nation's capitol. i am judge janine pirro. thank you for being with us. a live look at the washington heldon. and president obama will speak later and the comedian larry wilmore. we'll bring you those speeches live. and first, republican presidential candidate ted cruz addressed delegates today after angry protest against donald trump marred the last few days. fox news john roberts is in california with more, john? >> reporter: judge, good evening to you and what
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a difference a day makes. not a protestor to be seen. and that's as far as we looked. and it was because there was no one calling for protest today. it is not like people come out to the republican convention and come here and protest. it was a function of donald trump's appearance and a pro professional coalition that has offices. urged people to come out. they werepeaceful. there was a few people arrested yesterday. but there were no real violence. but they broke through the barricades and trying to block off the front entrance of the hotel and they forced donald trump to get off on the 101 freeway and come through a fence that was taken down and up an
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embankment and in the back door. i walked that earlier today and we did a live broadcast. it was an easy way to get in the hotel and unconventional for a presidential candidate and the real protest happen in coasta mesa. rocks were thrown and police cars were smashed up and graffiti written or painted on them and they were protest organized by the democratic party of orange county and young democrats of orange county. and to their credit they said on the facebook invitation. this is a nonviolent protest. we don't want them blocking out the intersections. but clearly, judge, something got out of hand and 20 people were arrested that night. it was disrupted and viulent.
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>> john, is that where they tryed to tip over a police car and jumping on the hood of the police car? >> reporter: they were rocking the police car. i don't know if they were trying to flip it over. one fellow jumped on top of the police car. and the windows were smashed and someone wrote with a graffiti. and they were not trump supporters who were doing that. that was the protestors doing that. one plom had been hit on the head but he had a helmet on. and the democratic party asked for a peaceful demonstration in coasta mesa. it got out of hand. and orange county is a bastion of the republican party and why here in san francisco, hardly considered a bast pion of
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conservativism and we saw the protestors come out yesterday and answering the call from the answer coalition. >> i understand, john, there are predictions that there will be more protest in the donald trump rallies, and that you know, their intent to block traffic and break down a barricade. and that there's going to be more of that. they said that openly but not as it relates to kasich and cruz? >> reporter: well, i was at a cruz event in the hoosier gym east of indianapolis on tuesday night and there was a protest iter and he shouted out you are a canadian and not eligible to be president. and that's the extent. and we haven't seen a person protest in kasich. yet donald trump, no question about it because the type of candidate and polarizing candidate. he is drawing protest.
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and in california, where there is no short amg of democrats, we expect it to be the tip of the iceberg in terms of protest. and you have the answer coalition and democratic party and you will see protest of donald trump. >> and democrat party to know that the threat is trump and not the other guys. thank you for being with us. ted cruz, in the indiana contest it is make or break. as donald trump keeps wracking up the primary wins. so howar the candidates stacking up in the most important state right now, the hooser state. good evening, chairman. >> great to be with you, judge. >> now, i understand mr. chairman that you are trying to
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stay neutral as it relates to cruz or trump or kasich. and by the way have you seen kasich in indiana? >> he has visited our state once earlier last week. he was here for a private fundraiser. >> so he did come in the state contrary to the alliance. you will not tell us who you support. but you can tell us where the energy is in indiana? >> there is energy all across our state. it is exciting time. not in my lifetime have i seen so much excitement for a primary election. right now, from the reports from the secretary of state's office. we have 206 percent increase in early voting over 2012. the excitement is incredible. and the camps are criss-crossing our state. >> who is the excitement for?
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for trump or cruz? >> well, it's really both of them are drawing huge crowds. mr. trump had a very exciting campaign in evansville, indiana and 12000 people who came. >> have you seen that many for cruz? >> i have not. >> that kind of answers the question. i have a lot of questions to ask you mr. chairman. talk about kasich and cruz a liiance where ted cruz said kasich will make the decision to drop out of indiana. you say he was there last week. and you know, did that kind of make any sense to people in indiana. did it back fire or people think it is collusion. what is the word on the street, mr. chairman? >> i think people like to meet the candidate eye to eye. and the person that spends time
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on the grourngsd cruz campaign or mr. trump, kasich is missing an opportunity here in the great state of indiana, when he is not meeting with the hoosiers. >> i know everybody wants to meet the candidates, but what about the a liiance where they are devying up the electorate as though they know more about the electorate than the electorate? any back firing on that? >> i can tell you calls in the office and a lot of people were disappointed that kasich was not taking time in indiana. that was the general gist. >> you are not answering my questions about whether or not people acted. you take those folks in indiana and i will take new mexico. big, big state. indiana has a huge role and not usually the case. usually it is decided before you get to indiana.
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mike pence who gave a lukewarm endorsement and i bet you were not impressed and boeb comboit who gaves an endorsement to donald trump. which one swayed more of the hoosiers. >> i don't think any elected official that wants to compete with a sports legend like bobbi knight. he is well respected and very well liked. what about the fact that mike pence came out? you are the chairman. did you tell mike make an endorsement totally or stop with the wishy-washy. i like trump but probably going to vote for cruz. did you think that that hurt him? >> we did not have that discussion. he want uponed to the let the people who he was voting for.
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and make sure that people knew the election was important historically for indiana and wants to encourage all hoosiers to get out and vote their convictions. >> jeff cardwell, chairman of the indiana republican party. thank you so much. and donald trump got people talking this week, when he accused hillary clinton of playing the woman card. that got critics attacking trump's comments on woman. and my next guest may know about the manner. one of the donald trump employees, lillian legally who is trump golf club manager. >> thank you. >> and how long did you work for donald trump. >> 11 years. >> and you are the manager of the golf course in california, trump national? >> exactly.
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general manager. >> so what you have got is a lot of talk and i am sure you followed the race about donald trump's views on women. as someone who works with donald trump, what are his views relating to women and women in pop cisions of power. you have hundreds of people who work for you? >> absolutely. and you know, it is crazy. i only realize that i am a woman running one of his businesses when somebody bring its to me. it is not the woman card. he wants leaders and male and female doesn't matter. being an executive is a part of the organization. he treats me equally and he's tough and i wouldn't want it any other way. >> people say he talks town to women or a what about the other
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women? you hear complaints about that at all? >> not one with. we love the fact that he is tough and it is it never about him treating us differently or in a certain way. it is never a situation along those lines at all. it is frustrating for me hearing people say that on tv. i have firsthand experience with him 11 years and that should say enough. >> in terms of your experience, well, of course, she works for him. and she gets her pay from him. what do you say to those people who say we can't expect her to be objective. what would you say to them. >> judge, it is simple. i don't have to be on your show ciaing anything. the fact that i worked for him 11 years and counting speaks volumes. >> what about when you first applied for the job. what was the interview like, lilly? >> it is it a great story, my
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parents had done the flowers for the facility in 2003. he asked who are you. y i said i am hank's daughter. he said i want you to work here. it was the greatest opportunity in the world. and i interviewed with the general manager and got the job and since 2005, it was an upward staircase to the top. and you have to prove yourself and not sit back and glide through the business. you have to prove yourself and since 2005, i have proven myself throughout the years and achieving a lot. he is a mentor to me. and impossible is not something he says. he said you can make us proud and you achieve something in the organization he will say i am proud of you. and really that is my experience through 11 years. >> what did he see in you,
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lilly. almost like a apprentice situation. what was it about you. >> he has great instincts. and i think he understood that i love to work. obviously i come from a family of entrepreneurs and i think he loved that and talking about the facility, and what he's done. and i was so proud to have trump narnl los angeles as literally my backyard. and it is it fantastic working for him. >> lilly, thank you for sharing the insights and being with us tonight. >> my pleasure, thank you. >> and a tough week for governor p kasich as donald trump sweeps the east. what is kasich still doing in the race? joining me is the advisor to the john kasich campaign and former
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congressman bob walker. how are you, congressman? >> nice to be here. >> nice to talk to you. >> your strategy is to convince voters that john kasich is the guy to beat hillary clinton. do you think your strategy is working? >> i do all across the country in poll after poll, john kasich shows up as the person who can beat hillary clinton. and what we see in all of those polls is that donald trump does not beat hillary clinton nor does ted cruz. in a state like pennsylvania where i am from, we have a poll that shows, john kasich would beat hillary clinton by 16 points and that would mean up and down the ticket, the republicans would benefit. >> this is what we heard from months. john kasich is the guy who can beat hillary clinton. but doesn't he have republicans
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on on his side. he can't win the republicans? >> the fact is, he is one of 17 candidates and he is now one with of three candidates. >> but not winning. >> and well, he won his state of ohio which is a crucial state for republicans to win. we can't win the general election without winning ohio. and the fact is, he's now finishing in second place in a number of the states and we with think the candidacy continues to be one that is emerging and when we get to the convention, in cleveland, delegates there will be interested in who can beat hillary clinton. >> he's counting on the convention. >> i have to ask you. it is cruz/kasich alliance that was botched and bungled alliance. and ted cruz actually comes out.
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john kasich made a decision to withdraw from indiana. i just had the chairman from indiana say that kasich was there this past week for a fundraiser. and then kasich himself said, something like, i never said that. and i never agreed to that. what was the agreement? >> >> the agreement would be expending the resources in various places. and ted cruz would suspend resources in tine dine and john kasich would in new mexico and oregon. there was never a thought they would tell the voters not to vote for them. >> it would help both of them complete in states where they had an opportunity to make an impact.
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>> but doesn't the cruz/kasich alignment robing of politics? a sitting senator and governor saying in a back p rom, away where 52 peacekeepers. and they should for me. if if you are telling the to vote for me. do you get it? >> no body ever said they haven't the two what they vote for. >> we think that kasich will get enforcements. i think people know he can be president of the united states. trump and cruise doesn't have the experience that he has. >> sometimes it can back fire.
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thank you for being with us. snrn and up next, everyone has an opportunity of how the indiana and john bolton is here to talk about danold trump's forepolice plan. and then. you never know which one is on the up and up. street justice. tonight's topic, . stay with us. i could get used to this. now you can, with the luxuriously transformed
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professor from virginia larry sabado. i don't know if people know this. you have an incredible record and i want to say a couple of things here. just so the viewer knows this. in 2008, you correctly predicted barak obama would win the presidency in a land slide. 98 percent of senate and house and governor winners in 2006, 2008, 2010. what is the deal, larry? >> it goes to paying off higher authorities. but you are kind and i appreciate that. but like anybody else in the business. we have had our share of hits and misses. >> yes, and the politicians as well. you think indiana is a horse race; what will happen? >> if you would have asked me
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three weeks ago, i would say cruz would win it. it was a state, it is not as good for him as wisconsin. but then donald trump did extremely well in new york. stomped in pennsylvania, cleaned the clocks of cruz and kasich and the other northeast and mideastern states. it is one of those rare process. it is not favorable to cruz as it was. some things have dpn in his favor >> so let's talk about what didn't go in cruz favor. the cruz/kasich a liiance makes me crazy? >> what a liiance. >> and it is like they are looking down on the little people and say we'll decide.
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>> cruz said kasich is out and kasich said what, i am in it. >> and the cruz/kasich a liiance fella part in ten hours over pancakes, absolutely. and you are right about one thing. there is no question that this plays into donald trump's thome that the establishment is out to get him. you kind of got proof, six hours that the alliance lasted. >> moving on. now you have cruz who announced a vp candidate and not even on track to get nomination and if he does, it would only number the convention and who does that? my understand it was done once and the candidate lost. >> a friend of mine is saying that is like not being in the
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play-offs and announcing the starting line up or team? >> what happened to the secretary of state, secretary of treasury and attorney general. he could have announced his cabinet. i understand what he did it. it doubled the number of people in indiana who can attract loads of media to praise ted cruz and attack donald trump. carly fiorina is his partner. and the down side is, she didn't get many votes in the race. i don't think you can transfer votes you doesn't get and she's not more popular. >> she has one delegate and by the way, there is no question she is smart and articulate and the public star and the public didn't buy it. but more important is, indiana, lost jobs, correct? manufacturing state. correct. >> isn't she the queen of outsourcing and is that going to
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fly in indiana, did they think it true? >> if there are hewlett packard employees who moved to indiana, i am sure they will not be voting for ted cruz or the cruz fiorina ticket. there is a down side there, too. indiana cares about jobs. that tends to be the number one issue at least on the people participating in the republican primary. >> and looking at carly, all of the good things you can say about her lost in california, again that hewlett packard thing is huge out there. was cruz, does cruz just think he can get attention at the end of the day? you know, saying we have a woman to fight with hillary? >> i think that is the base of it. i have a woman who can say
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things about hillary that a man can say. i am not sure that is true anymore. and when carly foil fiorina lost to barbara boxer. she packed up and left. there was a dispute about her not paying her debts to the campaign vendor ares for that senate race in 2010. i don't think there are many votes to transfer there. she is a very sharp person. she was a great debater. and there is a lot of things to say about her, but this is all about votes now. >> you got it. larry sabatto thank you. >> and we'll have our panel and street justice. and the white house correspondents' dinner. take a look at that. stay with us.
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nomination. ted cruz telling shaun hanitty to give him comfort that the primary will be decided by indiana. can ted cruz halt trump's momentum or days away from game over. our republican strategist chuck schummer and chris hanjoin me live. predeclaration, indiana? >> i think it will be a close race. i think cruz will pull it out. odds are out there. it is a big night for ted cruz. if he doesn't win indiana he has major problems in the convention. >> don't you think he hurt himself on the cruz/kasich. he doesn't come across as honest guy. and then saying carson is out.
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and kasich said i never said not to vote for me. >> i think john boehner. i disagree with him. i don't think cruz will. i think the trump numbers are deflated. i think trump will win 5 or 6 points. the polls have it close. we'll find out. there will be other polls. i think theatoid has turned for trump and he said indiana decided the primary. we were talking in the greenroom. florida decide it. he was on the road. >> and indiana is big. ted cruz has to win indiana for him to go forward. this is a huge moment for his campaign. >> gog the democrat. what is with bernie sanders. i do street justice and every time i ask, bernie should stay
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in. >> it is not scientific polls. >> i know. it is new york city. but here's my question, why is he staying in until the last vote is counted. >> it is hard to give up. look at ted cruz. they are going through withdrawal pains. and they have to face reality. ted cruz is picking running mates. it is time for them to come to grips with reality. >> you ever see the movie weekend in bernies? his campaign is dead for a long time and he doesn't know. the reason he picked carly fiorina. she's the only one that said yes. she had nothing else to do. >> she is a smart lady. who would take that job? if it goes to the convention you have to broker the deal and the v, is part of the deal.
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>> what makes sense to me. they didn't like her in california or running for president. what makes them think. >> they don't like him either. >> you are a democrat. >> senator cruz had to do something that was unconventional. he picked a vp early. it did not work in 1996 for president reagan. we'll find out on tuesday. >> president reagan had a strategy in picking the vp candidate. >> i think he wants a woman to be the pit bull against hillary. >> you got to get at hillary first, but he has to beat trump first. >> both parties have healing to do. you can the sanders people saying we'll never vote for hillary. who wins? eople that are
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>> i think trump will have to be careful. he has to change his strategy. he's running a certain type of primary and this general election is different. he will not insult his way to november. he needs how we'll lift people out of poverty and change health care and detailed plans. >> i think everybody knows that. but go ahead. >> it will happen on its own. i have been involved in a lot of campaigns. there is primaries and everybody be is bent out of shape and then the general election. we may not have liked the guy but we don't like the other person p. >> chris, you are right. i have been in poll teches 30 years, but you have the millennials who were never involved in politics and done the healing and disaffected and i never voted. >> it is the lowest
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participation bracket of them all. >> didn't they get obama in? >> no, the obama coalition got them and they were part. but a smart part. and a lot of those people voted for hillary. 40 percent of the hillary voters would not vote for obama and almost all of them did. i expect bernie voters to vote for hillary clinton and all of the cruz voters to support donald trump. >> i am not smart enough to know who will vote for who but it will be interesting. >> we'll see is you both in the next hour and we'll continue this kfrlconversation. and next donald trump's foreign policy speech. john bolton weighs in and street justice, don't deputy away. introducing otezla, apremilast. -- go away.
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>> our foreign policy is a complete and total disaster and no vision, purpose or strategy. president obama weakened our military by weakening our economy. and crippled us with wasteful spending and massive debt and low growth and a huge trade deficit and open borders. >> republican presidential candidate donald trump gave a stroong speech on foreign policy and highlighting what he believes needs to change in order to put america first again. and that is fox news contractor john bolton, good evening, ambassador, what was your take on that speech? >> i thought it was a strong speech. it showed he was prepared to it lay out the broad principles on
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which a trump foreign policy would be based and the most important he centered it on america national interest. and a strong american presence in the world. i thought his analysis of the mistakes and affairs of the obama administration was on target and i wish the campaign would have let him give the speech 6 or 8 months ago. and it was a excellent first step and one of several to follow. >> what is interesting, ambassador, i listened to it and the past few years on the show. you and i agreed on a lot of things as it relates to isis and a feckless foreign policy. this is one we are shoring down the troops here. and yet he got criticism for that. america first. what is wrong with that.
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obviously the historical situation with isolationalist and the antisemitim that pervaded it. john mccain ran a successful group of ads and used the speech country first. it was an excellent approach. and he was not talking about some other country. there might be a better way to it put it in order to not argue with a bumper sticker. but the point that trump made in republican foreign policy speaking, american interest has to be the predominant the president's first job is to keep america save. and the newspaper saying it was
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full of four letter s words. and one of the things that hillary clinton is known as is a hawk whether it is libya or interventionism. and yet when donald trump said we ought to pull this stuff back or stop the nation building and that sounds more democrat than republican, it is like the democrats criticize him. it is not damned if you do or don't. it is we don't like you or care if you agree with us. and they reflected the changes in things. if they determined they don't like donald trump. it doesn't matter what he says. and that is interesting comparisons with the party. take nation building as an example. i never favored nation building.
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we are still working on buildinged the american nation. we should act in defense of our own interest and let other much. it is a myth. she is more hawkish than barak obama or donald trump. it is a clinton spin job in my opinion and i have been writing on this and plan to right more. and if you look at hillary clinton's view, she and obama are indistinguishable on foreign policy. >> thank you for being with us tonight. >> street justice is next. first a live look at the white house correspondents' dinner. we'll hear from the president live. keep it here. but up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients ... ...from food alone. let's do more. add one a day men's ... ...complete multivitamin. with vitamin d and magnesium to help support healthy blood pressure.
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>> no. >> what if they don't have testosterone. >> what more do we need to do. you are on the spot. the fox spot. are we ready for a woman in the white house. just not hillary. >> why not hillary. >> she should be in a jumpsuit instead of the oval office. >> i am leaning to ted cruz. what about carly? >> i like her so far. >> she is tone deaf. god, we love you. >> people who love me. >> and is america ready for a woman president? is hillary -- playing the woman card? >> hillary plays many cars.
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you never know which one is on the up and up. >> is she playing with a full deck? >> what about trump saying that's all she has going for her? >> i agree. she reminds us that she is a woman. we know that. >> what republican woman do you think could do it? >> hum. i don't know of one actually. >> i am a republican woman and i don't like you. >> you heard of judge janine. >> you don't think a woman could hit a nuclear but the pon. >> i have a daughter perfectly capable. >> why isn't the white house ready for a woman. >> i am a male shoveanist. >> who is the vp. >> you would say under a trump
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president. >> absolutely. i have known him 30 years. >> there is a lot of tough women out there. >> and you are one of them. that's not all. more responses in the next hour. remember to friend me on facebook and friend me on instagram. judge underscore ja nine. back in a moment. here's the p. you grow up wanting to be a lawyer, because your dad's a lawyer. and you land a job with a 401k and meet your wife. you're surprised how much you both want kids, and equally surprised you can't have them. so together, you adopt a little boy... and then his two brothers... and you up your life insurance because four people depend on you now.
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break tonight, the countdown is on to the indiana primary. the one that could change everything. this while washington, d.c. celebrates president obama's very last white house correspondents' dinner. hello and welcome to this second hour of justice. i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us. you are looking live at the white house correspondents' dinner where shortly the president will take the podium. we'll take you there live as soon as the headliners hit the stage. first to the race for the gop nomination and my opening statement. finally someone wants to take care of you and me.
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someone who thinks it's important to put our priorities in order. now, everyone wants to moan and complain about donald trump when he says he wants to make america first. they say it's racist, it's not fair, it's unashamedly about u.s. doing less, and it's just wrong. take a look at these headlines the day after his speech. what's wrong with america first? to me, america first is a breath of fresh air and exactly what this country needs. don't these people live here? do they prefer barack obama, hillary clinton's world view where the first thing you do as president is go to cairo, have the white house load the place with members of the muslim brotherhood, and give an apologist speech? you like that better?
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go live there! and what's wrong with saying we should do less nation building? do any of you like sending your children to war in countries to impose our way of life on them? when they don't want our way of life, when they resent it, and when they want to kill us for it? take a listen. >> i will not hesitate to deploy military force when there is no alternative. but if america fights, it must only fight to win. [ applause ] >> donald trump says we'll never send troops into battle unless it's absolutely necessary. and unless there is a plan for victory. okay. what's the beef there? he's saying i'm not going to allow a generation to die in a foreign land, leave their blood in the desert sand or come back
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with fewer limbs than when they left with no plan for victory and no end in sight. so okay, you critics, you prefer barack obama, hillary clinton mumbo-jumbo, we don't really have a strategy. we're going to contain them. we'll going to roll them back. we're going to degrade them. we're going to dismantle them. as if isis is a manageable problem. clearly a fechless foreign policy, fechless at both ends. to top it off, they are like spectators who simply watch our american heros die as they wait to see a doctor, watch as 22 of those veterans commit suicide when they come back every day, and watch as those veterans live homeless on the streets with ptsd when they come home.
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and then, you bozos make believe you had no idea there was a problem with the v.a.? you know, trump talks about a desire to live peacefully and in friendship with russia and china. take a listen. >> some say the russians won't be reasonable. i intend to find out. if we can't make a deal under my administration, a deal that's great -- not good, great for america, but also good for russia, then we will quickly walk from the table. it's as simple as that. we're going to find out. >> makes sense to me. russia is fighting a common enemy, isis. in fact, they reached out to us twice about the boston bombers, which we ignored, to our detriment. so the antitrump critics like the barack obama/hillary clinton russian reset eliminating the
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missile defense system that ultimately put the chechnya republic in ukraine in jeopardy. do you like that. you might you be of the ilk that prefers working out a deal with iran, and the ayatollah, whose dream is to destroy israel and who believes the world would be a better place without america? trump says you need to be able to walk away from the negotiation table. that's a sign of strength. but the bozos prefer not just staying at the table but eating at the table and sleeping on that geneva table begging and pleading until iran gets $100 billion and the path to a nuclear weapon. trump says we must be unpredictable to catch our enemies off guard. what's wrong with that? do you prefer a post-it note to the taliban saying we are leaving earlier than we said and
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drawing down our troops, putting american troops in extreme danger? trump's america first is not isolationist. should we go with hillary clinton's intervention, the one that overthrew gadhafi in libya,tying up the murder of an american ambassador and three other americans? stop telling us who to believe, what to believe, and what's best for us. we're voting in record numbers for the man who is the biggest vote getter in american primary history. since you screwed it up, you can't figure it out, and you've made a laughing stock of this great nation, just shut up and go away. we'll take it from here. that's my open. tell me what you think on my facebook page and twitter. hashtag judge jeanine. with me now new jersey state
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director to for the ted cruz campaign, steve lonnigan. good evening, steve. >> judge, thank for having me. >> god to have you. all right, steve what is the state of the cruz campaign? what are they doing in indiana? are they going to win it? what's going on there? >> we are, judge, but i'd like to respond to your opening statement. unpredictability as a presidential candidate who thinks it's okay to give nuclear weapons to saudi arabia, japan, korea and then turns around by the way on greta van susteren's show just the other night and said we had to give aid to pakistan because they have nuclear weapons. >> we already give aid to pakistan. >> why not stop that aid. >> would ted cruz do that. >> i would say yes. ted cruz will cut -- >> why don't you answer my question. what's going on in indiana? >> ted cruz is doing a phenomenal job. in the last 48 hours, he got the endorsement of governor mike
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pens. governors know how to put america first. and also the endorsement of pete wilson, former governor and senator of california. he put america first in 1994 when he masterminded proposition 176, which banned illegal aliens from getting welfare payments from the american government. it was liberal judge who overturned that. >> i don't want to talk about the california government, what i want to talk about is mike pens, the indiana governor. >> okay. >> now, this was the most luke warm wishy-washy endorsement i've ever heard. how did ted cruz feel about that, where he says, you know, i like donald trump but i'm probably going to vote for cruz? i mean it was like this apologetic mealymouth non-endorsement. >> look, the most important endorsement is a vote. the governor is going to be up for re-election. some of his people will be voting for donald trump. why should he turn it against them. >> why do it at all? we want with a leader.
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>> he made it clear in his radio interview and he has been campaigning for the senator. i think hess endorsement is powerful and he did quite a good job of doing it. >> he did not. let me ask you this -- >> yes. >> what's the deal with the messed up cruz/kasich alliance where cruz said kasich made the decision to withdraw from indiana and kasich said what? i never told indiana voters not vote for me? they should vote for me. >> you know what he said. just read it. >> it was the art of the deal. ted cruz has succeeded in the art of the deal. >> you are using donald trump's art of the deal. >> he did a great job. we just came off the northeastern states. everybody knew donald trump was going to win the northeastern states. now we go into ted cruz territory. and ted cruz month. indiana, washington state,
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nebraska -- >> let me ask you this. >> even oregon and west virginia will go -- >> let me ask you this because we don't have a lot of time. i love having you on. but here's the question, that cruz/kasich alliance, it backfired. then ted i think decides he is going to bring in carly, who i've been complimentary of, smart lady. but the woman lost in california. she is known as the outsourcing queen in a state like indiana that's a manufacturing state where they are out of jobs. >> judge you didn't want to talk to california. but let's go back to indiana. it is a brilliant move for indiana voters. we can talk about this wednesday because when ted cruz wins indiana and goes into ted cruz month, month the month of may, the president is going to have a whole tune about where this nomination is going and how competitive the convention will be. >> you think it was a smart move to name carly as vp now. >> it was a bold move. it solidifies the female base.
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it showed leadership and it showed the fact that donald trump is alienating the female vote. >> steve lonnigan good to have you on. can donald trump virtually lock up the nomination with a big win on tuesday? indiana legend bobby knight is with me next. justice, coming right back. go ahead... leave the competition behind. lexus gs 350 and 200 turbo. there's no going back. this is joanne. her long day as a hair stylist starts with shoulder pain when... hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol? give up my 2 aleve for 6 tylenol? no thanks. for me... it's aleve.
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breaking tonight, the countdown is on to the indiana gop primary. and the stakes couldn't be higher. with the polls showing a tight race mopping the gop candidates, will donald trump's momentum from his sweep in the east carry him to a win in indiana? with we now to weigh in, republican pollster leecarter. lee, great to be with you. prediction in indiana for the republicans? >> i think it's going trump. >> why? >> he's ahead by five a small number. >> margin of error. >> a lot of people say that the cruz/kasich alliance is going to put him over the edge. i don't think so. i think all the momentum is with trump. i think people are saying the alliance was a failure. made cruz seem more establishment. he has advertisements in indiana saying i am the ultimate
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outsider and carly is an outsider with me. i don't think a lot of people are buying it. i think he was a back room, not favor of the people. he is mathematically impossible to get the nomination. i think it's going to be hard for him to make the case that he is on the side of the people. >> what amazes me, lee, it's like the arrogance. let me do this back room deal, kasich, you don't come into indiana. and kasich with a mouthful of pancakes says i never said not to vote for me. then cruz, looks like he is saying something that isn't true or the deal was broker in a way that was sloppy and ineffective. >> one saying there is nothing to see here, one saying there was no alliance. it looks like they were not telling the truth. >> it started with carson way back when when he said carson was dropping out. on the democratic side who wins indiana. >> hillary, ahead 6% in the polls. she has been dropping. it is an open primary in
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indiana. sanders usually has an advantage in the open primaries but i think hillary clinton is going to take it. >> trump lost in wisconsin because of the political establishment. paul ryan, governor scott walker. cruz rights to to bring out mike pens. he comes out i really like donald trump but maybe i'm going to vote for cruz. almost apologizing. first of all, the man is running for governor. put on your big boy pants and act like a governor. that doesn't help cruz. >> i don't think that trump lost because of his own mistakes. for three weeks he stopped being trump. i think the thing donald trump is doing is he is continuing to be donald trump only a stronger donald trump. he is going out there and making policy speeches, getting more details. he is still on the make america great candidate that people are continuing to resonate with. whether you like him or not, this is who he is, who he is, who he is.
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>> when people say he has to pivot for the general election, what you are saying is people want the real donald. >> yes. >> and that he can't pivot. but then how does he get the left and the independents. >> i completely disagree with people who say he needs to pivot. i 100% disagree. because people say that they like him because he is authentic and who he is. he can't change who he is. what i say, the best thing that donald trump can do is expand who he is by association. if he starts bringing in people that you can trust and say wow i didn't know that he would partner with someone like that -- when you see advertisements with his son talking about the softer side of donald trump, then you can start to say i didn't know that side of him. if he starts bringing in a vp candidate who is somebody you might say well that's somebody with a lot of experience, i didn't know he could work with somebody like that, that's going to round him out. >> just with his family coming out, i mean it brings ott the softer side of donald, and the fact that, know, he really is someone who loves his family and is -- you look at those kids and the proof is in the puding.
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>> exactly. >> but what about the fact that donald, as he goes forward s going to be confronted with a lot everer mo of this mexican flags and costa mesa thursday night. and they say they are going to be fighting more against him. and the democratic establishment is paying all these protesters. it just attaches violence to a trump rally. >> it's really fascinating because people are all talking about how much anger donald trump is instilling his his supporters. it's not his supporters that are angry. it is the people that are coming out against him. it is going to be a real challenge to see how he is going to start bringing people together and showing, look i'm not trying to insight anger. i'm trying to get america back to be great again. he is going to have to start doing that and showing that by bringing people together to surprise us and show us the other side. >> he is a man of surprise snooze yes. >> let's look forward to california. >> for sure. >> what's going to happen? >> i think california is such an
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interesting place because the delegates are all congressional district by congressional district. so you could have a district where there is three republicans and you can win that and get some delegates. it is going to be a fascinating place. there are 172 delegates at play there. i think that the magic number for donald trump there is 130, and i think he is going to get it. >> you think he wraps this up before the convention, donald trump? >> i do. and i didn't until two weeks ago. but now i think he is going to. >> all right. lee carter. >> yes. >> thanks for being with us here tonight. >> thanks for having me. bobby knight is coming up next. plus part two of tonight's street justice. the battle of the sexes in manhattan. don't go away. 85% of men say eating right
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former indiana university basketball coach bobby knight joins me now. good evening, coach. >> how are you today, my dear? >> i'm fine. thank you very much. all right. coach knight, you are a legend. you are also known as the general. you've got an incredible record. people love you. and there are those who say that you are going to turn indiana around for donald trump. why don't you tell us what about donald trump made you make a decision to kind of come out of retirement and say, i want this guy to be president? >> well, first of all, i was a history major in college. and really enjoyed it. really enjoyed studying about the background of the united states and other countries. and so i've stuck with that through the last 45 or 50 years. and now we're in a situation where we're about to elect a president. and i had a great interest in
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it, watched it. studied it. looked at different people. and just decided as i looked through things that without any question, any question whatsoever, donald trump at this point in time was the very best candidate for the job. >> you know, one of the things that you said, coach, was that this is not about party. it's not about republicans. it's not about democrats. what happ what is it about? >> i think it's about who is best prepared to do the job as president of the united states, who can best get us on track, get back where we want to be, where we should be, not just in america but all over the world. and i don't think anybody is even close to the preparation, the background that donald trump has for going into the presidency. first of all, the guy is a very, very bright guy. and he has done a lot of things. he has had businesses,
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successful business endeavors all over the world. he's not just a national figure. s' a worldwide figure. and along with that, what he has been able to do is provide jobs for people at home and abroad. and that's a big issue right now. donald trump can provide more jobs -- well, work at providing more jobs than all of the other presidential candidates put together with all of their politicians could even begin to establish jobs as he can. and the other thing about him is -- that really impresses me -- or another thing is that he has had something go wrong here and there with what he is trying to do. but he has always been able to figure an answer at it. the guy works very hard. it didn't work? let's find out how it will work. i think and that's an intention ingredients that a person has to have going into the white house. he takes care of things that have gone awry and brings it back where it should be. and all of the things that i
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feel personally are necessary for what a president should bring to the job, i think donald trump is so far ahead of all of them, it's like the boston celtics playing iceland. >> you know, my son is a basketball follower there, but i get the sense the celtics definitely beat iceland, correct? >> well, i think it would be -- i think iceland would have a tough time. >> okay. all right. you have 900 wins. not losing a game. how do you instill that excellence in so many people? >> well, this can be very relative to how i feel about donald trump also. i think in any endeavor there are about three requirements to reach success. one is being smart. the second one is being tough. the third one is being ready to
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do whatever it takes to get the job done. be smart. be tough. and want to win. now, donald trump has those three ingredients to the overflow. and that's what i think i was able to do with the kind of kids that i had playing basketball on the teams that i've had over the years. we had smart kids. we had tough kids. and we had kids that want to win. and that's one of the things among many that impressed me about donald trump. i mean, i think we've got a man there who not has gone out and prepared himself to be the president. he has developed all of those ingredients, all of those things necessary to political success. not just on -- in our behalf in the united states, but worldwide. he will do a lot of things that we have not had done in a positive nature by previous administrations now trying to get us back where we should be.
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>> and what do you say to those people who took offense at donald's foreign policy speech of making america first? what is in people's heads these days? >> well, you know, i can't answer that. and nobody is going to do anything in politics that everyone is going to agree to. and there are some people that don't agree to anything because they don't know anything. and i think in this situation we've got a man who can do things, get things done, and you can bet on one thing -- actually, you can bet on two things right now. number one is there will never ever be a benghazi situation like we've had with this previous administration with donald trump has president. when donald is involved in this, we have problems overseas, we have problems in foreign countries, he is going to take care that americans are
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protected in every way possible. that sure didn't happen in benghazi. and it will never happen again with donald trump. the next thing is we don't have a great relationship right now between the military and the presiden presidency. that will change and they will be two groups, two organizations, two critical parts of america that will work very, very well together because donald trump will be a guy, is a guy who has a great respect for the military and will do all he can to help with their job, their chores and what they are faced with. >> coach bobby knight, 900 wins. they say you have the midas touch. indiana will tell us on tuesday. thank you so much for joining us on "justice". >> i appreciate the opportunity to talk about the man who i think is certainly the best, best, best candidate to become our next president. thank you for giving me that
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chance. >> thank you, coach. all right. and now you have been waiting for it, the second part of street justice, the battle of the sexes starts now. hi, is america ready for a woman president? >> absolutely. and that woman is hillary clinton. >> is america ready for a woman president? >> no. >> why? >> we don't need no woman president. >> why? what's wrong with women? >> i just don't think they are eligible to run the entire country. >> you know what i used to do for a living? i use to arrest people, indict them, put them in jail and sentence them to life? >> that means you would be eligible to run the country. >> yes, does that scare you? >> yeah. >> is america ready for a woman president? i think that not right now. and i definitely don't think that hillary clinton is the person to be president for us. why? >> because she has too many strikes against her. all of the lies that go back to her e-mails and benghazi and all
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of that type of stuff. >> is america ready for a woman president? >> of course. i'm going to vote for hillary. woman is the best. >> you think? >> of course. without woman how are we gonna live? >> i don't know. he definitely doesn't live without women. you have have a very big truck. is america ready for a woman president? >> yes, we are. we are definitely ready. >> okay and who should that be? >> ms. hillary clinton. >> don't take off until i get off this 18 -- how many wheels do you have on this truck? 18. who should trump -- >> trump shouldn't run. >> why? >> because i don't think he is qualified enough. >> was barack obama qualified? >> uh. eh. >> if trump were to pick a woman as vice president, who should he pick? >> hillary clinton.
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>> do you think that makes sense? >> not really. but i don't know. >> is america ready for a woman president? >> don't you think so? >> i'm asking the questions. is america ready for a woman president? >> i mean, probably, because all the male presidents have really just messed things up. >> do i love that answer. if donald trump were to pick a woman, who should you pick? >> that's a hard one. that's really hard, to pick a woman running mate. >> do you think he should pick a woman? >> no, honestly i think he should go with somebody like christie or rubio. >> what about carly fiorina? what do you think of her? >> i think she is too new. i like the way that she really worries about what women need in this country. >> do you think she is a good singer? >>. [ laughter ] ♪ i know two girls that i just adore ♪ >> if donald were to pick a woman, would that help him? and who should that woman be? >> someone with experience.
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i would definitely have to say condoleezza rice. >> if trump were to pick a vice president, a woman, who should you pick? >> oh, man, who should he pick? i don't want trump to win, period. >> come on, teddy. teddy roosevelt, is america ready for a woman president? where are you from? >> switzerland. >> you are on avenue of the americas. you are making me walk. who are you going to vote for? >> i'm not voting. >> why? >> i don't believe in any of the politicians right now. >> okay, do you get any government benefits? >> i do. >> think about voting. corporate terrorism experts sebastian goringa is standing by. first live look again at the white house correspondents' dinner. live speeches from the president and more a little later. stay with us.
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and syria have helped unleash isis. and we're in a war against radical islam, but president obama won't even name the enemy. and unless you name the enemy, you will never ever solve the problem. >> breaking tonight, that's donald trump with some strong words for the president on the fight against isis. trump's foreign policy speech this week catapulting into folk us the importance and the critical need for a strong leader in the war on terror. with me now is author of the new book, and counter-terrorism expert dr. sebastian gorka. good evening doctor. all right. a lot of criticism of donald trump for that speech.
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you know, i don't want to go through the whole thing, but there is a couple of things that i think i can't seem to reconcile. why do so many people have trouble with this presidential candidate saying america should be first? >> look, let me for full disclosure, i advised mr. trump last year and my wife is on senator cruz's national security team. i'm in a rather unique position to judge. why? because he is really destroying the establishment. and i'm very happy for that. both senator cruz and donald trump are shaking the establishment to the core. so the guns are going to come out blazing. >> whoa, whoa, now i'm going to stop you. now i'm going to stop you, doctor. cruz -- he is part of the establishment and just made a deal with another establishment governor where they went in the back room and said we'll divvy it out. you say you are out of indiana. and then kasich comes out and said no, that's not true.
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i want you to vote for me. i mean, talk about establishment back room deals and collusion. that reeks. but i want to talk about trump now. okay? and why did people take so much offense at his talking about america first? >> look, because there is a very strong establishment, especially the old bush regime and the neoconservatives in this city where i am who are petrified by this man potentially getting the white house and becoming the commander in chief. and they are using this hackny phrase of, you know, america first being associated with a prohitler regime. look, this is absurd. whatever you think of donald trump, we don't america to be first? really? that's when we've had in the last seven years. that's the problem. and that's why people like cruz in my opinion and donald trump are so sfl right now, because they are defined against the catastrophe of the last seven years foreign policy.
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>> when i've got donald trump talking about you know, not nation building, and then people being critical of him for saying that. and honestly, it's almost like donald trump is already pivoting left to the general election because that's almost like, you know, the democrats are the ones who are saying we don't want to nation build. and yet you have got hillary clinton on the other side being seen, any ways, the hawk, given libya, iraq, and everything else. what's wrong with not intervening in every problem in the world? >> in my opinion, absolutely nothing. i am not a neoconservative. but that doesn't mean that everything is fine with donald trump's speech. of course he is going to get flak from the establishment. of course we are going to see vested interests on the left and the right attack him because he doesn't belong to the establishment. but there were problems with that speech, judge, especially when he spoke about china and russia and our potential friendship and our shared
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interests. we don't have shared interests. i'm sorry. >> we don't? >> no. even if they are killing terrorists. >> we have got a common enemy, isis. russia is the one that alerted us to the sar knife brothers, the boston bombers, we didn't listen. >> that doesn't make them our friends. this is a guy who tortured people during the kold cold war and warranted to destroy us. >> then why did barack obama and hillary clinton take down the missile defense system. >> you are not going to get me here defensing the obama administration. that's not going to happen. not going to happen. >> you know what's interesting, when -- in russia, i was just reading this article, it was well received in russia in moscow's red square. passers by speaking to cnn praised the new york tycoon and hoping that there might be an easing of tensions as well. it's not like the deal with did
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with the iran where they are like kill the americans, death to israel, death to america. if you are going to have a reproachment, maybe you ought to do it with russia, not the people who sleep and dream of killing us? >> absolutely. the iran deal is catastrophic for us. more than $100 billion to a regime that the president in march in an arabic newspaper said he recognizes as a state sponsor of terrorism. what's wrong with that picture? we are giving more than $100 billion to a nation we know supports terrorists? yeah, again i'm not going to defend the last seven years. if the chair was empty, if the oval office was empty for the next eight years, it would be an improvement, judge. >> dr. sebastian gorka thanks for being with us tonight. >> thank you. >> my political panel is next. don't go away. first take look again at live pictures from the white house correspondents' dinner in washington, d.c. when the president and keynote speaker begin to speak, we're
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democratic senator chuck schumer, and chris haan, joining me to talk about the election. while you were in the green room first segment i had lee carter on and she says she doesn't think that donald trump is going to pivot. what do you think, will? >> well, he is going to have to pivot at some point, if he wins on tuesday, if he continues to rack up delegates and gets close to 1237, when does he pivot to the general election? hillary clinton has a lot of pivots to deal with herself, not least of which is a problem with the election -- >> donald trump is donald trump, he has won this primary without a whole lot of substance about
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what he said. i think she he he is starting t he is willing to do that to hillary clinton. i think the republican primary voters were looking to somebody who was going to take it to the democrats in november in a way like donald trump has been doing all along. i thought originally that would be chris christie or somebody like chris christie, but donald trump was better at it than chris christie. >> you know what is interesting about it, i think the disaffected that have come on to the trump bandwagon will be very upset if he does that two-step, that washington two-step. donald trump can still -- i know donald trump for many years. and that is donald, i mean, he is smart. >> but to cruz' point, it's about how he pivots. pivoting means he has to have a positive and optimistic message, he cannot be negative. >> yeah, make america great he hillary. >> i disagree, i don't think punching hillary for the next
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few months is going to work. >> he has got to it that is his choice. >> the general electorate wants to know how do you make america great again? not just the slogaslogan. >> you know what i think, chris, you guys may be right, but we're so divided right now. i think people just attribute to the candidate what they believe -- >> it comes to the point where they say do i want this man with his finger on the button -- >> you don't want to trust your future to the woman who wouldn't bring out the people in benghazi for hours -- don't get me started. >> the republican base cares about -- >> most americans don't care -- >> they have to understand that captain america doesn't work here. iron man can't fly, it's benghazi -- >> you know what? a camel could have walked across to benghazi in 13 hours. >> 13 hours -- >> yeah, you could have sent the
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next 16 over just to make some noise, you had drones and satellites. >> there are several things that could be used on hillary clinton. donald trump will have to let somebody else do that. >> you think he will? >> i think he should. if he wants to win, speaking as a republican we want somebody who is going to inspire and give a 21st century vision for what happen the conservative movement will look like. >> you know what? i got to go guys, that conservative thing, i don't know that it matters to most americans. what matters is, take care of us and give us a job, darn it. coming right up, speeches are moments away and you have the best seat in the house. stay right there.
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we're just moments away from the president's speech at the white house correspondent's dinner. we'll take you there live as soon as he begins speaking. but back with me here is will weatherford and chris haan. all right, we have been talking about this, and hillary has been yelling a lot. she seems very angry, she is different, really out there punching. it's a different hillary. >> look, i think she has to get more comfortable campaigning. we know she likes to be in a room with her staff working out the problems. >> really? is that where she is? >> yes, really, she would rather work on the spread sheets, i think she will be a fantastic
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president if she is given the opportunity. >> she is awkward now as a campaigner. >> and the difference to me is the amount of socialists, we always knew they existed. but bernie sanders brought them out. >> we don't know what socialism even means, have you seen people ask what it means? >> i mean, there were 60-year-olds telling me they want socialism. >> they want their social security in four years. >> yeah, they want you to pay for it. how do you feel about that mr. democrat? >> social security, of course i want it. taxing my paper route money since i was 12, i want to get it when i'm in my 60s. >> you think we'll get it? >> in indiana? >> i think ted cruz will be a nail biter, but donald trump wins it. >> folks, remember to friend me on facebook and then follow me
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[ cheers and applause ] caution, this is my finger! welcome to a special live edition of the greg gutfeld show. who else would i be? the show is named after me. we're awaiting president obama's remarks at the white house correspondent dinner, which is why we're live and i'm still sober. he is so tough he can gut a fish with his comments,
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