tv Outnumbered FOX News May 3, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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jon: they still have empty frames on the goard enter museum. >> they still do john john hope they get them back. >> "outnumbered" starts right now. harris: this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, sandra smith, jedediah bila, democratic strategist, julie roginsky, today's #oneluckyguy, coanchor of "america's newsroom," all around this day on primary tuesday, bill hemmer. outnumbered and out and about. hello. >> how are you, ladies? rube did i red indiana, here we go. evansville hasn't gotten this much attention since william ronald hemmer married georgia mary nittle. august fifth, 1960.
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harris: i thought you were going to sing. he was singing before. >> during this show we'll name our favorite song from indiana. harris: by we, we mean you. let's move on. let's begin with a primary race that could give us biggest look into the presidential race. polls are open in indiana. hillary clinton and donald trump looking for a knockout to their rivals. in his final pitch to voters trump told supporters in the hoosier state how important their votes are. >> but now, indiana's becoming very important. and i say, i say -- so important in terms of the race. usually by this time it is over and doesn't matter. but this time you folks belong where you belong. it is called importantville, right? i love it. [cheering] i have so many friends here. harris: ted cruz making an urgent appeal just moments ago. the math is not tricky. this could be his final chance
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to stop donald trump from scooping up the delegates he needs. watch. >> if hoosiers come out today and vote, if you pick up your phone, call your friends, call your neighbors, if hoosiers come out today and vote and say no, this is not who we are, this is not america, that will change the entire trajectory of this campaign, of this primary. it will pull us back from the cliff. harris: all right. importantville, bill hemmer. that is a suburb somewhere in indiana. >> suburb the indianapolis somewhere. it is very important. if you look at the math -- sandra: which you do. >> i do a lot. i even do it in my sleep these days you can see how, if cruz doesn't change the story tonight, that trump stays on that number and all likelihood, may not be a battle until cleveland. harris: if you just look at the numbers, donald trump needs 241 to clinch.
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there are more delegates available than he actually needs. so, i mean, i don't know how you -- >> tell you i was looking at it. if cruz wins, it will be the story of the year. harris: sure. >> it will send the story of this campaign in entirely different direction but if trump cleans up, he has 30 delegates statewide to the winner whoever wins that then you have 27 divided among nine congressional districts. what does that mean? if you do really well across the state as trump did last week and tuesday prior to that, he could hit that number that takes him to the point of no return. and that could happen tonight. harris: so jedediah, ted cruz says forget about all that you just heard, i don't know if he knows you by name -- >> hemmer has no idea what he is talking about. >> direct quote. harris: you're likeable enough. what? >> some days. harris: somebody famous. so jedediah, it is not over yet according to ted cruz. >> doesn't he have to prove he can win something? down he have to prove he is
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electable in some way. harris: he has won. >> has he won significantly though? if you can't beat donald trump, if you can't get right-wing voters in conservative areas to come out for you and support you, strong over the other guy, how are you supposed to win over independents? how are we supposed to believe this guy can get reagan democrats, voters center left -- donald trump has been proven, like him or not, the kind of guy that can appeal to the center, independents, regardless what you think of him he has more broad appeal. ted cruz is kind of guy he needs to prove these hard-right voters will come out to support him over everyone else, big! he is not even doing that. so i'm not convinced and i think to keep saying the convention, convention, who is to say why should which think you're the guy who should lead the country if you can't make it out of this? harris: we saw rasmussen reports survey came out, julie, that showed he had ability to get more democrats to come to his
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side, twice as much power to do that as hillary clinton does to get gop voters to come to her side. speak to what jedediah just said, looking forward they haven't really done a lot of that look at ted cruz but i haven't heard that sort of thing about him. >> "rasmussen poll" is one outlying poll. i don't know how real that is. contradicts virtually every other poll. i glad you brought up the importantville, suburb -- >> you've been there, right? >> that is a great place. what jedediah said suburbs of indianapolis of this election. ted cruz, if he doesn't do well he will bomb in the northeast. for the wayne which are evangelical, much more religious in tune with him. donald trump should clean up in indianapolis, evansville where your parents are from. >> southern indiana. >> it is that suburb of indianapolis that you talked about, jedediah, that he needs to do well. that is up for grabs. sandra: but his campaign
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strategy has been odd for that right? there has been a lot of questions in the doughnut counties surround indianapolis why he hasn't been parading his running mate carly fiorina around there, trying to work toward the white suburban female voter. >> i think they're doing a lot of work there in indiana. they have been working non-stop because they realize, once you get past tonight, to your point, jedediah, cruz will probably win nebraska. he will probably win south dakota. he will probably win montana. that is week from now, two weeks from now. you have to fight for here and now. the here and now, it seems difficult from the following perspective. you remember what was it nine days ago where the cruz-kasich alliance was launched. sandra: yes. >> we're about to see how that's going to work out. kasich has been quiet and his numbers have come down in turn. i don't know, today this "wall street journal" poll is right from over the weekend, if you put cruz's numbers with
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kasich, do they even add up to trump's numbers. >> he is talking about the importance of indunion n he is spending a ton of time there, now if he loses big in indiana, and flip that argument indiana is not that important, let's move on? >> he will still have a lot of delegates. >> went to california. he spent a few days in california, even though california is not until early june. i think he understands he will not win indiana. if he does it will be upset of the century. california is almost a hail mary. >> worse. >> ted cruz i think put up a good fight. it is pretty much over.harris: . >> you have to vote. harris: i think that is a fair question at this point. we saw ted cruz kind of sparring on the campaign trail. we've got more of him coming up in a second from moments ago. why stay in? what is in it for him? a contested convention -- i'm reading they're softening, "new york times" article on sunday, softening for delegates he thought he had wrapped up. >> state of north dakota, cruz
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thought he had locked up, now there is question how strong they are. my sense what happens in big stories like these, they roll on and roll on, wow, is it ever going to end. suddenly in a moment, and it ends and it's over. eight years ago for hillary clinton, that took until june. that may be the case again this year. but it's almost like you're on roller coaster ride. all of sudden it becomes obvious. we're about to find out if that -- harris: one second, julie. we want to hop to get to this. ted cruz on campaign trail moments before we came live on "outnumbered." saying he is doing something that he has never done before. watch. >> i will do something i haven't done for the entire campaign, for those traveled with me, across the country, i will tell you what i think about him. this man is pathological liar. he doesn't know the difference between truth and lies.
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he lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth. harris: your thoughts. said that was today. that was just a few minutes ago. >> also yesterday he talked about how donald trump is embarassment to america and on and on. that was first time i heard him be that cutting in his commentary. i think what sparked that was 10-year-old boy from the day before who stood up made those comments in public. i also think that is why cruz, went out met voters yesterday, that we all watched for. i think it was nine minutes of real time but it seemed like it went on forever. this is a campaign, you can feel it and sense it, that he is, trump used phrase hanging on by finger tails, fingernails. that is very interesting. harris: we know what you mean. >> @billhemmer. harris: when you look at this and sparring i've been talking about going on between ted cruz and some of donald trump's supporters, you know, he is in a position now where he is having
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to answer back for the nickname. you hear the words pathological liar there, i would imagine those were specifically chosen, when you been nicknamed by other candidate as "lyin' ted." >> you can pick on other guy, you have to sell you. that is the problem with ted cruz. he can pick on donald trump. a lot of people have concerns about donald trump about inconsistency in his past record. what he will actually do if he gets elected president. these are legitimate concerns. the problem the same people are not able to look to ted cruz that we believe in that guy. there are problems with his delivery. there are problems with him selling his own story. he should not be so worried about picking on donald trump. he should be more concerned with the fact that through all of this time, he hasn't been able to convince people he is the guy. that is the real issue. sandra: what are chance, bill hemmer, donald trump responds to ted cruz calling him pathological liar, donald trump saying, look this is act of desperation on part of cruz campaign. >> i don't know he has to. they're voting right now.
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another thing cruz team sees, as they go down the line, last night we were crunching numbers in california and they are daunting. 53 congressional districts. trump leads in several dozen of them. we think he might pick up 124 delegates in california. if that is true, he may not even need indiana. sandra: want to get in as part of breaking news, ted cruz making comments, calling donald trump utterly amoral. saying that -- and i do mean amoral. and a narcissist. >> look, when you throw your entire life into campaigns like these, and you reach a point that maybe a deciding factor, you, you want to possess this moment as much as you can and but sometimes -- harris: sometimes the moment possesses you. >> they get out of your control. harris: it can. >> we may have reached that point. harris: real quickly, before we move on, julie, i feel we didn't
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hear from you and i want to. hillary clinton 90% of the way for delegates she needs to clinch the nomination. she is looking on other side to plan her attack. what does she see. >> she sees republican party potentially in disarray. see as party turning on each other. sees attacks donald trump is previewing for her. she is getting ready for it. i have spoken to their people. they are very cognizant of stuff you're hearing coming out of donald trump's mouth with respect to ted cruz and john kasich will be directed to her times a million. unlike others who i think were not as prepared for his vitriol in the primary she knows very well what will happen and getting ready. >> can i be a superdelegate? when i grow up? harris: i will buy awe red cape. you can be super whatever you want. here we go. we'll be a all over the battle for indiana. bill will put on his red cape and fly late into the night. megyn kelly, bret baier begin it all at 6:00 p.m. eastern as polling wraps up. polls close.
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keep it right here, and i love when i say this, the fnc. anyway, hillary clinton getting a chilly welcome in west virginia. hundreds of protesters in the streets and out of work coal miner confronting her. see what she told him. ted cruz face-to-face with trump supporter. i alluded to it moments ago. it got pretty intense. was it a bad idea or does it show he was in it to win-win it. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis,
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he ♪ >> shouting] [shouting] >> trump, trump. sandra: those were donald trump supporters protesting outside a hillary clinton event in west virginia, where she got less than friendly suggestion after comments she made in march about putting coal miners and their companies out of business. an out-work coal miner confronting her about it.
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>> i want to say how you put a lot of coal miners out of jobs and come here and tell us how you're going to be our friend? because those people out there don't see you as a friend. >> i know that, bo, and you know, i'm, i don't know how to explain it other than, what i said was totally out of context from what i meant. i do feel a little bit sad and sorry that i gave folks the reason or excuse to be so upset with me. until i made one misstatement. you know, and i apologize for that. it was not meant to be taken the way that it was taken. sandra: here's what she said a few months ago that sparked all of this in the first place. >> i'm the only candidate which has a policy about how to bring economic opportunity using clean renewable energy as the key into coal country. because we're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business. sandra: republicans pounced on those words by the way.
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and quickly we heard some calling, some who originally supported her earlier on saying they were threatening to pull their endorsement of hillary clinton. there was outrage over this. is it possible it was a misstatement. >> i don't think so because it is on camera. she said she was taken out of context. i don't see the context she was taken out of. ultimately however i don't think it matters in kentucky. i don't think it matters in west virginia. these states are going red in november, no matter who it is on republican side. i don't think there is great risk for her there. when it comes to your examination of politicians, however, that is, that 180. >> well -- >> camera was centered perfectly, well, what? i was taken out of context? can you explain. >> if you want me to explain. if i can put it through my clinton explanation meter and i think what she was saying, i'm
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not defending it, she has a plan to devote something like $30 billion to that area to -- >> not what she said. >> to have new renewable technology with clean coal. having said that, you're absolutely right. of course she flip-flopped on this. you're absolutely right. it doesn't matter. i'm surprised she is down there. she is with joe manchin, democratic senator from west virginia, came out under a lot of pressure when she initially made that statement to disavow her. he is sticking by her. having said that why is she in west virginia? she will not win in west virginia in november. she should be in california which is tight race. >> do you think bernie sanders wins indiana. >> i think bernie sanders wins indiana. >> open primary. >> open primary. much more white state. >> poles have her up 4%. >> she says the polls are inaccurate. she is expecting to lose. she hasn't spent money in indiana. >> not going to matter though?
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>> not going to matter. >> i don't see why she should be in west virginia. she should be in california which is tighter state. sandra: go back to the comments, we'll put a lot of coal miners and businesses out of business. >> right. sandra: you're saying that to a state and country still feeling very economically, feeling the pain economically. >> right. sandra: that's tough to hear from a potential president. >> it is true. may not matter in those states but i think you're right. the rest of the country is watching her. this is woman when you poll her, they say we don't trust her, honesty trustworthiness. she is are issues. bouncing back and forth. looking like politician. needing whatever they to say in the moment to get elected. that was most sincere moment i have every seen here. she is great politician and i know that. what you're say something right. what is the context? you made two completely contradictory statements. what these politicians forget is that it may not harm them in the state where they are when that
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issue is pertinent in that moment, but the country is watching you. harris: right. when you listen to her words specifically, she says i made one misstatement. that is not for west virginia. that is not for kentucky. that is for everybody else. >> correct. harris: this is coming out through reuters more what she is saying today. former secretary clinton says the united states must rebuild coal communities. she is moving forward with this. she is now, not only apologetic but i'm going to help you rebuild and i will -- >> she committed $30 billion. >> that is my point. her point she wants to rebuild those communities get them off coal. you guys keep remembering one thing. global warming and coal is something that 99.9% of the democrat believe contributes to global warming, is a top issue in the democratic primary. may not be for republicans. it's a huge issue. so for her to get democratic bonifides especially against bernie sanders needs to talk about global warming. >> more important for fund-raising.
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>> she needs to vilify coal. harris: sounds like she is in a southern pickle. >> back to evansville we go. sandra: we've leave it there. on that note. donald trump has been able to take down most of his republican opponents fairly easily. now growing questions whether or not trump's campaign is prepared for a general election faceoff. plus if mr. trump wins nomination, will he go where bernie sanders did not, in a battle with hillary clinton? one expert says trump will exploit her scandals from paid speeches to benghazi and in a big way. we'll debate that strategy. right after the show, catch more from the couch on the web. join us for "outnumbered overtime." log on to >> there is more? sandra: i usually promise salacious details about our one lucky guy. do you have questions about the election? it's a big night. harris: that's salacious? [laughter] this is joanne.
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♪ harris: with 99delegates -- the 9delegates, 1237 needed, looks like pub in reach for donald trump. he is telling supporters he looks forward to facing off against hillary clinton in the general election. >> if we win indiana it's over, it's over. [cheering] they're finished. they're gone. now i will start focusing on hillary. it will be so easy and so great. harris: but there is growing concern trump is ignoring vital preparations for big race. associated press is reporting that trump has not collected enough voter information he will need in the fall. he only sent a few staffers to battleground state where there is no clear advantage for democrat or republican by definition. he has not accumulated much research on clinton. add to the list, clinton on the other hand is dispatching campaign workers to swing states this week.
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started search for running mate and is already planning big-money fund-raisers for next month. julie, i come to you first. who has got the advantage? i understand there may not be the ground game, but you know what, that has been story on donald trump from the beginning. he has never had a ground game. >> let me get wonky, i do this for a livering. model something very, very important in politics. very mathematic. not about rhetoric, not about anything else. harris: oh, that model. [laughter] >> not the -- bill hemmer in fireplace on leather rug modeling. >> that was stunning. sandra: my god, circulated all over the internet. >> great with cigar. i got it. but modeling i'm talking about, not the fun kind but boring kind every single voter in the united states is modeled. and that tells you about how you're predisposed to vote, what message. more nuanced than polling. how obama won in 2008. that is critical.
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critical to any single election. if donald trump has not yet modeled. the rnc has and so much they can coordinate going forward into the general election. if it hasn't done that basic legwork, sounds like he has it, he is very far behind. she will be able to tell you, what message appeals to harris faulkner, hoe has twin sister with different demographics. how it appeals to her. sandra: let me ask you very basic -- >> everybody here turning channel right now because they're so bored with this. >> in 2012. worked significantly in 2008 and worked successful, not to same degree. i wonder with data analytics withtology if you can catch up faster. everybody said trump was behind whole delegate game. he cat up. >> he is but didn't catch up with that when it comes to the general election that is so critical. rnc knows it, they have been doing it. whether they share it with him legally is different question. harris: considered this.
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you talk about non-traditional candidate in donald trump. i understand modeling and technology and everything else but one thing that he has we don't know what it looks like is their relationship. we don't know the path with hillary clinton and donald trump. we only know pictures and weddings and so on, so forth but he seems to have bravado what he thinks he knows about hillary and bill clinton. jedediah. >> there is a lot we don't know. i agree with julie in a sense, what gets you far in primary, you can go out in the primary and scream make america great again and speak in sound bites and be very caries mat i can and when you go to the general it is difficult. part the problem the republican party has been so split they're so busy fighting with each other still they can't get to the next stage what they will do going into battleground states and tv ads and money to be allocated. hopefully he is thinking about that. this is the guy in the lead. if he wants to win he will have to have groundwork set up.
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sandra: corey lewandoski, donald trump's campaign manager, he believes the success of the campaign and primary can be replicated in the gin. is it possible, i'm going to raise the question about leadership, that trump has right now. is it possible we'll continue to see that leadership change? >> first and foremost with the trumps look at his numbers, obviously polls can change, he is not popular among anybody. popular among republican primary voters. not enough to win election. women, minorities even white men he is losing those people. the problem his message will not be enough unless he changes. the math, i keep coming back to the math. modeling becomes important. statistics become important. obama as bill point it out won presidency winning ohio. he won ohio and modeling kay hogue ga county. >> i would add two things on that. before the general election in 2012 in ohio, senior member of the republican party in ohio said, bill, this was the saturday before the vote, we are
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behind with single women in central ohio. they knew that. 72 hours before the vote. also when we were in charlotte for the dnc convention in 2012, all four of those days were about women in america. it was the war on women. they rode that successfully to a second term. i think this whole campaign, as it is right now, with all, analytics and all numbers and data et cetera, it is all about women again. and question you have to ask yourself among republican women, will they vote for donald trump? where are they today on may 3rd. where will they be on june 3rd? where will they be on july 3rd and every month as the campaign progresses. see whether or not they are won over by trump. harris: all right. so the women card, right? actual is a thing. it has its own web address now and hillary clinton has been fund-raising off of it millions of dollars now. what does that tell you?
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>> it tells me it is effective. to bill's point, say it is women deciding factor again. not just women, what kind of women. that speaks to polling. you have to be more nuanced about is, not just telling you have a problem with single women ages 25 to 45 who happen to live in cuyahoga county, ohio, this is so nuanced women who live in same demographic next door to each other may be predisposed to vote and that is how nuanced. that is where trump is not making up speed. he has got to. harris: interesting to see how he makes up the ground. >> what is appealing to people, he doesn't have all the infrastructure. non-politician. that is very thing we don't know what is going on behind the accepts. all this stuff julie is talking about, specifics i can't repeat are not going on behind the scenes he is in trouble. sandra: his non-strategy has been his strategy. staying with that with the indiana primaries expecting to
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bring more clarity to the 2016 race. clinton venturing into territory bernie sanders did not. vermont senator decided to ignore the still unfolding email scandal, foreign donations to the clinton foundation and politically treacherous issues. clinton's republican opponent would likely raise in general election. all right, will donald trump, bill hemmer, go where bernie sanders wouldn't? he was so delicate -- >> is that a question? i don't think there is any doubt about that. i actually think donald trump will go to places none of us can even imagine. he is that kind of a -- >> your mind is that devious? >> devious nature to the comment but, he operates, it is asymmetrical. and, that is going to hold our fascination for a long time. because we do not know what he will do. sandra: to harris's point, in the last conversation, we don't know what he knows and what their relationship is and what it has been in the past.
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harris: one thing that he has bragged about, donald trump, is that, a few weekends back in winter she tried to come at me with women's politics or whatever, and she and bill had very bad weekend. it is interesting, because he went personal then. we don't know if he will go personal again. we haven't seen a candidate actually not go personal. >> in august, when we had first debate in cleveland, ohio, trump gave us gameplan. when asked about relationship with clintons i was doing what i had to do for my business. he wasn't suggesting he was playing outside the rules. he was doing what the rules and politics and business in america allowed him to do. sandra: so if donald trump goes after her in ways that bernie sanders couldn't or wouldn't, will we finally see the transcripts from the goldman sachs speeches? >> only if she releases them. even if she does, listen what do we think she said at goldman sachs in general
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election? sandra: she won't release them. >> in democratic primary, it matters but general election it doesn't. >> you guys at goldman sachs are the best. you contributed to our economy, job create, all things bernie sanders would slam her on. in general election so what. maybe she will release him. he will go after the marriage. harris: it will be personal. >> going after her enabling -- sandra: what about benghazi and email scandal. >> that is out there. harris: general election that doesn't get him as much. he knows among democrats, those that he attracts at bigger rate than she does i mentioned earlier at tracks republicans for her that really doesn't resonate outside of republican votership. it hasn't outside the election. here is a number. i want to get your thoughts on this, bill, 6.7% look at average polls how it tightened if you say hillary clinton up against donald trump in potential general election. why do you think that is? >> i think it is 51-45 country.
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it has been that tight and going that way since 2000. i don't think it is has changed much. harris: names of people changes. >> he will go after the clinton dynasty. this is her chance if him versus her which he didn't have the opportunity with jeb bush versus her, he has -- he will go after their history. >> dare i suggest, when he unhatched the phrase, "crooked hillary," what did he say when he said that? from the beginning? >> right. >> from the beginning means -- sandra: got the beginning. >> little rock, arkansas, rose law firm. from the beginning. >> here is problem. baked in. that is his mistake. people who think she is shady, thought she was shady for 25 years and they're not voting for her. baked in. sandra: hemmer, always good to get your insight. >> some days. >> we're still picturing you on the bearskin rug with the cigar. people are googling it right now. there is confronting your
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critics and there is this. we mentioned it earlier. what happens when ted cruz tries to win over donald trump supporters and what this may say about the state of his campaign? >> we don't want you. >> well you're entitled to your view sir, i will respect it. >> do the math. you asked kasich to drop out. it's your turn.
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amazin prune juice and amazin prune light. from sunsweet, the feel good fruit. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. ♪ >> when it rains to pours. back to indiana, trailing badly in the polls, ted cruz doing his best to win over trump supporters, he may not have been expecting, however, this moment. >> i'm running to be everyone's president. those who -- >> we don't want you. >> you're entitled to your views. i will respect it and -- >> do the math. you asked kasich to drop out it is your turn. take your own words. time to drop out sir. >> do you know on the wall new "
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editorial bored he will not build a wall. he will not. >> you're lying. once again, "lyin' ted." >> sir, actually -- >> take down -- >> don't just scream and yell at each other. i'm not yelling at you. >> where is your goldman sachs jacket? your wife worked there. >> i'm supported by 1.3 million contributions all over the country. sir, america is a better country -- >> without you. >> thank you for those kind sentiments. let me point out i have treated you respectfully the entire time. and a question that everyone here should ask. >> are you canadian? >> do you want your -- >> are you canadian. >> do you want your kids repeating words of donald trump? would you be proud if your kids came here and yelling and insulting? >> folks at home. that went on for nine minutes. i applaud ted cruz 1000 percent for engaging in that discussion yesterday. i thought he peeled back layers
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of campaign often times we don't see. ladies, discuss. harris: i'm more concerned how close those people were to him, you no he? i don't know, as a mom i look at that situation, i think, no matter what your politics are, when someone that much in your face and they have that much mojo behind them i think they're unpredictable. sandra: he was asked if he was concerned for his safety. there is five of them and hundreds of us. harris: i hear that like you, bill, was really impressed by the fact, no matter what was thrown at him he stayed calm. that is not easy to do. >> look what he is doing. trying to draw a contrast between himself and donald trump. this is all this is about. the fact trump every time protester starts screaming get him out, get him out of the room, won't engage directly himself, cruz, another hail mary play but goes across the street proactively tries to show he is not afraid of people disagreeing with him. he will unite them to bring him over to his side, unsuccessful he was. clearly trying to draw a
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contrast between himself and donald trump. >> shows he is really smart too. he realized this moment was going to be picked up. he had a chance in this moment to be authentic. to be spontaneous. to show people who he really was. the argument from folks on the right all the time we want someone tough, someone who will stand up who they are, take people head on. here he had opportunity. he was respectful but he was strong. i'm not biggest ted cruz supporter, but i found myself applauding him. >> only element if i was ted cruz i would have picked a point to leave earlier than he did to minimize the verbal assault. sandra: one thing we're all applauding effort here. this was, this was a big moment for ted cruz to show, a, that he is master debater, which he learned on the debate stage all along. he is excellent at this but did it actually change anything and did it actually help him? do you think he would do it over again given the chance? >> we'll find out tonight 7:00 eastern time. that is when the polls close in
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indiana. that may have been too late. >> jedediah also brought up a good point, media attention focused on him now. what was last thing we saw, i hate to say it, carly fiorina falling off a stage and him not rushing to pick her up. this changes narrative. sandra: come on, julie, we don't know context. >> that is last visual we have. i'm not suggesting that is what happened. that is the impression what happened. it is last thing -- sandra: there is implication. >> trying to change the subject. >> amazing news cycle when that happens 24 hours ago. it wasn't that long ago, come on. sandra: saw a few moments ago standing next to ted cruz, she was okay. harris: i see your point. the candidates only have so much, particularly begins a juggernaut like donald trump who is always in the media. it is hard to pick, pluck those moments. if the last one was one kind of, what was that, which was basically how i would describe what you said with her falling. what was that, in all fairness?
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to him doing this? that changed conversation. sandra: if he turned conversation around, said what you do do for a living? do you have a family? >> he tried a couple times. if you watched that -- sandra: learn more about who you're debating. >> they may not have been willing to go there. sandra: i'm just saying. >> ladies seems like everyone is talking about the campaign. are they? when you get to work though, you may want to bite your tongue. why your political opinions and that advice might save your career. harris: uh-oh. >> stay tuned for that. ♪ looking for balance in your digestive system?
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we sat down, we kicked back, and we watched tv! [ cheering ] this win is just the beginning! it doesn't end here. because your laundry can wait! keep those sweatpants on! order another pizza! and watch on! [ cheering ] don't wait a whole year for xfinity watchathon week to return. upgrade now to add the premium channel of your choice so you can keep watching. call or go online today. sandra: more "outnumbered" in just a moment. first let's get to jon scott with what is coming up second hour of "happening now." hey, jon? jon: thank you, sandra. voters head to the polls in indiana primary. donald trump riding a wave of momentum after five victories last week. he is hoping to cement his front-runner status. ted cruz hoping to sway
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skeptical voters that he could have get the nomination. calling trump a pat -- pathological liar. hillary clinton ask skipping indiana, touring appalachia, touring west virginia. let hemmer go home and have a nap. he has a long day today. sandra: we would never dream of it. thank you. harris: when it comes to talking politics at work you might want to zip it, or risk losing your job. an attorney telling the "new york post" saying many companies have policies that restrict poly talk and employers are within their rights to fire you. more than half of workers say they feel fear about talking about politics and getting heated or offensive when those topics come up. jedediah. >> yeah. i used to work in very liberal school in new york city. i was a teacher. i was a dean. when you go into the faculty
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room it would be nightmare for me. during election season. it was 2008 election. as you know that was crazy election. it was obama mania. it got really hard for me. at that time i just started doing tv and just started -- i learned if you have an opinion, it can rapidly change about politics it, can rapidly change the way people see you. they go from loving you to very quickly hating you. harris: really. they let you know? >> they let me know. it was very clear. so that can happen. harris: preparing for the segment, some of what we read did was the case with out back steakhouse and how a few years ago a woman worked there as server. she wore a tea party bracelet. she was let go of her job because she wore that an attorney said, it wouldn't have mattered because most people, most places have restrictions within their policies. sandra: definitely know how these people feel. harris's offices down from mine. what do you think of that today? what do you think of that? this is very telling, there was
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psychiatrist, i'm sorry a psychologist, in midtown manhattan, a quarter of his clients conflicted with election-related stress who the president would be. really? i want your problems. >> there are millions and millions of americans paying attention to this. at a state of the race that they have never done before. they're living out these primary battles like it is the drama of their own life because it is every tuesday. sandra: yeah. you make it that way, bill hemmer. it is your fault. >> media, is that it, right? harris: oh, boy. julie? >> i can tell you i worked in politics for 20 years. i love to go to work one day and not talk about politics. i have the opposite fantasy. i want to never talk about one day. harris: you can't do that here! >> i have a second job where it also requires talking about politics. harris: we'll cook up more "outnumbered." stay where you are. ...clear for take off.
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or moroccan or something else. so i jumped at the chance to take the dna test through ancestry. and my results ended up being african, european and asian. it just confirmed what i guess people had seen in me all my life. i do feel like ancestry helped give me a sense of identity. "what are you?" now i know. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at harris: your night is made. you know why? because you commodity to the fnc coverage at 6:00 p.m. eastern with megyn kelly and bret baier and guy next to him runs something called, the billboard. because it's a big board of maps and swing states and all that food stuff. >> manned by bill, is that why? harris: he is bill, get it? >> not the board. harris: what do you think we'll see tonight? not b-o-re-d.
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>> where would you go except felt nc. harris: great to have you. stay here for "outnumbered overtime." he stays here on the web. fox, click on "overtime" tab. right now "happening now." a fox news alert. indiana polls close five hours from now in a primary that could put the front runners on a clear path. >> donald trump and hillary clinton ready to put rivals out of business and turn their firepower on one another. >> if we win in indiana, it is over, folks. >> the entire country is depending on indiana to pull us back. >> can the race come down to the the hoosier state? >> and plus, a
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