tv Hannity FOX News May 6, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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there is nothing shy about viewers of this show. the tweets are flowing in @sandrasmithfox. write me your thoughts on show tonight. happy mother's day, by the way. also go to tell us what you think about tonight. thanks for watching. i'm sandra smith. we're going to have a strong border. yeah, we're going to have the wall and who's going to pay for the wall? we want people to come into our country but they have to come in legally, folks, otherwise we don't have a country, we don't have a country. get your money ready because you're going to pay for the wall. going to bring jobs back from china, japan, all these countries. politicians don't know how to stop it. i will stop it easily and quickly. syrian refugees are now being resettled in rhode island. we don't know where they're from. they have no documentation. we all have hearts and we can build safe zones in syria and we'll get the gulf states to put up the money. we're not putting up the money. we're going build our military
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bigger, better, stronger than ever before. ever before. isis will be gone. if i'm elected president. i would bomb the [ bleep ] out of them. i'd blow up the pipes. i'd blow up the -- i'd blow up every single inch. there would be nothing left. we have to rebuild naeamerica. we have to rebuild the united states. our infrastructure is going to hell. our debts have be our vets have been forgotten. our vets have been treated like third-class citizens. we have a disaster called the big lie, obamacare. premiums going up 25%, 35%, 50%, 55%. we're going to repeal it, replace it with something great. people say trump has a tough tone, a tough temperament. we need a tough temperament,
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folks. >> and welcome to the special edition of "hannity," so with senator ted cruz and governor john kasich dropping out of the race, donald trump is now the presumptive republican nominee. tonight, for the hour, we will be examining trump's positions on numerous issues including his stance on immigration, isis, health care, the economy, and much more. so how effective can a trump presidency be? and who will trump lean on for advice? we got a lot to cover tonight. welcome the author of the noo"t york times" bestseller " "duplicitous." i love social media, you've been well ahead of the curve on social media. it's been circulating. goes, for example, we have to build the wall, have illegal immigration, end sanctuary cities, immediately deport criminal illegal aliens, create safe zones in syria, take care of vets, support police, end common core, fix schools, negotiate better trade deals, bring back good american jobs, energy independence, balance the
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budget, fix a broken political system, rebuild infrastructure, restore america's military, redu reduce taxes on lower and middle class americans, protect the 2nd amendment. repeal and replace obamacare. women's health issues, he's p . pro-life. that sums up the guy i've interviewed over these many months. last night we were talking about this. i agree with your analysis. he's not a traditional conservative. is there any one of those positions that's not conservative, though? >> again, i think you can argue about, for example, building the wall whether that's conservative or not. it's certainly popular. i would make a deeper point that the news media totally misses. you just gave a list of the most substantive candidate i can remember who has taken item after item after item, when people say he doesn't stand for any issues, i wonder what planet they're on. this is a guy who's gone out and told us about a tremendous range of issues. the direction he would go in. and i think that in that sense,
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he's been a very substance-oriented k eed candid. some of the substance terrifies washington. frankly, that's good. washington needs to be terrified a little bit. >> why is it -- why is washington so terrified? can you psychoanalyze that? >> well, sure. he represents the end of their world. look, washington today is this bureaucratic lobbyist system that is trying to impose left-wing values on the country. look what epa is trying to do to the navajo nation, for example, in terms of their large electro-generating capabilities. look what obama has done to the entire coal industry. look what happened again and again with court decisions that favor radical values. so you have this huge industry in washington of people who try to dictate to the rest of us how we should think, how we should act, what we should do. and they're faced with a candidate who represents the
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will of the american people who's prepared to have, you know -- you can think of take back washington as the subset of make america great again and i think if you're washington, that kind of scares you. >> so there really -- what's happened is, and it's really true because republicans have allowed the entire obama jaeage to pass. they never had the courage that you had as speaker to let the government shut down. if i recall, you did it twice. and they wanted it because they wanted to maintain power. they were afraid they were going to get blamed so they were timid and pretty much everything obama wanted, obama got with very little opposition so there really isn't too much of a difference, is there, between the republicans in d.c. and democrats in d.c. and isn't that what the voters have been saying? >> now, look, there's a huge difference between individual republicans, i mean, if you looked at the house republicans and the senate republicans, they're dramatically more conservative, but they have not been effective in taking on obama and taking on the elite news media. what makes trump so fascinating
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is he's reached right past the elite media and he's communicated with the american people and he's beginning to create a trump movement and a sort of trumpism as a philosophy and if this thing begins to to here this summer and by the time we get to cleveland, you can begin to really sense, here's how we're going to deal with the country for the next eight years, this could be a historic turning point because it would mean, as you pointed out in several of your interviews, he's prepared basically to dismantle the washington education bureaucracy and send it back to the states. >> yeah. >> my guess is he would dismantle the washington medicaid bureaucracy and send it back to the states. this is a guy who i think will be very directly engaged in reshaping the federal government in ways that will make washington very uncomfortable. >> you know, last question. i asked you this before, because the distrust level is so high
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right now, i always thought, and i watched up close and personal when you ran on a contract, you put your word, your promises, on a solemn vow, what you're going to do. i like that idea again. i think to build up trust, to be held accountable, for promises, it could help run a national party. you could have senators and congressmen run on the same platform. i think many of the issues everyone would agree on, these are 80/20 issues many of them. good idea, bad idea? >> i think they ought to be a fairly broad platform in the summer, and then i think they should pick maybe ten big things and those ten big things -- that's got to be negotiated. it can't be dictated by trump. he's got to actually have the senate and the house candidates with him talking it through. they could pick ten of them and really create a vivid example and then say, look, you elect us and by easter of 2017, this is what we're going to get done. >> wow. all right. mr. speaker, thanks so much for
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being with us. joining us now with more is editor of lifezette, fox news contributor, nationally syndicated radio host, laura ingraham. how are you? >> hey, sean. >> whenever i hear newt gingrich speak, you always get this sense of hope and optimism then i just realized how the institution in washington, the bureaucracy in washington, especially among republicans, has so deeply fl l flawed and how weak they have truly been and how visionless they really are. it's kind of a great comparison. am i wrong? >> no, you're totally right, sean. and look, last year, friends of mine and i were sitting around and watching the cranes in washington, the growth of washington, the building in washington. it just keeps expanding out the city. i actually came to washington to work for president reagan in 1987 and right out of college, and, you know, washington then was -- there was traffic and it was a busy city, but it's grown
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into this just mega, you know, city of lobbyists and lawyers and everybody who feeds off the, excuse the phraseology, but the teet of washington, d.c., and the federal government. newt is absolutely right. the threat of someone who would come in and change that and really upend it, if that's what trump does, which he says he'll do, that shakes their world order. and people like paul ryan and mitch mcconnell, they're used to things being a certain way. and trump's got to be very careful that he doesn't allow the establishment now in washington, after he clear cut that entire field and grew his support among the electorate, he can't bow down and give away all the momentum and the credibility he has on the key issues that he ran on, the immigration issue and the tra and that's what i'm concerned about when i hear these statements from ryan and mcconnell that trump's got
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to unify the party. i say trump has unified the party. he's up over 50%. he clear cut the whole field. bushism is over. there's no appetite for it. so i think right now they're on the wrong side of key issues and got to come closer to him on a few key issues. >> but as we talked about last night, this is like openly sabotaging the guy. which i don't think they would do to anybody else. and so he now has some problems in as -- i actually can see in my mind's eye some of these people actually actively helping hillary. that's how much -- that's how angry they are at the voters that they didn't pick an establishment candidate. >> well, i think so, sean, and remember, they have no problem working with obama on issues like trade promotion authority. they'd had no problem passing obama's budget, funding planned parenthood. and i think if they feel in the end that they can cut better deals on globalization and trade, trans-pacific partnership, immigration amnesty, with hillary than they
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can with trump, then they might as well cut deals with hillary. i mean, it's like the last year hasn't even happened for them. like none of this is settling in that populism and a conservatism imbued with more of an economic nationalism, that is the only future for the republican party. they can be spoilers, i guess, or irrelevant like john anderson in 1980. i think they ought to be really thoughtful about what they to because i think the people are going to have a very long memory if the sabotage game is really what's going on here. >> i think so. you know, i also don't think it's a time for half measures. i think the problems are so deep. >> right. >> it's really in the foundation of everything there, and trump represents to them i guess the equivalent of a political earthquake and that will rock their world and change it, hopefully, forever. >> maybe the country would be changed for the better, though. i mean, when policies don't work, you don't keep doing the same policies.
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you actually do something different. >> called the definition -- >> if that doesn't work, you change that. >> definition of insanity, doing the same thing over thinking you can get a different world. laura, thank you again for being with us. coming up next tonight right here on this special edition of "hannity" -- >> we're going to have a strong border. yeah. we're going to have the wall. who's going to pay for the wall? 100%, by the way. 100%. >> donald trump vowing he will build a border wall if elected and get rid of sanctuary cities. how will he do it? we'll check in with former arizona governor jan brewer and sheriff joe arpaio here. they'lluati weigh in on that an much more as this special edition of "hannity: road to the white house constipated? trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes
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mpltss live from america's news headquarters, a state of emergency remains in effect in the western canadian province of alberta where a massive wildfire could double in size by the end of the day on saturday. it's already consumed 250,000 acres in the area and there's no end in sight. fire crews say the only thing that could help right now is rain. 80,000 people vn evacuated. fortunately no deaths or injuries have been reported. labour party politician is elected. he beat goldsmith by 300,000 votes the campaign was marked by negative campaigning. goldsmith accused him of sharing platforms with islamic extremists. he responded he is a british muslim who will take the fight to the extremists. now back to "hannity." special edition of "hannity: road to the
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white house: trump on the issues." the day he announce ed he was running for president donald trump brought up the issue of immigration and said it would be a top priority. listen to what trump said he'd do if elected. >> believe me, folks. we're building the wall. believe me, we're building the wall. we're biuilding the wall. no, we're building the wall. we have no choice. do we have a choice? we have to. we're going to create a path where we can get them into this country legally. okay? but it has to be done legally. >> are you willing to -- >> otherwise we don't have a country. they're going to be, they're going to come back and come back legally. we're going to end sanctuary cities really fast i can tell you that. almost like a free zone, you kill people, you're in a sanctuary city. it's insane what's happening to our city. >> joining us with reaction, jan brewer, maricopa county sheriff
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mr. pink underwear, himself, joe arpaio, our favorite sheriff. welcome both of you. if you look at all the exit polls from primary states including arizona, it's jobs, the economy and security. all of them are tied to immigration and governor, i'll start with you. what is the impact on jobs for americans, the health care costs, the educational costs, the criminal justice costs of the illegal immigrants? how big is it? >> well, it's extraordinary. it costs us probably, you know, a billion dollars or more a year to educate these people that are coming across with their children. certainly they're taking jobs out of the economy and then their health care under our medicaid program, we call it access here, and the incarceration, it's extraordinary. we certainly can't afford it and it's not our job and the point of the matter, truly, sean, is that our borders need to be secured and we believe in the rule of law.
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>> yeah. and sheriff, you have an upclose and personal view of this. how many, or what percentage of the people over the years has your jail been holding that are illegal immigrants? >> well, you know, just recently we did a survey, i think i talked about it before, thanks for asking the question. we've had 5,500 in our jail system we turned over to i.c.e. guess what, 3,000 have come back. that's a big story that nobody will talk about. >> when you say 3,000 come back, meaning they didn't -- they got out of jail, you told i.c.e. they committed crimes in the u.s., they were here illegally and they let them back in the united states. they didn't send them back. >> no, came back to the same jail that i run. >> yeah. that's what i'm saying. >> 24 at a time. >> they keep coming back but they were let out and i.c.e. never picked them up and sent them back. isn't that the law? >> they were turned over to i.c.e. to be deported.
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they keep coming back. >> that's my point. >> they're not crossing the border. they're let out the back door to roam the streets. >> yeah. >> when you talk about deportation, these are people who should be deported for serious crimes. that's one problem domestically. you have to crack down at the border of mexico. you know i was a director in mexico city for many years, and you have to do it over there, get to the source, get that wall up and i -- you know, i was with donald right from the beginning when he mentioned the wall and immigration. nobody wanted to talk about it, sean. you know that. now, everybody's talking about it. it's a no-brainer to put that wall up. >> yeah. by the way, republican, if they wanted the wall up, they would have put it up. let me ask a political question, governor, and that is, john mccain was whining earlier this week that, oh, his re-election campaigns are going to be reduced because donald trump's the nominee. i don't think that's the case. isn't it because the people of arizona feel he's been part of the problem over these years? which scenario is more
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realistic? >> well, you know, john mccain has served us well, i believe, for the many years that he's been in office but there's a lot of concern out there. i think he will win re-election. he still has a lot of support. the people that oppose him are very vocal, but, you know, sean, i will tell you there's nobody better than -- you would want in your foxhole if you have a problem. i think that john is truly an american hero and, you know, security is so, so important that we have to be very concerned that if john doesn't return to the senate, he's got seniority, so i think people should think a little bit cautiously about moving in a different direction. >> let me go back to the border, sheriff, and ask you this question. tell people what you have seen. in other words, drugs -- i've been to a drug warehouse. you know, floor to ceiling drugs.
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the biggest room i've ever been in. the stench was horrible. drugs, human trafficking. explain all of this to me. >> well, i'm glad you brought that up because every politician that goes to the border, all they talk about is illegal immigration for their photo op when they're running for office. nobody talks about the drugs coming into our country. destroying our country. heroin. i commend donald, he brought th this up, need the wall to stop the drugs from coming into the country, destroying our young people. not just the illegal immigration problem. we have to talk about the terrorism problem, too. it's important to do something at the u.s./mexican border. >> i agree. it think it impacts jobs, impacts the economy, it impacts our security and the trillions of dollars over the years we intend on the health care system, criminal justice system, educational system, has been enormous, had a burden on american taxpayers. thank you both for speaking out. we appreciate it. and coming up next tonight on the special edition of
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"hannity" -- >> they're going to be done. isis will be gone if i'm elected president. and they'll be gone quickly. they will be gone very, very quickly. >> donald trump taking a strong approach when it comes to dealing with isis. now we're going to speak with dr. walid phares, one of trump's foreign policy advisers. that and more as this special that and more as this special edition of "hannity: road that and more as this special edition of "hannity: road here's the plan. you grow up wanting to be a lawyer, because your dad's a lawyer.
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>> we're going to build up our military bigger, better, stronger than ever before. it's the cheapest thing we can do. we're going to have to take out isis and going to have to take them out fast. i would bomb the [ bleep ] out of them. i'd blow up the pipes. i'd blow up the -- i'd blow up every single inch. there would be nothing left. and you know what, you'll get exxon to come in there, two
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months, you ever see these guy, how good they are, the oil companies, they'll rebuild that sucker brand new. i'd take the oil. i said i'll take the oil. we must, as a nation, be more unpredictable. we are totally predictable. we tell everything. we're sending troops. we tell them. we're sending something else, we have a news conference. we have to be unpredictable. and we have to be unpredictable starting now. but they're going to be gone. isis will be gone if i'm elected president. and they'll be gone quickly. they will be gone very, very quickly. >> and welcome back to the special edition of "hannity." that was donald trump explaining how he will deal with isis if, in fact, he's elected to bt next commander in chief. here with reaction, one of donald trump's foreign policy advisers, fox news middle east analyst dr. walid phares is with
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us, a thundershoweruthor of "in" and k.t. mcfarland and pete hegseth. k.t., you talked about donald trump, advised donald trump. i like "bomb the living" out of them. i think that's pretty good. that's a start. i think we've been timid with isis. he said he wouldn't telegraph everything. bring us some insight into his thinking. >> that's what we've heard so far is the narrative of the primaries which has ended and then you're going to hear more details and more expansion during the debate this summer, but more important, sean, is basically what we actually -- he is going to be doing when he is going to be elected president. elected president. so number one, as he mentioned there is no containment with regard to isis. is a dismemberment of isis. actually the eradication of isis. that means that we're going to have to have a force on the ground. i mean, there will be continuous relentless shelling of isis positions --
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>> you think he'll send american troops into iraq and syria? >> they are all tools, trump, he will choose if he can through a coalition of local allies inside iraq and syria, more importantly in the region, and he has mentioned this even if his foreign policy speech -- >> he said he wouldn't do that. he said he'd let other countries do that, said he should be shedding their blood, they should be contributing their money. >> that's exactly what i'm trying to say. he will talk to these arab countries that have armies that we have trained that have been very frustrated with the obama/clinton administration's policies -- >> let me bring in k.t. k.t., i heard a guy that said, you know what, we can't change countries that don't want to be democracies and we've done more harm than good in some instances and we always end up politicizes the war, anyway, and giving up our gains. how many more times are we going to do that is. >> i think he's been pretty clear he doesn't want a bush kind of bar war in the middle e and not obama's leading from behind.
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what's intriguing, similar to reagan, in a sense he's rethinking what should our strategy be? in fact, trump has said to defeat isis we need comprehensive strategy like we had to defeat the nazis during world war ii and reagan used to defeat the communists during the cold war. it has an economic component, ideological one, covert action component. yes, it has a military component, but it's one of a number of issues and a number of ways we fight this enemy. >> one similarity, pete, is building up our military strength that everybody knows we are a norforce to reckon with. >> that's right. no one is going to -- he wants to defeat isis. that matters to troops on the ground who look at their commander in chief now and wonder where his compass is. there's an inconsistency in the actual application. is it going to be troops, not going to be troops? how do you seize the oil fields without troops? the devil is oftentimes still in the details in the application. you can't lead without american boots on the ground. >> here's my theory. >> that's part of the equation. >> we have got to advance
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warfare to the point where it's not like baghdad where we're sending kids in without even uparmored humvees, knocking door to door to try and win a war. i think we have got to accept that if we're going do wage war against modern-day evil, there's going to be far more collateral damage than people are willing to accept. that means the media, cnn, they'll go in there with their pictures, oh, they killed women and children. well, that's going to happen in war and we don't seem to have the appetite to do that. >> yeah. one of the things i think is interesting about what trump has said -- >> by the wary, i'm not hoping for that. that is a natural course. >> if you're going to kill each other, you is two enemies killing each other you wonder why should you step in and try to stop them? let them exhaust themselves. when trump says we're going to build the strongest, toughest military. he says have the strongest, toughest military, nobody pixck a fight with you. >> right. >> that's reagan's piece --
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>> they're going to keep picking a fight with us no matter what. they have a caliphate with a black flag flying over it. they have mosul. will we be willing to bomb their capital? we know where their headquarters are. we won't do it. >> obama wouldn't do it because he didn't want any environmental damage. >> i think trump would be willing to. >> of course he would. >> the american people would rally to defeating the call fait. >> walid, i think astthat's a g point. obama wouldn't do it. he did little pinpricks. he said there might be environmental damage if we bomb the oil wells and take their money away. >> that was another concern, sean. the reality is the obama administration could have destroyed isis if it wanted. we have the best military in the world. it's iran that didn't want this to happen because they wanted to seize those areas. this is where a trump administration is going to have a different strategy. we and our allies will destroy isis. details will come later. we're going to make sure the iranians and other jihadi group is not going to come after us. always the day after we need to think about.
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>> all right, guys. thank you all for being with us. good to see you, pete. congrats on the book. coming up next tonight here on "hannity" -- >> you have millions of people out there that can't get jobs. we're going to bring our jobs back to our country and we're not going to let people leave so easily anymore. >> donald trump is a very successful businessman and he promises if elected that he'll bring back jobs from mexico, he'll fix the economy. coming up next, charles gasparino, nicole petallides, gerri willis will weigh in on gerri willis will weigh in on trump's plans as this special ♪ gerri willis will weigh in on trump's plans as this special ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides.
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police believe he may be connected to two other deadly shootings that happened today. one at a mall and another at a grocery store. while speaking at the white house, president obama used the rail system as one of the under investments in the nation's infrasfrur. he is pinning the blame on republican led congress. he says there are bridges and roads 'cross the country neglected and republican lawmakers haven't been serious about fixing them. now back to "hannity." om. welcome back to the special edition of "hannity: road to the white house: donald trump on the issues." if trump does become president, he's going to have to do a lot of work to fix america's broken economy caused by years of obama's failed policies. here's where trump stands on this very important issue. let's take a look. >> we're going to bring back our jobs and we're going to keep our
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jobs. we're not going to let companies leave. now, if they want to go to a different state, good luck. compete. but when they start going to different countries, many cases countries that devalue their currency and make it impossible for our companies to compete, that's not going to happen. you have millions of people out there that can't get jobs. we're going to bring our jobs back to our country. and we're not going to let people leave so easily anymore. we're bringing our jobs back to this country and companies that want to leave, they're going to have to pay the consequences. i mean, if they want to leave for mexico and going to make product and sell it, they're going to have to pay the consequences which in this case is going to be taxes. they're going to have to pay a tax if they want to come back into the country. with me, they're paying a 35% tax as soon as they leave, folks. and they're never going to leave. >> joining us from the fox business network, charles gasparino, nicole petallides and gerri willis. by the way, i got a chance to read and endorse a brand new book "rich is not a four-letter
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word" out now in bookstores and really real really isn't. i look at this economic plan, i like the idea, we become energy independent, create millions of jobs, it's good for our national security. let all of these multinational corporations that have trillions or billions of dollars, i think trillions, about $2 trillion $3 trillion, overseas, bring it back at a low tax rate, build manufacturing centers and factories. good idea? >> he wants a 15% corporate tax rate. >> right. >> in order to bring it way, way down, he wants to bring down individual tax rates. top tax rate would be 25%. this would turn a lot of money over to the private seconder, lot of money over to individuals. this would cause the economy to grow and grow dramatically, 1% a year. over ten years -- you say gerri, that's not much but over ten years that's 10% growth. >> obama is the last quarte quarter .5%. he's the only president in eight years that will never reach 3% growth in a year. >> i can tell withdrew thyou i
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wall street traders all the time. i talked to them about this segment, alone asking about trump's policies. you know what, they embrace it, want a political maverick, want someone to make some changes. they're willing to take obviously some challenges and obviously risk with this but they mike what they're seeing. they like what gerri just noted 15% from 40%. they like getting rid of the inversions. bringing back $2.5 trillion back to the state. >> that's a lot of money. >> we don't want to be japan. >> there's a critic in the corner, gasparino. >> i'm the voice of reason. there's a difference between the few traders left on the floor of the stock exchange and -- >> likes to note that. >> no, no. >> go ahead. >> most major investors are scared to death of donald trump, scared to death -- >> okay, i thought -- go ahead. >> how about paul -- how much money could john -- >> all right. here's the point. monetary policy versus -- >> no, no. listen. a trade war. whun of the basics that has
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allowed our economy is grow in good times, forget act the obama administration. you're comparing him to the largest midget in the room when it's president obama's economy, has been free trade. donald trump wants to start a trade war with china. >> that's not what he said at all. >> i'm sure he does. >> he wants 45% -- 45% -- >> i'm listening to you, you guys are talking about rich wall street guys. here's the problem. >> right. >> 20% of american families don't have a single person employed. >> how many jobs -- >> i'm not done. 9 95 million americans out of the labor force. >> use your head, sean. use your head. >> americans are still suffering. this continues. median incomes are down. >> who doesn't know that? >> nobody -- >> can i make -- >> any policies to change this? i don't think so. donald trump does. >> are you telling me repealing -- >> i'm not going to answer your questions -- this is an important fact. >> are you saying repealing nafta. >> he's going to bring factories back -- >> fracking would bring jobs to
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upstate new york. >> that's part of his policy to allow it. >> repealing nafta, getting into a trade war -- >> that's not what he said. if you listen closely -- >> listen closely? >> an i finish? >> sure. >> if you listen closely -- what he's saying, he's never given a percent that i heard. >> yes, he has. >> he's going do negotiate better trade deals. tlps a huge trade imbalance -- wait a minute. you try to sell an american car in china, good luck to you. >> we are selling -- >> no, we're not. we're getting rammed -- 95% of their products overseas, not here. engage in an overseas trade war. engaged the one with us, we're not fighting back. >> i agree with charlie, talked to a lot of people, they are nervous about that. but when you talk at home, when you're talking about americans and concerns about lower income americans, a single person who makes less than $25,000. married couple who makes -- >> how about the people out of work that make nothing. >> they're not going to have to pay anything. he simplifies the tax brackets from --
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>> wait a minute. >> he's making it simpler. >> the unbalance in the trade has resulted in less manufacturing, less factories in america, americans out of work. >> right. >> and then the americans that are out of work now have to compete with illegal immigrants that drive down wages and take opportunities. >> that's why trump has been so popular and why he's gotten so much currency and why people are listening to him. >> that's why he's won. >> sean, here's your economic theory. build a wall, only sell to ourselves. it ain't happening. >> why do you make this stuff up? you're out of your mind. that is not what i said. that's not what he says. >> 45% tear roughir raves. >> oh, my gosh. >> what he's saying is -- >> he said he would negotiate better trade deals. >> right. >> because there's such an imbalance. that imbalance has rulesulted i americans losing jobs. >> if they manipulate the currency, like we do -- >> they do it more than us. >> it's called quantitative easing. >> that's really horrible. i can't stand quantity thative easing.
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>> he's done little thing, incentives to keep these companies here, at home. how about impoverished cities in baltimore, have more incentives -- he could be the greatest jobs person god ever created. >> it's called vote for hillary. >> go vote for hillary. >> by the way, donald trump didn't invent the tax cut. you do realize that. >> john kennedy did it. let's see, ronald reagan did that. and mitt romney wanted to do it. every republican candidate that -- difference between them and donald trump, he wants to engage in a trade war. >> that's not what he said. >> we don't want more regulation, either. we left out another point. how about more regulation? >> talked about remedying regulations. >> we haven't had -- >> who doesn't like regulation? >> the only one not frustrating me here is gerri. gerri willis' book right frther "rich is not a four. letter word." up next on this special edition of "hannity" -- >> obamacare is out of control, premiums going up 25%, 35 pbl%,,
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there's so many things you could have privately to take care of health care. obamacare is out of control. your premiums are going up 25%, 35%, 45%, 55%. we're going to repeal it, we're going to replace it with something great. we don't win with health care. obamacare is a disaster. with health care, we have to repeal and replace obamacare. >> what would you replace it with? >> a health care savings accounts which are great. we have to get rid of the lines. we have to create competition. when you do that, you will have the best health care you've ever, ever had and it will be at a reasonable cost. we have to get rid of the lines around the states so there's serious, serious competition. you're going to see -- excuse me, then you're going to see pre-existing conditions and everything else of it but the price will be down. and insurance companies can pay. right now, they're making a fortune. >> welcome back to this special edition of "hannity".
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that was trump explaining plans to impress the health care system. as the supreme court, will have to nominate a new justice or many. >> i'm going to name 10 or 12 judges that i would recommend to put on the supreme court, and i'm going to name up front and i'm only going to take the judges out of that pool of judges because i want people to understand that i want the values in terms of the republican party and the conservatives, i want judges that are going to be happy with that. i'm going to name 10-12 judges up front and only take from that. >> here with reaction, monica crowley. donald trump is going to layout 10-12 names people will know ahead of time.
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>> what is fascinating is that the two front runners on both sides have yet to lock down their bases right? hillary clinton has yet to lock down the far left, and on the right, donald trump has work to do with the conservative base. one of the most-p important things he can do, he is -- >> that is one thing -- >> is release the list of conservative judges. >> i can imagine. what if mike lee and ted cruz's name popped up on the list? >> i think that would be music to ted cruz's ears, right? ted cruz hits hard on this issue. you know? a very powerful ad talking about the skepticism. i think that will go a long way. >> do you remember one debate donald trump was talking about the lines, the lines became an issue. i interviewed him just before that debate and he went into
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detail about health care savings accounts and said it over and over again. every opponent said he kept referring to the canadian system, which, by the way he did. that is not on his website. >> look. since obamacare was signed into law in 2010, every time republican candidates run on repealing and replacing obamacare, they won in droves. in 2012, mitt romney couldn't make it an argument. if donald trump continues to make this argument, repeal, replace obamacare with patient-based and market-based solutions like the private accounts and so on, allowing insurance to be bought over state lines. >> portability. sure. >> he will win on that issue and might even win on that issue. >> because prices this year -- >> they're going up one week before the presidential election. >> it's a good opportunity for
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donald trump to be the compassionate conservative. right? we have seen him on debate stages talk about people shouldn't be dying in the streets. in their resumes now, some of the far right were booing it. >> no. no. >> people dieing in the streets? >> it wasn't you. it was someone else. >> someone was okay with that? >> they felt it sounded too close to government-supported health care but trump clarified. >> you're voting for trump, aren't you? >> he's going to repeal and replace. that is important. >> i haven't decided. my mother is voting for trump. >> coming up, the special you've finally earned enough reward miles on your airline credit card. now you just book a seat, right? not quite. sometimes those seats are out of reach, costing an outrageous number of miles. it's time to switch... to the capital one venture card. with venture, you'll earn unlimited double miles
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11:00 pm
we take attendance and it hurts our feelings when you're not here, we'll see you back here monday. tonight on the record, all your news right here, breaking news. fatal shootings at a high school, mall and supermarket. a federal security officer is under arrest for the murders. the grisly murders of a texas fitness instructor the media messages some are calling them creepy. a peace summit here in washington. i'm talking about the gop closed door meeting. donald trump, speaker paul ryan and rnc chair reince priebus can they unify the party? first donald trump rallies the crowd in nebraska. >> i won't talk about
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