tv Americas Election HQ FOX News May 7, 2016 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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hello everyone. welcome inside america's election headquarters. . i'm kelly writing. >> i'm laura ingles. donald trump hitting the campaign trail in washington state. hear the latest on the presumptive republican nominee and whether his strategy will hold up in the general election. plus an out of control wildfire in alberta, canada getting worse. the fire is expected to double in size by tonight. we'll have a live report. and kim jong-un being awarded a new title that solidifies his grip over north
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korea. but why isn't more being done to reign in the rogue regime? when we begin this hour with the last man standing in a formally crowded republican field for president. donald trump holding his first rally in washington state, speaking to a massive crowd there in spokane. later he'll travel northwest to lynn don. john roberts is live with the campaign following all of the details with the donald. john, what's happening? >> reporter: good afternoon to you. voters here in washington go to the polls on the 24th of may. 44 degree gates are at stake here. dump would like to come away with the lyon's share of those to put away that idea that he wouldn't win at the convention. he was talking about mike leek who endorsed him today. donald trump touting a number of traditional endorsements from
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establishment republicans like bob dole and dick cheney but also some sporting figures, bobby knight. an unusual coalition of people to support him through the primaries and into the general election. he still faces a lot of skepticism for many republicans as to whether or not he's the guy who can actually win in november. but as he started this rally, trump said he is the one that democrats really fear. let's listen. >> i just got back and one of the big democrats, i won't tell you who because i don't like to mention their name, but one of the biggest said you better be careful with trump. there are right now 16 people sitting homeelevision and you better be careful what you wish for because this is going to be brutal. and we're going to win, folks. >> reporter: of course one of the big potential
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vulnerabilities that donald trump has according to many people going into a general election is some of the things he's said about women over the course of this campaign, something the clinton campaign is expected to attack him heavily on. last night in eugene, oregon, donald trump trotted out a line line of attack saying, if you think i've got problems with women, look at yourself in the mirror. here's trump from last night. >> i mean there's never been anybody like this. and she was a total enabler. she would go after these women and destroy their lives. have you head what hillary clinton did to the women that bill clinton had affairs with? and they're going after me with women? give me a break, folks. give me a break. >> reporter: so it's pretty clear that trump is prepared to go all in on what bill clinton did during his presidency in the 1990s when it comes to running for this general election.
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unclear how many delegates trump could come out of washington with. it's a complicated system. proportional system for the enlarged delegates with the threshold and congressional delegates that are available. but this is the state that wasn't taylor made for trump. it was more for john kasich and ted cruz. we'll find out on the 24th how well donald trump does. but prior to that, looking forward to the primaries coming up on tuesday, the all important meeting for mr. trump on thursday with speaker of the house ryan. will ryan get behind him? kelly? >> john, thank you so much. it's pretty crowded out there. a lot of people seem to be excited about the donald where you're at. john roberts reporting from washington. >> reporter: no question. and meanwhile on the democratic front, hillary clinton looking to capitalize on the chaos in the gop prompted by donald trump's jump to the top. she's pushing to win over republicans who would rather not
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vote for the outsider candidate. rich edge ston is live in our news room. >> good afternoon. short the delegates needed to clinch the democratic nomination and with the primary opponents coming after her, she's turning her attention to the general election. she's focusing more on the presumptive nominee in a came pan event last evening oakland, california, clinton barely mentioned her primary challenger, bernie sanders. instead she knocked trump. >> you're voting for a commander in chief. you're voting for someone who has the solemn responsibility to keep america safe and to continue leading in the world. and some of what i'm hearing from donald trump is quite
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concerning. right? >> clinton has also won the caucus in guam. that gives her 229 delegates. sanders has just 1453. to win the nomination a can date needs 2383. sanders says he will continue campaigning. >> i think it's an uphill fight. but we have been fighting uphill from the first day that aannounced when nobody gave us a shot to do anything. and now as i said, we've won 18 states already and more to come. i think that our goal right now is to do very, very well in the nine remaining states. >> west virginia votes tuesday. sanders leads in polling there. democrats in kentucky and oregon vote later this month, ahead of the june 7th delegate heavy primaries in california and new jersey. a solid performance for clinton then and she could secure the
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nomination. >> thanks so much. a rally against german chancellor angela merkel and her refugee policies drawing thousands of protesters in berl berlin. a very vocal group there. police in riot gear keeping the piece between the protester and the counter-protesters. the rally began over merkel's policy on refugees more more than a million rev gees crossed over last year. and we've got problems in nearby austria. riot police clashing with protesters there at the demonstration spirals out of control. very active officers responding with tear gas as protesters threw bricks and firecrackers at
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them. 20 people were arrested. the demonstrator were voicing their opposition to austria tightening up the border security. this is a fox news alert. a wildfire burning in western canada could double in size today. dry and windy conditions are fueling the fire in alberta. firefighters expect the fans to span more than half a million acres as it moves northeast into forested areas. nearly 90,000 people have been evacuated so far. brian yet tis is live from our new york city newsroom. brian, this is a frightening ordeal. >> unpredictable, dangerous, frightening. this wildfire started saturday and it has grown to be six times the size of washington, d.c. an area to large that canadian officials are calling this a national emergency and they
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admit that significant rainfall is the only thing that will stop this fire. until then more than 1400 firefighters are fighting to l contain the blaze. it could double in size today because of the low humidity and other conditions. more than ft. mcmurray's residents and their pets have been evacuated. officials are reevacuating the remainder of the 25,000 residents who initially fled north for shelter to only have to flee again because this fire is changing directions unpredictably. >> there will be an enormous amount of work to do to make the city safe and habitable. the gas has been turned off, the power grid has been damaged and large portions of the city don't have power right now. the water is not currently drinkable. there are no stores open. there's a great deal of
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hazardous material to be cleaned up. >> james o'reilly and his wife watched their home burn. look at this video, to the ground in ft. mcmurray on an iphone app from their home surveillance camera. around 1500 structures lost. unreal. amazing there, there have been no fatalities directly liked to this inferno and no towns or cities are currently in the fire's path. about a quarter are of canada's oil production by the way has been put offline until the fire is contained. >> thank you for the report. and we are learning more about the man arrested in that shooting rampage in maryland. the suspect now charged with several counts of murder in the two-day spree that left his estranged wife and two others dead. here's how police say it played out. and donald trump and hillary clinton feeling so confident that their names h will be on the ballot in november, they're out with a fresh round of attack
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on each other. and political experts telling fox news the party of front runners may need to shift their strategies ahead of the general election. all of that coming up. >> it's a whole different operation to be selected by the party and to be elected by the people. it's a sea change. whoa. what's going on here? oh hey allison. i'm val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. val from voya? yeah, val from voya. quick question, what are voya retirement squirrels doing in my house?
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we're putting away acorns. you know, to show the importance of saving for the future. so you're sort of like a spokes person? no, i'm more like a metaphor. okay, a spokes-metaphor. no, i'm... you're a spokes-metaphor. yeah. ok. see how voya can help you get organized at his day of coaching begins this is brad. with knee pain, when... hey brad, wanna trade the all day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no. for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve.
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a federal security officer suspected in three deadly shootings in the washington, d.c. area is facing additional charges. 62-year-old u recally tordil charged today with two counts of first degree murder and two counts of attempted first degree murder. he had already been charged in the shooting death of his estranged wife on thursday. that shooting happened in a high school parking lot. today's charges stem from two other shooting yesterday, one at a mall and one at a shopping center five miles away. as you know, fox news is american election head quarters with hillary clinton and donald trump have all but locked up their spots in the general election. they're wasting no time going on the offensive. trump bringing ally elizabeth warren into the game.
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listen to this. >> i just learned that crooked hillary, along with her friends, you know, she's got this goofy friend elizabeth warren. she's a goofus. have you ever seen her? this woman, she's a babba baske. she's done nothing at the united states senate. >> their presumptive nominee otherwise called the presump chus nominee has made it clear. he basically said wages are too high in america. >> richard fowler is a democratic strategist. radio talk show hosts and they join us to weigh in share their perspectives as the name calling continues to dominate the campaign. what impact will all of this language have on the voters. let's begin with you, tammy.
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>> ridicule has been used since play doe really. ridicule, mocking. i think it can be irritating and somewhat difficult for american ears but i think this is traditional in a lot of ways. this is compared to other american efforts, elections. it really pales in comparison. hillary is not as good at delivering it. it really does cut things down to the quick when it comes to an opinion about your opponent. it diminishes them. it's meant to. we'll see h. >> richard, what do you think? is hillary stepping into a cross fire, a cross hair of donald trump and will she be able to handle that? >> donald trump only insults folks he sees as competition. clearly he sees hillary clinton as huge competition in november.
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she's tough. she's 30 yeergs in the making. she's tough. i think she's going to throw om blows back at him. it's going to be a very interesting couple of months to watch as they throw blows back and forth. there's no telling who he will do or who he will insult. i told the american people, brace yourself. this is a roller coaster ride and we don't know what will happen next. >> on that note you're saying brace yourselves. let's listen to another example of what donald trump is saying on the campaign trail and tell me your response if you will, to it and if you believe as the campaign goes forward, will it get worse. >> i see her all the time. she's saying donald trump, he said something that was a little bit off with the woman. can't do that. but just think of it. bill clinton was the worst in history and i have to listen to her talking about it? and just remember this. she was an unbelievably nasty
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mean enabler and what she did to a lot of those women is disgraceful. >> tammy, your reaction. >> it was the monica lewinsky scandal. i with as democrat and worked on that campaign in '92. it was the way they handled ms. lewinsky and other women accusing him of rape and assault and a variety of things that made me leave the party and reject that nature, what it was they were doing. they're history for my generation, those of us who helped him get into office, we understand the argument. because of the massage any. ve to admit, this is going to be part of it and it's going to continue. >> i think trump is going to bring it up. that's fine. do you really think that hillary clinton is to blame? >> she's an enabler. >> i think that's a slap in the face to women all across the country. >> we know through books and revelations since then that the attacks on monica lewinsky were
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hillary's idea. >> time-out. let's bring this back to the american people right now. the rhetoric that's out there -- both of you are getting sbo that as well. it's fueling a lot of anger among trump supporters as well as those who are for hillary clinton. i mean the latest protests taking place in oregon where protesters shouted racist. do you see this having an impact on the general election, whether trump is talking about bill clinton and his philandering ways and hillary clinton and calling her an enabler and vice versa. but this kind of mud slinging rhetoric, what does it do for the american people, the american psyche at a time when everyone is saying, can we just get along? >> it does nothing for the american people. i think if you talk to the fo folkfolks here in detroit, in froint, all across america, they'll tell you we don't care who is sleeping with who. we care who is eating.
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that's the question americas ask themselves. how can we create jobs. who has the best ideas to get that done. sadly both donald trump is weighing down in the mud and nobody cares. >> here's what the american people have realized, character does matter. this is the argument for both. is that what is your behavior and how has it affected the future of the country and what it do while you were in office. we know about obamas, perfectly fabulous couple. you can be a fabulous couple, totally in love and still be wrong for the white house and be wrong for what it is you're doing. this is about character and the nature of how you view the nation. >> you're contradicting yourself. >> i am not. >> yes, you are. >> i did not interrupt you. i will finish this. this is about how you're going to do your business for the country and in you nature will have an impact on what you do for the nation. and that's what we have to think about. look at all of the details of what we know -- >> one second.
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we're running out of time. obviously this is a conversation that the three of us can continue to have. come on back. we'll talk about it some more. richard fewer good to see you. tam tammy, good to see you my friend. they're my friends. love them both. even though they're not loving each ore right now. >> richard is a great guy. we just disagree. and kelly, more experts are starting to weigh in on the strength and weaknesses of the candidates. donald trump and hillary clinton obviously come from opposite ends of the political spectrum but both rely on their well-known names and deep pockets for help in the prima primari primaries. chief white house correspondent james rosen has a look at what we can expect heading into november. >> think they it was $8 million spent against me and we spent $900,000. to me, that's the way it's supposed to be. >> but that can't be the way it is this fall, so many analysts
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while conceding at last that donald trump is a singular figure in american life, a first-time candidate who's upended all conventions of the political game, these campaign veterans say trump is not pell thy enough to self fund the $2 billion needed for the election campaign and cannot defeat hillary clinton with an air war on trump's celebrity. >> the things that got trump where he is not necessarily the things he'll need to continue. you must rely on paid media, staffing, advertising. >> with her first bid for elected office in 2000, hillary clinton inherited the greatest democratic machine the country has seen since the kennedys and she's retoolds it for the digital age with a $5 million technology and data mining unit, offices in 28 states, a paid staff of almost 800, upwards of 10,000 volunteers an an army of consultants four times larger
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than trumps. >> she's got a year advantage over him. these are like start-up businesses. they need time to work through. he's starting very late. he is not ever done this before. >> trump's paid staff is presentliest maid the at 100. said to lack a sizable communications team, digital operation and research team. the republican national committee does have such infrastructure though and tuesday night's tweet from rens priebus suggests it will be at his disposal. >> they have a natural organizational base that he's going to need in many, if not all of the 50 states. many are grass roots activists who are going to pick up the phone and make the calls, knocking on doors. >> while we don't tend to think of donald trump as having money problems w problems, his fund-raising curve will be steep.
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in washington, james rosen, fox news. a sub lime prelude to marry golds. what was north korea's supreme leader talking about. and we'll look at how police are adapting to body cameras after a greater push for them since the deadly shooting in ferguson, missouri. >> initially when we rolled it out the officers were uncomfortable with it because of the unknown. but now they've embraced it. most people think that after an accident,
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o...cleasee ya!ake off. good hands with allstate. when you're living with diabetes. steady is exciting. oh this is living baby! only glucerna has carbsteady, to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and try new glucerna hunger smart to help you feel full. in a push for greater transparency, chicago police are expanding a program to put body cameras on officers. fox affiliate has the story. >> reporter: on a warm friday night when things are happening on the west side, plit superintendent eddy johnson was out on patrol wearing his body
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camera for the first time. it's a demonstration of the top down accountability that he warrants to model for his department and the community where trust the broken. >> as i said from day one, body cameras go towards promoting accountability, transparency and it insures that the police respond appropriately, professionally and respectfully. but it also changes the behavior of the citizens that we encounter. >> reporter: the body camera pilot program wu rolled out a year ago. it has been tested in the 14th district. it will now be expanded into seven districts on a rolling basis. by the end of july, a total of 2,000 body cameras will be on the street. the superintendent took time to say hello to a woman running a facility that gives young people a place to hang out on a night like this. >> we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> reporter: what do you think of the superintendent being out here wearing a body camera for
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himself the first time in. >> it's great. shows some improvement in the neighborhood. >> reporter: tonight the superintendent responded to a number of calls and says his interaction with the public has been good. also, the pilot program has show results. >> the complaints are down substantially in that one district. initially when we rolled it out the officers were uncomfortable of it because it was the fear of the unknown. now they've embraced it and it's a positive thing. >> that's craig wall reporting. thank you for that report. and north korea preparing to bestow its top title on leader kim jong-un, this as the nation holds it first leader party caucus in more than three decades. kim jong-un kicked off the process with a speech, calling the nuclear test a sublime prelude to marigolds. let's bring in mitch, a former
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officer. we see the military parades, the nuclear tests, the missiles launched from submarines. kim jong-un talks about nuclear war with the u.s. from your point, what do you think north korea's long game really is? >> wow it's really hard to see into the mind of a communism dictator. what we do know about their long term strategy is they want nuclear weapons and they want to be recognized as a giant power. they went a peace treaty to remove the united states from the korean peninsula and they want reyuan niunification of th peninsula. it's very complicated. >> he just touted the success of his country's nuclear prop. presidents bush, clinton and obama have condemned north korea for building nuclear weapons but
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none of them succeeded in slowing them down. do you think there's a way to stop north korea of acquiring nuclear weapons capable of reaching us? >> i don't think so, laura. they played bringsmanship for decades with various presidents. they're going to acquire the weapons. and there's no incentive for them to give them up. they'll give what happened to the gaddafi radio jet stream as an example. he was ultimately killed by his own people. i don't think kim jong-un is going to give up the opportunity. >> another big story, three just completed their visit to north korea and they're call for increased scientific collaboration with the world saying they feel north korea's efforts are falling behind because of all of the sanctions. what is your thoughts?
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>> i think they should stick to sciences and not international security. these guys have come out of north korea and said north korea is hurting scientifically and academically from sanctions oef the years. these scientists are making this argument pu they didn't say anything about the increased technology in nuclear weapons, missile guidance, navigation and control, nothing about north korea's cyber warfare. north korea is making great advances in the areas that they want to. >> north korea is not a self sufficient country. china provides over 70% of north korea's electricity, fuel and food. why doesn't china use its leverage to reign in kim jong-un. >> china wants a stable north
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korea on its border. it does do what it can to control and assist north korea and the regime to stay in place because they don't want the refugee problem were or even worse if there's a war between the north and the south. using jordan as an example, look at how many millions of refugees jordan has had to assume from syria and iraq. countries want stability on their borders with other countries and they're going to do what they can to maintain stability, china is in north korea. >> thank you. just started following you on twitter today. i encourage other to do the s e same. el chapo is on the move but we're hearing it's not on his own accord. where is the drug lord going. a new study revealing that a drug meant to help your heart may be linked to dementia. the doctor is in with what you need to know about it.
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a mexican security official confirming joaquin el chapo guzman has been transferred to another prison. the new lockup is just across the border from el paso, texas. officials not giving a reason for the transfer. what po's attorney saying the defense team was not told about the switch beforehand. be sure to catch "beauty and the beast when kate met what po" tonight, geraldo rivera speaks with the soap oprah star who received text messages from chap whap po while he was on the run. in are fears about the zika virus causing mayor league baseball to move the location of an upcoming series. the pittsburgh pirates and the miami marlins were supposed to
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play two games in puerto rico at the end of this month. instead they'll play in miami. some players expressing concerns about the risk of getting and possibly transmitting the zika virus. baseball officials saying players shouldn't forced to travel to puerto rico if they felt their families were at risk. and a new study could be worry system for the nearly 3 million americans who suffer from a common type of heart e rit mia. a scientist found that the popular blood thinner war fren may increase the risk of dement dementia. l this is very concerning. we've got a lot of people taking this drug in america. what does this new study tell us that the quality of the drug treatment may play a role in these serious problems. how do you start the conversation? >> there's 20 million americans
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taking this drug called coumadin. when we get information like this, we want to e evaluate, do our patients need to be on it and are there other alternatives. this drug has saved millions of lives. we cannot underscore that. >> right. >> it's an important topic but we're finding more and more that the drugs are meant to do no harm but to do good later on have some disastrous results. in this particular case there was a study where several million appear to have a greater risk for dementia. when it's like that, what to you do, find a new drug that can do the same thing in. >> right now there's other alternatives, newer drugs on the horizon. but those too if they've been studied long enough can have side effects. one of the things that a lot of people who take this have atrial fibrillation. there's procedures they can take to treat this. these are discussions patients need to have with their doctors.
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anybody watching, yes, this is concerning. but we should never stop taking a medication. you want to discuss this with your doctor. and getting back to the study, essentially what they did, they looked at people taking the drug for a long period of time and what they found is those who had taken fit for atrial fibrillation as compared to other reasons, such as an artificial valve, three and a half times for likely to have dementia. those with erratic levels were also at increased risk. >> when you're in afib, you've got a quivering of the upper chamber and that creates problems with the blood flow to the brain. i read the study. i know people who are on this. i'm concerned for my loved ones. when you read it, what concerns you? when you read this type of study, what are you telling people that come to you? >> well i'm kwrnd because there's 20 million americans taking it and this has been used for decades. again it has saved millions of
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lives. i'm concerned because dementia is something that causes tremendous disability. it can cause people to die. but we need to reevaluate. that's what we do in medicine. when we get information that comes in, we vi to weigh the risks versus the benefits. aindustrial fibrillation increases the risk of stroke by five fold. people who have strokes suffer tremendous disability. we have to weigh the risks with the benefits. we do not throw out the baby with the battih water when we g information like this. >> you're looking at a response. what tends to happen is big pharma steps in saying wait a minute, this is our drug, we want to keep it going. they don't always look at the scientif scientific evidence there whereas doctors are trying to find another drug to help people and still manage what they're
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doing so people can continue to be benefitting from that. but pharmaceuticals sometimes step in the way and say uh-uh, that's not happening. >> whenever we get something new and great does that nosily mean -- this drug has been used for 50 years. that's a long period. and it is not as expensive as some of the newer ones. but it is a difficult to imagine medication. everybody reacts to it differently. we have to take blood levels. it's notoriously challenging to manage. it may make us think differently before we prescribe it. >> so you be more responsible and accountable. the pharmaceutical companies can step in and help you rather than hinder you. >> exactly. i want to point out that this study, it does not appear that there was any finding by any of the new drug manufacturers. so i do think that's important to know. because have tl have been in the past some studies where people will fund it in order to get their point across. we do have information and i encourage patient to speak with their physicians to see if they really need to be on it, are
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they at a low risk, can they do with another drug or are they a candidate for a newer drug or even for example like aindustria aaindustrial fibrillation. >> what about asking your doctor about dozing. if you change the doze does that make your risk small center. >> this is where it's interesting. it's notoriously challenging to get the proper levels. essentially everybody responds differently. we may be the same weight but i may respond differently than you. and certain things we eat, green leafy vegetables. >> leafy vegetables are good for anyone. >> this is the only situation where green leafy vegetables we should watch how many we eat. >> very surprising. >> thank you so much for being here today. >> always good to have you. well, a training run turns
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into a rescue mission. a military aircraft unexpectedly cashes in front of the ocean right in front of a popular beach. >> if he had crashed a little closer we would have paddled out and helped him. it's about 2 miles out where you're focusing now. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher,
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brighter denture every day. [man] hello,totten designs. sales department? yes...i can put you right through. ♪ sales department-this is nate. human resources. technical support. hold, please. [announcer]you work hard to grow your business. [man] yes. i can totally do that for you. [announcer] working together, we can help your business thrive. wells fargo. together we'll go far. .. [ soft music ]
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this is a tox news alert. two coalition service members killed in an attack on a base in kandahar, afghanistan. according to a u.s. defense official, nato is saying that two afghans, security forces uniformed, opened fire at the compound. those attackers were killed by nato forces. coalition of international troops was assembled to serve in a training and advisory role after international forces wrapped up their combat mission at the end of 2014. the nationalities of the victims were not announced. and now for a look behind the headlines, here is liz trotta's weekly commentary. >> have you been watching bill clinton lately? wondering if he's a true believer in his wife's candidacy? or just that garden variety psychopath impeached for lying under oath for certain sex acts in the oval office.
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yes, what a past this former president brings out. hillary calls donald trump a loose cannon, a somewhat dense remark since her husband, bill, who helped sabotage her credibility on one, now going on two, presidential runs. as she struggles to present sheriff as an integral part of a successful obama administration, bill told the crowd a few weeks back that voting for hillary means you believe we've finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us. oh, he must mean those eight years when hillary ran the state department. in political circles, that's known as being wildly off message, so yes, mrs. clinton is married to a loose cannon. bill went rogue again in west virginia last week, angrily lecturing black demonstrators on the merits of his 1994 crime
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bill. made you wonder who is really running for office. meanwhile, much has been written about the role bill will play in the hillary administration. she's already telling her adoring reporters what a great advisor he'll be in this historic chapter of role reversal. should she win, it's more likely the first gentleman will have no intention of playing hillary's white house mate. with his taste for world travel and racy companions, some insiders believe he won't change his ways. he might drop a suitcase or two with the secret service and then head out for his old haunts. the clinton foundation office in new york, the clinton library penthouse in little rock, the great fleshpots of asia and sands of malibu, anywhere but the white house to play back up to the nation's cranky first female president. men don't do that. over the years, watching them
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engage the crowds on their separate stages, we're reminded this marriage has been a protracted series of public betrayals, reunions, and long absences. if the f.b.i. charges her with criminal conduct, just imagine the poignant prison visits. to those of a certain age, bill and hillary have lurked as constant national presence. the perfect cumming of cunning to ambition. for others, they cast a dark shadow in their grubby union of corrosive greed. should she win, bill might find no golf course too far, while hillary sleep walks her way through the corridors of an empty white house. a helicopter crew rescuing the pilate of a jet that crashed off the coast of north carolina. the pilot was on a training run yesterday when the aircraft apparently burst into flames hitting the water about two
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miles from the beach in southeastern north carolina. the pilot was able to eject before impact. officials say he's now hospitalized in stable condition. we're glad to hear he's doing well. do you have your money ready? the powerball jackpot climbing into the stratosphere once again after shattering records earlier this year. tonight's prize is about half the size of that. 1 1/2 billion dollars. but it's still nothing to sneeze at. here are your odds of winning coming up next. ♪ ♪
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you know what they say, you can't win if you don't play. americans buying up powerball tickets. it's happening with tonight's jackpot climbing to $415 million. how does that sound? >> say what? >> it's the biggest payout since january when the prize grew to a record-setting $1.6 billion. three people bought winning tickets for that drawing. your odds of winning the powerball, this one hurts -- one in 292 million. but somebody's got to win. >> somebody's going to win and give all of that money to their mom because tomorrow is mother's day. going to be a fantastic present.
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mom, here, i'm paying off your house and buying you whatever you want. >> there you go. >> happy mother's day to everyone out there. stay tuned, we've got more coming up with the fox news special. road to the white house for wat. i'm sandra smith. we're going to have a strong border. yeah, we're going to have the wall and who's going to pay for the wall? we want people to come into our country but they have to come in legally, folks, otherwise we don't have a country, we don't have a country. get your money ready because you're going to pay for the wall. going to bring jobs back from china, japan, all these countries. politicians don't know how to stop it. i will stop it easily and quickly. syrian refugees are now being resettled in rhode island. we don't know where they're from. they have no documentation. we all have hearts and we can build safe zones in syria and we'll get the gulf states to put up the money. we're not putting up the money. we're going bu
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