tv Hannity FOX News May 17, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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and how that shakes up the race. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. for this special america elections headquarter program, fair, balance, and unafraid. and this a fox news alert. we are awaiting results from the kentucky democratic primary and voters in oregon still have 60 minutes to drop off their ballots in the bluegrass state. the race is too close to call between hillary clinton and bernie sanders. when we get the results we'll bring them to you live. first tonight we start with john roberts outside trump tower in new york city. john? >> reporter: and sean, a little bit of breaking news to report this evening. the donald trump campaign and the republican national committee this evening have entered into what's called a jfa, joint fund-raising agreement. this means the rnc will raise money for the trump victory fund and the trump campaign in turn will raise money for the rnc and
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the down-ballot races. creates two committees. trump victory and the trump make america great again committee. maximum contribution to trump victory, this will lean heavily on big donors across the country, and trump's network of fund-raisers, $449,000. as of this moment and this does not include the results of oregon which will not come in for about another couple of hours or so, donald trump has 1,143 delegates. he needs 94 now to clinch the nomination. you say, doesn't he already have the nomination? yes, he does. but here's the reason why it's important. because there are still some people in the republican party that want to deny donald trump the nomination. they're working on a plan to try to unbind delegates at the convention so on the first ballot donald trump doesn't receive the 1,237 necessary to win the nomination. under the party rules that can't happen but what they could do, seans is on vince a number of delegates and alternates to stay home from the convention and try to deny donald trump 1,237 that
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way. there's a bigger plot afoot, that is there's some big donors and some party insiderses talking about a plan to run third-party candidates in individual states just a handful of them in november. wouldn't be a nationwide campaign. just maybe six to nine states to try to deny both donald trump and hillary clinton the 270 electoral votes necessary to win the presidency outright. which would then throw it to the house of representatives to vote on who would be president. for the next term. now, the last time that happened was in 1825 when john quincy adams was elected president by the house of representatives. could that fly? i talked to the chairman of the republican lawyers association, he says, you know, sounds like a cockamamy idea but when you lock at what's happening in the states, look at the level of discontent with both donald trump and hillary clinton, it's an idea, sean, that just might work. trump has to be on the lookout for that as well. sean? >> john roberts, thank you. so are kentucky and oregon must-win states for hillary
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clinton? joining us outside clinton headquarters in brooklyn, new york, our own mike emanuel. mike? >> reporter: sean, good evening. hillary clinton kept a low y. no public events during the day. no appearances scheduled tonight. her campaign felt like oregon would likely be bernie sanders' country and so she focused a whole lot of her time, money and energy in kentucky. hillary clinton really wanting to stop bernie sanders' momentum after his recent win in indiana and west virginia so she made three different trips to kentucky including spending two days there right before primary day. she tried to convince folks in coal country that she had a $30 billion plan to help transition the economy there as america transitions to a 21st century energy. as for bernie sanders, he's sounded really confident today when leaving puerto rico, a campaign stop there for california. sanders regularly says he is not getting out of the race until democrats in every state have had a chance to vote. bottom line, we expect bernie sanders to make a serious push
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in california both tonight and in the coming days. california a critical june 7th primary. bottom line, if hillary clinton is able to pull off a win tonight, there will be a huge sigh of relief at clinton campaign headquarters behind me. they did not want to deal with more headlines saying hillary clinton had lost to sanders. sean? >> all right, thanks mike emanuel. joining us with reaction to tonight and the campaign, donald trump jr., good to see you. >> good to be here. >> you were just saying could you have imagined a few weeks ago this was the situation, your father went up against 16 heavyweig heavyweights, not lightweights. >> 100%. i think everyone thought that the republicans would be fighting this thing out until the end of july, the conventione democrats would get their ducks in a row. the opposite happened. party has come into line very well and we're letting the will of the people be heard. >> listen, you got to follow donald j. trump's timeline in realti
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realtime. he tweeted out -- >> uh-oh. >> not bad. i know the family worries about retweets. "i look so forward to debating crooked hillary clinton. e-mail investigation is rigged. democratic system is rigged." if i'm bernie sanders and win west virginia by 15, 16 points and got one more delegate than hillary. >> they're both rigged. the democratic side is substantially worse than the republican. >> so much worse. >> we had the same thing in pennsylvania. could have won every gop primary voter in pennsylvania and get 17 of 72. i mean -- >> but the interesting thing -- >> it's a little ridiculous. >> yeah, 17 of 72 but that's the one area where you had the great ground game. >> correct. >> that made a big difference. winning indiana, that was game over. >> 100%. listen, the team's developed. we're new at politics. i joked i've been in politics three weeks. we figured it out quickly. what we've done is historic, not a campaign, it's a movement. people are getting it, buying into it. they understand it. they're passionate about it. that's really shown. we're running a great campaign. i think we're going to do
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phenomenally. >> let me show you the headline. "crossing the line: how donald trump behaved with women in private." i interviewed four women. carrie prejean will be on, she was on the miss usa contest. she was on my radio show today. she was livid they mischaracterized how she feels about donald trump. she's supporting him. she wants an apology from "the new york times." she said this was purposely distorted. when they called her, she said i have nothing bad to say about trump and still took it out of context. >> i mean, they're basically the number one surrogate for hillary clinton. it's so biased it's ridiculous at this point. they're not reporters. they're doing whatever they want to perpetuate the left agenda. it's insane. same with rowanne brewer, wait a second, i said this but in the context of this they didn't include it u include it. all these people. the four they quoted are coming out saying wait a minute, this isn't what we said. >> it was amazing. she's like, i love donald. he was a gentleman, he was the nicest guy. what they said is false, they
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didn didn't print always good things. >> it's insane. what i got out of it, donald trump when he was single he liked good looking women. wow, shocker. unlike any other male in america. so stupid and buy yeiabias, if all they have, i'm pretty excited because that's lightweight stuff. >> let me go to the kentucky race. it's like now a 1,700 vote difference. she's not winning. she can't close. this -- think about this. a 74-year-old angry, bitter socialist curmudgeon from vermont. she was supposed to run away with this thing. >> who was an independent, by the way, a year ago. >> a democratic socialist. >> it's incredible. i mean, i think it shows the real weakness of our campaign. we understand there's a machine there, there's this, everyone on the democratic side backing it. the people get it. she's not likable. there's nothing that she's done that makes her likable. she's not going to get those independent voters. she's not a person that's charismatic much to get people to motivate to come out and vote. i think that bode well for us. we're excited to run against
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her. >> it's interesting how big the issue of immigration has become in the campaign. we went back and got sound of bill clinton 1996 state of the union. tell me if this sounds like somebody close to you in your life. let's roll the tape. >> there are some areas the federal government should not leave and should address and address strongly. one of these areas is the problem of illegal immigration. this administration has taken a strong stand to stiffen the protection of our borders. we are increasing border controls by 50%. we are increasing inspections to prevent the hiring of illegal immigrants and tonight i announce i will sign an executive order to deny federal contracts to businesses that hire illegal immigrants. we should honor every legal immigrant here working hard to be a good citizen. working hard to become a new citizen. but we are also a nation of laws. >> here i think is why this resonates so much because republicans have said it,
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democrats have said it, democrats want a voting constituency for generations, republicans historically, they wanted the cheap labor for the big business buddies. your dad's going to build that wall if he gets elected. >> he is. it's the irony of all of that whole quote is it goes to show you the typical hypocrisy in the democratic party, do what i say, not what i actually do. whatever is skreeconvenient at times to win the state. what the cheap labor does is undercuts hardworking americans. it undercuts their wages. and think of african-american youth and the all-time high unemployment we had after this president was supposed to be doing so much for them, we have all-time high unemployment in their demographics. those are the people being hurt. >> your father has said this, you know, we hear unemployment numbers are going down. they're not doing down. >> no. we stopped counting because he's been looking for work for six months, he can't find it, congratulations you're now no longer looking for work. >> we don't count you in the unemployment number. >> it's such a fake artificial -- that's what everyone does.
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>> millions more in poverty, millions more on food stamps. we have the highest labor -- lower labor participation rate in 40 years, doubled the debt, median income down about $5,000 a family. home ownership at a record low. and how do you run as hillary's running on that record because she has supported obama on all of those things. >> i guess you promise everything, you know, to everyone that you can't possibly deliver and then you deal with it in eight years. it's ridiculous. has what we're talking about. we're talking about giving jobs back to americans. letting americans prosper again, letting them succeed. my nafather doesn't need this. he can sit back and play golf for the rest of his life. he's doing this because he wans to give the same opportunities he's been able to have, as a family, as a business, as an entrepreneur to everyone else in america. >> you know what shaped me in my life, one decade in the restaurant business, one decade in the construction business and if i didn't do all those jobs, i knew what it was like when the economy went south and the known stops ringing as often as you need it to bring to keep the
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people working for you working. who dough you like for v.p.? >> one who has d.c. experience. we're not naive, don't have the h hubrus to say we know everything. there's a list we have to go there and a lot of people on it and what's the right fit for my father? >> you're not going to give me one clue. >> come on. come on. >> what do you like -- do you like the concept -- i asked your dad about this when he was on last time. a team of rivals. in other words, announce your vice president, announce rudy giuliani's position, chris christie's position, rick perry, bobby jindal, scott walker, jan brewer. you have team -- >> i think a lot of those people, maybe not all, a lot of those people could be involved. i like it, hey, this is what we're going to do, it's real, it's not pie in the sigky. those people have track records you can say, this is the guy
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that could be doing that job and would do a phenomenal job. i certainly like the concept. we have to work on the list. some of it, again, does have to be on the fly. just like a business, you can't plan for something two years in advance. see what's going to be the right person at the time. >> what do you make of mitt romney, ben crystisystalcrystal why would they want it hand the election to hillary clinton. >> i like the quote/unquote true conservatives. they sound like babies. couldn't close when they had their opportunity. we're going to take our toys and go home. >> they're mad at the people because this was a record voting year. >> they're mad at the people because they can't believe the people aren't in line with their thoughts as opposed to the way it's supposed to be, they should be in line of the people. >> they care more about themselves than the people. that's what we're trying to change. >> 65% of republicans feel betrayed by the republican party. you know, last -- i'm going to run through this list because i mad a list about the promises your dad has made in interviews. you really believe he can balance the budget? >> i do.
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>> do you -- he will build that wall. >> it's waste, fraud and abuse. one thing none of these guys has done is run a business. you can't have my father's track record of success, continued success over 40 years. you were in construction. people will take advantage -- >> he hired union labor -- >> he's able to make those things work but also going to be able to see when there's nonsense, people taking advantage and call them out on it. other guys are playing with funny money. never had to do it themselves. hey, what matters if a hammer costs $500? >> if the agenda is to build a wall, repeal obamacare, health savings accounts, make america energy independent, destroy isis, restore the military, help vets, end common core. how do you argue that's not conservative? those things are conservative. >> it's a very good question. i have no idea. that's why i don't understand the mess. it does actually lead me to understand why those guys were unelectable in their own way, they're unelectable because they didn't get that.
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they weren you have to be all 10,000 of these things or can't be a true conservative. >> that's not the way the average american thinks. there are people in the -- why don't we nurture bringing in the people we brought into this party? just for a primary? look at states like pennsylvania, 100,000 people switched over from independent or democrat to vote for my father. i can't imagine as a business guy or even now as a politician for the last 2 1/2 weeks not nurturing that, welcoming that inflow. >> the first to ask this question, are you ever going to get into politics? >> i have a long way to go, stuff i have to do in my career. maybe. it's fascinating special lip when i look at the guys in there -- >> i've said that. i have a plan for you. i'm not going to discuss it publicly. >> appreciate it. >> quick programming note. tune in tomorrow night 10:00 eastern right here, donald jr.'s dad, donald trump will be our guest tomorrow night at 10:00. coming up, more on tonight's primary.
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kentucky democratic primary too close to call at this hour. first, "the new york times" tried to go after donald trump but should they be investigating themselves? we'll expose how that paper has a list of their own scandals. laura ki laura ingraham will weigh in on that. and later, "the new york times" used part of carrie prejean's book to smear donald trump. she's not happy about it. she'll explain why tonight. hey, need fast heartburn relief? try cool mint zantac. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster.
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what aremaking a cake!ht now? ayla reminds me of like a master chef and emiana reminds me of like a monster chef. uh oh. i don't see cake, i just see mess. it's like awful. it feels like i am not actually cleaning it up what's that make mommy do? (doorbell) what's that? swiffer wetjet. so much stuff coming up. this is amazing woah. wow. now i feel more like making a mess is part of growing up. stop cleaning. start swiffering.
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welcome back to "hannity." now as i just mentioned with don jr., "the new york times" piece did a hit on donald trump over the weekend over his alleged treatment of women. but here's some real news that's, quote, fit to print. now in the past year and a half alone, the "times" they have faced three high-profile lawsuits where their employees alleged workplace discrimination based on age, races and gender. one of those lawsuits alleges the "times" sought to replace older female and african-american employees with staffers who were younger, white, and did not have a family. wow. pushing out women and minorities. there's also the 2014 dismissal of the first female executive editor jill abramson and according to "the new yorker" management thought abramson was,
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quote, pushy after she dared to confront her bosses after unequal pay and benefits and e abramson alluded to the fact she was fired because of her management style. the guy running the place, mark thompson, guess what, he was successfully sued for age discrimination back in 2011 when he was at the bbc. by the way, probably not going to see that in his bio. i doubt we're going to see a 20 page expose what appears to be an epidemic of discrimination at "the new york times." here with reaction, editor in chief,, she's laughing, fox news contributor -- you know, it didn't take that long to do all the research. it was pretty -- >> yeah, sean. you're just horrible to the poor people at the -- the next thing, sean, you're going to mention the jason blair witch project. the jason blair which story did you fabricate? you're piling on the "the new york times." they're so equitable in how they shovel their, you know,
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condemnation for the treatment of women and i think -- love the trump story. it's like a news flash that a single man likes women who -- >> by the way, they like -- >> who cares? >> i interviewed -- well, the main woman in this piece was on last night and she is absolutely apoplectic. >> yeah. trump.riends with trump. she thinks he's the greatest guy, voting for him. carrie prejean was on my radio show. she's going to join us on my next segment. she's mad because he's one of the few people that stood up to her. >> i had people texting me saying they were upset they weren't in the story. sean, one of the most absurd things about this is that they're fanning these teams of reporters out. a friend of mine e-mailed me yesterday then called me, donald trump was in an independent film called "marmalade" she wrote and actually directed and trump had a cameo appearance. i'm talking, like, 20 seconds in
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this film. they somehow tracked down my friend, jill, and they were like, well, they wanted to, like, get a comment on the record. and she said, trump could not have been more magnanimous and more of a gentleman and just a great guy. she said this is ridiculous, they're somehow finding an independent film where he appeared for 30 seconds. this is -- i think to most people, they see the economy is not working, the government -- >> here's a serious point. >> this is just ridiculous. >> where's the piece interviewing -- i interviewed juanita broaddrick. >> i did, too. >> i interviewed kathleen willey. i interviewed paula jones. this is not somebody saying, oh, you look nice in a bathing suit. these are allegations of exposing yourself, groping, grabbing, fondling, touching against your will. >> that was on an off day. that was on one of -- >> then juanita broaddrick -- >> slow day. >> i found all three women believable and credible. >> absolutely. i mean, the original lisa myers report, sean, on "dateline nbc" everyone should watch it again from 1999.
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you interviewed juanita. i did, too. absolutely credible. i would love to put her on a stand and give her a lie detector test. this is -- the woman obviously was horribly, horribly sexually assaulted by bill clinton. other people won't say that. i will. because i think it happened. and we have actual networks who are saying, oh, we don't want to get into that. i mean, we don't want to get into that. >> they had to be shamed into running that interview. i went down and did the second interview at the time. >> right. >> i walked away saying -- >> chilling. >> i was stunned. >> it was hillary's treatment of her and that follow-up meeting where she -- >> very stunning. >> -- squeezed her hand, wouldn't let it go and said we're okay here, i'm paraphrasing. something like we're okay. she said she wouldn't let my hand go. you know when you get a feeling from someone when they're trying to send you a message, hillary was sending a definite message to juanita broaddrick to not make any trouble. >> let me go back to the "the
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new york times," i have more statistics that will put a smile on your face. >> goody. >> gender bias at "the new york times," 2015 survey done by the women's media center, 67.3% of their stories are written by men. by the way, unequal pay at "the new york times" according to an analysis from the union that represents 1,100 employees at the "the new york times," women earn 7% less on average than men. minorities earn 10% less than the typical wage. and 22% of employees of minority -- now add that to hillary clinton and the clinton foundation paying women 38% less. >> this is always that way with liberals, right, sean, they care about women in general, but individual women, not so much. so it's the idea like, we're for women, or we're for minorities and we say, well wait a second, life for minorities in the economy has been terrible over the last 7 1/2 years, small businesses and so forth compared to reagan or even bill clinton. terrible. bull but we care about minorities. okay.
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let's have an economy that produces jobs and stop flooding the marketplace with illegal -- >> this is an obama economy. black americans, hispanic americans, minorities. one in six young men 18 to 34 are in jail or out of work and living at home. pretty scary. >> sean, i have question. you have the facts memorized. do you have a set list on your hand? like the rock bands? i love it. live shows are the best. >> that's all we do for a living. that's what we get paid for. great to see you. >> take care. >> by the way, hillary's not speaking. thank god. the show keeps going. and coming up, "the new york times" hit piece against donald trump continues to fall apart. wait until you hear, when we come back, from miss california usa 2009 carrie prejean, saying the "times" is lying after they used a portion of her book to smear the nominee. and later, the democratic primary in kentucky still too
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close to call. hillary clinton can't seal the deal and beat bernie sanders the 74-year-old curmudgeon. i'll check in with eric bolling, geraldo, jeanine pirro all tonight on "hannity." see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx.
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♪ [crowd cheering] i could get used to this. now you can. when you lease the 2016 es 350 for $329 a month for 36 months. see your lexus dealer. welcome back to "hannity." so "the new york times" article about donald trump's past relationships with women, it continues to unravel today. now yesterday trump's ex-girlfriend, rowanne brewer lane, said that her comments
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were spun in an attempt to make donald trump look bad. and tonight, miss california usa 2009, carrie prejean is speaking out about how the "times" used a small passage from her memoir for attack. carrie prejean joins us. how are you? >> good to see you, sean. thank you. >> i spoke to you earlier today. you were pretty mad. i want you to explain, explain how you got in this piece because you've said to them, i have nothing bad to say about donald trump. when they called you. >> yeah, back in march, when they started this whole campaign against him, several reporters had reached out to me and asked to be -- to interview me and i said that i really had nothing to say to them. and they weren't going to get anything out of me. you know, negatively about donald trump. and -- and they weren't really happy with that and so i basically, you know, wouldn't give them a story and now they came out with their own version of it and took, you know,
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something out of my book and totally twisted it and made it so negative and i have nothing but positive things to say about donald trump. that's kind of why i came on your show today was because i was fed up, sean. i mean, i'm so sick and tired f of, you know, like "the new york times," you know, that's just one example of how they just like to twist things and they want to put words in people's mouths and, you know what, i'm not going to put up with it anymore. and it's time that they hear the truth. >> they pulled out a section of your book which they tried to attempt to use to make it look bad and you said to me, why didn't they go two sentences further? what would have happened if they went the two sentences further? >> if they actually would have read my entire book they would have overall seen i have nothing but admiration and respect for donald trump. i mean, he helped me tremendously. so they really weren't doing their job right. i mean, honestly, they took a little l part of what happened at the beauty pageant. i mean, let's put it in context here, sean.
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this was a beauty contest. i mean, they're making a big deal he walked across the stage and was looking at us? are you kidding me? like, that's just ridiculous. i mean, they want to make it seem like he degrades women and, you know what, he was owner of the miss universe organization for a long time and helped thousands of women. and i happen to be one of them. he gives so many women platforms. he gives them careers. he helps women tremendously. and i have nothing but respect for him. and he's done nothing but help me. he helped me write my book. after the pageant was over, he said anything you want, carrie, i want to help you and your career. and, you know, he really stuck up for me and had my back. >> you know what the real question is, i want to give you a full chance to answer this, because this is so devious what they're doing here. i now interviewed you, we interviewed the woman i just mentioned about moments ago, rowanne brewer lane. and i interviewed another woman who's a project manager for him who became a vice president and sold hundreds of millions of
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dollars in condos. she was a survivor of the war in bosnia. what was it really like with donald trump? what was your experience like with him? what would you want to tell women that are being told by "the new york times" and others that he's one way when, in fact, you say he's not. what is he really like? >> he's -- he's -- he genuinely wants to help people. i mean, men, women, everyone. i mean, i just happened to be in the beauty pageant world and he helped so many women like i said with their careers and he really, you know, he stood up for me at a time where it wasn't really popular to stand up for a woman like me. i mean, i came out and said something pretty controversial, i guess, according to the left. i mean, i don't think it was that controversial saying marriage should be between a man and a woman. he stuck up for me. i admire that about him. he didn't need to do that and went out on a limb. that shows you what kind of man he is. >> he stepped up and tried to
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help you after. how did he try to help you? >> i was sitting in his office after this happened, he said carrie, whatever you want to do, i'll make happen. he was making phone calls in his office. he said, you're a great girl, carrie, i want to help you out. he did not need to -- i'm a very loyal person. i would not come on here and be talking about him if i did not think highly of him and so i owe a lot to donald trump, actually. i really do. >> and i can take from that you're going to be voting for him. >> well, absolutely. make america great again, right? >> i remember that time, there weren't a lot of people that stood up for you. that was a pretty hard time. you very courageously, you know, stood by your values. i thought you were treated very unfairly at the time. okay. so you have a -- i have the same view as you do. and i remember interviewing you at the time and there were a lot of people really hammering away and he kind of stood up for your right to stand on your opinion. we should have more people willing to do that. >> that's what i love about
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trump. he speaks his mind and he's not afraid of anybody. i admire that about him. >> carrie, good to see you again. welcome back. hopefully we'll see you soon. >> thank you. coming up, the democratic primary in kentucky still too close to call tonight so why can't hillary seal the deal and knock off the 47-year-old angry socialist communist curmudgeon from vermont? eric bolling, geraldo rivera, judge jeanine will be here. later, voting ends in oregon right at the top of the hour. we'll have more reaction live on "hannity" as we continue. ♪ ♪ ♪ (vo) making the most out of every mile. that's why i got a subaru impreza. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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goal in the next five weeks is to win as many delegates as we can and to go into the democratic convention with a majority of -- with more delegates than does secretary clinton. if you look at every poll, virtually every poll done in the last six weeks whether they're national polls or whether they're state polls in battleground states, we do
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better and often much better against trump than does secretary clinton. >> all right. bernie sanders vowing that he'll be at the democratic convention in july with more delegates than hillary clinton. so could the self-proclaimed socialist actually win the nomination at this point? nd why can't hillary put this away? right now, the democratic primary in kentucky tonight is too close to call. voting ends in oregon at the top of the hour. joining us with reaction, co-host of the hit show "the five" eric bolling. fox news senior correspondent geraldo rivera and "justice with judge jeanine" the highest rated show on the weekend. here's the amazing thing. i feel sorry for the curmudgeon, i feel sorry for the socialist because he wins west virginia -- >> that makes one of you. >> 51-36. pay attention. he's up 18 delegates to 11. then you add in the superdelegates and then he walks away with 19 and she walks away with 18. if i'm a bernie supporter, i feel i'm getting ripped off. >> well, i think there should be a standardized delegate
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accumulation primary in both parties. there should be a national primary. get it over with. get it done. mathematically. none of this -- >> no, no, no, i like to stretch it out for ratings purposes. >> cyou can stretch it out but just have one -- i don't like the way this happens. i will say this. i was caught with a hot mike last week calling him annoying which i do believe he is annoying. give him credit. he's ignited a movement. it is real. a lot is based on free stuff. there's no denying he has stirred emotions and there is -- the numbers don't lie. >> judge? >> look, the superdelegates, all of these -- this is all about the establishment taking care of itself. and that's what we're seeing. that's why we're seeing the outsiders coming in and america says we hate everybody in washington, we're fed up with it. we don't care if it's a socialist or a businessman. this is what we want. and truly, hillary clinton can't close the deal because she is establishment.
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she is someone who's under investigation and people might say, i don't care about the e-mails. well, this week the civil case is going forward and nevada is -- >> isn't it that she's unlikable? she doesn't have the warmth of her husband or the oratory skills of -- all right. wrong person to ask. right? eric? >> she's a flawed candidate. she's not likable. she can say, you know, my husband's going to take care of the economy. she can try and dish it out. she's just not likable. remember when they said -- >> he can barely take care of himself. >> -- have to be nicer, go with more humor.humor. she tried that for a while. she comes back with the barking like a dog. >> i didn't know where you were going there. i know what you're talking about. >> but the reason why donald trump has locked down this nomination this quickly is because in 2012, mitt romney pushed all those states to winner take all or winner take most. they pushed him forward so he could get to a candidate sooner. little did they know it was going to be the candidate that
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they all hated and didn't want, nonestablishment candidate. >> why don't republican establishment people embrace the new people that they've been saying for years that they want to attract to the party? this has been a record year. you got paul ryan, oh, he doesn't know where donald trump stands on the positions at this point? that's because the establishment is invested in itself and they work together, democrats and republicans. it's not about us. it's not about the person who has more votes than any other republican primary candidate in presidential history. it's about the establishment whether it's paul ryan or any of the democrats saying, you know, we got this nice system, you take care of me, i take care of you, we pass the same budget and get richer by the day. >> you know, donald trump, i think, is going to bring over every conservative when he releases the names, the pool of names that he'll select supreme court justices from because as a conservative, geraldo, that's issue one, two, and three and the wall is four. and eliminating obamacare is
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five. and energy independence is six. >> i mentioned that sanders had given birth to a movement. clearly donald trump gave birth to a movement also. there is a movement. it is more than a political primary campaign. it is a movement. >> are you endorsing him? >> you know, you keep asking me. it's too soon for me to tell. >> no, it's not. >> i have real policy differences with donald trump. i love donald trump. >> policy differences with hillary? >> i do. i do. >> could you vote for her over him? >> no way. but i could stay home. that's what i could do. but let me -- >> i'm going to drag you out of your bed and pull you to the voting booth. >> the difference between sanders and trump is as eric suggests, there was a process, trump won and now they can do nothing about it because he is under their own rules the presumptive nominee. hillary now is not yet that but sanders sees the writing on the wall. he has to decide -- >> he wants power and leverage. >> more about his ego than his does his party and country. >> did you happen to see the poll that came out today, nbc put out a poll today, had
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hillary clinton three points ahead of donald trump. more importantly, though, inside the internals, women broke, 3% broke toward trump from before so she went from tightening that and the most important of all, independents broke for trump. if you do that -- >> i'm going to buy you a whiteboard. you're getting lost in numbers. >> happens, though, when the democrats begin to ramp up, amp up the attacks on donald trump? you saw them today with the women and now the words of the -- >> you know who wins the women battle? gender war, ad war? trump over the clintons. >> how do you figure? >> the clinton foundation pays women 38% less than men. hillary clinton and bill clinton's record with women is atrocious. takes money from saudi arabia. >> jeffrey epstein -- >> those are good, but i haven't seen any poll that indicates the gender gap is closing. >> today.
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today. >> donald hasn't started yet. >> nbc poll today had him -- >> his unfavorables go down nine and hers up three. we got to break. >> donald, himself, said i haven't started. wait until he starts. >> yeah. that's going to be -- going to be a hell of a year. all right. don't forget, by the way, eric coming up tonight, the rest of our friends at "the five" at mid-night with reaction to tonight's primary. we may have oregon in your hour. we'll watch it. democratic race in kentucky still too close to call. hillary's an awful candidate. voting ends in oregon at the top of the hour. up next, tucker, doug schoen, peter johnson jr. straight ahead. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn
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. this is a fox news alert. the democratic race in kentucky still too close to call. voting in oregon ends in just minutes. joining us now, tucker carlson, and doug shown, and peter johnson junior. we talked tonight about hillary. she can't close the deal. let's go back to donald trump. peter would who would be a good vp? >> i think a great choice would be newt gingrich.
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incredible intellect, experience. >> he's get it done. >> no one understands government better in my view. >> hillary clinton is declaring herself the winner. >> this is a narrow victory. and this will probably be a relatively good night for her. >> do you like elizabeth warren? the native american? >> i like brown. he's a leftist, ohio. >> boring, dull. >> she needs to win ohio and placate the left. she can't go with bernie or elizabeth warren. >> only if she has to, sean. >> she doesn't want to. >> she does not. i know her well enough to know that is the last thing she wants
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to do. >> tucker, who do you think hillary will pick? >> republicans, why are people voting for trump? they agree with him about immigration and that is the top on the list. and who agrees with him? on the democratic side, she'll pick whoever bernie sanders tells her to pick. >> do you think bernie is going to be able to dictate that? >> are you kidding? he won 21 states. he's not going to win the nomination. she has it in the bag. but he's won the moral victory, defining the terms of the debate from day one. the idea he's going to be satisfied with rewriting the democratic platform, who cares? he's going to pick the vp. >> you'd think he wants to pick himself. >> i can see that situation. but where he would force himself
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into that position. in my view that would mean that is a fatal flaw for hillary clinton because the idea of a socialist vice president would send chills to many americans. >> bernie sanders in the senate is ultimately the most powerful man. he's going to be marginalized if that happens. >> would he push warren? >> problem is warren hasn't endorsed him. >> i want to go to the idea that brought up with donald junior tonight, tucker. a team of rivals not just announcing a vice president, but finding a place for rick perry and rudy giuliani and chris christie, maybe nikki haley and have a dream team and announce it.
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either at the convention or thereafter? >> yes. it's possible. i think the problem for trump is can he trust those people? i mean, his circle is very small, as you know. i still believe his daughter ivanka is his closest advisor. is he going to have the ability to trust them? i don't know the answer to that. i think that is the chief stumbling block. >> do you like that idea? i ran through a list of what i thought 10 items was a new contract on donald trump's promises to make america great and put it in writing and let candidates and senators run with them. >> i think a contract is something the american people need. the agreement. the agreement to perform the promise. and so, keeping the promise, that consistent with a team of rivals do what lincoln did. take the top three rivals put them in the cabinet. make them part of a government go owing forward.
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whoever can do the job. >> should be a supreme court judge. >> one name you didn't mention, john bolton. >> do you support him? >> he's a dear friend of mine. this isn't partisanship. islamic facism has nothing to do with ideology. vladimir putin is out to destroy us. >> tucker, coming up, voting is about to end. four minutes and 38 seconds away from oregon closing. kentucky still too close to call. we'll have more "hannity". right after the break. [engine ] ♪
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call and then, don't miss the "five" live at midnight. donald trump is our special guest tomorrow, that and more, we'll see you back here tomorrow night. >> this is a fox news alert i'm bret baier in boston. polls are now closing in oregon. the site of the contest between hillary clinton and bernie sanders. in kentucky it was a wild ride in the home state of the run for the roses. rate now, the race is too less to call. almost all precincts are in. the clinton campaign already declared victory, quote, we just won kentucky thanks to everyone who turned out. we're stronger
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