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tv   The Greg Gutfeld Show  FOX News  May 21, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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gift for your dad for father's day, pick up my book. "he killed them all." thanks for watching. >> hi, this is an easy grip handle. here's what's coming up. is trump the new climate change? how the left is using the donald as a cautionary tale at commencement speeches. disgusting or delicious you? decide. plus, an anti-gay slur on a cake that wasn't real. they believe it is a word that rhymes with cake that describes something that isn't real. >> and later we get answers from facebook. mark zuckerburg. just one, can the guy put on a suit and tie? you're not 13 anymore, fellow. let's get started. the burritto i just ate is making a move.
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>> let's welcome tonight's guests. he's the sonic boom of the courtroom. harvard law professor alan dershowitz. he has a new book, "taking the stand." she is like the las vegas strip, always lit. she is so sharp balloons have a restraining order against her, jillian turner and fox news contributor. and like bloating and acid reflux, he causes everyone to get uncomfortable. don't ask her to do laundry because she's always without cheer, national review reporter. but first, donald trump now leads hillary clinton in the latest fox news national poll by three points. that's within the margin of error as they say in my hot tub. clinton was ahead by seven. 11 points the month before that.
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so what is that causing? fear. abject fear. hillary is so scared she is pulling a bait and switch. vote for her, you get bill instead. >> my husband who i'm going to put in charge of revitalizing the economy, because, you know, he knows how to do it. >> he knows how to do it. all right. that was in kentucky where she barely beat bernie sanders m commencement speakers are are using trump to warn of gloom and doom. >> the thing question build an endless wall along our borders and blame our challenges on immigrants, that doesn't just run counter to our history as the world's melting pot. it krikts the evidence. >> you are the most diverse
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class in northeastern's history. in other words, you're donald trump's worst nightmare. >> i never marriaged i would visit foreign countries. i never imagined i would be a commencement speaker. i never imagined i would ghet a twitter war with donald trump. >> interesting. native-american name is nails on a chalk board. so is trump the new climate change? the let young people must guard against like bath salts and male pattern baldness. when you see trump coming, you instantly think this.commenceme trigger warnings against donald. psa warnings against evil ka tajones. meanwhile, no one is calling hillary out for using bill to fix the economy. talk about reinforcing stereotypes. note to female grads, better
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stick to the receptionist work. division makes your head hurt. so why is trump viewed as evil? let's face it. he is. he's a white old rich guy in a left wing world that is evil. of course, sanders is old and white but too incompetent to be rich. trump is really just bernie with billions. the problem with the anti-trump tie rates, they help trump. if you want me to embrace a behavior, tell me that it's harmful. the naysayers succeed in turning trump into the ultimate bad boy. he is james dean with orange hair. he's god zpzilla with tan lines. you're making him dangerous and dangerous is sexy. case in point --
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>> tell me you're not aroused. >> period. >> thank you. all right. profess professor, you have hillary that is terrified shechlt she is seeking out fwoil do the math wlachlt do you think of that? >> he said there will be women can't do the math as well as men. but bill clinton was a great president. i don't blame her for pointing to the great economic development we had during the tenure. look, we're voting for her, not for him. >> bill doesn't look too healthy. >>, no he's doing fine. i was with him not too long ago. he's thin and vegan and -- >> he's doing awful. >> but, you know, his mind is like that. he's still -- people still love him. if he ran for president, he would win overwhelmingly. >> i don't know why he would be vegan, animals can't vote. he's not eating me. i'm in that -- you, young lady,
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have met trump a number of times, i believe. >> yes. two is the precise number. >> should hillary be panicking? >> honestly, yes. i think there is a recent poll that said voters trust donald trump with the economy more than hillary clinton. so i think that's why she's now saying because bill did such a good job that, gives voters the confidence to vote for me because someone else will get the job done. but i don't want to vote for a woman that doesn't even believe in herself. you know, as a millennial, we're all about. that like i'm going to lead the world. i'm so important. >> yeah. >> i don't know. >> pat, maybe not. >> millennials, sounds like a cookie to me. pep ridge farms. >> how do you feel about hillary's statement about putting bill in charge? and do you think that trump could win this? >> i don't love the idea that she's sort of touting she's going to hand off this huge portfolio to her husband. but if we're honest this is what
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all candidates do. i mean donald trump would be not doing so well if he couldn't hold up all these great hires and all the best people we're going to put in all these positions. and that same poll that joe mentioned put her ahead of bill clinton -- excuse me, ahead of donald trump on foreign policy when it comes to the nation's trust. so it's a nuance breakdown on foreign policy issues. he won on, i think, deploying military force abroad shechlt won on having her finger on the nuclear trigger. maybe it was reverse. >> her fingers are longer, that's why. >> no, maybe that's what it was. >> it's funny. when you look at hillary's numbers, delegates and some favorability numbers compared to trump. it looks like she can't lose. when you look at her as a candidate, you don't think she can win. there is a weird krikts thecont there. >> it appears that bernie is winning all the time. and then we have actual voting,
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it's like he's winning but he's not actually winning. >> he would pose no danger to anybody as a winner. as a loser, he is the most dangerous person in politics today. he is pushing hillary way, way, way to the left. and the irrational left where she's going to lose because she had a to win the middle. my advice to hillary, ignore sanders. ignore him. ignore his voters. they'll vote for you anyway. but don't allow yourself to be pushed to the left where you're going to lose this election. >> don't give our game away, please. >> you were in a punk panned, what was the name of it? >> warm wind. >> ok, got it. >> so what got me into punk rock is that all the news reports were telling me how harmful and dangerous it was when the sex pistols came to wirnlt land, they were telling me, do not go. i knell it love with the sex pistols immediately. isn't that what's happening with
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trump? the more you make him a dangerous figure, the more enticing it becomes. when i court a woman, i talk to the father and try to make myself sound as scary as possible. if he bans had me from seeing her, i'm in. that's the key right there. >> that's your strategy changed at all now that you're married? >> no, not at all. they're even more protective because she's getting older. >> i bet you agreed with hillary about getting bill in charng. >> i d set most frugal person in the past quarter century. if we're already screwed and have hillary clinton for president, i'll take bill, fine. lesser two of evils. >> cat, by the numbers? hillary looks like she's still ahead really. it doesn't look like it's going to last for long. >> i think what she's dealing with is what the gop is dealing
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with the entire primary season. i see the numbers going up. it's trump. he says crazy things. but what actual sli happening is continuing on. whenever he says something crazy, instead of being upset, you're right! exactly. and then the poll numbers go up. donald trump, whatever. it's going to keep getting harder. the more people see of her, the less he had like her wlachlt is there to like? >> oh, come on. >> it's true. >> i hear she is likeable. >> i know her well. she is a very likeable person. she has a lot of friends. she is very loyal. >> she has a lot of friends? >> a lot of friends that are extremely loyal. she is not the best tv large group politician. >> when you cheat on her, that's when you have to wear the big sunglasses. >> he's talking about me again. >> i don't -- that's one thing i don't blame her for being mad when your husband is cheating. you should be mad. >> you should. >> i have a weird prediction. i believe it's possible that
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trum cop get the popular vote. and then hillary gets the delegates and then there's going to be so much an tip thinntipot get ugly. >> the states he wins, he wins by 80 to 20, 70 to 30. then the close races in pennsylvania and ohio, hillary pulls out. he wins the popular vote. she wins the lekt ral votelecto. we could have a problem. >> yeah, i think it's going to get very scary. >> i can't wait for the debates. she's going to be talking about policies. she's lies and crooked and i'll make america great again and everyone is going to cheer. >> that's all you need to do. i learned a lot of less tons from donald. are cats a better alternative than soy? a new technology that could make
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lawyers obsolete. i'm sorry, professor. is it worst invention ever or the best? but first, can we come up with a faster way to figure out what happens to air zasters? a kid is working on a way, i can't even figure out how to change my pass word. i hate this kid. don't bring that mess around here, evan!
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whoo! don't do it. don't you dare. i don't think so! [ sighs ] it's okay, big fella. we're gonna get through this together. [ baseball bat cracks ] nice rip, robbie. ♪ raaah! when you bundle home and auto insurance through progressive, you get more than just a big discount. i'm gonna need you to leave. you get relentless protection. [ baseball bat cracks ]
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so another plane falls from the sky and no one knows why which leads me to ask, why don't we know why? take a look at this. this is a live feed of a panda. it's adorable. here's a live feed of a las vegas wedding chapel. it's depressing. here's a live chicken, i don't know why. this is an intersection in oklahoma. this he have them there. this is a puddle. this is the abby road zebra crossing. this is the boardwalk at myrtle beach. this is a colony of ants. yes, these are live feeds of things that we don't need to see live yet we do all the time. meanwhile, things we need to see like what is going on inside of a cockpit, zilch. but if we can beam live baseball
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games to tvs on a plane, why can't we do the reverse? how about one go pro in a cockpit. i can barely feed myself, i'm no scientist. but isn't this solvable? a kid came up with a solution. this 17-year-old patented a system that offers real time information tracking airlines which he present ted 2015 intel science and engineering fair. it is called amilia, aircraft monitoring and electronic linked analytics. it streams mechanical data before the plane goes down. now streaming real time data would cost a ton. so jerimiah's solution recognizes signs of equipment failure and trans mitts that data rather than a continual treem which makes it far cheaper. to quote this kid, supervisory pair met rick analysis algarithms recognize the warning signs of failure, another layer
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of logic is used to rate data in satellite. i can remind you, that's from a 17-year-old. what was i doing when i was 17? ♪ >> in conclusion, if it weren't for brilliant, brilliant in other words, nothing would get done and we would all probably die. all right. joining us from arizona, the 17-year-old whiz kid jerimiah pat. j jerimiah, very smart guy. what did the judges at the science fair tell you about your project? >> they said it was a fascinating idea and it was very
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impressive. but they said there is so much red tape right now that such a system wouldn't exactly be implemented. so what i proved with my project is the technology is there. it's just a matter of regulation barriers. >> yeah. >> and yours is so much cheaper. how much cheaper is it than any other solution? >> well, the other solution costs about $100,000. i was able to make this around $500. >> that's amazing. that is amazing. don't like come fwhichup with tt angry birds app. stick to doing this. when you're a multibillionaire changing the world, will you still remember me and come back to my show? >> absolutely. >> i hope so. i have another question for you personally. do you plan on going to college? >> yes, i do. >> why? you don't need it! >> you're not the first person to ask me. >> you don't need to go! if anything, you are going to get dumber if you go college!
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you're already a genius! you're already genius, jerimiah. you're going to go to university of arizona and you're going to join a fraternity and we're never going to hear from you again. i know, it's true. isn't it? what are you working on next? >> i'm actually working on a cybersecurity system which is a pla tchl onic championship. it uses quantum mechanics to keep our computers safe. >> of course you are. of course that's what you're working on. by the way, quantum mechanics, i've been reading a lot on. that it confuses the hell out of me. it's like a particle can be in one place more than once which freaks me out. >> right. >> that is quantity um psychics, thank you, joanne, miss new york. are you worried about artificial intelligence? >> sometimes. >> i have a feeling you're more
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worried about me. jerimiah, thank you for doing the show. you're going to be huge. just remember this little freak that interviewed you like years ago after you skipped college. thanks, jerimiah. >> thank you very much. you looked into this before. b. why they don't have live streaming or anything like this. what did you find? >> first, i just want to say on air that he stole my idea about that quantum physics thing. i've been working on it for six months already. anyway, with my idea first. >> i see. >> definitely have the technology, it turns out. we've got a live feed from the international space station. >> yes. >> so if we can have that, we can certainly have one in the cockpit. >> by the way, how boring is that? all you see are people with hair floating everywhere. go ahead. >> but apparently, he's right. jerimiah is right. there is tape and a lot of the push back is coming from pilots. the chairman of the ntsb
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testified in front of the senate last year advocating to implement. this put the live feed in the cockpits. he said they could afford to do it. it is a great idea. pilots don't like it. they feel that those data recorders that are on the planes generate enough information already and that -- i mean, think about if you had a camera on you in your office all day. >> a lot of web sites i won't be going to anymore. >> exactly. >> and i'd button up my pants. >> doesn't this bother with you the controversy with the police, not wanting to have body cam sndz. >> sure. everybody in the beginning says they don't want to be watched. they get so used it to. it's like skd nature. there is no question we should figure out a way to get real time information from airplanes, not only to find out what happened afterward but perhaps to prevent. >> exactly. just a final word, he is single. >> yeah. >> and not 18. >> so what you're saying, the
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perfect guy. >> and that will never happen. you're not a teacher. >> that's true. >> coming up, i reveal the location of the lost city of atlantis. but first, mark zuckerberg send a friend request. should they confirm him or block him forever? my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the grocery store anything but simple. so i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure.
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before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask about humira, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. clearer skin is possible.
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this week mark zuckerberg met with top conservative leaders after the company was accused of being biassed against right leaning views. 16 conservatives attended the meeting including tucker carlson. radio host glenn beck, and, of course, shaggy from scooby doo. of course, i wasn't invited. not like i care. i had other things to do. >> cameras were not allowed in the meeting. those believed it was successful. we sent a spy and we obtained secret footage from this meeting and we're not so sure it went that well.
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>> wow. that seems like a good time. all right. joann, what do you think about facebook being biassed against conservatives? >> ien to the know what to think. a closed door meeting doesn't exactly tell us much. we decided to take matters into our own hands. we put together a second meeting with mark. and we have footage for everyone. >> go mark. >> just calls up all the important stuff and features all the stuff you want it to. >> what is with the t-shirt? >> i feel overdressed. like, that's not a way to relate to me. >> okay, mark. i have a lot to say. i'm not quite sure where to begin. >> can you say where you're from, where you went to school, where you work, whether you're in a regulationship. but not much else. >> okay.
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free hold. ryder university. fox news. it's complicated. yoga and listening to music. what is this guy's deal? my uncle andy joined facebook and says you're an open tunist that talks out of his ass. thoughts? >>, so although andy was joking, a the love the points that he made were actually right. >> wow. that's really big of you to admit. >> roughly how many people have you pissed off with this trending nonsense? >> more than 25 million people. >> yep. that seems about right. >> on my time line the other day, i compared bernie sanders to adam sandler and happy gilmore. did you see it? >> it's simple but it's really, really powerful. >> thank you. how did that only get five likes? >> ok, last question. you stole this idea from someone, didn't you?
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>> come on, mark. tell us. >> yeah. wow. we're going to take that as a yes. >> what else have you stolen from them? >> get out of here. >> this is disgusting. i'm disgusted! >> wow! >> i learned nothing. >> we learned nothing. >> i learned nothing. i learned nothing. >> nothing, really? he stole it from them. >> yeah. they're twins. i have a grudge against mark zuckerberg. any kid that comes to harvard comes to me and says give me legal advice and i'll give you stock in the company. this guy never walked into my office! forget about it! >> yes. >> again, facebook sh dude. >> yeah. >> what do you make of this
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whole controversy? as a person who writes for web sites that are deemed ultra conservative. >> i'm conservative for thinking is a big deal. you know facebook is garbage. now i guess it's good news that we, you know, the mom, the tea party moms who nominate facebook know that their news is curated. you're not supposed to get your news from facebook dhchlt is what we've been making fun of left for. we had that whole woman's soccer thing was based on a facebook thing. facebook is checking in for on your exes from high school and seeing how bad they aged. >> that is the fear. >> he was wearing sears when you were dating him. >> number. >> that's on you. >> he tried go to school for seven years. it's not for everybody. >> yes. >> he says it's not a big storey. was it a big story? >> i don't think so particularly. i mean, i love cheryl sandberg. i've been leaning in for years. >> yes. >> i was talking to tucker
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carlson yesterday and he said that one of the most interesting things about this meeting is that she was eating mini twix the entire time. she is like 5'2" and really skinny. we were wondering what was going on. xwl it sounds like he was paying close attention. >> yes. >> i do think it's an important story. but the point is that facebook is not a utility. we use this stuff so much that we think it's water and electricity. you don't deserve twitter. you don't deserve facebook. it is something you signed up for. it's not your right. >> that's true. it is depriving. it's a private company. they can do whatever they want. >> it's private. but it's dominating when you think about how different the economy looks today with facebook and google and it's amazing the impact it's had. >> can you argue that facebook hurt the economy because it took people out of doing things and looking at things? >> could be. i can tell you this, when i used
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to teach in harvard law school, i would tell my students for the first two weeks no computers and no pencils. they have to learn how to listen. then when they got their computers an i used to have a couple students sitting in the back of the room telling me what they were doing on the computers, it was amazing how people just waste time on computers. >> yes. yes. >> but fox news has done very well by facebook. >> yeah, that's true. in fact -- >> we have positive point that up in the conversation. >> trump does very well on facebook. maybe because conservatives are now more willing to talk about what they believe in. which is a relatively new thing. >> you heard john kerry in the beginning of the show, we have the most diverse -- it is the least diverse time in the american higher education. there is no diversity. there are people with different colors and genders and sexual orientations. but in terms of ideas, forget about it. you try to find a conservative -- look, i'm a liberal. i tlof have conservatives in my
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class. you have to search around. try to find a conservative on the harvard high school faculty. we're doing nothing to get real intellectual diversity in universities. >> who was your smartest law student? >> not my smartest. ted cruz one is of smi students. i had elliott spitser who is very, very smart, too. i've had a lot of -- >> was he wearing socks in class? >> no. he was brilliant. he was one of my best researchers. >> cruz or spitzer? >> spitzer. cruz was a great student. because he was a conservative. and i loved being able to argue with him. he came into class with the right hand raised. never put it down the whole semester. everything i said contradicted. and he was right once or twice. >> yeah. there you go. that's the lesson. any liberal watching right now, if you want to be a better liberal, you ask conservativeco. it's always about criticism, guardrails of scrutiny. >> i can't argue with liberals anymore. they haven't heard of anything. i was with a liberal the other day, how many illegals are there
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in america? she said i don't know, like 70 billion. we're not doing this anymore. >> you are sure you're talking about liberals or radicals? >> no, liberals. >> democrats. >> they don't have the tools. you talk to a neoconversous a paleocon that, is a much more stimulating debate. >> hillary clinton probably knows so much that she bores people, but she's a liberal. >> the problem is she knows too much. >> what about benghazi? >> that is radical. radicals on left and right. >> she is a radical. >> that's her rule book. but now i think we've gone too far. we have more show to come. we have to take a break. coming up, a story so frightening i locked it in a box under my bed. scratching. the story of a cake that was a fake. where is the outrage? seriously outrage. you never call me anymore. stick around. what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways
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he defaced a cake and he's a fake. a gay texas pastors accused whole foods of writing a slur on a cake with icing dropped the lawsuit. jordan brown initially claimed back in april that he picked up this cake from the grocery store chain that contained an andy gay slur claiming the box was never opened and the sticker remained intact. attempting to prove that homophobia is running ranl pant in the bakery world. but he made up the whole thing. count the number of people surprised by this on a fingerless hand. in his apology he said he was wrong to pursue this matter and
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use the media to perpetuate this storey. want to apologize for whole foods for questioning the commitment to values and the bakery associate put in a terrible position because of my actions. i apologize for diverting attention from real issues. now whole foods initially filed a counter suit against this pastor. but it since dropped that lawsuit for reasons that make zero sense to me, professor. if you drop the lawsuit, then there is no incentive to stop the this kind of behavior. shouldn't whole foods just go right after this guy? >> absolutely. sure. and not only whole foods but the gay and lesbian community should go after this guy. when you make up false stories, you really destroy credibility. winlt through this experience myself. i was falsely us akood of having sex some 17-year-old who i never met. and the worst victim -- >> turned out you knew her. just kidding. >> no. they apologized and withdrew the
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charge. the fbi guy said couldn't have happened. but worst victims are the real rape victims. she hurt real rape victims by making up a story about me. she hurt real rape victims. >> but then nobody actually trusts anybody anymore. >> he hurt the people that will really getting cakes like that. >> yeah, exactly. there are so many other homophobic bakers out there. >> how did he think that whole foods will be like, you know what? maybe we did do that. >> you know, there are homophobic bakers. one is a bakery that wouldn't cater a wedding for a gay couple. and they brought a lawsuit. so yeah. >> but then that is a little different. that's a little different. >> it's not like writing the f word on a cake. gillian, what should whole foods do? >> here's what everybody should do. one of the greatest gifts i've ever been given is a few years
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ago a dear friend sent me a link called cake wrecks do the dom. i'm not affiliated with. this i'm not making any money. it's best two hours of my life i've ever spent. it's an amazing website. everybody goes to this site and posts pictures of these crazy cakes that they get. meaning, one baker mess up, it's amazing. >> like that idea. >> the best two hours of your life? >> no. >> i think the people in the industry don't like it. >> i was crying they were so funny. >> all right. >> i knew the store yea was fake right out of the gate. no one is that funny. like the idea of a guy going you know what? screw it, i'm going get fired. the guy flechlt to me is going dude, what you are doing? i'm going out in a blaze of glory. here's the cake. packing up his lock eastern waiting for the manager. i want to hang out with that guy. >> i think the actual baker was gay, correct? >> yeah. >> so that would be even i guess funnier. i don't know. >> the pastor did that himself.
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i want to see him doing that. >> yeah. >> if you got that cake, you'd go that's a little extreme. but you seem like a funny guy. you want to come to my party? that is hilarious. >> gillian, you know what bothers me. there is a get out of jail card with this behavior by calling it a psychological issue. if they do a hoax, we put them into counseling instead of jail. imagine if you're on wall street and perpetuated a fraud and said, you're right. that is a mistake. i'm sorry. i'm going into therapy. >> this man say pastor. yet, we'll probably use forgiveness to find a way to, you know, appreciate this man for all of his flaws. he probably won't hugged enough as a child. hug your children. >> don't hug anybody else's children. >> no. >> and just stick to fudgy the whale cakes. you are never have issues with those. they are underappreciated.
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>> yes. >> is that carvel? >> i believe. so i can get the camera on me? real quick. camera two. >> do you have a twitch? >> i think they have to sue. i'm mad at whole foods. >> it's a great example of the supply of bigots not meeting the demand. i'm not kidding. >> that is true. >> you fabricate bigots in the air because it's an industry. >> it's a grievance, extortion xree that gives awe tension and celebrityhood. does this guy got attention and he got celebrity? that's incentive. that's why you need a counter incentive which is a suit that just ruins the guy financially so that everybody goes, not doing that. i'm not doing that. whole foods could have given the none charity. >> yeah. >> there you go. always works that way. up next, robots are destined to take over all of our jobs except mine, of course, because i'm irreplaceable. just kidding, i'm already a robot. stick around. hey, need fast heartburn relief?
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try cool mint zantac. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster. hello welcome to holiday inn. running our own business, we've been traveling a lot. a hotel looking to help small businesses succeed is incredible. thank you. holiday inn is an extension of our team. book your next journey at
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of course robots will kill us all but that's later. some will take our jobs and some
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already have. china, japan, thailand have restaurants where robots prepare, serve, and make drinks. a professor's students in an online school at georgia tech laerveed that a professor's assistant was a robot. but one student noted, she sounded hot. a company walled ross intelligence built the first robot lawyer using ibm software. yes, a robot lawyer. so for six months if there isn't a movie called "robot lawyer" i'm setting fire to my hair. so are you worried, professor? >> i'm not worried, but a lot of mediocre lawyers should be. robots can do a lot of the work that second rate lawyers do and charge too much money for. creativity, maybe that's a little harder to bring about in a robot, but that's probably a good thing. >> it's hard to do sexy tv shows
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with lawyers, drinking a martini. maybe they'll drink motor oil. gillian, i'm obsessed with artificial intelligence. i think it's possibly a bigger threat than terrorism. am i crazy? >> let's put that question aside. but why should robots only be filling in for low wage, low skill jobs. let this be an equal opportunity thing here. so i like that part of the story. >> sounds like they're replacing paralegals, not lawyers. >> but they still have to go to law school. >> the robots? >> the paralegals. >> i had a few robots in my law class. >> yeah, ted cruz. you called me crazy because i talk about how artificial intelligence, once the computers reach singularity and surpass us
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in iq, we're going to be like chickens in a farm compared to the intelligence of computers. >> the only time you have a point is if we're talking about the next million years. >> it's going to happen in 30 years. >> the sun will burn out eventually, too. ooh, i'm scared. this is what you do with robots, when they show up and say hello, how are you, i'm human. i go really, tell me about love and humor. try that with people sometimes. >> i think they're going to take over. we should be very nice to machines. >> exactly. >> when that door opens, i always say thank you, hoping he'll tell his machine friends and they'll let me keep my job. am i right? am i the smartest person in the room? >> i'm going for safe. you're going to regret it.
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>> i've been like this forever. i'm so nice to my appliances. sometimes i even sleep with them. >> oh, gosh, you don't want to do that. my only concern is, robots selling these service and hospitality jobs. i think everyone should work a job in the service industry, because it humanizes you, having to interact with other people and deliver with a smile is so important. >> they don't know hoe to serve. >> what? >> women in the kitchen, having a bunch of babies, i'm gavin guiness, bla, bla, bla.
10:54 pm
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10:59 pm
>> a lot of criticism about the way folks covered the egyptair crash. kind of accused folks on air, contributors of being fearmongering and pushing the terrorism narrative. i want to point out to people that there's a practical component here. when a government thinks that terrorism is a possibility, you need to pursue it right away, because you bring all these resources to bear on it that you otherwise wouldn't. so there's good reason to do it. >> gavin? >> i couldn't agree more. fearmongering is good. terrorism is bad. >> last word. >> i just think that on paper, everything in my life seems to be going really well, but i don't feel fulfilled. [ applause ] >> thanks, panel.
11:00 pm
i'm greg gutfeld. i hov you, america. factor." good night from new york. welcome to "red eye." i'm tom shillue. let's check in with andy levy. >> thanks, tom. coming up on the big show, a clinton surrogate says she will beat trump because of ugly women. plus, marvel refused to put a female villain in "ironman 3" because she didn't think her action figure ould sell. i fear another sexist moment from tom coming on. and miracle on ice hero is selling his gold medal and the flag he was draped in after beating the hockey team. do you believe in capitalism? back to


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