tv Outnumbered FOX News May 24, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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jon: hope you're having a great day. "outnumbered" starts right now. ♪ harris: this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, sandra smith, coainge tore of "after the bell" on fox business, melissa francis, jedediah bila is in the house. your #oneluckyguy former cia covert operations officer mike baker is outnumbered but not covertly. everybody knows. >> everybody is completely aware. thank you very much. next to it ising on the sofa at home next to my wife and kids, this is my second favorite sofa. harris: we rank up there with family. >> you're number two, to be fair. number two is good. harris: thanks for being here. >> thank you. harris: can't wait to get your perspective. let's roll. it is getting razor sharp between hillary clinton and donald trump. escalating their attacks on each other. trump releasing a new video on
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instagram and it targets bill clinton and his controversial past with women. it uses voices of women who accuse the former president of misconduct. >> no woman should be subjected to it. >> it was an assault. >> he starts to pill on my top and i tried to pull away from him. [laughter] harris: clinton campaign says this is just another attempt to distract from an issues-based campaign. here is the spokesperson, brian fallon. >> i've seen smart republican operatives go on television say they actually have tested some of these lines of attack and they actually alienate independent voters especially women. so to me every day that he spends engaged in this type of stuff is a misspent opportunity for him in terms of doing outreach he needs to do to improve numbers. if i think this is way to get in his opponent's head, psych them out. hillary clinton will not go for
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that. she said through 11 hours before the benghazi committee hearing back in october this is somebody who has steel backbone. harris: let's add to the mix now. our very own bill o'reilly talking to trump about that video and bringing up one concern. >> you know that it makes the country look bad abroad and things like that. that is what worries me. i understand the clinton attack machine, i got it. and i think it has to be dealt with, somewhat, but i think maybe caution is. >> bill, i don't like doing that i don't like doing that but i have no choice, when she hits me on things i have no choice. it is unfair. and you know the they're dirty players. they have been dirty players historically i have to fight back the way i have to fight back. harris: and there's more. team clinton released its own web video just this morning, hitting trump for something he said back in 2006 about the housing market. here it is. ♪
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>> i sort of hope that happens because then people, like me, would go in and buy. harris: jedediah, i will come to you first. the nasty err, the more negative, we've seen in some markets in america it can work but in a general election, with these two have so many negatives already in polling against both trump and clinton, how do you think it will work? >> i don't like the direction trump is going because bill clinton is not running for president and people aren't necessarily going to link that to hillary. some will wind up feeling bad for her. some will be upset, you can't blame her for her husband's mistakes. if you go to that ink angle, you have to enhow she enabled it and that is evenly angle you can take. what hillary clinton campaign's go on donald trump on policy issues. this is so many weakness, this woman has terrible record of secretary of state, foreign oil
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is record, only leg she has to stand on is terrible. when you look at that go after her husband i don't think that play. i think issue of independent voters is important, i talk to independent voters most people i know -- sandra: totally couldn't disagree more. >> you could. you could disagree more. let's be fair. sandra: i think trump is turning politics on its head. remember he is not really a money guy. that is how people think of him. he is marketing guy. he is marketing genius. that is what he done in the campaign. set old dogs politics back on heels i think he is changing a fame. picture in the beginning, not so subtle artistic cigar to monica lewinsky, he is showing them they are getting inside their head. you come at me i will come at you twice as hard. harris: one thing for sure, mike, generation of voter out there trump and bernie sanders are getting more of than hillary clinton a younger voter who may not be familiar with what went on during the clinton
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administration. part of this is the way of educating that younger base. it has been interesting way to do it. >> i think you're absolutely right. there is a lot of people, when, she would like this. hillary would like for people to think of her husband's presidency in terms of the economic success she wants to create the narrative. >> and not the cigar. >> leave everything aside. there is whole generation not really aware of that. i think trump has more leeway in this particular campaign against someone like hillary. she is not sympathetic character. if she was more likeable this attack would have more damaging effect on trump. for him to go on camera, i don't like doing this. of course he likes doing this. this is his nature. sandra: there is also this attack hillary clinton launching on donald trump about the bankruptcies, four bankruptcies is fact. donald trump had to answer many times to the gop colleagues on debate stage. carly fiorina wasn't effective in that. she painted him as a guy who ran four companies into the ground
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and this is how he will handle the u.s. economy. hillary clinton is trying to do the same thing. do you see her having anymore success with that? donald trump has easy answer for that. he says a lot of entrepreneurs have to do this. this is healthy business decision. it is restructuring. it is not closing the doors. he did it and proud of it and would do it over again? >> i think she has a problem. she is surrounded by old school tack tish shuns in the campaign. no matter what they throw at him will not necessarily matter. it will not reflect itself in the numbers. we've all seen aggressive campaigns in the past, right? we're going to see going forward, take the barrel, bottom of the barrel and you scrape what is there at the bottom, what is underneath, that's what we seeing. >> i think clintons will finally get it hard as they give it. harris: melissa, jedediah, you don't really agree how we might be moving forward, one thing this potentially does do, jedediah, it takes bill clinton out of the mix as the big voice on the economy for her, if only
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for a little while. >> i don't think that is going to work. i think people will still look at him, think, top thing on people's minds whenever they vote is the economy, and pocketbook issues. they look at bill clinton they see success. harris: no matter what? >> what you said about before the primary versus general, what works in primary, negative ads, stir the pot get base all excited, that is great. those people are on the donald trump bandwagon right now. but people he needs are independent voters when they see stuff like this feel it is distraction. i think particularly if had been her issues, if she is the person not been faithful or her character issues i think it would be different. hit her on character, hit her on benghazi, hit her on transparency. hit her on not telling truth to american people. harris: or as you said, augment it what has potentially been said and document it in some cases were the relationships she had with many so. women. >> i think that goes too deep. he is master of changing the conversation. what he is messaged here, every
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time you bring up economy and bill clinton i will turn the conversation to this other thing. every single time. if you look back at history of what happened so far that is what he has done, that is what he is doing, showing them. >> neither side will break more postively. just going to get worse from here is my prediction. harris: the way you described it, what lies beneath the bottom of the barrel, i personally, taking high road with my other lady friends here, not a lot of traffic up there, i didn't really know what was going on beneath, beneath. >> you call each other lady friends? i didn't realize. this is so educational for me. thank you. harris: welcome aboard, mike. >> thank you. sandra: let's move on to this. the governor of virginia, a long-time clinton ally under federal investigation now for campaign contributions. sources confirm the fbi and justice department have been looking at governor terry mcauliffe for at least a year. the investigation involved a billionaire chinese businessman
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who donated $120,000 to mcauliffe's 2013 campaign. foreign nationals are prohibited from dough mating to u.s. political campaigns. however this businessman has permanent u.s. resident status. mcauliffe responding to the probe. >> all i can do is rely on two law firms who did vetting on this check. i can only rely, i personally didn't bet the check. i rely on people who did vetting. they said he had a green card from 2007. so the contribution came in and they have unequivocally said that he was entitled to write a check. sandra: the chinese businessman is also linked to democratic presidential front-runner hillary clinton. he donated millions to the clinton foundation. judge andrew napolitano explaining on "america's newsroom" how it could all be connected. >> this came up in the context of and is being investigated by the same fbi team that is investigating mrs. clinton for the public corruption
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allegation, not for the email misuse. the public corruption allegation alleges, that she made decisions as secretary of state to benefit her husband's speaking fees and to benefit her husband's foundations. it is in that connection terry mcauliffe's name came up because he was the nominal head of the foundation during that time period. sandra: investigators have looked at mcauliffe's time as a board member of the clinton global initiative. right now there is no allegation that the foundation did anything wrong. mcauliffe was co-chair of president clinton's '96 campaign and chaired hillary clinton's 2008 run for president. he is also considered key to her success in the important swing state of virginia in november. isn't that of course what everybody is worried about here, harris. harris: well on her campaign definitely. this is what i call circling the wagons if you're heading up an investigation. you want to see everybody who had anything to do with, you're absolutely right. we're not talking about emails
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here. not talking about private server. we're talking about corruption with quid pro quo with governments, who gave money to the clinton foundation. this is exactly where we thought we would be at beginning of our reporting here on this story here at fox news because it all centers around the money. you've been in the foreign nations with these heads of state. you know that is what turns their head. >> absolutely. i have a company with a lot of wonderful people and we spend a lot of time doing couple of things. one, investigating entities overseas that are engaged in questionable financial dealings including influence-peddling and acts against foreign corrupt practices act. we have people who do due diligence on individuals. governor mccaul, i had to rely on these law firms, the vet something not difficult. sandra: should know better? >> he should know better. he should have had better information. anytime you see someone i had not idea they were tied to the particular company.
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they couldn't be bothered to do due diligence or they were lazy to it. as to the clinton foundation looks like one of those companies we would investigating overseas has very murky and opaque, you know, firewall around it to keep you from understanding what is its purpose? >> can i make it more plain for viewers out there any did a little digging. wang imports and exports soybeans. they flow through virginia. of course that is where governor mcauliffe is. he also builds embassies. who do you need for that? the state department. there are very specific businesses that he has that would enbenefit from contacts both in begin and why foundation. that makes fact he gave money to both very sketchy. harris: real quickly, mike you brought up could be one of two things. could be their lazy in the information gathering or thought it wasn't important enough, and didn't bother to do it. there is third option. somebody told them not to do do it. who would have told them not to look deeper?
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somebody with history you said. >> this is history of donations. i will refer to him as mr. wang because that is more entertaining. mr. wang's been in this circle of donations, political donations for several, several years. harris: i hope he doesn't precede that card he said he has to be here. sandra: let's talk about the past. mcauliffe's political action committee, common good for virginia, returned 25,000-dollar donation with a ties to angolan oil company. this is after associated press raised questions about the legality. this is not the first time. >> this is a problem because he is linked to hillary clinton. last thing hillary clinton needs is anyone related to corruption. issue people have with her is trustworthiness. when you talk to democrats supporting bernie sanders, i tweeted out, bernie sanders tell me why you would never vote for hillary clinton? why i get back she is corrupt politician, she is not trustworthy. anybody tied to here that involves scandal lack of
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transpair return sy, whether there is accountability held to him or not i think is huge political problem for her. sandra: all right hillary clinton turning down invitation to debate bernie sanders. he says she is insulting people of golden state. length of tame other veterans wait for health care to waiting in line at disney. whether he should apologize. catch more on the couch. "outnumbered overtime" is huge as always. find it on you can also find us live on facebook. we launched yesterday. it was huge success. come back today. see you there. log on now. that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you.
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>> veterans affairs secretary robert mcdonald caused a lot of outrage comparing the time our vets wait for health care to a waitings in line at a amusement park. watch what he told reporters here. >> what really counts is how the veteran feels about their encounter with the va. when you go to disney, do think measure the number of hours you wait in line?
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what is important, what is important what is your satisfaction with the experience and what i would like to move to eventually is that kind of measure. >> wow. richard blumenthal the top democrat on veterans affairs committee slamming those comments. >> quality of care and doing it without delay are both important, both care and timeliness are important. i'm not going to comment on comments. what is most important is action. >> wow. he went on to say off-camara that he is troubled by mcdonald's words. hopes there is better intent behind what he said. he looks forward to talking with mcdonald about what he really meant. meantime house speaker paul ryan tweeting, this is not make believe, mr. secretary. veterans have died waiting in those lines. harris faulkner, making the point they measure wait times at disney. harris: you have an app when you go to disney world to figure out which line you're willing to
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stand in based on the line the app tells. i don't know why he wouldn't make the comparison without doing homework that they do bell measure that. >> i can see wait time for space mountain on this. harris: space mountain, unless you're standing next to concessions. i'm not sure you would take it to such a light place, as you said in the intro people have died here. my big question why are we focused on disin? how did we get there? have to make it better. what is going on? >> disney is known for delivering on its value proposition, right? satisfied customers. harris: no one is dying at disney from standing in line for wait time for a doctor. >> i'm not defending the secretary, va secretary should apologize not being smart enough that disney measures all metrics. when you step back to say what he is possibly could be thinking i think he was trying in really stupid way, what you have to do
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look at the client satisfaction of the va -- harris: has he been in that job long enough to start to fix stuff? >> yeah. absolutely. i think this flip attitude, what americans are completely sick off. this is what we see out of the administration. sandra, i would say, when we look at the situation, this is typical government bureaucracy. would you trust the health of ire children to the irs, to the post office? we shouldn't be trusting the health of our vets to a bureaucracy. sandra: we can clearly do better. you go down long list of politicians who already rebeing ad to this, including american legion national commander, dale barnett, people don't die waiting to go on space mountain. we have long list here of the reaction we're seeing and outpouring of people are saying this guy is out of touch to make comments of this and doesn't know the outrage of american public over va times. harris: absolutely. why do you have to wait for the american public to tell you to be outraged. shouldn't you have some of that cooking in your own heart?
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>> this is what you get when you get knee-jerk reactions to the va problem in general. all we got was this cost metic fix by putting him at the top. and to your point, nothing really substantive has been done. >> let me ask jedediah, because i went to our brain room got stats about wait times and be fair what is going on. as of may 1st, 2016, va wait times, 92% of appointments are scheduled for 30 days or under. 7.38% are scheduled for 30 days or more. 7.38%, that is half a million wait more than 30 days. when you look at those stats is that right? is that fair? they would say, only 7.%. >> 7.3% is lives they're talking about. they talk like they're not talking about people's lives. this guy is out of touch and he is also out of his mind. why people can't stand bureaucrats. suddenly people take the jobs forget to be human. they for get they have families and people have families.
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these are people's lives at stake. i love paul ryan's response. he said you know what, people are dying in that time? this guy is talking about how do the patient's feel. how does that matter? some of them are dead. how dot families feel? people suffering with long-term illnesses made had potential cure in the beginning, suffering as a result. stop forgetting humanity and lecture us about this nonsense. harris: fire him and start again. >> absolutely fire him. >> exactly you have to do more than just fire him. we've done that before. we got to go. count her out of. hillary clinton rejecting an invitation to debate bernie sanders ahead of the california primary. sanders calling hillary's refusal, quote, insulting to voters. more on fallout straight ahead. plus the obama administration on planning to release two dozen more prisoners from guantanamo bay. those detainees are being called among the worst of the worst. is the white house putting our
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♪ sandra: hillary clinton turning down an offer to appear at a proposed fox news hosted democratic debate ahead of the california primary. bernie sanders tentatively accepted the invitation last week under the assumption clinton would also take part. but a clinton campaign official saying quote, we plan to compete hard in the remaining primary states, particularly california, while turning our attention to the threat of a donald trump presidency poses. sanders slamming clinton's refusal to debate saying it shows she is not prepared to face voters and discuss the issues. >> i was disturbed but not surprised to hear a few hours ago that secretary clinton has backed out of the debate. a number of months ago our campaign and her campaign had reached an agreement on a number
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of debates, including one here in california in may. but i think, i got to tell you this, i think it's a little bit insulting. sandra: all right, so, melissa, let me rewind to 2008 when hillary clinton was heard taunting her then opponent barack obama saying that candidates should be tough enough to debate anytime, anywhere! >> yeah, it seems like the shoe is on the other foot now and doesn't fit that well and kind of uncomfortable and giving her blisters and she would like to get rid of it. we've seen candidates get out on the debate stage and shine and turn momentum. bernie sanders is one of those. people love what she has to say. obviously she doesn't think she will be able to do that we've seen candidates out on the debate stage and choke, i won't mention names because it is mean and we're thinking of people. obvious they think it could be her. sandra: does she think it is
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necessary or nomination is a lock? >> no. the advice for the team was don't do it. we don't see upside. in reality plays well. sanders is tickled pink, do people still say tickled pink. harris: here in front of the lady friends. >> the bees knees for bernie sanders. i know where i'm going with this. sound like jimmy stewart all of a sudden. yeah, it's a family show so i'm keeping it clean. harris: okay. >> this plays into bernie sanders's narrative. i think he is very happy of her decision because he can continue this rant, look the system is not in my favor. it is tilted against the will of the people. sandra: quite a challenging few words from bernie to say i would also suggest secretary clinton may not not to be quite so presumptuous and thinking she is a certain winner, harris? >> well he can't wait to get to pennsylvania. i mean, come on. this guy is looking forward to the convention. obviously.
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but my big question about this with hillary clinton is, is her team also thinking does this give her time to gear up if donald trump on. why give him more ammo to hand to the other team if you don't have to. i don't think it is mutually exclusive to say she will sit this out because she has got it and she doesn't want to make mistakes. >> she could -- harris: absolutely not. >> if they got out there and debated -- >> would rather sit home. sandra: is there any upside for her here? >> no. i think it is too risky. she is bad at answering difficult questions and she is not god campaigner or politician and she is coward. i know a lot of people in academia can't stand her. that they loathe her. hillary clinton unfavorables are so high, people who support bernie sanders are much like the people who supported barack obama in 2008. they're inspired by his message. they believe he has a consistent political record.
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they believe he is not a typical politician even though he has been in washington for a while. i don't think they will shift over but i think it proves two things. it proves hillary is afraid of bernie sanders because he will show her up on the stage and she is afraid of fox news. sandra: jedediah, their unfavorables are both high, hillary clinton and donald trump we covered that yesterday on the show, both above 50%. is this opportunity to improve that? >> no. if i'm advising her last thing i want more airtime showing her next to bernie and giving people an opportunity to see that yet again she can't shake this guy. i mean there is no benefit to that. from her perspective. harris: i don't know if you heard about this? new round of detainees in guantanamo bay is set to be transferred this summer. here is the news on this up to two dozen prisoners will be sent to a number of nations as president obama aims to reduce the prison population before leaving office. one official is describing the 80 remaining detainees, as quote
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the worst of the worst and was not confident and this is the deal. those nations receiving these prisoners may not be able to keep them locked up or even track them. so, here's what i know, that came out from a congressional testimony and hearing before the house committee on oversight and government reform just this week. one of the things that we've been most concerned about from the very beginning was that prisoners, even back in 2010, when they looked at 240 who were detainees back then would never be outright released. if you're giving them to countries can't keep up with them, can't track them or keep them behind bars isn't that outright released? >> there is a couple of things here. one, is this bad for our national security? yes, of course it is. two, is it going to happen? absolutely. the single most important final move from the president's perspective is to close guantanamo. this is political, not a national security issue for him and for his team. and besides, look at people that
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are advising him on national security. ben rhodes, valerie jarrett. come on, where are their operational or tactical chops? they don't have it. they never had inside their national security team, going back to the war room for benghazi, they had more political operatives in there than tactical operators. this is not surprise in any way. if people think somehow he is not going to push this and not going to dumb those people out, as soon as these two dozen are released to the half dozen or so countries. next step they will do, move the next batch into this category of, yes, free to release as soon as we can authorize the country. they will keep shifting people into this. they don't care about the security issue. they care about the political issue. harris: if in 2010, they said these guys were too dangerous to outright release, these are the worst of the worst, what does it say about their bravado when they get back access to the battlefield? we've seen that the recidivism.
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we know they have been talking to each other at gitmo. we know reports about that melissa, when you look down the road this is so dangerous for us. our guys and women are out there trying to recapture the people we let go already, some of them. >> this idea they don't even know they can track them, much less hold them and secure them. they won't even know where they go, the idea this is are legacy as you said but legacy will be returning really dangerous people to the battlefield to kill americans. >> we have go get again. >> it is astounding. it will be legacy of this move, to push for word with this as hard as one can is appalling. >> frustration the military must feel about the administration. they risk their lives. get these people a huge danger, potential huge danger to us, they finally get them and they say oh, send them over to the other countries. we don't know what is the process over there. this insulting to the people that did double work. you did this already? go back and risks your life
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again. how ungrateful and disgraceful. >> if i could say one thing about this, there is bigger overarching problem the way administration is dealing with this the fact that they have no interest in perpetuating guantanamo or any other facility where you detain high-value targets. what we've done over past handful of years our guys in the field, men and women out in the field have no more interest in picking up high-value targets. they don't think there is top cover. we have been tagging them and whacking them. you get people like mansour killed. nobody wants to capture them. paint the target. kill the target. and pipeline for intelligence has dried up. harris: so that, as you said that line for intelligence, you will not get that pro dead people obviously. sandra: mike, the review board process in order to do this they have to seriously pick up the pace moving forward on the hearings. 18 hearings occurred since january.
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four scheduled over the next two weeks. that is a lot of time and resources thrown in a short amount of time. >> lot of pressure from the white house. they are saying basically pick it up. we have time frame. we have to shut the place down before the president walks out the door around screen door hits him. i'm sure i shouldn't say that you always try to be fair and i certainly respect the office of president this is one of those topics where this white house makes my head want to explode. harris: i were a covert officer. we respect your experience. >> like you said, putting our people at risk at the same time we have mission creep, adding more people to the field. harris: do you think that the topic of gitmo, and we can't answer this here, answer if i ask it. we'll dank gell that. major shake-up at tsa, thousands of passengers have been missing, flights, long airport security lines. oh, my goodness. one top official replaced among other changes coming we're told. will all this even help make
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flying easier right now. or is it just a bandaid. tv version wraps up, overtime tab on our page. there is a life chat there, there is new stuff we're coming with. facebook live. you can watch us. fnc. ex-dose of fun from here on outnumbered. stay close. hmmmmmm.....
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♪ >> shake-up at the tsa as tensions grow over the long airport security lines. head of security kelly hoggan was removed after hearing over the agency management. house lawmakers outraged over $92,000 bonus package he got despite systemic security screening failures. head of security operations at los angeles international airport and jfk will replace
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hoggan. they will add new administrators to chicago o'hare where wait times caused thousands to miss flights. it will establish a national command center at headquarters. critics say the changes are cosmetic and won't actually change anything. mike, what do you think about this? are these just cosmetic changes? they're talking about the command center and reducing size and number of carry-on if that suddenly will fix everything? what do you think of these? >> a couple of things hire. first of all tsa has a, this is not, you know defending them and some of their problems, but they have a thankless job, right? the security angle is such nothing happens not like they get thanked. thanks for not having any problems. i, you know what i mean from the general perspective from the population. when something goes wrong they are kicked in the backside. that doesn't defend the problems they're having. is it cosmetic? yes of course. like the va, changing head of the va, what does that get us? it doesn't get us anything. you need to increase budget.
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only couple of ways to do it. we have to go through screening process. pay more for technology to allow it to move faster. >> don't go increasing budget. >> drives me crazy every time there is problem, three-hour waits we need more money because more people are flying. what they need is more efficiency. somebody who knows what they're doing, change the way that it is done so to work faster and more effects tiffly. not more money. >> more efficiency means better technology, not just one or two airports. that unfortunately cost money. sandra: what does mike baker think about privatizing security at airports? >> i'm big on it. i'm big on it happening. >> why is that so slow to come about? >> the honest answer i don't have a clue. you need to understand your limitations. i don't understand meanders of the federal government. shrink the government. they should privatize the operation. naturally my believe it will, some people disagree but i think
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it will be more efficient. sandra: as far as summer is out there, economy is better, people are traveling. we're expecting record numbers on fox business network. here is what tsa is saying about that, expect those wait times. yes we're reviewing here is at work here in our policies but expect the wait times and manage expectations. i don't know, harris, to me sounds like they have a lot of problems that aren't going away anytime soon. harris: i want to go back to something you just said in terms of somebody who got a bonus. tell us. that was $90,000 bonus package that hoggan received, kelly hoggan. harris: how is that possible if this is the job? sandra: that happens. >> federal government. that is the federal government. sandra: that is not a shocker. >> everywhere you look, people talk about obamacare, they say, let's give the government more responsibility. look at every, look at every area of government, post office. anyone want to take a trip to the d -- for fun.
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melissa, you're 100% right, notion you hire more people. say they hire hundreds of inefficient people or system is broken. something internally is broken. that will not fix anything. argument for privatization, we can do it better because look what the government does all the time. harris: even with the precheck, melissa, you and i talked about this, for the average flyer, when you add in baggage fees and everything else, who has couple extra hundred dollars so their family goes through shorter line. after flown her recently, you get in the precheck line, they shut it down because they need those guys at regular. now you're back in with everybody else seen though you spent all the money. what are they doing? >> fancy pants over here complaining. harris: what are they doing? >> precheck used, there was some magic with the very beginning. they have to go back where it is right now. at beginning of precheck when you go through it, when they started to do it was great. then what they realized we can take out all people in regular security line and push shempp in
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precheck. until we had attacks overseas. tighten up. move the people back to regular security line and close precheck. >> this is why i don't -- harris: make it better for everybody. you don't have a special line. >> hop on superman's back and get going. >> high school students who make the grade will no longer have bragging rights. one school board voting to do away with valedictorians. me a long time ago, saying title creates unhealthy competition. critics say it is political correctness. who is right? we'll debate it next. ♪
9:48 am
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sandra: more "outnumbered" in just a moment. first let's get to jon scott with what is coming up in in the second hour of "happening now." hey, jon. jon: hear sandra. hillary clinton and bernie sanders duking it out in california. two trials and zero convictions of police officers thus far in connection with the death of freddie gray in baltimore. did prosecutors overcharge and how shaky are the cases that remain? our legal panel takes a look. and an amazing rescue as two people are pulled out of the wreckage after the small plane plunges in the waters off
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hawaii. coming up top of the hour. sandra. >> the john, thank you. >> high school students who make it to the top of the class will soon be forced to share the stage. wake county, north carolina, school board voting unanimously with naming valedictorians and after 2018. they will use latin titles like cum laude for high grade point averages. he will telling a charlotte newspaper, we have heard from many in, many schools, competition is unhealthy. students are not collaborating with each other the way we would like them to. their choice of courses is being guided by gpa, not by their put education plans. jedediah bila, as a member of the world of education, what do you think about this, unhealthy competition? >> i think everybody is such a wimp first of all. really, they are. oh, i want, title of valedictorian makes me feel i'm not smart enough.
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i was college valedictorian. i had one thing -- >> you got that in there. >> name dropper. >> i don't have a resume'. i have to give it to the television audience. people do pick their classes based on that though. i had friends used to choose their classes, go based on teacher, easier classes they wanted to take would be really challenging they wouldn't take that because it would affect their gpa and shooting for val tick torian. i think there is some issue here with people grade obsessed as opposed to looking out for what they want to do in life and alln people say, the title of valedictorian makes me feel uncomfortable. >> doesn't solve the problem. there is still magna and -- what do we know when we talk about capitalism as we do every single day on the couch. competition makes everything better and makes everyone better. if you don't have valedictorian, number one person to compete for you don't secure the best
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outcome, you don't get the best students. i think is absurd. by the way you were valedictorian. >> i was not valedictorian. i got a b-plus one quarter in typing in 9th grade. >> how dare you, melissa. >> that ruined my life. the typing b-plus i amounted to nothing. you have children. how do you feel about this? harris: both my girls are in gymnastics for fun. but they have competitions once a year. when we first started having what they call gym fest, everybody got trophy and super young, isn't that cute. they god older we're putting so much into this, how come kids who aren't as good in certain things get trophies too or when they don't excel? my girls got a trophy but i wasn't as good as such and such. it takes away this idea of the competition, being the iron, against the iron that makes you better, right? i think that is really important. sets you up later in life not knowing how to deal with that in the work place.
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>> that is true. it will get competitive. harris: you play like you practice. you hope you get enough practice to the point when you play it counts. >> unlike all four of you eggheads here on the sofa apparently were competing for the top slot in college, whatever opposite of valedictorian is, that is where i was. i barely got -- bearally got into college after my 14 years. >> here we are on the same couch. >> i got four wonderful, wonderful kids. here is honest to god's truth, right in line with what you're saying, harris. this idea we'll not keep score in competitions. everybody gets a trophy. we have to worry about our precious little snowflakes and feeling if they're competing too much. this is insane. and the fact, this all start, if you reverse engineer this, think about all the kids in college crying about safe places and microaggressions, they were little kids when this movement started basically. we'll play a game and not going to keep score because we don't want people to feel bad. are you killing me?
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something new, facebook live. we hit record numbers our first day. thanks to all viewers online. we'll pop up in two places. numbered. click on overtime tab. or go to thank you, harris. we do begin with a fox news alert. the fbi and bomb squad investigating a flight from houston to los angeles. >> officials say someone phoned in a bomb threat and the american eagle plane is on the tarm ax in lax. >> if we win the democratic nomination, let me assure you in capital letters donald trump will not be the president of the united states. >> bernie sanders warns the democratic convention could get messy. plus. >> something didn't look right. >> the race
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