tv Hannity FOX News May 25, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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he was cheating. cheating i tell you. dion was in on wiit with him. i have one more word for you, cheater. go on. go for it. good-bye. thanks for watching. welcome to "hannity," donald trump is back on the campaign trail. i'm eric bolling in for sean tonight. earlier today, the presumptive republican nominee held a rally in california. here are some of the highlights. >> now, if and when i win, i'm going to be very nice because then it's a question of good management, i will get along with other countries far better than we get along right now. we're going to get along great. other countries going to treat us with respect. they're not going to devalue their currencies so we have trade deficits of $505 billion or mexico so we have a $58
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billion a year trade deficit and mexico, as you know, they're taking all of our companies. we're going to build the wall. we have no choice. we're going to build it. who's going to pay for the wall? >> mexico! >> 100pk. it's important what we're doing together. we're doing it together. i'm only the messenger, folks. i'm going a good job as messenger. i'm only the messenger. because we have to take our country back. we spr to bring intelligence to our country, we have to bring common sense to our country and i am a tough cookie. we're going to have the biggest, strongest, most powerful military and nobody's going to mess with us. nobody. we're going to win with our military. we're going to win on the borders. we're going to win with health care. repeal and replace that garbage known as obamacare. we're going to win with education. get rid of that horrible common core. we are going to win bigly and
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save our 2nd amendment. and as you know, and as you've heard, the nra endorsed me three days ago. we're going to win, win, win. you're going to say to me, mr. president, we can't stand it anymore, we're winning too much, we can't take it. and i'm going to say, i'm sorry, we're going to keep winning because we are going to make america great again. >> new national polls show donald trump is surging against his likely general election opponent, hillary clinton. now they're in a dead heat. earlier today, i asked the co-author of "rediscovering god in america," former speaker of the house, fox news contributor newt gingrich about the race for the white house. take a look. speaker gingrich, great to sit down with you for a few minutes. donald trump seems to be on a roll lately. he's very confident. keeps hearing the speeches. he's looking forward to overtaking hillary clinton in
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the real clear politics averages. what's he doing right? >> couple things. first of all, he's brought more and more republicans together. i think that's been a big help. they've come home in sense. second, the more people watch hillary and this latest series of reports about her e-mails, the more she decays and the more she's unacceptable to a wide ra range of americans. she's sinking. he's beginning to rise. i think frankly when he released the 11 judges he would consider for the supreme court, he sent a big signal to conservatives that this guy is serious, that he's doing his homework. they're also superb judges if you're a conservative. i think people thought, here's a sign of somebody who's capable of really being president. >> some of the protests have been going on recently have been surrounding immigration. donald trump came along one of the first things he said when he declared candidacy for president was he was going to work on immigration, going to put the wall up, going to deport
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illegals. can he win a presidency with that platform? with the wall and with deporting that many -- >> i think if he makes clear the commitment he has to legal immigrants, to have better jobs, more take-home pay, better education for their children, and affordable health system, and physical safety, i mean, you look at places like south side chicago. just being able to commit you're going to do everything you can to stop the shooting level. and the murder levels. i think he can do very, very well. he did well, for example, in nevada, with latinos. but i also -- let's confront reality here. when the left starts to lose, they break the law. madison, wisconsin, you had governor walker who'd campaigned on exactly the reforms that he passed. he had helped elect more senate and house members on exactly the reforms he passed. the reaction of the left was to have huge demonstrations, to
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occupy the capitol, to do all sorts of stuff. i think you have to expect that a trump candidacy and then a trump presidency is going to lead the left to just do wild things and key is for the police to enforce the law. private demonstrations that are peaceful and respectful absolutely the american tradition. demonstrations that start getting violent, demonstrations where people start attacking the police, have to be suppressed totally. >> talk a little bit about this new ad that hillary clinton put up about donald trump making money on a housing collapse. now, trump used the derivative market, i know it very well, you know it very well. you were there during that community reinvestment act reform that president clinton wanted to do. i believe it was '93 he did that. >> right. >> off of loans to more people. make it easier for people to get loans even if they shouldn't have a loan. so they pumped up, they inflated this bubble. now she's using this ad that he says he made money on a housing collapse. it was her husband that created the bubble. >> now, look, liberals have this
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passion for giving away money. right now, the obama administration has a provision that does not allow auto dealers to actually discriminate based on whether or not you have good credit because they say by definition if you charge different credit you must be racist or something. the fact is if you start giving away things you don't measure people's credit, you're not doing a favor by putting somebody in a house they can't afford. and that's where the liberals were just plain wrong. >> okay. chris dodd, barney frank. you were with barney frank on the floor. i remember the community reinvestment act. i remember they wanted to have more people, whether they're minorities, low-income people owning homes in america. >> well, look, i want to have every american have the opportunity to buy a house, but that means they have to learn how to save, they have to get a job, they have to be patient. they have to save up a down payment. when you create rules that give things to people that they can't afford, they can't maintain,
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they don't know what they're doing, you're crippling their life. you're not helping them. >> is elizabeth warren in conjunction, in cahoots with the hillary clinton campaign? because they seem to be hitting donald trump on the same -- with the same housing issue. >> broadly, look, broadly in cahoots in a sense. everybody reads everybody else's tweets so it's not hard to collaborate. but i think that, you know, elizabeth warren represents the left wing radicalism in the democratic party. hillary clinton understands that she needs to get as close to elizabeth warren as she can because she's in a life-and-death struggle with bernie sanders. and i think you'll see that hillary follows elizabeth warren's lead over and over again. >> you, i assume, are close to donald trump, you speak to him o koe occasionally? >> talk to him occasionally. >> have any concerns? >> yeah, i think the attack he made on governor martinez last night was very, very destructive. you don't want to see a republican presidential
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candidate attacking a republican governor and you particularly don't want to see a candidate who needs to get stronger with latinos and stronger with woman attack a latina woman republican governor. every once in a while -- trump has been brilliant. nobody's ever done what he's achieved. he's come out of nowhere, won the nomination, beat 16 other people. remarkable. every once in a while he goes off the deep end. he has to acquire a higher level of discipline or he's going to be like barry goldwater. >> paul manafort, is he the higher level of discipline? >> no, it has to be inside trump. trump's not controllable. trump has to have self-discipline because he's the biggest guy in the room. nobody else can discipline trump. and he's generally been extraordinarily -- >> what's enduring about him, though, knowing that he hasn't disciplined himself, no one can discipline him? >> look, it's one thing to be enduring when you're a challenger nobody's ever heard
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of. it's another thing to do certain things when you are the republican nominee and potential president because if you attack one republican like he did last night, with governor martinez, every other republican says, so is he going to attack me? and how would you know until it happened? so i think it's a whole process here. when you are -- it's like going from being a lieutenant in charge of a squad or a platoon to being a four-star general in charge of a theatre. during that process, we spend a lot of time educating and maturing people because the requirements to be a four-star general are radically different. well, this guy is potentially the leader of the world. that's the nature of the american presidency. he's potentially the head of the american government with millions of people getting up every morning saying, what does president trump want me to do? that requires a lot more disciplined approach than he's shown. >> all right, mr. speaker. stick around for another block. have a lot to ask you about the media treatment of hillary clinton and donald trump. we'll have more with newt gingrich after the break.
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coming up, the mainstream media's trying to do hillary clinton's dirty work and smear donald trump. we'll show you the very latest examples and get reaction from newt gingrich. and then later, left-wing agitators caused chaos outside donald trump's rally last night in new mexico. sheriff david clarke and bo dietl are here with reaction. plus a state department audit finds hillary clinton broke federal rules by using a private e-mail server while she was secretary of state. will this cripple her campaign? that and more as "hannity" continues. constipated?
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live from america's news hq, i'm jackie ibanez. for a second time in as many days donald trump supporters faced off with his opponents, this time in anaheim, california, where the presumptive republican presidential nominee held a rally. unlike last night's clashes in albuquerque, new mexico, today's demonstration was considerably less violent. outside the rally, demonstrators quietly held up signs reading "love and peace and migration is beautiful." modest crowd grew rowdier and trump supporters came out. dozens of cops, some dressed in riot gear, managed to quiet things down a bit. seattle is back in operation tonight after a noontime power outage turned downtown streets into parking lots. check it out. workers there were stranded in elevators. the city's transit system came to a stand still. equipment failure at a substation is to blame. the cause is unknown.
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i'm jackie ibanez. now back to "hannity." welcome back to "hannity." tonight, there's new proof that the mainstream media is trying to do hillary clinton's dirty work. "the new york times" who earlier this month ran a 20-page hit piece on donald trump is out with this new headline, "as d p donald trump pushes conspiracy theories right wing media gets its wish." it isn't the only outlet trying to take down the presumptive gop nominee after trump released an ad focusing on bill clinton's troubling history of misconduct with women. here's how some reported it. >> it's only may, but this race is hitting another low. donald trump's latest attacks on the clintons revisiting decades-old allegations of sexual misconduct against bill clinton. >> he paid paula jones $850,000. >> okay. we're not airing all this dirty laundry here. i just can't believe we're going there and it's may and there are five months to go.
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>> earlier, i asked former speaker of the house and fox news contributor newt gingrich about the media going after donald trump. take a look. >> is bill clinton fair game in this? >> first of all, bill clinton is fair game for a lot of different reasons. he's out campaigning every day. he was president of the united states. and the fact is that it relates directly to some of his wife's issues. but the deeper point about "the new york times," if you had a republican candidate who had broken the law as many times as hillary has, if you had a republican candidate who had the kind of scandals they have at the clinton foundation, who has the kind of national security scandals that are getting more and more apparent every day, there'd be demands by "the new york times" that they step down and get out of the race. and yet, somehow there's this effort to sleepwalk as though this is all going to go away. it's not going to go away. and i think it's -- you know, i tell people bernie sanders is never going to get out of the race because he's not going to drop out until the fbi drops
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out. and today's stories about the inspector general, about breaking the law, about apparently a deliberate effort to avoid the freedom of information act, just straightout law breaking, and it's appalling that "the new york times" and the "washington post" and the other elements of the elite media aren't demanding she get out of the race because she's so clearly has violated the law. >> you mentioned "the new york times" and the "washington post." both have done fairly extensive exposes on donald trump's past recently. yet, some of them are blown apart. >> this is a case that columbia journalism ought to some day turn into an entire course. "the new york times" in desperation, rushes out to find people who say, and i hope our audience will think about this. 30 years ago on a date, i felt like he wasn't totally appropriate. now, not he tried to rape me, not he was physically offensive,
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not i had to call for help. i thought looking back, it was a bad date. i mean, the idea that you don't get to be president because you were a bad date take s "the new york times'" bizarre look on the world -- then it turns out their number one lead person who had the biggest picture in the entire story totally repudiated them and said she talked to him because she thought he was a frisk guy and gentleman. "the new york times" is at least as bad as the peak of the soviet union. it is a paper -- by the way, they have many reporters who are great people. individual reporters at the "times" is as good in the world. their editorial policy attotall >> what's the plan? what are they doing? are they doing hillary clinton's birth dirtily look? >> "the new york times" is like
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jeb bush. they threw the kitchen sink at trump and the sink broke. trump didn't break. "the new york times" is in desperation. they're watching this guy grow and grow, watching the size of his crowds, watching him pass hillary much earlier than people thought he would and they're just desperate so they're going to do every -- they're going to say he did terrible things in housing, he did terrible things -- he probably drove his car over the speed limit. i mean, the number of things donald trump has done, you know, he probably fudges on the golf course. i mean, the "times" is going to come up with every goofy thing they can because just exactly like the republicans candidates, they cannot find a single, powerful, rational attack that breaks through. it just bounces off him. >> their attack today was that donald trump floats conspiracy theories, floats them, throws them out there says i don't believe in them but this is out there and they say that's egregious and unfair and he shouldn't be doing it. >> well, he -- look, he probably shouldn't be doing it.
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just because i don't think it's all that effective. it's almost like a joke. i mean, you know, the pomposity of "the new york times" sort of wears one down occasionally. hillary clinton went around barking like a dog. did "the new york times" suggest that barking like a dog is probably not very presidential? this week she went around comparing dog trainers to childcare people and had an entire riff about whether or not you would send your dog to college. i thought bordered on delusional. >> i just hope one of them, "the new york times," "washington post," "huffington post," one of them would pick up this ad between hillary clinton and elizabeth warren against donald trump on housing. this was a democrat bubble that they produced and they inflated and it burst and now they want to point the finger at republicans. >> of course. why not? i mean, the whole history of the democratic party in modern -- >> why not? because they're journalists. >> the whole issue -- look, the last republican elected as city councilman in baltimore was 1942.
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the democrats own chicago which currently has a horrifying murder rate. the places that are the worst managed in america are all run by democrats. they're not going to rush in here and say it's our fault, please defeat us. so they got to blame somebody. and margaret thatcher wants the problem with socialism is you run out of other people's money to spend. they design things that say we're going to give the poor people something which they can't sustain. in the process of giving to them, i'm going to create a bubble, it must have been the republicans' fault because we're never wrong because our hearts are pure. >> they're always wrong, they're always wrong. republicans are always wrong, they're always right. mr. speaker, thank you very much. by the way, i know the whole vice president thing floating, if you want to talk about, but what about senior adviser role? >> what about it? i mean, are you offering it? are you -- >> suggesting it. >> i'm happy to be helpful any way i can. >> speaker gingrich, thank you very much. >> thanks. coming up, left-wing
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demonstrators wreaked havoc outside donald trump's rally last night in new mexico. they threw bottles, set things on fire and even injured some police. >> [ bleep ]. >> how should law enforcement handle these disrupters? sheriff david clarke and bo dietl are here next to explain. plus a state department audit finds hillary clinton broke federal rules when she used a private e-mail server during her tenure as secretary of state. just how bad is this for the clinton campaign? find out that and more as "hannity" continues. it's true what they say. technology moves faster than ever. the all-new audi a4, with apple carplay integration. mobility is very important to me. that's why i use e*trade mobile. it's on all my mobile devices, so it suits my mobile lifestyle. and it keeps my investments fully mobile... even when i'm on the move. sign up at and get up to six hundred dollars. put in dr. scholl's active series insoles.
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beautiful, but outside, criminals." and earlier today, after trump held a rally in anaheim, california, protesters clashed with police on the streets. >> how should law enforcement handle these types of demonstrations? joining us now, milwaukee county sheriff david clarke and former nypd detective and fox news contributor bo dietl. sheriff clark,e, you were watching those no doubt, the protesters. what did milwaukee -- i'm sorry, what did albuquerque, new mexico, do wrong? >> not a matter of what they did wrong, but look, these are riot starters, okay? these people. they are criminal anarchists. the only thing they understand is force. i'm bothered that the officers in these situations are taking on casualties, but very few casualties on the other side. these officers are under assault. once the first officer is injured, once the rocks and bottles start flying, these officers need to be allowed to take the gloves off and to take an offensive posture and become the aggressor in delivering force to, first of all, protect
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life and property, and also defend themselves. those two things are not mutually exclusive. they can both happen at the same time. this bend but don't break strategy didn't work during the '60s, got officers killed, officers injured, citizens killed as well. you have to get these things under control very quickly or it starts to spread. i don't know why this police equipment, squad cars. i'm tired of seeing squad cars out front being jumped and damaged by these riot starters. look, all that equipment should be on the inner perimeter. i have given instructions when we have handled these things, and i have, i do not want to see one of our squad cars on the national news being damaged and jumped on and windows smashed and overtaken by these riot starters. >> right, right. >> that doesn't give the public a lot of confidence that we can get this thing under control. and that's what's important for people viewing it. so the optics here do matter. i'm tired, like i said, eric, of officers being injured and then being told to hold the line or,
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you know, bend but don't break. no. >> sheriff -- i want to bring bo in here. bo, last night we were live on the air. thi this was going on. we kept watching the picture, said, why don't they throw tear gas, where are the water cannons, where are the bean bags? >> i think now we've seen these demonstrations can bring these creeps there, so you have to prepare, have the manpower, cancel all the days off. you got to have as much manpower as you can. at any time, these demonstrations can become what we've seen. also you have to get undercovers in there to -- >> were they caught by surprise? >> i think the way this looks here, they didn't expect that, but we have to expect it now and it's not going to get any better heading into cleveland and when it goes into cleveland, you know it's all going to come there. we are to be prepared. these guys are jumping on police cars like that, destroying
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property. they should be videotaping, should go out, lock these punks up like they should have done in ferguson and baltimore. they're destroying property. they're hurting cops out there. you know what we got to do, have a press event and lock these punks up. >> sheriff clarke, no one is more pro-law enforcement i am. every opportunity i get i highlight the job you two do, the hero work you do. my question is why wasn't there a police chief telling these guys to make some arrests? they were pushing the crowd back slowly. no one got arrested. >> because they're skittish and they're affray. if you're not going to allow officers to become the aggressor once the rioting starts, don't put this in this situation. i don't think the officers were unprepared. if they're not going to allow -- >> who is that? >> i would question the plan. i wouldn't question the officers being caught off guard. these officers are being told to stay these situations. you can't keep them in harm's way without allowing them to become the aggressor at some point. >> bo -- >> you know -- let me answer this, though. it looked like they needed some
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more manpower. could be wrong. it looked like it. where was the governor? >> look at what happened in baltimore when the cops were told to stand down, they were throwing rocks at them and the cops are told to stand down when they were being pelted by rocks. that was a different story. baltimore was race -- race was at the center. >> this is a complaint about donald trump. >> no, the point is this a riot situation. you've got cops that were injured there. you got property destroyed. this is a riot situation. >> what's going through the cops' minds when the punks are throwing crap at them, throwing bottles at them, rocks at them? what's going through their mind? >> all i know, whoever's in charge at that point, they have to take charge of that crowd. you got to get that crowd dispersed, got to lock people up and got to react to it. >> sheriff -- >> here's what's going through their mind. >> we have cleveland, we have philadelphia coming up, we have another june 7th in california. your recommendation very quickly to the law enforcement. >> eric, here's what's going through their minds. why are we being put into this
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situation not being able to defend ourselves? this is not a matter that they didn't have the right amount after manpower. that's kind of built into this failed strategy. they don't want to show force. you have to show up in force with a message to these punks, we are ready to deliver force as soon as you get out of line. that's not the instructions they're giving and the liberty they're getting in those situations. >> i agree with you, sheriff clark a clarke, bo, thank you very much. coming up, it was not a good day for hillary clinton. the state department audit finds she broke federal rules by using a private e-mail server during her tenure as former secretary of state, but the clinton machine is already spinning the story. we'll explain next. and then later -- >> pocahontas, that's elizabeth warren. i call her goofy. >> if it a man who cares about no one but himself. >> donald trump and elizabeth warren are taking shots at each other. the clinton campaign denies it's
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coordinating with the senator. that and more as "hannity" continues. ♪ ♪ (charge music) you wouldn't hire an organist without hearing them first. charge! so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. with an unlimited mileage warranty on your certified pre-owned mercedes-benz, you can drive as far as you want for up to three years and be covered. so no matter where you go, your peace of mind and confidence will be as unlimited... as your mileage. visit the certified pre-owned sales event, now through may 31st. and learn more about our unlimited mileage warranty, only at your authorized dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. as i say, crooked hillary. crooked hillary. she's as crooked as they come. she had a little bad news today. as you know. from some reports came down, weren't so good. but not so good. inspector general's report, not good. >> that was donald trump reacting to the state department inspector general report that accuses hillary clinton of breaking federal recordkeeping rules during her tenure as secretary of state. the report did also fault the practices of clinton's predecessor but it specifically singled out hillary's alleged misconduct over her private e-mail server. the clinton campaign responded to the reports saying, in part, "while political opponents of hillary clinton are sure to misrepresent this report for their own partisan purposes, in
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reality, the inspector general documents just how consistent her e-mail practices were with those of other secretaries and senior officials at the state department who also used personal e-mail." joining us now with reaction, from the american center for law and justice, jay sekulow, former clinton pollster fox news contributor, doug schoen, and kellyanne conway. the inspector general report, not good, not good. >> well, it's not good because the big takeaway on this is not that other secretaries of state had problems. there were a series of reviews that took place. first of all, hillary clinton nor any of her aides sat down with the inspector general's office. none of them participated. secretary powell, secretary albright all did. so there was the gap, what they call the gap here. the significant differential between what took place when colin powell was secretary of state versus hillary clinton is, they called it a fluid situation
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when secretary powell was in office because the rules had not yet been firmed up and also the technology was different. here, the statement, for instance, from huma abedin to secretary clinton saying we need to get your e-mail on our server, we need to have access to it so it doesn't go to spam. she said, no, we're keeping it separate, we're not going to do that. that's number one. number two, the clinton campaign relies on a statement saying that the office of legal counsel within the state department reviewed the server situation, that she set up the private server and it was appropriate and legal. the inspector general said they can find no one in the office of legal counsel that can say that happened or that it was reviewed or ever approved. there are some really serious allegations in here. and i know the folks on the left are going to say, well, colin powell did this, so-and-so did that. nothing to this level, nothing to this extent. not the misrepresentations when they knew it was a problem. that's the problem here. >> doug, here's part of the
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report. at a minimum, secretary clinton should have surrendered all e-mails dealing with department business before leaving government service and because she did not do so, she did not comply with the department's policies implemented in accordance with the federal records act. this is indefensible. >> well, it is very hard to defend. i'm not going to try today to do that. i'll leave that ultimately to the fbi and the attorney general. i would say this, just as a lawyer speaking, the secretary didn't want to get involved in testifying to the inspector general because she has the attorney general and the fbi who subsequently will interview her. any good criminal lawyer would have kept her out of it. eric, i can't sit here today as a democrat who is supporting hillary, wants her to be president and say this is anything but bad news. >> kellyanne, the improper defense of you did something wrong, yeah, but he did it, too. in this case, that's what the clinton campaign is putting out, oh, yeah, there were others who did it as well. this doesn't bode well for her.
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>> she could not have used a worst headline at this time. she doesn't need another bad headline. i think two things are going on here politically speaking, eric. one is this plays into the sander sanders/trump message, she's an insider, benefit from rigged corrupt system where they make their own rules, think they're above the law and think the rest of us are beneath them. number two, it really shows that she -- it's not a good audition to be commander in chief really to put your own personal e-mails and worried about who will see your personal information above national security and classified information. >> jay, does this inspector general report make it more likely that hillary clinton will be indicted? >> not necessarily, but it does highlight, i think, eric, in a very significant way also the fact that she called for and they pointed out in the inspector general's report, secretary powell didn't do this, the removal of the 32,000 e-mails. i think all of this is collectively, politically you look at it one way, say yes, this is problematic. legally, the inspector general,
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this is the security review she kept talking about. this is the inspector general's report. it says the e-mail records, security requirements. when she's been saying the security review, this is the security review. she failed it. the fbi is looking at it saying was there a violation of the criminal law? i think the fbi is putting that case together. they'll determine whether, in fact they'll send it to the department of justice. >> it's why a majority of americans say they don't like her and they don't trust her. and you have democrats now openly discussing what to do, how to cure the patient that is neither likable or trustable. >> doug, what does she do? this is horrible timing. >> she's got to win california, eric. look, this is a bottom-line situation. she wins california, she goes to the convention with more than enough delegates, she's fine. but kellyanne, bluntly, i'm more concerned for her about matching up against trump. forget getting the nomination. >> to get the nomination, you have to get bernie sanders to match up against trump given that the polls are now tied.
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but if she loses california, then what kellyanne is talking about, before she gets to trump, will happen, which is a drum beat for joe biden an elizabeth warren. >> i got 20 seconds. >> i think that's happening already. >> go ahead. >> i think that's happening already. the legal issues are just beginning, eric. we haven't seen the fbi's action on this. this bodes very poorly for her and certainly i don't think there's going to be any great news out of the fbi any time soon. >> got to think the fbi has to see this i.g. report saying, hey, we're onto something, we're going to keep pulling on that sweater string, see what unravels. jay, doug, kellyanne, thank you. coming up next right here on "hannity" -- >> pocahontas, that's elizabeth warren. i call her goofy. >> it is a man who cares about no one but himself. >> donald trump and senator elizabeth warren trade jabs. austan goolsbee and charlie hurt right here weigh in next.
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warren. she was going out -- she is probably the senator that's doing just about the least in the united states senate. she's a total failure. she said she was an indian. >> it a man who cares about no one but himself. a small -- [ clapping ] a small insecure money grubber who doesn't care who gets hurt so long as he makes a profit off it. >> pocahontas. that's elizabeth warren. i call her goofy. she gets nothing done, nothing passed. she's got a big mouth. that's about it. >> joining us with reaction to this developing feud from "the washington times" charles hurt and former obama economic adviser austan goolsbee. elizabeth warren, she's far left. frankly, bernie sanders pulled hillary clinton to the left
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during the campaign. is this good for hillary clinton to be this far left? >> well, i don't know where you got "a," what did hillary clinton have anything to do with that? this was about they got audio of donald trump, himself, saying before the housing crisis that he was hoping for a housing crisis so that he -- >> austan, that's not what he said. that's not what he said. he said he was ready to purchase real estate at a lower price. i mean, we all know -- this is a liberal housing bubble that happened. go ahead. >> that's what this fight was. it wasn't about hillary clinton. and i'm not surprised that donald trump would start to attack whoever said that. he's made that -- that's kind of his pattern. change the subject from the content and just attack whoever the messenger is. so i don't think that that's bad for hillary clinton. >> part of the problem of your argument is both hillary clinton and elizabeth warren have both
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used this housing bubble to attack donald trump. it's almost like it's a coordinator attack, right, charlie? >> yeah, it does seem like that and there's very little doubt it is coordinated. the funny thing about that, about her -- the campaign commercial about donald trump is, basically what she's doing is attacking him for behaving like a hedge fund operator. who do you think of all the politicians in america has collected the largest amount of money from anybody else from hedge fund operators but hillary clinton? about $370 million. behind her is chuck schumer who has collected nearly $350 million from $$350,000, rather, from hedge fund operators. no telling how much money she's collected from them for the clinton foundation in terms of, you know, speech fees and things like that. my question is she going to give -- if being a hedge fund operator is so despicable to her and so beneath the way a politician in america should be
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aspiring, is she going to give all that money back? i'm not going to wait for that. >> all right. austan, let's do this. you want to stay on elizabeth warren attacks donald trump, you say there's no coordination. i would suggest there is, the timing and the topic are in coordination in my opinion. anyway, let's stay on elizabeth donald trump is going to make money off of a real estate correction. however, guess who else is involved in flipping real estate? doing real estate flips? one elizabeth warren. she made several real estate flips and made a lot of money doing it. >> it wasn't about flipping. >> sure, it was. >> i heard there was some report that elizabeth warren bought two houses or something and flipped them. donald trump said in his own words, i hope there is a housing crash so that i can make money off of it. >> that is the opposite of -- >> he's a real estate developer.
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so he can buy real estate. >> so -- >> you're trying to change the -- you can't change the man's own words. he got on this for donald trump university which the fact this is for donald trump university, and -- >> fi sell hot dogs on the beach, i hope the price goes down so i can buy a bunch of cheap hot dogs and stay on the beach. >> in my economics class, he said, they were his own words, i'm hoping for a collapse so i can swoop in and profit. i mean -- >> she has -- >> she's for real estate prices. >> he didn't say anything about generally cheaper real estate prices. >> that is what it was. >> the housing market goes down, real estate becomes cheaper. that is what he needs to buy to restore a historic building.
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>> i'll give you when he said this he didn't know it was about to happen. you can't hold him fully accountable for how bad the housing crisis was because he didn't know that is going to happen. and he is trying to -- he is trying -- he had nothing to do with the housing bubble himself. donald trump didn't. the democrats created the housing bubble in the 90s. the community reinvestment act that president bill clinton wanted to reform to make it easier to get home loans. >> the person about to win the democratic nomination has been into her ears for all of it for her career. either -- if you don't want to blame her, for her time, when president clinton is doing everything he could to push unaffordable housing, becoming unaffordable housing to them, she has been in the united states senate. you know, for eight years.
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and, or, however long. so this -- she bears a lot more responsibility for this. >> yes. and you can't hold donald trump accountable. you will be running for president and know he's going to run for president. hoping his input costs would go down. >> i think we can look at his past actions, past words to judge, what is his character, what does he think about different types of people. what would he do? how would he react to situations? >> that is different. we're talking about there is different issue. you know? >> he -- >> so -- >> i have an issue of my own. >> go ahead, final word. >> i agree with charlie. he wrote an article after the wisconsin primary about the republican primary.
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said why did donald trump lose to ted cruz? and the charlie, correct me if i'm wrong. your thesis is he needs to stop with personal insults and go on to try to win the race. i think this is going to hurt donald trump. >> i have to go. i can't respond. i'm running out of time. i have a hard break. coming up, more "hannity" right after the break. stay with us. recently, a 1954 mercedes-benz grand prix race car made history when it sold for a record price of just under $30 million. and now, another mercedes-benz makes history selling at just over $30,000. ♪ and to think this one actually has a surround-sound stereo. the 2016 cla. lease the cla250 for $299 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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using #proudamerican. thank you for being with us tonight. have a good night, everybody. "the o'reilly factor" son. good night. >> get back! [shouting] >> the people of albuquerque specifically do not want donald trump in our city. >> more violence directed at donald trump. this time in new mexico. who is behind it? we will tell you. [whistle] >> sir, we need some help. >> sir. [chanting] >> black lives matter not only intruding on freedom of speech but also putting all americans in danger. we will tell you exactly how. >> donald trump was drooling over the idea of a housing meltdown because it meant he
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