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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  June 1, 2016 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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don't forget donald trump is on with sean tonight at 10:00. bill is next. i can't even imagine what bill o'reilly has tonight. i'm going to stick toornd find out. good night from washington, d.c. welcome to "red eye" hello, everyone i'm tom shillue. >> coming up on the big show. it is a measured reaction for harambe the gorilla. his presidential and vice presidential nominee. can't fault him for that. and kate harrington calls out the sexist object pho location of men. back to you, tom. >> thank you, andy. let's welcome our guests.
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she was a conservative at amerson college. the columnist and the author of the new book "government gone wild." he speaks english gooder than i does. the columbia professor of study. and she is the mother of three and there is probably a party at her house tonight. comedian kyle lacasio. and his 5:00 shadow is only right twice a day. sitting next to me is comedian dave smith. let's start the show. it was the biggest story over the long weekend. video of a little boy if peril at a zoo prompted outrage and endless debate.
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>> terrifying of the i don't think that was the right video, but that was pretty scary. no chickens were harmed in that video unlike harambe the gorilla killed after the child fell into the enclosure. the cincinnati zoo stand by its decision and many experts agree harambe had to pay the price. critics argue the zoo should have considered other options and many want the boy's parents investigated. a position called justice for harambe has 300,000 sigma tours. internet commenters and some media news site blame the mother. they work at a daycare called no fences, the daycare. one particular comment, cincinnati has more than enough spoiled 4-year-old with parents who don't watch over their children. we only had one harambe. the gorilla was worth more than the stupid kid. that's not an excellent point. i bet are you wondering. what does donald trump think?
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>> it was a tough call. it is amazing because there were moments with the gorilla the way he held the child it was like a mother holding a baby. it looked so beautiful and calm and then there were moments where it looked pretty dangerous. i thought it was so beautiful to watch that, you know, powerful, almost 500-pound gorilla the way he dealt with the little boy, but it just takes one second. >> there, a well rounded argument, right? were you surprised at the nuanced look that trump had? >> that was a moment that trump has not on any other issue been able to pull off. it was a moment like everybody is looking for him to transition to since winning the nomination, but it also raised questions about donald trump its childhood. there are so many interesting things about this situation. number one, i didn't think that could happen at a zoo. i didn't think that was a
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possibility. >> you didn't? >> i didn't think there was anyway a kid could get up to the gorilla. >> have you ever been to a swra? did you ever say jeez i can jump in there? >> i never had that thought at a zoo. i tip my hat to the boy who was like, look i'm gonna play with the gorilla and he made it happen. the third lesson is if you get into the gorilla pit you have about five minutes before they get that guy with the gun. you have to survive with this gorilla. somebody is running and saying get the gun guy! get the gun guy! >> john, you were nodding your head. you think you sometimes are tempted to jump in yourself? >> no, i am not tempted. people need to get over their monkey fetish. people think they are cute because they throw their feces. gorillas are dangerous. do you remember the chimpanzee who bit the woman's face-off? they are not cute because they look like us and they look like they could be party
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animals. you have to shoot that thing. i don't think monkeys are cute. that's how i feel about them. >> jack hannah, we know him. he is an animal lover and he used to bring the cute animals on "the tonight show" and he said you have to shoot the gorilla. you can't trust -- he is a 4 had you-pound beast. >> it was a tough call. it was definitely a tough call. but the mom shaming for this woman, i mean she is making me look amazing. i lost my kid at a wine store before. i feel like i am doing okay and i appreciate what she has done. >> probably one of the bigger box stores. it is not just a liquor store. they are blaming the mom and who would you blame? the zoo? i mean, the mom didn't physically kill the gorilla and i noy it is an unpopular opinion, but kids can move like this.
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but at the same time i am an animal love and i am sad about this. at the same time she should have had a better hold on your kid. >> but 4-year-olds can do whatever they want because you can't keep holding on to them. they are not like babies, right? >> i totally don't have kids, but i mean -- >> totally. >> everyone is at fault here beside the monkey. the monkey got shot. it is so sad. the zoo is at fault for not having a better fence. the mom was at fault for not watching her own damn kid. and the monkey gets shot because, guess what, tom, they had to shoot the monkey because if they didn't and god forbid this gorilla did something to the child, then the zoo would be sued and the whole exhibit would be shutdown and then none of us could enjoy the exhibit and this is why we can't have nice things because moms do not keep an eye on their children. >> she blames the mom. >> i will say on the plus side this mom will never get those pushy class chaperon e-mails again.
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>> that's right. no one wants to bring her on the field trip anymore. >> that lucky [bleep] has a pass for life. >> once the kid gets there all of the other his takes made -- once gets there isn't an easy call? kid or gorilla? you choose the kid's life every time. >> the chimpanzee bit the woman's face-off. and we have to be careful about even the mother -- for one thing it is easy to lose a kid and there is no reason why it stops just because you are at the zoo and there is a ledge and a gorilla, but we are looking for people to look down on. now it is wrong to look down on somebody because of their color and the size of their body. now it is the mom who lets the child slip through. >> i think we need to just give people a break sometimes. >> i disagree. there has to be consequences for stupidity. if there are not consequences this mom will nern nothing and she will probably take the kid to another zoo in houston and he will fall into the alligator pit. >> you think this will happen
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again to him? >> people need to learn. i think the shaming is necessary in this case. >> while trump praised the powerful and magestic gorilla he was less kind to the media. the billionaire businessman railedded against journalists and questioning his fund easy raying for veterans when jim acosta asked if trump can handle the pressure of being president and trump's response was a beauty. >> it seems as though you are resistant to scrutiny, the kind of scrutiny that comes with running for the united states. >> excuse me. excuse me. i have watched you on television. you are a real beauty. >> he accosted acosta. some headlines write themselves, don't they? trump wasn't finished. he took issue with abc questioning his donation. jay i am not looking for credit, but what i don't want is when i raise millions of dollars
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and have people say like this sleezy guy right over here from abc, he is a sleez in my book. you are a sleez because you know the facts and you know the facts well. >> trump was talking about abc reporter tom lamas. he hit trump with a low blow saying trump doesn't say latino. he says latiiiino. that's a low blow. >> i love my leaders to call people sleezy. i think that is a classy sign of someone to lead the free world. >> everyone is going crazy. look what trump called this reporter, but the reporter has been giving trump some guff. you have seen this guy around. >> but you have to take it if you want to be president. you don't call people names. >> why not a guy who fights with reporters. >> i can call people names. i am a comedian. i am not president. >> people keep telling trump what he can't do and he does
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it and his numbers go up. so turns out, you can do it. i am not a fan of trump, but i do kind of love this moment. the media is unfair and he does this thing and he is like, you know what, you are a sleez ball and boom. it is a one-word insult for every person and it always works. >> what is it, john, what is the brilliance of trump? you are a linguist. what is he doing? he is simplifying. >> he has that towel snapping guy in the dorm room way of talking. it is short sentences and it is punchy. frankly i love listening to him. i used to watch ronald regan when i was 14. i used to think somehow you almost believe everything you say and trump is better at this. he is also a child. i don't think he is particularly bright. of course he is going to disc
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reporter. i don't think he will be president and we need to enjoy it to keep our blood pressure down. >> it is entertaining. >> it is, of course it is. kristen, you have had harsh words for trump in the past. what do you say about this latest press conference? >> the meaner trump is to reporters the more they report him. reporters are so happy to have a fighter on their side who sticks it to the smug liberal media. do you think john mccain would have done this? do you think mitt romney would have done this? no way. trump supporters are finally happy to have someone on their side. tom, i used to be a reporter and i hate most of these people. they are smug blow hards. so when i saw trump doing this i thought it was glorious and better than porn. >> you used to be? when, junior high? how much of a past do you have? >> a reporter for breitbart. >> it is a reaction to the mild politics of mitt romney and john mccain.
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what do you think? >> the idea that reporters have been looking down their nose at conservatives for decades and decades and decades. and they have dealt with these quiet intellectuals who won't stand up to them and there is one guy who punched them in the face. >> i don't mind any of this. i like watching people fight. life should be more like who is afraid of virginia wolf. my parents fought all of the time and called it love. i don't think we need this with the idea that's the way politics are supposed to be. who says? it didn't used to be. america has its problems, but whatever may come we will prevail. i'm sure ben carson agrees. isn't that right dr. carson? >> america right now is like a cruiseship that is about to go off niagara falls with tremendous carnage and death. >> some people took offense at the comments. especially those who lost loved ones in the tragic
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events of the niagara bound cruiseship, the challenger valdez. that was terrible. kyle, what happened to dr. carson? i thought he was the optimistic one. >> i think his metaphor of steering america over niagara falls, if it is the same way he steers republican debate on ambien, then we are in trouble. >> but john, he is making an analogy. do analogies have to make sense? they just have to be -- >> he is being dramatic. she trying to say something that is getting attention. >> what if somebody says we need to come to terms with this. that doesn't mean a damn thing. we need to come to terms and it caw notes a certain drama. you can put a shoe in the air and it says the same thing. he likes to create a stir. that's it. the country is not going over any falls.
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he just didn't have anything to say. >> i disagree. we are going over the cliff and the analogy may be faulty, but the point he is making is dead on. and the truth hurts sometimes and it hurts more when it comes from a sleepy autistic person. i am just saying, we are going off the cliff. we have 19 trillion in debt. we have something like a hundred trillion in unfunded liabilities. we are way too expanded militarily. we are going down the path how empires crumble. he is right to say we have to turn this ship around. >> is them pier crumbling, kristen? >> ben carson is bowing a little bit of a drama queen. we have had bad presidents and we have been able to move on as a nation. he does make a valid point. we have 20% of american households in which no one in the family has a job. we have 50% of americans who collect and rely on government checks every month. obama has created an america where people are reliant on
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the government. that is dangerous and what carson is trying to say is perhaps we are approaching a tipping point which we will not be able to return from. i think he is making a point and being dramatic in making it. >> we will have to come to terms with that. moving on, if you would rather not choose between donald trump and hillary clinton there is a third option. yes, the libertarian party has nailed down the presidential ticket headed by the "red eye" guest and former new mexico governor gary johnson. he is joined by the running mate bill weld who is -- who i thought was short, but he is tall. johnson seen here in chia pet form will look to top his showing in 2012 when he got a full 1% of the national vote. some poll showing him at 10% and others indicating a strong desire among americans for a third party. many libertarians believe this could be a breakout year.
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thankfully there was nothing at the convention that would distract people from their campaign . >> the head of the wildlings. >> when i first saw that i thought it was the sketch with chris farly and the -- and patrick swayzee as the chip-n-dales. >> he did have a patrick swayzee quality. he was running for party chairman, but after he did that he went ahead and said don't vote for me for party chairman. >> that was unnecessary at that point. >> to back out?
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look you are a libertarian. are you card carrying? do they have cards libertarians? >> i don't believe in the show me your paper state. >> what do you think? why does this always happen with the libertarians ? >> that? that always happens? that is the first time i have seen that. >> they try to have themes taken seriously. but there is somebody around there that makes it seem like a party of whackos. >> libertarians have the greatest philosophy devised by man. we have the truth and we can win any argument we want to. freedom also breeds the freedom to be stupid and we get some of that as well. anything on the fringe gets fringe people. >> do you think this guy helped or hurt? >> i thought he helped. i love that. this is the kind of thing you will only find at a libertarian convention. you won't see that at a gop convention. what symbolizes it more than a
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guy striping down to a booing audience? >> it is pro-freedom, right? >> this is why i thought i should be a libertarian. if libertarian was put in full force there would be too much stupid. that's the problem. i under the principal, but it seems to me that it over estimates what human beings are like. >> have you ever heard of a darwin report? >> it is a wide swath, right? can you tell me exactly -- i mean are you the right kind of libertarian? >> where is it going wrong? >> i just don't think -- the problem with the average voter is they don't know what the libertarians stand for. they vaguely think they smoke pot. >> and i don't think he does a great job describing it. when he does a great job of
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describing what a libertarian is it is a 4-year-old trying to spell a big word. he doesn't get it right, but he tried president. >> he was a republican and now he moved to a libertarian? >> he is more of a praying mat ties. they feel it is wrong to initiate violence against a peaceful people. >> that dance captured that. >> coming up, a female singer freaks out on a fan. find out who when we return. and get ready for a battle for the age. friday june 10th at joe's pub.
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm jackie ibanez.
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more rain is heading people's way and it could happen in the next few day. parts of the state have been soaked by 17 inches of rain in the past week. at least six people have been killed. scores have been rescued from the flooded roadways. right now the brazos river in southeast texas is of particular concern. it already is at a record high. >> the water in the pasture behind my house from the brazos and i have never seen that before. >> i have been out of the house since friday and i will be out for a month or so. >> california's primary is less than a week away now. hillary clinton needs just 71 delegates to snag her party's presidential nomination. she is campaigning hard across the golden state and with good cause. rival bernie sanders is staging huge rallies and running tv ads. he hopes to deliver an upset that would strengthen his claim to the nomination despite his numbers. and the navy says they
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will participate in the world's largest maritime exercises in the coming weeks m the rim of exercises in and around hawaii and southern california will begin june 30th and last for five weeks. the war games will feature 45 ships and five submarines and more than 200 aircraft. more than 25,000 men and women in uniform will participate. and the news out of flint michigan is finally on the brighter side. new tests reveal the water there is much safer. folks can shower using tap water, but they are advised to use filters for drinking and cooking. officials switched it to save money. now back to "red eye." and remember for all of your headlines go to fox >> uh dill -- adele tells a fan, hell no.
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watch. >> i want to tell that lady can you stop videoing me. i can really hear the lines. i would really like you to enjoy the show and there are lots of people that couldn't come in. >> that's right. why do we feel the need to shoot everything. it is annoying. when was the last time you a lit didn't look like this? here is my view at one of my daughter's elementary school shows. you can't see the kids. i have to admit i have done it too. i was at a billy joel concert and when he did piano man and he recorded. have i ever used it? no. it is noisy and useless and the back of a guy's head. if me, a paragon of self-control cannot stop myself from pulling out the phone we need a solution.
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it is called yonder. every will receive a pouch for their phone that locks when they are in the theater. it is a pity we can't control ourselves, but we can't. it will be left to legislators like lyndsay graham. why is lyndsay graham so violent? why does he want to destroy things. >> look, you are a libertarian, but don't you think this takes a federal intervention? no, look, the only thing more obnoxious than people being on their phones all the time is adele lectures one person. first of all we only know this happened because we watched
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the cell phone video of someone else who was videoing. >> you're right! >> we are watching their cell phone video. everyone is doing this and she singled out one person and told them they need to enjoy her. i hate when an artist tells someone who is watching they need to be enjoying it more. >> it is weird. great point because the person taking the video is the whole reason i did this segment, right? i think you should be in the moment and it is a good lesson. >> i am glad she did it. the real thing is happening in front of your face and who are you showing the videos to? with like you with your daughter's dance recite tell video who are you showing the video to? who gives a [bleep]. >> it is only to show my daughter. you say look you did this. >> they probably don't even want to see it. >> she says why are you such a bad photographer because you can't get a good shot in the auditorium. there is a part of me that
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agrees with the idea that we need to be in the moment. but sometimes the moment is over rated and more to the point i don't mean for it to sound morbid, but neither of my parents don't happen to be alive and their voices were not recorded. there wasn't the technology. i wish somebody had gone like this at a birthday party in the 70s or the 80s or 90s. but they happened not to. i kind of wish there were films of various plays i was in, but there was not the technology. all of that stuff now is going to be more interesting in 20 years if we keep it and there will be a lot of the try dents, but i don't know. i like the idea we can record everything now. i don't do it much. >> isn't that a sad story? you don't even know -- i. >> i can top it. my parents are both dead and i have video of my mother and trust me it is too much. it is many, many hours. you don't want it. >> i want a little. >> a little bit.
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>> i have video of myself as a baby and i love watching it and my parents when they were younger. adele was being a jerk when she did this. people pay hundred of dollars to go and see her concert so she should do what she was paid to do and put on her make up and sing her song and get off the stage and go home and collect her money. let the schmuck who paid a couple hundred bucks to go to her concert do what he wants to do. she should have just looked into the camera and flipped it off and at least there could be a chuckle. >> she made her point. jay she lectured her own fan and how irritating is that? >> i can't believe this is the most controversial topic we covered. >> tv's andy levy add a complaint to the complaint department. and then go to fox news
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welcome back. time to find out what we got wrong and what we missed at the news desk. >> let's talk about the gorilla senselessly killed m. >> oh man. >> just kidding. you think it is called no fences. don't ad-lib.
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what is a good name? let's toss them around. >> don't ad-lib. dave, you pointed out there is like five minutes where you are in with the gorilla while they go and get the gun guy. i think it was in this case it might have been closer to 10 minutes, but it is a good point. should they have a sniper there at all times? >> yes, every gorilla, always in the wild ready to take them out. i don't care if it is an endangered species. they all go extinct. i miss e -- i messed that up. >> do you want to start over? >> yes. >> let's take it from the top. gorilla senselessly murdered by a zookeeper. tom, you -- kyle you said this mom is making you seem amazing, but you defended her saying kids can move like this really quickly. i think the people who were
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shaming this mom should shut up. well if your kid falls into a gorilla pit you are probably not the best parent. >> well accidents do -- you can't say someone is overall a band parent because something like this happens without knowing the whole story. >> accidents happen but if we don't shame peep for stupid decisions that's when you have a society making stupid digs. >> she wasn't wopping her her. >> for all we know another kid was screaming and by the time she turned back around he was gone. >> are you available for baby-sitting, kristen? >> you kept referring to it as a monkey and it is an ape. >> you say tomato and i say tomato and you say gorilla and
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i say monkey. jay they are both fruit. >> john, you brought up the chimp that bit the woman's face-off. >> it disturbed me. >> i would like to think it disturbed you. there would be a problem if it didn't disturb you. isn't the problem taking the animal out of the natural habitat and putting them in a position where they have to be killed because of something that is not their fold? >> of course. maybe we are in positions where we can watch them in their natural habitat on our devices when we are not taking pictures of adele. zoos are cruel thing. that mere human should not be swimming around in a pit full of of -- yes. once it grabs the kid though shoot it. >> harambe is the swahili word
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for pull together and that's what he was trying to do with the child. >> depends on how closely he would pull together with it. >> not enough people are saying that is what his name meant. >> we can commemorate that now. >> trump bashes the press. you said you love it when candidates call people sleezy and peach -- and people are telling trump what to do. no politician will lose votes by bashing the president. >> the american people are fed up about how one sided the press is. look, you have the press sitting here questioning trump about whether or not he gave the money to veterans. and why are they talking about the fact that hillary and bernie are not doing anything
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for veterans. >> they made phone calls to all of the groups trump gave money to. dated may 24th, the day they published the story meaning he didn't get called out until he did not distribute the money. >> they have a right to call him back, but he has a right to push back. i would like the media to focus on the fact why hillary and bernie are not doing anything to support our veterans. >> the fact is not that he is attacking the press, but the fact that he is full of crap. >> we will have to agree to disagree, andy. >> ben carson, i don't care. tom, you said the stripper guy was running for the party chair, but after he did that he said not to vote for him. i think it was during that he told people not to vote. >> do you think that's the way he told them some.
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>> that's the way of getting his point across. as the right kind of libertarian are you voting johnson weld, which is also a great porn name jay i will start a # maybe johnson. i haven't decided yes. >> maybe hillary, never johnson. >> it is called the libertarian chick. are you voting for johnston? >> if i can waive a magic wand and put him in office i would. and hillary would be a nightmare on 100% of the issues. i have to choose the lesser of two evils. johnson is not going to win and i have to choose trump. >> you said if libertarianism was put in force there would be too much of this stupidness. >> i do believe that. >> as opposed to what we have now? >> frankly i think libertarianism and this will sound terrible, but that's the sort of person i am. it assumes that most people are smarter than they are. most people cannot handle that much freedom. libertarians
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are said to be real intelligent. >> we assume people are dumber than they are and that's why you cannot have people locking other people in cages. >> people need to be told what to do to a certain extent. there needs to be directions. there needs to be incentives. i wish it weren't that way, but that doesn't mean it isn't that way. i get libertarianism. but i feel it wouldn't work with too many of the people i know. >> adele yelled at a fan for videoing a concert. tom, i thought you started off by saying adele tells a fan "hell no" but i'm assuming i heard wrong. >> yeah. >> you didn't say that? >> i didn't say that. >> good. lastly, dave, you pointed out we only know about this because someone else shot a video which is obviously true. apparently the person adele yelled at had a full tri pod set up and that's what pissed her off. >> and that changes my mind i give her a pass on lecturing that person. >> wonder if that person spoke
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english. wasn't it in italy? did adele even understand? the person is psyched like adele is talking to me. she loves me. when we come back, it is not easy being extremely attractive. here is what is coming up on the in ex"kennedy." >> hey, "red eye" on the next" kennedy" greg gutfeld joins me in the studio and sam morrell is joining the party panel and rapper, fat joe is gonna be here.
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live from america's news headquarters i am jackie ibanez. if you are traveling to europe the state department wants you to be on alert. they are warning of an increased risk of 2004 threat. the security has been a concern after attacks this paris and brussels. the warning is through the end of august. the u.s. government wants its hands on the life insurance policies of the san bernadino shooters. they took out policies before the december attack that killed 14 people. prosecutors say under law their benefits will be for -- forfeited instead of going to their family. some canadians forced out because of wildfires can start to head back home. those heading back will need to bring their own supplies for several weeks we are
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told. and police say a survivor of the minneapolis bridge collapse money is joining isis. the suspect was an 11-year-old boy and received a $65,000 settlement on his birthday. he used the money to travel to syria where he then joined the terror group using it to help fund some activity p. the star of "pawn stars" will avoid jail time if he completes three years probation. he was arrested after guns and drugs were found in his home. and forget the sand trap. golfer at one florida course need to watch out for this, a giant gator. this one was caught walking across the course while golfers were trying to play. it is estimated to be about 15 feet long and it was making its way to a nearby lake. i'm jackie ibanez. log on to fox and you are watching the most powerful
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name in news. fox newschannel. sorry ladies, it also happens to men. he has opened up about feeling exploited in the entertainment industry. the hunky actor said, quote if you like to think of yourself as a head of hair or a set of looks. there is definitely things in our industry that happen toward men and women when i am asked to strip down i felt that. he is referring to the photo shoot that he did. >> really you wanted to see the video as well.
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>> i hate that they got the word in there. it is like the mind game. >> now when you do libertarian and you search in google that guy's picture will come up. it is one of the most libertarian images of our time. >> what do you think of him wining and complaining that he is a piece of meat. >> he made a good point. sexism happens to women and men. and then after that, you should all shut up about it. >> who will feel bad for somebody good looking whether it is a male or female? you want to talk male privilege or white privilege there is nothing higher than good looking privilege. you go through your whole life with people treating you nice. deal with it. >> are you sick of people treating you nice? is there nothing worse that good looking privilege? >> i don't have good looking privilege. i don't know what you are talking about. i have that sympathy for this guy. he is crying because he thinks
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he is being object tau fight for being good looking. i don't watch "game of thrones" and i asked about his character and they say his role is to be a sex object. he willingly plays this role and then complains for being object geek tau fight as a sex object. it is like a porno star being shocked and appalled to find out people are masterbating to them. >> wait a minute. is that why they have pornography? that's weird. >> i think it is great. porn stars do a lot for people. what have you done for people today? >> they provide a service. kyle, you are telling me you are sick of being the sexy hot comedian. >> did i say that? >> yes. you are tired of being objectified. >> it is so hard. >> are you a woman in the entertainment industry, but do you feel bad for hot men? >> not really. sometimes as a comedian a lot
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of female comics say this and we don't dress up on stage. i wear converse and jeans because i want people to listen to what i am saying. i get feeling objectified, but there are way around it. maybe he cannot take the role of showing his butt every week. he can do that. jay we only have a few seconds and i want to get to the hot professor. what is the answer? >> if are you a pretty woman then every time you open your mouth you have to worry that a man is not really listen to what you are saying and just looking at you. i can imagine how that must feel. that's not what is going on with most men in the sense he is whining. >> bedtime story coming up.
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in georgia the country they entered and started throwing grilled meat at customer. according to the owner of the key we calf -- kiwi cafe they started to eat them and throwing them at us. they were just trying to provoke our friends and disrespect us. it gets worse. they started to smoke cigarettes. that's forbidden in the cafe. smoking and thugish behavior. i fear skin heads may get a bad reputation.
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any vegans at the table? i will probably insult vegans at some point. vegans are annoying. but don't throw meat at them. >> they are getting better with the fake meats and things. we will be able to break bread with vegans more easily. yes there is something annoying about vegans, but they will probably out live me. they are getting better and better at the steak and meat. >> i don't like bag waited on like a vegan lesbian from hell. >> they have an attitude. >> i don't know. i love the food, but i don't like the service at the vegetarian -- you know. >> i have a prejudice, but i know vegans. >> and i love liz -- lesbians. >> can't get enough of them. >> isn't the point the nazis and not the vegans. >> i think ma swrees -- nazis, i don't think they should be active in anyway.
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>> the nazi are causing a lot less damage than they were 60 years ago. >> they have come down to throwing meat at vegans. >> what do you think? you are a meat eater, right? >> obviously. when i read this story after i finished reading it i felt strangely satisfied. i have friends who are vegan. they are so annoying to be around president they tell you why you shouldn't eat this and that and i swear to god i want to throw meat at them. i want to take a big five-pound hickory sausage and whack them in the head. it would be satisfying. >> i think you should indulge that. since you are not a nazi you can probably get away with it. but i think this is the kind of thing that is happening in -- i think it is amazing there is a vegan restaurant this georgia, don't you? >> it is true. >> it is encouraging. >> is there a ratio of how many vegans to nazis you can
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have? >> we have to go. i thought i would catch you up there. kristen tate, kyle and dave smith. that does it for me, tom shillue and i'll see you next time. miss an episode of "the
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five." >> are you angry? donald trump goes to war against the media while depending his actions toward military veterans. this is "special report". welcome to washington, i'm bret baier. trump isn't making any friends and doesn't care. he turned a statement for veterans related charities into a full-scale assault on people who bring you the news and cover his campaign. it was as many experts looked at it vintage trump at his insulting and uncompromising best. however, he did make some points about raising money for veterans. chief


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