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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 1, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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how in the world you made it all years together, i have no idea, particularly raising me and my brother. that's all for now. thanks for watching. "the five" is next. ♪ hello, everyone. i'm kimberly guilfoyle. along with juan williams, eric bolling, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ the presidential candidates and the press are going at it. donald trump tore into the media yesterday saying they should be ashamed for their dishonest reporting on his donations to vets and it wasn't well received. >> is this what it's going to be like covering you if you are president? >> yeah, it is. >> let me tell you something -- >> is it going to be like this in the press room? >> yes, it is going to be like this, david. if the press write stories like this, people know the stories are false, i'm going to continue
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to attack the press. i find the press to be extremely dishonest. i find the political press to be unbelievably dishonest. i will say that. >> today, hillary clinton piled on. >> can the president unify us and here donald trump fails at every turn. he doesn't want to unify us. he wants to divide us. that's why he started his campaign attacking people and he hasn't stopped. yesterday it was the press that he was attacking. now, if you are in public life, you are not always going to like what the press says about you. i have some experience with that. but part of the genius of of our democracy, our system, is we have a free press. >> she claims to be the press-friendly candidate as the one who is always happy to answer reporters questions so why doesn't she put herself out there like trump? listen to her answer. >> it's been five or six months since you held an actual press conference. is that something you are going to remedy soon? >> i'm sure we will. look, i was shocked myself that
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i've done nearly 300 interviews. >> whoa. new math. clinton hasn't held a news conference this entire year nor a fox news debate. 300 interviews, that's an internal tally. what do we make of this? >> i'm assuming hillary clinton's campaign is counting interviews to be her appearances on ellen which are fun and great for the campaign, but that is not what jake tapper is talking about. i wouldn't tally up interviews using that unless they want to be a little bit more forthcoming. young reporters that are covering the campaigns and most reporters are younger, they have not been there since 1992 covering her husband's presiden presidency, she may not know a lot. all the scandals from the 1990s. she's annoyed with them. they don't feel like they get even a little morsel. what i found, when you have
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reporters in the briefing room or the campaign trail, they have a job to do. their editor expects them to turn in a story used to be at the end of the day now it's multiple times in a day, they have to have something to write about. feed them a little bit. you have to give them some morsels. i think she would be better off if she did some press conferences as well. get out of the debates with bernie sanders. the interviews with ellen are cute but i think she would benefit by doing a press conference. >> she won't debates. she's shying -- she wouldn't come on fox news to do a debate. >> she does debates. >> does she accept fox news request? >> no. i'm saying. she's done multiple debates. i think it's tougher to sit and do an interview where someone goes in depth with you. i think press conferences are often scripted. your responses. people have talking points that they reiterate, and they select who is going to ask -- be asking
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questions, you and i both know this from white house days. they pick who is going to ask and even tell people we want you to ask about this. to me, a press conference is not the be all and end all. >> but opening yourself up to discussion to all the press should be important unless you are just presidential candidate looking for safe spaces. >> it's so annoying what you are said. you are scripting the questions, you are going to pick that guy because you know that person is going to ask you about that and you are going to skip over the fox one and you are going to go msnbc and skip over the fox guy again and go back over -- i mean, that's what's wrong with the american press and that's what's wrong with the briefing like that. >> it's not actually how it works either. >> okay, good. thank you. >> do you see the difference between hillary clinton and donald trump? hillary clinton is like pushes back on the idea of getting unscripted questions fielded from various different press groups. donald trump embraces it. he looks for that confrontation and he goes back and forth and
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doesn't -- isn't offended by stuff, fights hard. hillary clinton avoids it completely. in her defense, she's doing it and winning, if i'm here, i guess i continue to play the same game. my playbook is working and i'm winning, i'm not going to open myself up to james rosen or a karl cameron question. it will get a lot more difficult for her whes trump-clinton. >> how do you see this? is she able to say hey look at what trump is doing? >> i don't think that's her big problem. everybody says it's sexist if you talk about the problems when she's speaking. it's not being sexist. it's being helpful. she needs a speech coach because if you notice when you listen to her it's the arc of yelling. she begins a sentence up here and then she sends it down here. do you know what's wrong with donald trump? donald trump, and you can see this arc and it is so irritating
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and she's got to break this habit because i think that's actually her big flaw. maybe that's why she avoids a lot of things because she's not very good at it, but she's got -- >> that's her speaking style in a speech. not interviews. >> there are speaking styles for different events. >> that's true. the more you can proximate your speech with the way you talk to people, the more successful you are. trump is different on a -- on a stage than he is in person, but not by much. he still says the pretty much the same things he will say to you. >> that's called being authentic. >> yeah, exactly. sometimes he needs to have a governor when he says these things. the fact is he got, you know, he's getting praise for what he did but you have to remind yourself every time obama bashed the media, we were all over obama. i think i wrote like five
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monologues whenever he would go after fnc. if we're going to go after obama hypersensitive, we've goss to -- going to say trump was hypersensitive to a fault. >>. what you have to understand with trump is he will do thing and i was reading about this, today, we know about his calls in to people and he even calls in. i was surprised to read this. he called in to some mid level producer for cnn, msnbc, tries to shape stories. he just phones in. he doesn't show up. that changes the dynamic, and people oftentimes give donald trump a big pass in the media. the conservative critique of the media is often that media does not give full attention to conservative candidates. you can't say that about donald trump. >> he's upset because he phones in. >> he phones in. >> at least you are doing an
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interview. hillary clinton, would you like to phone in to "the five," we'll take your call. call the control woman. >> i don't think that the media should lay down like this and have candidates calling in. the billions, eric, in free media given to donald trump by the press. >> you are couldn't freighting -- conflating two issues. you are conflating tv shows putting donald trump on for media, the news media, the objective news media giving donald trump a pass? they destroy the guy for everything he says. >> i wish they did. i wish they did. >> they would go back 30 years he said something and trying to figure out why he said it 30 years ago. >> people, thousands were cheering when the world trade center fell. how about this?
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you know those mexicans? the mexican government is sending the bad ones. blacks kill most whites. >> the news media kept at him about all those things. >> i don't hearsay a world. no entitled cuts. >> a video that caused a spontaneous reaction in benghazi that killed four americans. where is the media vetting outside of fox? >> we had congressional hearings. trump won praise from rush limbaugh. >> that was the kind of press conference republican voters have been dying to see for who knows how many years. how many years have people been begging for a republican to justice once take on the media the way trump did. all the way from the premise to the details, to the motivation. he took them all on.
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>> but he got some critical feedback as well from charles krauthammer. your favorite, dana. >> but it is a sense of trump's character. is this what you want in the white house? he was asked. he said yes. he was asked about the attack on suzanne in a march continuous because he had said the economy was bad in new mexico. he said well, she wasn't very nice to me. now, is that going to be the criteria whether a president decided whether to attack or ignore, either a politician, foreign leader, another country, by the criteria of how good are they to me? >> what's your reaction? >> what rush is saying is true. there is a desire and demand for republicans to take on the press more like that. i was criticizeboard a -- criticized by a key anchor in a friend way saying i didn't do enough to push back against the
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media and i should have done more and fought more. my answer to that is that's easy to say. trump gets away with it. he doesn't care what they say about him as the press secretary to the united states of america i had a responsibility to answer the questions to the press. they have a job to do. one of the thing our country does great is to have our first amend,ment the freedom of the press to ask government questions to hold them accountable. i think it got blown out of proportion. if you know your boss is going to do an event, have that locked up tight. don't prepare for the next day's headlines. prepare for the headlines in two weeks, that's where you need to make sure from the press secretary position, you find out who is in charge of making sure that this money is getting to whichever groups we get them out to. i need a clean list so i can answer questions from the press. as they go forward, don't prepare for tomorrow morning's headlines, prepare for the
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stories to come in the days ahead. >> plan ahead like my favorite t-shirt growing up. >> i agree with you. trump gets mad at the press when it's not on his side. remember on monday, he excitedly tweeted about a network for their trump night and so he was very pleased about that. so he gets -- he's happy when it's on his side. he gets unhappy when it's not and therein lies his impulsiveness, you got to be on his side. this is a reminder for anybody in the media, if you don't kiss this guy's ring, he's going to be all over you, he's going to make it hard to make a living. your show is awful. it's petty. that's what he does. i think what the press did was a favor. they got him to clarify his position on his charities and it helped him. >> they had to shame him. >> it worked but it helped him, i think it helped him because the more he comes clean, the
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more that he comes clean about these things with specifics, the better it is for him because you need the guard rails of criticism. the more you allow him to get away with stuff, the more you hurt him. if you are a fan, you hurt him by enabling him. >> can i just jump in here. rush is right, trump is the anti p.c. guys. as far as charles, brilliant guys. you asked the question is that what you want in the white house? apparently that's what the republican american people want. trump is breaking all numbers for votes in history. the answer would be to you, charles, yeah, that's what they want. >> charles krauthammer also said there shouldn't be a third party run. it would be bad for the republican party in another sound bite. >> coming up. a long time clinton pollster is warning hillary clinton her nomination isn't a sure thing. plus president obama got political again chiming in on the election during a speech that wasn't.
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hear all that next. stay with us. ♪ ♪ and you're on the road all day long, it's exhausting. hi how are you? you're on the fourth floor. thank you so much. hey sweetie! how are you? it's important to stay at a hotel with a lot to offer. that's great! and the holiday inn has really been that. holiday inn has been a part of the team. good luck with the meeting today. thank you. i really think small business is tough. it's better to have friends out there. you have a great day. appreciate it. it makes life on the road much easier. now members get more savings with your rate at now members get more savings poallergies?reather. stuffy nose? can't sleep? take that. a breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right.
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♪ ♪ hillary clinton declare she will be the democratic nominee but one of her husband's former followster is casting doubt.
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doug schoen writes there may be more than a theoretical problem she may not be the nominee. he predicts major problems if she loses california on tuesday. a sanders win in california would turbo charge the mounting democratic unease about her viability. al sharpton says she needs to toughen up. >> she's coming in like a boxing match and shes got on the gloves. this is a street fight. he's got a broke coca-cola bottle and a razor. you can't come in with the gloves waiting on the referee to fight donald trump. you got to fight the kind of fight he fights. he showed that yesterday. >> let me go to my boxers here. kimberly and juan. >> i like that. he's a counterpuncher. he's got a blade. the point is she's not playing at the same level he is. she's going to have to raise
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that level. right now, she's hiding out. doesn't want to do the debate. she's doing poorly in california just like i said yesterday, i agree with doug schoen she's in big trouble. that's demoralizing to the democratic party if she can't close california which is electoral college rich. i honestly don't think she's going to be any match to go up against trump. i think he's going to crush her. >> okay. you heard it here first. >> you think a little bit of hyperbole. he's saying she may not be the nominee. >> i think he's saying it's easier to imagine. i don't question doug schoen. the reality is at the moment everything relies on the super delegates and can this moment in california probably get the super delegates to change how they think. his premise is based on the idea that in fact we've seen erosion in the idea that clinton is the
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best democrat to go up against donald trump. that sanders outpolls hillary clinton versus trump. but, in fact as eric will surely tell me in a memo, nobody has called sanders a socialist who vacationed in russia and, you know, wants to bring vens walla to these shores. once that kind of attack gets going, once people in the right stopped being entertained by bernie. they would pile on them. i don't think that's real. i appreciate what doug is saying. you know what, she needs to do well. we said this before. she's got puerto rico and new jersey coming up. she's got this wrapped up and i don't see the super delegates fleeing in that scenario, but it would look better if she was able to capture the biggest state on the map. >> you want to tell him what he thinks you are going to tell him. >> he's right. i remember early on, july, august, of last year, everyone had everyone beating donald trump early. so, yes.
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quinnipiac poll today. 45-41 clinton within the margin of error. statistical tie. trump winds on independents, the economy, securities of the country, clinton wins immigration. here's the point. four months ago, hillary clinton was destroying donald trump head-to-head. now it's a statistical tie. three months from now, i think it's going to be flipped. donald trump will be leading the big way. the best nominee not hillary clinton on the democratic side isn't bernie sanders. it's joe biden waiting in the wings if something does happen and i think it would be a very, very close battle. biden would be more -- he's best suited to go up against trump. >> i agree. let me bring in one other thing who got in the campaign talk today. that is president obama who is champing at the bit to campaign for hillary. >> if we turn against each other based on divisions of race or religi
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religion, if we fall for, you know, a bunch of okey-doke, just because, you know, it -- it sounds funny or the tweets are provocative, then we're not going to build on the progress that we've started. >> will it help or hurt hillary clinton if he's out there campaigning? >> why did we run that? he's full of its. >> that was incredibly painful. >> that was his attack against trump. that's how it turned out. >> you know what, greg, he didn't want to say what he was thinking. >> his brain was saying save it, save it, and the mouth was going no, no, no, no. >> valerie jarrett on his shoulder going no, no, no. >> if he comes out against trump, that helps trump.
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imagine if gwb went out against obama in 2008, it would only have helped obama, after eight years, everybody is tired of everybody. the big story here is what sanleders said on "meet the press" when he said california was the big chled -- enchilada, racist. what does he call new york, the big bagel or florida the big plantain. what a bunch of bigots? how can you sleep at night? >> they ought to issue a retraction. >> he should step down fromever. >> a major admission today from the state department on the suspicious admission of questions of fox's james rosen on the record. you are going to meet kimberly's dog bella making her
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♪ ♪ >> breaking new developments on a story we brought you a few week ago, the state department accused of intentionally editing an exchange from our own james rosen with then spokeswoman jen saki on the iran nuclear negotiations. here's the edited version. >> there are remaining concerns that we have as you all are familiar with, whether it's their involvement in support of the regime in syria or humanitarian issues and so that has not changed that. >> the obama administration says that -- >> see that white flash in the middle. here's what actually happened. >> james, i have no new information for you today on the timing of when there were any discussions with any iranian officials. >> let me try it one last way and i appreciate your
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indulgence. is it the policy of the state department, where the preservation of the secrecy of secret negotiations is concerned to lie in order to achieve that goal? >> james, i think there are times where where diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress. this is a good example of that. >> so when that white flash, roughly eight minutes of video was cut out, including the part where psaki admitted that sometimes the press needs to be misled to achieve department goals. today, they admitted the glitch. today, a complete reversal. >> it was a deliberate request. this wasn't a technical glitch. it was a deliberate request to excise video and as i said, and i said it this morning to the staff, i don't find that to be an appropriate step to take. my focus is going to be on the future and making sure that we have the right rules in place to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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>> our chief washington correspondent is back with his reaction. the admission, james, what made admiral kirby admit to what they did. >> a, the facts, the b, the fact that admiral kirby is a stand up guy. we've gone at it in two different briefing rooms, both the state department and the pentagon. he recognized that this was very improper, and he launched an investigation to determine how this happened. he took it seriously. the office of the legal adviser at the department of state got involved in this and that's a measure of how seriously it was taken. i comment the admiral for his actions. >> do all roads lead to rhodes? >> wait a minute. i see what you did there. i think that we don't know who it was that demanded that this video be edited this way.
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the person who fested up within the state department to having made the editing deletion at the request of this unspecified person said they can't remember who it was. >> of course. >> i think it's probably doubtful. if you remember being asked to do it, you probably have a very good chance of remembering who asked you to do it. in any case, we may learn more about this and i hope people will follow up in the white house and jen psaki is now the white house communications director. >> it's interesting. you think she was party to it. gosh, these people might be suspicious of whether jen psaki was involved with this. i'm curious about the probe. admiral kirby looks like a stand-up guy at the moment. it's been referred to the investigative office. he says there are no rules that
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govern this kind of administrative decision. why if this is done, why is it in the hands of legal adviser? gee, it looks like they would determine if someone broke the law. >> i'm not an attorney, juan, although i do take relish in playing one on television. probably there are laws on the books to make it a crime to doctor official government evidence of some kind but i think reading between the lines, what admiral kirby is saying we're at a point where we cannot definitely say who issued this order. it's three years in the past, so we're going to just let it be, albeit with the proviso that he's going to put in place procedures so it doesn't happen again. there will be further investigation of this at least by other news organizations. >> let's go to dana who has some experience in what goes on behind the scenes there. >> i think you are being really kind, james and i think their explanation falls well short of
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acceptable. one, it is a violation of the federal records act. it has to be and that's yet another federal records act violation that the state department is dealing with, right now, the accusation and the state department's ig is saying that hillary clinton should not have the private email server set up because it was a way to get around the federal records act. one, that's a problem. two, it had to be a political appointee who made this call. whoever the person is, the civilian, the bureaucrat that said aye-aye i would do this order would never do that unless it came from somebody very powerful. i do hope they follow up. this would be absolutely an unacceptable explanation if it were a republican administration. they need to be held to account for it. >> well, on that point, i've had a number of state department beat reporters, colleagues of mine, people i know for years, already calling me and emailing me and giving me their suspicions as to who exactly issued that order, without going into those names because it would be unconfirmed.
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one factor that has led people to focus on different people is the fact that if this person who issued the order would still be employed by the department of state. >> or elsewhere in the government. >> right. >> they could figure this out in about five minutes. so when they say we're not going to look into it, we're going to look forward, i think that's unacceptable and i think that really that you can find out in five minutes, if you are admiral kirby, find out who it is and come clean with it. >> let's bring in someone who doesn't play an attorney on tv, who is actually an attorney on tv. kg. >> this is true. i find them all guilty, james, so you know. i want to prosecute them individually and repeatedly. this is very obvious that they know exactly who did this and who made the call just like they know who pushed the video for benghazi, but it just seems that over and over again they can engage in this duplicityiouious
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behavior. i wonder if we should go look at some, quote, glitches where tape is missing because they seem to have this unique relationship with you where seems like this seem to run amok. tape is missing. you ask the tough questions and they try to hide it. >> i have not suffered from a lack of attention from the obama administration over the two terms. i grant you that. i think this is a significant moment insofar as we have the united states government essentially admitting here that its spokespeople lied from the state department podium, they admitted that and then tried to cover up that admission by deleting the official archive of this material, and so i'm honored to play some small role in holding our public officials to account and we'll see if this is the end of it. >> i happen to believe i know who made the call to edit that. it's katie couric. they wanted a dramatic pause. >> she's been after had he for years. for years she's been pursuing
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me. >> we'll be talking about this more tomorrow, i'm sure. >> bret baier will have more on this report coming up next after this show. a gorilla was killed over the week at the cincinnati zoo, you heard plenty on that. not so much about the deadly shootings in chicago. we'll make sure that you hear about that when "the five" returns.
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the gorilla than on chicago's crime crisis. this is something that just irritates me because i think we have an ongoing crisis and mostly of black people killing black people contrary to what mr. trump thinks and i don't see that we in the media say you know what, this is intolerable. something has to be done. i don't know what has to be done but in terms of media, media attention can be shown on this issue. >> well, when you do a story on the gorilla, that's politically nonthreatening. it's a coward's concern. if you go after gang violence, you run the risk of being called a racist because you are focusing on black -- if you were a white commentator focusing on black on black crime, you will be called a racist. >> as a black person -- >> i'm saying as white person, that -- >> that's a problem. >> you remember what the mayor of chicago did while there were
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shootings and homicides? he went after chick-fil-a. the owner is against gay marriage. that's an edgy injustice as opposed to gang violate which requires you to come out and say people are killing people here and it's wrong. it's boring. it's not edgy enough. >> i'm not going to say it was wrong to cover the death of the gorilla. i think it was very interesting. i know my family was certainly preoccupied about it. the kids. everybody is talking about it. alan west wrote a little memo he sent out. people talked about cecil the lion was killed, that's interesting, but it seems we have an ongoing crisis in inner cities, particularly in black america right now, and i don't see that the passion is in the media for that story. >> i was thinking earlier about one of the first things you learn in journalism school it's not news if it happens all the time. you don't cover a plane, all the
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planes that landed safely at la guardia today but if there were unfortunately to be an accident or a crash, you would cover that because it would be news. i wonder if the media is so desensitized to the normalcy of a killing spree in chicago that it doesn't register as the gorilla story did. >> 69 shot in chicago on a three-day week isn't new. this has been going on for a while. reporting on that again. we've heard that before. she should -- they should do that. i agree with that. a 450 pound gorilla with a four-year-old child with a video, controversial whether he should be shot on tranquilized. that doesn't come along. you point out cecil the lion and others. that's an interesting story and it's a user friendly story. look, they are in the business to getting eyeballs to the shows. >> we led with it. >> television is a visual maemed
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and everything is talking about it. you are saying that's where the news is. >> i see even from some conservatives, they say look abortions are going on, refugees are dying in large numbers, and americans have trouble dealing with those difficult issues. instead we go and talk about cecil the lion or the gorilla. >> we should be talking about those difficult issues and we have on this show. philadelphia, i went down and covered the dr. gossnell trial and shat through the most horrifying testimony. you have to tell the story too. it's incumbent upon us. it was a great story. it was a child. endangered species. the perfect medium for television to say this is the story that's resonating. where are people black lives matter up in arms about the deaths of african-americans in
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chicago. why is rahm emanuel holding a press conferences? where are are they? >> stay tuned because gregory has a guilty tv pleasure admission. he's going to reveal it to all of us and you are going to want to hear about it. so stick around. ♪ ♪
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an illusion tricking you into thinking that if you don't act now, there will be none left. every big decision you make, buying a house, a car, or for women dating a guy in new york, the urgency is driven by exaggerating the lack of supply while increasing the impression of outside desire. it's bad enough to want it but it's worse when others want it, too. so to beat this, simply ask yourself one question. are you pursuing something to have it or to enjoy it. if it's to have, then you won't enjoy it since having it was the whole point. lastly, all of you men attacking me for choosing "the bachelorette" over the stanley cup but i'm sorry, soccer is just not man enough for me. >> oh, boy. even i know that. >> kimberly, you don't watch "the bachelorette" because you live it. >> i'm wearing the crown, baby. >> trick men into thinking like there's only one kimberly. >> hold on.
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i think this is going to go very poorly for me right now. >> yes, no. i'm not answering. fifth amendment, again. >> yeah. >> there you go, i learned that from clinton's staff. >> dana, i read this book "influence." everything i look at i see through the eyes of this guy robert. it's all about scarcity about how you develop, can you change people's minds by making them think there's less of something. >> that's right. there's a store up here -- do you guys walk by the stores and they have been going out of business for five years? >> yes. >> i mean, that's the same thing, the same principle. it draws up in at 90% of the cheap handbags. >> yeah. >> eric, you know this. you might know this stuff. >> business has been going through this for ages. remember the tulip crisis, can't remember the year. >> 1880s. >> tulips were going extinct. no more tulips and the price went from like 30 cents up to $10,000. it's the perceived scarcity you talk about. a new show will beach "the
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bachelorette." "couples." >> do they go on an island? >> they are in anguila. >> in order to leave somebody, you have to take somebody with you. >> take somebody with you and if you stay, it's like really, really -- you're going to like it. >> do you remember i pitched that idea? >> oh, my gosh. >> one -- why do you watch this stuff? >> because i learn things. >> what did you learn? >> about human behavior. >> human behavior. >> that's my zoo. >> he's just a freak zoo. that is my zoo. people go to the zoo in cincinnati and drop their kids. i watch the zoo on tr. >> jump in and save the child. >> i love that idea. >> sacrifice yourself. >> i love the idea of a human zoo, but i think this is all staged and false and no real emotion. these people are all like pretending. >> you know, there's been a few successful marriages. the ratio of men to women in new york apparently it's not so good. >> scarcity. >> yeah. >> but you don't have that problem. >> nope. >> you have the globe to deal with. best part of "the bachelorette"
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chad. he's the trump of "the bachelorette" and rips on all the contestants and rags on the actual show while it's going on, and i think it's not going to end well, but it's certainly great tv. i know where i have to go. i talk about "the bachelor" once a year. >> how do they get the big soccer ball in the little net on the ice? >> i don't know. i have no idea. >> all right. one more thing. >> bill kristol and fred barnes invite to you write out the results. 2016 election in style aboard "the weekly standard" caribbean cruise. november 4 through 11. >> bill and fred will lead an all-star lineup looking in-depth at the aftermath of the 2016 election. are we destined for four more years of a liberal chief executi executive, or will republicans unite? be victorious? >> join special guests political cartoonist michael ramirez and "usa" columnist kristen powers
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and analyst mary catherine hamm. >> the outcome of the 2016 election may be uncertain, but you will ride out the results in style, cruising with like-minded patriots to exciting tropical ports of call. >> reserve your tickets for highlighted fun on the high seas. call now or book through
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well, hello there. it's time for one more thing and this is my little baby gel. look right there. say hello, bela. oh, my goodness. bela is here because for the seventh straight year bela is a winner. it remains the top dog name for female dogs in new york city for the pooches. there we are. feast your eyes on that face. this is according to the health department. more than 1,127 licensed dogs across the five boroughs are named bela. you might be asking how about for the boys? max is the number one name. i'm so sorry, dana. i hope you're changing it and that's the new trend. >> i like jasper. >> the other runners up were lola, lucy, daisy and coco. >> she looks like glenn beck. >> looks like me. >> she's adorable. >> thank you very much. >> and so well behaved. >> that's why people ask me is she even alive?
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she is. >> what. >> i brought her in. >> greg, people ask that h.hello, dog. >> that's adorable. >> the opposite. >> i hate these people! >> this is for all you young men and women who work in offices every day and are forced to travel to cities and then have you to come back and pay your expenses and they make your expenses impossible. look at that little face. because they use these new computer programs with your expenses and they never work and what ends up happening american express cancels your corporate credit card because nobody pays your expenses because you're using a computer program. everybody who has got a job, traveling salesman, knows exactly what i'm talking about, and i hate those programs and i hate the people who invented them. >> peter would agree with you 100%. it's the worst part of the month when he does those expenses. >> yeah. >> i missed my turn? >> i'm just relaxing here. this is my comfort dog. >> bela, you're going to like this. feast your eyes on this one, a moose on the loose in massachusetts in two towns,
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watertown and belmont. >> wow. >> check him out. it's not like he was just sauntering through these towns. woke up to a bizarre sight and police were trying to get him. finally were able to say it was a very unique situation. a moose in an environment like watertown, definitely out of the ordinary, but he can move. >> he's got wheels. >> got time to do this. >> president barack obama, he watches fox news, we all knew it. watch. >> and i haven't, you know, turned on fox news or listened to conservative talk radio yet today, but i turn them on enough over these past seven and a half years to know that i'm not exaggerating in terms of their story. >> you're not alone, fox news just broke a 13-year record, the highest rated news, highest rated cable network in all of basic cable, third month, hasn't happened since 2003. up 26%. >> yeah. >> winners. okay. go. >> you know what? life is full of surprises. look at this taxi driver.
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>> do i look familiar to you? >> oh, my gosh. >> ever seen my face bef >> oh, my gosh. >> yeah. that's shaquille o'neal in disguise for lyft. life is full of constant surprise. >> oh, my goodness. all right. this is a fox news alert. i'm bret baier in washington. president obama's state department is admitting tonight that it deliberately edited out of its video records an exchange between our chief washington correspondent james rosen and the department's then spokeswoman. that exchange appeared to acknowledge an earlier lie from a different spokeswoman and then to justify it. at first the edit was called a glitch. now we know different. correspondent peter doocy has specifics. good evening, peter. >> reporter: good evening, bret. there was no technical glitch. the state department admitted today instead they deliberately deleted an eight-minute exchange about whether or not


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