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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  June 2, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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hometown. unbelievably stupid or art or not. i'm not hire to say what art is. it is stupid. harris: arthur has a big announcement to make on >> no, can i do it now. harris: we're out of time. >> i'm having a baby. cheers -- [cheering] a fox news alert. we expect an update on a new victim on the reported "kill list from the ucla shooter that killed a professor. another victim, a woman is dead in minnesota. in addition to the first victim, william klug. a police news conference in minneapolis is expected to begin any moment. it just started. >> reporter: it is difficult for me to answer questions.
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could be respectful to coordinate our efforts between minnesota and california with this investigation that is very complex. in addition it is a very sensitive issue that we are investigating and we are early in the investigation. it will be limited information to provide to you at this time. after midnight, la pd called the brooklyn park requesting a welfare check and it was related to the recent ucla shooting and the female was on a hit list they believe was created by the shotter in the uclan incident. brooklyn park officers responded to the residence and did locate an adult female deceased from an apparent gun shot wound.
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homicide investigation is conducted with the assistance of the sheriff's and medical examiner's office. there is again very limited information to provide beyond what i told you at this point. i can tell you, we have multiple in [inaudible] i do not. >> any indication of how long the woman's body was inside of the house? >> we believe he was deceased prior to the ucla shooting, but as we are so early in the investigation and timing we don't know at this point. >> no other calls on her? >> no other calls to that home. >> had you ever had
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a disturbance call to that address? >> not in the recent past. previous to that, i don't know and the detectives can come up with that in the the future. the information as it unfolds in the next couple of days, we'll work hard to get that out to you. again, i thank all of you for coming today and that will end the press conference, thank you. >> you just heard the latest. the body of a woman found in brooklyn park, minnesota believed to be acquainted obviously with the shooter in the uclan attack yesterday. police found a "kill list" that had her name on it. and when they went to check her house she was found dead of gun shot wounds. adam houseley has more in los angeles for us.
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>> reporter: we didn't get much from the press conference. we'll expect more from the police here. between what he said and the sources on the ground. here's what went down. it was chaos and shots were fired in the building behind me on the fourth floor. hundreds of officers came in here much of them in armorand got to the room where it happened and they found the suspect, maniack sarkar are and william klug dead. there was's note check my cat. and there was a kill list. a professor here, the female. the female was an acquaintance
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or old girlfriend in minnesota and they went to her home, and they found her shot and killed there. and so obviously this takes a completely different turn with that. federal authorities are involved. the investigation is spread a long ways. we don't know how long she was dead. it was a advance planned attack. he travelled from minnesota and to go in this building and shot william klug. many here in the engineering department. he was well likeded and a younger professor and by all accounts, a quiet gentle guy and supported all of his students and a baebl coach in california and went to dodger games and very well thought of professor shot and murdered by allegedly by the suspect. and there has been rantings and
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blog post that i read that had been pulled down and blaming him for things that made no sense. authorities are kind of going, clearly the guy had mental issues and that led to this because of the rantings on line. a lot of questions are unanswered. we expect charlie beck to speak here in southern california and he was open to it give information in this case. >> police in l.a. are looking for help finding the nissan centra that sarkar drove from minnesota to los angeles ahead of the killing? >> the third person's name on the list was found safe. there was differing accounts. was it a professor or female. they want to find the car and maybe there is more notes or information there. when they went to the residence
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here in los angeles they didn't find anything of note. they took in the bomb squad in case it was booby trapped. they found the lead to take them back to minnesota and where they found the woman's body that was deceased and she had been shot and killed. >> more details, from the news conference, adam thank you. the battle escalating between hillary clinton and donald trump. we are awaiting a speech by mrs. clinton on foreign policy and she is expected to tear in his credibility. he is not waiting for the speech and now he is firing back. >> no surprise there. with california's primary tuesday, the candidates are
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barnstorming the statement mr. trump clinched the nomination and wants to put california in the winmn. mrs. clinton hopes that winning california on tuesday ends bernie sanders. it looks like he is not going anywhere. and jennifer griffin is waiting for hillary clinton's speech. we begin with san jose and donald trump will hold a rally there. >> reporter: in the very convention center. good morning from california. hillary clinton hasn't utter ared a word of the prepared remark. but donald trump is launching what amounts to a preemptive strike and taking to twitter. with all of the crooked hillary foreign policy experience, she made mistakings, i mean real
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monsters. no hrc. and trump unloaded on clinton as being a bad choice for president. here he is. >> hillary is not a talented person p. in fact a person with absolutely no natural talent. one of the worst secretary of states in the history of our country. and now she wants to be be our president? i will be honest, she has no natural talent to be the. this is not a president. >> reporter: trump unloaded on the collective media something he started from trump tower in a greater way. and he called one reporter a sleeze in the press conference. and last night had choice words for the press in general. >> i have to deal with the scum back there that write all of the
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bad stuff. they write bad stuff. really bad stuff. not all of them but some are good. some are bad human beings and they are liars, okay, they are liars. >> reporter: the press felt like the inside of a dirty aquarium, scum. when trump did that, it was shocking and now it is more of a joke. he says the press corps to be be scum and scorn heaped on us. most people are nice to us. and it is more of a game he plays. as for what happens in san jose, there was a handful of protestors in sacramento. this being the bay area, the potential for protestors to come out in sacramento area, but we're not hearing of any organized protest at this point.
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>> just a now cleaner fish will clean out the aquarium scum. >> reporter: that's all we need. >> john roberts with the trump campaign. okay, on the other side. hillary clinton will make what her campaign calls a major foreign policy speech and expected to hit donald trump hard on his lack of experience. here is a preview of that speech and she will speak in over an hour from now. what do we expect to come out from that? >> reporter: it is very interesting. hillary clinton tried to avoid talking about national security issues, because of fear of alienating bernie supporters and coming across too hawkish. that ends today. we are here on the the scene of balboa park and the area was chosen because it is the home to
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so many military members. in fact behind us, there is a navy graduation taking place for navy doctors and a naval facility not far from where we are. and 300000 jobs from the san diego sector comes from the defense sector. hillary clinton is trying to peel away independent voterses in battleground states by talking national security today. according to her aides, who i have spoken to in the last 24 hours expect to call trump a threat to foreign policy. a chlor and present danger and a persistent assault on his fitness to be president. we got a taste of today's speech in new jersey. >> donald trump disqualified himself completely. this is not a divisive rhetoric my friend it is dangerous. it makes us more vulnerable and
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the job of president much harder. what he has said has given aid and comfort to terrorist... >> reporter: jake sullivan told reporters that donald trump is unlike any candidate we have seen and does not cross the threshold of fitness for the job. hillary clinton threatens to upset bernie supporters. and the latest field poll, shows her leading him by two points and john roberts pointed out and trump is hitting back at hillary clinton's record and senator barbara boxer came out saying trump is likely to run like insulter in chief than commander
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in chief. >> we will have a preview of that speech. thank you so much. >> 14 minutes past the hour now and we are getting started on america's headquarters. donald trump has and his biggest challenge in the general election. karl rove and joe trippi. we'll talk to them both, coming up. crowd sounds ]
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there was secret talks with iran and whether the state department misled reporters and at some point it disappeared. i didn't say it was over. now national information comes to light i will do that. i am not afraid to do that at all. this was inappropriate i said to my staff and what i am focused on now. there is a policy to prevent it from happening again you would nod had no knowledge of nor would i have approved at any form of editing or cutting my briefing transcript or any subject while in the state
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department. >> this all has to do with the iran nuclear deal and negotiations that were conducted in secret against what the department of state was saying at the time. the white house or state department wanted the material scrubbed, chris? >> i have to say i have been in the town 30 years and this shocks me, that someone would go back after a briefing and would order the deletion of an exchange between the spokesman and member of the press, james rosen and then the initial exmrnation pi by fox and prouser for another story.
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it was a technical glitch. that was another falsehood that came from the podium of the state department. i covered the reagan white house and you don't expect folks to be straight with you. it can be military sensitive that they will not be state and forth coming with you. you understand that. but understanding is that they are not going to lie to you or purposely misled you. there are a million ways to say no comment. but to have a misstatement or loy from the state department not only once but twice but the demregz of the initial transcript is shocking. >> especially from the administration that promised
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most transparent in history. james rosen talked about the secret talks under way and he said well, yeah, sometimes you have to conduct diplomacy under the cover of darkness. >> in fairness. it was not jim. but victoria new land who was asked by james a couple of years before. are there government discussions going on. you can understand victoria new land not wanting to announce that. she said no. and which was misleading. i don't know if she knew the truth. when it came out there was discussions going on. james asked the now spokes person gen sak e about this. and they said they need privacy. and which was a gentile way of saying yeah, we sometimes
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mislead. but the discussion to delete that administration was crazy. chris wallace, thank you very: >> you bet. >> we'll be right back. as our business is growing, and you're on the road all day long, it's exhausting. hi how are you? you're on the fourth floor. thank you so much. hey sweetie! how are you? it's important to stay at a hotel with a lot to offer. that's great! and the holiday inn has really been that. holiday inn has been a part of the team. good luck with the meeting today. thank you. i really think small business is tough. it's better to have friends out there. you have a great day. appreciate it. it makes life on the road much easier. now members get more savings with your rate at
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>> a fox news alert on an unspecified threat on a british airways flight that landed in now ark airport. met by heavy security. a number of those white vans will be used to transport the passengers. the plane was taken to a remote corner of the airport. the plane to recheck their carry on and customs. 213 passengerses and on the
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flight from london to newark. if we get any other contraband we'll bring it to you live. >> a fox news alert. the associated press said that prince died of an overdose of opiods. a law enforcement force said he died of the overdose of the powerful pain killers. he was 57 years old. opyoids are under heavy skrutine. a law enforcement official told the associated press that prince died of over dose of opioids. >> and cadets are celebrating the graduation from the air force academy.
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half of them are headed to pilot training and president obama delivered the commencement address and saying that america can't shirk the mantel of leader ship. congratulations to the class in the air force academy in colorado. and we are waiting for hillary clinton's foreign policy speech an hour from now. she is expected to slam donald trump as what she said is lack of credentials. and an attempt to portray trump's ideas as dangerous. casy mcfarland was assistant secretary of defense and a fox news national security analyst. and kt, we usually get a preview of her speech. we don't have that in the house yet. she is expected to say that donald trump is a threat to
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american diplomacy. >> this is balonnie. they said the same thing about ronald reagan. and jimmy carter said that. guess what he won the cold are war without firing a shot. flash forward to hillary clinton's record. really? she wants to talk about p her record? the last 15 years was not so great the iranians on the way to getting nuclear weapons and russia? >> and china claiming that it owns a spit of sand in the south china sea and iran mistreating our sailors, there is a lot going on and things would say couldn't be a lot worse. >> we have been pushed a round.
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>> donald trump said i am rethinking american foreign policy is a good thing. but for hillary clinton trash talk him for going the gall and guts to stand up to conventional wisdom and put common sense in american foreign policy. >> he is unpredictable. and that would make allies nervous not just here in the united states but overseas. >> i tend to think that is an okay thing. kissinger said nixon, they were not sure. we rethink things and they can't take us for granted. and if you look at american foreign policy, president obama leading from behind. >> cutting back on nato and nato
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plays an important role in the nations that we are involved in. >> the issue of nato and who participates and who gives what, trump said they are free riding. obama said the same thing. but obama hasn't gotten the european allies to step up. it was agreed to when europe was on their knees. that is all changed. maybe we should renegotiate the dial. >> and according to one poll, 21 percent of the independents rank that as a top issue. i wonder how successful it would be for her? >> the average people don't care about the specifics of who is the prime minister of this country or the foreign ministry had. they care about america leadership. america looks like it is pushed around and a candidate that will
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reassert america's leadership is what the average person wants. >> i wonder if she will go back to 3:00 a.m. phone call, you want her answering the phone? >> we'll see. we'll see you again real soon. jon? >> we'll talk about donald trump's primary strategy. one of our next guests said the nicknames for opponents to rely on rallies will not cut it for the general election. karl rove and joe trippi weigh in on that. >> if i have a republican that is not on my side, why should i be particularly nice to that person? i will not go after her like i would hillary or crazy bernie. if i have a person that will not support is me, i have no obligation to. i am her best friend. i am her ally.
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insulins, including toujeo®, in combination with tzds (thiazolidinediones) may cause serious side effects like heart failure that can lead to death, even if you've never had heart failure before. don't dilute or mix toujeo® with other insulins or solutions as it may not work as intended and you may lose blood sugar control, which could be serious. ask your doctor about toujeo®. >> a fox news alert. you are looking at some unhappy passengers. this is british flight 185 from london to newark. we are told by rick leaven thol that someone picked up a pay phone in the newark airport and said there was an explosive on the boeing triple 77. and all of the passengers are off and standing there well to
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the side you can see. the plan to run the passengers and their bags through another screening. 206 and a lot of carry ones and 13 crew members on board. it is going to slow down things for them and everybody who is there to pick them up. what a mess. so far no indication that there is a legitimate explosive on board. you can see they are taking no chances. they are releasing the passengers to go get their luggage. they had bomb sniffing dogs to get everything on the rack. we'll find out if there is anything a miss. >> we have another fox news alert to take you. los angeles, ten time tim 30 in the morning, we are waiting for the los angeles police chief charlie back to give up update.
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we heard from the police in minnesota about the death of a woman believed to be linked to the shooter. mainak sarkar. she was found dead in minnesota after midnight. police were called by l.a.pd to check. she was found dead of a gun shot wound. it is believed that sarkar is associated with that because her name was found on what the la pd described as a "hit list". he shot and killed william klug yesterday. and the entire campus was put on lock down as police searched for the shooter that was found dead in the complex. we'll have that update. stay tuned for that.
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>> well, donald trump may have to scrap the playbook that he used in the primaries according to karl rove, "will trump's mom problem" >> if he makes progress on his mom problem. message, organization and money. running a general election is different. attacking his opponents with a well chosen nickname and relying on rallies and ignoring organization and self funding will not necessarily work in a general election. we'll bring in the author of that, karl rove and deputy chief of staff for george bush and joe trippi former howard dean
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campaign member. both are fox contributors. what do you think of carl's advice. >> it is good advice if trump will take it. it is a vastly different thing. a lot of things that work for him put him in deficit in the general. if you think back the many times ted cruz defeated trump in the gop primaries, it was because in those particular states, cruz had a superior organization. the demographics may have worked for him, too. but he had a superior organization. the name calling didn't defeat the organization. that might be be 8 or 9 swing states and the democrats in the clinton campaign have strong
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organizations out there. and if he tries to do it ones on energy, it may not work. you also need money to drive the organization. he doesn't have that. that network never got built because he was self funded. the clintons have been out there sometime and hillary put together major donor and he has to assemble that. he has a discipline problem which i think will also be the problem with trump. but the organization may be a hurdle in the swing states. >> ka rl, which area is he in the most trouble? >> he has challenges in all throw. and he knows he has challenges. he has tried to build a network nationwide to help him raise money and why for example, two speeches giving a teleprompter. he gave a foreign policy speech
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and last week on energy using a teleprompter and that was a discussion of what he actually believes. and the the organizational issue is out there. the republican national committee through the fun raising agreement has a big chunk of new cash to come in and hopefully allow them to lead the organization. both candidates have a problem is organization and money. clinton is ahead. but has a loud message and trump has to residentinginize that he needs to do it differently for the general election. this is why the inspector general came out. he responded by saying crooked hillary and bad report. she got bad you news today it. this is the point he needs to enunciates the specifics. if he said crooked hillary got
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a bad report from the inspector general. she lied to us. and she lied to us about it never was hacked and she lied about how she never handled classified information. and lied to us when she said she would be traps parent. it would be more useful. and it is side of inside of the campaign, they are not yet in sync of saying when he says those things, should we suggest it to broad ep out and deepen. >> when he said they can't buy me. can he attract big money donors having shunned them up to now? >> he's going to try and he will have some success. but the problem be with someone like trump, the guy is worth 10 billion and why does he need my money?
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it takes a lot longer for somebody like trump to put the network of money together. there is a reluctance and on the message side, he hasn't been up against the message discipline that you are seeing that the clintons have. and carl just illustrated the truster way for him to go after hillary. you are seeing with trump university, and the way the clinton campaign and hillary's jumping on his problems there and what his employees said, they are doing a better job of messaging against him. and that is unusual thing for him. he hasn't faced that in the republican primary. they are in trouble in all three. >> we'll see if both campaigns follow your advice. joe tripe and karl rove. >> we are waiting for an update
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from the los angeles police chief, charlie beck, on the ucla shooting. that is expected to start any moment now. the police are expected to talk about the so- called kill list. we'll be right back. the right things working together
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>> well, some of america's most beautiful national land marks are a century old. national park celebrating 100 years of nature and wild life and beauty. you can see right here yellowstone national park. national geographic highlighting yellowstone and talking about the dangers of the wild life. >> that's why. >> thank you. >> 25 yards, ma'am. >> it won't happen again. >> ma'am. can you please? >> that's right. that's what will happen. she was lucky that was not
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a bison. >> we'll talk to jeffrey. i get national geographic at home. thank you, tell me what is changed in 100 years. >> originally called america's best idea. and it is just getting better and better. when the national park service originally brought in the notion of big beautiful national parks, they were places to go see the animals and we want to see things wild and as they are. management of the parks are giving you a experience of what the wild is and you can feel and see and sense it. >> but conservation is a major thing. yellowstone helped to bring back
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the wolves that were close to extinction. >> absolutely the parks is where we reinvest the species that are going extiventh much the wolves were brought back to yellowstones and they have flourished. the grizzlies since the low point in the '60s and '70s are coming back. but the park has to be constantly managed and the threat is loved. and everybody deserves to go there. it is our national park and common ground for our country and great. but how do you accommodate this in a modern management system and wants to conserve the animals.
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>> how do you do that? >> not iconic parks like yellowstone and yosemi te and grand canyon. yellowstone, have a monorail or some kind of system that can regulate the kind of tourist traffic that goes -- >> i hope not a monorail. i like hopping in my car own. jon scott and i have certainly enjoyed some of the national parks with our families. teddy roosevelt's summer white house, oyster bay, new york, fantastic. he is in large parse responsible for the national park service. jamie, thank you for what you do. that's me and my little boy when we were at old faithful a couple years ago. we certainly love it. >> yellowstone is a great place. i haven't been there since 2009. that's a shot i took at the yellowstone falls. absolutely spectacular place. >> isn't it?
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especially summertime when families are planning their vacations an thinking about where to go, this is a fantastic idea. especially with terror concerns overseas. >> support your national parks. we'll be right back. you don't let anything keep you sidelined. that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you.
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fox news alert. a live update now from los angeles. police chief charlie beck on the ucla shootings of 24 hours ago. as soon as we got to it, the signal froze. here we go again. no, apparently not. we do believe we have the audio that we are connecting. he said that they are still looking for the nissan centrsen
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that mainak sarkar drove to minneapolis. >> the young lady that was killed in minneapolis or the young professor that survived who was on the kill list, that is not my investigation. minneapolis, i don't know if they've made proper notification of family, so i will not confirm or further elaborate on the identity of that victim. >> one at a time. >> any idea when the minneapolis incident happened? >> within the last couple of days. >> presumably he got shot, and then he drives out here. >> that's what we believe. >> is there any reason to believe that he committed any other crimes while he traveled across the country? >> you know, we are looking into that. there is no immediate evidence that would suggest that, but of course that is one of the reasons we want to find the car, to see where that will lead us. robbery/homicide division is working with the states between here and there to see if there is a trail.
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but there's nothing that leads us to believe that at this point. kate? >> so he lived in minneapolis and she lived in the suburbs of minneapolis? [ inaudible ] >> so she lived -- he lived in st. paul and she lived in an adjoining city. >> is there any indication that the professor who was killed, did he contact anybody, authorities, lapd, ucla police, colleagues, anybody or campus to say, this guy is a loose cannon, careful? >> dave, we don't know that at this point. i will say that in the social media that i have reviewed -- and i haven't heard anything different from detectives -- there contained no death threats. there was some harsh language. certainly nothing that would be considered homicidal. i know that this individual
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had -- sarkar, our suspect, had issues with his professors that were known to them, but i don't think that is a cause for somebody to believe that they're going to be a homicide target. >> there was nothing he could have done. it didn't me the threshold so he could have had some kind of protection from somebody? >> the stuff we have seen would not meet that kind of threshold. that doesn't mean there isn't something we will discover later but it doesn't appear he would -- >> pardon me? [ inaudible ] >> the address we followed up to in st. paul, it asked whoever found the note to check on the cat that resided there. also had some verbiage relative to the surviving professor. >> chief, can you say -- on a different note, the threats that were made -- the comments that
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he made online about the professor, do you have any indication that ucla was aware of those, was taking any action? >> i don't know that. >> do you know the relationship between this woman and the suspect? >> you know, i can't do that because i think it would too quickly lead to our identity. this is very much an agency outside los angeles police department's investigation. i don't know where they stand with notification of the next of kin. i don't know where they stand with the other pieces of investigation they need to do so i don't want to compromise that. >> family member -- >> i can't -- won't characterize. >> is that professor named on campus and was there any indication that he intended to kill -- who he killed and then go after that second professor? >> well, we believe -- detectives believe, and i support their belief, that he went there to kill two faculty from ucla. he was only able to locate one. the second faculty member was
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off campus, according to information that we have, at the time that he arrived. so -- i didn't mention this but i'll mention it now. he was heavily armed. sarkar was heavily armed. he had two semi-automatic pistols, one that he used for the homicide, and the other that was in his backpack. he had multiple magazines of ammunition and multiple loose rounds of ammunition. he was certainly prepared to engage multiple victims with the ordnance that he had at his disposa disposal. [ inaudible ] >> if so, their reaction to any indication what the motive? >> we certainly have talked to that professor on multiple occasions now, made sure, a, to make sure he was safe, b, to make sure he was notified. i won't -- i will characterize his response as the fact that he
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knew this sarkar had issues with him. i don't think he knew it would rise to the level of homicide but he knew that he had issues with him. i would assume by his reaction that he may have even known that there was issues over this property right thing. >> -- characterized -- >> two different notes, two different locations. the note that was left at the homicide scene doesn't refer to suicide. it is a note, but an instructional note to the finder to go check on this cat, which we did. and then it also has some verbiage related to the other potential victim, the professor that survived. and then in the follow-up investigations to st. paul, the investigators, fbi agents that work in concert with the robbery/


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