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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  June 4, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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rights, but these albums. >> tired of getting screwed by the establishment? >> then call johnson and wells -- [ laughter ] i'm sorry. >> tired of getting screwed by the establishment? >> i hate you. >> stay there, don't go no where, cheeseburgers and hot kogs, don't go because i will show you what i will do with this young guy here. ali, i got a lot of spode and endurance. >> this is geraldo rivera reporting and he was the greatest and tonight the world mourns the heavy weight champion that was the best fighter of his generation. >> it is sad to see someone so great and magnificent. >> he stood up.
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>> he gave us courage. and he stands up. >> and i remember so much about him and how he is the greatest. >> mohammed ali died last night at 74. he was the famous man in the world. and bridge builder and bridge breaker. and polarizing and anti- war activist who survived to make an epic comeback. >> i don't have a mark on my face and i am 22 years old. i am the greatest. >> only to be beaten finally by parkinson and he had a brutal pound ping. but rather than start to the sxend we'll hear tributes from everyone. >> last night a friend of mine died. mohammed ali. and donald trump who is a hard-core boxing fan. we start at the peaks of ali's
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legendary career. and a chance to go back in the battle a third time against joe frazier. >> all you will see is this. >> frazier won the first fight of the century. ali came back to win a bruising remarch in 1974. >> he won. it is it mohammed ali. now comes the thriller and manila. and the rubber match who is the great? and the young reporter was granted exclusive access to the training. >> i wanted my own log cabin. and horses and log cabin gyms and kitchen and everything out of logs. and rec rooms and this is what i
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design. and fighters can use it from now on. >> it is a great camp. what is the toughest besides yourself. >> you are smart. i don't know. it is really, say i am the greatest. and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. and i think all around the greatest boxer of all times was sugar ray robinson. >> the way you honor champions, what happens to boxing after you. so many people are mohammed ali fans, and they are not boxing fans. >> boxing may continue. but people will miss. but after kennedy was president and johnson, after watching him
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for a while we were accustomed to him being president. after me there will be fighters and they will remember. but they will not remember me. the kids will follow them. >> the way you are in public has changed. you don't brag the way you used brag and when you you talk, you talk about things that transcend are more important than boxing. nbragging and all that was good for publicity and promoting fights and after a while finding that god is the greatest and no man is not. and that humbles you because it is true. >> what about me. i get in a lot of situations. >> if you run in a fellow like me. he said what? best thing to do if you get in trouble. let me see you guard.
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>> you want to go in the ring. now this hand is too close to your face. your hand will hit you, right. you can see. my hand throw it up. and it is this week. and then put it up. and here you go. here is my left hand. >> all right, all right. >> see tricked you. throw your guard like this. and i through you jam. and you do. that that is learn your and next time. block again.
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block. and that is foolish mistake. >> i watch your show and i admire your style. if you hit me again you will not be here for a while. and you look like with no clothes o. you look like stick they pick up. come on, block. bloshg. you be finished. there you go. you had it. you need a haircut. that hair represents. >> and long hair people shouldn't be fighting. you are a people man. and your design and you create it and you can't see. that's all you have to do. and do a little back wards and
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shuffle. and put the camera and i will show you the shuffle. and that is a beat. and come on, shuffle. and before you know it. see put it on the floor. put it on the floor. come on, come on. come on, come on, come on. come on. [applause] ♪ the greatest athlete of any sport. he refused to follow anyone's conscience but his own.
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he was admitted in scotts dale hospital for treatment. his death was a stunning surprise even those of us who followed his losing battle with parkinson disease. our reporter is on the scene with the details on the champs final fight. matt, what happened? >> reporter: good evening, geraldo. i would like to first briefly show you the memorial that is growing. people loving flowers and balloons and boxing gloves. a family spokesperson said mohammed ali was battling parkinson his death came as a shot. ali became ill monday night and the family expected him to bounce back. but as the days came on in arizona, it was clear he didn't have much longer. the representative said he died from septic shock that caused
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organ failure. mohammed's daughter wrote this status on facebook. saying our hearts are literally hurting and so happy daddy is free now. all of us who were around him and hugging and kissing him and chanting the islamic prayer. his organs failed and his heart just kept beating. no one saw anything like it. it was a true testament of his spirit and will. and boxing was only half of mohammed ali's life. the other half was spreading peace and inclusion. geraldo. >> this tweet from president obama. he shock up the world and the world is better for it. rest in peace, champ. madonna. this man, this hero, this you
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han. he shook up the word. god bless him. halle berry. he was one of the strongest and sweetest men. he elevated the sports boxing. >> and daughter miriam. i know him as the greatest father and i love you so much, dad. his spirit visited me left night. and thank you world for your love and support. >> folks, we have great guests to share their memory of his remarkable life. next donald trump joins me live right after this. >> he stood up. we don't have that much. and it seems like we are losing more of it. >> it is truly a day of mourning and i am very, very much mourning. (man) oh, looks like we missed most of the show. (woman) and there's no way to restart it.
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(jon bon jovi) with directv there is. ♪ you see, we've got the power to turn back time ♪ ♪ so let's restart the show that started at nine ♪ ♪ and while we're at it, let's give you back your 'do ♪ ♪ and give her back the guy she liked before you ♪ ♪ hey, that's the power to turn back time. ♪ (vo) get the ultimate all-included bundle. call 1-800-directv. to be taken care of. in good hands? like finding new ways home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands.
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live from america's news head quarters, i'm jackie ibanez. heavy rain is easing over much of texas, but a flood emergency near the gulf coast is worsening right now. the river stood at just over 55 1/2 feet earlier today, that's 9 1/2 feet above flood stage, 16 people have been killed in flooding over the past week in texas. including nine soldiers on a
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training exercise at ft. hood thursday. meantime, in france, the river peaking in paris after a week of rain, 15 feet above average. it could take four or five days before tourist sites can reopen. four people have died from the flooding in france so far. the fires are out in oregon's columbia river gorge, but crews are working to control the oil sheen on the river. 11 of the 96 cars derailed and caught fire. government troops reached the edge of raqqah in northern syria, where isis forces have been in control since august of 2014. isis made raqqah the de facto capital. isis is now fighting battles on four fronts in syria and iraq. i'm jackie ibanez.
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>> when you say the greatest of all time is in the room, everyone knows who you mean. it's quite a claim to make, but as mohammed ali said it is not bragging if you can back it up. >> president bush one of the diggingnaitaries from around the world shared their feelings about the champ's sad passing on social media. former president clinton and billy crystal and writing good bye my friend. you were great in see many ways. his wife tweeted mohammed ali was greatest and unmatched not only in power and skill but in courage and conscience and thinking of his family. my next guest donald trump and i have shareded ring side
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memories. mr. trump, thank you for being here. did ali teach you how to do your oppons. >> maybe be he did. he was a fantastic dpie and really two different people. nicest guy in the world as you know. you anyhow him well. and outside of the ring and inside of the ring. he was an incredible competitor. and very special outside of the ring also. >> outside of the ring in 2007 he gave you the mohammed ali award. we have a picture of it. and how did you feel about that honor and when you accepted it today. >> i loved. it and he wanted me to get that award and we raised a lot of money and he was charitable and that was in arizona and we raised money that night. and you know, very big numbers and he was so happy about it. and that was one of my great
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honors, actually. >> when you saw him, that was the beginning of the deterioration. how did you feel? >> i had seen him before that and he was hit hard. it was amazing the way he handled it and he really went so long. he's gone through a lot for 20 years. but it was tough to see him, because i knew him the other way also. i knew when he was fighting and he was very special. i always said he might have been the most beautiful athlete i have seen in terms of a bity of an athlete. >> was he the greatest fighter ever. >> we have had some great fighters. sugar ray robinson was great, too. when you you add the package up, there was no body close. if you add everything. poetry and what he did outside of the ring and inside of the ring.
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and then i would say no one close. and fighting was concerned he was right up there, no question about it. >> times have changed and politics have changed and december 2015 and when you announced your temporary ban on muslim immigration, the statement was released in the champ's name. headline, presidential proposing to ban muslim and this was purport ped to be said by mohammed ali. we as muslims have to stand up to those who use islam to advance their personal agenda. >> i don't think so, i don't know who released the statement. who knows who released it. i have a feeling he would not have said that to me. there was a lot of anger at that time and still is because of what is going on. i really don't think he did. who knows?
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>> when you see mohammed ali's life and in the context of the current politicaling discussion and with your insyndary proposal and the reaction to it just as inflammatory in many ways, when you ponder the man, do you wish you had spoegen less generally about p muslims in america. >> we have a problem and it is the radical islamic terrorism. and i think it would -- you would have to say it is a problem and it has to be discussed and talked about and has to be solved. it is it a difficulty that the world has and if we don't talk about it whether it is isis or al-qaeda or so many things, and people going on, it is something that has to be discussed, and if it is not discussed we'll not solve the problem. >> wrap up your feelings about p
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mohammed ali in the context of him being a muslim in america. >> i think he was a great man and he was very, very special and the fact he was a muslim was tremendous because it gets people thinking even more. and i know many muslims and they are tremendous people p. i know very, very great people and they are muslims and mohammed was one of the great people of the world and it is fantastic that he was muslim. >> we still have to have our talk about hispanicses -- but that will be another night. it was nice to take the time. >> i am a fan. >> thank you. there is so much more and we appreciate every one of our guests coming up later, a prominent upon black man who
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endorsed donald trump and he will be live. >> i am the king of the world. >> oh, i still have the world. i have the world. i have got the world. what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands.
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>> with all of the violence and killings, mohammed ali didn't want that. he wanted us to love each other. he broke that barrier and loved us all. >> he is beloved in the new york area for his great heart and wicked left hook. and jerry, it is great to see
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you. >> great it see you. >> first of all your reaction. >> he's been sick 30 years and a great guy and all about his expression and life and smile. i was taken away from the fight game. as he got old he took shots on george foreman. and you can't get back. and you know, in your body you can't change. >> you think the ropa dope pounding hurt the parkinson? >> taking hits hurts parkinson. and early on you couldn't hit him. he loved the game and couldn't walk away. and he kept fighting. >> and you think it will return? >> i think because of him and george foreman and larry holmes
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it is going strong. >> with me two- time world champion and oldest man to win the heavy weight title. and entrepreneur, georgeforeman is on the line. jerry and i say hi. he said you knocked him out. >> that's what i said about mohammed ali. >> give us your reaction to the terrible news? >> when i say anything, i look to the left and right and i think if mohammed ali watching this and can he hear me and wake up and he's no longer there, it is it a hurtful thing. i am going to miss him. >> after the rumble in the jumble. you couldn't get another fight. what was going on? >> mohammed ali rumble in the
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jungle. i was tooking him for granted and it didn't happen and four rounds, i was going to be in the fight of my life. he screaming, is that all you got george. that was all i had. >> it was all i had. >> and what about the fight game, dew think it recovered from the loss of ali? >> the boxing game will always go on. mohammed ali was too big for boxing he was bigger than boxing. who is the greatest fighter of all time. that is taking away from mohammed ali saying he was the greatest boxer. he was one of the greatest men i haet in my life. greatest of all time. he was the man. >> and jerry, what about that aspect of largier than life
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persona. >> i asked george if he ever got ali. ali said, i got through. it and ali, and that changes the fight. the fight game is great and strong. the heavy weight is strong. i follow it regularly. we have the heavy weight and middleweight. is it like ali. he could have been the greatest football or baseball player he could do it all. he had the magic outside to make people sign and laugh and signed oofr autograph and made kids smile. >> final thoughts. >> it is a time for everybody to reflect and wake up every day no matter the situation and
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suffering about. enjoy the day. mohammed loved living and didn't matter about parkinson or anything else. hemented to wake up and have a good time. >> george forman i appreciate it. and more remembrance now of the champ. >> you know how good i am. i don't have to tell you about my strategy. tell him what you are going to do. float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. rumble young man, rumble. what are you doing right now? making a cake! ayla reminds me of like a master chef and emiana reminds me of like a monster chef. uh oh. i don't see cake, i just see mess. it's like awful. it feels like i am not actually cleaning it up what's that make mommy do? (doorbell) what's that? swiffer wetjet. so much stuff coming up.
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>> this is it who i am. when i was eight years old i was told i could be be like ali and if you listen, and don't quit, and you know, you have to have confidence and one thing, one thing by ali that helped around the world he had confidence. and to say the things he said, you have to have confidence to speak out. >> to speak out. that was the former heavy weight champ evander holyfield. don king, the promoter who took
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ali from starter. did you decide to take boxing oversea ises and go to zia re and fill pones. >> first of all. i love mohammed and mohammed is a fighter for the people. and the answer to your question, is that the people, the people demanded, the people's voice wases to bring him to that country and that country and this is what happened when a guy fights for the people and in fighting for the people becomes the champion. he will never died. he vacated the house here on earth. but the spirit of mohammed ali will live ffrm just as it did with king and i think and kennedy which the system knocked out. you have something here that is
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the truth. as william brian. it will rise again. and no lie can live forever. we have a legacy that is very much alive and motivating and inspiring people. >> what made him so great, don king. >> people made him great first he was a man of god and believed in god and with that faith and the confidence in himself, nothing was impossible unto him. and what he did, he would prognosticate and brag and put himself under the spot of what he had to perform and to achieve what he predicted. and he said that puts triple pressure on me and i want to always be under the pressure because if you don't stand for something, you don't live for nothing. >> don, how did you squeeze out the nation of islam and become his promoter.
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>> it is it a strange thing and one that i touched myself by p god because mohammed ali. we were friends. i was a fan. i would go to his fights. and i was promoting the screen at that time. i had a night club and i new and all of the stars to come and play in my place because i was the one that gave them equality and we talk and relate and that time lou rauls and sammy davis junior were going through back doors in the state of nevada here. and when they came here. i could treat them. and the idea is mohammed ali, he and i were friends and they put him in exile. and they sent upon me to the pentiary. and when we waited for the interlewd.
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me and ali would be together. when he comes out of exile and 7 or 8 months before i came out of the pentiary. and when i came out, the community was there to meet me and say help us to keep the hospital open. and i in turn accepted the task, and i called mohammed ali and mohammed ali said yes. and mohammed ali comes to cleveland and he fights 4 or 5 guys i believe it was in a show for people care. this hospital could only serve the poor white and people of color. and they were trying to block it out and didn't have money to pay for pharmaceutical or intern and we put on the show for people care. >> and we are running out of time. and i am glad it relates to
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cleveland. i will never forget that. and did you and mohammed ali part friends? don king, quickly. >> friends for life. he's the one who brought me in the boxing and my first fighter was mohammed ali. >> i know you had a beef. and i am sure you ironed it all out. >> it is not true. and it is the system and when you say that i endorsed donald trump. i endorse the people. put the shade of the toothpicks. and i endorse the people. >> and i have to endorse the next commercial. >> do it again if. >> i got you. you got the people vote. and people. and bernie sanders for vice-president. that is the people's choice.
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that's what we deal w. geraldo. >> and former champ larry holmes and more when we remember ali. >> i have wrestled with an alligator and tuszled with a whale and injured a stone and esurance does homeowners insurance a smarter way, which saves money. they offer a diy home inspection, which you do yourself, which saves money. they offer a single deductible, so you don't pay twice when something like this happens, which saves money. they make it easy to bundle home and auto, which reduces red tape, which saves money. and they offer claim forgiveness, so if you make a claim, you could save money. esurance was born online and built to save. and when they save, you save. that's home and auto insurance for the modern world.
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♪music ♪you fill up my senses ♪like a night in a forest ♪like the mountains in springtime♪ ♪like a sleepy blue ocean ♪you fill up my senses ♪come fill me again ♪come let me love you ♪let me always be with you ♪come let me love you ♪come love me again
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>> what happened. and we go to another champion. endorsing the people p. >> i'm young and i'm handsome and fast and pretty and can't possibly be beat. >> i rooted against him. >> you want to lose your money. >> you talk too much. >> that is great boxer larry holmes who was 12 years old when he first heard of mohammed ali. he told anyone. >> i will never lose a fight. i am pretty and i will do this. and it is all turned me off. >> and holmes changed his mind after he saw him fight. >> hit and don't be hit. >> how can you hit what the eyes can't see. >> bang, bang with that jab.
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>> i shook up the world. i shook up the world. >> over the next six years, ali continued to shake the world. >> you couldn't hit him. she was throwing punches. >> and to the delight of young larryelmes. >> i murdered a rock. i am see mean i make medicine sick. >> the champ became a black muslim and refused to be drafted in the u.s. military. >> you are my enemy. >> say it loud and black and proud. >> ali was the man and everybody black loved ali. >> he was stripped of his title four long years and by 1971, he was fighting for the championship against joe frazier. ali lost in 1971.
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and 1974, ali won the title back when he beat george foreman. that was the rumble in the the jungle. >> and get on the ropes with big george foreman. >> he came out and bang, bang, bang. george went oops. >> ali would have one more great fight. thrilla in manila when he faced off against joe frazier. ands this what he did. and worked on ali w. and ali gave as good as he got and battered joe failed to answer the bell for the 15th round. >> i say what? he what? >> and 1980 holmes battered his ten long rounds before ali's corner all it quit.
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>> larry holmes woke up as we all about did to the news he was dead. >> ali was the man in my life. i miss him heard. >> and coming up. one. people who knew ali best. sports caster joins us. >> never talk about who is going it stop me. no body is going to stop me. no one fast enough to stop me. ♪ you're not gonna watch it! ♪
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>> i am so fast i can run through a hurricane and don't get wet. i can drown a drink of water and kill a dead tree. wait until you see mohammed ali.
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>> his rise to the stop was a rocky one. in 1964, he joined the nation of islam and changed his name to mohammed ali from cassius marcellus clay. and no one tracked his career as closely as jim great -- great all right we have problems with that one and we'll fix that up. and in the meantime joining me in the studio, my next guest was a ranked heavy weight with mohammed ali and we welcome chuck. the brawler. >> yeah. they call me brawler and big name and most people call me. and i had 328 stitches over my eyes. and ali in the 15th round. >> how did you last that long
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agains the champion. >> i was a part- time fighter and never subicized and do my work in the morning and work in the day and train the at night. and that's why don king sent me to camp and i got myself in great shape. i was the fight. i just wasn't for the great muhammad ali. >> tell me how different he was. for folks who aren't students of boxing check weaponner, what made that champion different? was it his hand speed the fact he could take a shot, tis grace? he tell us. >> awful those thing. he moved. people didn't real he took a great shot. he fought a lot of tough guys that could hit. never knocked out. he was stopped by larry holmes. i was there that time in las vegas. but he took a great shot. he was a great, great all around champion. >> your feeling when you heard the news?
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i know you brought a butterfly into the studio, why, why of all things? >> 8:15 i was doing a radiointerview with somebody. and my wife come running in and said honey, honey, in my bathroom there is a big butterfly. and i swear to god on my children it is tea truth. i went this the bathroom, and i said that's muhammad ali reincarnated. float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. i brought the butterfly with me. i have it in a bag and put it in a plastic container. that's one of the memories that will go with me the rhett of my life. >> chuck webner, thank you for coming. now to the veteran sports caster. >> cassius clay is a name no more. >> muhammad ali, mohammad means worthy of all praise, and ali means most high. >> i think the heavyweight
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champion of the world was something that everybody aspired to and admired and held in lofty standard. then when he changed his name, it brought even more attention. >> sportscaster jim gray began his career by interviewing muhammad ali. jim also did ali's last television interview. the fighter and the sportscaster became close. and gray notes how ali's conversion to islam changed the public's view of the prize winner. >> he had taken that position, and now forced people to lock at him for what he was thinking outside of the ring, not just his sporting and athletic past. >> reporter: one thing on the his mine was vietnam and the draft. he refused to serve, claiming a religious exemption. >> mohammad believed very strongly his religion was a very peaceful religion. and i ain't got nothing against those vietcong. >> the number one greeting in my
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faith is peace. and that is islamalakam. >> he made a decision he wasn't going to fight in america's war against vietnam. >> reporter: refusing the draft was a decision that did not sit well with many, including authorities. ali was arrested and convicted for refusing to report for induction. he was stripped of his heavyweight title. >> he hated having his belt stripped. that's what he wanted to do. that's what he was best at. but he loved himself more and he loved his cause more. and he was true to himself. >> reporter: but the times started to turn. >> as time went on and the war became unpopular, ali's decision and ali's stance became known not by the hippie radicals but by the mainstream as being a
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strong stand against right from wrong, about having a moral equilli bream for standing up for what he believed and what he thought was best for him and transforming that into what he believed was best for our country. >> he did not fight from 1967 until 1970. then, in '71, the supreme court nonely overturned the conviction. >> he was vindicate booed at this supreme court. they took away the four best years, in his prime, of his fighting career. ♪ >> reporter: ali would go on to greater glory in the square circle. perhaps the greatest coming in his epic three-fight series with joe frazier. in the first, the 1971 title bout at madison square garden ali lost to frazier in a fight that took on almost mythical significance. >> this was the closest thing to death i had ever experienced.
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that what he would say. mentally he was distraught. and he had felt he had let himself down. and then everything else that went with that. >> ali took the next two fights from frazier, with it seeing the world at ripping side in the divided era who you cheered for in the ali/frazier fight said as much about your politics as your boxing fandom. >> a lot of people wanted frazier is to win. it was a very divisive time in our country, the '70s, and vietnam war, and coming to an end. and the loss of dr. king. there wasn't a great level of comfort with ali. >> ali eventually lost his prowess in the ring but with his controversies behind him he became a universally beloved figure. one of the highlights of his life came years later, when he lit the olympic torch in atlanta. >> in 1996, as a world icon, he
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lit the torch and held the flame for peace, harmony, and coexistence. >> reporter: jim gray thank you very much. coming up, ladies and gentlemen, saying good-bye, and good night to the champ. we'll be right back. this is your daughter. and she just got this. ooh boy. but, you've got hum. so you can set this. and if she drives like this, you can tell her to drive more like this. because you'll get this. you can even set boundaries for so if she should be here, but instead goes here, here, or here. you'll know. so don't worry, mom. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. put some smarts in your car. america's small business owners. and here's to the heroes behind the heroes, who use their expertise to keep those businesses covered.
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told you i was floating like a bul butter fly and stipging like a bee. e his hands can't hit what his eyes can't see. >> the champ's funeral is scheduled for next friday afternoon in his hometown of louisville, kentucky. from there, mike tobin joins us with specifics on the arrangements, part of which i understand are open to the public mike? what about it. >> reporter: they will, and you don't have to look any further than the flowers piling up here at the ali center to realize that people really do want to reach out and celebrate the extraordinary life of the greatest fighter of all time. so there will be a public event, a public memorial held at the reason is you called the kfc
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young center. then the funeral procession will come back here to the ali center for another public event. ultimately it will go up to cave hill cemetery for a private family bury yell. there will be tickets for this event. it's not clear how they will be distributed yet. they will be in demand. spec it theors will likely have better luck getting a view of the champ along the funeral procession. >> mike, what's the mood there in louisville? >> by and large, i think people are celebrating the life. there is some sadness, condolences, but people are celebrating an extraordinary life. >> what a life it was. he did so much for louisville. i'm sure you will be covering the funeral and other arrangements as they unfold. mike tobin thank you. coming up next, our friend
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justice jeanine pirro. her one on one interview with donald trump is featured for the entire hour. now, just from my heart of hearts i just want to say directly to him and his spirit, good night, champ. thank you. right now on "justice." >> jeanine, the country is a mess. >> one on one. do you think you have to dial it back? >> look, i have to be what i have to be. >> i sit down with the man who will be the gop nominee for president of the united states. his first interview inside his west coast home, to ask some tough questions. why did you refer to ethnicity? >> because his heritage is mexican. >> reporter: and to get some straight talk about the woman he is likely to take on in november. >> she is a major liar. i think people are fed up with the hillarys of the world. i think they are ped up with obama, who is one of the worst presidents ever. >> my exclusive interview with donald trump starts right now


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