tv Media Buzz FOX News June 6, 2016 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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sunday. nenenenenenenenenel. i'll see you tomorrow on morning with maria on fox business network. on the buzz beat this sunday, donald trump escalates his war with the press. using a news conference to slam journalists to their faces. >> the press should be ashamed of themselves. and instead of being like thank you very much, mr. trump, or, trump did a good job, everyone is saying who got it, who got it, who got it and you make me look very bad. i have never received such bad publicity for doing such a good job. >> and trump didn't stop there signaling out individual journalists like abc's tom llamas. >> i'm not looking for credit but what i don't want is when i raise millions of dollars have people say -- like this sleazy guy right over here from abc. he is a sleaze. >> why am i --
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>> you are a sleaze. >> but was trump objecting to legitimate journalistic questions about his donations to veterans and what about conservatives turning to an obscure national review writer for a third party bid. hillary clinton denounces trump as dangerously incoherent on foreign policy, how is the press handling her new offensive. katie couric expressing regrets for the deceptive editing in her gun documentary, but has the damage been done? plus the massing of muhammad ali who spent years fighting not just his opponents and a hostile press. i'm howard kurtz and this is "mediabuz "mediabuzz." there was something about the confrontation between donald trump and the media that boosted the tension toss a new level as the candidate announced $6 million in donations to veterans groups, donations that had been
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questioned by the press and he got some push back from those covering the dump tower event such as jim across is that and david marcosto of the daily ma i will. >> it seems you're resistant to scrutiny. >> i like scrutiny, but do you know what -- >> you're raising money for veterans -- >> excuse me. i've watched you on television, you are a real beauty. >> is this what it's going to be like covering you if you are president? >> yeah, it is. >> we're going to have this kind of confrontation in the press room? >> yeah, it is going to be like this, david. if the press writes false stories like they did with this -- >> many in the media defended their profession and said the republican nominee had gone too far. >> it is our job to ask questions, particularly of public figures, especially somebody who wants to be the leader of the free world. >> i do think what trump is complaining about the news media here targeting him on this, i don't think they're targeting donald trump, i think they're asking basic questions. >> we will get to the press conference next, but it was --
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it showed donald trump at his thin skinned worst. >> joining us now to analyze this battle between donald trump and the media, heidi przybyla, senior political correspondent for "usa today," gail trotter a contributor to the daily caller and hill and molly ball political reporter for the atlantic. heidi, trump has spent a year complaining about the dishonest media, do you see this as a significant escalation with his battles with the press? >> i did. just watching this as the reporter i see this as a turning point for donald trump and the media. on donald trump's behalf he has called us all of these things before, disgusting, dishonest, unfair, but that was before he even got through the first question. why were we unfair? in his words because you made me look back. i think the media was looking at this and saying we're fulfilling our most basic duty as journalists. you took a pledge, you made it in a public way and we couldn't get answers, we investigated and now you have a problem with that. >> more aggressive stance by the
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media? >> i think that the media will say, okay, it's time to do more than just point the camera and give free press, it's time to do more of that basic journalism and fact checking. >> gayle, does trump have a point that from his point of view he tried to do something good, raise money for veterans groups and got bad publicity. >> yes, no good deed those unpunish unpunished there is a ras newsen poll that showed 47% of likely voters think that the media is biased against trump and 23% of likely voters think that the media is biased against hillary clinton. we haven't seen the same type of media going after hillary clinton or covering the fact that she has had e-mail server, this home brewed e-mail server that she said was protected -- >> it has gotten a lot of coverage. >> we were all over the ag report. >> not to the same deal. donald trump has raised $5.6 million of donations for
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veterans groups and he's being punished for it. >> molly ball, journalists say the "washington post" t prodded trump because his own personal $1 million donation and other donations didn't go through until the paper published or was about to publish its story. where do you stand on this warfare or swirm i wish? >> this is a political tactic for trump attacking the media and has brought him success so far. republican primary voters have no love for the media and voters overall. people overall. the press is a very low rated institution in american society. i disagree with the idea that we haven't been aggressive about hillary and with her e-mails. but i would say, you know, at least trump is being a press conference to address these. how long has it been since hillary clinton had a press conference. what enabled this one-on-one combat between trump and the press is the fact that he is subjecting himself to questions, he is extraordinarily accessible to the press that he so loets. so there is a bit of a symbiotic love/hate relationship there. but he didn't have a leg to
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stand on in this thing. he hadn't even given out the money or begin his own money that he said he was giving until he got called on it. >> i know the media organizations that were following this were following this for several weeks and trying to get an answer and it was only when they couldn't get an answer that they decided to investigate. >> is there a circling of the way gallons here? we're covering a story about our profession. journalists are saying this is terrible for trump to be whacking on us and he needs to move on and pivot. statement our profession is so widely distrusted on the left and the right. >> i get it. we cover stories about 20-year-old phone calls or delving into his romantic history it kind of plays to that sense among his supporters that the media is unfairly picking on him. but in this case i think it is pretty building and white. like i said, it was a public pledge he took and he did it as part of his campaign and the anger that we're seeing both by trump and frankly by a lot of the people who love him and support him just makes me feel like is there an underlying
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problem in terms of just not understanding civics, basic civics and the role of the press in this country. >> molly, since trump specifically went after abc's tom llamas. his question, you said you raised $6 million, you did not. your critics say you exaggerate and have a problem with the truth. that may be an aggressive question but is it an unfair one? >> we should always be aggressive and be aggressive toward everybody. it's not the first time he singled somebody out. i've been to multiple trump rallies where he points at individuals in the press pen, calls them out by name, calls them ugly names and that's borderline provoking people against a reporter. i think part of the reason that people are so negative toward the press to heidi's point is that candidates on both sides love to attack the messenger when they don't have the facts on their side. >> let me try this, gayle, i think journalists secretly love these attacks, not that we like to be called names but it's a juicy story and a story that
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involves us and we are narcissists. if it had just been a defense of the veterans money, 24-hour story. instead a week later we are debating trump, the press, did he go too far? has he gone too far with others. what do you think? >> it's gotcha reporting and i think that the press loves it because it's this back and forth that creates a lot of excitement. as i've said repeatedly through donald trump's year long campaign he loves a need i can't firestorm. he is the opposite of a typical politician. he thrives on that. these types of back and forth resonate with millions of american voters who feel like the media bullies a lot of people and they finally have someone who is an effective response to the bullying of the media. >> briefly you said gotcha reporting. you don't see any legitimacy to the question of what happened to this money? >> no, absolutely not. and the hypocrisy of the press not going after hillary clinton for real national security life and death issues just really underscores -- >> which was the on the front page of every page after
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newspaper. i spent my whole summer reading every single one of her e-mails and writing about them as well. so i just -- i just strongly dispute that we are -- >> 30,000 e-mails that's impressive. >> quite a summer. >> we will talk about hig ri in the next segment. let me one on the screen cnn chi ron lower third banner while trump was speaking here. trump, i never said japan should be nukes [ he did ] that's an attempt at realtime fact checking. trump had said a couple times that maybe japan would be better off if they defended themselves against north korea with nuclear weapons not that he wanted it to have. that may be a fine distinction but it got lost in there. in that news conference we showed at the top donald trump was asked is this how you will treat the press as president? he said, yeah, that's exactly what i will do if i see stories
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that are unfair. does that raise the stakes a bit? >> i mean, clearly at least as far as the media is concerned the pivot is not coming. again, let me just -- for everything that i've said i think this is a smart strategy for his base to go after the media, those numbers, i think a lot of them come from republicans who believe that there really is a liberal media bias, but i also think that -- i'm trying to picture a year from now, he is in the oval office, we come in, we ask him some basic questions about his policies or we question a decision that he made and he calls us disgusting, dishonest and unfair and i just think at some point that's not going to be a novel fresh strategy anymore. >> let me put up on the screen a couple headlines, one from "the new york times," this has to do with the trump university case. "new york times," trump could threaten u.s. rule of law scholars say, not just another trump van deen debt at that. a lot of trump supporters say trump going after this judge who
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was born in indiana and whose parents are mexican was not a great thing. it was, in fact, troubling. does that justify the paper saying legal experts say -- time says trump shows contempt for the first amendment, separation of powers, electing mr. trump is a recipe for a constitutional crisis. >> we did didn't see any breathless reporting from "the new york times" when president obama decided to undermine federal law on actions between immigration, gun control, religious liberty. we have this head line saying that the declarations of donald trump are a threat to the rule of law but we don't see balanced coverage when president obama does similar things that threaten the rule of law. we had 25 smack downs of president obama by the supreme court, 9-0 decisions where they said that president obama had overstepped his bounds. we don't see that type of deal in reporting. >> in that times story way down in the piece it did mention obama's executive orders on immigration. mole gee. >> i think it's our job at
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journalist toss reflect the conversation that's happening, whether it's a conversation in ak deem why, if you recover legal scholars you write that story but try to make it a balanced story. the liberal media conspiracy wasn't writing these stories about mitt romney being a potential threat to the fabric of united states society. i think there is something about the trump campaign that's prompting these conversations. >> you can e-mail us "mediabuzz" hillary clinton ratcheting up her media strategy but still hasn't held a press conference this year. laura ingraham on the search for a third party candidate leading to an obscure national review writer.
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donald trump usually dominates the media coverage but hillary clinton changed that this week with a speech attacking trump's foreign policy. >> donald trump's ideas aren't just different, they are dangerously incoherent. they're not even really ideas, just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds and outright lies. >> it was an extraordinary moment today. hillary clinton warned that donald trump could lead america into nuclear war on a whim. >> tonight going nuclear, hillary clinton tears into donald trump like never before. >> as a performance, as a candidate you could argue that this was the single pest performance she's had as a candidate this cycle. >> let's talk about the media's reaction. liberals seem to me on tv said she devastated trump, anti-trump conservatives say she devastated trump, pro trump conservatives
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say it was a good speech but undermined by her own foreign policy record. >> it was reminiscent of when senator marco rubio went after donald trump and the media loved it, they were swooning, they loved that somebody was finally standing up to trump. when you read the coverage on the speech by hillary clinton they are certainly saying that she took it to him, but i don't think it's going to have the effect that these bastions of the press think that it will. i don't think hillary clinton is going to be able to out trump trump. >> we'll see. molly, what did you think about -- it was really the first time maybe in the whole campaign when she sort of took the fight to trump and seized the upper hand at least in terms of the media coverage. >> i think she's tried before, but hasn't been successful. she's flailed a lot in trying to find an effective tone and method and means of attacking him and i think by doing this sort of bait and switch where she said she was giving a foreign policy speech and it really wasn't a foreign policy speech, it was a speech about
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donald trump. a lot of the bed wetter democrats that i know who have felt that clinton's campaign was poorly equipped to go after trump in a one on one way they were breathing a sigh of relief because they did feel it was more effective. >> are you suggesting that her campaign was not 100% honest to the media about the speech. >> wait a second. i actually -- i actually got the information before the speech came because what they -- this was very calculated, yes, but they did make clear in those talking points that she was going to hit trump pretty hard. if you look at the leaked stories that came out both in the "washington post" and "new york times" this he did make clear that she was going to be going on offense after trump. >> that's what got everybody interested in it. trump can't stand "the new york times," remember the story on his conduct toward women. during the speech, while the speech is going on trump is on the phone to a "new york times" reporter panning the speech, terrible, pathetic, i'm the opposite of thin skinned. what do you make of that as a realtime tactic. >> it's the love/hate relationship that trump has with
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the media. he continues to be widely accessible and talk to people that he considers haters and losers even when he feels that he has been attacked by them. i think trump would like this to continue to be him versus the media. now that it's him versus hillary clinton in a general election it's a different dynamic and i think the way this seemed to put him off balance this week reflects that he's going to have to get used to that. >> hillary clinton clearly doesn't like to hold news conferences she hasn't held one in quite a while. this week on that day -- it was the day of the trump presser in new york she called into msnbc and cnn. that's a trump tactic, too. do you see her changing her approach to the media. >> she's trying to change her approach. "the washington post" said previously donald trump was addicting to the media and hillary clinton was allergic to the media. she's seeing how much success he has gotten from that approach and i think she's trying to adopt it as her own. >> with the california and new jersey primaries coming up bernie sanders told the press do not declare victory for hillary
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clinton even if she gets over that threshold on tuesday because i could flip super delegates. hard argument to make against journalists who do like math. >> this is another case where i think you've seen the press calling bs on something that a candidate is saying. there hasn't been a lot of belief given to sanders' argument. not coincidentally the only people that you meet covering politics who detest the press about as much as donald trump supporters are bernie sanders supporters because the facts have turned against them so they've turned against the bringers of the fact, the media. >> heidi, brief comment. if she has enough delegates we usually say it's over. >> that's why the campaign is being clear even if the media calls this for hillary clinton which i'm getting indications might even happen earlier than california it's possible that the campaign is very nervous about this because the next thing they need to do immediately is pivot to try to support those people who are so i think a ri over the process and media. >> tune in next week as we talk
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it's an undisputed fact that donald trump makes himself far more available to the media than hillary clinton, but when it comes to balance that doesn't let my profession off the hook. the former first lady gave a speech to a union group in las vegas last week. >> so when donald trump talks about deporting 11 million immigrants, he's talking about ripping apart families like carla's. >> here is how much live coverage that got on cnn. fox news and msnbc.
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>> during those same moments the three cable news networks had this up on the screen. >> that podium will host donald trump coming up here in a few minutes. >> we are just moments away now from donald trump speaking publicly, we will get to his press conference when it begins. >> we are awaiting that highly anticipated speech from trump at a petroleum conference in north dakota. >> that's right, they were talking about an empty podium in bismarck, north dakota, waiting for trump to speak. so a television banner about a donald trump presser was deemed better than an actual hillary speech. that moment noted by "the new york times" showed a clear tilt toward trump, an imbalance obviously driven by ratings. trump is constantly doing interviews with o'reilly and hannity and greta and "fox and friends," with morning joe, "today," "good morning, america," cnn's new day and the sunday shows. clinton not so much although that could be changing. in the past wean she called into
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shows on cnn and msnbc. she has done exactly one interview with fox during this campaign. and then there were press conferences, trump holds lots of them, hillary hasn't had a single one all year. stiffing reporters who fly around the country with her and get nothing in return. we have one candidate who detests the media but provides lots of access and one candidates who likes the press and provides select access. we have a tv business that gives trump a bigger platform because he is more entertaining even though he describes most of us as scum and sleazes. coming up bill chris toll's third party effort comes up with a journalist names david french. laura ingraham weighs in on that. later the former "new york times" ombudsman on taking the heat as an internal watchdog.
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to find someone, anyone to mount a conservative third party challenge this fall and he has come up with a writer for the national review, david french, an iraq war veteran. >> it would totally change the dynamic at that point because i know for a fact an awful lot of republicans are throwing in for donald trump right now because they feel like they have no other option. do you know what happens when it's in the house of representatives, there is other options. and republicans will take that. and that's the key of the mitt romney choice, you give all of these people another option. >> trump who has been taking wax at kristol started him again this week. >> kristol is the one -- he is the last one. don't forget, he said trump will never run. he is not a smart person. he said, donald trump will never run. remember? do you remember? i actually blame you. why do you put this guy in television? >> i talked about this and the campaign coverage with laura ingraham, the radio talk show host, fox news contributor and founder of the website life's net. >> laura ingraham, welcome. >> thank you.
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>> bill kristol has been asking one conservative politician after another to mount a third party challenge and the best they come up with is a national review writer named david french, a journalist. >> he is a decorated war veteran. >> i'm sure he is a terrific guy, never run for dog catcher. >> look, i cannot get into bill kristol's mind about this. it's clear to me that the party has basically coalesced behind trump, 87% of the party last time i checked. so if bill kristol thinks that somehow david french is going to deliver the electoral nirvana i guess let me go ahead and do that. i'm not sure what the end game s i don't think bill kristol thinks david french will be a nominee that will take on hillary clinton. the only result of this would be obviously to ensure that donald trump does not win if that could actually happen and hillary clinton becomes the commander in chief of the united states. so you have to conclude from that bill kristol is a lot more
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comfortable at least with hillary at the realm than donald trump. >> which i'm sure he would dispute. i'm sure he's acting on what he sees as principle. donald trump attacking him, talking about the failing weekly standard. is he now fair game for these kinds of political attacks? >> i wouldn't do it if i were trump. if i were trump i would focus all of my fire on hillary and there's a lot to focus on, not just her failure in foreign policy, the clinton foundation, the fact that the country is tired of these old political dynasties, they want to move forward with a new fresh approach to trade, immigration, tax reform. >> that's donald trump's style to punch back at the people that punch him. >> i get that but you've got a big target in the clintons. now that president obama is coming out and campaigning, he is a dee nominal campaigner. you have a lot to tackle here. so i think internally fighting with someone who is a republican but kind of for the purpose of running for a third party i just don't think that gets you anywhere. i think trump is best when he's going on the offensive as to
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what the obama/clinton legacy has been in foreign policy and domestic policy. i would literally laugh it off and say, you know, god bless bill kristol, good luck. probably not going to be what he does. that's how i would do it. >> the guy who runs the weekly standard recruiting someone from national review. >> you need to hop around all these conservative publications. >> does much of the conservative media appear to be disconnected from what at least many republican voters want? >> i don't know who they're representing. i don't know if there are a few big donors to these magazines that are keeping them afloat or benefacto benefactors. i have no idea. >> -- conservative opinion. >> what is conservative? is conservative unending wars in the middle east? open borders and unending trade deals that you can never change? if that's conservatism count me out and i think you can count out millions of americans. the thing we know is there was no audience or no following electorally for a neo conservative bush-like approach
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to either foreign policy or domestic policy. if that were popular marco rubio or jeb bush would be the nominee today. >> you are one of the few prominent conservative voices during the primaries who were not in this never trump and he won and got out the votes. >> i always thought two key issues would change the republican party and change its appeal to a wider range of voters. trade and immigration. trump was an unconventional vessel for those positions but nevertheless i think he saw a vacuum, he stepped into that vacuum and everyone counted him out but he had one thing that a lot of people didn't have, he had the people on his side. doesn't mean everybody but he had a lot of momentum and he had a bravado that i think is attractive in a kind of weenie-ish mass u clint we're seeing today. i think a lot of people like the fact that he is who he is, kind of rough around the edges but that's okay. >> he was certainly rough with the press, calling them sleazy and worse at the press conference this week. i've been saying attacking the
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media helps him but does this go too far? >> on the one hand i agree with what you're saying, at this point he is in general election mode you don't want to pick a fight with every two bit reporter from a media operation. i don't even know that abc guy, maybe he's good or not. i don't even know. his whole message to the american people should be follow me and i'm going to rebuild this country, we're going to do it together, your life is going to be better. do what reagan did, reagan would laugh them off with a smile and a wink and move on to the american people. reagan had the right approach on this. picking these fights or answering every criticism it might have served him well in the primaries but i think there's going to be so much incoming at him right now it's going to get a little heed yus right now. >> is there a risk for donald trump that he comes off as thin skinned against media scrutiny, the kind of scrutiny every candidate is going to get? >> i think he's a tough guy, he can take the criticism, i'd let it slide off the back. there is a risk at looking a
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little too touchy and sensitive. look at the stuff that people say about you and me on the internet. we would not each get up in the morning if i cared. i'm like ask me if i care. i don't care one bit what anyone says about me except maybe my family and close friends. he needs to take that point of view, do what's write or america. i also think he will be happier, he will have more fun if he mixes it up with the regular people and let's all this other stuff go by. >> thanks for stopping by. >> my pleasure. and on "mediabuzz" everyone is covering t the passing of muhammad ali. now being hailed adds the greatest when he was long valet if i had by the sports media. first, the lessons of katie couric's misleading gun documentary now that she has taken responsibility for the debacle.
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from purchasing a gun? >> i think because of how it -- the light that it casts on our members and our organization and gun owners in general that katie couric does indeed owe us an apology for what she did. it's the least she could do. >> couric now says the executive professor of under the gun i take responsibility for a decision that misrepresented an exchange i had with members of the virginia citizens defense league. i questioned her, theand the ed and was told that a beep was added for as she described it dramatic effect. i refret that those eight seconds were misleading and i did not raise my initial concerns more vigorously. joining us now is joe concha. what lesson can be gleaned from the way this gun rights group fought back against this group. >> very easy lesson. if you are a politician, an average joe, an activist group
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and you are being taped in a documentary kind of format or a pretaped for an interview that's going to air later and you know there's editing that's going to edit afterwards, very simple, you have a phone, the phone has a free recording app on it, no one suspects you when you walk into a room with a foin or in your pocket, record that interview, get the raw audio so this way it doesn't become a he said/she said situation and you could actually have proof to show that you're being misrepresented in a post edit as was the case here. >> i'm glad katie couric eventually took responsibility for this editing that can't be defend defended. the fact she took several days to do so does that damage her credibility? >> i think it did and i disagree with you in that her apology did not go far enough. she should have asked the director to take that scene out if she could, it's not hard to do, or at least say this is not how this went down and i don't stand behind this film anymore. to apologize five days after the
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fact because she was caught red handed, that's where i said maybe she didn't go far enough. i don't want to turn this into a katie couric bark session, i said she was one of my top four crushes growing up, you know, she was an icon. co-hosted the "today" show. all those years in the '90s, won a merle award in 2008, 2009, this is a high ranking person that has had little controversy in her career. for them not to cover this is quite frankly a complete mystery because this was a big story, it had tangible proof and they missed it, they missed it badly. >> is liberal bias a factor here? i agree with you that scene should have been deleted but this didn't touch it, it was gun rights activists made to look bad in this deceptive editing. >> if gun rights activists were involved here i'm betting this probably would have gotten coverage and if katie couric wasn't involved it probably would have as well. she worked at all those
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networks. she's journalism royalty in that she's almost a celebrity. for them to omit it, again, it's a complete mystery to me. >> let me jump in, i want to talk later about the death of muhammad ali. let me read you something he said before one of his big fights. sonny liston is nothing, the man can't talk, the man can't fight, the man needs talking lessons and boxing lessons. anyone that reminds you of? >> yeah, a little bit of donald trump. i want to make this clear in terms of the comparison. both knew how to dominate media coverage through bombast. the press loves that. both were polarizing figures. after ali retired he became sympathetic, at the time he was polarizing and very personal ali just like trump in attacking his opponents. you could have asked joe frazier calling him an uncle tom and gorilla. ali knew how to get the press's attention and in the 20th century your top five speakers of all time, churchill, reagan, martin luther king and muhammad
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we can do that. only bravecto kills fleas & ticks for up to 12 weeks with one tasty chew. starts killing fleas in two hours and kills nearly 100% in under twelve. and it's fda approved. bravecto is for dogs 6 months of age or older. don't worry, princess, we'll settle the score. tonight we ride, with bravecto!! ask your vet about 12-week protection with bravecto. the press has been unloading on the silicon valley billionaire who secretly financed hulk hogan's lawsuit against gawker for posting the sex tape. peter teal who was angry at the gossip for outing him as a gay man. margaret sullivan "the washington post" media columnist writes when a vindictive billionaire can muscle his way into a lawsuit there's reason to worry. margaret sullivan who stepped down as "the new york times" october buds man joins me now. why is peter teal a threat to
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the press if a jury was convinced that posting this sex tape was mean spirited journalism and invasion of privacy. >> i don't like what gawker did with the sex tape and as an editor for a long time i would not have published it and i don't like it, but there are free speech issues that override that. you know, the owner of the paper i just went to work for, jeff bezos, said this past week that it's not beautiful speech that needs to be protected it's ugly speech and i think those issues enter into this very much. >> bezos has taken his share of knocks as the owner of amazon as well. >> absolutely. >> how is what teal did different than a lawyer providing pro bone know services or the aclu providing legal services to a defendant deemed to have a worthy cause. >> he has gone on a campaign against gawker it's not that he's supporting a lawsuit but he has gotten behind a number of suits with the intention, it
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seems, of putting gawker out of business. >> it's a crew said in your view. >> exactly. >> that makes me nervous, it's scary when a zl nare can target a despised media zillionaire can target someone and push them into bankruptcy, but aren't liable laws -- a way to defend their reputations against bad journalism? >> and a jury made the determination here. the amount of astronomical. at $40 million, it is very unexpected. but the idea that someone is pushing this and in the background is also funding lots of other suits with the intention of getting rid of a media organization, whether you like the offerings of that media organization or not is scary to
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me. >> but what can be done, people have the money and they choose to finance the lawsuits, there is nothing to stop them. >> yeah, but peter teal is on the board of facebook, and they declined removing him from the board, and facebook is really trying to seem transparent and be a fine media organization. they could have done something here. >> before you go, you just finished your tour as public editor of the new york times. you said many times journalists find it hard to admit they were wrong. how hard was that to deal with it as an in-house watchdog? >> it's a attention in the job, it's not a lot of fun to be in a news room where you respect everyone, but you're there to point out errors and suggest remedies. >> i have had that in my career when you call, people tense up a
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little bit. >> there was backlash? >> sometimes, for the most part people were colleaguel. >> and you wrote about "new york times" exceptionalism. it is news when we say it's news. where does that manhattan media mind-set come from? >> they're very powerful. they have a few very prestigious newsroom and i think it is baked into the dna of the times that when we say it is time to write this, we will write it and until then you can cool your jets. >> we live in a multimedia world now, and you can't necessarily wait until two weeks later. >> hope you will come back. >> thank you very much. >> still to come, your top
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nobody was buying the state department's exchange was deleted from their youtube channel. it included james rosen asking why he was mislead about the start of secret negotiations with iran. >> is it normal practice to lie to achieve that goal. >> there are times diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress. >> now they acknowledge that some department official made a phone call for the precise
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purpose of deleting that part of the briefing. >> we took it seriously. we talked to the technician on staff. i said this is not the way we're going to behave, but curby says he doesn't have the resources to investigate who made that move. >> they have the right to know the truth, we have a right to know who lied to us and why. >> what he said. the liberal website vox doesn't like donald trump, but this is online the pail. if trump comes to your town, start a riot. he is a journalist and he can't condone such words and he was suspended. time for top tweets.
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what about donald trump ripping the media as sleazy. the vast majority will try to distr distroy him with smears. it was too long to be legitimate. >> projection, they caught him in his own sleaze so he had to go on the offensive. >> media last all credible. the more you hate on him, the more we love him. finally. >> i sat back there and listened to every word you said. every time you open your mouth you should be arrested for air pollution. >> muhammad ali was the first to truly exploit the media.
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but also for his political views. he refused to be drafted in 1966, that i don't have nothing against vietnam. ali lost 3 1/2 years of his career until he won the appeal in the supreme court. it was his media mastery that make his come back better than ever. really an original oranamerica. intertwined and that is it for this edition of media buzz. we hope you like our facebook page. we will post a lot of original content there. write to us at media buzz at fox
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news we're back here next sunday at we'll start with a fox urgent. polls closed a couple hours ago local time where democrats were voting in puerto rico. a fairly slow count. hillary clinton, bernie sanders. we'll cover the breaking results this hour. and this is it. the march toward the final nominating contest. six states vote less than 48 hours from now, and bernie sanders is making a big play for the biggest prize of them all, california. i'm harris faulkner. this is "the fox report." the long primary between hillary clinton and bernie sanders has come down to this. both candidates have spent a lot of time in california. 475 delegates at stake
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