tv FOX Friends FOX News June 6, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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watch as the precocious monkey distract owners and ran off with $200. on that note, "fox & friends" starts now. >> have a great day. ♪ ♪ good morning to you and to your family. it's monday, brian. did i scare you? i think i scared brian. it's june 6th. i'm ainsley earhardt. donald trump taking from all sides this morning for attacking the judge in his trump university case. >> this is one of the worst mistakes trump has made and i think it's inexcusable. first of all, this judge was born in indiana. he is an american, period. >> what do you think? does trump have a point? we report, you decide. bill clinton goes toe-to-toe with a bernie sanders heckler. >> if i were him, i would be
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screaming too, if you figured it out, they are toast for election day. >> what if bernie sanders wins california, then who is toast? >> maybe he can hear you, steve and no mistakes, this time. we have a new miss usa and she's in the army. >> district of columbia! >> wow. plus wait until you hear what she had to say about women in the military. please get dressed, everyone, because your mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ you know, nothing says monday in the summer like checking tread depth and that's exactly what we're doing. we're kicking off a week long series on how to hit the roads in your vehicle and today we're going to tell you all about
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tires. >> if you were on the road this weekend, you know it's summertime. traffic galore! my goodness, it takes double the time to get anywhere nowadays. summer is here. >> welcome back. >> thank you very much. >> steve, look in the prompter and tell me what's wrong. >> well, it says brain where somebody has not written brian and having known brian for coming up on 20 years, i know that this causes a real problem and brian, they have just fixed it. >> they just fixed it. >> that's why i named my son with "y" for just that reason. we have a lot going on. donald trump taking some serious heat for comments he made about a judge providing over -- presiding over his trump university lawsuit. >> he's insisting he's not getting a fair trial and doubling down. >> john roberts joins us live with the latest. >> i know misspelling bothers
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brian but he is one of the smartest people i know. >> donald trump is doubling down on his comments over the judge overseeing his trump university lawsuits. the judge was born in indiana to mexican parents. he's given him a lot of bad rulings so far on this case. here's what trump says. >> i've had horrible rulings, treated very unfairly. this judge of mexican heritage. i'm building a wall. i'm building a wall. he's a member of a club or society very strongly pro mexican which is all fine. i say he's got bias. >> the lawyers of san diego, some people suggesting it's associated with the announce -- national council of laraz.
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there might be a case to make because it's a democratic leaning society, it might be biased against donald trump. he's getting a lot of criticism for people who are supporter him. >> this is one of the worst mistakes trump has made. i think it's inexcusable. >> to try to disqualify someone based only on that is inappropriate. it's perfectly legitimate. to question whether or not donald trump can receive a fair trial in this case, i think it's perfectly legitimate. >> he says it's perfectly legitimate to ask whether donald trump can get a fair trial in this case because of the political affiliations. not the ethnic heritage. if you are a democratic judge, do you support hillary clinton for president or bernie sanders for president? if you are a member of an
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organization that supports democrats, will you give a fair trial to a republican presidential candidate, but donald trump going a little further yesterday saying he might not be able to get a fair hearing from a muslim judge as well. a lot of controversy. >> i've got a question for you. one of the things that got him all keyed up on this was when the judge in this case unsealed all these documents and then tried to take some of them back. >> exactly. why did he -- it sounds like the trial isn't going to happen until after the election so why would he just splay it all out there. >> there were a lot of requests for it and a lot of times judges want to abide by freedom of information act requests. the fact he put them all out there and tried to pull some of them back could cause a lot of question as to what the initial motivation was of the judge in this case. >> republicans are asking why are so many establishment republicans saying this publicly, going out against donald trump. why not pull him behind closed doors and say hey you shouldn't say this. many are saying it makes the
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party look like they are not unit nighted. >> you are talking about a lot of republicans. >> bob corker. >> they have races they want to win. they want to maintain control of the senate. >> politics are involved here? >> it's well-known in trump circles that not many people have trump's ear to the point where they can say, you know what, you might want to rethink what you are saying. >> true, you've been all over from day one. you've been coming and doing an incredible job. >> we watch the ebb and flow of all this and he may have given himself more trouble than he wants. this is a weekend, zad for the american economy, he could have been emphasizing the 38,000 jobs which is terrible for the american economy. he's known as someone who could fix the economy on the majority of the polls. gingrich, corker and mcconnell
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can't condone him. paul ryan says he can't do it. >> observe it at least from the way he traveling so much, he gets fixated on these thingsre off message. the one thing you don't want to do in a presidential campaign is get off message. a lot of people trust him on the economy. look at the quinnipiac poll last week. why is he fixated on this particular thing? it's because he doesn't like to lose and if he's worried that he might lose in a case like this, even if it's after the election, he wants to do everything he can to create a narrative that he's not going to lose this and these are the reasons why and which is also why he came out last week and said he will reopen trump university should he win this case. >> the loser thing could explain why he has said on this program -- >> you can ask him all these
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things yourself. asked him he's talking about trump university instead of talking about the economy. >> he could have settled it a long time ago but he wanted to make sure that he won. >> meanwhile, let's go over to the other side. let's talk a little bit about what's going on with bernie sanders and hillary clinton. it looks like hillary could lose california but win the whole shebang. yesterday, bernie sanders went after finally the clinton global initiative which donald trump has said, look, that was a scam. now bernie is on board with that. listen. >> do i have a problem when a sitting secretary of state and a foundation run by her husband collects many millions of dollars from foreign governments, governments which are dictatorship? do i have a problem with that? yeah, i do. >> where was this bernie two months ago? >> a lot of people said bernie is getting momentum at exactly
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the wrong moment. he should have memo umt like -- momentum like this in january and february and march. he's going to try to sway people at the convention, if he can win california. he's got 46 or 48 super delegates. she's got 500. >> if she can hold on, she only needs 28 more. >> puerto rico yesterday. >> two delegates don't play a role in convention. he said no one will have enough regular delegates to go over the threshold. therefore, he's not going anywhere until the convention and bill clinton responded -- >> we heard ted cruz said the same thing a while ago. bernie may have an insurmountable hill to climb in this. >> here's bill clinton responding to hecklers. >> yop to -- i don't want to
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pick a fight, but they are toast for election day. the other thing that bothers me about this they says everybody that disagrees with them is part of some nefarious establishment. it's a pretty big establishment. it includes the united farm workers because she voted for immigration reform when he didn't. >> bill is out there campaigning for -- someone asked him in the crowd, is there going to be a contested convention? he said i don't know. we're going to see who wins based on votes. >> that was jennifer griffin. >> yes. our jennifer griffin. if anything is going to propel bernie sanders to a contested convention, it's bill clinton saying they are toast. they are not going to like that. >> that's just going to energize it. >> ladies and gentlemen, the great john roberts. keep in mind, you can see him
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from here up. >> you deserve it. >> thank you, john. great job. brain, who is coming up next? >> by power invested in me. heather. >> hopefully everyone had a great weekend. we begin with news making headlines for you this morning. a sea of fans flooding the streets of new york city causing chaos during a kanye west pop-up show. the artist announcing a surprise performance on twitter at a small new york city concert venue that only holds 1,500 but thousands more showed up. fans climbing on top of cars, it dumpsters, scaffolding, hanging out windows. police shutting down the show because of the chaotic scene. west hinted that the show would take place. he hinted about that on social media after his governor's ball festival performance was
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canceled because of bad weather. the parents of that toddler who fell into a gorilla exhibit could be criminally charged today. >> oh, my god! >> prosecutors will announce whether they will pursue punishment after -- they will announce it this afternoon. the boy's mother said she was distracted when the boy climbed over a fence into the gorilla habitat. police in south carolina now treating the area where a sky diver fell to his death as a crime scene. still unclear why but they say his parachute never deployed. he fell 15,000 feet after slamming into a fellow experienced diver when the two attempted a dangerous and tricky stunt. the other jumper landing with a broken leg. he leaves behind a girlfriend and a three-year-old daughter. and from the military to miss usa.
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washington, d.c. shoshana barber making history as the first active military member being crowned usa. >> i think it was an amazing job by our government to allow women to integrate into every branch of the military. we are just as tough as men. as a commander, as a commander of my unit, i'm powerful. i am dedicated, and it is important that we recognize that gender does not limit us in the united states army. [ applause ] >> the 26-year-old is an army logistics commander and an i.t. analyst for the u.s. department of commerce. her mother, father, brother, and sister have also served in the army. she will now go on to compete in the miss universe contest. those are your headlines. i believe that you all have some more? >> we were just going to say
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she's fantastic. congratulations. >> thank you so much. >> unbelievable. coming up on this monday, a school calls the cops on a 7-year-old over his bible. was it fair? you got to hear this one to believe it. what we just learned about bernie sanders supporters, that stuart varney is stunning. >> i like stuart varney. >> he's stunning. when they thought they should westart saving for retirement.le then we asked some older people
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the majority of donors backing bernie sanders have one thing in common. they don't work. >> that's right. a lot of them don't. one out of every $4 donated to bernie sanders's campaign comes from somebody who is for one reason or another outside the workforce. >> stuart varney, host of varney & company says this is a big deal for donald trump. he joins us now to explain why. >> look, first of all, it is an enormous proportion of bernie sanders donors, it's like 28% of all his money comes from people outside the economy. those are people who are unemployed, on disability, retired. >> students? >> they are outside people. now, if bernie sanders is not the candidate, i don't think he's going to be the candidate, who do those voters go for? who do bernie sanders supporters go for? >> you think they will go for trump? >> i don't think they will go for hillary clinton. she's the consummate insider.
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she's part of the establishment which has been railing against bernie. i think there's a good shot of a chunk of bernie sanders who -- supporters who will go for donald trump. he too is the outside guy and he's the guy who has got a plan to grow the economy and create some jobs. >> if that true, a huge proportion of democrats and independents wind up supporting donald trump, you can see that happening but at the same time how many republicans can you see actually supporting hillary? >> whether they balance each other out or not, i don't know. i'm simply say if you look at that donor class that's giving to bernie sanders, they are likely to jump ship for donald trump as opposed to hillary clinton. i don't know the numbers. i don't know the proportion, but i think i can make a good case that those bernie supporters who are outsiders want to go for the other outsider. >> the idea i can snap my fingers and millions of supporters march in line, that's not what our efforts are all about. i'm going to be the nominee. if that doesn't happen, we'll see. he doesn't even think he can get
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his supporters to -- >> he's a true believer. he's a socialist crusader. >> let's see who his donors are. almost 30% are not working at all. 7.4% health care number one issue and education. >> so on down the line. the vast bulk of bernie donors are people outside the economy. remember, the unemployed might be on disability, students, retirees but they are outside. >> what's interesting about that is -- >> $27 on average. >> almost 30% of his supporters don't work, so where do they have the money to give to his campaign? s that's how important his campaign is to them. >> many of them may be retirees or people retired early. >> still on a fixed income. >> their average donation is $27. >> stuart, we're going to be watching you over on your channel in a couple hours. >> my channel?
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confess to the murders. ron schiff who has known simpson for decades. he's tormented by nicole brown and ron goldman. he's serving time in nevada for armed robbery. he's up for parole next year. if there's going to be a confession, it would be after 2017. firefighters in coventry,rhe the flag from their fire trucks. why? he says like isis in syria going to take over a city. i don't think they need that big flag on the back of a truck. that's not america to me. those are a bunch of terrorists. the official has since apologized and firefighters have permission to fly the flag. that's not stopped all the
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backlash as you can imagine. let's bring in union president david gorman. what was your reaction to all of this? >> at first, were his comments real? did he just say that? now, it's become just so overwhelming throughout the country, the support that we had, and, you know, calling a firefighter a terrorist, first responders or trying to liken us to people that slaughter, behead, we couldn't believe that. >> the guy is named fred grilinski. here's his apology. during a heated moment, i made remarks regarding members of our staff that were clearly a poor choice of words. david, the question here when i read that apology, why did he originally say that the american
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flag was not america to him? it doesn't get more american than that, right? >> no, absolutely not. the american flag is a symbol of everything brave men and women have fought for for years, since the beginning of the country. >> is that satisfactory to you, that apology? >> no, because if you continue reading the apology, the apology was not directed to the firefighters or the staff. the apology was directed at i'm sorry if i offended someone for saying to remove the flag. there was never a direct apology to the staff or the firefighters for calling us terrorists. >> you know the very person who is calling you a terrorist, what would you do if he needs your help one day? >> you know, we still what we do. as first responders when that bell hits or that alarm goes out, we continue to respond. we provide whatever assistance is needed to whoever or whomever it might be, including the
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chairman. >> david, why is the american flag, why would the american flag be offensive to anyone living in this country? >> could you repeat that? i couldn't hear you. >> why would the american flag, what represents what this country stands for, why would it be offensive to anyone? >> you know, i don't know why it would ever be offensive to anyone. i think the comments were made particularly that evening to degrade and belittle the firefighters in front of the community at that meeting, in front of the handful of supporters who were present at that meeting, really just to poke at us, because we've been entrenched in a battle, but to try to get a rise out of the firefighters in the community, and really have the community turn their backs, but i think that's what's happening now is the community and the nation are really turning their backs on
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mr. gralinski and his comments. it was inappropriate comments at all and the poor choice of words statement, that's just something that we've -- we continue to hear those type of comments. our firefighters in the community are used to those comments from mr. gralinski. that's not the first time. similar, inciteful comments have been made. >> by you going to his rescue if he needed help, that says it all. we appreciate all the work you do and for being a great american. >> thank you. >> you are welcome. coming up, so much for civility. anti trump protesters burn down his signs, but the sign owners response is priceless. watch your words at work. you can no longer say hey you guys because it's offensive. happy birthday to actor paul
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amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing now to your extreme weather, the east coast is on high alert this morning, from florida to south carolina. millions of americans are bracing for as much as 8 inches of rain and even tornadoes when tropical storm colin makes landfall today in the sunshine state. >> picking up steam in the gulf of mexico, bringing severe thunderstorms to the northeastern portion to the yucatan peninsula and most of the western coast is under a tropical storm watch as well. >> what's going to happen, maria? it's going to take a turn and go
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across florida again? >> yeah. it's going to be hitting northern florida. we're talking colin, that's the third-named storm already and we're a couple of days in the atlantic hurricane season. starting off very active already and the storm is forecast to kind of intensify here over the next 24 hours or so as it eventually makes landfall late tonight across northern florida. overall, the organization with it is a little messy. we're keeping an eye on that. a lot of moisture with this storm and the problem is going to be flooding and possibility of severe weather that you mentioned. taking a closer look you can see the storm now has maximum sustained winds at 50 miles per hour with stronger gusts. a very fast-moving storm system by tuesday afternoon it could be just east of the carolinas and it will bring rain anywhere from florida to georgia into the carolinas. look at the forecast, potentially 8 inches of rain and locally even higher amounts. heads up across parts of georgia, northern florida. you are under the gun for
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potential flash flooding and even a tornado potential. that's a look at the potential for tornadoes, including the city of jacksonville, through the day today and also into tonight. back inside. that's part of the reason that the governor was supposed to meet with donald trump yesterday. he said i got to go back. >> can't do it. >> we'll see what's happening in florida the next 24 hours. 25 minutes before the top of hour. the greatest is now home. muhammad ali's casket is in his hometown. >> lauren green is live outside of his museum in louisville. good morning, lauren. >> good morning, guys. thank you so much. all week long people have been gathering here at the muhammad ali center here in louisville, kentucky, to just be a part of history. to collectively mourn and celebrate the man known simple as "the greatest."
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his casket carrying his body arrived here to louisville from arizona for his final journey home. the town where he grew up celebrates him as a native son as well as a citizen of the world. at his childhood home, fans and we will wishers waited for tours at the tiny pink house where ali was known as cassius clay. his younger brother shared with us what he wants others to know about his big brother. >> i want the world to know that muhammad ali to me was the most generous, loving, kind person, the whole world. he hated nobody. he's a great champion. had conviction. had love. i'll see him in heaven and i'll see him in heaven and my parents will be in heaven. all good people will be in
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heaven. >> his funeral will be on friday. preseeing that will be a procession. back to you guys. lauren green live outside the muhammad ali center in louisville, kentucky. >> the story about all his organs had failed but his heart kept beating for 30 more minutes. that's amazing. 23 minutes before the top of the hour. time for news with heather we begin with isis and they are now ruthlessly hunting down their own, apparently. there's a panicked hunt for spies within the group after the killing of one of its top commanders. they have already slaughtered dozens of their own suspected of acting as moles. others have disappeared into prison and more have runaway scared that they could be next. isis has laid out several bodies of suspected spies in public to warn others. a trump supporter isn't
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backing down after vandals destroy a huge campaign sign. this is all that is left of a trump billboard on private party in washington state. someone threw gasoline on it and set it on fire. the man who built the sign will replis it and said the next one just got ten feet taller. that man ripping off donald trump's reaction after the former president of mexico said they wouldn't help pay for the border wall. >> it just got ten feet taller, believe me. >> and some other headlines for you. a school sparring on line outrage for calling police for a 7-year-old handing out bible versus to classmates. an officer reportedly showed up at the boy's home telling him to stop because someone might be offended. that family is threatening legal action, saying that it violates
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the boy's first amendment. hey guys, be careful not to say that anymore the. an australian man is calling foul on using the word guys to describe a group of people. >> when it comes to words at work, we've all got to walk the talk. >> well, the diversity council australia says getting rid of the word in a working environment will help create more diverse thinking and help people become more productive and effective. and those are a look at your headlines. ainsley, what about a hey y' all? >> i prefer guys. i'm sticking with it. >> that's because you are a guy. heather, thank you very much. >> thanks, heather. interesting camera shot. >> guys is kind of unisex, when you say hello ladies. >> that's why you stick with y-all. it always works.
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it's the annual fox fan weekend. >> do you want to step into the fox light and find out with senior vice president of marketing michael tamara? what are you talking about this fox fan day. >> it's taken off, 11 years and running now and this year it's going to take place, starts off on friday, june 24th with a concert right out here, followed by a taping "the five" that afternoon right outside here in the plaza and on the 25th and 26th, we take it up to the bronx where the yankees are going against the minnesota twins and first pitch is at 1:00. >> for the last 11 years there have been people who have gotten the tickets absolutely free, they plan their whole summer around it. so how do they wind up with a pair of tickets? >> starting today, they should email us at fox fan weekend at fox spell it out. up until june 15th and let us
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know if you'll be attending the concert and the taping of "the five" and/or saturday or sunday up at yankee stadium. >> is it true the yankees have allowed one of our fans to pitch the first inning? >> no, it's not true. >> that's not true? >> no. >> they can use the help, brian. >> you do such a great job with that. you at home get a chance to meet everyone at fox and we get to thank you in person for watching and keeping us all employed. >> that's great. >> we also have chicken fingers. >> once again the email address is. >> fox fan week at fox coming up on this monday, the video is insane. cars flying out -- look at that -- a building? raining down and on the streets below. this is not what it seems. are traditional values important in your household? up next, how to strengthen your
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family in 30 days in 30 ways, next. ♪ ♪ think yotry nexium 24hr.'s best for your heartburn? now the #1 choice of doctors & pharmacists... for their own frequent heartburn. get complete protection with nexium 24 hour. with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life.
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what aremaking a cake!ht now? ayla reminds me of like a master chef and emiana reminds me of like a monster chef. uh oh. i don't see cake, i just see mess. it's like awful. it feels like i am not actually cleaning it up what's that make mommy do? (doorbell) what's that? swiffer wetjet. so much stuff coming up. this is amazing woah. wow. now i feel more like making a mess is part of growing up. stop cleaning. start swiffering.
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welcome back, everybody. quick headlines and then something really special. imagine looking out your window and seeing this. and hearing the screams. four cars plunge out of a garage, crashing and bursting into flames in cleveland. if that scene looks like a scene from a movie, that's because it is a scene from a movie. crews were shooting the latest fast and furious movie called "fast 8." a florida-based company is looking to pave the way for space tourism by becoming the first commercial venture to launch a mission beyondering's
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orbit. moon express is collaborating with nasa. 95% of american moms say it's no easy task to instill positive values in kids these days so how do we preserve our family values? >> author rebecca hagueland is here. she's recently released a new book. it's called "30 ways, 30 days to strengthen your family." >> at least people are going to read it for a month. >> i hope so and i hope they will keep it as a handbook on their shelf for the rest of your parenthood because there is a chapter in there that will be helpful to you no matter where you are in your parenthood. specific ho -- how-tos. >> what can we expect?
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is it a task every single day of the month? >> no. the idea is to give 30 things that you can start incorporating into your mind. you want to take and do it one a day and build upon layer upon layer of reinforcing those things that you are doing, that's really the premise of the book. >> we've got some of of your steps to a stronger family. one of them is to kick your inner demons back to hell where they belong. what are you talking? >> yes. bam, kick out regret, bam, kick out guilt, bam kick out fear. there's this awesome verse that says god hasn't given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind and there are so many moms that are living with fear and regret that they lose the joy of the day because they are living in the past. and so all through the book it encourages you to let go of those things that are robbing you and your family of the joy of today, and replace them with
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good things, visions of lovelyness, visions of what you want your family to come. >> you say to write love letters to your children. >> yes. this is very important. there are many times in our lives where we feel like oh, my gosh i haven't said anything or done anything meaningful to my children. >> pick up your toys. you are late for school. >> you go through this list. the love letter to your child is something in your own handwriting, something where you declare your unconditional, undying love for them. where you paint a vision of a bright future for them. it's a great way to even say, hey, i'm sorry, and i want to start a new day, and that will be a treasure for your child. >> that's nice. that's important because it seems like every day is a battle sometimes and in fact you've got to commit to the daily battle. >> that's exactly right. it's every day waking up purposely in your heart. dear lord please help me on this
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day to uphold the standards you've set for my family. to make sure i touch my child's soul in a loving way. to make sure that i'm their mom and not their best friend and to create that home that's inviting, warm, and fun. my daughter wrote this book with me. she gave a reflection at the end of each chapter as a reality check about my tip in the chapter. here's one thing she said i would love to share. a true home is where walls come down and souls come out because there is true love there and that makes it safe. when you create an atmosphere that is inviting, warm, and fun, then kids, teenagers, and adults will come and they will be blessed. >> good job raising that kid, mom. >> her new book is called "30 ways in 30 days to strengthen your family." >> what a beautiful book. congratulations on your success. coming up on this show, the
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outrage surrounding donald trump's comments about the race of a federal judge growing this morning. he's not backing down. in fact, he's doubling down. he joins us live to respond next hour to that question and so many more. this morning, we're helping you hit the road this summer and stay safe. we have the checklist of things you need to do before you leave the house. number one, get a car. make it blue. number two, you have to wait for the segment. ♪ ♪ will california be feeling the bern? the golden state is make or break for sanders and with the candidate locked in a dead heat with hillary? join me, bernie's last stand or not? . the real story at 2:00. many sleep-aids have pain medicine
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experts predicting low gas prices all summer, actually for the rest of the year. that means many of you will decide to have summer road trips. so what are the best ways to prepare for your long car journeys? over 6 million people in the country will travel over 400 miles. we're kicking off this summer series, summer trip series, to keep your tires running smoothly so you don't end up on the side of the road. jennifer, thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> the first thing is tread on the tires. >> there are three key things you need to do to make sure your tires are taken care of. that's important because that's the only thing between your car and the road. michelin recommends three stems
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to ta -- steps to take care of your tires. >> this is worn, not. >> correct. all you need is a simple penny to do the penny test. you want to make sure and put lincoln's head down in the deepest part of the groove and see if you can see the top of his head. if you can see the top of his head like you can here with the worn tire, you know that it's time to get your tires inspected and potential rell plaly replac. g >> and this looks brand new. >> yes. visually inspect your tire also, make sure there's no cracks or dents as well. >> tire pressure. the way i know i need more tire pressure is if it squeaks when i make a turn. >> you should probably do a little more than that. >> i know that, but i'm not a tire expert like you. >> the door will tell you the tire pressure for your particular car. every car is different, every application is different.
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in this case the proper psi is 32 for this particular car. >> we cheated, we did this before the show. we found out 32. you put it on this. >> here you can see we're a little bit overinflated, so in this case we would want to let a little pressure out of the tire. >> so the last thing you want to do is rotate the tires. when? >> rotate the tires on a regular basis between 6 and 8,000 miles and make sure you're doing that essentially at the same time you do your oil pressure checks. >> a lot of cars are not putting in spare to see make it lighter. >> that's right. check your spare, too. michelin has a glove box guide that you can download to help train your new drivers so they know the basics. >> tomorrow we're going to bring you the hottest acts to keep your summer road trips safe and
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smart. coming up straight ahead, a guy named donald trump. he's firing back against his critics saying he should not be targeting a federal judge who is targeting trump university. will he double down or back off? we'll find out and ask him other questions when we come back on "fox & friends." good job, jen. stronger or longer what pain? advil. [phone buzzing] some things are simply impossible to ignore. the strikingly designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. the suv that dares to go beyond utility. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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for incredible protection that's surprisingly thin. so i know i'm wearing it, but no one else will. always discreet for bladder leaks good morning, it is monday. it's june 6. i'm ainsley earhardt. we begin with a fox news alert. a string of terror attacks planned for a major sporting event stopped in its tracks this morning. the accused plotter sparking a massive travel warning for american tourists. you'll want to hear this. breaking details straight ahead. meanwhile, donald trump taking it from all sides this morning for attacking the judge in the trump university case. >> this is one of the worst mistakes trump has made. i think it's inexcusable. first of all, this judge was born in indiana. he is an american, period.
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>> we're going to talk to donald trump with reaction to newt and much more coming up in about 30 seconds. wow, a marine veteran fired for doing what he thought was his duty. >> all y'all out there fighting for this country and that's what they think about y'all. that's a beauty. that flag should be waving. happy memorial day, y'all. >> that marine is here with a message to his boss. i want to remind you it's monday and your mornings remain better with friends. welcome, everybody. >> welcome back, steve. >> good to be back. joining us right now from somewhere in his empire is donald trump. he wants to be our president coming up with the big election in november. good morning, mr. trump. >> good morning. >> a lot of headlines over the weekend regarding your comments about the judge in the trump university case. one thing about it is you cou t
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said, before, but you decided to take it forward. why is that again? some people are just kind of catching up to the whole thing. >> well, because i have thousands of students who have taken these courses who have given us rave reviews, written, in writing, and some on tape. thousands and thousands. and they'll testify, and we'll win the case easily. it's going to be an easy case to win. usa did a study of my law school and case and various things and i had a lot of victories. i think it was something like 480 wins and 32 losses. just put this one in the win column. i don't like settling cases where you're being held up. these are class actions, you get sued by class actions. every firm knows about class action lawsuits. it's disgraceful, but it's very simple. i have thousands and thousands of people who signed documents,
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like report cards. >> you are confident you'll be ultimately found -- >> 100%. this is a case that should have been thrown out a long time ago by the judge. >> hillary clinton went after you over the weekend for this case, and so did some well-respected and well-known republicans as well. let's take a listen to that and then we'll get your reaction. >> what trump is doing is trying to divert attention from the very serious fraud charges against trump university. he does have that thin skin, and judge curiel is as american as i am, and certainly as american as donald trump is, and trump's continuing ethnic slurs and rants against everyone, including a distinguished federal judge, i think makes my point rather conclusively. >> this is one of the worst mistakes trump has made. i think it's inexcusable. >> what's your reaction to that, mr. trump? >> with hillary, she's under
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investigation. she would be going to jail except the system is possibly rigged, frankly. for her to be talking about anything, it's not a big deal. it's a small civil case and i'll win the case very easily. it goes before a jury. the good news is i go before a jury. it shouldn't even be a case. this case should have been dl n thrown out on summary judgment. if someone else was in charge, this would have been thrown out on summary judgment. as far as newt is concerned, i thought it was inappropriate what he said. >> he really believes it's -- you can't bring up someone's ethnic background if they were born here in this country and if they were federal judge appointe appointed. mcconnell said we should be bringing the party together. >> he was appointed by president obama, just to set the record straight. he was appointed a federal judge because of obama.
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>> but in a time in which the economy just put together an anemic 38,000 jobs and you want to fix the economy, how does it benefit donald trump becoming president to talk about the ethnicity of a school that most of the country doesn't care about? >> you know why, and you're right. most people don't care about it but it gets brought up by the other side, and when i respond and then i talk about how bad the jobs picture is, how bad our country is doing, how badly we're doing economically, how people are out of work, how our real unemployment rate is through the roof and people don't want to talk about it because that's a ridiculous number, the 5% is a ridiculous number. you understand that, we all -- i talk about all of this. the only thing they pick up is the fact that i'll say something about the trump university case. now, all i do is a quick referral and i say it and i say it loud and clear. by the way, a lot of people agree with me and i have a lot of support. and the reason i have a lot of support, they're starting to understand the case. thousands and thousands of people, thousands of people, have said it's great, they took
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the course. and by the way, they're going to be witnesses, so, you know. and people understand that. and my supporters understand that. i think beyond my supporters. >> you respect newt gingrich. he wasn't just firing off. he said some nice things about you in that interview, but he doesn't understand where you're coming at with this. does anything about that get through to you and make you reform your tactics when someone who has been a supporter of yours comes out and says this is a huge mistake? >> all i'm trying to do is figure out why i'm beaten so unfairly by a judge. all i want to do is find out why am i being treated so unfairly by a judge? >> when you say treated unfairly -- >> brian, when you have a plaintiff, right? you have a plaintiff that brings the case, brought the case. turned out she was a terrible plaintiff because she signed all sorts of documents, how great the courses were, how great the school was, everything, it was unbelievable. then i find out we have a tape of her saying it on video.
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we have a tape. wait a minute. and they asked her -- they say, uh-oh, she's a disaster as a witness. we say we won the case, she's a disaster as a witness. then they say, we don't want her as a plaintiff any longer, just throw out the case. he throws out the plaintiff and he says, nope, the case is still alive. >> if you're running as president and you're running against somebody who is about to get the nomination and you're trying to outline why you would be a better president, why would it be in your best interest and your party's best interest to focus on a case that won't come to trial until after the election. >> they bring it up and when they bring it up, i respond to it, brian. i respond to the bad economy. i respond to a lot of things going wrong in this country. i respond to the very crooked and dishonest big league, the criminally dishonest clinton foundation, the money they took in, and then he goes around or
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she goes around and makes speeches, and the favors that were done. nobody looks at that stuff. you're talking about big league stuff. the money that comes this and pours in from foreign countries and she's secretary of state. i talk about that, people don't pick that up. they pick up this. it's amazing. >> let's switch gears. what did your other campaign, paul manford and others, say about trump university? >> i don't emphasize it, but when i sit down with "face the nation" and dick manford asks me about this, and the first and third question are about this, then i sit down with jake and the first question is this, and the second and third question are also this, you know, you have to respond. now, then the papers pick this up more than they pick up the fact that we had an anemic jobs
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report, a horrible jobs report on friday. i speak about the jobs report but people don't find that so exciting. >> i want to switch to something that actually relates to this. your odds of being elected president, there are a bunch of u.k. betting facilities, including the odds makers lab bros and others. they looked at the odds of the amount of money people are rageerring over the u.s. presidential election. where you made the comments where you called some illegal mexicans rapists, your odds were 100-1. after you made the comments about john mccain, your odds were 50-1. date before the iowa caucuses, your odds were 3-1, and right now you are at 2-1. >> well -- >> so that's what the odds makers say. >> that's good. i think they know better than the political pundits. >> because they've actually got some skin in the game. it looks like controversy, and
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you got some with this trump university thing, controversy seems to help you. >> you have to go and fight controversy. you can't let people put their spin on it. i watched somebody from nbc, katy tur, she knows nothing about my campaign like she's an expert. we don't talk to her, we don't let people talk to her because she's not a very good reporter. i watch so-called people talking about my campaign that really don't know much about it. you people know more about my campaign than almost anybody, okay? maybe you should go out and talk, you'll make a fortune. the fact is that people talk about my campaign. we don't even allow them in. they know nothing about the campaign but they sit there and they talk like -- i remember when michael jackson died, i was friends with michael jackson. i knew michael jackson very well, and then everybody commented on michael jackson. i said to myself, it's amazing, he didn't even know those people. it's like that. the world of politics is a very
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strange world and people want to get on and they say things. they have no idea what they're talking about, and i watch it and i listen to it all the time, but i think the 2-1 odds, that's a lot different from where i started. when i started with you and doing your show -- >> 100-1. >> -- i was never in that category, that i can tell you. >> i don't know if you caught the miss usa pageant last night, the woman who won, shawn debarber. she had a dropping moment last night where she was asked about women having combat roles. let's hear her response to this. >> as a woman in the united states army -- [ cheers and applause ] >> -- i think it was an amazing job for the government to let women enter every branch of the military. we're just as tough as men. as a commander of my unit, i'm
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powerful, i am dedicated, and it is important that we recognize that gender does not limit us in the united states army. [ cheers and applause ] >> i think she became america's favorite when we watched the video last night. i was watching the pageant, of her mom and dad in uniform and what the military means to her. it was an excellent pick, i thought, by the judges. what did you think? >> i thought it was great. i owned miss usa and i sold it to img for a lot of money, frankly, but it was something i think -- i don't know, owning pageants while i'm running the president, i didn't know if that was a good idea so i sold it. i took it as a sick puppy, bought it as nothing and sold it for many millions of dollars, and it was a wonderful thing to watch it grow. i watched it last night. i thought img did a really good job. i thought the answer also, by the way, was excellent. that was probably the answer that won. >> yep. first lieutenant deshawn barber
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reporting for duty as miss usa 2016. donald trump, thank you for joining us on this monday morning. >> thank you very much. meanwhile, fox news alert. the east coast in the crosshairs this morning as tropical storm colin prepares to make landfall in florida in just a matter of hours. it's going to be a soaker. we're live on the ground as people get ready there, coming up next. fitness star richard simmons back in the headlines. >> 5, 6, 7, double touch. >> he was just rushed to the hospital, actually, but this morning we have an update on his condition. ♪ that's who i was. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior,
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so yostanding up.ddle. with a friend. or you're a skier. or snowboarder. or a skier with two kids who snowboard. wait, where's your wife? there she is. you also like to work out. less intense? there we go. or you want to know your heart rate. when you're doing this. or this. or this. or this. which means, you should probably wear this. beat yesterday with vivoactive hr. from garmin.
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how about you? i taste - whaaaaaaaaaow. wha wha na na na na na na da ba da ba da ba daw! it's good. welcome back. a fox news alert for you now. 15 planned terror attacks on the european soccer championship just foiled. some brand new video showing officials arresting a frenchman whof who was, quote, armed to the teeth with weapons and explosives. officials grabbed him at the ukranian border with poland. he allegedly planned to attack bridges, railways and other locations around the soccer championship in france. that event was just singled out
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in the state department's travel warning to americans. fans on the streets of new york city causing chaos during a kanye west pop-up show. announcing his surprise performance on twitter at a small city concert venue that only holds 1500 being but thousands more showed up. fans climbing on cars, hanging on scaffolding, anything they could do to get a better view. police shutting it all down because of the chaotic scene. west hinted at the show on social media when his other performance was canceled because of bad weather. so a lot of people got that hint. back to you, ainsley. now to another fox news alert. millions of americans bracing for extreme weather on the east coast as tropical storm colin sets the sunshine state on its crosshairs. winds and even tornadoes are expected later today, steve.
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>> it's either under a warning or a watch, as you can see here. >> shayla reeves joins us just north of tampa. shayla? >> reporter: good morning to you. we're outside a briefing for the emergency operations center, and the director is already telling those dozens of workers inside, start thinking about the possibility of an overnight operation. again, we're in pasco county where no mandatory evacuations have been ordered at this time, but we are learning that the window that they're watching closely is between 8:00 in the morning and 9:00 in the evening. they tell us that's the most significant chance for tornadic activity. this is the first major storm of the season, and we do know this emergency operations center, it was under construction. the director says they opened this center ahead of schedule because they were concerned about this particular storm. they are telling people the biggest threat is the low-lying areas and any of those homes or
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streets that are prone to flooding, they're asking those who live in those areas that maybe don't typically get flooding to still take steps to protect their homes. sandbags are available at multiple locations throughout pasco county, we do know just yesterday, thousands were handed out to people who needed them. so we're going to keep an eye on this throughout the day and keep you posted as we learn anything further, guys. back to you. >> thank you very much for the live report. coming up for the first time, the government revealing the conservative groups targeted by the irs and it was a lot bigger number than anybody knew about before. a marine vet fired for doing what he thought was his duty. >> all of y'all out there fighting for this country, and that's what they think about y'all. that's a beauty. that flag should be waving. happy memorial day, y'all. >> that marine is here with a message to his boss. i have asthma...
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what's recommended for me. x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. >> what are you? superheroes? >> just four brothers. >> oh, leonardo. it's your news by the numbers. first 5.3 million. that's how much ninja turtles out of the shadows raked in at the box office over the weekend. although sales fell short of expectations, it still took the numero uno spot over the weekend. 426 were caught in the irs
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dragnet. it is part of the scandal that exploded three years ago, exposing the irs for singling out the right-leaning groups applying for tax legal status. the irs originally said it was limited to just under 300. that was way off. finally, 30%. that's the number of illegals who commit crimes in the united states will reoffend, according to the boston globe. that number four times higher than ice suggested just four years ago. an ex-marine fired from his job for doing this on memorial day. >> that's what they think about y'all. that's a beauty. this actually should be waving. happy memorial day, y'all. >> yep, he lowered the flag to half mast. lowering the flag outside the north carolina facility where time warner's cable store is. he put it to half mast. the next day fired for his,
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quote, passion for the flag and political affiliation. i'm sorry you lost your job, but do youegret doing what you did? >> no, sir, not at all. >> how does this come down that you lose your job by putting the flag at half mast? >> i just wanted to show respect for all those service members who gave the ultimate sacrifice so we have the freedoms that a lot of people in the world do not have. >> true, and you fought for it, you signed up for it, you were discharged in 2014. time warner hires you, and you said they say they're upset because you lowered it without asking permission? >> right, yes, sir. >> why did you even have to ask permission? why wasn't that done automatically? they should be embarrassed that you had to do it without permission. >> yes, sir. i just felt compelled to my very close friend, sergeant jeffrey day. he had ptsd and he committed suicide, and i was thinking about him when i lowered the flag. >> did you explain that to your
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bosses? >> they didn't give me a chance. no, sir. >> how did they inform you this would be your last day? >> i heard through a third party that it was for my passion towards the military and my political affiliation that i was fired. i never heard from time warner cable. north carolina is an at-will state, so they didn't really feel like they needed to tell me why. >> that's true, here's one of the quotes. they were concerned, the company was disturbed by your passion for the flag and his political affiliation. what's your political affiliation? >> my political affiliation is with peace and love. i really don't have a true political affiliation. >> so this happens. you grew up with marines, you talk about discipline, following orders. do you regret not asking first? >> no, sir, i do not. >> what's been the reaction from you no longer being there? what about for your friends and family and others? >> the outpour has been
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overwhelming. i don't know what to say for all the people sending me messages. it means a lot to me at this time. >> would you take your job back if time warner said, come back, we blew it? >> no, sir, i don't think i could work for time warner cable anymore. >> i can respect that. can i ask you what kind of job you're looking for? >> i'm looking for anything right now. i'm just ready to get to work. anything, i'll take it and run with it. >> if somebody wanted to get ahold of you to say it is okay to put our flag at half mast as an ex-marine, how would they do it? >> can you repeat the question again? >> can you just tell me how people get ahold of you if they want to offer you a job? >> oh. my e-mail address is ajthornwell
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at. >> at fox we say thanks for your service and you did the right thing. >> thank you very much. >> thanks a lot. meanwhile, coming up straight ahead, we changed gears. remember richard simmons? he was rushed to the hospital this weekend. we have an update on his condition. and the tricky editing by the state department did not get by us. >> i think there are times when diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress. this is a good example of that. >> now the administration just getting busted censoring the news again. congressman jason chavis, he comes through the doors to react with a message. ♪ mirafiber is less likely to cause unwanted gas. love your fiber. new mirafiber.
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real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing (p...that, you haveit, wait! yoto rinse it first like... that's baked- on alfredo. baked-on? it's never gonna work. dish issues? cascade platinum... powers... through... your toughest stuck-on food. so let your dishwasher be the dishwasher. see? told you it would work. cascade.
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♪ ♪ it takes two, baby, me and you ♪ >> this hurts to watch. it's the world shin kicking championships. the goal is simple. kick your opponent until they can't stand. >> the annual event started more than 400 years ago in southern england before cable television and well before the modern olympics began in greece. >> who would sign up for this? >> people with strong shins. >> competitors can protect themselves by putting straw under their pants and their socks. hay or grass or whatever it was they were putting in there. >> if there is any sport we should stop, this should be one of them. >> they seem to be having a good time, but maybe beer is involved. >> and novocain. meanwhile, heather childers, you have the latest breaking news.
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>> that didn't make sense to me. we begin on a completely different note. the greatest is now home. muhammad ali's casket arriving in his hometown of louisville, a solemn procession leading from the airport to the streets. mosques across the country were packed with people mourning ali, hundreds of people praying together in a morning service in louisville. the boxing great died of septic shock on saturday at the age of 74. he battle d parkinson's for thre decades. hundreds of fans are lining up to get a look outside, leaving flowers on the porch. big loss. a town is sparking outrage for forcing firefighters to remove the american flag from fire trucks because it makes them look like terrorists? that's right, a city official in rhode island saying that american flags waving from the back of trucks look, quote, ridiculous, even going as far as comparing it to isis. the official has since
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apologized, but the firefighters union's president, who joins us on "fox & friends," says, not so fast. >> the apology was not directed at the firefighters or the staff, the apology was directed at i'm sorry if i offended someone for saying remove the flag. there was never a direct apology to the staff or the firefighters for calling us terrorists. >> firefighters now have permission to fly the flag. '80s icon richard simmons is out the hospital, says he's doing just fine. >> 6, 7, double touch. >> the fitness guru rushed to the emergency room this weekend following the reports of, quote, bizarre behavior at his home in los angeles. in a statement, simmons thanks his fans for their support and says, i was dehydrated and needed some fluids and now i'm feeling great. the anti-trump team is still without a candidate. david french, a lawyer and staff writer for "the national
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review," says, no, he will not run for president against presumptive nominee donald trump. french, who is also an army veteran, says he gave it some serious thought because he says the presumptive nominees on both sides are dishonest. but he says he's also not the right guy for the job. there's a look at your headlines. back to you. thank you very much. let's bring in jason chavitz. he is the chair of the oversight committee. good morning. >> good morning. >> what do you think of that story that says i'm not the guy to take on donald trump. >> i want to get united and i want to win in november and that means making sure hillary clinton is not the next president of the united states. >> let's talk about something else that got your attention last week, the huge story that james rosen's question was edited out of the video record at the state department. where are you going with this? what was your reaction to it? i thought the whole thing was pretty outrageous. >> it started with ben rhodes who admitted that basically they had snookered the american
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people into believing this iranian deal is what it was supposed to be. they've gone out and literally took out eight minutes of video from a james rosen question. then we found another thing, the abc news found a clip where there was a question by a fox news reporter where they were asked definitively if they ever lied about the iranian deal, and they said, no, kevin. now that's been extracted from the record. it's become more than a coinciden coincidence, it's now a pattern. >> so what they now demanding? >> we're going to invite secretary kerry, he's the cabinet person that should testify in front of congress and explain this. we have a lot of questions about iran because we don't have details about what happened there, and now that they're altering the record after ben rhodes admitted they snookered the american people, there is a lot to be answered about the iranian deal. >> but they'll say, it was just a glitch. one guy did it, he took a call,
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he doesn't remember who called. how many times did someone call that guy and say, we need a white flash in there? >> they've asked that the inspector general do an investigation. we in the oversight committee are going to do an investigation, but i have to believe that truth is going to surface. that's what we're all about, trying to provide that sunlight. we can't put them in jail, but we can hold them accountable and expose it for what it is. >> youhe executive branch can't put them in handcuffs. you and i were talking in the green room about a case you're working on as well where there have been a number of illegals in this country that have been incarcerated for felonies. the way the law is written, once they're released, we're supposed to send them home. that's not happening. >> i've been in congress for 7 and a half years, it's probably the most infuriating thing. people here illegally get caught committing a crime, get convicted of that crime, skpin ste -- and instead of getting
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deported, they let them back out in the public. they claim these countries won't take them back, but the law says you're supposed to inform the state department and not give these countries any more visas until they actually take these people back. i think that's reasonable. they're not obeying that law and they shouldn't be releasing them back into the public. >> it's pretty outrageous. let's talk about donald trump. yesterday he did a series of interviews. he talked a lot about the case against him and trump university, and he says he would rather talk about other things, but the press keeps bringing him back to trump university. let's listen. >> i don't emphasize it, but when i sit down for "face the nation" and john dickerson, a good guy, asks me a question, and the first question is about this, and the second and third question is about this, and then i sit down with jake and the first question is this, and the second and third question is about this, you have to respond. then the papers pick this up more than they pick up the fact that we had an anemic jobs
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report, a horrible jobs report, on friday. i speak about the jobs report, but people don't find that so exciting. >> what's your take on that? >> look, i think people are disturbed that you would want to try to dismiss a judge based on his ethnicity. you can have qualms with how he's ruling in the case, you can have qualms about his political affiliation, i think that's fair game. but why doesn't he just say, look, it's up to the attorneys, it's in the court and leave it at that. and move on. you give it a 10-second answer and move on. >> what's been happening in the house regarding republicans coalescing around donald trump? i know paul ryan famously in the last few days said, okay, i'm going to vote for him. >> i was watching this footage out west where donald trump was in san jose and they were out there burning american flags and waving mexican flags. that is doing as much as anything to rally the country. i don't care where you are in the political spectrum, but rally the country behind donald trump. i tell you, it's infuriating. >> the anti-trump protesters are
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helping donald trump -- >> you can protest in this country, but when you're out there burning the american flag -- >> or egging a woman who was supporting him. >> you don't intimidate people to not attend a political rally. we should be celebrating political rally and encouraging young people to go hear both candidates, and the conservative viewpoint, i think, will win, i really do. but to burn the flag and egg people -- >> too much violence. >> that's not good. >> jason, thank you for being here. coming up on this monday, she thought she would live the rest of her life in south carolina until state lines were redrawn, putting her house -- all these years she's been living not in south carolina, she's actually on the north carolina side, and she is now in danger of losing her potentially life-saving health care. she is going to join us live next from one of those carolinas. and guess who else is joining us? "duck dynasty"'s sadie robinson. she's in the green room.
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why she says life just got real. ♪ dad, you can just drop me off right here. oh no, i'll take you up to the front of the school. that's where your friends are. seriously, it's, it's really fine. you don't want to be seen with your dad? no, it' this about a boy? dad! stop, please. oh, there's tracy. what! [ horn honking ] [ forward collision warning ] [ car braking ] bye dad! it brakes when you don't. forward collision warning and autonomous emergency braking. available on the redesigned passat. from volkswagen.
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tmom didn't want another dog. she said it's too much work. lulu's hair just floats. uhh help me! (doorbell) mom, check this out. wow. swiffer sweeper, and dusters. this is what i'm talking about. look at that. sticks to this better than it sticks to lulu. that's your hair lulu! mom, can we have another dog? (laughing) trap and lock up to 4x more dirt, dust and hair than the store brand stop cleaning. start swiffer ing
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♪ there's people who care where i'm going ♪ ♪ and good friends to welcome me home ♪ ♪ so get a full tank of freedom, ♪ ♪ drive the american road ♪ and with a full tank of freedom, ♪ ♪ find your own highway ♪ we'll take you wherever you go. ♪ ♪ take you wherever you go. ♪ some quick headlines for you. an elaborate heist involving a desk full of money and a monkey? watch as this precocious primate distracts these jewelry store owners with a piece of fruit, ran sacking the drawers. the monkey made off with $200. still, a lot of money. you've got to see this.
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a grandma trying on virtual reality goggles for the very first time. and her reaction? priceless. >> oh! [ yelling ] >> you can see the woman from northern ireland going from happy to terrified within just a matter of seconds while living that nightmare being chased by dinosaurs while she was watching "jurassic park." a border battle of a different kind happening in the carolinas. the proposed redrawing of the state lines between north and south carolina has left one homeown homeowner in health care and financial jeopardy. if changes are approved, she'll go from being a south carolina resident with an address in south carolina, a south carolina
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phone number, to being a north carolina resident. joining us now is the 88-year-old homeowner, and at the moment, a south carolina resident, d.d. good morning. >> good morning, steve. >> we pretty much know where south carolina and north carolina is. we're going to use gps and look at where the founders wanted it. as it turns out, you thought you were in south carolina, but you were just barely over into north carolina. how does that impact you? >> it's devastating to us financially, and in so many ways. so many ways. south carolina is the only state we know that has a doctor who will make house calls. we're blessed with one, and this may become even more important to us in the future as my husband has many health issues. >> well, you moved to south carolina precisely to save money. the cost of living there is lower. but if you are a north carolina
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resident, what happens to your taxes? >> oh, they would go up. tremendously. we would have to change our deed, all of the addresses, our driver's license, everything would change. >> you mentioned your husband's health care. because you are technically a north carolina resident but you've been getting it as a south carolina resident, how would your health care impact your husband and his care? >> he would no longer be able to get help from providence care which is licensed only in south carolina. they could not care for him anymore. >> and he needs his health care to stay alive, doesn't he? >> absolutely. >> at this point, have the people who are behind this redrawing of the state line, have they said, you know what, you've been living here for a number of years. we're just going to continue to consider you, as long as you
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live in the house, a south carolina resident even though you're just a little over the edge? >> that would be nice. >> any chance that's going to happen? >> we have not been assured of anything. we were told when they first sent out a letter in 2011, we had bought the property but had not yet moved. at that point the only thing that they considered was children in school. since we didn't have any, we didn't realize we would be affected. >> dee, how would like this to end? what would you like to see happen for your family? >> i would like to be allowed to keep our south carolina address, at least for as long as we own the house. >> surely. all right. >> then if it needs to sell as north carolina property, we could do what needed to be done at that time. >> well, keep us posted.
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let us know what happens, what the states decide, whether taxes go up and your health as well. all right, dee? >> thank you so much. >> dee martin, who thought she was in south carolina, it turns out she was in north carolina. coming up next, the robertson family of "duck dynasty" fame makes no secret about their spiritual choices. sadie robinson is here with life just got real, next. john travolta and olivia newton-john top the charts with "you're the one that i want" in 1978 at this time. ♪ good luck with the meeting today. thank you. as our business is growing,
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we thank you for the words, we thank you for the wine, we thank you for all the things that live in them. thank you for blessing us especially with this good meal. >> amen, indeed. the robertson family of "duck dynasty" fame make no secret about their faith. you see it at the end of every episode. >> yeah, we love that. now willy and his daughter, sadie robinson, is encouraging teens to find the life they live in confidence. sadie, welcome. >> thank you so much. >> so you get into fiction already. >> i know, weird, right? i never would have thought i would be writing fiction. >> how did this come to be? >> well, my mom came to me and she was like, sadie, i think you could write a fiction book. it would help so many middle school and high school and college girls. i thought, are you crazy? we ended up doing it with a
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co-writer, got together and made this awesome story. >> do you think your mother said you should write fiction because you've been making up stories with her all along? she's an expert at fiction! >> probably. >> what is the book about? >> the book is about two girls, and one of the girls is kind of based off my life before "duck dynasty." the other girl is based off after "duck dynasty." but the two girls are two girls that can relate to almost any girl anywhere. it helped me to write it. it's deep and fun, too. >> because your family is famous, it doesn't mean you have any problems, there aren't the same issues, it doesn't matter how much money you have or how much fame you have, right? >> yeah, it's all the same stuff. there is a part in the book that i love. the producer of the tv show, the girl said, you can do this, you can do this, it could be a huge platform for you.
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she said, i'm too scared, i'm too scared. and i went through this. i was scared because i thought people thought i had to be perfect, but i'm just like everybody else. that message is in the book for girls all across america. >> life just got real for you because you just graduated from high school. >> yes, i graduated, yay! >> you have a clothing line, books -- tell us about the devotional that's coming up. >> there's a devotional coming out this fall. my grandmother and i wrote it together. it's really sweet. >> i love this story, because you pair two friends together. they're preparing for the prom together, and you mention how it's both sides of you. you have a girl who loves to repair cars with her dadhave a and big city life and all that. it's a great book for parents who are trying to encourage their teen arager srksteenagers. >> it opens june 7, so that's
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fantastic. >> tomorrow. >> tell your folks we said hi. >> thanks. >> great family. coming up next on this "fox & friends" monday, bret baier. we're going to talk a whole lot of politics live from d.c., next. hello sunshine. he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and think big. and when josh thinks big you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some... he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. look at that pie chart! boom! you've never seen a number like that! you feel me lois? i'm feeling you. yeah you do! let's do this! watch out he just had a whole thimble full of coffee... woot! woot! the ready for you alert, only at la... quinta! yeah!
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but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. all right, it is monday. it's june 6, i'm ainsley earhardt. big election tomorrow. we're going to start with a fox news alert. a dramatic terror takedown moments ago. a man police say was armed to the teeth with weapons accused of plotting a string of attacks that sparked a travel warning for america. breaking details on that and what he was planning. meanwhile donald trump doubling down on his attacks against the judge overseeing his trump university case. >> all i'm trying to do is figure out why i'm being treated so unfairly by a judge. >> what else the donald told us as critics from both sides pounce on the number one guy on the republican side. hey, guys, do you know it's
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offensive to say "hey, guys"? yeah. someone call the pc police. meanwhile, the morning is still with your friends, guys. ♪ and the eagle flies. >> we've got firemen and flags out on the plaza, and this is all about a story we've been telling you about today, about how somebody in a town -- >> in rhode island. >> -- in rhode island said -- essentially called firefighters terrorists for putting the american flag on their truck. you know what, those guys and gals right there, they disagree. >> the man has since apologized because he knows it was the wrong thing to say. firefighters save lives and he may need that. firefighters are not terrorists.
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bret, first things first. donald trump in the eye of the storm this week as he continues to talk about trump university and the problem with the judge who is in charge of this case. do you see him getting any traction with that? >> listen, he's defending what he said, and i think the past couple of days have not been great. when you have newt gingrich saying what he said, that it's the biggest mistake and it's unacceptable, someone who defended him and has defended him even in the most controversial statements along the way, that's significant. i think you're starting to see reverberations over the past several days. his supporters say, listen, the sk judge is a member of laroza. it would be a concern in this case. the problem is, as gingrich said, you can file motions and make a case that the judge -- that the case should be moved from a certain judge. you are not, you know, normally making the case that because of someone's heritage that they're
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unable to be an acceptable judge. >> because he's from indiana. >> what the donald told us was he feels like he's getting a raw deal from him. one of the things, bret, and you know this because the "washington post" had been asking for unsealed documents -- rather, sealed documents to be unsealed. the judge released a whole bunch of unsealed, previously sealed, documents which had a lot of people going, now, why would he do that, because the trial is not going to be until after the election, so why is he doing it now? to some it looks political and donald trump doesn't like that. >> yeah. and he can make that case. he can make the case about what actually is happening in the case itself and the judge's actions, but to tie that directly to his mexican heritage even though he was born in indiana, and he's -- you know, has a history of -- he kind of escaped from being targeted by drug cartels, and, you know, i
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think that it's a tough thing for some republicans to be out defending those specific words. i don't know how long it's going to last. you guys know, we've seen controversial statements before, but they were never republican primary. now you're dealing with a general election that has a different mix, and we'll see how it sits. >> some people are criticizing those leaders and saying they shouldn't come out publicly, they should talk to donald trump behind closed doors because it doesn't make the party look unified. we did talk to donald earlier. take a listen to what he says, bret. >> people don't care about it, but it gets brought up by the other side, and so when i respond, and i bring up the jobs situation, how bad our country is doing, how bad we look economically, how people are out of work, how our real unemployment rate is through the roof and people don't want to talk about it because that's a ridiculous number, the 5% is a ridiculous number. you understand that, we all -- i talk about all of this.
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the only thing they pick up is the fact i said something about the trump university case. >> and all of mainstream media wants to ask more questions about that rather than getting back on topic, which he mentioned right there, was the lousy jobs report that came out the end of last week. >> and that's true. listen, when you sit down for interviews, that's what they're always leading with, and the thing that's the most controversial, and obviously this has been in the recent days. a good point there is the questions when hillary clinton sits down about the clinton global initiative or the clinton foundation or the e-mails and how dogged those questions are. that's a fair thing for him to point to. but to defend this specific point again and again and again doesn't seem like it's winning over any republicans. >> so, bret, let's move on and talk about a third party candidacy that won't be happening much to the chagrin of
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bill maher. david french said, nations are built on virtue and courage is indispensable. but there is also prudence. i remain against trump and against hillary, but i will do all i can where i am. i'm on record saying i believe others could run and win and would make good candidates. >> texas was may 9, you have some this week, states that are closing, and it's really tough to imagine. david french really didn't have a shot because his name recognition was nothing as far as a national candidate. he's making the case that somebody could still do it. i think it's kind of hunting for a unicorn now that mitt romney has said he wasn't going to do it. so he's really the only person, i think, who could potentially
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get back in and cause someone to lose a state that would somehow prevent both candidates from getting to 270 electoral votes. tomorrow is a huge day, as you know. you're going to be discussing this a lot tonight. down to the wire in california. you have hillary clinton who we saw. she darted out west because she wanted to campaign against bernie out there. they are neck and neck, according to the polls. bernie sanders finally going after hillary clinton and her global initiative. listen to this. >> i have a problem when a sitting secretary of state and a foundation run by her husband collects many millions of dollars from foreign governments, governments which are dictatorships. yeah, i do. >> why didn't he have a problem with that six months ago? he might actually be winning then. >> this is a little bit too little too late, i think, and he could win california.
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i mean, all the polls are closing, it seems, but it's -- the numbers just will not -- it won't make a difference on the nomination scale. it will make a difference for momentum. but the fact that he's bringing it up now, it almost adds salt to the wound for some of his supporters who said this was a ripe topic at the beginning of the primary. >> by the way, since march 15, they're in a flat-footed tie on delegates, but it looks like he's unable to surmount and bypass hillary clinton. he'll probably get the victory tomorrow night in residential coverage. >> in california. we'll be in san diego taking amq on the road. >> 10 hours from now he'll be in that chair. heather joins us and we've been talking about this. sounds like a terror attack stopped just in the nick of time. >> this is really scary stuff but luckily ended this way.
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this fox news alert. 15 planned terror attacks on the european soccer championship just foiled. this brand new video shows heavily armed men pulling the terror suspect out of a van, throwing him on the ground and arresting him. this is at the ukranian border with poland, his car filled to the brim with boxes and boxes of guns and explosives. he allegedly planned to attack bridges, railways and other locations centered around the soccer championship in france. that month-long event begins this week, by the way, and was just singled out in the state department's travel warning to americans. some near riots to show you and total chaos erupting overnight on the streets of new york city after a surprise kanye west concert. the artist announcing a secret show on twitter at a small new york city concert venue that only holds 1500 people, but thousands more showed up. fans climbing on top of cars,
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dumpster dumpsters, scaffolding, hanging out windows, anything they could do to get a view. police cancelling that concert because of the chaos. muhammad ali arriving in his hometown of louisville. a solemn procession, streets packed with people mourning ali. hundreds at an interfaith service in louisville. the boxing great died of septic shock on friday at the age of 74. he battled parkinson's for more than three decades. his funeral is set for friday. hundreds of fans are visiting ali's childhood home in the meantime in kentucky, trying to get a look inside and leaving flowers on the porch. today is the 72nd anniversary of d-day and pictures bringing that into perspective. pictures showing then and now, tourists soaking up the sun on the beaches, and next to that, haunting images around the
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crucial invasion. on june 6, 1944, allied forces descended on the beaches of normandy for d-day and the operation that marked the beginning of the end of a devastating six-year conflict. meantime, people on line also marking the anniversary, including this picture posted on twitter with the caption, i wish i could travel and talk to my granddad the moment he saved this newspaper clipping. back to you. >> those images before and now, especially the ones now with all the apartments and the beach houses right there. >> my mom went to normandy and said she and her friends sat there and said everyone should go at some point. they said they sat there and they just wept because of all the men that made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us so we could enjoy the beaches. pretty incredible. a school calls the cops on a 7-year-old over his bible. you have to hear it to believe
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you know there is a phrase in the american vernacular that has to go. in australia they're attacking it and it is the term "you guys." hey guys" has got to go. >> because it doesn't include the girl. so we sent steve out on the street to ask the girls out there. hey, steve. >> that's right. good morning. this guy, dave morrison, says it's terrible to say girls or guys in the workplace because it's simply offensive. so we're going to talk to some guys right here. none of them, and they're all gals, have a problem with it. good morning. how are you? >> i'm great, how are you? >> so if somebody said, hey -- by the way, what's your name?
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>> vicky. >> vicky, if somebody came up to you and some other people in a situation and said, hey, guys, how about coffee? is that going to offend you? >> not in the least. >> would you prefer "hey girls"? >> no. >> "hey gals"? >> no. >> guys are okay? >> guys is okay with me. >> what do you think about this australian person who has a problem with guys and girls? >> i don't have a problem and i've been a girl for a long time. >> me, too. >> what's your name? >> melanie. >> do you think it's the whole pc thing? is that what's going on here? >> i think so. >> so if i said, "hey, guy." >> fine with me. >> how about you, ma'am? >> the lord made me a girl and i'm grateful for it, and i try to praise him for who he made me and who he made my husband. >> that's beautiful. does it bother you if someone calls you a guy?
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>> no, i'm from the midwest and i hear, hey, guys, let's go out to eat, let's go to fox! >> that's your name? >> robin. >> where are you from? >> indianapolis. >> i was just there. i had a beautiful pastrami sandwich. >> at shapiro's? >> yes. do you like the phrase? >> i don't mind. it works if you're a girl or a guy. >> does it work to say sometimes girls can be guys? >> that's an old thing. they've been saying "hey guys" for a long time. >> so ainsley and brian, what we have discovered across the street from fox, number one, it's okay with the girls to call
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them "hey, guys" and we've drawn a bunch of guys over here taking pictures of the girls. what was that? >> can we say "hey, girls" to you? >> no. brian skpaand ainsley, back to . >> as a girl, i will say i'm not offended by it, either. >> you're used to it. >> i agree with the last lady. don't we have better things to do than worry about this? don't we have bills to pay and kids to put through college? i don't care. >> some people don't pay their bills, so they would rather focus on this. anti-trump protesters burned down this sign, but the sign owner's response? priceless. and before stacy dash became an outspoken hollywood conservative, she had a rough upbringing that shaped all her values. she's going to talk about it coming up.
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. some quick headlines now. a school sparking on-line outrage for calling police on a 7-year-old for handing out bible versus to classmates. a teacher at the los angeles elementary school banning the bible notes during lunch saying, there should be separation between church and state, and i assume lunch. an officer reportedly showed up at the boy's home telling him to stop because someone might be offended. and remember when donald trump blasted the former mexican president for refusing to pay for a border wall?
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>> the wall just got 10 feet taller, believe me. >> now a trump supporter is using that same line after van d -- vandals set fire to a trump campaign board. he's setting it up higher so people can't get to it. hollywood fell in love with her after she starred in "clueless." but then she shocked the star-studded world when she came out in support of mitt romney back in 2012. now stacy dash is opening up about what made her a conservative. in a brand new book, it's called "there goes my social life, from clueless to conservative. my friend joins me now. stacy, thank you for joining us. why the title "there goes my social life"? >> because there went my social life. as soon as i came out with the tweet and came out as a conservative, everyone turned their back on me.
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my friends, my family, hollywood. it was amazing. >> so what made you do it? >> it's what i believe. >> what made you a conservative? >> what made me a conservative is my value system. i realized that my value system is in line with conservatism. >> which is what? >> which is a strong military, no sex before marriage. i'm pro-life. i don't want to pay a lot of taxes. you know, i want to keep my money. i don't believe in welfare. i believe you should work for your money, and if you work for your money, you should be able to keep your money. those are all very conservative principles, i think. >> i know your children mean a lot to you. you have a daughter, and you have a son, 25 and 12. >> yes. >> your childhood, you had a rough childhood. you talk about that in the book. >> yes. >> what are some stories that stand out? >> there's so many, but i think the most important one is the fact that my parents left me, so
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i have strong abandonment issues because of that. when you don't have people stay around that are supposed to take care of you, but they're not there to do that, and then bad things happen to you because of it, it affects your life. >> your mother offered you cocaine, you write about, in the book. and you had relationships with abusive guys. >> yes. >> how did you grow from these -- how did you become who you are today when you have a mother that's offering you cocaine when you're very young? >> i believe the grace of god, and i also think that -- i had an uncle ferdinand who always made me feel special and always told me that i was beautiful, that i could do anything i wanted and never be anybody's trick and to always make sure that i was on the jesus train. when the jesus train came, make sure i was on it. and those things made me look at my surroundings in a different way. it made me look at people objectively and see what i wanted to do with my life and what i didn't want to do with my
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life. i made mistakes, i did some things i should not have done, but once i became pregnant and decided to keep my son because i was going to have an abortion, which is -- i can't believe i was, but thank god i didn't. he saved my life. after having my son, i stopped doing all drugs and became a responsible adult at a very young age. and i did it for him. >> so you've been there. you're saying this is not a place of judgment. >> that's why i wrote the book. i don't want people to think when i say the things that i say, i'm coming from judgment. i come from a place of experience. i know what you're feeling, i felt it. and i know how to change it, and it's not through democratic policies. those policies are not going to change inner city lives. conservative policies will change inner city lives. this is the only way. and, i mean, they've been doing
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it over and over and over again and getting the same results, so i'm wondering, why do you keep voting the same way if you're just getting the same results? try something different. and i hope, after reading my book, people might do that. and if you hate me orlov love i hope you read the book to better understand me. >> what's your message? what do you hope people get when they read this book? >> i hope they get they are not where they come from. it doesn't matter who your father was or who your mother was, it doesn't matter what they did or what happened to you. don't be a victim. >> and it's never too late to change your course. >> it's never too soon and it's never too late. >> do you mind signing the book for us? we're going to put it on our shelf. >> sure. >> and you can buy it today? >> you can buy it today. a flag firestorm erupting after one city official compared the american flag on fire trucks to isis. the response has been
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incredible, and this morning some firefighters want you to know that freedom will forever fly on their trucks. no mistakes this time. we have a new miss usa and she's in the army. >> announcer: district of columbia! >> wait until you hear what she had to say about women in the military. ♪ to help protect your dog or cat from fleas and ticks. with the performance you expect from a monthly topical in a non-greasy collar... seresto® kills and repels fleas and ticks for 8 continuous months. seresto®. from bayer.
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we're back with a fox news alert and its extreme weather is the focus. the east coast on high alert. right now from florida and south carolina, you have millions of americans bracing for as much as 8 implnches of rain and possibl tornadoes when tropical storm colin makes landfall today in the sunshine state. >> colin has been picking up
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speed in the gulf of mexico. it brings thunderstorms to the northeast and most of the peninsula. >> marie is tracking the storm, and it's headed to north florida. >> we're tracking the impact today and also into tomorrow, but the storm remains unchanged. the national hurricane center issued their 8:00 a.m. eastern advisory and the storm not strengthening much, but remaining the same. winds at 50 miles per hour, and it's staying to the east, so that's one storm that it's not intensifying, but there could be flooding with more than 6 inches of rain in the forecast. as we head into late tonight, we are going to be looking at a landfall across northern parts of florida. the main concern, heavy rain, strong winds and even the threat for isolated tornadoes. but the storm system is a very quick mover. it's going to be to the east of the carolinas. by the time we head to tuesday
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afternoon, maximum sustained winds at about 36 miles an hour. there is a look at the precipitation forecast with potentially 8 inches of rain and severe weather possible through the day today. now let's head over to heather. well, some stories we've been following for you all morning long. we begin with two skydivers who collide and people are investigating it as a homicide. they say peterson's parachute never deployed. the two were attempting a dangerous stunt in south carolina, the other landing with a broken leg. after being committed of murder, o.j. simpson may be willing to confess? someone who has known o.j. simpson for decades has been tormented by nicole and her
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friend's murders. o.j. has always felt appearance is everything, and now deep down inside, he has started to live with himself. o.j. is serving time in nevada for armed robbery. he's up for parole next year. a former marine fired from his job for doing this on memorial day. >> i'm out there fighting for this country, and that's what they think about y'all. that's a beauty. it actually should be waving. happy memorial day, y'all. >> allen thornwell lowering the flag outside time warner cable where he worked. he was fired the next day for, quote, passion for the flag and political affiliation." allen thornwell joins us to tell us why he did it. >> i just wanted to show respect for all the service members who gave the ultimate sacrifice as we have the freedoms that a lot of people don't have. >> thornwell, who served in afghanistan, says he's now
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looking for a skbrjob but doesn see himself working for time warner again. thomas says, i support the veteran's thoughts toward those fallen and honored. however, i do not condone his behavior to lower the flag at half mast. and another one, any red-blooded citizen would be honored. and jerry writes, someone give this man a job. i don't know him, but god bless him by doing the right thing by lowering the flag. keep sending your comments. from the military to miss usa, washington, d.c.'s deshawna barber making history as being the first military member being crowned miss usa. her comments getting all the buzz this morning. >> i think it was an amazing job by our government to allow women to integrate into every branch of the military.
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we are just as tough as men. as a commander of my unit, i'm powerful, i am dedicated, and it is important that we recognize that gender does not limit us in the united states army. >> the 26-year-old is an army logistics commander and an i.t. analyst for the u.s. department of commerce. her mother, father, brother and sister, they've all served in the army. and she's now going on to compete in the miss universe contest. i have a feeling she'll do pretty well. there's a look at your headlines. back to you on the outside, on the plaza. >> she's a real beauty inside and out. thank you so much, heather. an amazing show of solidarity with firefighters on our plaza with the american flag. >> it's a response to an official in kcoventry, rhode
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island for getting upset with firefighters for flying the american flag on the back of their trucks. >> he has since apologized but americans are still furious. >> trying to liken us to people who slaughter, behead, we couldn't believe that. the american flag is a symbol for everything that brave men and women have fought for for years. >> joining us now, retired new york firefighter ray kearney. he's the host of the hit show "firehouse kitchen." thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> how hot were you when you heard, don't fly your flag on the truck, you're a terrorist. >> you should never use isis and firefighters in the same sentence. that would be like saying fox news and bad reporting. >> it's beyond that. it's insulting, right? >> it's very insulting. when you insult a firefighter,
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you're not just insulting those rhode island firefighters, you're insulting all firefighters because we're a brotherhood, we're a family. we live together, we eat together. that would be like calling your mother a terrorist from isis. >> we want to thank you for all the work you do. we know you're a former fdny, and then we have queens represented here, we have new jersey, we have rhode island. thank you all, we appreciate that. and the lady behind the news. i'm hearing, though, the man who made these outrageous comments, he actually needed the firefighters to come and help him and save his house back in 1996. >> that's true. >> it's just unbelievable. >> he might have a little beef with the fire department. a lot of people are jealous of the fire department because we save lives, that's what we do, but for him to just lop us in with terrorists and the american flag. the american flag! >> an american flag on a fire
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truck symbolizes what? >> it symbolizes pride. we're new york's bravest, okay, and us putting the flag of the bravest -- look at our star-spangled banner! it's all about the flag, it's about us fighting a war and taking our country. it's unbelievable. we put a post on facebook and it went viral. almost a million people, 300,000 views, and people are upset about this and firefighters are upset about this. >> they're still going to be in the back of trucks. they're not going to let this dissuade them? >> i think he retracted a little bit. he apologized and i think he's buying them all new flags. >> they said, now, if you want to fly anything, you just have to get permission and they're giving them permission now to fly the american flag. >> that's so good of them that they gave them permission to fly the american flag. >> that's a real thing, right? >> this is the real deal. this is 1947 jamaica queens.
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no, i did not put this on the barbecue. >> how about applause for ray and all the firefighters! [ cheers and applause ] meanwhile, coming up straight ahead, donald trump firing back after critics attacked him for bringing up a federal judge's mexican heritage. the donald doubled down on "fox & friends" here. we're live from trump tower with the very latest. the video is insane. cars flying down that building, raining down in a ball of flames on the street below. how this happened. we're going to tell you, coming up next. it's raining cars. ♪
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four real cars plunging out of a garage, crashing and bursting into flames in the city of cleveland. that looks like a scene from a movie. that's because it's a scene from the movie. crews were shooting the latest "fast and furious, fast 8." moon express, set to become the first commercial venture to launch a mission beyond the orbit, is partnering with nasa to send 25 pounds of hardware to the moon next year. the first of its kind mission now awaiting approval from the faa. all right, donald trump taking some serious heat for comments that he made about the trump university judge. >> but despite the controversy, he's doubled down, insisting he's not getting a fair trial. >> that's how we started our day. let's find out what's developed. national correspondent john
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roberts. he's live at trump tower with the very latest. john, where is this going? >> brian, ainsley, steve, good morning to you. it looks like donald trump is starting another week the way he ended last week, with controversy swirling around his comments regarding federal judge gonzalo curiel, trump suggesting last week that curiel cannot remain partial, that he has a conflict of interest in the trump university case because of his, quote, mexican heritage. this despite the fact that curiel was born in indiana to mexican parents. earlier on "fox & friends," you three asked donald trump why he's focusing on curiel as opposed to the other big issues of america, why would he let this overshadow some of his other messages? here's how he responded. >> i don't do that. when they bring it up, i respond. when i sit down with "face the nation" and john dickerson, a good guy, asks me a question,
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and the first question is about this, and the second and third question are about this, and then i sit down with jake and the first question is this, and the second and third question is also this, you have to respond. >> now, there are a lot of people in trump's own party who are running away from him as fast as they can on this particular issue, at least. paul ryan suggests that he doesn't agree with donald trump, that this came out of left field. newt gingrich is saying this talk is inexcusable. and roberta has a mixed mind of this, that donald trump could think curiel could be impartial but not because of his ethnicity. gingrich dialed his statements back a little bit today, and then alberto gonzalez. >> i also think we're big boys and we're not going to agree 100%, and that's fine. that doesn't mean you break up the campaign or you've failed to
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be on the same team. >> to try to qualify someone on that would be inappropriate, but it's perfectly legitimate to look at other reasons. everyone in this country is entitled to a fair trial before an impartial judge. so to question whether or not donald trump can receive that in this case, i think, is perfectly legitimate. >> reporter: earlier when donald trump was on with you earlier, brian, ainsley and steve, he thought the comments were inappropriate, which may be why donald trump dialed it back this morning, but gingrich said you don't end a marriage just because you have a disagreement. >> he said the follow-up question with chris wallace was, if you do want to be vice president, y -- president, you can't say things like this. >> gingrich has always been like that, he's not a man to mince
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words, but you have to agree with your candidate most of the time if you want to be on the team. >> and you're on our team outside trump tower. thank you very much. we're ready to go out and grill this summer? are y are you? not the best way to grill. we're going to tell you how to grill for your summer barbecue. we'll have mike murphy next. first let's check in with martha for what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> when we see you at the top of the hour, hillary and bill, a tell-all from a member of their secret service is about to come out. it's a book that could shake up the clinton campaign. and donald trump doubles down on the mexican judge issue as some republicans get a little nervous. we'll tell you what newt gingrich is saying. and a look back at muhammad ali as louisville gets ready to honor their favorite son. when bill and i see you at the
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top of the hour. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. and in syracuse, where imagination is in production. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at
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it's only monday, but it's never too early to learn how to barbecue a whole lot easier. >> we have restauranteur mark murphy. nice to see you. >> nice to see you. >> do you only cook for celebrities? >> only. no, that's not it at all. we're going to cook some ribs today. >> you go to the soive website. >> i have a couple recipes on there, other chefs do as well. you speak to your computer and say what ingredients do i need? it will list the ingredients. you don't have to wash your hands and touch the computer.
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so i saered oeared off my ribs. what do you do next? i cooked my vegetables. you'll have to add your chicken stock. >> that looks good. >> that does look good. >> you let this cook. >> do you yell out to your iphone, what do i do next? >> what do i do next? add a little brown sugar. what do i do next? i did the voiceover thing, so when you're cooking, i'm the one talking, which is kind of fun. >> you just charge your phone before making the meal. you don't want to be stuck without battery power. >> then drop these back in here and cook it slowly for about an hour. they've cooked for an hour, i've taken them out. then i reduce this down which turns into a glaze. >> how long does it take for
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that to become that? >> about an hour, 45 minutes. if you're watching tv, you put it on low and check it once in a while so you don't mess it up. >> you looked a little italian when you did that, mr. murphy. >> i have another recipe here that's cauliflower and fried rice. this recipe is on the website as well. >> so you want to go ahead and put some glaze on the grill? >> how much is the app? >> it's free. >> it's free! it's free! >> can you grab that stuff right there? put a little on there. we're going to grill it up. there you go. we're going to get some searing going on. >> you put this on how long before you want to serve? >> it's going to take a little time to grill. it's not going to be that long. just get it nice and warm. it's already cooked, remember. we have some that's done over there and you can try it on tv. here's some forks here.
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here's a piece right here. >> i'll have some later. >> hold it and act like you're going to eat it. >> that is delicious. >> anyone hungry? i see a lot of hands going up. what's next? they eat, that's what's next. >> brian, why don't you read this because my mouth is full. an important day for america and the world. the 72nd anniversary of d-day. honoring those american heroes. that's next. finding dory june 17th. i accept i do a shorter set i acthese days.t 22 i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but i won't play anything less than my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'm going for it. eliquis.
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5:58 am
so yoless intense?k out. there we go. which means you need to know your heart rate. when you're going up that hill. or holding up that post. or hiking on that trail. baaaaah! that was weird. or you want to know how many calories you burned. when you're doing this. or this. or this. or this. which means, you should probably wear this. beat yesterday with vivoactive hr. from garmin.
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bill: the gulf coast on alert because here comes colin. they are barreling for what could be 8 inches of rain. it could be a bad sign of the season to come. this is the earliest "c" named storm that has formed in the atlantic. in the meantime, donald trump playing defense, doubling down on his claim a judge may not be able to rule fairly in a lawsuit
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