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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  June 7, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> melissa and i will be back in one hour. melissa: let's do it again. "outnumbered" starts right now. harris: start with a fox news alert. after nearly 50 states and months of campaigning the end of the nomination road is in sight. voters casting ballots across six states, including the biggest prize of california. this as hillary clinton is making history as she appears to already secured the delegates needed to clinch the democratic nomination. this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today jedediah bila, fox business network's elizabeth macdonald. emac, and julie roginsky, #oneluckyguy, good to have him back, republican strategist, campaign veteran, tony sayegh. he is outnumbered. i loving the pink and blue. >> i wanted to emulate the color
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wheel. to keep up with wonderful patterns on the couch. julie and i texted this morning. harris: let's begin, with polls going in today's california primary into it, showing hillary clinton and bernie sanders statistically tied. the associated press reporting based on the super delegate support, hillary clinton hit the critical number, 2383 delegates needed. making her the first woman in our nation's 240-year history to become the presumptive nominee after major american political party. while basking in the news of her historic first, sanders is not bowing out. of course not. clinton reminding her supporters to get out and vote. >> i got to tell you, according to the news we are on the brink of a historic, historic, unprecedented moment. [cheering] but we still have work to do, don't we? >> yes!
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>> we have six elections tomorrow and we're going to fight hard for every single vote especially right here in california! [cheering] harris: yeah, but they were still lining up, bernie sanders before a 10,000 plus crowd in san francisco. promising a win in california, would give him the momentum to take his fight all the way to the convention in philadelphia. later, the senator from vermont explained why he won't be falling behind hillary clinton anytime soon. >> i think it is premature for any endorsement. it is up to the people to make that decision and it is clear, this is not me talking, it is the democratic national committee who says do not lump together pledged delegates, real delegates with superdelegates who may or may not change their minds. harris: how much do you think bernie sanders is kicking himself for not talking about some of the stuff in hillary clinton's past like email server, so on, so forth? he gave her a lot of passes early on and now looking at
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this? >> he didn't this week. he talked about her foreign policy being a lot more like george w. bush's which is very legitimate attack line. harris: too late. >> sure, of course too late and i think for sanders though he touches on this, anyone who doesn't understand this has not been paying attention. i don't think even focused as much on the nomination as much on movement he has created. this is a battle for the heart and soul of the democratic party, not just a nomination. knows that hillary clinton has been eager to shift abruptly back to the center. progressives have been disappointed frankly in barack obama, not in their view, certainly i don't agree with, not in their view progressive and effective enough. what he is trying to do, make sure he doesn't give her any opportunity, any room to become essentially a centrist and completely neglect who he cares about, obviously the environment, as far as minimum wage and economic inequality. harris: former president bill clinton on sunday called
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him toast heading into today. interesting. but sanders then said yesterday to a reporter that he is going to assess the path after california. so he's, i guess maybe done even if he goes to philadelphia. my question did she win or did he just lose? is there a difference. >> bill clinton calling him toast, hillary clinton have to face a challenger. she feels like she is entitled to job. she wan roll out, and i'm hillary clinton i would be first woman president. everyone is supposed to get behind her. this is second time someone basically popped up out of know where and said, oh, really? i think you're right about the movement. i don't think bernie sanders will make it if that is what you're asking but i think he played a really significant role. i don't think a lot of bernie sanders supporters go for hillary clinton because she represents everything they hate about politics. bernie sanders represents everything that they love, someone who is honest, gets out there, talks like a real person.
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some of those voters might go to trump i'm not so sure. i think they will stay home though. if she does win you will see it by a very small margin because a lot of people really can't stand her, especially academia. if she loses california, that is disaster for her regardless. harris: julie, give you a chance to respond. >> don't forget she won california eight years ago by sizable margin then she will either win or lose today. it didn't matter ultimately. barack obama ultimately won the primary clearly, in very much the same way she is about to win it now and then went on to unify the party. now look, consistently we've seen this, saw this with the never trump movement which is basically mitt romney and three guys in a bunker now. that collapsed. i ultimately see never hillary movement on democratic side will collapse. harris: go ahead. >> all i'm going to say bernie sanders however, has a job to do, if he is serious about defeating donald trump, he says that is the top priority he has
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got to, after today, after today he knows there is no pathway he has to say okay, fine. harris: has to be him, right, emac? she can't court the bernie supporters. he has to give them up. liz: clintons were nervous about it they scheduled 30 events in california last five days. here is the key. young immigrant voters. studies suggest one in four californians are not affiliated with any political party. they would have to ask for democratic ballot in order to vote. swing voters are key here, if independents come out. if turnout is suppressed she is the presumptive nominee, and then the separate thing is sanders swings hillary so far left she saying yes to $15 minimum wage and does things like that to get the sandinistas in her wing. she is for things like $12 minimum wage. >> he already won that argument.
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bernie sanders has taken hillary clinton so far to the left that she never wanted to go there and i think it's a lot bigger, julie. barack obama was dynamic historic candidate, when he emerged from the process there was lot of momentum and enthusiasm in the democratic party. hillary clinton was supposed to have a coronation. she is hobbling to the finish. she will lost 20 of last 25 states in primaries and caucuses. argument need to understand, we learned hard way through our primary process, there is angry ilec tore rat. >> no question. >> that elect tore rat doesn't want establishment leading them into the election. she has to figure out for voters not just to vote for donald trump but vote at all. >> you saw her do that with the foreign policy speech. you may not like me, but look at this guy over here? harris: she will make it personal not about policy. harris: talk hard fact numbers.
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2/3, 66% of the sanders voters will vote for clinton more anti-trump vote. i didn't say 66% all of them will vote for her, those who say they will vote for her, 66% of them say they will do it more anti-trump than hillary clinton but it is still only counts for clinton. so it is interesting. people may not support her and i do kind of see it changing a little bit but it is still not everybody. as you said there is still a chunk still sitting out there. >> she will have to spend the rest of her time picking on donald trump, instead of defending herself. harris: does that make him bigger? >> depends what she does. if she talks about he is misogynist or doesn't like hispanics. he is not helping the situation in some regard. harris: last couple of days of the cycle. >> she can't defend herself. bernie sanders has brought up the clinton foundation and these donations to countries that have dictatorships that are anti-gay and anti-women. she has to, even if bernie sanders doesn't make it, he planted a seed in people's minds
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who she is really is. despite what she is saying, they look at her record, they look what she actually accomplished which is nothing. a lot of stuff she has done turned out into disaster, a la libya. i think his job is well-served. people will look at hillary and say, why doesn't she have anything positive to say about her own agenda. why are you picking on this guy all the time? what about you? harris: observation particularly with libya. president obama said regret, out of his presidency which is interesting. wouldn't it be hers too? >> with friends like that. >> here is the difference, the difference, tony and you both do elections, you don't run in vacuum. not that she is running against nobody. she is running against somebody. that somebody supported going into libya and taking out muammar qaddafi. that somebody supported going into iraq to launch a war. donald trump said horrific things that give us pause, talk about later not to democrats and independents, many republicans
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including leadership in the house and senate. so again, all she has to do is say to people, maybe i'm not your cup of tea. hold your nose. remember who i am running against. harris: i would say this, tony i think you would probably step in on this too, donald trump is not a politician at the time. he is talking about precision strike, i only recently heard against muammar qaddafi. >> she was secretary of state. she has no rationale, the entire campaign to deny donald trump. harris: we'll get back to some of this making news. we have you covered all day and all night as americans across six states vote today, and it could be a late one as we keep a close eye on california. so keep it right here on the fnc, fox news channel for the newbies. donald trump urging his sure surrogates to defend his criticism of the judge's ethnicity. whether it is time for him to back down, we'll talk about it.
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bernie sanders asked by a reporter if it is sexist for him to stay in the race while hillary clinton says her supporters want a woman in the white house? the role gender is playing in this race. sounds a little victim. we'll get into it, whether playing the woman card will work in general? i'm terrible at golf. he is. but i'd like to keep b for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive. always be you. jen stops working, but her aleve doesn't. hey mom! because aleve can last 4 hours longer than tylenol 8 hour. what will you do with your aleve hours?
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♪ >> welcome back. donald trump is rallying his biggest supporters to defend attacks on a judge of mexican heritage. he is urging them to step up criticism judge and reporters. trump learned on conference call his aides distributed a memo to lay off judge gonzalo curiel who is overseeing the trump university case. overruled his staff. he is facing mounting criticism from both sides of political i'll. senators marco rubio and lindsey graham who warmed to trump are denouncing his comments. graham says urging republicans who backed trump to rescind endorsements. saying this is off-ramp. earlier paul ryan was asked this --
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>> i don't know what is in his heart but the comment is defined that way. i will not defend these kinds of comments because they're indefensible. >> house democrats are planning to hold a press call to discuss way to hold house republicans backing trump. presumptive republican nominee is defending himself. >> look i have had very, very unfair decisions. people said this should have gone away long time ago in summary judgment. the defendant in the case was a horror show from the other side so they asked that the defendant get out. the plaintiff. the plaintiff in the case was absolute disaster for them. the judge dismissed her from the case but left the case stand. we thought we would win the case. i don't care if the judge is mexican or not. i will do great with the mexican people. i provide jobs. i don't care about mexican but we're being treated very unfairly. >> to me this is no-win for him. i find it indefensible what he is doing with respect to this judge. i don't understand why would he do this? why would you, you need hispanic
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voters, you need independent voters. why are you handing the hillary clinton campaign, ads, she can cut ads for him. why would he do that. >> there was a school of thought, charlie gasparino, pioneered on, trump got into this race to build his brand for his business. this was never about winning presidency. i don't know if i subscribe to that. this makes you believe that might be the case. it is more important to him to get the trump university case dismissed, for his business purposes than it is to curry favor with latinos, not curry favor, not look as a total racist with latinos. he has speaker of the house coming out, essentially calling him a racist. he has senate majority leader all but saying same, anybody but chris christie, who, i don't know, but everybody else, is basically coming out saying this is absolutely wrong to do, but nevertheless he keeps doing it. i'm not offended as democrats. i'm offended as political operative lack of discipline. throwing his own people under the bus.
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>> takes a lot to offend political operatives. we have very thick skin. reality, think about the last part of what donald trump said. i'm going to win mexicans because i'm going to create jobs. that is a great message. talk about that. what haven't we heard from donald trump in the last week is, very robust argument to make about the failure of the obama economy just basically punks waited by terrible jobs report. we're talking about silly comment about ethnicity of a judge on civil case against trump university. what donald trump has to understand, newt gingrich had to make the point brilliantly, primary is individual sport, playing golf and tennis taking care of yourself, right? now this is a team support paul ryan, marco rubio who you need on the team, can't defend the comments. he can. trump has incredible ability to survive a lot of these type of things that are -- harris: i don't think that is the point. >> i think this is tipping point. seeing attack on this judge's
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ethnicity, you're right, economy, 34,000 jobs, revised lower 59,000 for april and may. that is your wheelhouse that is where you should be, not doing this using, basically presidential contender, going after another branch of government as jerry seib pointed out in the "wall street journal" that doesn't look good. pressuring amazon. amazon owns "washington post." washington post doing investigation of donald trump saying if he is president he will do on antitrust action getting department of justice to go after amazon. feels like he is using weight and force of government to his own personal gain. >> harris, he got here though by defying conventional wisdom. a lot of people, made numerous comments he said this would be it for him and keeps rising. is that what is feeding this? now i see a lot of his support based on twitter and supporting him. does he feel like, whatever the experts are saying, if i listened to them i wouldn't be here, listen to me? harris: first of all, this will be only second or third cycle,
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presidential cycle with twitter. we'll have to see if twitter is any sort of evaluation of what people really think at polling booth. so i'm going to set twitter aside and i will focus in on what i saw on the screen moments ago. you've got the trump logo behind him, just on our screen as he was speaking. lower third i believe was talking about what he was talking about, which was the judge. none of it told me was running for president. that's a problem for donald trump. and nothing else matters. it doesn't matter what they love him, don't love him, whatever they're saying on twitter, tweets and all that. right now what the american people see a man they're not quite sure when they flip on tv is he running. because the screen is no longer telling him that. a lot of people only half watch tv, i do it half my life. sometimes they doesn't hear what you say or see what you do. you are lucky to get both. this could be a turning point for him. >> you raise a good point about
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something, trump ultimately decided for whatever reason, that he is not going to spend the time that he had ahead of hillary clinton not yet gotten her nomination wrapped up, unifying his party. he now essentially had a month to unify his party. what is he doing? making comments that his fellow republicans are now forced to repudiate as opposed to unifying party as he should. harris: here is my question for you real quickly, tony, there is an opportunity for newt gingrich and others to coalesce around him. why aren't they doing that? why are they taking shots outside bubble of donald trump. why aren't they getting together with him? i think it is disingenuous and disrespectful. >> i think it is more tough life. trump is our nominee and strengthen his candidacy. harris: take the criticism private. >> donald trump need as lot more public awareness to, this is the fact that this is not the way you're going to win a general election, even though jedediah he was able to defy convention earlier. he can do it. i don't think his surrogates can. i think he needs to lay off ever them. >> politicians have to stand for
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something. they have to answer to people as well. you have to have careers. you can't defend the indefensible because he is saying it. stop saying it, donald. speaking of presidential politics, president obama is eager to jump into the 2015 fray, and take on donald trump as wielder in motion for hillary endorsement. impact and possible drawbacks for clinton. gender and politics as hillary makes history. clinton saying her supporters are excited to help put a woman in the white house. bernie sanders asked if staying in the race is sexist. has this race become about gender or should the record matter more? we'll talk about it next. >> if hillary clinton runs for president is your point it is sexist for any man to oppose her?
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♪ harris: president obama is ready to make it official. white house says mr. obama could
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endorse hillary clinton in matter of days and aggressively making the case against donald trump. white house and campaign aides are discussing time line of lon expected announcement. the president's schedule has several opportunities for maximizing its impact. white house press secretary josh earnest shedding light what we can expect. >> the president is looking forward working again, not just the democratic nominee for president but democratic candidates up and down the ballot. the president isn't just looking forward to having some fun on the campaign trail, he is also looking forward to making an argument and making a case because he understands the stakes are quite high. >> are you spoiling for a fight? >> he is certainly not going to shrink from it, i'll tell you that. harris: here is what is interesting about president obama. he has been putting donald trump on pedestal and platform for weeks now, alluding to and talking about him in different speeches. this is what trump supporters can look forward to. the president elevating his status by default talking about him. it could be very positive.
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>> look, this is what obama does well. he is a fantastic campaigner. he is not such a great president in my opinion but when he gets out there and supports somebody, this is what he does best. i think -- liz: can i say something? the president consistently misled the american people about blaming basically the financial collapse, he inherited worst situation ever. no. ronald reagan inherited just as bad, first of three banking collapsing at citigroup went under in 1980-81. it was severe recession reagan inherited. what did president obama do? doubled down on government regulation and taxes making it the worst recovery since the great depression. tell you something time and again this president is misleading american people. government spending added to gdp numbers showing growth. you take out government spending. about dp was worse under president obama. >> that is all true. you make my point. he got elected twice. he can do all that with that kind of record and convince people to vote for him.
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harris: what of my point of president obama elevating donald trump's status. this is opportunity for trump and supporters at this point? >> look, something as equally historic as a trump candidacy is having a sitting president attacking the nominee of the other party actively. it really does actually give trump, to your point, harris a lot of respect i think, maybe more even than obama wants to. i got to take on what you said, jedediah. i personally have always never believed that coattails really exist that much, but even if you think they exist, barack obama does not have them. he has never been surrogate campaigner for everybody but himself. 2010 he campaigned for democrats, historic losses. 2014 i'm not on ballot but my policies are. even more historic losses. >> they ran away from him. he is hovering around 50%. reagan was around 60. reagan was last time candidate from sitting president's party succeed that president. obama does not have the juice.
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>> a little different this time because she is part of his legacy. her policy as secretary of state. he is defending himself by defending her. >> people are rejecting his legacy. they are rejecting it. >> i have to side with what jedediah just said. barack obama in may of 2012 is at 51% roughly in the trackers. ronald reagan in may of 1988 was around 49%. >> not in may. liz: talking about growth and loss of jobs. first time in the history of the country small businesses are having negative job point. >> you're missing my point. >> let me talk to you what gets people elected. not what you're talking about. >> economic growth. >> if you're talking about economic growth and jobs -- >> worst performance from every american president in the aftermath after downturn. >> let me finish my point. you're missing point. liz: no i hear what you're saying is mower important job. we have no job growth. >> let me make my less important point which is ultimately, you
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get a third term for administration, typically, very rarely but you get it when the president is over 50%. we saw it in 88 with reagan. we'll see it now. jedediah is right. if obama's numbers keep where they are today even go up, i think by contrast his numbers will keep rising people look at alternative, maybe this guy is not so bad -- liz: because of a lot of government spending. >> offer contrary to that. choose to disagree with me, julie. barack obama has 51% because no one is paying attention to him. he has not been the story. harris: that is interesting point. >> once he emerges as story. that was hillary clinton was 65% approval at that point between secretary of state around being a candidate. the second she hit the public the way she has -- >> he is not on ballot. harris: that is the reason why people go to the polls. it is and what can you do for me. >> people felt that way, his numbers wouldn't be where they are. harris: main street and wall street today, we're about to hit is eight 10,000 on the
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dow. people are hurting out there -- 18,000 on the dow. liz: looking more and more like hillary clinton will be the first woman to become presumptive nominee of major political party. she played up the historic moment when npr reporter asked what some saw a fawning question. >> you see people here, people come up to you and they, they get tears in their eyes. >> right. >> do you feel, do you feel the weight of what this means? >> i do. i do. and, you saw it yesterday. i have seen it more than a year. my supporters are passionate. they are committed. they have voted for me in great numbers, across our country, for many reasons. but among those reasons, is their belief that having a woman president will make a great statement. liz: meantime "new york times" reporter asked bernie sanders if
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he thinks staying in the race is sexist and that he is standing in the way of what could be the first woman president? watch what happens. >> your question implies that any woman, that any person, any woman, who is running for president is by definition the best candidate? so any woman who runs? to say that it is sexist, that any, so if hillary clinton runs for president is your point that it is sexist for any man to oppose her. >> my point is -- >> that is another point. >> [inaudible] >> i don't think it is sexist. >> liz: take it to the panel. harris, do you think hillary clinton can play the woman card in general or will that turn voters off? harris: i thought she would be empowered by crashing through the glass ceiling. is somebody waiting with a hot towel and blanket? is she a victim or is she superwoman? no, you can't have it both ways. what do you think?
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>> i think that question that reporter put to bernie sanders one of the dumbest questions in my life i have ever seen. can't believe there is a "new york times" reporter. no excuse saying bernie sanders is sexist staying in the race insane. this has nothing to do with sexism. i'm not bernie sanders supporter but she has the right of somebody running against her regardless if she is woman. there are women of specific generation, her generation who truly believe, i'm not one of them, are supporting her because they think it is time for a woman to be president. harris: liz: does that mean mainstream biases are coming out? tony, what do you think? >> that is not breaking news, mainstream bias supporting hillary clinton, certainly from the "new york times." one thing really remarkable is there is more of a generational situation happening on the democratic side than a gender situation. harris: that is what julie -- >> you were hitting on that, julie, you look at a lot of exit polls, millenial women, women under 40, single woman, growth
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demographics, voting for bernie sanders instead of the woman, that shows you hillary clinton has real character issues and character flaws even such a rock-ribbed part of her base she will have to address. to your earlier point, jedediah, not whether trump wins them but will they show up in the numbers they need. >> she needs these women to vote for her. she can't get a lot to vote for her based on her own record or character. she has to make it part of a larger movement. to say if you don't vote for me, we don't smash through this glass ceiling and put a woman up there, when is the next opportunity we'll have to do that, so women at home say she is not my favorite but here is opportunity to make history. because she can't do it on her own record. a lot of those women refuse to support her based on policy. strategically kind of smart. >> i think you're right about that. i think that is excellent point. malt let i, sass i said there are women out there, women in '60s or '70s, went through the second wave of feminism who
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struggled in ways i can't relate to and paved a way for lot of us who feel strongly there is one last glass ceiling you never been able to shatter. ceos of fortune 500 companies women, prime ministers in other countries and presidents who have been women, in this country, greatest country in the world a woman has never become the most powerful person. >> liz: bernie sanders being ask the question by a supporter. harris: some of mainstream media are ready for this to move on to be hillary thing. why would you ask rival too set up gotcha question. that is exactly what that is. >> that is what they have been preparing for two years, hillary clinton's nomination or coronation. i don't want to take history away from her. she is kind of i think bigger than gender. she has been on the public stage in meaningful way for close to 30 years. she has the ability to make it more than about her being a woman. getting her elected she believes she has on merits because
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getting elected she could be better president. liz: why is she playing woman card then? >> i don't know that she is. question was asked of her, asked of her, among reasons. liz: even on the stump, julie she keeps her message focused on -- >> she said i will play the woman card. harris: what i find really interesting going forward, what was trump doing a week 1/2 ago before he started talking about the judge? he was making some ground on her with the scanned deals from the '90s. in fact he was being given credit for staying tightly focused on message against hillary clinton. if he gets back to that, and he latches on to that, it makes her, puts her right back into that box. i guess that is why bill is in the waiting. bill clinton. to talk about his economy. liz: helped by dot-com boom. fiery battle over immigration. white house is enlisting hollywood to push its agenda, emailing celebrities messages to spread on social media. is this full-blown propaganda,
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or is it fair game? right after the show, catch more from the couch. join our live chat by click the "overtime" tab at find overtime live on facebook. don't go away.
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♪ harris: the obama white house is working once again with hollywood pushing its agenda sending email to tinseltown movers and shakers to tout pro-immigration movement. they had to write it out for all of them. among the actors, kerry washington, alan coupling, julianne moore and rosy perez. kerry washington tweeted, join kerry, become part of, i am an immigrant.
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alan coupling, used suggested lines. june is immigrant heritage month. i'm extremely proud to be proud of i am immigrant movement. back in february white house sent out gun control talking points which many celebrities also passed on. a shock? no, right. but why this topic? >> that is more shocking exempt for the fact this is what donald trump is taking about. this is their opportunity to get the country against trump on this particular issue. here is what really bothers me. not propaganda, not coordinating with hollywood. hollywood is wholesale subsidiary of the liberal movement. i get that. i stopped complaining, right? the fact they always try to conflate immigration as legal and illegal is the same thing. that is the problem. i'm a first generation american, son of immigrants. peanut butter and jelly on pita bread. i love legal immigration. i support the idea our country
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gives everybody the opportunity to see it but you have to come here legally. this is where the white house again really uses these kind of campaigns to distort the facts and to distort the policy. harris: could have been about the economy. liz: yeah it could have been. tell you something i'm thinking about. i read through the democratic platforms from 1960 to 2004. democrat party went through identity crisis. the democrat party in all the presidential platforms, smaller government, lower taxes, less regulation. get government out of our lives. the government has gotten way too big. president obama did something we've never seen before. he spent more on, using taxpayer dollars, government spending, stimulus, that was beyond all the prior governments in any recession combined since world war ii. we've never seen this happen before in the history of the country. we have fallen through the looking glass in this economy. we should not be at 1.5% growth. that is outrageous for this to be happening in the u.s. economy. harris: julie? >> the fact they're sending talking points out is not
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surprise to me. i get talking points, never signed up, actually from the democratic national committee from all the time. i'm sure you get them from the republican committee all the time. >> from you. >> my democratic talking points. >> we laugh at them. >> he mouths them all the time. but i will say, you know, up to the celebrities to use them or not use them. if the celebrities want to use them, god bless but i have never been one to ever want to use somebody's else's talking points, that's what they want to do, that is not a dumb strategy on part of the white house. jedediah: topics they choose don't surprise me. they go for matters of the heart. they go for gun control and immigration and tears at heartstrings. idea of deporting people. using school shootings as where something people sort of forget their logic for a second on legal versus illegal and gun control and what that actually means in gun-free zones and whatnot, able to go for the tearing at heartstrings. i think what is surprised, what is interesting about it, he have this to write the scripts for
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celebrities. like they are a bunch of dummies. if they say support this, you never know what they will say. harris: one thing that may reflect, growing number of conservatives boldly coming out in hollywood. perhaps, democrats feel like they have to start to put some more liberals back on the page, back on the public page and on the record again because we're seeing more and more conservatives in hollywood step up. >> that is definitely an aspect of it. that is a very interesting point, harris. what bothers me, they did it with obamacare. they get these people, hollywood a-list actors, not untouchable. not like any are signing up for obamacare. harris: no doubt. >> like they are getting hurt in any way, shape or form immigration policy, they become the poster children. they represent why we need to unite behind the movement. that is silly aspect. jedediah: we'll see how effective in the coming months. former stanford swimmer sentenced to six months plus probation, for sexually assaulting unconscious woman.
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the message this sends to woman with whether the judge was too lenient. >> we disagree with the judge's ruling in this case. we believe brock turner should have been sent to prison. this was serious premeditated attack on intoxicated young woman who could not defend herself. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn
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♪ jedediah: there is growing outrage over the sentencing of former stanford university swimmer brock turner, found guilty of sexually assaulting a unconscious woman back in january 2016, sentenced to six months in jail with probation. he will have to register as a sex offender. thousands of people demanding the judge in the case be recalled. as a 2007-page letter the victim read in court is going viral, describes ordeal in detail, the attack behind dumpster left her closed off, angry and empty. she implored the judge not to be lenient addressing defendant, writing i'm not a drunk victim at a frat party found behind a dumpster, while you are top swimmer at university innocent until proven guilty. i'm a human being irreversibly hurt. my life was on hold over a year waiting to figure out if i was worth something. the letter from brock turn ear's dad from the judge going viral and sparking major backlash.
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i wrote, quote, i was always excited to buy him a rib-eye steak to grill. he barely consumes any food and only consumes to exist. his life will never be one he dreamed about to work so hard to achieve. that is steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 police years of life. julie i see you nodding your head. >> i'm shaking my head in disgust. jedediah: at the dad's letter. does the dad not realize someone was just raped and forever damaged by this? he is talking about it like it is just 20 minutes like it is nothing? >> i'm going to actually excuse the dad because parents, you know, there is nothing i wouldn't do for my child and there is a question your child does something you take off or turn them in. not excusing dad's words but i will say the dad is acting emotionally. what is incomprehensible to me is this judge and what is incomprehensible to me this notion that this poor, poor, boy, was really a man, is going to pay, the ultimate price
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essentially, registered sex offender for life and have his whole career and life destroyed, never swim for olympics do anything else in life because of 20 minutes, quote, unquote action. that 20 minutes of action destroyed a woman's life. read the impact statement she released at sentencing because it is most chilling, chilling description of a rape and aftermath of a rape that i have ever read. liz: right. the dad is being completely misleading. 20 minutes of assault, not action. this point has been made if this did not happen on college campus, happened in downtown palo alto he would have possibly been then in jail. cobe out now after serving three months, that's it. this young woman deserved better. this basically, tells sex victims on college campuses, don't come forward, right? this is what will be happened. you will be attacked mindlessly and idiot i cannily by people like that.
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jedediah: tony, that is interesting what is the broader messaging. police found the woman's body behind a dumpster. the message, if you do that to somebody, you rape them unconscious you get six months? why because you're 20 years old and short period of time. 20 years old is adult. he deserves to be held accountable. >> this is devastating story on some levels. the area i want to focus on for a moment and discuss what julie began to talk about which is this judge. i don't know california law very well, i'm shocked there isn't a minimum sentence for a rape. i would be shocked to know that was only six months. we see time and time again in this country, almost always seems to be related to a matter of sexual crimes, sometimes against children, where judges are given way too much discretion, way too much ability, to make the wrong call. so it would be really i think incumbent upon people in these states to examine, what are the types of minimum sentencing that surround these types of crimes. that shouldn't be up to a judge unilaterally.
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harris: that is interesting conversation to have given all the judges conversations we're having these days, broad based and far-reaching power do they have. do we need to take another look at that? i don't agree, julie with the parent thing, because you do reach a point with your children you have to be honest with them, you have done something untenable. i love you with all my heart but i will not unleash what you have done on rest of the world and tell the world it is okay. within the father's letter last line sticks to me. probation is the best answer for brock. and this is to put him back into society in a net-positive way. for whom is this positive? >> only for him. harris: only for him. i get he is the dad but he is blaming the victim. >> no question. harris: making this forensic, 20 minutes of action. not holding his child accountable. i get the judge isn't going to, but is his parent as his dad hold him accountable and teach him. >> i have to say, i don't know
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the parents or the whole situation but ultimately how do you raise a son who think is it is okay to find a woman passed out behind a dumpster to violate her. harris: because he knows you will write the letter. look at length of letter. he knows you will do this. jedediah: curious what the impact of the petition as well. people coming together. harris: to recall the judge. jedediah: even if the judge is recalled, that make as statement. more "outnumbered" coming up in just a moment. u sidelined. that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. [ park rides, music and crooooh!unds ] [ brakes screech ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. excuse me, try this. but just one aleve can last 12 hours. tylenol and advil can quit after 6.
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10:00 am
harris: we're walking into the last day of the primary process, so keep it here on the fnc for all the coverage and the results tonight. could be a late one. tony, thanks for being here. >> great to be with you all as always. harris: stay right here for "outnumbered overtime" online. >> fox news alert. a long and winding and surprising primary season nearly to an end as voters in six states head to the polls today. >> the race is not over yet. we begin a new chapter in the race to the white house. we are covering all of the news "happening now". >> the punishment does not fit the crime. >> a legal assault in stanford university. >> the predatory offender failed to take responsibility or remorse. >> outrage at the defendant and his sentence and the father and judge sparked more fireworks. plus american


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