tv The Kelly File FOX News June 10, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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check out my show at 11:30r7 30 eastern here on fnc and don't forget about my new book. please remember the spin stops right here because we are looking out for you. breaking tonight, the attacks in the 2016 race for the white house ramp up as democrats unite around hillary clinton in an effort to take down republican donald trump. welcome, everyone, to the kelly file. i'm trish regan in for megyn kelly. right now donald trump is holding a rally in richmond virginia, less than 24 hours of frsh attacks against him, coming from the white house, from congress, from the clinton campaign, and even from some on the right. earlier today mrs. clinton herself used thio planned parenthood to repeatedly knock her republican rival with a demonstrate democratic refrain. watch it. >> when donald trump says "let's
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make america great again" that is code for let's take america backward. back to a time when opportunity and dignity were reserved for some, not all. back to the days when abortion was illegal, women had far fewer options, and life for too many women and girls was limited. well, donald, those days are over. [ cheers and applause ] >> now notably, mrs. clinton is getting help from massachusetts senator elizabeth warren has to made no secret of her disdain for donald trump. today the two women even met at mrs. clinton's home. amid reports that warren may be on clinton's short list for vice president, a prospect trump says he welcomes as he unleashes his own criticisms of clinton. >> now, hillary clinton, or, as
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i call her, crooked hillary clint clinton. [ applause ] -- as crooked as they come. hillary clinton has jeopardized. totally jeopardized national security by putting her e-mails on a private server, all to hide her corrupt dealings. i mean, it's criminal investigation. >> doug mckelway reports for us tonight from richmond virginia where donald trump has been holding a rally. >> that's right, trish. this rally interestingly enough is much more sparsely attended than what we've been used to seeing at donald trump rallies. the chief of police here in richmond just yesterday had a press conference which might explain that. he said he received upwards of 50 e-mail from people who procured tickets to this rally and who wanted to come but were afraid of potential violence. and that may have kept the crowd
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down here. there are a couple of hundred protesters here. so far they have been well behaved. if you can pan over it right now. i think that may be change. i just saw a group of police officers running over there, running into the crowd of protesters. we'll see what happens there. we'll keep our eyes on that. but inside the rally right now, donald trump is unleashing a torrent of attacks against clinton and her new campaign companion elizabeth warren who she derisively referred to as an indian and pocahontas because her uppian history has not been proven. trump sees a target rich environment and the chance to pull traditional democratic constituencies closer to him. >> her education policies, economic policies, her immigration policies and her trade policies will plunge our poor african-american hispanic
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communities into turmoil and even worse, despair. believe me, you look at what's going on. >> and if clinton were to choose warren as her running mate you can imagine the double barrelled attack that those two would mount against donald trump. >> this is a man who has called women pigs, dogs, and disgusting animals. kind of hard to imagine counting on him to respect our fundamental rights. >> all right. i'm just talking about this violence here again. you can see this line of police officers coming back this way. they have left these protesters very clear about what they intend to do in no one certain terms. if anybody breaks the law they are telling them you will be arrest ared. this is a far cry of what happened in san jose last week. what does breaking the law mean? it means even stepping on to the private property of the richmond arena. one step and you will be arrested. much more proactive than what we
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saw in san jose. the crowd has yet to leave the arena. that's when most of the violence has happened. >> thank you doug. as the democrats hit donald trump and rally around hillary clinton, some republican leaders have found it definite getting behind the new york businessman. publicly urging mr. trump to tone down his rhetoric and pick a running mate who can make up for his lack of political expertise. rick lowry is here. alan colmes is host of the allan colmes show, and lisa booth. lisa, is this really what they should be doing right now? should they be publicly criticizing him if they want to win? >> absolutely. they need to get behind donald trump if republicans want to win the white house. the alternative is hillary clinton if that doesn't happen. there are a couple of things going on here right now. we've already seen mitch mcconnell and speaker paul ryan endorse trump.
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clearly republicans are lining up behind him. they have to think about the house and the senate. you have vulnerable members of congress, for instance senator kurt came out against donald trump because he is facing a tough race in a more democratic state. >> they are trying to walk a tightrope essentially. >> political cover. >> it's all about cover. >> act andly. >> seems to me if you are in the position of providing that cover while simultaneously publicly criticizing the guy who is running at the top of your ticket for president -- you can really have your cake and eat it too in this environment. aren't they causing him more harm? >> well, the problem is that they are asking him really to clear a very low bar and not say indefensible things. part of what's going on here is a signaling to donald trump, please, we want to be with you, we have endorsed you. make it easier for us and the rest of the party by not saying things --
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>> i hear you. and i agree. you know, it's kind of a low bar, please say things that, you know, others won't criticize as racist. however, however, why don't they call him up on the phone and have a private conversation? why don't they get in a room or show up at trump tower and say donald trump we need you to behave kargly. instead they go out in the media and publicly attack him. doesn't that hurt their chances a the white house. >> they have had though private conversation, one. two, when you are a figure like paul ryan yes you are a party officials but you have your own view of what the party's ideals are and what the nation's ideals are. and you are not going to muscle criticism on something that is this high-profile and you that you think is this wrong. >> i think that my point is sort of this is good news for hillary clinton, right. >> let me sit back and watch it. you know, this is good. paul ryan calling it textbook racism but i'm still going to support him. just tonight he is calling her
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pocahontas. here's a guy who wrote a book where he said the family is from sweden. actually they are from germany. maybe we should call him sven. >>. [ overlapping speakers ] >> hang on. we'll save that for another day. in other words, the point you are making is that it is helping hillary clinton. why are the republicans helping hillary clinton like that? ? they shouldn't basketball, but i think there is an important point the make. democrats are all up in arms by a statement but you seem not to care about the presidential candidate is facing investigation by the fbi. >> she is not the subject of investigation. that's not true. >> alan -- >> the fbi -- >> the fbi is being investigated. >> she will meet with them. but she has to deal with the state department who said she broke protocol. >> bernie sanders will not get out of the race.
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ted cruz and john kasich dropped out when they realized it was not viable for them to get through. and also on the state level, democrats are not stepping aside and supporting bernie sanders. >> you have got to hands it to the democrats because elizabeth warren is finally out there supporting hillary clinton. president obama officially endorsing her despite the whole fbi situation. and bernie i'm supposing bernie will eventually come around. he will see the handwriting on the wall. and statement you have got mitch mcconnell and you have got paul ryan out there saying what they are saying. >> trish, this is a fox poll just a day or two ago. the attributes that donald trump leads on versus hillary clinton can bring change to washington. so this election will be about what that change is. can hillary define it as being dangerous and reckless or can trump define it as being a welcome break from a corrupt.status quo? trump for his own interests cannot constantly give the democrats more ammunition to say he is dangerous and reckless. mitch mcconnell and paul ryan --
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you may not like it but they are actually giving him good advice. >> i wonder why they are not doing in the a less public way. >> they probably are. i'm sure they are having those conversations. paul ryan said he has spoken to donald trump and had that conversation. but everybody i have heard speak about this says donald trump doesn't listen to anybody. he has the best brain, uses his best words, he is his own adviser on foreign affairs though he knows nothing about it. he will probable me not listen to those who have his best interests at heart. >> you saw the fox news poll, he is trailing hillary clinton right now after having been ahead. one has to wonder if that's the effects of the last week and a half or so. >> it probably is. i don't discount the fact it was a bad move politically it was a bad move to be saying that in the first place. we have seen the fox news poll taking a six point swing down. still within the margin of error. yes, you know, those were a
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problem. it also goes back to the political cover and you see these people stepping forward and saying this. they are allowing for themselves to have wiggle room. >> that's what they are trying to do. >> this should not have been a bad week or two weeks, you had the ig report undermining everything hillary clinton said about the e-mail. and i have a report today that she basically sold a position on the advisory board. >> he needs to stick to the economy and national security and keep going after hillary and he would be in better shape. good to see all you guys. the media's obsession with hillary's campaign may actually be growing now with senator elizabeth warren endorsing her last night. warren's support is something that some democrats have been dreaming of for months and some members of the media could barely contain their excitement of this move. >> another force outside the obama/biden white house that frankly has a hell of a megaphone and a hell of an
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audience and a ton of influence right now. and that person is massachusetts senator elizabeth warren. >> this was a picture of a democratic party firing on all cylinders here with elizabeth warren at the tip of the spear. >> senator warren prizes being an independent voice for all people. she is a fighter against bullies and has been for many years. not just donald trump. >> howie curtis is host of media news media buzz on fox news channel. howie, excited. i guess they were waiting for long time for this to happen. is this excitement justified? >> many in the media practically begged warren to run for president. now we are seeing her throw out the leg for the prospect that she mighty merge as hillary clinton's vp. you could see the appeal of covering a article? ing attack dog who loves to lacerate trump as a small minded money grubber. i have to say with elizabeth warren giving an anti-trump
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speech covered live on msnbc and cnn, and on the rachel maddow show and going to hillary clinton's home this morning she is doing a good imitation of campaigning for the job. >> that said, in all fairness to some of the media organizations out there, there is a reality of this business which is in part the most aggressive sound bytes tend to make air. and you can rest assured that elizabeth warren is going to come forward with some aggressive sound bytes. so we captures legitimately captures some of the media's attention. it's questionable why they need to be so excited in the endorsement. >> she would absolutely be fun to cover. i can go over the pros and cons. two women on the particular. they don't know each other very well. here's the main thing being overlooked by most but not all commentators. hillary clinton is running as the candidate of government
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experience. she undercuts that if she picks a first term senator with no experience in important policy. even rendell said he doesn't think warren is ready to be commander in chief. while there might be swooning now, if she was chosen the debate would quickly turn to you have a 69-year-old nominee, is this first term lawmaker experienced enough to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. >> as you know, the president made an appearance on yet again another nighttime show, jimmy fallon this time. and he made the point, howie, is the presidency is something that's not a reality show. that you need toic at that it very seriously. i think we have a clip for you. >> the main role i'm going to be playing in this process is to remind the american people that this is a serious job. this is not reality tv. >> not reality tv. okay, this is coming from a by
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who by the way has done his share of reality tv or entertainment tv. i mean, shows like between two ferns and all the nighttime shows, entertainment shows. i mean, this guy is actually -- our president -- very good at the whole reality tv star thing. >> what barack obama was obviously trying to say is that you can be a reality tv guy as a candidate but once you are president you can slow jam the news, you can sit down with gloezel green, the woman who took the bath in froot loops. you can sit down with all kinds of lackey hosts once you have actually got the job. obviously trying to take a swipe at dprump and the apprentice. >> i'm betting he might get his own show when this is all said and done, the president, he would be awfully good at it. >> might be getting a few offers in a few months. breaking tonight, everyone, major headlines out of the annual romney summit.
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former republican nominee mitt romney announcing he will not vote for donald trump come november just as his guests rinsz priebus and speaker ryan double down on their support for donald trump. we have governor mike huckabee here on that. plus, new evidence of failure during hillary clinton's tenure at the state department as we hear about a major donor to the clinton foundation. a donor you see here. is this another case of pay for play involving the clintons? and the bombshell report claiming the presumptive democratic nominee is benefitting from manipulated google serves. we're on it. >> the intention is clear, google is burying potential searches for terms that could have hurt hillary clinton ♪ what are you doing? sara, i love you, and... [phone rings] ah, it's my brother. keep going... sara, will you marry... [phone rings again] what do you want, todd???? [crowd cheering]
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keep it going!!!! if you sit on your phone, you butt-dial people. it's what you do. todd! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. i know we just met like, two months ago... yes! [crowd cheering] [crowd cheering over phone] mary buys a little lamb. one of millions of orders on this company's servers. accessible by thousands of suppliers and employees globally. but with cyber threats on the rise, mary's data could be under attack.
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. baeking on the to, former republican nominee mitt romney making headlines at his annual summit reaffirming he will not vote for presumptive republican nominee donald trump or hillary clinton this november. but he did suggest he might be open to the libertarian ticket. right now, romney's big shindig is underway in utah. and the stakes have never been higher. he has a power packed guest list out there. rnc chair reince priebus, speaker paul ryan. they are in utah raising money
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for down ballot republican candidates but officials on the ground say romney's summit will not be a fertile fund-raising ground for donald trump as romney's very public objections to mr. trumpl intensify. >> i don't want to see trickle down racism. i don't want to see a president of the united states saying things which change the character of the generations of americans that are following. presidents have an impact on the nature of our nature. and trickle down racism, tricken down bigotry, and trickle down misogyny, all these things are dangerous to the heart and character of america. >> we have govern or mike huckabee here with us on all of that. first we go to leland vitter. he is live in park city utah with the details. >> reporter: good evening, trish. you might imagine that mitt romney after saying those things would offer some other idea. the only idea he said is what he knows he will not do, he won't
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be the guy to try to take on donald trump or be a spoiler, in his words. this meeting here is not only top staff but the who's who of donors from the 2012 presidential campaign. and you might think this magnificent visa here who soften everyone's feelings. it hasn't. few others with few exceptions, folks here are up yet, almost resigned to the fact that the fact that donald trump could become the president of the united states and they are angry about it. they are worried about it. some of the speakers here are folks who have been behind donald trump. paul ryan, speaker of the house, who has endorsed donald trump. he wants to come here and talk about the gop's anti-poverty agenda he has unveiled in the house. folks here want to talk to him about why he has gotten behind donald trump and if he can control trump. rnc chairman reince priebus is
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here. now the big question here, the $1 million question -- you might say the $1 billion question among these big donor is all right most everyone here agrees they won't want trump to be the president but is anyone willing to do something about it rather than just talk about it? here is romney's national finance chair from his 2012 campaign. >> there is an appetite for plan b? is there money for plan b. >> i think there would certainly be money, there would be an appetite for a plan b but i don't think there is an option for a plan b, the process is -- donald trump has gone through the process. he will be the republican nominee. there is nobody that i have talked to that's planning a third party run. >> reporter: now folks here are really pushing back on the concept that this is a meeting of the never trumps or there is some kind of plan being hatched here. but it is very clear that those who are a of the the center of the 2012 presidential campaign
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are trying to figure out a way to become relevant once again trish in 2016. >> leland thanks so much. joining me, two time republican presidential candidate and a man who has spoken at govern romney's summit before, governor mike huckabee. good the see you. >> thanks trish. great to be here tonight. >> do you think this conference is doing more harm than good when it comes to being able to beat hillary clinton? >> i think these guys are spiraling into utter irrelevance. i mean the fact they are out there trying to figure out how can they stop a person who has over -- almost 3.5 million more votes at this point than mitt romney had during the entire nomination process? what they don't seem to yet figure out, yeah, trump is not their guy. but guess what, they weren't the people as guy. and people are sick of the policies from these very republicans from the establishment and from the elite world whose policies on immigration and on trade and on the economy and on national
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security have created a complete disaster in the republican brand where people don't trust it. and a lot of people have taken a gut punch in their personal economy, lost their jobs, lost their homes in foreclosure. and mitt romney, who i don't understand what he's doing. i like myth but he is trying to divide the party at a time when we need to unite. trish, what doesn't make sense is that if we want to talk about things a candidate said, could we go back and dig up about the 47%? i mean how many times do we need to be reminded that candidates make mistakes. or that even when they don't, they say their mind. i just think this is an absurd way for republicans so-called leaders to act. >> they so desperately want to be able to keep the house and the senate. i wonder, governor, if by criticizing donald trump so publicly and saying, loo, you for example he's this, he's that, you know, if they are running the risk of alegal
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leanating all of trump's supporters and therefore pretty much guaranteeing themselves an inability to secure the house and senate. >> i think they are hurting the prospects for getting the house and senate. again, they seem to forget that house and senate members have a lower approval rating than cockroaches right now. i want you to think about that. and for us to say, oh, well we want to keep the house and senate. then do something that the people want you to do. stop illegal immigration. stop these trade deals that are taking jobs from americans. build an economy that works for the people at the bottom, not just the ones at the top. i mean, if they really are serious about keeping the house and senate, then show us that you have some leadership. what they did, they extended the debt. they paid for obama care. they continue to fund planned parenthood. they approved the iranian deal. they did everything republicans hate and they don't understand why we are mad at them. >> governor, you think about all the rhetoric coming from mitt romney right now. if he is so convinced that trump
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is not the answer, why isn't he himself willing to run? >> good question. i mean, i think that's it. if you don't like the product that's on the shelf, salem put my product out there. look, i did that. i ran. i was rejected. 16 of us were told no thank you. i accept that. i'm not sitting around being bitter and saying gee, i don't like donald trump, he wasn't my first choice. trish, he wasn't my first choice. i was my first choice. >> of course you were, as you should be. >> but the people didn't choose me. so here's the deal, get behind him. we're republicans. we don't want hillary clinton. it's that simple. >> before you go, let me ask you, you are from arkansas. you know the clintons well down there in arkansas? >> yes. >> what's your advice to donald trump at this point in terms of how to beat her? >> be prepared to be hit hard, hit hard back. keep her had off balance. she is not the same politician that her husband is. she doesn't have that kind of nimble ability to take the pressure and blow it off and
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just keep going. so i think he will have, frankly, the ideal kind of campaign going against hillary. but if anybody thinks this is going to be a snoozer, they have no idea what the next five months are going to be like. get a tichlkt get a close seat and pop some corn. >> governor huck booerks we are looking forward to it. thank you so much. >> thanks trish. coming up tonight, a new report on possible political favors during hillary clinton's time at the state department. we're now learning more about a major donor to the clinton foundation seen here who was appointed to a sensitive government post despite lacking any relevant credentials. what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of.
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[ paul ] no. this is a stupid plan. hate drama? go to research. price. find. only helps you get the right car without all the drama. a bombshell report today saugts major clinton donor who gave as much as 250,000 to the clinton foundation was put on a sensitive government advisory board during clinton's time in the state department even though he had no experience. he was a commodities broker with no known connections to the national security world. despite lacking the most basic qualifications clintonality
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allies made sure he was appointed to a state department board that aadvises the top figures on american nuclear strategies. a position that also granted him access to the most top secret information. back in 2011, abc news started asking some questions about mr. fernando's appointment. and some newly released internal e-mails indicate that the state department spent two days stalling before fernando resigned two days later. when abc news approached him at the democratic convention the following near, fernando not only clammed up, he threatened them with arrest, watch. >> website news, do you have a second to talk here. how did you get appointed to that board? can you talk about that. >> how do you know my name, oust curiosity. >> you will be arrested. >> i will be arrested for asking questions of this man. >> here's what it means for hillary clinton's campaign. ben dominic, the publisher of the federalist and allan colmes
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is back with us. ben, is this an example of pay for play. he donates and all of a sudden gets an appointment? >> this is a example of how the clintons have been coin operated for so much of their political careers. and a example of how it deals with high level security that deal with stop secret information. this is another example of how the clintons use the foundation in this way, to welcome in donors and put them in position where is they can nuns american policy. this is the same thing we've seen them do over the years. i don't think anybody will be surprised. >> when you look at her ratings when it comes to trustworthiness, this is the area she is most cited as being lacking in. something like this is one more to add to the pile? >> this is nothing. it is an attempt by citizened united that has been an anti-clinton group for years and years and years. they got this information through the freedom of information act. got e-mails, it is a story about
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someone who was a donor. donors often get to be ambassadors. >> this is different because this particular board that he was put on is exposed to the most top secret information. >> this guy was allegedly reported to be a cyber security expert. he had -- he had experience -- >> it is a commodities broker. trading down on the floors of chicago in the pits. >> and understand international currency. >> the fact he resigned two days after the questions were asked. >> i don't know why he resigned. pay pour play happens all the time w ambassadorship, with both parties. >> doesn't make it right. season this what donald trump is trying to fight? what he is resonating on. the fact there is so much crony capitalism. >> you want to talk about scandal, donald trump is who we should be focus on. trump university. >> yooet right now we are focusing on this. on monday, donald trump is going
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to expose more of this kind of stuff. >> i'm sure he will say very nice things about hillary clinton. >> the problem with this situation, is that this uncuts the main thing that hillary clinton is making the centerpiece of her campaign, that you can trust her as a leader more than donald trump, that she would be a more reliable commanderer in chief. if the you are putting people who have no background in security at all in positions where they are dealing with top secret information entirely because they are donors to your campaign. >> that story that he was a cyber security expert -- to say he had no experience is security is false. >> another thing that's continuing to haunt her, the clinton global foundation. you think about shortly after she became secretary of state she was approached by ubs, united bank of switzerland to try and sort of negotiate on behalf of ubs because the irs was going after nearly 60,000 of their clients for tax evasion.
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she worked with ubs and worked with the irs and got a deal put together in which roughly 4500 people wound up being targeted by the irs instead of near 60,000. what do you know, the next, her husband, biggest speaking engagement of the year. $175 million he got from ubs. once again, you know, i don't know, if there was anything nefarious at play, but doesn't it at least cause you to ask the question of whether she understands the sensitivity. >> let me respond. there are people who can't stand the clintons and will look to connect the dotsa any way they can to make them look like horrible things. >> why are they giving them so many dots to connect. >> you don't know if there is anything nefarious there. let's get all the fact before we make accusations. >> perception in many cases becomes reality. if you are running for office. >> they are not going to agree with anything they do and they will look for any of the dots they can connect to go after
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them. >> state department. don't you say to bill, hey, hon, may be ought to forego that speech for $1.5 million because i did deal with them on bhaft irs and ubs together? seems like common sense. >> if we can prove there was actually a quid pro quo, let's come out with that information. let's find the proof. >> allan, thank you. new reaction to a report from banking heavyweight goldman sachs s obama care forcing americans who want to work full time to work part-time. the kelly file pins down the facts on a huge part of president's economic legacy. a fair and balanced debate next on whether hillary clinton would stay on the same path as the president. many people clean their dentures
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that report say obama care is forcing americans who want to work full time to have to work part-time. the washington examiner report on that research reads, and i quote, the evidence suggests that the afor theible care act hassed a least modestly elevated involuntary part-time employment. we have two men on opposite sides of this argument here tonight rnl boris epstein, a trump supporter and republican strategist and chris haughn, a fox news contributor and former aid to forearm senator chuck schumer. i have talked to a lot of people, every single one of them was predicting exactly this. they said you know what's going to happen when obama care comes into effect? people are not going to hire as many employees or they are going to cut back on workers' hours. is this the reality of obama care in which we now live? >> of course it is a complete no brainer. companies cannot afford to have full time employees. companies have to force the employees to go part-time. who does it hit the hardest the
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middle class businesses the hardest. hits small businesses the hardest. and this is not the end. it's actually the beginning. premiums are going to be going up by 20, 30, 40%. insurance companies are saying they are losing money on obama care all over the country. out of 50 states, in 41 states insurance companies lost money on obama care. >> chris i know you don't agree with any of this but i want to briefly explain the scenario, imagine you are a small business own, he you run a restaurant, right? and you have 45 employees. why would you go to 50 full time employees if all of a sudden it's going to hit your bottom line because the government is now requiring you to provide health care? >> well, businesses go to 50 employees because they need 50 employees. and they deal with the implications of that within the law. even if you believe this study, which i'm dubious on, the study itself. >> why are you dubious on it. >> the study is modest.
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maybe 200,000 jobs were lost in this. and this economy under president president obama has created 14 million jobs since the bottom of the recession. that's a lot of jobs. >> they are not good jobs. >> this is the worst recovery since world war ii. the lowest participation in the work force. >> it was the worst reception since 1929. >> you know what, let me jump in for a minute, chris makes an important point that a lot of people on the left like to say. things were so bad, therefore, how could it possibly be so good right now? i tell you, it should be good. you know why, chris? when things are that bad, any other time in history what you see is a big pop in the gdp numbers. in other words, the economy by comparison grows even more. yet we haven't seen that. where -- you are comparing that to a standard -- >> we are at an anemic growth record. >> it is a standard -- you are talking about a standard recession. this was a great recession
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brought on by horrible. >> world war ii there was much better gdp growth. >> you are lying chris, you are not telling the truth. >> thises the thing, the trump campaign, you want to south everybody down here. >> you are historically correct. >> the recession was historically bad. and this has been a great recovery. 14 million new jobs, stocks is at record highs. >> as someone who reports on this regularly, i can tell you why the stock market is at record highs. has nothing to do with the fundamentals of this economy and everything to do with an extremely aggressive federal reserve that was either printing money or leaving interest rates at record lows will be the leaving investors with no other place to put their money except into the market. >> 500,000 workers dropped out of the work force in the last month that the economy is good, the recovery is good. you have got to be kidding yourself. >> i wish we could keep going.
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shoshow me more like this.e. show me "previously watched." what's recommended for me. x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. developing tonight, new accusations against tech giant google and what's being called a possible case of political favoritism.
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this coming on the heels of accusations that facebook was intentionally stifling conservative stories on its website. the allegations against google, which google has flatly denied, come in the form of an online video from newssite source fed which claims the search engine's auto correct feature intentionally omits terms that might be harmful to clinton's campaign. for more on this story we go to william in our west coast newsroom. >> it's a pop culture website. it claims google intentionally manipulated search results to favor hillary clinton. here's why. it typed in hillary clinton, it automatically filled in hillary clinton climb bill and crisis. do the same on bing or yahoo! and you get hillary clinton criminal. try again, it typed in hillary clinton i-n-d.
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yahoo! and bing, hillary clinton indictment. yet google's own trending site showed eight times more searches for clinton indictment than clinton india. >> the intention is clear. google is burying potential searches for terms that could have hurt hillary clinton in the primary elections in past several months by manipulating recommendation on their site. >> but when trump r-a-c for racist, this time the google search matched yahoo! and bing. >> this appears to be an intentional manipulation of search and results to favor an outcome somebody wants. >> so why tip the scales for hillary clinton? source head points to google executive democratic fund-raiser and clinton supporter eric schmidt who created a company to provide her campaign with the best data analysis. but google says it, and i'm quoting, does not favor any candidate or cause. claims to the contrary simply misunderstand how autocomplete works. prediction are produced based on
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a number of factors including the popularity of search terms. so google also explains that its systems automatically filter out offensive or inappropriate autocomplete predictions. so negative information is not the first thing that pops up for candidates or anyone else. trish? >> all right, william. thank you so much. here with more is the cyber security expert you just heard from in william's report, morgan wright. >> good to see you again, trish. >> do you think there's any foul play here? >> as the russians said one time, comrades, i don't believe in coincidence. there's too much coincidence here. if it was just one engine and every other engine came up with the same results, i'd say nothing to see here, folks, move along. but when yahoo! and bing produce results that don't match google but they match the same things for bernie sanders and donald trump. you have to start asking has somebody messed with the algorithm, the automated
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reasoning that controls what people see and do. in a news cycle, in politics perception trumps reality. >> google is quite emphatic that they have had nothing to do with it. is it possible maybe someone within a campaign could have triggered something that would affect the algo rit ims or maybe even just an employee at google itself that the company is not aware. >> i doubt that you'll get an e-mail from eric schmidt saying here's what i want you to do. the algorithm is designed by humans, run by humans, tweaked by humans. there's nothing to prevent somebody from saying we'll turn the dial up on negative stories and turn the dial down on positive stories for a particular candidate or reversing that. it will require somebody. but a campaign can't do that. but there are companies out there that would pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to get the type of favorable ranking and first page type of thing that hillary clinton's getting from this. so i think there's a there there
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but we don't know exactly what it is yet. >> this is coming on the heels of facebook and facebook's been heavily criticized for suppressing conservative views. it has people scratching their head and saying we know how liberal silicon valley is. are they deliberaty trying to suppress the right in favor of the left? >> here's an interesting part about that, too. at some point somebody will say, this has happened too many times for it to be a coincidence. in this case, did somebody favor hillary clinton? i have no idea. bu somebody did, that would be worth hundreds of thousands. would that be considered a campaign contribution? are you going to trigger yet another investigation, potential, civil maybe criminal as to who violated campaign contribution laws and get into the back end of this? that's when they find out did somebody send an e-mail. >> this should get very interesting. morgan, thank you so much. we'll be right back.
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her tonight. thank you for wafing. please tune in to the intelligence report monday. i'll be live in new hampshire for trump's big speech as he promises to go after clinton hald he possibly have to say? have a great weekend. tonight on this special edition of "hannity" -- >> crooked hillary, crooked, crooked hillary. she is a crooked -- she is a crooked person. hillary clinton is a weak person. hillary clinton is totally scripted. hillary clinton is a thief. i think she's pathetic. i think she should be in jail for what she did with her e-mails. okay? >> donald trump takes on hillary clinton. >> i think the only card she has is the woman's card. she's got nothing else going. >> then deal me in! >> she shouts into the microphone and it drives everybody crazy. and frankly, if hillary clinton were a man, i don't think she'd get 5% of the vo
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