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tv   Kennedy  FOX News  June 11, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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often tweet out their information and about where they are going to be. you know, you have to keep a lookout. >> we'll continue to follow the breaking details of this story. christina grimmie was well loved by a lot of people who watched "the voice." that's it for us. up next an election special hosted by eric bowen. hi. thanks for watching this special edition of the o'reilly factor. trump versus clinton, the battle lines are drawn. flow that hillary clinton has the democratic nomination locked up, the big time endorsements are starting to fall into place with president obama stepping off the sidelines to formally back her run for the white house. >> i know how hard this job can be. that is why i know hillary will be so good at it. in fact i don't think there's ever been someone so qualified to hold this office. >> vice president biden soon followed, throwing his own
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support behind mrs. clinton but donald trump is dumping cold water on all of it. listen. >> first time ever by the way a president of the united states endorsed somebody under criminal investigation. interesting. >> however a new fox news poll of r bad news for donald trump where hillary clinton beating him. just last month trump was leading clinton 45 to 42%. does hillary clinton really have the advantage now? joining was reaction -- before we see donald trump loslosing%. and hillary staying flat. what's it all about. >> you would have expected she probably would have gained a little and that didn't happen. trump lost about ten points in the poll. but the reality is she's not really solved any of her larger prop problems. in the poll only 44% of voters
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say she has the integrity to be commander in chief. 64% say they think she's lying about the e-mail and server scandal. hillary again seems to have good news stories that never really materialize. her likability and relatability are so low that she can't overcome them. >> you can say donald trump had a pretty good week to ten days and donald trump too. >> -- end of last week. >> which some liked and some just thought it was a shot after trump. >> both -- >> my point is this. wouldn't you think she would have a bigger bump against -- >> no. we need the find out. tuesday night was the nomination she clinched it. but wednesday bernie sanders is still saying he's fighting on. thursday the endorsement. i'm interested to see what happens over the weekend. trump has a foreign policy speech on monday which should be interesting to see if he uses that as just -- >> the whole difference in that
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poll isn't that hillary is getting a big bump. >> no but a -- is a big deal. that is the demographic -- >> she's not going un. >> i would say the other big story from this week that we can't lose sight of is trump's ability to self correct. he was dropping because of his attack on the judge. he tactically understands now. >> really by -- >> [ inaudible ] >> endorsements are meaningless and -- >> they are not. >> but let me kpleesmt the reality is necessary in this asymmetric year. hillary is doing the classic campaign. that is not going to have the same effect. >> what do you think the effect of president obama's endorsement more hillary clinton is? is it a net positive? he's got some people who love him. >> the only aspect of it that could be a net positive is
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helping sanders out of this race which i understand now might happen sooner than later as a result of the democratic party coming together. americans have been consistently saying the kountsry is going in the wrong direction. the best thing for donald trump is obama takes a larger roll in the campaign. the worst thing is to suggest she wants a third obama turn. that is not really what want. >> how about this one. household median incomes are down under president obama. household savings way down under president obama. are we safer now more now than seven years ago when president obama took over? >> i'm guessing -- >> i would say no. race relations better now? >> has he -- >> i would say flo. income inequality. has it gotten better or worse under president obama. why is endorsement of someone who's presided over the worst economies in modern history so good.
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>> because he's overwhelmingly popular. over fifty percent approval at this point which i know is stunning to all of you. -- [ inaudible ] let's talk about george bush. >> reagan is 60. >> and reagan is here no more. and donald trump is not reagan either. >> president obama. be president. would have his agencies is the department of justice. underneath them is the nifbi. the fbi is investigating hillary clinton. is it a good idea for the president of the united states to endorse one of the people they are investigating criminally. >> they are separate issues here and that is why we have branchs of government. and yes i think it was the right thing to do. me made it clear to senator sanders. the video was taped on tuesday. he wants the democrat to win in november. it is a good idea. hillary clinton is going to be our candidate and that is what's going on here. i also think she said very confidently there will be no indictment and maybe you know something we don't know. >> and even more disturbing she
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knows something we don't know. >> -- said that this now sets her up for looking like part of this rigg ege eged doj deal. 51% is not overwhelming but even if you say it is, it is because no one is paying attention to him. hillary clinton was at 6 --. that number is going to go down. >> the vast majority of the months hillary clinton and her camp have said this is just an investigation. just looking if are information. they haven't gone criminal yet. josh ernest yesterday used the word criminal investigation when talking about the investigation. >> correct. >> does she know something we don't know? does he know something we don't? has no one told her she's under criminal investigation? >> denialing just a river in egypt. everyone knows it's criminal investigation. the fbi doesn't exactly go after misdemeanors. the problem with clinton is you have this report coming out from
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the state department who has said her rationale was flawed. and oh wait. her whole defense everyone else did it is false according to an obama appointee. >> very good -- you know? because we're going to be talking about the e-mail scandals coming up next. most americans believe hillary clinton is lying about her e-mail scandal. but will it make any difference as she takes on donald trump? that debate when the factor comes right back. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud. geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides.
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i want to say one thing. >> we turned over everything. >> i never told anybody to lie. >> that is all i could say.
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>> these allegations are false. >> i don't know how it works digitally at all. >> in the impact segment tonight, fresh trouble for hillary clinton. the "wall street journal" reports a series of emails from 2011 and 2012 over fresh trouble for hillary clinton. a series of e-mails from 2011 and 2012 over classified drone strikes is at the center of a criminal investigation into a private e-mail server. on top of that a new fox news
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poll asks registered voters do you believe hillary clinton is lying about how her e-mails were handled? joining us now from washington with reaction. john and richard. and you have some news for us today. what happened with judicial watch today? >>le with we're trying to get testimony from bryan pagliano, the clinton i.t. official who supposedly provided support for her. and he's going to be providing the fifth for every question. and wants them under seal and doesn't want anybody to see them. we're opposing that. we have to be able to ask him questions and if he's going
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assert the fifth amendment. on top of that the administration comes in and tells the court yeah we don't want that immunity agreement public anyway because it would get in the way of our criminal investigation. >> explain what an immunity agreement is in other words that he's going to be immune from prosecution if he does a certain thing. which is? >> best i can tell is he's inimmune from prosecution for anything he's telling them at the justice department and the fbi but he may not be immune from prosecution for anything he tells anybody else or so he would have us believe. my guess ises the something like that. >> it gets uglier and uglier. why are staffers taking the fifth richard? >> if i was his lawyer, everybody breathing down his neck i would advise him to take the fifth too. the fact is you just don't what to have to run any risk of prosecution. look, you referred eric to that
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wall street journal story. let me quote run sentence. the vaguely wordeded messages d not mention the cia, drones or anything information about the military targets. so again i would think i was on a saturday night live skit the fact you are making such a fuss about this. >> -- access to these. these aren't the 33 thousand that she's already scrubbed and burned and shredded. >> according to the story these are e-mails hillary did not write. that were not marked classified. she's smart but she's not clairvoyant. she could look into the future and know what some intelligence guy down the road would say the years before. >> oh come on. >> no come on, tom. and again the fact of the matter -- >> richard you say hillary clinton was receiving these coded e-mails didn't know they were about the most sensitive classified drone operations in pakistan? is that your suggestion?
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and she knew and should have known that she shouldn't be talking about that over these unsecure lines. >> here is how strong it was. it says this is the kwors kept secret in pakistan let alone the u.s. that were daily reports of drone strikes in the press in pakistan about where they were. so this is crazy. >> what's crazy is your argument is with the obama administration that's classified this information. it is not a judicial watch. it is not republicans. it is not donald trump. it is the obama administration that's classified the information. has been breached by mrs. clinton and her aides. >> let me jump in here. tom. hillary clinton in an interview this week said there is zero chance she will be dieted. what say you? >> i think she may be indicted. there is a serious criminal investigation going on. there may be political ramifications for the indictment that prevent the justice department from proceeding for political reasons but i dont see any legal impediment to her
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indictment. no doubt she miss handled classified information. she was warned about the blackberry. and continued to do it anyway. and told someone to remove classified documents from a document and sent it to her. anyone else preventing that information about their conduct they would be hauled into court a long time ago. the question is why hasn't she been indicted yet in many respects. >> now we know because the white house told us yesterday it is a criminal investigation. that is tuesday to us. so why hasn't she been indicted yet. >> law enforcement officials said she was not going to get indict order the criminal charge would be brought because she didn't engage in criminal conduct. colin powell himself. he said this -- >> excuse me. stay on hillary. it matters what she did. did she break the law? tom, did she break the law if she didn't intend to have
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information on the server. it's she just so happened to be e-mailing back and forth top secret classified information. did she break the law? >> they don't need to prove intent. just doing it and knowing that you are handling and mishandling classified information. you don't need to have intent. the mishandling. whether it happened or not puts ute risk for criminal liability. >> if you have a folder. as the top secret classified folder and you go to the bar across the street and leave it on the bar, you forget it. you don't intend to leave it on the bar, you forget it. you have broken the law. >> so the audience wants to know when she does not get indicted why, because nothing that she handled was marked classified. >> of course it wasn't marked classified. she as well as everyone in this room right now knows it was classified. >> and she asked someone to remove the marks. >> -- in the newspaper in the u.s. and in pakistan. this was not anything about this
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that was secret. it was well known. >> great debate guys. thank you very much. up next. elizabeth warren jumps on the hillary clinton band wagon and launches a vicious attack against donald trump but will it just bounce right off him? right back with that. ♪ ♪ take on the unexpected with a car that could stop for you. nissan safety shield technologies, available in the altima, sentra and maxima. cook healthy meals... yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... ...add one a day men's 50+. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it helps support healthy blood pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. try duo fusion!ing antacids?
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>> well, trump responded on twitter referring to warren by his nickname for her that takes a shot at her disputed native american heritage. quote, poke honts is at it again. goofy elizabeth warren has a nasty mouth. hope she is vp choice. joining us with this reaction to this war of words. one side says trump, loud, nasty, thin skinned fraud. and trump comes back with goofy elizabeth warren, poke hontis and more. >> if you are looking for donald trump to raise his game and get better at the political game that has been a bad week. he's given two speeches off teleprompters where he's been tried to be more controlled and right afterwards attacked joe scarborough on wednesday in
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these crazy tweets and then today elizabeth warren. every time he does that he's attacking elizabeth warren not hillary clinton. think for a matter of basic politics this is a disaster for the republicans if this continues. he's taking his eye off the ball. >> hillary clinton is also getting involved in the fray. there is a back and forth yesterday where donald trump said hey, four more years and obama presidency. maybe obama you want that after the endorsement but the american people don't. and then hillary clinton tweeted back rather famously already saying delete your account. now something like 200,000 retweets on that or more. she's getting involved in the fray. this might be good if she brings them down to the twitter war level. >> i don't think the campaign is going to do tit for tat. she's already said this many times. what they are doing to trump right now is they are running tons of ads in all the important states right now that are going
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unanswered by the trump campaign. they have already launched brutal attack ads that are not being responded to. so they don't really need to do the twitter game. what should worry republicans watching this show tonight who want to win is that the fact of the clinton campaign would be up for six to eight weeks on tv in the battle ground states without trump being able to respond should be very very worrisome to all the republicans watching this. >> elizabeth warren had a meeting with hillary clinton today. a lot of people are speculating b about that. the interesting part is elizabeth warren 12 years ago was very harsh when referring to hillary clinton. she asked why hillary clinton suddenly flip flopped on wall street saying that she voted for the bankruptcy bill and she clearly is against it now. and then one step further she was asked well why duke that happened elizabeth warren? and warren says well she was
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indebted to wall street for campaign contributions. >> politics makes strange bedfell bedfellows. i don't know what is goichg to happen with the vp pick. it is a personal choice. she has a bunch of good choices to make. there is a group of very competent people she's looking at and i think we're going to know someoon. she's got a lot do. the conventions are early this time. they are in the middle of july instead of in late august. a lot is going to happen in both parties very quickly. i'm fascinated. who do you think is going to be trump's vp? do you have any thoughts about that? >> really? predicting who trump would pick as a vp? a lot of people think he should pick an insider. washington insider. i don't think so. i think this is the year of the outsider. he should go, i don't know. maybe he should pick bernie sanders. >> i'm not sure that bernie will take that up. but, you know, you guys can work that out on the air. get bernie on here.
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>> bernie's always welcome. and they all are. directly ahead. donald trump faces bill bill o'reilly in the no spin zone and signs off about the big judge controversy. we'll be right back before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain.
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in the personal story segment tonight, donald trump in the no spin zone. earlier this week in the personal story segment tonight. donald trump in the no spin zone. earlier this week the donald squared off with bill o'reilly about his judge controversy and his having to get past it in his
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battle with hillary clinton. >> so do you regret making it personal with the judge? >> look, i've had very, very unfair decisions. people said this should have gone a way a long time ago in summary judgment. the defendant in the case was a horror show from the other side. they asked that the defendant get out. the plaintiff in the case was an absolute disaster for them. and they asked whether or not. they went to the judge and they asked whether or not the plaintiff could get out of the case. she said all great things about the school. she has a tape of her saying great things and she has a written statement signed by her saying great things. and the judge dismissed her from the case but left the case dead. we thought we were going to win the case. i don't care if the judge is mexican or not. i'm going to do great with the mexican people because i provide jobs so i don't care about mexican. but we're being treated very unfairly. >> wouldn't it have been better if you didn't bring up the mexican thing at all and then just said what you said here
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tonight. because you are being sued. we did analysis off your lawsuit's history. you win most of your lawsuits. you are a big guy. guys are going to come after you. wouldn't it have been better if you said look i don't think i'm being treated fairley. here is what we have. and let the mexican thing alone. >> well the question is asked to me all these times every time we go. i want to talk about the economy. how badly we're doing against isis and the border but every i time go into a show all they want to do is talk about trump university. i think we've turned it. because thousands of thousands of students are said it was a great school. we learned a lot. it was wompl. so at least by talking about it, people understand. it is a civil lawsuit that should have been dismissed a long time ago but the judge is treating me unfairly. and i don't even like wasting my time about this lawsuit.
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we we should win it on summary judgment. this shouldn't go on forever. when you have thousands of students saying the place is great. it was a great school. they loved it. this should be dismissed on summary judgment. this shouldn't be a lawsuit. >> you know why people ask you about mexican things and any ethnic group, muslim, whatever it may be. the strategy that you are going to use against hillary clinton and correct me if i'm wrong, i can't read your mind is that she's not suitable to be president because she's not honest. is that's your strategy right? >> she's not honest. not -- i don't even think she's capable. every decision she's made practically. she's made so many bad decisions. she would be a disaster as president of our country. >> so that is your strategy to tell the voters look she's not honest and she's not capable. the strategy beinged used against you, and surely you know this. is that you don't like muslims. you don't like women.
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you don't like mexicans. personally you don't like them. and the strategy the democratic party is using is cleave off these groups and he won't have enough votes to win the presidency. that is why they are asking about the judge. they don't really care, they being the press about trump you. they don't care. but as soon as you mention mexican or muslim, bang. that is why they are doing it. >> number one, i have great respect for women. i was the one that really broke the glass ceiling on behalf of women more than anybody in the construction industry. and my relationship i think is going to end up being very good with women. because they want to see a strong country that is secure and she's not not going table to do that. benghazi, she was sleeping when the phone call came in. she was sleeping wherever she was but she wasn't answering that call when our ambassador and the others needed help. >> okay. >> i'm going to do great with women i think.
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with mexico i want a strong border. no question about that. and i have thousands of hispanics working for me right now and they are great people. i'm going bring jobs back. that is why i think i'm going do well with the hispanics. >> if they buy your economic program, you will win. but look -- >> -- jobs. hey bill, our country is losing jobs like one after another. whether it is carrier air-conditioning or nabisco or ford. they are all moving out and building plants in mexico. >> i'm note knocking mexico or the leaders of mexico. what i'm doing is knocking our president for being grossly incompetent. he's allowing our country, they are stealing our country from us. and we have to stop it. >> and a quick reminder. bill's big "new york times" new number one best seller. legends and lies the patriots. if you sign up for a bill
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o' premium membership you get any one of bill's books for free. and airing at 8:00 p.m. eastern sunday right here. this week's episode takes a nas neigh look at john adams and the boston tea party the tea party is a brazen act of defiance, not just against the tea >> the party is a brazen act of defines. compounding the issue is a government bail out of the east india company. a british importer, considered too big to fail. the sons of liberty are strongly opposed to them. and to the monopoly it creates. but kraer to legend, the tea party is not violent. no one is hurt during the event. and the one lock they break during event is replaced. the only lasting harm is the loss of the tea. about $2 million worth in
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today's money. >> even better than game of thrones and hockey i i this. >> coming up. is the mainstream party actually unifying? you might want to ♪ the sun'll come out tomorrow... ♪ for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever. entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure... ...kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow.♪
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thanks for staying with us tonight in the o'reilly factor special trump vs. thanks for staying with us tonight on the o'reilly special factor. trump versus clint. in the unresolved problem segment tonight, is the democratic party actually unifying. if you listen to parts of the mainstream media things are coming together for the party now. >> the unify yesterday. it was a big day for hillary but how big with the endorsement from the president and also elizabeth warren. >> she's arlgably had her best 10 day stretch since she launched her campaign. >> despite all the sunny optimism some of the far left are refusing to get behind hillary clinton. >> we know brother trump is a narcissistic neofascist. and don't let corporate media convince you that simply because
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you are not crazy about the milk toast neoliberal hillary that something is wrong with you -- >> let's just reevaluate. the narcissistic neofascist trump versus the milk toast neoliberal sister. where is the bernie sanders? where do they fall? >> they are the people who really have distrust in the mainstream government. in many ways a group very similar to the people that got donald trump elected. a pugh research center poll showed only 19% of americans trust the government. and on both sides there is a strong anger towards people who they see as the candidates of the government and that is certainly hillary clinton. she's been a major face in politics for 20, 30 years. >> so the bernie sanders supporters donate like the idea of having to vote for hillary clinton but will they actually
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make the vote for donald trump if they don't have bernie sanders? >> i don't think that is the case. because if we look back to 2008, skpi despite the fact sanders supports may be more vocal the clinton obama race in 2008 was so much more close this and the popular vote in 2016. >> so the outside thing that bernie sanders has going on isn't that strong? but they still want the democrat. >> i think they will ultimately switch if we look to past patterns. in 2008 only 60% of clinton supporters said they would back obama. and by election day 8 %. and at the moment 69% -- >> there is a different group. >> that is true. >> you myelinate a lot of this group. a younger voters. >> a vocal angry group. and i do think they need to be paid attention to.
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i would not be surprised at all if sanders has more pull going into the convention than clinton did. >> vocal and angry this group. but it doesn't sound like they are so vocal and angry against the washington establishment insider that they are willing to go so far as vote for donald trump who is a washington outsider. >> -- donald trump doesn't speak to their values at the end of the day. anti-government isn't enough to get them to switch over in terms of views regarding abortion. college tuition. those are key issues for them. immigration policy. all of these issues donald trump is so far from them that i don't see them switching over. perhaps they won't vote. that certainly could be a concern and a concern for hillary clinton i i highly dougt they vote for donald trump. >> if they stay home though she has a problem. >> it certainly can be a problem. and i actually think the democratic party is handling sanders supporters with kid gloves to a degree.
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because reality it is not that close in terms of popular vote or pledge delegates. and yet no one is saying to sanders get out now. they are not bashing him. >> they are doing it very gently. president obama has a closed door meeting with bernie sanders. people sitting down with him. he wrepts a very very strong, strong group. a very desired group. a young people -- >> absolutely. >> -- who are fed one washington. >> and i do this democratic party is taking note of that and that is why the obama meeting with sanders before the endorsement i think. and numberswise hillary clinton is leading. and if sanders wasn't so popular and so much of an under dog i don't think that would have happened. >> how many votes? she had 13 million i think she had so he had about 10 million votes. is that ballpark? >> a 3.7 million vote difference between theme. >> that's 4 million people that stay home. that could make the difference in an election.
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>> we're going off past years when there have been contentious elections and ultimately democrats will vote for the democratic nominee. however it is a concern. she needs stroeters. >> when we come back, hillary clinton addresses a big planned parenthood crowd. can donald trump counter her gender politics crusade? that's moments away real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing you only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline. this where you typically shop?
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in the factor follow-up segment tonight, the battle over gender politics. if there is any doubt the battle over gender politics. if there is any doubt about whether hillary clinton will use gender in her campaign against donald trump, she totally erased it during a speech today to planned parenthood supporters. >> when donald trump says let's make america great again, that
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is code for "let's take america backward," back to a time when opportunity and dignity were reserved for some not all. back to the days when abortion was illegal. women had far fewer options and life for too many women and girls was limited. well donald, those days are over. >> joining us now from washington with reaction, marjorie, republican strategist and here in new york democratic strategist julie. marjorie, starting with you. i left hand to hillary. there was a striking bifurcation. donald trump want tot the faith and family conference. and hillary clinton showed up at planned parenthood. both candidates are staying with their gender cards. >> no question. i left hand to her comments with
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great interest. and it really does strike you that she's this interesting concentration of the old guard seventies feminist and d.c. politician. and both those things are alienating. but there is no question that what is alienating in this country right now is her extreme abortion position. and she said in her own words recently that the unborn person has no rights up until the time of birth. and she's also for full public funding of abortion. and that is a reversion to perhaps '70s women politics. but win thing i've learned in politics is anatomy is not precurser to principle. when a woman walks in you can bet there is a diversity of views among the women you are looking at. >> many times hillary clinton references the other services that planned parenthood offers. the cancer screenings. and what not.
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she didn't reference the abortion very often. that is a little tricky because the vast majority of what planned parenthood does is perform abortions. >> a lot obgyn checks. and for that reason a lot of women have a very favorable opinion of planned parenthood that has absolutely nothing to do with their position on abortion. for that reason, it was smart of her to go to planned parenthood. if you look at polling, planned parenthood actually has a fairly good support network among women, even women who aren't going there, specifically for abortions which i think is most time. >> is there an opportunity for -- you can respond to that. >> i want to correct one thing. abortion and the >> abortion and the abortion enterprise isa at center of th business cht without it, they would not be an entity. they could not exist and for every abortion kliclinic in eve state, c there are 20 community health centers that can provide the same and more services not
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just reproductive health services. this idea they're the only provider and the only place and that women's health will be destroyed is is a misnomer and it is why this whole war against women has really died. we haven't heard that yet. the reason is this has all within set aside and as we move into this election in particular, that is going to be set aside and the most important thing is going to be the base. and she's losing her base on this. >> go ahead. >> i appreciate you underscoring my point, which is a third of their services is abortion, two-thirds are exactly what i and thousands if not million of other women have used them for. >> and a third of the -- >> i was patient in listening to you talk, abortion is not the issue here. i know republicans love to talk about abortion. she was talking about paid family leave. talking about a whole host of issue, economic security, minimum wage and a lot of issues women care about.
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>> should donald trump get off this issue, he talked about it at the faith and family conference. should he get back on the economy? is this where his strengths are? >> well, he should stay on both. his trent is the economy, but also this as well because when you put those two side by side, he has a common ground position on abortion and she has an extreme positionli abortion. the important thing is with both of these hefolk, they have high negatives. everyone's's reverting to party. the question is thehe intensityf their base and which new voters are they bringing in. >> i disagree. i think it's an important issue for a lot of people. donald trump's strength is going to be in the economy getting away from the gender card. is there a white guy card? >> for you, eric. my goodness. you're a white guy in this country. i feel so sorry for you. >> thank you. >> let's talk about the male
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gender gap for a minute. >> another show. we're running out of time. great to be with you. thank you very much. straight ahead, iswe latino support for donald trump on the rise? a new study suggests just that in a moment. tudy suggests just in a moment.
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in the segment tonight, donald trump and the latino vote. according to an analysis by the research group culture intel, trump's stanning with latinos improved over may which overlapped a degree with trump's judge controversy. 37% of latinos have a positive view of trump compared to 41% for clinton. the research was based on a size of more than million hispanics. joining us now with reaction, lily valletta, a fox news latino contributor and a market aing strategist, whose company put
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together that analysis and francisco hernandez. start with you, lily. almost 2 million respondents say what? >> i decided to use the message we use for big corporations to mine cultural insigcisesinsight people's opinions and map it to the candidates. we are seeing that since january up until now, which we've been running unpaid by any group, by the way, we're seeing he's gone from 14% of posztive opinion amongst hispanics to 37% as of june 1st. i don't know how you argue against the number which is come frg the unbiaseded opinion of voters. mine and scraped and scrubbed through the methodology that we have. >> and so mined, scraped and scrubbed, you're pulling keywords from twitter, comments from -- >> i wish it was that simple. it's over a dozen tools we use. corporations are using it.
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major universities. i try to use nonconventional methods. >> 37% in this study for donald trump. >> from what i read, is poll smr of a marketing and consumer background. what i think you're looking at is a unification of the hispanic vote from the typical voters. donald trump had zero hispanic support, even if he just gets one, he could call it 100% increase. doesn't mean he's really increasing his standings in the political process in the voter. >> lili's poll says it's 37%. not a 37% increase. >> let me -- correct, it's not a poll. a poll uses a small size of people that get asked a certain set of questions. i am reading the unbiased digital discussions of voters, which for 30 days only, was 1. 9
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million data points and we are making sense out of it by using proprietary and sound tool, but why not use it for political reasons. i'm not endorsed, paid by anyone, o this is the facts. >> i am not criticizing your results. i'm just saying they're not rell vabt as to whether they're going to vote. there's no voting history in your methodology. i think it works in a consumer context and marketing and is unbiased, but quite frankly, if you just look, marco rubio, hispanic voters are not going to go to hillary. but with marco in january, they're now with truch, so yes, trump's approval. >> what makes you think because of the methodology that they wouldn't vote? i understand a registered voter. more qualified for a poll, but if they're showing interest, why wouldn't they vote? >> well, my goodness, hispanic
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population has shown a horrible, horrible turnout rate over the decades of voting. >> so let me ask you this. is that -- >> they said they like -- >> can't say any of the polls you're using, registered voters are as well. >> if they have voted over the last say three elections, you know they are likely voters. consumer polls don't take that into consideration. >> yeah, so, francisco, we can agree this is unconventional for political reasons, but this is giving us a directional intent. >> hugely important voting block and a big topic. that's it for us tonight. thanks for watching this peshl edition of the factor. bill will be back on monday. also check out my show airing 11:30 a.m. saturdays here on fnc
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and don't forget about my book, wake up america. goes on sale later this month. please remember the spin stops right here because we're lookinging out for you. and hello, welcome to a brand-new hour of america's election headquarters. hello, everyone. topping the news this hour, donald trump making two campaign stops in florida and pennsylvania today. amid a growing rift with several members of his own party, so will all of this work out for mr. trump is the question. >> and a young singer's life cut short tragically when that gunman opened fire while she's signing autographed backstage. is this the latest celebrity stalking that ended in murder. >> very sad. and a troubling new report revealing social securi


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