tv Bulls Bears FOX News June 18, 2016 7:00am-7:31am PDT
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so tomorrow, is your dad a hero. send us your pictures. we're celebrating father's day all morning long. >> oh my god. look at that. the winner. >> you're going down. celebrating nathan's anniversary. america on alert. as isis calls for more attacks. meanwhile new questions if the fbi could have prevented this attack in orlando. warning signs may have been missed. and now politicians in washington say our agencies may need more help no matter the cost. is more spending needed now? hi everybody. i'm dagen mcdowell , this is bulls and bears. welcome to everybody. gary, you say that you know where we could get more money to better protect the u.s.
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>> i do, and we have it right now. we have a defense budget that is about $600 billion. the problem is we're still spending i think because of this large military governmental organization build up over the years, we're still spending despite world war ii kind of fights. we have litera torl combat ship. the defense department doesn't want them. the government doesn't want them and yet these individual districts where they are built we keep building them because that is their meal ticket. we divert some of that money, not all of it into fighting today's wars, which is isis and terrorism. and we have plenty of money there. >> and we're talking about soft targets like nightclubs and even malls that are not defended right now.
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the fbi says it is strapped for resources. is that where the money should go? >> i think at this point we need to look at every possible option because clearly isis is not contained. and yesterday the cia director came out and said isis is as dangerous as ever, which really squashes that liberal narrative that is out that that says we are doing enough to protect ourselves. because isis is at war with us and radical islam is in at war with us what we believe in is, our values and freedoms and way of life in america everywhere is the target. makes the cost extremely high to secure the american people. at the same time, all of this stuff, there are going to be major crackdowns now and i think there needs to be because of the time we're living in. if we can't clearly define the enemy, that becomes problem number one.
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>> you have body guards, security guards and metal detectors going into the nightclubs and shopping malls for example. >> you are right. and gary, ashley is right. the difference between us and israel is a much geographically larger with a lot more soft targets and reality is you can't protect them all. there are place likes disney and the empire state building that make a lot of sense. but this nightclub was one out of a million places that could have been hit. it happened to have been an lgbt nightclub but there are thousands across the world and across the city and across the state and the country. and the problem here is that where do you stop? where do you stop spending money to secure every soft target? there is not enough money, imagination or personnel to do that effectively. >> how much more do we spend and where should we be spending it here in the u.s.? >> i think julie is right. america is such a large diverse
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country that it is tough. especially a lone wolf you are talking about. and we don't need more conventional warfare. we need bytes right now. not bullets. we had a coordination problem between intelligence agency. that's been pretty much fixed. but if you talk to the fbi right now there are some simple things that we can do that can be done without a whole lot of money. and that is communication. and that is better and not delayed between the federal and local agencies and we also can go and declare war on isis and that way it is no longer a matter of free speech with these companies. now it is a matter thisser a declared enemy. a couple of things we can do can go a long way. i think we have to switch to a new war and that is on our shore and it is bhooits not wults. >> in terms of the fbi i think the fbi ranks are up maybe 20% since about the time of 9/11.
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they have a thousand active investigations into the islamic state now. they can only do 24 hour surveillance on a very small sliver of those. >> they were investigating. having more people -- >> they had investigated. not currently. >> if they had more people 24e8d just investigate more people. i don't know. this is what we have to stop. moving the money from somewhere because there isn't really a solution. like i don't know how you go about -- like i think someone in politics has to say you can't really solve this problem with more money necessarily. i like the idea of taking it out of the, say, the multi billion dollar nuclear submarine program which we probably don't need anymore. there are 65,000 night clubs in america. you are not going make them all secure. even if you had all that money out of the programs. i think you have to do -- during the gang land wars in the 20s and 30s they decided to raise taxes on guns that criminals
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used and 3500 dollar taxes. so there are ways to theoretically lower the ability of terrorists to get things and make money for the government. not just spend more money vaguely with some notion of hardening targets. >> gary, you can to your point if have that revenue you can harden major targets that seem obvious. >> that is the point. and we're talking about protecting all of the soft targets. it is not the job of the government to protect the whiskey a go go nightclub. i'm talking about places like the hoover dam. electrical substations. major tunnels and bridges. those are the things that need to be protected. we certainly have the money for that. yes maybe a small bridge in delray beach florida is not going to be protected but the major thoroughfares and airports and things like that.
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that is what we should focus on. let private enterprise prescott private enterprise. >> we do spend a lot of money protecting our bridges and tunnels and something the federal government and port authority in both states do. the problem is as you pointed out this is a soft target issue. the george washington bridge is not a soft target. we know that is a target. the pulse nightclub, which did have an officer protecting it. obviously that wasn't enough. and that is the horrible thing about these lone wolf attacks. so far, if they are trying to come here to new york city and hit the port authority crosses, we are protected for that. what we are not protected for is some random nightclub in florida that got hit and that could be any place in the country. >> and that becomes an issue of individual response and even situational awareness and just teaching individuals how to handle these attacks better or be on the lookout for them. >> right, which comes, you know, into the whole argument about being able to protect yourself. but that is a whole other tange
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tangent. i think we're talking about individual businesses and companies. and maybe they do privatize security. maybe they do that. because at the end of the day if people do not feel safe going to these establishments because they feel soft targets. i think we have a responsibility to protect americans. it might not be the job of the federal government but look. they have tsa and their agents are getting $90,000 bonuses for doing pretty much nothing. so i think there is money to start being taken out of there too as well and maybe start privatizing security more. >> also throwing aside political correctness. the fbi how does it use its resources now? sting operations with informants which have been very successful but again civil liberties advocates cracking down on that and the plain clothed police officers that used to go into mosques here after 9/11, done back in 2014 because of the mayor. >> same thing in bloms burg.
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we've gotten politically correct and that is one thing that the fbi and people who have spoken out have said we have a problem with. we're so worried about discrimination that we don't do due diligence with law enforcement right now. there are certain things with private enterprise that make sense. the euro football cup. croatia and checzechoslovakia. they were searching these people and said hey we can't search everything. why are people bringing backpacks into the soccer games anyway. you have to use common sense out there. we are in a new world. you can't bring a backpack into a football game a soccer game. a the basketball game. you have to go through security lines to get into nightclubs. if that means charging a cover, that is just what happens. that protects these nightclubs in my opinion. >> hey charles.
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the cia director warning isis terrorists could be coming here with refugees as the white house is speeding up the refuge process. plus philadelphia becomes the first major u.s. stoi tax soda and might not be the last. thanks charles. up here first, disturbing new video out of venezuela. the food crisis there mounting. with looting and arresting soaring. and now one of our guys says this is what happens when government makes proms it cannot keep could you save 1% more of your income? it doesn't sound like much, but saving an additional 1% now, could make a big difference over time. i'm going to be even better about saving. you can do it, it helps in the long run. prudential bring your challenges
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officials say they have aggressively been trying to prevent the next terror attack before it happens. and in the meantime --. and massive thunderstorms carved a path of destruction through parts of virginia overnight. people walk up to scenes like this. trees toppled. heavy damage. power knocked out to more than a 160,000 people. the national weather service says it was not a tornado. now back to bulls and bears." venezuela in crisis. hundreds arrested as looters stormed stores and ransacked shelves searching for food. this becoming a common scene in the socialist country, which leaves john wondering why are some too eager to bring socialism here. >> it makes no sense.
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sounds great to a bunch of young unemployed kids but it never works in reality. chavez round a beautiful country of venezuela by promising riches to the masses that obviously this model imploded on him. every innovation and every invention almost has come out of a free market. the train to airplane t car the mobile phone t computer all of this because of free markets because that simply couldn't happen in socialism. >> oil rich country that turns into this because of the socialism. >> norway is an oil rich country that supports everybody but it has ways of doing the rules and regulations to make market sense. the problem with this country is they would just decree we have to sell this drink for 50 cents but the cost of making it is 2 dollars so it goes out of business. they didn't just seize it or tax it or have royalty taxes like
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russia and others. it was just completely irrational populist garbage. it doesn't make any sense. but it works with the private market and is functional and what this did was just insanity. so let's not mix it up with what it really is. >> irrational wild socialist ideas that sounds at least like one political campaign ashley. >> feel the bern. what i'm thinking right now is socialism in venezuela is literally killing people. food shortage, medicine shortages. doctor shortages. electricity, all of the above. and yet we are talking about bringing this here. and on paper it sounds great, give us everything for free but it is not economically sustainable. and at the end of the day socialist ideas have consequences and it is all on the better promise of a better quality of life which in venezuela's case did not happen and that is going to happen here
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because you run up a massive debt and the economy falls into the shambles and it is not sustainable. >> i'm not a huge fan of bernie sanders but i don't think he's talking ak b setting up the means of production, seizing it. setting up and basically nationalizing the banks and nationalizing every single aspect of our free market. that's certainly something he's never talked about doing. so anybody talking about socialism coming to the united states, somebody who lived in the socialist country as the little kid. i know what so coming doubt of president -- >> it is a start. what he's saying is a start to that. >> how? where have you ever heard -- >> where have you ever heard him say that he's going to start seizing? >> pay for free schools for everybody. >> -- change the party. >> i want to get gary b. in here. go. >> well here is the problem. i don't think -- i agree with
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jew l julie a little bit. jo i don't think sanders is proposing that. i think sanders is proposing some sort of scandinavian model he thinks is utopia. if you spend even five minutes with that, a lot of those countries are more capitalistic than we are. in fact they are against the very much things the feel the western people want. scandinavian countries are big free traders not. government mandated minimum wage. school vouchers for crying out loud. denmark in some reports are more economicry free than we are. so even if you say we want the same model as sweden, i'd say go towards that. but that is not socialism. that is some hybrid between socialism and capitalism. if you want sanders to call himself a socialist democrat --
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if that is what the feel the bern people think they are going to get they are sadly wrong. >> some brainiacs like sean penn thinking chavez and venezuela were going a great job until price controls and shortages and people dieing in hospitals. >> a lot of people have said that. and find out the model does not work. americans like the to compete. you can't do that in socialism. >> prior to the orlando terror attack, the department of homeland security telling employees not to use certain words that might offend muslims. time to stop the pc push now. and a parent's worst nightmare. a horrific alligator attack at disney leaves a two-year-old dead. should moms and dads be worried about the park's safety? yes or no. coming up here. and what if you had to take
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a drug test first? that is one what democratic congresswoman is proposing. find out why. ladies, why just dream of worry-free nights? i'm linda, and like millions of women worldwide i trust tena. and with new tena overnight underwear i can now sleep worry free all night. the unique secure barrier system gives me triple protection from
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this is ridiculous. tax breaks allow people to keep their money. welfare is when tax breaks are given out to're people. so yes there should be requirements in place for welfare recipients that makes sense. it is federal government money being given out to individuals. tax breaks and allows you do keep your money. that is a big difference i see. >> julie, drug tests for wealthy people in order to get tax deductions. >> a dumb idea but also as dumb as testing people for drugs. your essentially implying anybody on welfare is a drug dictate which is offensive to them. and and those on welfare are much less likely to be on drugs than the average person not receiving welfare. so if you want to test people on welfare, test people who got the wall street bail out for their cocaine problems despite taxpayer dollars paying to keep
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them on wall street too. >> this must be my half hour of julie love fus. because i agree with her in this case and that is going to be a rarity, believe me. but the fact is this is, i hate the government intrusion. it is not the government's job. if you are going to test for drugs, test for alcohol, obesity, things like that. it is always a slippery slope where the government wanting to examine things you are doing, wanting to -- let's separate government intrusion from government welfare and tax policy. >> and wealthy people are people eastern good living in the back of the head. >> and if you are going to test somebody, test congress for stupidity. this is ignorant. i've been broke and i am proudly now in the 1%. i worked very hard to get here. and am proud of that fact and i have been drug tested for 30 years. i continue to get drug tests. you want to give me a check.
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you want to drug test me, that is your prerogative. i feel the same way about welfare recipients are. >> but for tax breaks. that is what congresswoman's idea. >> what is the difference? there is really no difference over your lifetime. so i don't want to get into that topic. i will say i'm open to soda taxes but this doesn't make any sense for so many reasons because drugs are expensive and i don't even know if there is a high percentage of use by really poor people. >> thanks to ashley and julie for joining us. think you are spending too much on your commute? you are not alone. the average american shelling out more than 3 grand a year to get to work. and one of our guys has the stock that will drive profits to your walt, ahead so should we go with the 467 horsepower? or is a 423 enough? good question. you ask a lot of good questions... i think we should move you into our new fund.
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>> four john. >> technology is one of those. 20% in a year. >> people spend over 3,000 just getting to work. luckily -- reetoyota, 50% in a . >> stop, rewind and translate. charles is now. isil had a large cad reof western fighters who could potentially serve as operatives for attacks in the west and the group is probably exploring a variety of means for infiltrating operatives into the west. in the wake of the orlando massacre a new warning about lone wolf attacks. this week cia director john brennan telling congress isis could be infiltrating groups of refuges, just as we are speeding up efforts to bring in more. so is it time to pause a
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