tv Media Buzz FOX News June 19, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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morning futures. happy father's day to all of you. be sure to join mornings with maria on the fox business network tomorrow 6:00 to 9:00 a.m. eastern on the fox business network. media buzz begins right now with howard kurtz. on our buzz beater donald trump tells me that media hostility is partially to blame for the roughest stretch of his campaign. i'll have details of my latest interview with the candidate. and trump is drawing an avalanche of negative coverage after the orlando massacre after he suggests that president obama has a hidden motivation on terrorism. >> we're led by a man that either is -- is a -- not tough, not smart, or he's got something else in mind. and the something else in mind, you know, people can't believe it. >> we have donald trump who his first reaction to this, actually, a tweet, was to give himself a pat on the back. and then, he suggested that the president of the united states is somehow involved in the orlando terrorism.
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>> the republican party's candidate saying that barack obama may have been complicit in the killings of americans is -- is beyond breathtaking. >> donald trump is off on another line of attack that somehow the president is sympathetic to isis and radicals. that doesn't make sense. >> is trump bringing this on himself or is media biased on the right and the left to blame for portraying his campaign as a train wreck? and the debate about terror and gun control, hillary clinton and president obama being held to the same standard? trump borrowing "the washington post" over a bad head line. >> we just took the press credentials away and i love it. we just took the press credentials away from the dishonest "washington post." i said, why should i have people following me around, sitting up there like big shots, and they
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write very untruthful stories? >> sharyl attkisson on whether trump should be retaliating against media outlets he finds unfair. plus bill hemmer on covering orlando. how journalists cope with terror and tragedy. i'm howard kurtz and this is media buzz. i got donald trump on the phone on friday, i asked him about his recent coverage, which he's been rather vocal about lately. >> i didn't love the press during the primaries. but now, it's like brutal. these people are so one-sided. >> here's what trump told me. the media are very negative toward a republican, toward a conservative republican, and certainly very negative toward me. they don't report my statements properly. they'll use the first quarter of it. there's tremendous hostility from the media. trump said things have changed since he clinched the nomination, quote, when i was running against 16 republicans it was somewhat unfair but at least you could see it.
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now it's beyond belief. they are protecting hillary clinton like you wouldn't believe. i don't think it helps but i'm going to end up winning. i'm going to end up winning big league. so trump is convinced he's getting a raw deal. i also asked him about yanking "the washington post" credentials over this head line which the paper later soft ed slightly on its own. donald trump suggests president obama was involved with orlando shooting. trump says at some point i would love to give it back if i'm covered fairly. but that was only an indication of the kind of press they give me. they actually said that i essentially said obama was in cahoots with this guy that did the killing. it was a horrible head line, an unfair head line. more details later in the program. you can read the full trump interview in my column on joining us to analyze the coverage of this heartbreaking tragedy and its impact on the campaign, senior political correspondent for "usa today." deputy opinion editor at the washington times and a democratic strategy and co-host of outnumbered. heidi, trump has been
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eviscerated by the media since the orlando attack. he told me this is media hostility. whatever mistakes he's made, are -- is the press guilty of piling on at this point? >> well, he's had a very bad three weeks with orlando, with the precipitous pull up. whenever a candidate this early in the race is going to have that big of a drop-off yeah the media is going to pile on a bit a lot. but is it the apocalypse? is this the end of his campaign? no, that's a dramatization. there's so many twists and turns to this campaign. but at this early a phase in the campaign, you would expect, given what we know about the previous positions, the polarization in this country, you'd expect this to be a much tighter race. >> the coverage certainly seems like apocalypse now. kelly the harshest media criticism was trump kind of insinuating that obama is reticent in the war on terror for hidden reasons. fair or unfair to attack him on that? >> well "the washington post"
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head line on that, and let me just -- i have it here, just let me pull it up. it was unbelievable. it basically -- >> said president obama was involved with orlando shooting. >> yes. and that is not -- i mean it was actually harsher. they took that back. it was linking -- it was basically linking saying that donald trump is linking obama directly to the terror, what happened in orlando and that is simply false. there was a study that came out of indiana university last year that said a mere 7% of journalists are republicans. and i think that we've seen this bias come out this week. for example, "the new york times," the managing editor for standards wrote an e-mail to all of their reporters on monday saying this is very emotional times please refrain from using social media because we don't want our reporting to come off as biased. because there was a lot of reporters taking to twitter voicing their own opinions on what was going on. >> let me get julie in here. which was worse, that "washington post" head line, if you agree that it was not a good head line or trump making the decision to take away the
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paper's credentials as punishment? >> well, i thought the head line was incredibly unfair. it's not what trump said so i think "the washington post" was right to soften it. i still don't think they softened it enough. i think it was unfair, considering what he said, which is an implication that obama was in cahoots or sympathetic to isis. but not necessarily that obama was involved in orlando. having 15id that taking away the press credentials of any newspaper especially one like "the washington post" is unacceptable. what that leads to is the possibility of a president trump banning outlets he doesn't like from the media room. >> he has said he wouldn't do that -- >> he does that now. >> -- this is a large group now, politico, huffington post, national review, des moines register. do you want to get in on this question of credentials? >> i have to agree with julie. if you're looking at the impact of this, it's going to have no impact on "the post's" ability to ruly report on trump.
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it's the worst kept secret in washington that one of the reporters who trump passed to the most is a "washington post" report robert costas. i believe all it's going to do is allow the media to have this righteous stump that they wouldn't otherwise have. >> let's pull back a bit and look at the 49 people who were killed, 53 wounded in this horrible, heartbreaking attack at the pulse night club in orlando. you look at how quickly this finger pointing and ideological warfare began and raged in the media, how much do you think the media has contributed to a sense of polarization? >> well first of all, i think it was the politicians taking to media. it was john mccain blaming the president. it was, however, partly the media the daily news, for example, blaming the nra. and i think this is just human reaction in the aftermath of a trauma to want to point fingers. but i do not think that does anything to kind of honor the memory of those who were lost. what does honor their memory, however, is to pretty swiftly for the mainstream media to start asking questions.
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why this happened and how we can prevent it from happening again. the one thing we're not covering is what is at the root of this, in earp its of this new era that we're facing, what is causing this radicalization in the united states, because i think it just is too easy to say this is isis. he was identifying with isis. >> i don't -- i mean he declared his allegiance to isis as he was shooting during the massacre so i don't think that's too much. if you look on monday, the press', every newspaper in america said it was a mass shooting or a massacre. only two referred to it as a terror and that was "the wall street journal" and the "l.a. times" in their headlines. >> -- about that -- >> you look -- >> there was no dispute that this was a terrorist -- >> i know, why did the u.s. papers, why did monday's papers basically say this was a massacre, not link it to isis. if you look at the headlines in the uk papers, every single one of them put isis as a mad manic isis -- >> allegiance to the nusra front to the islamic state -- >> yes, to all -- >> all islamic terror groups --
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>> let me finish. these are all groups fighting each other in syria. >> but they all have a commonality of believing in sharia law and being islamic terrorists. >> these are groups that are -- these are mortal enemies at war in syria this is a person with a troubled past who had a history of going all the way back to high school. we have to look at what it is in our culture because they are not coming from the middle east. we are creating them here in the united states. >> i need to get julie back into the conversation. this sort of, it's terror, it's gun control, it's anti-gay, all of this, it happens after every mass shooting, which unfortunately have become all too common but it seems faster this time. and of course donald trump ticked it off with some of his tweets. but then we had speeches the next day, 24 hours after the attack, in which donald trump attacked hillary clinton, hillary clinton didn't mention donald trump in her speech, so what do you make of the media frenzy? >> it's interesting with the media you do have this dichotomy between people who say this is gun control, this is a reason to have more gun control, others saying we have to crack down on isis, what was forgotten largely by the media, not by everybody,
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but largely, this was an attack on the lgbt community. this was a hate crime, whether you want to blame it on guns or you want to blame it on isis, against the community that was maligned because of who they are, who are celebrating who they are in a space they considered safe and the media 345s completely -- >> you think that was forgotten -- >> i think it was relegated to the back burner. >> why? >> because i think everybody wants to go to their political hobby horse. whether it's gun control or they want to go to isis and spreading terrorism. but everybody has forgotten the fact that this is a hate crime against a very -- >> "the new york times" lead editorial on wednesday was saying that this was a hate crime and they singled out seven republicans of whom they blamed in the in the conservative rhetoric from christians. i think christians, i mean, have taken the brunt of the media's blame for for for you know, their policies on lgbt communities. so i -- i don't think this is left out of the equation at all. >> i will have more to say about that. it was an editorial. but still, deeply troubling.
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heidi, i don't want to close without mentioning that you got your first interview for "usa today" with hillary clinton and she is, in part, to preview their coming abeing tos on donald trump, is she learning from the trump playbook? >> in part. in part. you notice, as trump has kind of retrenching from a lot of these callings she is now adapting that playbook. but at the same time she gained something different from the media, at the same time he's declaring us as mortal enemies she's going on this charm offensive. i wasn't the only one getting their ten minutes with hillary clinton. >> she's charming -- >> let me just say when you are that starved when you finally get your ten minutes with her, she can be charming but your instinct as a reporter is to just barrage and that is what i did. i played into some of the worst media scare types in earp its of just hitting her relentlessly with ined very polite and very considerate. but a contrast in the strategy. >> in my interview with trump he said he was goes appointed in republican leaders criticizing him and particularly singled out
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mitch mcconnell. that's kind of opened the door here for journalists to just write a whole bunch of stories quoting on the record various republican members of congress, and leaders and party officials as a way of getting at trump. >> what's interesting about trump is how undisciplined he is when it comes to dealing with the media. he essentially made this story and a multi-base story by saying mitch mcconnell said things that are less than flattering and so on and so forth. he's brought attention to it. when a presidential candidate speaks the media has a responsibility to report on it. this is a story that is simmering and a story the media was covering. now that donald trump has come out and essentially said it it is allowing us to spend the next three or four days focusing on it. which does not help donald trump. his lack of discipline is hurting his own message. >> you can respond, but the conservative media national review, weekly standard, which opposed trump during the primaries are sort of in an i told you so mode now so he has no cheering section. >> you know, here's who actually
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wrote a positive editorial about donald trump's response to orlando, and how hillary clinton's policies basically are to blame for -- >> first said the cleveland connection should deny -- >> yes and he -- in his editorial on thursday. so there are some people who are in the anti-trump crowd that can see that republicans are better leaders when it comes to terrorism. however, there you know there are -- there is this anti-trumpism out there and they're going to be hounded by the press to give their opinions on donald trump. >> join the conversation on twitter. i'm howard kurtz. mediabuzz kth when we come back, bill hemmer on reporting on a tragedy of touch heart wrenching proportions. and did cnn's anderson cooper cross a line questioning a republican about anti-gay bigotry. [ guitar playing ]
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as journalists race to a city best known for disney world after the terror attack at the pulse night club bill hemmer, the co-host of "america's newsroom" was among them. >> welcome. >> good to be with you. >> fort hood, boston after the marathon, you've been to paris, now to orlando. does it get harder being at the epicenter of grief and tragedy? >> well, i tell you, howie, each one of these carries one familiar feeling. and that is enormous sadness. and it's inescapable. and when you go in to orlando, it's like, wow, it's happened again. and you ask yourself, who's next? and where? and you know, as a country, we're left to figure this out. but it cannot keep going on like this.
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>> you know one of the senators, from north carolina earlier in the week said orlando and san bernardino, this is not the new normal in america. and i think most americans would agree with that. they get angry, they get ticked off and for very good reason. >> does it take a personal toll on you? you're interviewing people at the worst moment of their lives. maybe they survived a mass shooting. i know i've been in that situation, i have trouble sleeping. >> yeah. i can only speak for myself. but i tend to keep this at arm's length. i do that because, you need a thick skin. and you need to keep the emotions away from you, otherwise you're not going to be able to do your job. it's our job to figure out the facts from the story and there are millions of people across the country and around the world who turn in for that story. if we allow the emotions to get in the way, i don't think we'd be able to do our job well. i will say, 9/11, different reaction. really took a toll on me. and of all the other tragedies, i think about the earthquake in haiti as something that had a
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profound impact on me. when you go in to haiti and i understand these people have so little to begin with, and now they're beset with this enormous tragedy brought on by mother nature i mean it really rips your heart out. but you know, fort hood and boston and orlando and paris, it breaks your heart, but if you allow your heart to get in the way of your head, and your ability to think, you're going to suffer professionally, i believe. >> was this one different in the sense that pulse nightclub was the center of gay life in orlando, that most all the victims were gay, did it have a different feel than some of the other tragedies you've covered? >> i think in a sense it did. i think you're on to something with that. i'll tell you, when i saw the news on my phone sunday morning, my first questions were, who did it? how many were there? where are they from? what's their background? and what's their history. and i think that those facts are essential to the story. and some shows, some news organizations have chosen not to
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show his name. or to show his face. in the early days, anyway, we made a decision to do that. and we did that because of the things i just stated there, howie. is that we need to know in an age of terror where they're from. and that's a very important part of this story. >> right. is it hard when you talk about whether this is a new normal or not, certainly this probably won't be the last time you have to do this, but is it hard to talk to people who are consumed by grief, or have you found that it's cathartic for them? that some of them want to talk, want to share stories? >> great point. yeah. it's a great point. i agree with the latter. for many of them, yes it's impossible. and you think about, you know, how these people are able to go in to the next day and get out of bed the next morning. when such a tragedy comes in to their life. likewise i find when people are given the opportunity to talk about it, that is, in many ways, that's a way for them to grieve.
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and i remember down in orlando, seeing a gentleman in the straw hat there all day long, talking with reporting crew after reporting crew. and i eventually went up to him and said does this make you deal with this easier? and he said it sure does. when i can share my experience with other people. so i think there's a big part of that involved. >> bill hemmer reflecting on the tragedy of orlando. thanks very much for joining us, bill. >> howard, thank you for your time today. >> i get bill's point about a news show. we decided on this program not to name the orlando killer. not to give him or another would-be terrorist infamy they might praise. more on my donald trump interview. up next calling out the media for scoring political points in an orlando blame game. when a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night.
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launching into the blame game after a terror attack trying to score cheap political points before the bodies are buried. new york's daily news did just that with this odious cover, thanks, nra. even if you oppose the nra stance on gun rights, this kind of blood on your hands sensationalism is really ugly. "the new york times" editorial page in a twisted leap of logic targets the gop. quote, hate crimes don't happen in a vacuum, they occur where bigotry is allowed to fester, driven too often by republican politicians who see prejudice as something to exploit, not extinguish. the "times" here is conflating legislative battles over gay rights and same-sex marriage with the slaughter of gay people. and the views joy behar practically indicts donald trump for terrorism. >> the thing about trump though is he's the recruiter in chief. he is -- he is basically working with isis -- >> yes. >> -- to kill us. they are working together. >> he is working with isis. now both sides have resorted to this kind of fingerpointing. john mccain at least briefly blamed the commander in chief
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for the mass murder. >> barack obama is directly responsible for it because when he pulled everybody out of iraq, al qaeda went to syria, became isis, and isis is what it is today, thanks to barack obama's failures. >> but the senator, to his credit, soon said he had misspoken and he only meant to fault the president's national security decisions. no such restraint from actor scott baio, a trump supporter, who smeared the president. >> i can't tell, lester, whether he's dumb, he's a muslim, or he's a muslim sympathizer. and i don't think he's dumb. >> really? and pat robertson the one-time presidential candidate said on his 700 club program that liberals are torn because they like both homosexuals and islam. >> the left is having a dilemma of major proportions, and i think for those of us who, you know, disagree with some of their promises, the best thing to do is to sit on the sidelines
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and let them kill themselves. >> christian broadcasting released a statement saying robertson was speaking metaphorically when he spoke of killing. what a relief. it's a shame when commentaries use this strategy to blame anyone, gays, muslims, obama, trump, the nra, other than the sick and twisted murderer who pulled the twigger. ahead donald trump has some strong words for joe scarborough after his falling out from "morning joe." but first the media again putting gun control high on the agenda after a mass shooting. is the coverage fair? ♪ (woman) one year ago today mom started searching for her words. and my brother ray and i started searching for answers. (vo) when it's time to navigate in-home care, follow that bright star.
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>> the deadliest mass shooting in u.s. history continues to have a ripple effect in washington. growing calls among democrats, and now some republicans, for new gun control measures, including donald trump, who says he plans to meet with the nra. >> back with the panel. kelly, this daily news cover, thanks nra. with the orlando killer really buying an assault-style rifle, and despite the two fbi investigations and the filibuster is the press tilting toward tightening gun control? >> i think there's no question about that. did you know more people in the u.s. got killed by blunt objects like hammers and clubs than they did rifle? >> this is a narrow issue -- >> so basically there's no question that they want to push a gun control narrative out there. and that is something that hillary clinton wants. that's something that barack obama wants. and so this press is sympathetic to those causes and they're going to be pushing this narrative much like they have after every mass shooting that there is.
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there's a second amendment right here, whether they like it or not. there's fifth amendment of due process whether they like it or not and these are constitutional issues that need to be talked about in the press. >> julie, it's hard to argue as the media covering president obama and hillary clinton as sort of the good guys in this gun control debate particularly now that's it's narrowed to such questions as if you're on a no-fly list or terror watch list or certain kind of background checks. >> i think you're right about due process of gun control. having said that it's not just barack obama and hillary clinton. people like susan collins. it's people like pat tomry, republican after republican, people like donald trump who said this week that we -- >> what about the point that whether or not the press seems to be rooting for -- >> i feel like there's two different kinds of press in this country now. there's the press that you're talking about and there's the conservative press that's talking consistently about terrorism, and that just signifies the divide among our political bodies that also is part of our process in the media. you know the media, you no longer have a clinical mainstream media that espouses an unbiased view.
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you have the daily news, talking about what they're talking about and then you have people on the right in the media who obviously talk about something very different and talk about terrorism. >> well, we should talk about all these issues is my view. but donald trump did sort of break with republican orthodoxy. here's the presumptive nominee essentially backing the idea of making it difficult for people on the no-fly list or the terror watch list to buy guns. he didn't seem to give him much credit by that. >> i'm shocked by that. 100% major. as someone who covered the gun control issue in congress no republican does this and i think it's partly an indication of probably why a lot of his voters like him. because he had a genuine gut reaction, probably a lot of people, maybe even donald trump didn't know that people on the no-fly list can get weapons, can get weapons and he had this genuine reaction. but i also want to clarify something from the first segment howie. i am not blaming society for home grown terrorists. what i am saying is we need to ask more questions about how we can do a better job of identifying these troubled
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individuals with a documented history, doubled history who are attaching themselves to these ideaologists which are kind of inconsistent but terroristic in nature. >> now to get back to the nra point. i think that it's extremely unfair, of course the nra does not want terrorists to have guns. and the insinuation of that by the mainstream media has been gross. now john cornyn has a bill in the senate which all -- a lot of republicans are gathering around which basically allows the doj to have 72 hours to investigate these people on the terror watch list, give them due process, and then says if there's probable cause that they're going to commit a crime to deny them these weapons. so it's an unfair narrative that the media is pushing that republicans want some sort -- some reason want terrorists to have guns. that's absolutely false. >> i don't think everyone in the media is pushing that. i do think that's a good debate. that amendment you mention and whether it goes far enough, and the 72 hours. but you know, we've had this debate in the media going back to newtown and before, and
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usually, we talk about it, and everyone writes about it and everyone gridlocks. >> we'll see if this time is different. i don't think this time is different. democrats obviously filibustered this in order to get some concessions to have a vote on the floor. the reality is we have these debates consistently after every horrible tragedy and yet people are still able to get weapons, though they're on the no-fly list. i do share with you the due process out there. so whether it's senator feinstein who i think has a good solution to this or others there's got to be a way to address this without having to go back to the drawing board after every single time. >> got to wrap it up there. thanks for stopping by this sunday. more now from my phone interview with donald trump. i asked having pulled "the washington post" credentials, might he also do the same thing to "the new york times"? he didn't dismiss the idea saying i think "the new york times" has been marginal, hasn't been much better than "the washington post." trump said credentials have also been revoked and ripped its reporting on tensions in his campaign and with the rnc.
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quote politico, i don't even talk to them. they'll make things up. politico is fiction. politico is just crying to respond. joe scarborough interview trump many times on his msnbc morning show has recently been denouncing him over his rhetoric and the temporary muslim ban. trump told me he stopped watching morning joe and said this, as soon as i won the nomination, he wasn't essentially to the democrats' side. he won't totally rogue. he was embarrassed to be so high on a republican i'm sure msnbc puts tremendous pressure on him and he wants to keep his job. he's very dishonest in what he's saying. scoreboro told me this is scad for him and mickey brzezinski who had been friendly with trump to see him falling off a cliff, suggesting the president is somehow connected with isis and his continued vilification of 1.5 billion muslims is un-american. the former republican congressman also said trump liked joe's analysis when he predicted donald would win the nomination. quote if the liberal network
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msnbc had influence on us they certainly would have asserted it and suggested we not be so far out front in our predictions on donald trump. you can read more of my trump interview on ahead, anderson cooper confront's florida's attorney general in the wake of orlando for not backing same-sex marriage. but coming up, with donald trump banning "the washington post" from his events, sharyl attkisson on the ethics of retaliation against the media. what's it like to be in good hands? man, it's like pure power at your finger tips.
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donald trump yarnged "the washington post" credentials it was over the newspaper publishing this head line over his questioning president obama's motivation and not being more aggressive against terrorism. donald trump suggests president obama was involved with orlando shooting. the paper later softening it slightly to donald trump seems to connect president obama to orlando shooting. trump has been boasting about punishing "the post." >> they made the statement that i said that obama essentially obama went in and shot the people. i mean, what they do, that is the most dishonest paper. but there's so many dishonest papers. "washington post" is a joke. >> we called in sharyl attkisson the host of "full measure" which airs sunday mornings on sinclair television station. >> so this "washington post" head line suggests obama was involved with orlando shooting. you have a problem with that? >> well, in my opinion that's both inaccurate or unfair so yeah, i think that's a problem.
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>> "the post" softened it slightly. didn't retract it or apologize for it. and then that leads donald trump to lift the paper's credentials. overreaction? >> well, i think there would be very few circumstances in which i would defend pulling a press credential from somebody. i would also say it's not impossible to cover trump without a press credential. when you have credentials on the campaign trail that allows you, i guess, to get in to a news conference and certain access on planes but it doesn't mean you can't cover the person. so they're still fully able to. but in general i think there are very few times i would defend pulling press credentials. >> now, executive editor called this nothing less than a repudiation of a free and independent press, banishing an organization when trump didn't like the coverage. trump told me in an interview on friday he'd love to restore "the post's" credentials if he's treated fairly in the future. >> well, you know, that's all in the eye of the beholder. and i would say it's going to be a bigger problem if once somebody is an elected official being paid taxpayer money and
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working in federal buildings, that's when you really cannot do that in my view. right now, this is -- he's not somebody who is making money off taxpayers, getting a taxpayer salary and working in the white house or federal building. not saying he should do it, but i'm saying i think it's within his right before he's a federal official. >> not questioning he has the right to do it, and by the way he has already banned or revoked credentials for politico, the des moines register, huffington post, national review, bailey beast, new hampshire union leader. does that send a message that he is being tough on the media? or that he is resistant to journalistic scrutiny? >> i think it's more symbolic on this part because they can still cover him. >> as he well knows. >> i think people at home may be wondering, as we discuss this, why can't he, if indeed i'm saying for example i think the head line's inaccurate and unfair, why shouldn't he be able to do that? well we look at this a little differently as members of the press. we don't want every individual person to judge on their own whether they have the power to do that based on not liking a
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story. i would also say this has happened in more subtle forms to me over the years. i've been barred from federal buildings by this administration when i'm a credentialed press person, and i own that building in part. i'm a member of the public. i mean this insidious sorts of barring of the press have been happening for years in ways -- >> stories that somebody's not pleased with. >> absolutely. >> it's standard to not give an interview to an organization and that sort of thing but this is a little different. but if you look at the trump's been running against the press all year. but if you look at the last few weeks, and avalanche of negative coverage, some of it, warranted by his mistakes, some of it about the republicans who are distancing themselves, is the press piling on? is the press going a bit too far in almost writing donald trump off at this point? >> it's hard to say. i would -- i would say in general the press has gone further than i've ever seen it as a group in just deciding that the opinions of even what used to be considered straight news
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reporters on news organizations and news programs, opinions are welcome. editorial comments are accepted. that we all kind of agree in this case, it seems, it's okay to pile on as you say, trump, because everybody agrees. and i think that's not a good attitude to have. and i've sensed that a lot -- >> everybody agrees you're saying there is a kind of a consensus in the media that donald trump is a dangerous irresponsible candidate and therefore they can cross a line -- >> it's okay to give opinions in this case. i hear people say that. that this is a time to stand up. this is different than other times. they seem to feel so strongly personally that they think they can step over the line. >> and we always try to find where that line is. at least on this program. sharyl attkisson, great to very you. >> thanks. >> after the break we look at anderson cooper. anguish over the senseless slaughter of 49 gay americans and does that affect their coverage? [ guitar playing ]
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cnn's anderson cooper who publicly came out as gay four years ago choked up as he read the names of the victims in orlando. >> they're more than a list of names. they're people who loved and were loved, they're people with families and friends, and dreams. >> but cooper also grilled florida's republican attorney general for having argued in court against same-sex marriage. saying he talked to gay people about this. >> i talk to a lot of gay and lesbian people here yesterday who are not fans of yours, and who said that they thought you were being a hypocrite. that you for years have fought -- you basically gone after gay people, said that in court that gay people simply by fighting for american equality were trying to do harm to the people of florida, to induce public harm i believe was the term you used in court. do you really think you're a
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champion of the gay community? >> let me tell you, when i was sworn in as attorney general i put my hand on the bible and was sworn to uphold the constitution of the state of florida. >> but do you worry about using language accusing gay people of trying to do harm to the people of florida when doesn't that send a message to some people who might have bad ideas in mind? >> anderson, i don't believe gay people could do harm to the state of florida. >> i took this up with guy benson, police cole editor of and a fox news contributor. welcome. >> good to be here. thanks for having me back being. >> look, i respect anderson cooper and i think he's generally fair but in this interview with pam bondi he was acting as more than an aggressive journalist. >> he seemed like an activist and i share your sentiments and general thoughts on anderson cooper. of course, i only watch fox all the time, but i've heard he's very good at his job. he's a versatile journalist. >> but here? >> in this circumstance i thought the line of questioning for the attorney general of florida under the circumstances
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and given the context of what had just happened in that state, it was a bizarre non-sector and it seemed like he was browbeating her for really unrelated political thought crimes in her past which did not relate to the task at hand which is roundly condemning the horrific atrocity that happened. >> in other words, even if she had gone to court to argue against same-sex marriage in florida, what did that have to do -- did that make her a bigot? >> no. >> was that the underlying premise of cooper's questioning. >> it was, it was, and this is the only way that this line of questioning makes sense is if your underlying assumption is that any opposition to any form of gay rights legislation is rooted in bigotry or hatred. i happen to disagree with pam bondi on most of these public policy questions. >> but? >> i happen to be gay myself. i don't know what's in her heart but i'm not going to assume that because she defended the state gay marriage banshee herself is hateful. >> here's the thing. the "new york times" rewarded cooper with this glowing
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profile, even when the accompanying news story said he berated pam bondi. would the "times" have acted differently if he berated a gun rights activist. >> of course, the "times" is the "times." it's so bizarre that a lot of people don't seem to understand that one can be against gay marriage, for example, and be completely gutted and infuriated and reject in the most forceful terms imaginable violence against gay people. these are two different things. >> on that point. cooper told the "new york times" i'm not here to push an agenda and defended his questioning of pam bondi as legitimate. we've been through a lot of mass shootings. as a gay man were you struck in a more personal man that this killer targeted this gay nightclub. >> these are gay people targeted because the of who they were are. they were out carousing in what they thought was a safe area in a culture that's not always been super accepting of gay people
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and that's changing which is a good thing and they were having drinks, having fun and this person based on and rooted in an ideology and his form of religion he decided that his anger and hatred and bigotry towards that group of americans was going to result in their deaths, and he executed 49 fellow gay people, not all of them were gay necessarily, but it is stomach-turning. >> and that's true even if the killer turns out to have been gay or lately gay or hanging out at the gay bar, whatever. what do you make of media coverage and commentary that plays down the fact that 49 mostly gay people were killed there, not a hate crime as opposed the shooting at the charleston church was clearly targeted at christians. >> we have many indications that this was motivated by islamic extremism and then i believe it's relatively clear that the motive for choosing the target was based in some sort -- >> i think there's still some debate but some outlets and some
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commentators seem to be kind of dancing around that. >> there's two things that i feel about that. >> okay. >> the first is there is something good that these are americans who were killed. it doesn't matter hyphenated americans, that's fine. that being said i think it's important to note exactly who was killed and why, in this case gay people were the target. >> guy benson, thanks very much for joining us. >> my pleasure. still to come, stephen colbert and samantha bee and conan o'brien turn serious and somewhat political as they grapple with the aftermath of orlando.
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late night comedians are supposed to be funny, but that's just not possible in the wake of a terrorist attack, so after orlando what has sadly become something of a ritual most of them turned serious with some offering their political views on gun control. >> now, after a massacre the standard operating procedure is that you stand on stage and
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deliver some well-meaning words about how we will get through this together, how love wins, how love conquers hate, and that is great. that is beautiful, but, you know what? [ bleep ] is. i am too angry for that. we can't constitutionally get rid of all guns, but can't we get semiautomatic assault rifles out of the hands of civilians? sam bee wants to take the guns away. the one that mowed down a room full of people in seconds, yes, do i want to take the guns away. >> i've tried really hard over the years not to bore you with what i think. however, i am a father of two. i like to believe i have a shred of common sense and i simply do not understand why anybody in this country is allowed to purchase and own a semiautomatic assault rifle. it makes no sense to me. [ applause ]
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these are weapons of war, and they have no place in civilian life. even me with a silly show like this. you have some idea of what i will say, because even i have talked about this when it has happened before. it's as if there's a national script that we have learned, and i think by accepting the script we tacitly accept that the script will end the same way every time with nothing changing. >> i'm not going to criticized samantha bee or conan o'brien or ezequiel bert or others. whether you agree with them politically or not, the aftermath of orlando was no time for canned jokes, time to speak from the heart that is happening all too often in our country. that's it for this edition of "media buzz. why the "i'm howard kurtz. happy father's day to all of you. like our facebook page, send us your comments at mediabu mediabuzz
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i can be reached on twitter @howard kurtz and same time same place back here next sunday at 11:00 and 5:00 eastern. hope you'll join us then for the latest buzz. a fox news alert. the u.s. senate now gearing up to vote tomorrow on four new proposals tackling gun control. those amendments facing a very steep hurdle on capitol hill where lawmakers are once again locked in a heated debate over the second amendment. welcome to america's election headquarters. i'm gregg jait. happy father's day to everybody out there. >> hello, gregg. happy father's day to you and to everyone. i'm arthel neville. thank you for joining us, democrats forcing the issue to the floor with a marathon filibuster following last weekend's massacre in orlando, the worst mass shooting in u.s. history now becoming a major flashpoint between both
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