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tv   Fox Report Sunday  FOX News  June 20, 2016 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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they're in our thoughts and prayers. we hope you set your dvr so you never miss an episode. thanks for being with us and have a great night. one week after the deadliest mass shooting in modern u.s. history, raw emotion in orlando as that city says goodbye to the 49 people who died. and a looming showdown over guns in our nation's capital. the president tipped the orlando terror attack in the political column, sparking a new debate on guns in this country. tomorrow, the nation will be watching capitol hill as the senate begins taking up to four bills on gun control, two from republicans, two from democrats. we don't know if any have the votes to pass, but there is talk of possible compromise. in orlando, florida, right now, a vigil to remember the victims.
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this is live. earlier today, governor rick scott told a church service he's been overwhelmed by all of the acts of kindness he's witnessed since those people were gunned down inside the pulse nightclub. we have fox team coverage. steve harrigan is standing by with the latest from orlando. we'll begin with garrett tenney and more on what could be a heated debate on gun control. garrett? >> on monday, the senate will vote on four proposals, two from republicans and two from democrats. and it is highly unlikely that any of the proposals will receive enough votes to pass. attorney general loretta lynch appeared on all five sunday shows to argue the administration's case for stricter gun control legislation. specifically, the amendment from california democratic senator dianne feinstein that would give the attorney general more latitude to deny the sale of guns to suspected terrorists on watch lists. >> we have a very strong law enforcement interest in protecting the types of investigations that, in fact, put people on the watch list, or
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that may be around those individuals, and so it's very important to us that we have the ability to conduct this in a way that lets us protect that information. >> president obama also called for a ban on assault weapons in his weekly address, but the nra is pushing back, arguing that while no terrorists or suspected terrorist should be allowed to purchase guns, the administration is unnecessarily chipping away at citizens' second amendment rights without providing due process. >> the truth of the matter is those guns were banned in paris and it didn't stop that terrorist attack. they were banned in brussels. they were banned in california and it didn't stop san bernardino. the point is that criminals and terrorists are not going to be deterred by one more gun control law when they're willing to walk into a gun-free club and commit murder with a firearm. >> while none of the four proposals up for a vote tomorrow are expected to pass, republican senator susan collins of maine is working on an alternative compromise that may be able to
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gain bipartisan support later this week. now let's go to remembering the victims. it was breaking news at this hour last sunday. cathedral church of st. luke held a special prayer service today. a savage who professed his allegiance to the islamic state terror army slaughtered 49 people, and more than 12 are still being treated, including some in critical condition. this development. the fbi plans to release partial transcripts from the shooter's 911 calls and conversations with negotiators during that terror attack. attorney general loretta lynch says investigators are retracing his steps, so to speak. >> we are trying to recreate the days, the weeks, the months of this killer's life before this attack. and we're also asking people who had contact with him to come forward and give us that information as well. >> steve harrigan is live for us in orlando. steve? >> harris, one week after this brutal attack, the crowds are
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already starting to gather lake side for a candlelight vigil which could draw up to 20,000 people. this morning at about 2:00 a.m., 2:02 exactly, the church bells rang out. that was the exact time of the attack one week ago. those bells rang 49 times. across the weekend, we have seen a string of funerals here in orlando. many of the victims so young, in their 20s or 30s, churches often filled to capacity. we're expected to get some news tomorrow, some partial transcripts. three of them from phone calls that took place during the time of the attack between the killer and police. these will be partial transcripts. the attorney general has said we could learn more about the motivation of the killer from these transcripts, but she is careful to add there will be no repetition of his propaganda, like the time he swore his allegiance to isis during one of those phone calls. harris, back to you. >> thank you very much. new urgency at this hour, and for all the reasons that we have just talked about with
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terror in orlando. the urgency to find terror sympathizers among us. bombshell news from cia director john brennan days ago that the islamic state terror army's capability has not been reduced and they are targeting america like never before. one in four isis recruits from the united states coming from minnesota. twin cities fbi recently added a fourth anti-terrorism squad to boost intel operations there. but last month, a federal case against nine young men trying to join asis shed new light on what's being done to keep minnesota from becoming an open door to isis. we fought time to see the unseen on camera in this report from my former home city, minneapolis. >> we had a young man who decided to go to a different mosque than where he was supposed to go. that mosque turned out to be -- he was learning about radicalization. >> he was being radicalized at a local mosque. >> correct.
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>> you were able, it sounds like, to step in at the right moment and stop that radicalization. >> absolutely. >> so that's one kid. >> yes, that was one kid. >> how do you do it again and again and again and again? riding along with the officer, it's clear, police officers are our first line of defense, and if there will be heroes, it will be them. there are now seven muslim officers working the beat. >> somebody will probably -- probably had a gang affiliation or some sort of criminal element in their life. maybe it has conviction. those are the most dangerous and the most vulnerable people. that worries me the most. >> so you know who they are already because they're in the system. >> we do. and that's when we're very valuable to the system or to our national security. >> he's talking about finding a few among the thousands of families, mostly mothers, who continue to leave somalia in turmoil with their little ones in tow. this is cedar river slide, known
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as the ellis island of minnesota. >> it's the largest concentration of somalis in the twin cities, and the minneapolis area have more somalis and east africans than any place outside mogadishu. >> double digit unemployment. but as they do in every city, immigrants in these tightly populated towers are moving out to other areas and the suburbans, a fact revealed in the recent case of nine young men who either were convicted or pleaded guilty of trying to join the islamic state terror army. the majority did not come from cedar riverside. so next, we head to a part of south minneapolis, the commerce hub for the muslim community. media access here is nearly nonexistent. we'll need someone to smooth out our visit. >> how is business? >> meet jabril, a kind of de facto mayor around here.
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everybody knows him, but not everybody appreciates the relationship he's formed with the fbi. he's just learned of an urgent matter from one of the mothers at the mall. >> this mother has a kid who's missing. she called me. we're trying to see what's going on. >> so in the past, when young boys have gone missing, some have been radicalized. >> for us. one is too many, and that's what we're trying to stop. i think we've done some good stuff. trying to work with the u.s. attorney's office here in the community. >> winding through the shops, jabril is determined for people to let us pass and for there to be peace about it. but it seems television can work its own magic. >> as we approached prayer hour, we headed to the mosque on the
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third floor. jabril drew the line. men only. our cameraman got a pick. he says he has been spit upon for going too far to let outsiders in. there's more to see. 21-year-old mohammed jama, using soccer and role models to cut the reach of soldier thirsty terrorists recruiting online. >> how a how angry are you that they're using your faith to justify what they're doing? >> i'm furious. because the fact is not all of us are the same. >> he has no tolerance for those tempted to kill for isis. >> you went through a refugee camp and you went through a nightmare to just get here. why decide to turn your back and to harm people? and who are you to make that decision to harm a person? to them, my best advice is get your education and be somebody. >> his friend gelani, just 20 years old. >> if you want to join isis,
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you're not going to go to a holy war for islam. you're going to war to establish a government for syria and iraq. that's what it is. know what you're going into. >> suddenly, he went from isis to politics. >> we're somalis. we're muslims. why do the majority of us go liberal? >> i didn't know we were going to talk about politics. >> but that's what it is. >> it's interesting to hear you bring up a liberal perspective in politics. i mean, is that something that people are talking about in your community? >> no one talks about that. how can you, you know, be a muslim and a liberal at the same time? in a sense, it's a paradox. it doesn't combine. especially on economical standpoints, like i was saying, somalis all own businesses. >> that was unprecedented access on camera. and on the political side, he and others were ranting about
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the obama administration's push to stay on the public doll, dependent on government cash. they say it really hampers them. and that mother who has yet to determine the whereabouts of her missing son, we note apparently she didn't call 911, as often they don't, but waited until our contact could be reached. typical. so what happens in that gap of time? we'll keep you posted on that with more detail as we get them. the insiders will join us at the bottom of the hour to weigh in on what you just watched. coming up also, donald trump has proposed a way to fight home grown terror. we'll talk about that. and we'll break down all the top political headlines from today, including gun laws, legislation. the senate will take up, giping tomorrow, as we've been talking about, those four bills, at least. donald trump's changing poll numbers. we'll get into that. and the push for a so-called conscience clause that would let republican delegates vote for
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anybody at the convention. how is that going to play
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on this week after the massacre in orlando, donald trump is stating his stance on gun control and how a trump administration would likely combat the growing threat of home grown terrorism. today the presumptive republican nominee stirred controversy by suggesting profiling as a way to combat radicalization. >> i think profiling is something we're going to have to start thinking about as a country. you look at israel and you look at others and they do it, and they do it successfully. i hate the concept of profiling. but we have to start using common sense and we have to use our heads. >> it is a topic tonight after the cia director's comments. >> you're right, donald trump
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made similar remarks after 14 innocent americans were murdered in san bernardino, california. but today, trump specifically said u.s. officials should be looking at what other countries are doing, and perhaps think about following suit when it comes to racially profiling. >> everybody wants to be so politically correct, and they want to do what's right and they're afraid to do anything. we have some pretty big problems. and problems coming out of radical islamic -- the radical islamic groups. >> trump wading in to what could develop into a controversial topic this election cycle. this the same week he's doubled down on his proposed temporary ban on muslims entering the u.s. people on the terror watch list should not be able to buy a gun. of course, veering from the gop traditional stance against gun control measures, although senate republicans are offering proposals this week. trump says he wants to begin a dialogue with the national rifle
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association about flagging or banning individuals on that list, harris. >> and what reaction are we seeing from members of trump's own party at this point? >> well, it continues really to be a mixed reaction. if you look at house speaker paul ryan, for example, he has, as you know, endorsed trump, but he also has on occasion criticized the presumptive nominee, and told his members in his own house to vote his or her conscience. above all else, ryan says he certainly wants unity. >> i don't want to see hillary clinton as president. i want to see a strong majority in the house and the senate. and i think the way to achieve those goals is to have a more unified party than a disunified party. if something is done or said that i think puts a bad label on conservatism, i'm going to speak out on it. >> donald trump continues his outreach efforts, despite his comments alluding to the fact that if he has to he will go about it alone. reports are he'll have a private meeting on tuesday with hundreds
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of top evangelical and social conservative leaders in new york city. they're going to allegedly tackle issues ranging from supreme court vacancy issues to religious freedoms. >> absolutely. you know, it's so interesting, elizabeth, before i let you go, to hear speaker ryan. i wonder where the voter is in all of this. everybody's got their platforms, but they have a majority voting for donald trump. we'll have to see how it works out with paul ryan. >> absolutely. >> thank you. hillary clinton's campaign is trying to seize an early opportunity to get ahead in the general election. her team is taking on trump in several swing states. before we even get to the conventions. and thousands of people escaping as the fighting in the irp?p?h
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democrats say they're gearing up for a summer blitz on donald trump. hillary clinton and party allies are investing more than $40 million in anti-trump ads to air in battleground states, including this one warning a trump administration would leave america "dangerously divided." the one that you were just watching there. bryan llenas is live from our new york city newsroom. that's a lot of cash to put toward one person. >> that is a ton of cash. part of that strategy by hillary clinton is to unload an relentless barrage of negative attack ads. clinton and the democrats investing some $41 million over the next six weeks for commercials in key battleground states like ohio and florida. the democratic super pac priorities usa using 18 million of those dollars for specific ads painting trump as a con man, a bully, and as dangerous for america. >> here's the trump theory on war. i'm really good at war.
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i love war in a certain way. i'm going to be unpredictable. i'm not going to tell you right now what i'm going to do. >> i know more about isis than the generals do. >> the democrats trying to take advantage of their rich war chest to define who trump is early on for voters in this general election. as trump plays catch-up with fundraising for a campaign that has been primarily fueled thus far through personal loans to his campaign and appearances on news networks. also, continuing to lend her voice to attack trump is senator elizabeth warren, who officially endorsed clinton about a week ago at new hampshire's democratic convention yesterday, she called trump a "thin-skinned racist bully." she also visited clinton campaign headquarters and said this to the staff. >> think about it in terms of a small, insecure money grubber who doesn't care about anyone or anything other than himself. think about a man who runs for
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president who can be defined in a tweet. >> heated politics aside, hillary clinton did tweet a photo today with their new grandson aidan. chelsea clinton gave birth to aidan yesterday morning. she now has a beautiful little girl and little boy. and i guess the chances of a clinton getting to the white house just went up slightly. >> you know what's interesting to me? so warren and clinton supporters complain about nasty name calling. is it just okay when they do it? it's a rhetorical question. good to see you, bryan. government troops reclaiming most of fallujah from the islamic state terror army. including a government complex and a hospital. meanwhile, civilians are streaming out of fallujah to escape the ongoing violence. the u.n. says more than 80,000 have left since the government offensive began last month. activists say refugee camps are overwhelmed, leaving thousands with no place else to go.
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the u.s. navy is christening a new destroyer. take a look. after a navy seal who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect fellow soldiers. meet the uss monsour. it was christened saturday in maine. michael monsour was killed in 2006 when he drove over a grenade. his heroic action shielded three fellow seals and eight iraqi army soldiers from the explosion. it saved their lives. earlier this hour, we met a police officer who showed us how local law enforcement are trying to fight radicalization in minnesota. a recruitment hot bed at times for isis recruiting here in the united states, one in four potentially coming from there. another officer suggests politics are playing a role here. the fox news political insiders weigh in. also, proposed gun control legislation hits the senate floor tomorrow. will lawmakers vote to change access to firearms in the wake
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of the orlando terror attack? should they? remember, we love it when you chime in, and take out your second screen and tune in at the same time. hit us up on our fox news social media pages, facebook and twitter. stay close. gary, gary, gary... i am proud of you, my man. making simple, smart cash back choices... with quicksilver from capital one. you're earning unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. like on that new laptop. quicksilver keeps things simple, gary. and smart, like you! and i like that. i guess i am pretty smart. don't let that go to your head, gary. what's in your wallet? you won't see these folks they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer.
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i'm harris faulkner. let's bring in our political insiders. john leboutillier, former republican congressman for new
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york. pat caddell, former pollster for president jimmy carter. fox news contributor doug sch n schoen. we aired a report a little while ago. i went into kind of the unseen, unprecedented access areas for the media and cameras, i should say, for television, in minnesota. we know that one in four isis recruits are coming from there. >> first of all, congratulations on a great job of reporting. >> t on a good team. >> well, you were a star. >> you're sweet. >> you are also on the cusp of what i believe is the central issue in american politics, now especially after the tragedy in orlando. which is home grown terror, what we do about it, how we balance civil liberties and security, and most of all, what the candidates are going to do to stop terror, both domestic and global. what their plans will be. and how they will speak to an
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american electorate that, as we've said, is angry, restive, and confused. >> pat? >> well, and i agree with doug, it was a fantastic piece. >> thank you. >> and it was amazing to see the candor with which people were discussing this. and, you know, the head of the cia brennan testified a week ago about the fact -- about the refugee problem, the people coming in -- i mean, totally contradicts the president. >> isis is not diminished, reduced. >> not only not reduced, but they're going to use refugees to bring people in. when we've done things, like i've always said. i didn't quite understand moving desert arabs into minneapolis. but they have taken route. but the fact is these ideologies are still vulnerable. i was most stunned by the person who said, oh, we went to a different mosque and it was being radicalized. we live in a country where the
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president and his attorney general, among others, and a homeland security refuse to even recognize that that's a problem. >> that's an interesting point. >> they have basically restrained the fbi and their ability, just on their manuals and teaching, to be politically correct. and that is a problem because as doug just said, all of this fits together into a bigger mosaic picture, and somebody's got to speak to it. >> the majority of muslims are peaceful, and the people that we talked with just wanted everybody to see, look, we're not all painted by the same brush. but there is this problem. if they know they have these mosques, how can the president deny that there is radical islam? i don't understand. when the community will talk to you about it. >> well, i don't know what obama -- you know, he's not running anymore, thank god. >> well, hillary. >> he's on the trail. >> the issue here is hillary's
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position on terror. versus trump's position. hillary has a pretty weak position, i think. trump has touched on all the points pat just made, but pat was more articulate and calm about it. donald needs to calm down a little bit. these rallies sort of get him riled up. politically correct is a big problem. the fbi has been handcuffed a little bit from doing what they want to do. and we've got this element inside our country. what do we do? we brought up policing and surveying the mosque last week. what do we do about that? i don't have the answer. but it is going to be one of the two central positions in the campaign. >> real quickly, before we move on, i don't know if you caught it, the last bit of the piece, we talked politics. i hadn't planned to go there, but the young officer wanted to talk about how he didn't understand how muslims can be liberal. that i thought was really interesting. >> given the social issues and the positions that muslims take,
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it's a little hard to see how they're going to fit into our politics and our ideology and our world view. but i really have to say to one thing, to the point of the piece, as wwe been talking, and it's a more general i think profound point. there are things we can do. there are answers. we can declare war tomorrow on radical islam. we can deploy and dispatch more troops, more assistance. rally the moderate sunnis as well as the europeans, and begin a systematic effort here and abroad to wipe it out, and to not tolerate it one day more. >> they're going to take back your democrat card. >> this is about protecting our country, not partisanship. >> i should say your friendship card with hillary clinton. >> hillary's talked about radical islam herself. >> but she turned it and said no, it's not a magical term. >> the democratic party -- what's so terrible about
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orlando, 49 americans, i don't care what their sexual preferences were. 49 americans were cut down. and we have a discussion -- everyone reverts so their original political posture. oh, it's guns. we don't care about terrorism. it's only terrorism. and we don't have a problem. there's no middle ground in a sense. >> let's talk about gun control. because we've got bills coming up this week. two from democrats, two from republicans. and talk of maybe some sort of a compromise in between. where are we? >> well, orlando has again, as pat said, got the same debate going again with this slight little twist, which is can they take the no-fly list and turn it into a no-gun list. and that's sort of the debate that even donald trump, endorsed by the nra, says he's going to go to the nra and try to get them to go along with it, which is an interesting angle to it. i think politically could help donald trump. if he could get the nra to go along with that.
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he would look like the negotiator got something substantive done on this issue. >> one of the problems is that my party refuses to deal with the real terrorism thing. they had never had 15 hours on the floor demanding that we do what doug said, go to war, take on these -- eliminate what we know is the source and the inspiration for this. it is all tied to whatever obama says -- whatever is going on here, and i do not understand where those voices have gone in my party that can walk and chew gum. >> they've gone silent. and harris, this is not a partisan issue. it is the central issue in the campaign. particularly at a time when hillary is growing in support. donald is slipping -- i know we're going to talk about that in a second. but fundamentally, donald trump and hillary clinton mustards this. >> do we have time for the nra? can we look at that real quickly? i'm asking them. the ceo of the nra had this to
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say, and then we'll talk about it. let's watch. >> law-abiding people need to be able to own firearms to protect themselves. i think we need national carry reciprocity. i think every school needs a protection plan with either police officer or certified arm security. when we need -- we need to look at all our vulnerabilities and we need -- they're coming and they're going to try to kill us and we need to be prepared. and this president, by diverting the attention to gun control movement, that's not going to solve the problem. they could care less. >> we'll talk about it after this break. can't wait to get your thoughts. stay close.
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all right, we're back with the political insiders. before we went to break, we saw the ceo of the nra talking about what it's going to take. i'm wondering, is he on the same page with donald trump? i mean, the nra, an early endorsement for donald trump. they've met. where are they on this? >> first of all, how could anybody disagree with what wayne lapierre said there? he's basically calling for america to secure itself against people coming at us from abroad or with guns. i mean, why shouldn't there be armed guards protecting schools, malls? i just went to the belmont race a week ago. 75,000 people showed up there. every one of us was wanded.
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they took away our umbrellas. it was safe because we all got checked. >> they do the same thing here at the u.s. open for tennis every september. >> so what is wrong with doing that at schools and other public venues? >> because it's a school, john. and the question that the civil libertarians ask is does this militarize the lives of very young children? these are serious issues. they're going to be debate fd i the campaign. but wayne lapierre and donald trump do have a difference, because donald trump has said he wants to actively consider taking the right to purchase guns from those on the terror watch list. >> put a button on it for us, pat. >> i just want to say one thing. i've listened to the media. i am so tired of people going to -- again, pushing positions. because they really don't care about the people who were shot so much as making their political points on both sides. >> ouch. >> i want to tell you one difference. this shooter and the shooter in san bernardino, the couple, they left -- san bernardino left a child behind.
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this shooter left a wife who his last text was i love you. >> and a child. >> and a child. the other killers in these mass things are all loners. this is different. will someone recognize they are sacrificing, whether they're nuts or not, which they may be. but they are sacrificing for a cause they believe in and they're willing to pay a price. that's dangerous. >> all right, we'll move on. let's talk politics. i'm going to start off with jeff kaiser's tweet. sanders is gone. hillary is firing up democrat machines. steam machine for trump. and it has begun to hit his weak poll numbers. your thoughts? >> this is exactly right. jeff geyser is saying what i was going to say. this is hillary's race now to win. donald trump has been sinking steadily through june. hillary's been going up. the republican party is still in discord. the democratic party is coming together. and i say to pat and john, isn't this election effectively over now? >> negative. it is not over.
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>> it's no more over than it was when you said jeb bush was going to be the nominee for the republican party because he had all the money and all the support. >> this is not the case. >> and these guys are your friends. >> i'm tired of hearing the conventional wisdom. the fact is, it's not over. she has not moved very much. she got a bump when the ap announced the race was over. >> the ap was in the tank. >> they were along with msnbc and "the new york times," which we know is a joke. and what we had here was this effort to fashion a narrative. never has been the press been on such a jihad as they are, including their polling. there's only one poll since orlando. wouldn't you want to poll and
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see what that did? only rasmussen's weekly poll, which showed the race at five points. the slight decline, both highly unfavorable. >> if you look at hillary's numbers, she's hovering in the low 40s. she hasn't moved up, other than one poll, she was at 49. all the others, 42, 43, the real story is the sanders people have not yet moved towards hillary. and trump is, for some odd reason, deteriorating at a time when he should be going up. >> let's put up the real clear politics numbers on the screen. i want to kind of track -- franco on twitter says, because i ask, is it time for trump to turn to the general election and start to fight hard? his numbers have come down. this is a graph showing exactly what you're talking about. a, i want to talk about why. franco says absolutely, it's time, hillary must be stopped. is trump using time and ground here? what does he need to do? >> well, i don't understand his strategy since may 3rd and may
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4th. he has spent an inordinant amount of time -- >> when you have a house speaker who is not helpful to the candidate, by simply saying when i see things, i'm going to call him. they still are not getting around this candidate. >> this has nothing to do with paul ryan, when he's in albuquerque and he's attacking a woman, hispanic governor of a blue state who's head of the republican governor's association, and you are the republican presidential nominee. why are you trashing her? she's exactly what you want to have as your running mate. >> so what's the answer? >> the answer is he's got to pull himself together. he's got to listen to what we have said on this show. we've said stop tweeting. get more discipline. >> his wife has said that. >> the other thing, i think that hurts him, i'll tell you, he went on a fundraising trip that
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he didn't want to make this week. atlanta, phoenix, dallas, houston, las vegas. and he told the oregon organizers, i want to do a rally in each city. i now have come to watch these rallies. the rallies are hurting him. because the rallies are the same voters that he already has, and he goes to the lowest common denominator with that. >> they're going to do what they can to take the nomination away from him at the convention. >> they who? >> the republican establishment. my words. >> okay, pat. hillary clinton outspending, outstaffing donald trump. so this conversation is going to continue. we're going to talk about general election efforts to kick into gear.
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i think that trump needs to understand the difference between these two things and spend some of his money offsetting some of the stuff. it's a press problem. we have had -- and i'm not against it. it's a proper subject. the whole thing with trump university. what word have you had about the laureate institute. not a word in the press. not a word on all the criminal activity going on now. finding about the e-mails or the foundation. they are. put about 130 million in already, they're going to put a
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billion in. but the clintons are playing for keeps. >> who's not playing for keeps? >> you know what? the officials in my party, excuse me, doug, some of us, including many officials who oppose the vietnam war, against a powerful democratic president. there's no one who's willing the stand on their convictions and say this woman's got a problem. >> in that first debate he could have changed the whole race. >> he's proven to be a hat. >> that's my point, harris. >> do you think that's the country we want, that's the country we're going to get -- >> harris, may i throw two thing in? on this press being biassed, when you choose to be a republican, and you run for office as a republican, you know the media is going to be against you, so that's no big deal, and you can capitalize on it.
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number two, i think trump needs to get himself pulled together here. he needs to realize he's going to have the raise and spend some money. he's got to run a --. >> does spending really matter as much these days? it didn't in the prime minister. the point i want to make, on this e-mail thing, the day that obama endorsed hillary was the end of any chance she's going to be indicted. >> because we're turning this country into a banana republic, when loretta lynch never discussed it, never talked -- the american people -- if trump doesn't pull his act together and go back to the issues that
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got him here this is not a contest. she's not moving because no one wants her at this point either. >> there's a breather, i'm going to step into a commercial and we'll be right back.
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. happy father's day. and now we're going to talk politics on father's day. how does that work out? t.m. freeman says on this
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father's day, what would the founding fathers think of the nation right now? >> they would be aghast, the division, the discord, the lack of common purpose. on father's day, you have to come back to traditional american values, which is free speech, freedom of religion. and if you look at america, none of those values are fully fulfilled domestically or around the world and we face foreign and domestic terror as well. >> thomas jefferson who is the father of my father, the democratic party, would be appalled to see that now people who call themselves democrats will not answer the simple question, i just want to know where the line is that's so acceptable that one of them stand up to speak out against what's essentially a criminal
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operation, an effort by our party to nominate someone who's got serious problems and no one will say a word. >> i think they would be just like all the people i run into, other than the people who ask what's harris faulkner like, people all over say to me, is it too late for a third candidate? and i still say, when i look at hillary and i look at donald trump, i still say there's a month left for another candidate to come in, whether it's republicans or independents. >> you would have to be a real independent. >> here's one thing i keep hear, would donald trump have been better off to run as an independent? >> i think so. >> terry lindy session if the republicans were serious, they need to get behind trump and fight as hard as they're fighting against him. >> they are so smooth, what linden johnson called -- we
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can't win. i'm right when he says the democrats are eating their lunch. >> it's about the politician. what i'm saying, they are where they are on the issue, but one thing about this country, the democrats can pull themselves so far to the left that they're in deep jeopardy. >> hillary will pull it to the right. hillary is completely beatable this year and the reasons, the reason they're spooked is they're wondering they picked the one candidate who cannot beat her. >> moving on, that's going to do it for fox report this >> the fbi making omar mar teen's deadly rampage public. >> what we are not going to do
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is further bring the terrorist group and further the propaganda. >> this as a vote on gun control heads to capitol hill. >> rumors flowing about a possible retirement and how it could change the gym and flip the court in another direction. >> it's over. it's over. cavaliers are nba champions. >> the championship drought is over. lebron james's promise to bring a championship home happens.
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>> our wish for you is that you will have some sunshine in your day. you are watching "fox and friends first". i am anna kooiman is nr heather childers. >> good to be with you, anna. >> good morning. thank you for starting your day and week with us. historic night in cleveland. lebron james brings home the title. >> final seconds. it's over, it's over. cleveland is a city of champions once again. the cavaliers are nba champions. >> they have it. the calves coming back from a 3-1 series deficit to beat the golden state warriors in an epic game 7. the city's first championship in some 52 years. kel re, what a night it was. >> what a night indeed, ladies. it's over. it's over. we will talk about it forever. this is an incredible championship series. the final game 7 was the stuff that sports


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