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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  June 20, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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melissa and i will be back in one hour. sandra: fox news alert, a shake-up at the donald trump campaign just weeks before the republican convention. trump's campaign manager, corey lewandowski, is out after what's been a rough few weeks for the gop's presumptive nominee. this is "outnumbered," i'm sandra smith. here today, harris faulkner, host of kennedy on fox business, kennedy, meghan mccain and today's #oneluckyguy, all rise, welcome back -- [laughter] judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. >> pleasure. no matter what we're talking about, it's a pleasure to be in this environment. harris: thank you, yeah. it's a big news day. sandra: the news is happening fast and furious. trump's campaign be not giving a reason for corey lewandowski's departure, but the surprise move comes amid slipping poll numbers and growing questions about trump's general election strategy.
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here's fox news senior political analyst brit hume. >> it seems pretty clear from what's happened in the past three weeks the trump campaign was woefully unprepared for the kind of national effort that the winner has to mount and mount pretty quickly once the nomination is sealed. sandra: john roberts is live at trump tower with the very latest. >> reporter: sandra, good afternoon to you. you can put it down to a lot of reasons but, basically, when it comes to a campaign, you've got to have one chief, one person with their hand on the tiller. corey lewandowski has wrestled over that steering wheel, if you will, with paul manafort, the veteran from washington. the two of them have been going back and forth, and it's almost like a trump game of thrones type of thing. manafort looked like he had won a couple months ago, lewandowski came back out on top after manafort stuck his foot in his mouth talking about donald trump not really meaning what he said, but then the latest power struggle which seemed to happen kind of late last week, it
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appears as though manafort has come out on top, and we hear from sources inside the campaign it really was donald trump's children who were responsible for the final decision. ivanka and her husband, jared kushner, who's taking a role looking after a hot of financial aspects of the campaign told donald trump that it was time that he made a decision to put paul manafort in charge of this campaign, and that's the way it looks like it's going. now, there's a staff conference call, by the way, that is not completed, still ongoing, and they're deciding how to roll all of this out. the trump campaign saying that lewandowski was not fired, that it was a parting of the ways. but you look up the very definition of fired, that pretty much fits the definition of a fired. but here's what the campaign said about it. quote: the campaign is grateful to corey for his hard work and dedication, and we wish him the best in the future. lewandowski from new hampshire known as a hard charger to trump
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through all of primary contests, it was a take no prisoners approach which appeared to serve donald trump well. but here was the issue for trump, i talked with carl cameron about this this morning, carl's idea actually that trump has been able to combat controversy over the last few months because every time something would come out of his mouth, it would blow up into this huge media frenzy, he would be able to win a primary. there hasn't been any primaries since the 7th of june, and so now everything that donald trump says that's controversial kind of hangs out there and, through large degree, that's why you see these poll numbers slipping the way they are. they believe they need a firm hand on the tiller, somebody who's been here, done this before. paul manafort is the person who fits that bill, and it looks like that's the way they are going. sandra: how involved were donald trump's children? ivanka has spoken out about
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corey lewandowski, and she had urged her father earlier in the campaign process to let him go. how much of a part did they play in this? >> reporter: well, as i said at the beginning, it looks like they were the critical element here. as i said, there have been, you know, there's been a wrestling match back and forth with lewandowski. at one point he was in the outs, then he's back in, then he's on the outs again, but every time he seemed to deliver for trump. now that the primary process is over and you can't say, see, i told you so, everything out there just kind of lays there. and i think his children, ivanka and her husband said we've got to shake it up. we've got to do something different. and this kind of nitty-gritty, road warrior, if you will, way of campaigning is not the way they thought they had to go. they need to launch into a more traditional campaign to make that pivot because it's pretty clear, sandra, donald trump is going to continue to say controversial thing, and they
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need a way to get past that particularly with the convention looming. harris: hey, john, it's harris. i'm reading about this article in gq having to do with lewandowski and one of the other campaign members, another woman on the campaign, and i'm just wondering what you're learning. sometimes when you read these things, we can't source it. so i don't know what to make of this. >> reporter: you know, you're talking about hope hicks who is his communications chief and press secretary. and there are reports that the two of them were seen out here on fifth avenue having a screaming match with each other. lewandowski allegedly said to hope hicks you're f-ing dead to me. i didn't witness that, but there's no question seeing the body language between to of them on the campaign trail, at times they seem to be very close, and then at other times they seemed almost as a husband and wife who were having a pat. that whole dynamic now has been taken care of. >> john, judge here. trump has had two brutal weeks,
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one involving the criticism of the mexican-american judge in california and the other his response to the terrible attacks in orlando. is the campaign suggesting that these two brutal weeks are somehow corey lewandowski's fault? >> reporter: you know, i don't think you can possibly pin that on him because lewandowski does not control what donald trump says. the only person that controls what donald trump says is trump. and the people who are closest to him, his children and his wife, have said over the months, dad, you've got to be more presidential, you've got to tone it down. you've heard him on the campaign trail saying, okay, maybe i'll tone it down, but then maybe i won't. i don't know who can whisper in donald trump's ear to actually get him to stop shooting himself in the foot, but if somebody doesn't do it, there's a danger he's going to lose in historic fashion in november as many people have predicted. sandra: john roberts, thank you. all right, kennedy, barry bennett -- trump's senior
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adviser -- was on fox news just a little bit ago. he suggested campaigns grow, they go in a different direction. should we look too much into this, or is it indicative of donald trump's slipping in the polls. kennedy: no, he's a big person, a dramatic guy, and you can only imagine what happens beneath the surface of an already turbulent campaign. i think what you're seeing is a civil war, and i think paul manafort is captain america, and corey lewandowski is "iron man". [laughter] "iron man" is a hothead, the mercurial one, and that strategy worked through the primary process. that's very obvious. but it's so different. and meghan can attest, when you go into a general election and don't have those primary victories week after week to point to, you absolutely have to make a shift. and i think on june 7th when donald trump gave that speech and it was much more measured, you saw paul manafort's fingerprints all over it.
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sandra: meghan, you think of families' involvement in all of this as the daughter of john john mccain. clearly, we're learning that the children were behind this move. meghan: listen, on my father's campaign i made a lot of suggestions, i have no doubt that ivanka and his sons had a hand in this. what's interesting is there was a tweet: ding dong, the witch is dead. so to say there's internal strife, this is not uncommon. there are whole hbo movies dedicated to campaign drama. that being said, as you said, judge, donald trump has had a rough few weeks. it shows in the poll numbers, and i think he had to make a change to show that he's taking himself as a general candidate seriously. we're one week away from the convention, two weeks away from the convention, and i think he has to show he is taking this seriously. corey lewandowski, no campaign experience. to win in a general election, you have to have people that have run campaigns before. a man is just hired on the campaign, a veteran of many
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campaigns including two of my father's. things like that ease my concerns right now. people like me like veterans of politics. we're going up against hillary clinton who has an absolute juggernaut of a campaign, and we need people who, quite frankly, aren't just controversial campaign managers who are best known for man handling reporters. >> i wonder if the timing is influential here. hillary clinton is about to be able to spend a billion dollars. she's got 875 employees. we don't know what donald has, he has fewer than 100 employees. the convention is two or three weeks away. he's been the presumptive nominee now for seven weeks. i don't know why this happened now unless it's been a game of thrones gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. this ding dong the witch is dead sounds like a gag, but it's very important. corey lewandowski -- according to charlie gasparino who nay seen the document, i haven't -- signed an ironclad nondisparagement agreement.
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he cannot, unless the trump people criticize him first. >> that's ooh interesting. kennedy: maybe that counts as a violation. >> well, is this fella the ding dong the witch is dead, is the guy who said this in the campaign? meghan: a close adviser to donald trump. sandra: let's face it, they thanked corey lewandowski for all of his contributions and success of the campaign. harris: donald trump has always supported him. even when he was having problems with that reporter, yeah, michelle fields and all that went on. donald trump said no way am i going to get rid of this guy. i believe in him. i think that's part of the softening of the language too. they're friends. they've been together since the beginning. i would say this about the $43 million that hillary clinton is now spending in battleground states in anti-trump ads -- >> in two weeks. harris: that is an onslaught that you have to answer to. who got you to the dance? manafort.
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lewandowski was there, as i said from the begin, but when you needed 1237 delegates to come onboard, who got you there? it was manafort. when you need today start having some meetings on capitol hill for those who supported you and didn't, those still on the fence -- house speaker paul ryan, what's the view like from up there? -- who got you there, it was paul manafort. it's understandable how he could have come out. the question is now, can they cull the cash to go forward in you have guys like anthony scaramucci -- kennedy: can he -- >> one last thing. so the donald accepted manafort's advice to fire corey. will the donald accept manafort's advice on other things like how to say thicks -- harris: we'll have to see. kennedy: manafort can make the case this is the only way you win, he has no choice. sandra: all right. paul manafort now in charge of donald trump's campaign.
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the fbi releasing partial, edited transcripts of phone calls between the orlando terrorists and police negotiators. as he carried out that deadly terror attack in old. but -- in orlando. but all references to islamic terrorism have been scrubbed from the record. is this more political correctness? plus, growing questions about whether the shooter's wife is going to be charged for any role in the massacre. what we're learning now about her and how it could impact this investigation. and right after the show catch more from the couch. you can join us -- [laughter] on our lye chat by clicking the overtime tab at joining us at lunch time. or breakfast on the west coast. find overtime live on facebook, you can also tweet us your questions and comments. we will see you there after show. ♪ ♪ you don't let anything keep you sidelined.
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harris: fox news alert, the fbi in just the past hour released partial transcripts of the calls between the orlando terrorist, omar mateen, and police. they could shed new light on the massacre or that left 49 people dead at a nightclub. and by "partial," the editors
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have edited out that savage's references to islamic read callism and his -- radicalism and his pledge to isis. the dispatcherrer says: what's your name? mateen replies, i pledge my allegiance to -- omitted. fill in the blank, you know what it is. may god protect him, he says in arabic, on behalf of -- omitted. the dispatcher then says, all right, where are you at? mateen says, in orlando. dispatcher says, where in orlando? that is the end of that particular phone call. u.s. attorney lee bentley just explained the reasoning for the scrubbing of the references to islam. >> the attorney general announced yesterday, these are partial transcripts. redactions have been made to avoid re-victimizing those who were in the pulse nightclub during the early morning hours
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of june 12th. harris: we should mention attorney general loretta lynch says on sunday shows, or she said the transcripts were also edited to deprive the killer and his fellow terrorists of propaganda tool. dead people don't need propaganda tools. what's she talking about? >> i tell you how angry i am about this? the government does not have to release raw evidence until the time of trial. there's probably not going to be a trial unless they try the wife or something. we're going to talk about that later. but when they release something, they have to release it in its complete form. they can't redact it, wipe things out in order to change history, in order to change our opinions of what happened. we have the right to form our own opinions of this government on the basis of what this guy actually, truly and literally said. harris: okay, so this is a trend. we know with this administration, we've seen them scrub intel reports about isis, we've seen them scrub actual
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public records of press briefings with reporters. kennedy: yeah, and this is external evidence of the administration's own censorship, its ostrich diplomacy, as if somehow ignoring these labels as if people have never heard of isis, as though there are people sitting at home who are either actively radicalizing or, you know, thinking about jumping into the process, that somehow that is going to change their minds. we already know, he said this is such a giant distraction. and the fact that we're talking about censorship and the fact that we're talking about these omissions instead of how to keep this from happening again is such a giant disservice. and the judge is absolutely right. like, they're infantilizing the american public because they want to be in total control. highway harris okay. i want to hear now from rudy giuliani. we know the redactions are limited. they're isolated just around one narrative. here's giuliani. >> that would mean during the
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second world war if i called up and said i am part of the nazi movement, i've joined here the united states -- in the united states, and i'm going to kill 49 americans and we left out nazi movement. there's a degree of denial here that is dangerous for the cup. that -- for the country. that degree of denial helps to cause the terrorists to be encouraged to commit more attacks. harris: and i'll further that by saying what we're finding out from our reporter, catherine herridge, on this is there was a drum beat in the 911 calls. so they're not just scrubbing the language, but it precludes us from being able to figure out linear thinking of this man. for instance, the transcript shows that the pledge of allegiance to isis came again then pledge of allegiance of solidarity to an aq affiliate. and then it went on to the boston bombers. >> right. harris: it had, like, a theme to it.
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meghan: do they think the american public are idiots? i want to know would they retract if he had said i hate gay people, i hate everyone, you know, i'm homophobic, would they have redacted that? kennedy: yeah, that would be more victimizing, don't you think? meghan: it's obviously isis, he's obviously declaring allegiance to isis, and for whatever reason this administration doesn't want to admit isis is growing and this is a real threat to the american public. sandra: but the steady drum beat that catherine herridge -- ahead of even looking at -- she warned us to look out for that. how many to missions, were there one? >> it's impossible to tell. harris: this is not a one-off. >> right. there's an actual transcript and then there's a summary of athe rest. here's what's news in the summary, nobody died until 5:13 in the morning when the s.w.a.t. team entered.
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prior to that, no one had been killed. the 53 that were injured and the 49 murdered all met their fates at the time of and during the police entry into building. harris: i want to speak to that. apparently, mateen was making threats that he had explosives or a suicide vest. >> yes. harris: and so what the local authorities in orlando are saying they immediately responded to that because they saw what happened in paris when if they had not moved in -- and they didn't in time -- people were killed. what i can tell you though from talking with resources that i have, they want, terrorists, you to come in to try to rescue the people so they can set off secondary devices. here's a problem though, judge, and i want to talk to you about cell phones. his was not blocked -- >> right. harris: which means if he had set up explosives outside that club, he could have used it to trigger those devices. what the heck? >> you're going to see a lot of
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second guessing of the police. i know it's an act of heroism and remarkable courage to enter that building under those circumstances, but you're going to see -- harris: why not cut off the phone? is there some protection i don't know about? >> he said the car is going to explode, he said you're going to see a lot her of this in the next few days, they scoured the neighborhood. meantime, he was locked and loaded and waiting for the first sign of resistance. kennedy: these are huge paradigmses, and they're going to learn so much from san bernardino and from this terrorist event, and that will ultimately better inform them in the future. harris: kennedy, i hope we are not to technology ones who are seeing the redacted versions. i hope they spread around among all of these other agencies the real version. do we have the faith that will happen? anyway, we'll continue now. there are growing questions about whether mateen's wife, noor salman, is going to be charged for any role she may
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have had in the attack. there are multiple reports that the couple exchanged text messages and also reports she accompanied him on at least one trip to why ammunition -- buy ammunition. so far attorney general loretta lynch is staying quiet about >> we're talking to a number of people that includes family members, that includes people who knew him, people who knew of this individual, we're asking them to come forward. she's in that ambit, of course, but we're not making any predictions, nor are we having discussions about anyone's status right now. harris: also we're learning new details that the killer's wife reportedly had learning difficulties growing up, her family has reportedly said she does not understand, quote, cause and effect. judge? >> well, look, she apparently gave a long, two or three day long, series of confessions to the fbi. if the fbi has questions about their mental stability, they know they're not going to use those confessions, the information has to be
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corroborated from some other source. was she a conspirator with him? if she was a conspirator with him, you and i conspire to do something and i do it and i'm gone, they can charge you with a crime. stated differently, she could face the death penalty, but they're not going to pursue death penalty on somebody who was mentally deficient. we don't know of her mental status -- harris: can i just say one thing? >> stories about deficiency are coming from her schoolteachers 20 years ago. harris: first, we know this guy was pledging allegiance to isis, but the narrative we now here he may have done this because he was gay. so now you're going to malign an swire group of people, a. b, now you're going after mental capacity. do we have proof of that? now you've got a built-in defense. >> this is why, and here i agree with the attorney general, this is why she was wise -- as much as i wanted her to answer chris wallace's questions -- this is why she was wise not to answer because they haven't had the time to corroborate, so they
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don't what they're going to charge -- kennedy: i don't buy this at all. i think it's a very convenient excuse, and it's very insulting to people with learning disabilities. harris: another group of people. kennedy: if someone was in a potential ed class in middle school that they don't know the difference between basic right and wrong, what an incredibly -- sandra: but that's assuming he knew what was going on, and i think there's still a lot we don't know here. i spoke to a former terrorist on friday night -- >> former terrorist? sandra: he grew up, he was born and raised in toronto -- >> okay. i know this guy. sandra: yes. he went over and visited india and pakistan, and he was radicalized. he came back home and joined all kinds of groups. he said during his radicalization process his wife never knew a thing. and that was the point he was making. he could have been going through all of this, and she wouldn't have known a thing. she might have thought it was out of character or things like that, but maybe she had no idea he was going to carry out this attack. i'm just throwing it out there that there's a lot of mixed messages, judge. >> absolutely.
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we don't know what he sent to her in the text message. her reply was, i love you. harris: we don't know but somebody does. >> right. kennedy: we'll never know. meghan: i'm with you, kennedy, i think where there's smoke, there's fire: i'm deeply insulted that people with learning disabilities can't understand that shooting up 50 people in a nightclub is a bad thing to do. listen, i don't know her mental state, obviously, but you're going with your husband and he's buying a thousand rounds of ammo and an ar-15, do you think -- what are you going to do with that? i think it's spin on their part. his father has a very strange background as well, homophobic videos, he has a television show that is apparently broadcast in afghanistan. think we should be looking at his entire family. again, where there's smoke, there's fire. there's strange things happening within his family -- >> one last unusual note? she's not arrested. she's free to go anywhere she wants which is telling me something about what the fbi -- harris: right. okay, so is law enforcement officials have told me they want
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her to live her life so that they can try and understand what her movement is like. you know, something that we didn't have post de facto in san bernardino. we couldn't see what had gone on and what their daily lives were like, and we knew there were red flags among some people. your quick thought to end? >> the fbi, i have to give them credit, they know what they're doing. but a thing under observation change when it knows it's being observed, so i don't know what they're going to learn -- kennedy: well, not if it has learning disabilities and doesn't know right from wrong. >> good point. kennedy: she probably has dried oatmeal all over her kerr chief. >> we discuss something that is funny? harris: tough news day. okay, let's go on. i don't know, maybe you'll -- i don't find this funny, but who knows? the showdown on capitol hill over americans' right toss bear arms -- >> not funny. harris: i told you. law makes are preparing to vote on four gun control measures in response to the orlando terror
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attack, but would passing more laws keep us any safer? plus, attorney general loretta lynch is in the headlines again for what he said about the federal investigation into hillary clinton's e-mails. why lynch's remarks are raising eyebrows. we'll get the judge's take. stay close. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. ♪ sandra: four gun control measures are up for vote on the senate floor today but it is unlikely any of them will pass. democrats are expected to block the two republican measures arguing they fall short controlling gun sales. republicans are expected to block the two democratic amendments claiming they threaten gun owners constitutional rights. here is nra chief wayne laperriere. >> bad guys we're facing, they don't say, oh, gosh, they passed a law.
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oh, gosh, i don't think i can do it. what we're doing with this debate on the hill right now, like they're trying to stop a freight train with a piece of kleenex. sandra: captain mark kelly, husband of former congresswoman gabrielle giffords disagrees, watch. >> you can go down gun violence with strong legislation. they don't have the right to walk into a federally firearms dealer to buy a gun. these are problems that can be addressed with legislation. sandra: judge, will weigh likely see change? >> i don't think so. i like and respect captain kelly and my heart goes out to what happened with his wife congresswoman gabrielle giffords but if the government thinks it can secretly put whoever it wants on a no-fly or terror watch list and then that person loses their constitutional rights, then it is not a constitutional right, it's a government privilege to be given
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out whenever the government wants to give it out. that contradict what is the supreme court has said. there are to public standards as to how somebody gets on a terror watch list. there are no public standards as to how somebody gets on a no-fly list. there is no public revelation who makes the decision. you go to buy a gun somebody says, sorry you're on a watch list, your gone. that directly contradicts the second amendment. sandra: depending how you look at it, most polling, kennedy shows americans are in favor for the most part of some change to our gun laws in this country. is there anything they could decide or conclude that would improve. kennedy: none of these four measures are going to pass let alone make a difference and you know, to captain kelly's point, you know where they have stringent gun laws? in france and belgium. you know what tape rifts will do to take out dozens, hundreds of people, they find weapons illegally. these gun laws will not apply to them. that is tragic and horrific. maybe we need a shift in this
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country how we look at and how we deal with these problems and maybe the solution isn't once again more ghost, more surveillance and more watch lists. the judge wrote an compel len column talking about due process versus constitutional rights. the fact that innocent americans can be deprived of constitutional rights, people so freely having this discussion on both sides with zero thought of civil liberty abouts it is kind of frightening to me. >> harris: should it be like a sexual predator list? if it would be more fair if the list were made public. public revelation, as you quote, you, judge, put it? if people knew they were on the list they could act to get themselves off but should it be like that. >> if i give a speech on the street corner and fbi thinks the speech so so dangerous they want to silence me, they have to bring an action in court and there is a trial. >> it is public, right. >> if they think i'm too dangerous to buy or carry a gun,
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they can bring an action in court with public trial. it is their burden in public courtroom to prove why a person can not be trusted to exercise their liberties. harris: would be okay to adhering too -- even laperriere said, if somebody is on the watch list they should not be sold a weapon but big question is how you get on there and how you get off. >> the late teddy kennedy was famously on the watch list for two years. nobody knows how or what. harris: it if it is public or have a chance to get yourself off would you -- >> it is their burden to prove why you should be on. it is not your burden to prove why you should be on. harris: meghan? meghan: i'm a big second amendment rights. if you want compromise, liberals make it to the innth degree, names are being thrown. this is cultural issue. if you didn't grow up having value or appreciation for second amendment it is very difficult
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to talk somebody else about. the pink pistols, a lesbian gun club, record number spiked joining this gun club, lbgt gun ownership as spiked. people want to protect themselves i don't understand why liberals have such a problem with it. >> what laws should be changed? get rid of no gun zones. like shooting fish in a barrel. let people protect themselves. >> that is illusion. there is no such thing as a gun-free zone. sandra: going questions about the integrity of the clinton email investigation. attorney general loretta lynch says president obama's endorsement of clinton will not be a factor. should we take her at her word? ♪
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hillary clinton email scandal despite president obama's recent endorsement of president. lynch says everything is being done about it book and she has never discussed the case with the president. listen. >> this is not a conflict for me, for the department, for anyone. we will continue to do all of our work in the same way which we always have, with the interests of the american people first and foremost. we have never discussed the clinton case. i have never spoken about it with the president or really with anyone at the white house. that is not the kind of relationship that i have with people there and it would be inappropriate to do so. kennedy: well it certainly would be inappropriate to do so. that's why i'm going to turn to the judge. judge, she is political appoint aye. chris wallace made excellent point of showing that in his interview with her. lou could this not be a conflict of interest. >> i don't know how it could not be a conflict of interest. she has been appointed by president twice. first the federal prosecutor of brooklyn. then to be attorney general of the united states. her team is investigating mrs. clinton. the president wants mrs. clinton
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to succeed him in office of the president is the chief federal law enforcement officer in the land. the president sent four of the top secret emails that contain top secret information to her using the clinton server. how could he not have a conflict? how could jim comey, his political appointee not have conflict? how could mrs. lynch, the attorney general not have conflict is beyond me. i think she should have been more candid with chris saying it is a conflict but we'll overcome it or we'll pass it on to the non-political leadership in the justice department. they have hard-working a can be. they have a very strong case against her. now gets into the hands of the political appointees. what are they going to do with it? sandra: not only can not be believed, but that they haven't talked about it? the loretta lynch says she hasn't discussed the investigation with president obama? kennedy: attorney general of the united states with a case this high-profile and unprecedented how could she not have a conversation with him?
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>> hard to believe, it is hard to believe that's possible that they never discussed in all the time they're together. meghan: they think we're idiots. you never discussed it really, at the christmas party after a few glasses of wine, you don't say, hey, hillary's emails might be an issue? i think it is absurd. just be a little bit honest, just a little bit because you're lying through your teeth and quite evident to everyone. >> if she has a conflict there are procedures to address it. if i may goes back to what kennedy said before, they are treating us like children. same mentality that says i didn't talk about is the mentality said i'm only releasing half the transcript because i'm afraid how you react to the other half. kennedy: feels like we're not going to have justice in this case. it is very helpless feeling for american voters especially heading into an election. harris: let me get on the record, i love babies, although i don't want to be treated like one. >> wondering where you were going. harris: you want ad smile. i'm bringing lefty. i'm waiting for loretta lynch to
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redact the word email. can she do that? i'm done. kennedy: this is very heavy-handed administration when it comes to editing. they're certainly selective with their -- sandra: i think that is generous word. kennedy: nice. >> this is most transparent administration in american history. kennedy: isis is contained. they say a lot of things that aren't true. concern finding isis sympathizers hiding among us. we'll show you a major metropolitan area where feds say is hotbed for terrorist groups. harris paulker in was there. we'll take you there next. ♪ but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive. always be you. jen stops working,
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call or go online today to switch to x1. ♪ >> unfortunately despite all our progress against isil in the battlefield and in the financial realm our efforts have not reduced group's terrorism capability and global reach. the resources needed for terrorism are very modest and the group would have to suffer even heavier losses on territory, manpower and money for its terrorist capacity to decline significantly. harris: that bombshell testimony from cia director john brennan just days ago, that the islamic state terror army remains a
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formidable enemy amid the fight overseas, there is an urgent effort here at home to root out our sympathizers of. the department of homeland security says one in four americans trying to join isis actually doing so come from minnesota. the fbi in the twin cities, add ad fourth anti-terrorism. squad to boost its intelligence operations. i went to my former home city of minneapolis, gaining exclusive access to the somali muslim community there for a closer look how law enforcement and some muslims are trying to stop soldier of this thirsty terrorists from recruiting there. >> we had a young man who decided to go to different mosque than where he is supposed to go and that mosque turned out to be what he was been told a different information. he was learning radicalization. harris: he was being radicalized at local mosque? >> correct. we know what is right and what is wrong and if he is being
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pushed to that side of the radicalization we know. harris: what i pointed out in our report that aired on "the fox report" last night, if they're going to be heroes in this the front line are the police officers. they recruited seven muslim officers in the minneapolis pd. they speak the language, they know the culture. it is helping out greatly to get information. what he just said where i want to go with you, judge. the mosques, radicalized at a local mosque. not necessarily online. one of the men he was able to turn around teenagers, 20-somethings, talk about how religious freedom and how we deal with this. >> i'm not a softy on this stuff. harris: okay. >> i am happy to here the side which gets very little publicity, cooperation of decent muslim-americans with law enforcement who recognize out of their midst could develop a monster and they have the moral duty to look at the people in their midst and sort of decide, who needs some help, who needs
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some guidance, who needs to be reported? these things are not being reported. i'm not saying this because we're friends but my hat is off to you for revealing all of this in the manner that you did. for the fbi to commence an investigation, they can't just go to a mosque and start recording. they have to have what is called artic youable suspicion. some reason to suspect something afoot they can articulate. that is what is necessary to commence the investigation. if they want to commence surveillance they need probable cause. that is a higher standard, more likely than not criminal events are taking place. we need to record it so we can arrest the people before it getting worst. harris: all right. sandra one of the things i found out, i know you talked recently with former terrorist why they get into the this, why they're radicalized? sandra: the one i spoke with friday night said he had a chance encounter. he was traveling and to undo that process he studied the religion and that's when he came back around.
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so, hats off to you as the judge said, great reporting harris but i'm already seeing twitter reaction to the reporting on this. you hear this time and time again, the community. that community wishes there were more muslim leaders that spoke out in this way. we would be in a different situation. meghan: can i ask you a question, harris? harris: sure. meghan: talking about people helping police officers are helping, living in culture where our candidates are saying ban muslims, what still drives them to help out our country and be patriotic? >> great question. harris: several, one we had on camera, one of the young men we talked with on camera, his name is mohamed jama, he is 21 years old. he started a coalition of young people to get them off the streets, play soccer, basketball, get education, the brian coyle community center there in minneapolis. he said in visceral way. we're escaping murder, rape of our mothers and sisters.
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just horror stories from their homeland in somalia to come here. it pains him to see his religion, he put it this way, to see his religion radicalized in this way. they talk very openly about this they are american now. the next generation that has been born, they're american citizens now. they feel very proud to be lear. they want to do their part doing this they understand -- they stand in the gap, if you will, between those who would be radicalized and those who really want something different and something more. another element in all of this how the women fit in. we have a little bit of sound. kennedy, you and i can talk about. >> muslims and christians are brothers and sisters. muslim is peace. majority somali community love peace. they want to be part of the solution. harris: talking about a place where cameras don't go,
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particularly inside of the market we went with all the shops and mosque on third floor. they saw us out there with someone they trusted. they started coming out. women in particular don't sea very much. she was visceral about what she had to say. kennedy: they don't have a voice. i think it is very important to go to a local community to shine light on it, on the truth. there is certainly a lot of darkness. the staggering statistics, one in four coming from minneapolis. the fact there are so many people who want to inner face postively with law enforcement and community. harris: sandra alluded to a lot more questions. we'll continue to do our reporting. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. when you've been making delicious natural cheese for over 100 years like kraft has, you learn a lot about people's tastes. honey, what do you want for dinner tonight? oh whatever you're making.
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