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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 21, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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hello, i'm dana perino, along with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams, eric bolling and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." >> our attorney general visited orlando today, met with investigators, first responders and victims of the june 12th terror attack. loretta lynch addressed reporters, but she didn't address requests to unredact an hour after a version was released without any mention of isis or islam. she did say the actual recording of owe marmar mateen could be rd as well. >> we're looking to be as
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transparent as possible and release as much information as possible. we are open to that. i can't tell you when or in what context. but i can tell you woo he are open to that. >> she made the rounds on the sunday talk shows to explanation why the administration was initially going to shield the public from words they didn't think the public should hear. the former intelligence chief notes a pattern by the administration to what he says is censoring the truth. >> the this white house has a terrible track record of sending senior members of its administration out on the sunday talk show circuit to try to baloney or talk above the united states, american public. i mean this is just unbelievable. and there's three examples of this where susan rice came out. benghazi, rhodes came out on the nuclear deal and now attorney general lynch has come out on this issue. the american people are smarter than that. greg i want to start with you, greg you wrote a column saying orlando was our worst response to terrorism, ever and we're
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doomed. >> it's so depressing to me that now every single issue is a conflict. now we're even arguing now over the 911 call. we can't each, we can't even agree on the smallest elements of, of brutal story. and what depresses me is that every successful country survives on the cooperation of its citizens. and the cooperation of your citizens is based on the idea that you are a citizen. and that we're all americans. but we're now in this weird place where we view terror and tragedy from our identities. that somehow everybody has to look at it differently whxt you're a liberal or a conservative. black, white, lesbian, gay, straight, whatever. >> questioning. >> questioning. thank you. >> we, now cannot agree on how to view something like terror. and it's all because of cultural relativism. we cannot agree on what's bad any more. because we ourselves don't see ourselves as any good. it's the final triumph of
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identity politics that we can't even after a terror attack just agree that it's a terror attack and then maybe talk about the gun issue. but we can't even do that any more. and that's sad. i mean this is the, this is the kernel of our destruction, i hate to say it. >> you said it the most depressing thing you'll ever share, but share it, anyway. >> kimberly, do you think that loretta lynch, the attorney general, regrets the decision to go forward and redact the 911 calls initially? >> i'm sure she does. because guess what, she got humiliated because she got walked out, paraded on the sunday shows, very similar to susan rice who pushed the video, lost any credibility that she had by putting forward a false narrative and you know this attorney general, knows better. there was no good reason except to try and provide cover for the white house to scrub that and redact those -- they should have gone forward in its entirety. because this administration has
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promised transparency to the american people and eight years later we're still waiting for it. >> eric, she's saying they might release the audio recording as well. >> as long as they don't scrub that as well. remember when they bleeped rosen. he was talking about the negotiations with iran. then francois hollande was talking about the islamic terror, they cut his words out in the transcript. >> and the tape, true. >> and the tape. and then they had to go to the transcript to find out they had done it in the tape and now they're scrubbing the terrorist's words, the three things, there's two issues there. the three, there's a common thread among what they were doing. they again, with iran, with islamic terrorists and the terrorists, again, they're afraid, they have some sort of fear of offending muslims. so they do these things. they think it's okay. but also two of them were state department censorships and the third one is the department of justice. they all lead up to the white house. so it clearly is coming down
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from the white house, going to the different agencies saying we need to handle whatever they're doing. maybe they're just being like hey we need to handle this different when there's a muslim thread to it i think that's ridiculous. the american people deserve transparency, honesty and let us decide what's offensive or not offensive. >> do you think it's a pattern or a coincidence? >> i think it's part of the republican view of this situation the way greg was talking about our political polarization. from my perspective, i thought that the fbi director, the attorney general wanted to avoid any appearance of impropriety in an election year, they changed their decision. but to my mind, they caved under pressure. they caved under pressure from everybody who is a conspiracy theorist. and you know, they gave a deranged killer a megaphone. to publicize his sick ideas. and i think we also run the rick, we talked about this last week when you put out this guy's name, and you make him into some kind of martyr for these people, then you run the risk of copycats.
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he was a liar, he said he had a bomb on him, there were bombs outside. first he's doing this to stop the bombing in syria. then he says, oh, no, i'm with hezbollah. then he says, no, i'm with isis. but you know what, hezbollah and isis, that's shia, sunni, that's not the same group. >> he did say isis several times. and he -- >> he's a conspiracy guy who says at the same time he doesn't like homosexuals, then it's possibly we learn guess what, he may be a self-hating homosexual. i mean -- >> why do you bend over backwards in some bizarre positions that i certainly haven't seen before to make excuses for this guy. you want to call him crazy. waughant to call him -- he has gay shame, this and that. it's so ridiculous. why won't you take it for it is. the administration went out of their way to scrub it so that people couldn't see the record. so people couldn't see exactly what he was saying. and what he was -- >> i think it was a reasoned decision kimberly to say we
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don't want to give a megaphone for this guy to publicize anti-american sentiment. >> but juan, i think it's -- >> it's if he had stated specifically anti-gay rhetoric, they would not scrub that. if it was, if it was racist rhetoric. >> if it was the kkk, would they scrub it? >> i would like to think they are consistent, but i don't think they are. >> i think they are consistent. this is what you were talking about, greg. that you don't even want to say his name. there's law enforcement who don't want to say his name. >> forget him, but don't deny the link. >> but nobody denies a link. the fbi director and the fbi from the very start said this is a terrorist investigation. >> they didn't say islamism. that must be said. when you apply the politics of sharia law or the politics of islam, coerce it, force it on a community. the white house press secretary said calling it islamic radical
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terrorism or islamism is just a republican talking point. >> why is it just a republican talking point? >> there are liberals who believe that. >> why don't democrats realize that when a guy says, allah allahu akbar, shoots the place up and pledges allegiance to isis, it's a religious war, he's doing it for religious reasons. i could be wrong, but i didn't hear him say on any accounts that i hate gay people. >> when he's killing people, we do know several occasions where he said he was a jihadist for isis, we know that for a fact. for some reason liberals and you seem to be saying don't listen to what he actually said. here's what he probably meant. >> listen to what he said. and it's inconsistent and incoherent. one moment as you say he repeatedly talks about isis, right? and he talks about this -- he talks about hezbollah, and you know they're different groups. >> but they're all terrorists, there's a link. >> that's why you go back,
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kimberly to the global war on terror. which was -- criticized by people like president obama during the campaign saying i'm not going to be the guy that just does this like broad blanket, broad brush against terrorism. but as we start to take them apart you realize they're actually all of a whole. >> they're woven together. they're interlocked. the goal is jihad, and establishing the caliphate. this is what they're trying to do when he says in pledging allegiance to isis, he acts it out and carries out, with a lot of efficiency, sadly and disgustingly being able to execute 49 people in a place that he cased before-hand. that he was well prepared. that he in fact was someone who was very good with a weapon. and able to do that kind of damage. and then had all the planning and forethought ahead of time. calling in to the press. saying -- on 911. telling us exactly why he was doing it. and for what reason and for what group. take him at his word and learn
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something or repeat the same mistakes again. >> yeah. >> president obama says something that's very interesting. he said and he's right. about these recent terror attacks. they were all u.s. citizens who performed these attacks. which proves the point that we're talking about. it's not about race. it's about doctrine. these are not, these are not arab, these are muslims. this is a doctrine, it is not race. therefore, it is not racist or bigotry to call this what this is. to link islamism to daily misery around the world. president obama will not be remembered fondly for this perspective. i make this comparison before. that the way tobacco companies denied the link between their product and cancer. the administration is denying the links between radical islam and daily misery. the same way tobacco companies are doing it do you remember 20 years from now we'll say do you
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remember when president obama denying that radical islamism was linked to the tragedies. >> the left probably look at the right and say in 20 years they'll be so embarrassed they don't realize that their rhetoric was causing all of these terrorist attacks. >> and in 50 years we'll be embarrassed for eating meat. that's probably true. >> and isis and fixed armies. >> i'm interested in what you're saying. earlier i don't think that anybody, left or right, denies terror for terrorism's sake. -day think people are concerned, as obama has said -- >> what is this -- >> you're denying this is terror? >> no, i'm not. what are you talking about? are you kidding? it's a terrorist act that happened a year ago in charleston. but you're asking about islamic jihadist extremism and i'm saying to greg, i agree, this is islamic he can extremism and we know that president obama has been concerned about condemning
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all of islam, right? and you say, oh, islam is relate directly to what's going on. >> islam is islam. >> i think that's important distinction to make, that's all i was going to say. >> isn't that the point we've been making all along? it's not islam, it's radical islamism. >> they clearly can say islam and they can clearly say radical. but president obama and hillary clinton up until recently, would never say it together. >> this is what happened last week when he said what's the magic, radical islamism. >> there's nor hirk arcuerarchi structure. >> thank you, that's what we've been saying the whole segment. >> it's like in eighth grade with my english teacher, we had to diagram all the sentences from "the far side" cartoons. >> it takes two people to agree with him, put them in a boxing
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ring, you still have to hit each other. >> you cath bring up when you had this discussion and not expect to be saying you're hiding the truth of radical islamism at the root cause of this. >> this guy may be a gay-hater and -- >> hiding truth from the lgbtq community is shameful and disrespectful to the victims and their families. deal with that, doj. donald trump is getting feedback on his campaign shakeup from yesterday, the head of the rnc sees the firing of his campaign manager as a positive. but some of our political experts disagree. ♪ (woman) one year ago today mom started searching for her words.
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donald trump gave his campaign manager the pink slip yesterday. but cory lewandoski has only good things to say about the man who fired him. >> i'll support him, whether it's an internal or external position. the fact that i was a part of it is so important to me. and because i'm not a part of it on the inside, my feelings haven't changed in 24 hours. i want him to fix our country. i'm going to do all the things he says he's going to do, because i know he can.
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and to go out and say negative things, which i don't believe is not the right thing to do. >> there are mixed reactions on whether the shakeup is a good sign or bad for the campaign. here are reince priebus and huckab huckabee. >> when you look at the shift from a primary election to the general. this is sort of the professionalization that continues the pivot to the presidential, i think it's a good sign i think for the campaign. donald trump thought there needed to be a new leadership. he made the change. you know what i would like to see, a president who would fire somebody when it was time to fire them. >> charles krauthammer and brit hume see it differently. >> when a baseball team is losing, as you know, they fire the manager. that of course is just a way of pretending to do something because it's the players, not the manager. this is nothing to do with the campaign manager. >> it's one thing to say as trump did, that he needs to move to a new phase in his campaign.
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quite another for him to have fired somebody who was with him so loyally. it was a little puzzling. >> so for all intents and purposes, eric, the reports are that they still maintain a good relationship. they were, you know very close, trump believed that cory lewandoski was very loyal to him. trump said, jump, cory would say how high. meaning execute. get it done, et cetera, et cetera. good or bad sign? >> well i think it's a good sign that immediately after corey was let go, fired, he hit the news circuit. he was on all the networks. he was talking about trump still in a positive light and donald trump talks about corey lewandoski as well. corey brought donald trump to the most surprising shocking primary victory in the history of politics, no one saw it coming. he was there for him. i was surprised to see him let corey go, i thought maybe there was a way to give him a lesser
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role in the campaign. but maybe it was time to part. can i point out that reince priebus, hats off to you, for saying we have an election to win. he's saying donald trump needed to make this pivot. whether he did or not, i just like the fact that the rnc is now firmly behind donald trump to beat hillary clinton and that feels really good to me. >> what do you feel about the communication, you're coming out of it the different sides, viewpoints and the things that eric discussed. >> it's very amiable between trump and lewandoski, something you don't always see. i guess for both of them it's better than the rancor. if you read behind the scenes, how the campaign staff or family felt about corey's participation, it was becoming a distraction. it was disruptive. think nobody talks about this in four days. i think it's very curious on the timing, i would have done it onfy. i would not have let the weekend go through with the terrible poll numbers.
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the falling poll numbers. at least in ohio it looks good for him right now. last night, late last night after a whole day of having this big pivot 19 weeks before the general election. put out the fundraising numbers, a terrible news story for them. i would have flipped the whole thing. you know what the fundraising numbers are going to be. you fire lewandoski after that. it looks like there's a cause and effect. you move on, that's why it looks you're making a pivot. now we have a 48-hour story that should have been contained over the weekend. from a communications standpoint, that's what i would have done. >> there was a flow to it depending on whether or not that was going to happen. if it was 100% transparent on friday that they were going to do that. as everything shown, trump wanted to hold on to corey and did. >> i'm so confused, there's so many people now saying it was a good decision. who weren't that way before. i mean what the huckabee? i love the governor, but he was defending corey over his past
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actions, you know involving the female reporter. and now it's like this is a great decision. i love you, governor, but i got to hit you on that. because i love you. i'm -- >> he's going to hit you harder. >> he is bigger than me. this is a bigger lesson. the worst person in your life is somebody who indulges your impulses, whether it's in your relationships or in work. corey was like the iago to trump's othello. you had this insecurity, of othello and this person whispering in his ear all the things that made him feel even more impulsive about his own emotions. and you got, i think his family. i think trump's family was like we got to get this, we got to separate these two sooner rather than later. >> i love shakespeare. >> that's the only play i actually read. maybe it was the cliff notes. >> the cliff's notes. >> you would be perfect as hamlet. >> i think more kabuki. i think there was some kind of arrangement. i think when trump hires people,
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he makes them sign a statement that says you cannot defame or criticize me once you're gone or there will be some penalty to pay. think that's why the guy who said the wicked witch is dead, he had to go quickly because it had to be clear that trump wasn't criticizing lewandoski and lewandoski is obligated not to criticize trump so what you see on tv, it's a play or kabuki. >> it's better than the alternative. >> i think for the republican party it's better not to make it into a big knock-down, drag-out fight. better for everybody. >> what you have is a big knock-down drag-out fight. going on between manfort and lewandoski. >> i think the real story to many come back to your point is the money. right now trump, $1.3 million in the bank. clinton has $42. and even bernie sanders, $ 9.2..
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>> 50 congressmen have more money in the bank than donald trump. >> what's going on? >> he didn't raise a lot of money. he started raising money two weeks ago. >> he didn't start any fundraisers. >> prior to him starting to raise money. he said he went out and raised $12 million for the rnc this last weekend, which is -- >> you know that's a bad sign. >> it is important. because dana talked about ohio, a dead-even tie in ohio. the problem is florida, trump slipped. he needs to get florida back in line. because florida, he had at least, very importantly, let's not forget this one. pennsylvania, they're one point away. they're 41-40. a republican 41-40. one point under at this point. i think that's, other republicans, they always lose it at the very, in the last month. >> 43, romney. >> you know why you got to be a closer. >> it's always the one that got
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away. >> trump spent so much money on on the hats, he literally. he literally spent himself into the red. the thing is it's so deep, he's so deep financially in the hole that ironically he can see china. >> thank god we went over time for that. >> the gun control debate. hits a new low as the white house calls republicans cowards, greg, for rejecting a series of gun mashs last night. we'll take on that one when "the five" returns. america, they don't call it travel season for nothing.
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four gun proposals didn't make it through the senate. it's all republicans' fault of course. murphy, who held the filibuster said -- the white house piled on. >> does the president
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specifically blame republicans for failure in acting and in doing so, that allows isis to buy assault weapons? >> well, look, it's a pretty open-and-shut case, it's clear that republicans have refused to act on a common-sense measure that would prevent individuals with suspected ties to terrorism from being able to buy a gun. >> if democrats are so concerned about gun control, why aren't they trying to do something about the skyrocketing gun violence in -- chicago. and why were they so against new york city stop-and-frisk program which took guns off the street. discuss, kg, discuss. how egregious can the democrats be to say that republicans want to sell guns to terrorists. >> they said they're saying republicans are enablers, skoe skir co-conspirators to help supply isis with weaponry. that's the line of illogical statement. the problem is you have like you said, liberal mayors like
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disaster de blasio who canceled stop and frisk, which was taking weapons off the streets. he's actually making minority communities and lower socioeconomic communities less safe. and you have this administration pushi pushing, pushing gun control and stripping on the second amendment away, right? to be able to further their political ideology. and one of the big sources of our fundraising. >> politics is so gross, ugly at tiles. gun control, democrats and republicans are split. democrats want more gun control, gun laws. republicans say hold your guns, get your guns, right? true, fair? >> you mean republicans, politicians or? >> politicians. >> the republican voters, say they're for a lot of the gun control measures. >> last night two of the gun measures, bills were ro proposed by republican senators. guess what the democrats did? >> they voted it down. >> one of them would have made
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it easier one of them would have made it easier for people who have mental illnesses to get guns that makes no sense, right? and then that -- i think that's what grassley's bill said. and then you have cornyn saying well you know what, it makes sense that if someone who is on the no fly list tries to buy, that we alert the authorities. that got voted down. >> that was an increase of what the current gun laws are. dana, we have two republican bills that would be increases to gun laws, democrats, the one that is the worst of all the democrats? when blumenthal voted against, voted down the two republican bills. he is in connecticut, right? newtown. any gun control if you're a true democrat who hates guns, vote anything up, right? >> he would say i voted against it because it wasn't strong enough. is going to hold his vote until he has something that he feels is stronger and would have prese prevented a'ñ what everybody got is a 30-second ad that they can run
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back in their districts and states, that says, we tried, the other side didn't meet us halfway. i actually think it was so reprehensible what murphy said about republicans with blood on their hands, like trying to give guns to isis. you could, if you wanted to, as a republican you could say that democrats feckless inaction on isis, their decision has been to foster the growth of isis, strengthen isis, encourage isis to do more activity all around the worlds, democrats you could lay that at their feet. >> to show this quickly. again thedaily news," we know exactly where they fall, they call it will slaughter house, the senate and you see the blood on the outside of the rotunda there. >> you could argue that islamophobia has enabled a lot of these home-made american-born terrorists to get away with murder. can you lay that, that blame on
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a number of high up there people. very high up there. okay. >> how high? >> you know how high. they never let a crisis go to waste. they introduced a gun bill after an attack on terror. the reason why this is a huge error is you replaced real action with symbolic action we knew nothing was going to be done. so instead, nothing was done. after 9/11, let's compare the progress, airports were turned into mini fortresses, air marshals were put on to planes. cockpit doors were bolted. compare that to now, where we just blame and we vote. and then nothing happens. so we don't even bother to harden the soft targets that need to be hardened. we need to -- >> are you making an argument they should have done something? >> yes. >> i think they should have done something. i think the root of it is that republican politicians are afraid of the nra. >> i think the thing is you can vote on hard and soft targets. the consequenceses of our
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successes in the last 15 years is the terrorists look for softer targets. how do you harden places like clubs? how do you introduce defense in areas where there's alcohol. these are things you have to think about. right now if you're a bar, you're a soft target because you have alcohol. >> two democrat bills and two republican bills, both sides voting down the other one's bills. just for the sake of politics. dana is right, every single one of those senators can go back to their constituents and say we tried to do something, but the other side voted it down. >> you watch, you see who is going to run the big commercials on this,is going to be the democrats. >> the republicans will say we proposed two bills, and they said no. >> the nra is mad about just the proposals. donald trump made big news about his running made. and new buzz about hillary clinton's vp pick. the inside scoop is next.
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. presumptive nominees have a very important choice to make soon. they're going to have to pick a running mate. here was trump last night on the subject. >> are you going to announce before the convention in cleveland? so you guys can -- >> at the convention. i have a couple of people have said they have decided that they didn't want. they would never ask. i have people that want to be chosen so badly you have no idea. i want somebody that i can rely on for their judgment. hillary clinton has poor judgment. i hope she picks a vice presidential candidate with good. but hopefully it won't matter, because she'll lose. >> i lay out the odds on the veepstakes in a new column, it was on "the hill" now it's on take a look. i think trump needs to pick someone who can help change the way the world sees him. how about newt gingrich? how about condoleezza rice.
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as for hillary, thing she needs someone left of center who can help her win over the sanders supporters. elizabeth warren, sherrod brown. how how about hud secretary huluian cast row. -- julian castro. >> who you would you pick? >> i would love to see him pick allen west. i think he's a renegade. but if he thinks outside the box. he should pick himself. just saying i can be president and vp at the same time. i'm going to save america one salary. it's not covered in the constitution. i looked it up earlier this morning. it's not in the constitution. for hillariors, if she picks elizabeth warren i might quit my job and go work for trump. i don't think i could handle her -- there, my head just exploded. i think hillary should pick monica lewinsky because it's time to bury the hatchet.
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and if she picks monica lewinsky she will win. because everybody would love to see that. >> you know the bury the hatchet could have been a joke. anyway you were saying, who would you pick? >> i don't have names. i have theories. i would say -- >> we want names. >> maybe tomorrow. >> dirks bentley. >> he would be an amazing vp. >> of course he would. >> maybe in the next few years after his music career. >> do you want a vp that expands the map. that helps you get a state. like pennsylvania or ohio or florida? or do you look for somebody who can actually govern? in the case of a situation where you need the vice president to take over, that's i think the most important thing. i also think that he needs to find somebody who he does not consider a threat or a competitor i don't think that any of his former competitors in the primary would be up for consideration. maybe for cabinet positions, but not the vice presidential piece.
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the last thing i would think of, he's staked a lot of his campaign on nostalgia. make america great again. a huge generation, 83 million millennials and the future of the country is so important. if he can find somebody that he agrees with, or that he complements him, i would try to look to somebody who gives you a point toward the future. >> demi lovato. >> would you take the job? >> yes, i would take that job. it's not going to be offered. you have to win, right? game over if you don't went. the only way trump wins, he has to have ohio and florida. that's a must. and then win pennsylvania or&&# michigan, if you have everything romney one, you need ohio or fl florida. and then you need pennsylvania or michigan. he's doing well in ohio, with where he is with let's call it hard-working, even union people as well. >> so? >> i think marco rubio, if you have to figure it out and -- >> here's the question -- >> very quickly on her side.
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so rubio and as a goof, bernie sanders, funny. on her side, i think elizabeth warren wins for her. think it's a winner for her. >> wall street -- >> but also, bloomberg and mark cuban, either one of those would -- >> she's not going to want to pick warren, she's not going to want her to steal her thunder. as to trump, it will come down to loyalty, somebody who he trusts, somebody he likes. >> am rosa? >> i think it would be great if he picked someone with strong foreign policy and national security experience. and good relationships, somebody like a general flynn, somebody like a general maddis. right now i don't think he has a good-enough relationship with kasich or rubio. if that can be gelled little more before the convention that might be a game-changer. but i think that is the direction they were going. >> terrific, kimberly, i would listen to you.
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ahead one public university has just dropped its math requirement. wait until you hear from greg what they're considering replacing it with. ahead. turns romantic why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card. with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance
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whoa, wayne state university, the faculty committee just dropped its requirement in math while proposing mandatory classes in diversity, as a science background becomes more necessary in this second machine age, they choose wrath over math that will help a job search. so how are you with data flow analysis? i'm not up on that, but i know the difference between bisexual and bigender. imagine this word problem, your local supermarket has cut prices by 9%. if pork chop cost $2.99 before the reduction, how much might this offend a native trans-american vegan? it's absurd. math is so intolerant. why does two plus two have to equal four, anyway? who's to say it cath be five? you're so number it. here's another word problem when you find yourself hurtling
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towards the edge of the cliff, do you step on the gas or hit the brakes? today it seems like we're stepping on the gas after centuries of enlightenment. wu know dismiss truth, looking instead to indulge fact-free emotion. instead of learning to multiply, we triv to divide. the great thing about math is the only unifying thing in existence, it's universally true, no matter what culture and it's hard on everyone. maybe that's why they're replacing it with diversity training. anyone can do that. which must comfort the faculty. kg this is crazy, huh? >> no, i don't like it too much. it seemed like for a weird second i was going to have to save you. >> i was getting so angry. >> besides that, why is it that you know the difference, bigendered, bisexual versus transgendered. >> coy get into it here, but it would take -- >> never mind. don't do it. >> bigender, some people believe
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they they have two jenders. bisexual attracted to male and female. >> you have to be able to do at least basic math. you have to have at least some algebra. when you get into stuff like geometry. trigonometry. not so helpful. but basic math, you have to be able to pay your taxes, manage your household. pay your student loans off. >> and dana, fight the robots. >> one of the things they say they're droppinging this requirement, thinking about dropping it because it's already a requirement that you have a high school equivalency of math before you get to the college. that's what they're saying. not saying a good, necessarily, but i'm sure it has china shaking in their boots. >> i'll give you some advice, parents out there you got your
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kids growing up? i taught eric chase math, math math math. he knew his, he knew his squares, 1-25 when he was like six years old. he's applying for colleges, one of the things you do is you write an essay. whatever you want to talk about yourself, you write an essay. i said you no he what, the schools are into the diversity idea right now. i suggested to him, every single essay he wrote had diversity as the basis for the topic of the essay. he got into a school. >> so enlightened. >> he's right there. >> it's the easiest thing to parrot. it's the easiest thing to do. shouldn't they be teaching commonality instead of diversity? >> i think we live in a more diverse society. you have to know how to deal with people of different cultures and you have to be willing to understand it's a global economy and a global world. >> that can't somebody constitute for math. >> i don't know why you would do
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away with math. when you open the door to this kind of thing, it reads like something out of you know miseducation of america. >> on that note, one more thing is up next.
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it's time for one more thing. kimberly's got a knife. >> kimberly's royal news. ♪ ♪
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>> happy birthday prince william. we have this beautiful delicious cake, i only wish you were here to celebrate with me and everyone else except greg, who isn't very nice about the royals. we're going to celebrate for you, you're a wonderful example of a fantastic royal with your wife and your babies. soy want to say i'm going to be on o'reilly tonight. show the what? >> the cake. >> i'm going to be on o'reilly tonight. and stopping by lou dobbs at 7:30. a special shout-out to leslie, my neighbor. we miss you, we love you, come back real soon. >> william williams. >> summer's finally here, summer solstice, 6:34 p.m. on monday. a rare event in the night sky. the full moon on the summer solstice, this was called the straubberry moon, when the sun is high this time of year, the moon is very low, so all the atmosphere changes the color.
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some spectacular pictures in new york city of the strawberry moon between the buildings. the last time this happened, a full moon on the summer solstice, 1967. the next time, 2062. beautiful shot. go take a look. the moon is in full bloom. >> i'll be 90. greg? >> you know my favorite royalty? favorite royal? george brett. google groeorge brett and blo bellagio. >> fox /opinion, my article on orlando is up there. it's pretty depressing, but worth a read. there, sold it. >> eric is next. >> i get to go. eric is going to help me out. because i'm talking sports, so bear with me. this is a game between the pirates and the san francisco giants. just gotten started last night when one of the players hit a
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foul line drive. past third base. take a look. >> there was a weird hop in the ball and look, so the ball girl she grabbed it and she ran up to the tarp and gave it to some girls. isn't that wheat? >> that's one impressive snag. one-handed, bare-handed. >> does she get paid? >> oh yeah, she gets paid. i went to the pittsburgh pirates game the other day with the president of duquesne. i think it was the same ball girl. she's pretty impressive. >> maybe we'll get to meet her. >> that must mean she's good-looking if she caught juan's attention. >> i played the pirates, never made it to that stadium. she spent more time in that stadium than i ever did. >> the pilot called "wrecked" a funny version of "lost."
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it's crazy, but a lot of fun. >> set your dvrs to never miss an episode of "the five." "special report" is next. donald trump works to win over conservatives as his campaign coffers reveal he desperately needs their money. this is "special report." good evening, welcome to washington, i'm shannon bream in for bret baier. the gop's presumptive nominee focuses on the road ahead. day after donald trump fired his campaign manager, he met with evangelical leaders in hopes of reassuring religious groups concerned about whether his ideas line up with their values. the path forward looks steep as we lenard that hillary clinton's fundraising ability is burying the businessman's campaign we have fox team coverage.


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