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tv   Hannity  FOX News  June 22, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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tomorrow night, what do selena gomez, serena williams and yours truly have in common? tune in to find out. see you tomorrow. go to with your thoughts on show. good night. tonight -- >> hillary clinton may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the president. >> donald trump exposes hillary clinton in a major speech. eric trump is here tonight with reaction. >> there is one common theme in all of these. then the presumptive republican nominee explains what his first 100 days in office would look like. >> it's going to be america first. >> laura ingraham is here to weigh in. and trump blasts clinton's dangerous plans to deal with illegal immigration. >> hillary clinton has put forward the most radical immigration platform in the history of the united states. >> senator jeff session
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responds. plus, the businessman reaches out to bernie sanders supporters. >> we're asking bernie sanders' voters to join our movement. >> as new polls show that many of bernie's backers may never vote for hillary. >> what do you think about hillary clinton, will you support her? >> absolutely not. >> "hannity" starts right here right now. welcome to "hannity." so donald trump blasts hillary clinton in a major speech today highlighting her numerous scandals, her failures at the state department and, of course, her history of corruption. tonight, for the hour, we're going to have reaction to trump's epic takedown of his democratic rival. we'll also show you mr. trump's plan for his first 100 days in office. if he wins the white house. but first, the presumptive republican nominee did not mince words and had a blistering assessment of hillary clinton. take a look. >> hillary clinton, and as you know, she -- most people know -- she's a world-class liar. the other candidate in this race has spent her entire life making money for special interests and i will tell you, she's made
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plenty of money for them and she's been taking plenty of money out for herself. hillary clinton has perfected the politics of personal profit and even theft. she ran the state department like her own personal hedge fund doing favors for oppressive regimes. she believes she's entitled to the office. her campaign slogan is, i'm with her. you know what my response is to that? i'm with you, the american people. no secretary of state has been more wrong, more often, and in more places than hillary clinton. her decisions spread death, destruction, and terrorism everywhere she touched. >> here with reaction from the trump organization, donald trump's son, eric trump. good to see you. >> how are you, sean? appreciate it. >> world-class liar, most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency. used the state department as her
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personal hedge fund. >> she did. >> you know, went through really chapter and verse on a lot of issues we talk about but a lot of issues, too, the media has been ignoring. >> it's true, they have been ignoring. honestly, he was so humble, he was direct. he spoke to the problems. listen, the country is fed up with his corruption. it's crazy. here's somebody between 2007, 2014, made $150 million all while being secretary of state. i mean, how do you do that as a government employee? i mean, you're supposed to be doing a job, you're supposed to be looking after the interests of the united states of america. instead, you're profiting off it. i think he's 100% right. >> he said -- >> the corruption is so wrong, sean. >> he said the special interest monopoly in washington, talked about how much money she got from speeches but where she got speeches, where she was given the money. we're talking about wall street companies, big banks, big insurance companies and i think even more corruptly, foreign governments. the money that the clinton foundation, the clinton library has gotten from countries like saudi arabia, i'll even put it
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up on the screen. i've been pointing out these are countries that abuse women, gays, lesbians, christians and jews. >> it's bad enough you're a government employee taking money from other countries. it's so much worse when you're secretary of state and so much worse when they're oppressive regimes. you know, sean, this is one of the reasons my father is running. he doesn't need this job. he doesn't need to run for president. he has a beautiful life and wonderful life. he says this nonsense happening. iran deal, giving $150 billion to a country that hates our guts. he sees all the problems. he sees this corruption. the clinton noun dafoundation. charity navigator, one of the leading rankers of charities won't rate the clinton foundation. that's how bad their expense ratios are. it's draw corruption. >> how do you claim the mantle, as a champion of women's rights, gaybian rights, religious freedom as hillary does, take money from countries that execute gays and lesbians,
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tell women how to dress, tell them they can't go to work or school unless a man approves, can't drive a car, can't leave the house without a male relative, didn't offer criticism until your father embarrassed them last week and gavehypocris. another thing that's crazy, a woman at the clinton foundation, executive at the clinton foundation, if you're female makes less than a male at the clinton foundation. >> donald trump -- >> equal pay for women and men which is great and which is right and which is true and everything else, but she doesn't abide by the things she breaches and that's so, so, so, sad. >> one of the things i've been highlighting that really makes me nervous are, the james clapper, comey, steinbach, former special envoy to devote isis, now the cia director, chairman of the house homeland security have all said that the refugee population will be infiltrated by isis and
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terrorist organizations. hillary wants to increase that number that obama's allowing in by 550%. >> sure. >> your father talked about this. let's roll that tape. >> perhaps the most terrifying thing about hillary clinton's foreign policy is that she refuses to acknowledge the threat posed by radical islam. in fact, hillary clinton supports a radical 550% increase in syrian refugees comes into the united states. under her plan, we would admit hundreds of thousands of rom the most dangerous countries on earth with no way to screen who they are, what they are, what they believe, where they come from. >> eric, i view that is they're willing to gamble with the lives of americans and ignore our top intelligence officers. >> if you have one person in those hundreds and hundreds of thousands of refugees, one person who's bad, you can't let them into this country. we saw what happened in california, we saw what happened
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in brussels, we saw what happened on 99/11, orlando, the worst shooting in the history of this country. you can't let a single bad person -- >> why would they be willing to risk the lives of americans and ignore these very smart people? >> sean, it baffles me. it defies all common sense. by the way, all the while where we have 50, you know, 56% unemployment, in inner cities within minority groups, the african-american population. >> we could spend that -- >> latino population. 56% unemployment. right? and despite that, you want to bring hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people tsh. >> by the way, costs $20,000 a refugee. $20,000. that's just the beginning. let me also -- your dad went very hard after her record. a lot of liberals, lot of people on the left champion hillary's record as secretary of state. well, donald trump took issue with thereat, let's watch what said. >> in twhoo2009 before hillary clinton was sworn in, it was a digit world. in just four years, secretary clinton managed to almost single
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handedly destabilize the entire middle east. thanks to hillary clinton, iran is now the dominant islamic power in the middle east and on the road to nuclear weapons. hillary clinton supports her violent regime change in syria has flothrown the country into of the bloodiest civil wars anyone has ever seen, while giving isis a launching pad for terrorism against the west. hillary clinton's tryout for the presidency has produced one deadly foreign policy disaster after another. >> think about this. they got it wrong with the muslim brotherhood leader mohamed morsi. they gave him tanks and f-16s. got it wrong. hillary was negotiating with iran. they literally, ramadi, fallujah, tikrit, mosul, they were in our territory. they gave a date to pull out. now it created a vacuum both in syria and iraq for isis. libya they got wrong. is there any part -- where does
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she say she had any success? >> i don't think there's any foreign policy she's gotten right. no she could have flipped a coin and been better off. it's also cost this country, you know, $4 trillion, $5 trillion. they're building the new bridge north of here, see how big and beautiful, expansive this bridge is and spending $5 trillion in a war we haven't won, in fact, we only made the situation worse. >> we actually won the wars but then they become politicized, we pull out early and don't finish the job. you have it explain to mothers and fathers why their sons died. that's a national disgrace from my perception. trump read a letter from the mother of a slain policeman killed by an illegal. this issue propelled him into this presidential race and this is the moment. >> let me share with you a letter our campaign received from mary ann mendoza.
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hillary clinton, who already has the blood of so many on her hands, is now announcing that she is willing to put each and every one of our lives in harm's way. an open-door policy to criminals and terrorists to enter our country. hillary is not concerned about you or i. she is only concerned about the power of the presidency and the power that it would bring. she needs to go to prison to pay for the crimes that she's already committed against our country. >> you know, i have interviewed, eric, so many mothers and fathers of people killed by illegal immigrants. i actually have -- there's a picture of this officer, and another example, one after another, there were five examples in the newspaper today. >> yeah. >> about illegal immigrants creating crimes, people dying. >> it truly -- as i go on the campaign trail with him, i met
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his parents, i met kate -- i mean, so many of these amazing families whose lives are now ruin e ruined. they lost their kid. that's everything to them. absolutely everything. their family has been destroyed because of sanctuary cities, because of illegal immigration, all because of politicians that turn a bind eye to a problem we're having. they're not willing to address it, not willing to take care of it, not willing to talk about it. it's so sad. it's tearing the fabric of this country apart and torn the fabric of those families apart. >> this is becoming a choice election. hillary won't build the wall. your dad has given the name of conservative justices. on the economy, your dad has been very clear, we need less, lower taxes, less bureaucracy, regulation from the federal government. he has talked about eliminating obamacare. she would keep obamacare. on schools, he'd give it back to the states. this is really a choice election. there's a really clear -- there are two clear different visions here.
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i'll give you the last word. >> this is america first. he doesn't need to do this. his is america first. we need to put america first. we want to make america great again. we need to fix the problems. we're not going to fix it with these corrupt politicians. >> would you go to washington with your dad? >> i'm going to run the company. >> you're going to be running the company? >> if he ever needed anything, i'd be there in a heartbeat. i believe in his caution and mission and i believe in him so much. >> i think don jr. is going to get into politics. i'm reading the tea leafs. >> he's great. >> i'm not sure. i'm thinking you night follow him as well. >> we're passionate about it because we care about this country. this country has given our family everything. we care about this country. that's why our father's doing it. this is why our father's doing it. >> eric trump, food good to see. thanks for being with us. when we come back, this coming up on "hannity" -- >> first 14ur00 days i'll appoi judges that will uphold the constitution of the united states. >> we'll check in with laura ingraham, she's coming up next.
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also later tonight -- >> hillary clinton has put forward the most radical immigration platform in the history of the united states. >> donald trump exposing hillary clinton's dangerous plans for open borders and dealing with illegal immigration. we'll check in with senator jeff sessions. that and more straight ahead tonight right here on "hannity." think fixing your windshield is a big hassle? not with safelite. this family needed their windshield replaced, but they're daughters heart was set on going to the zoo.
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so we said if you need safelite to come to the zoo we'll come to the zoo! only safelite can fix your windshield anywhere in the us. with our exclusive mobileglassshops. and our one of a kind trueseal technology, for a reliable bond. service that fits your schedule. that's another safelite advantage. ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ man 1: i came as fast as i man 2: this isn't public yet. man 1: what isn't? man 2: we've been attacked. man 1: the network? man 2: shhhh. man 1: when did this happen? man 2: over the last six months. man 1: how did we miss it? man 2: we caught it, just not in time.
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man 1: who? how? man 2: not sure, probably off-shore, foreign, pros. man 1: what did they get? man 2: what didn't they get. man 1: i need to call mike... man 2: don't use your phone. it's not just security, it's defense. bae systems. this is a fox news alert. i'm jackie s acting tonight to force an end to the democratic sit-in to demand votes on gun control measures. democrats said they wouldn't leave until there's a vote on gun control, however, house speaker paul ryan dismissed protests as a, quote, publicity stunt saying there will be no vote on the gun bill.
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in an attempt to end the sit-in, republicans moved in to force votes on several unrelated issues. to druisrupt things democrats a sitting on the carpet of the house there and impeding foot traffic. the dems are shouting as speaker ryan tries to get order. a crowd of protesters also gathering on the house steps. democrats pushed for measures to expand background checks in the aftermath of last week's massacre in orlando that killed 49 people in a gay nightclub. i'm jackie ibanez. now back to "hannity." welcome back to "hannity." so during his big speech earlier today, donald trump, he laid out his plan for his first 100 days in office. let's take a look. >> first 100 days, i'll appoint judges who will uphold the constitution of the united states. i will change immigration rules to give unemployed americans an
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opportunity to fill good, really good paying jobs. we'll stand up to countries that cheat on trade, of which there are many. we'll cancel rules and regulations that send jobs overseas. we'll lift restrictions on energy production. we will repeal and replace job-killing obamacare. it is a total disaster. we'll pass massive tax reform to create millions of new jobs and lower taxes for everyone. we're going to impose tough new ethics rules to restore dignity to the office of the secretary of state. there is one common theme in all of these reforms. it's going to be america first. >> and joining us now with reaction to donald trump's speech, from earlier today, the editor in chief of lifezette and foxews contributor and nationally syndicated radio host, laura ingraham. laura, as i was discussing with
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eric trump, this is now becoming in a major way a choice election. reminds me a lot of carter versus reagan, two very distinct visions for the future of the country. thoughts. >> i think you're right, sean. and thinking about the brexit vote tomorrow and november really is our version of the brexit vote, and the question on the table is simple. are we going to live in a free and independent sovereign nation or are we going to continue to cede more of our authority to global institutions? which as we know leads to despair, a lack of prosperity, no jobs, you know, that pay all that well for the middle class. the global elites do really well which is why the global elites tend to prefer these global institutions. but that's really the question on the table. globalization has failed. failed the american people. it's failed the people of france and britain. you're seeing them rebel against it and in this country trump
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represents brexit. >> i think you're right in a lot of different ways and you think of all the manufacturing that's left this country, think corporations now they're multinational, build their goods elsewhere, use cheaper labor, they bring it back to the united states. that's why i would think union members would support it or people in the coal industry, the fracking industry, the oil industry. any of these industries. but go down the list. it's judges. very different choices. it's obamacare. keeping it or getting rid of it. it's trade. it's building up our military. it's globalization. it's schools. it's energy independence. these are profound issues that will have very different results for the future of the country. how do you think on issues, though, this works out? does it become an issue-oriented campaign? or is hillary successful in just making it about trump's temperament? >> yeah, i think she has been in office or been in national spotlight for now about 25 years, sean. think about it. and where are the media folks
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pressing her to actually run on her record? she's not running on her record. her big economic speech was not, look at what we've done, look at my great results in foreign policy. all she can do is offer the same old bumper stickers about trump's temperament or trump university or trump steaks. it's all kind of personal attacks about temperament, but the woman cannot run on her record. think about that. that's profound. so if you like what we've had over the last 7 1/2 years, you're probably one of the more global elite types of people because you've done well, but everyone in the middle whether you're republican or democrat, independent, bernie sanders supporter, your life probably hasn't gotten a lot better and in many ways you've lost ground. because your wages aren't going up. >> think about this, though, look at libya, syria, iraq, iran, egypt, the middle east in general, then china/russia reset, you don't have any foreign policy -- everything she's touched has gotten dramatically, profoundly worse since she's been there.
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i think that's a powerful narrative. i don't think the american people -- they literally created the vacuum that isis has now filled then they can't identify radical islamists. they also don't want to control the border so it all becomes interconnected, right? >> absolutely. sean, she helped destabilize the middle east, strutrump said tod. that's also powerful. her role was to be secretary of state meaning she was going to advance all these diplomatic measures, america would be more influential, more powerful. the world would become more stable post-bush after the apology tour. but we saw that that apology tour led to weakness, led to dissension, led to destabilization, and hillary clinton was at the tehelm so trp goes on and on today about what's happened in this economy. economy is the number one issue. he's leading on that issue, sean, and almost every poll, i think the foreign policy argument, he's probably not going to get all that much more support than he already has on
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that. >> yeah. >> but on the economic issue i think he is. >> there's two very distinct differences. one is on trade globalization as you pointed out and articulated a lot, also the immigration issue. republican have been reluctant because they want to cater to big business and cheap labor they wanted. think of bob dole's campaign, john mccain was unwilling to bring up reverend wright for crying out loud. that timid. i wouldn't say mitt romney was timid but i can't imagine any of those three that lost being so forceful to actually say that, you know, she is a world-class liar and probably the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency. >> i think that's the only way to win this. you have to lay out the stark differences between the campaign. she has no record. all she's going to do is launch personal attacks. her record's been abysmal on foreign policy. if she knew how to fix the economy, sean, is she keeping that secret from obama? he's going to launch this secret plan for 4% growth on january 20th? i mean --
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>> all right. >> it's a joke. >> all right. and i'll talk to doug schoen later. he's saying hillary's only going to go negative, we'll never talk about her record. you're right. the media won't challenge it. you add the quintessential predictable narrative that we get in every election cycle. republicans are racist, sexist, war on women, want dirty air, water and to kill grandma. so add to that the trump narrative, well, he doesn't have the temperament. if you're advising donald trump, know what the attacks are. we've heard obama and hillary. they're coordinating. and the $45 million they're going to spend against him in the next month. how do you counter this? what's the best way to counter this? >> i think you make this a national campaign for one proposition. do you want more money in your pocket that you earn and that you're proud about? do you want your neighborhoods to be safe and secure? he made that pitch to the latino voters today. i thought that was very smart. he said, poor immigrants are the ones who are oftentimes hurt the worst. >> that's true. >> because of these open
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borders. the fact that he's going to broaden his message to include latinos, african-americans who have been hammered in the obama economy -- >> do you like -- >> that's the message. >> i've seen this week a rapid response team emerge. >> absolutely. >> i've seen this probably the hardest-hitting speech he's used. do you think this campaign is on a different trajectory now? >> i 100% believe that and think the sideliners and the see, i told you soers out there. >> the paul ryans and lindsey grahams who seemingly wanted to sabotage the campaign. >> they want hillary to win. i'm sorry, i'm going to say it. when marco rubio came out today and said, well, i disagree with trump on a lot of things but i disagree with hillary more, that's really what you have to offer the country,that's it? i mean, that's what -- that's your full-throated endorsement of trump? i mean, i think these people think they're going to hurt trump. what they have to realize, sean, what they're really doing is
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insulting all the people who showed up for him. people have a long mem. >> i a record number of people. thank you, laura, appreciate it. coming up next right here on "hannity" -- >> hillary clinton has put forward the most radical immigration platform in the history of the united states. >> trump ripping clinton's dangerous open borders immigration plan. we'll check in with senator jeff sessions. we'll join us next with reaction. and also later tonight -- >> the first victims of her radical policies will be poor african-american and hispanic workers who need jobs. >> trump slamming clinton by saying her proposals will hurt african-americans. they'll hurt hispanic-americans. larry elder, juan williams are here to debate that and much more straight ahead tonight right here on "hannity." raises your rates... maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. but can your multivitamin to be healthy.
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welcome back to "hannity." so ever since donald trump came down the escalator, remember in the lobby at trump tower, announced his candidacy, well, the topic of immigration has been a very key focus of his campaign. earlier today, trump turned his
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attention to hillary clinton's immigration plan and the threat that it could pose to you, the american people. let's watch. >> national security is also immigration security. and hillary wants neither. hillary clinton has put forward the most radical immigration platform in the history of the united states. she's pledged to grant mass amnesty and in her first 100 days end virtually all immigration enforcement and thus create totally open borders for the united states. totally open borders. and by the way, 16,500 border patrol agents have endorsed donald trump. first time in the history that they've endorsed -- >> joining us now, the chairman of the immigration and national interest subcommittee, alabama senator jeff sessions. senator, good to see you. so, let me see if i have these numbers right. please correct me if i'm wrong. that based on research conducted on a list of the department of
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justice, subcommittee that you're involved in, let's see, at least 380 of the 580 individuals convicted of terrorism or terrorism-related offenses between september 11th, 2001, and december 31st, 2014, they were 380 of 580 were born abroad? >> absolutely. and it's really a lot more than that because we had to find that information from public sources and for a large number, we couldn't. i'll say it's probably pushing 75% of those involved in terrorist activities -- >> are they illegal immigrants or some illegal and then some are foreign born here on visas and we're not vetting them properly? >> right. they're coming mostly i would assume on legal visas but they are immigrants, themselves, so some are suggesting that second-generation, home-grown terrorism is the biggest problem. that's really not so according to the data. >> so when donald -- when donald
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trump said that there's rapes and murders best by illegal immigrants. in an eight-year period, they reported, his official, people on the borders, they gave the numbers 6625,000 crimes committd on texans, alone, by immigrants, rape and murder. what trump staid is true and accurate. >> it's absolutely accurate. it's indisputable, really. we've got to -- we have a responsibility to protect the united states of america from those who would attack us and destroy domestic stability and tranquility. we can do that. people don't have a constitutional right to demand entry. we should screen those people. those who are likely to be prosperous and flourish in america and be good citizens, we should admit before we admit those who are likely to be dangerous. >> well, the group, fair, did a study. what they found from the freedom of information act on their
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behest that the 30,558 criminal aliens that i.c.e. released in fiscal year 2014, of the 30,000, 13,288 additional crimes were committed by illegal immigrants that just got out of jail. why are we letting illegal immigrants that are in prison back out on the street? >> sean, the law requires that if you're convicted of an offense in the united states, you shall be deported. they should be deported, anyway, if they're here illegally. so you first should be deported if you're here illegally and if you commit a crime that's a high-priority case. it's not happening. even that. hillary clinton -- >> unbelievable it. >> -- has said, sean, that nobody in the country illegally should be deported unless they're a terrorist or commit a violent crime. that's just open borders really. >> if donald trump asked you to be his vice president, what would you say? >> i'm going to ask him what's wrong with him. i'm enjoying the work i'm doing. i look forward to helping him. >> is that a -- >> i really believe he's doing a
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good job and he's got the right -- >> are you going to duck my question? >> yeah. >> you're going to duck. you won't give me an answer one way or another. that's fair. thank you, senator, for being with us. appreciate it. coming up next tonight right here on "hannity" -- >> the first victims of her radical policies will be poor african-american and hispanic workers who need jobs. >> donald trump slamming hillary clinton's failed policy saying that they're going to hurt african-americans and hispanics the most. larry elder, juan williams, they're coming up next. then later tonight -- >> we're asking bernie sanders' voters to join our movement so together we can fix the system for all americans. >> donald trump telling bernie sanders' supporters to join his movement. now this as a brand new poll shows that nearly half of sanders' followers say they'll never vote for hillary. we sent david webb to find out why. we'll play you that video and much more tonight as we continue. (avo) after 50 years of designing cars for crash survival, subaru has developed our
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the first vicks of her radical policies will be poor african-american and hispanic workers who need jobs. they're also the ones that she will hurt the most by far. >> all right. that was donald trump earlier today reaching out to african-american and hispanic voters. joining us now is salem radio talk show host, nationally syndicated, larry elder. and the co-host of "the five," juan williams. simple question. and i know the answer so i'm asking you a trick question. are black americans and hispanic americans better off under the last eight years of obama or are they worse off statistically? >> statistically, i guess they're about the same and i guess your point is there's been no improvement. >> no. >> and obama promised so much hope and -- >> there are millions more -- millions of more black americans in poverty. millions of black americans on food stamps. million more latinos --
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>> let me finish. >> no, no. >> on food stamps. >> and in poverty. more. millions more. >> we came through -- >> millions -- >> a terrible recession. >> i know. bush is out of office eight years. i don't want to talk about him anymore. >> that's fine. i understand. >> this is the obama economy. since he's been president, millions of more black americans and millions of more hispanic americans are in poverty and on food stamps and black unemployment, especially for teenage minorities is the highest it's ever been. >> well, what you're saying is that we have persistent high unemployment, poverty -- >> no. higher than -- >> national unemployment rate had gone down, sean hannity, i know it's 5%. mitt romney promised 6%. so obama's outperformed your hero. >> larry elder, i give him the facts, he can't deal with the truth. >> oh, yeah. >> he can't handle the truth. >> oh, yeah, that's it. >> the reality is that there are more black hispanics out of the labor force. >> no. >> more black and hispanic americans in poverty and on food stamps. >> right. >> and they want to go back to the bush administration and blame bush. i don't get it.
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>> well, sean, you know, a fact to a liberal is like kryptonite to superman, they can't take it. facts are racist. you're absolutely right. the black economy has underperformed under this president and don't take a right-wing person like me as your example. go to people like tavis smiley. he said under his president and a few years before under every economic measure, blacks have lost ground. janet yellen, the fed chair the other day talked about underemployment of blacks, underemployment of economy in general and the sluggishness. this has been the worst economic recovery since the second world r war by virtually every major index including and especially job growth and gdp growth. >> larry, it's more than that. disproportionately -- >> taxing and spending and regulating and putting burdens on job creators then turning around and they're shocked that job creators are not investing in their own companies. >> that's why it's 5% unemployment, larry. wow. >> how'd that happen?
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>> what a miracle. what a miracle. >> sean, sean -- >> let me ask you a question. >> what about donald trump's economic policy? >> let me ask you a question. so, let me understand this. so if you're unemployed for six months or longer, you're no longer counted in unemployment numbers. so you're going to make the case we have the lowest labor participation rate since the early '70s and you're going to make the case we shouldn't count people as unemployed even though they've been out of work six months or longer and they can't get jobs. we shouldn't count them in the unemployment number? >> if they're retiring, baby boomers -- >> no, unemployed. follow -- track with me. focus. >> in this country, long-term unemployment, 18 months and plus. what are you talking about? >> what i'm saying, larry, he doesn't seem to understand. truth, facts matter. >> right. >> if you don't count people unemployed for six months or longer, that number is fraudulent, it's a government lie. >> may i join this party? >> yes, you may. >> sean, liberals don't know what labor force participation rate is, have no idea what that
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means. means able-bodied, able-minded people who have looking for work or have worked, it's at a 35-year low. don't take my word for it. the ceo of gallup said the unemployment rate is a lie, his word, not mine, because of what you just -- the number of people who have left the job narcotmar >> there's no change. this is the way it's always been done. that's a fact. can you live with that? >> how do you live with -- how do you make up for the labor force participation being at a 40-year low? >> because there are more people who are elderly, there's more young people coming in who are having trouble finding work. but that is not -- that doesn't change the reality -- >> you're making up your own -- >> of what is a long-term statistic unemployment and it's 5%. >> sean, juan is right. that is one factor, but that's not the whole factor. the biggest factor is a whole bunch of people have said to hell with it, i am giving up or retiring sooner than i otherwise would have precisely because of obama's economic policies. >> we got to leave it there.
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>> that's why consumer confidence is up, that' see businesses -- >> because they know the term is coming to an end. >> stock market up. that's why you see, in fact, 401(k)s going up. >> i don't know what you're smoking. >> all this good economic news you don't want to hear. that's why obama's approval rating right now over 50%. >> you're living in a fantasy land. >> the american people must be so stupid. >> i got to take a break. that's all the time we have for juan's fantasy land. coming up next tonight right here on "hannity" -- >> we're asking bernie sanders' voters to join our movement so together we can fix the system for all americans. >> donald trump reaching out to bernie sanders' supporters as new polls now show that nearly half of sanders' backers will not vote for hillary clinton. now, we sent david webb out to find out why. we'll show you that video. plus, we'll have reaction from doug schoen, lisa boothe. that and more tonight right here on "hannity." this just got interesting. why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom?
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wrote the rules of the game to keep themselves in power and in the money. that's why we're asking bernie sanders' voters to join our movement so together we can fix the system for all americans. so important. >> all right. donald trump earlier today courting bernie sanders' voters. now, wise move because a brand new bloomberg poll shows that almost half of bernie sanders'
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supporters will not be voting for hillary clinton in november. now recently we sent david webb to speak with sanders' followers about his very topic. let's take a look. >> with hillary clinton as the nominee, where do you think the bernie sanders voters are going to go? >> well, we already know some might go to trump. some might go to joe stein. some might go to hillary. some might stay home. >> reporter: where do you think the bernie sanders voters are going to go? >> like the lady said before me, it's going to be pretty split. >> reporter: does the other half go to trump? some said they would. >> that's silly. someone who believes in the things bernie does would never vote for donald trump. >> reporter: would you support hillary clinton in the general election? >> it depends on what kind of wall i'm up against. >> you know, i really want to support hillary clinton but i can't do it. >> i think most will probably get in line and vote for her but a significant minority probably will not. >> reporter: some of them have said they would support trump. lot of people are angry at the establishment on both sides. do you think some will go to trump? >> absolutely.
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>> joining us now, fox news contributor, former clinton poller is, doug schoen, and "washington examiner" contributor lisa boothe. how much attrition, doug schoen, could she afford to lose with bernie . well, that policy is getting 55% of them in 2008. barack obama got 89% of the clinton vote. democrats will consolidate, sean. we can't afford to lose much, to answer your question. i think if the race gets more polarized and bernie joins her campaign, i think it will be no more than 20% that will either vote for trump or stay home. i don't think it's going to be a problem, but a warning sign as you suggest. >> i watched hillary today. she got angry. and loud, and you know instead
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of saying "you're fired" i'll say "you're hired". politoco had a piece that the team went to reevaluate after trump's hard-hitting speech. did he go damage? >> he did damage. the best line of the day is saying the slogan is "i'm with her, but oim with you, the american people" this is is the appeal. hillary clinton is the embodiment of everything these bernie sanders supporters hate. she's inaunl thentic, part of the establishment. she's dishonest, she won't release wall street transcripts. she's bought and paid for by foreign entities. she's the embodiment of everything reporters do not like, that they do not trust and do not support. >> if i had to sum it up, doug shown, her record is old ideas.
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she's corrupt, untrust worthy. she lies and her record is a failure looking at libya, iran, every place she touched, things went bad and got worse. i don't know what she runs on. >> she's going to run a negative campaign against donald trump. >> nothing positive to run on. >> i'm saying she should run against donald trump. it's best way to win. winning matters. she's going to do everything she can with $2 billion. >> the only way she can win is to attack trump. >> that is what she's going to do sean. count on it. >> that is fascinating. roo the great irony is that
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hillary clinton is trying to paint donald trump as 2016's mitt romney. hillary clinton is out of touch. she's an out of touch politician. she's someone openly bragged and called for taking coal miners out of work, hurting these americans. >> coal, oil, fracking. she's against it all. >> absolutely. >> did you see the speech, she gets a g 4 but needs separate seats for staff, and she hasn't driven a car in 20 some odd years which i find odd. >> the fact is she's against big banks but raking in hundreds of
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thousands of dollars speaking to wall street groups and she won't release the transcripts. >> doug. i mean this is vulnerability of her. i think she's got her own defense. i think donald trump has a good narrative against her. >> he does. which is why hillary will run the kind of campaign. focus on the key swing states. the fact trump's negative is now higher than hers. so things are going relatively well for hill rye we shall see. a very important question of the day, next, straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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left this evening. thanks for joining us. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. >> this is a fox news alert. u.s. house of representatives is back in recess after republicans acted in an attempt to force an end to the democratic sit in which they're demanding for a vote on gun control. house speaker paul ryan held unrelated votes while democrats shouted and tried to disrupt the voting. paul ryan saying there will be no vote on the gun bill. a crowd also gathering on the lawn of the house steps, demonstrating in favor of the effort. democrats have pushed for measures to expand background checks in the aftermath of last