tv FOX Friends FOX News June 24, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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-- south africa. it was a charging black right now -- rh p -- rhino. >>. "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great weekend. >> bye! ♪ it is black friday in europe, that according to a member of the european union because of an historic vote yesterday. great britain is going to leave the european union and you are looking live at a light house in turnberry, scotland, where very shortly donald trump is going to make comments and the reason we're taking that is because donald trump was one of the few foreign luminaries on the winning side of this. both barack obama and hillary clinton said the people of great britain should stay in the european union. apparently as we have heard this last week, people didn't like
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the fact that they were lectured to by our president and just by about 3 or 4%, it looks like the people of england, are going to be autonomous once again. >> 52% decided to vote to leave and also breaking this morning, the prime minister, david cameron. he came out. people weren't expecting him to resign so quickly. he resigned this morning and says he will stay in office the next three months just to get things settled but this could take about two years to actually pan out. they have got to work out all the border issues because these are people who are saying we want tighter immigration. a lot of similarities what's happening there to what's happening in our country. >> so many years in the making, the frustration that has cull any natd in this, a truly historic night. i got no sleep watching the returns in realtime. >> you need cable. there's a lot of tv. >> by the way, pete is here
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today. >> it was expected 8-to-1 this would fail and this would remain and the people rose up. that's the story. this is a story of freedom, sovereignty, the nation state rejecting it. >> 52% voted to leave and it's interesting because yesterday at this time the polls suggested that they would stay. the prime minister as ainsley just mentioned david cameron is going to call it quits. he's going to resign the within next three months. he apparently is meeting with the queen at this moment. >> well, boris johnson was friends with david cameron and then they split because david wanted to stay and boris johnson wanted to leave and boris johnson, people are wondering now will he become the prime minister? he's definitely on the short list, but what's fascinating about that, boris johnson's family wanted to stay. >> who was he? >> he was the former mayor of london. he was also a columnist for a newspaper there, and he a lot --
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many people are comparing him to donald trump because he wanted -- he wanted things to change because people there are fed up and the people have voted. >> speaking of donald trump, on twitter obviously because of social media, has exploded with reaction. some of the things, england is having a donald trump moment. one person tweeted. brexit is further proof that donald trump will be the next president of the united states and a third one, lesson from brexit for the united states. if you think trump can't win, you are lazy, complacent and very dangerous. also sarah palin went to her facebook page and even though she's way out in alaska, she wrote this. time-out between kid soccer games to tune in to good news of uk voting to leave the european union. choosing independence from global special interests and affirming status that controls its own borders. >> i didn't realize northern ireland is part of the uk and
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the southern part of ireland is not. so i was reading this morning a lot of people that live in northern ireland, they worked in the southern part of ireland and they go to school in the southern part of ireland. they are going to have to go through customs eventually once they work out the immigration issues to go to work. >> there will be complications no doubt with trade and otherwise, the united states would be responsible to immediately embrace them. this is the silent majority. that's exactly what it was. the elites said we will remain and the people said we want to be sovereign. we want our nation back. that is what is at stake with this brexit. >> the number one story today will be the parallels between what happened in great britain and what could happen in november in the united states. somehow, our own john roberts was able to make it through customs. he now is joining us from turnberry, scotland. he's traveling with donald trump. what are we expecting donald trump to say today? >> reporter: steve, ainsley, brian, good morning to you. the only reason they let me in
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is because my father was born here. we're expecting donald trump to arrive in the 20 minutes or so. he arrived at the turnberry resort about an hour ago. weighed in a bit on the brexit. he supported it. he thought it was a great thing, that people in the uk have said that they want their freedom, they want their independence. here's what he said in a statement just a little while ago from his campaign. a trump administration pledges to strengthen our ties with a free and independent britain, deepening our bonds in commerce, culture, and mutual defense. come november, the american people will have the chance to redeclare their independence. one of the driving forces behind the brexit movement was what people saw as unchecked immigration as a result of the open borders of the european union. last night speaking with sean hannity, donald trump talked
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about his thoughts on immigration and specifically in particular, immigration from places where terrorism thrives. here he is from last night. >> yesterday, we want to take people into this country and we do. i want people to come in and i want people to come in tremendous waves but they have to come in legally. but they have to love our country. they have to really just love what we stand for and what we represent, and a lot of people coming in, i mean, if they are into the world of sharia, you are talking about from a different planet. now, the way that they feel about women -- >> yeah. so we expect that we'll hear more from donald trump on that this morning. what's interesting is that while the uk overall voted for the exit eu 52-48. here in scotland, it was exactly the opposite vote. it was 62-38 in favor of staying in the eu. so it's interesting that donald trump is here in scotland where his mother was born. he's saying that the uk should leave the eu but scotland wants
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to stay. there's a couple of competing ideas we'll ask him about today. >> we've got pete with us. john, listening to your roots. now we know you've got a lot scotch on you. [ laughter ] >> i think it's good for everybody to have a little scotch in you. >> my grandfather would say the same thing. >> was he scotch? >> he liked his scotch. >> john, what is your sense, i think for americans waking up this morning, make remotely familiar with this brexit, there's a referendum going on, give us a sense of how historic does this feel there? you are there with reporters and others. what are the real historic implications of 59 years of eu, 28 member states. this has never happened. give us a sense of that. >> it's not just historic, peter. it's stunning as well because yesterday people thought that
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the remain vote was going to win because there was a poll out that showed exactly the opposite of what happened. when we woke up this morning, we saw that the uk had voted, people in the uk had voted to exit the eu, he was quite a surprise. what this begins now is a two-year long process to try to figure out how to do it, to maintain trade deals that are in place. will david cameron go before the end of this? who will replace him? there's a lot of uncertainty right now and that's why you are seeing the markets so volatile at this point. it may be that people are looking at this initially in a worse light than it will eventually turn out to be. a lot of people are stunned as to what happened last night with the vote and where they go from here. a lot remains to be seen. >> surely. john roberts standing by live at the golf course in turnberry, scotland. owned by donald trump. donald trump will take the microphones in just a bit and we'll return to your location shortly with a live report.
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>> donald trump got off the plane wearing his "make america great again" hat. >> he owns the company. >> let's get to how it unfolded and how it's going to affect the rest of the world. give us the scoop. >> reporter: so much for the polls, so much for the bookmakers, what the neck -- heck do they know. people here in the uk are waking up to find out they are heading the out of europe and they need a new leader shortly. take a listen to this. >> people have to think for themselves and what's going to be better for us and it's safer to leave. >> give money to other people in other countries when we've got our own to look after. >> absolutely wonderful. the best news ever. we want england to many could
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back, great britain to come back as it was years ago. >> the best news ever. not exactly the news that david cameron wanted to hear, the prime minister of great britain, who has campaigned hard to keep this country in the eu, but enough people said, no, we want out. we want control of our own borders, and that was the final stay, and that meant just several hours ago, the prime minister himself, mr. cameron came out of 10 downing street and walked up to the microphones and said this country is going to need a new leader. >> the british people have made a decision to go a different path. i will do everything i can as prime minister to steady the ship over the coming weeks and months, but i do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination. >> so we're into a period of
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uncertainty. certainly the financial markets have reflected that today. the dust will settle eventually maybe in a couple of weeks, but what effect does this have for the united states? that volatility will certainly have an impact on the financial markets in the united states. it will strengthen the dollar as people are uncertain, they will go to the dollar which means that american exports will be more expensive, so that's not such a good situation, and also there's a question of security in europe. now that england will not have as much influence, will not be at the table so to speak when they discuss those security issues, which means that the u.s.'s window into europe may not be as useable as it has been in the past, so maybe the u.s. has to try and solidify the allied relationships with those on the couldn't -- continent. we don't know what's going to happen, but we know that england
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in the next two years will be free of europe and we'll have a new prime minister in the united inc. dom. it's been quite a friday. >> are you from that area and what are your thoughts about that area? >> did you vote? >> i did not. i'm from the uk. i would have voted to leave, to be honest with you. i'm in the age group that would say let's get our sovereignty back. i also have a u.s. passport. i'm very lucky. i was frankly surprised. i really thought that given what we had heard on the street that the remain crowd would have won, but as i say, don't always believe the polls. >> asialy webster -- ashley webster reporting on the vote. britain will exit, they will brexit. >> it went from what look like a tight race, and it was clear. they called it early. >> you are looking live, if you
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are just waking up. how pretty is that? that's turnberry, scotland. he's one of the few foreign luminaries on the winning side. most establishment politicians said they should say in the eu, including barack obama and hillary clinton? one of the donald trump says is i think the immigration problem has been -- i had a feeling myself he will take a little victory lap this morning because there were a number of republican strategyists who said this is a bad move for him to make a trip abroad during this vote. >> we're going to be interviewing tony blair on
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"fox & friends" to find out his take. he was very vocal. he did not want to leave. he's also a clinton supporter. we'll have him here this morning and ask him questions. >> from the economy, assimilation, national security. the tentacles of the eu became political and judicial and there was this government influence offer the uk and people rejected it. >> let's go to our nation's capital. tucker carlson joins us live. what were the people of england saying? in saying we're getting the heck out of this thing. >> this is not actually a surprise if you've been paying attention. what's happening in the united states is not an anomaly. it's part of a global movement called nationalism. people have nation-states for a reason so the people in charge, both in the uk and here see themselves as basically citizens
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of the world. all of this together. the average person does not see him as a citizen of the world but a citizen of a distinct country with a distinct language and culture. that's a foreign concept to the people in charge. that's why you are seeing that revolt there and here. when you talk to finance people, they said it's irrational, it's bad for business, therefore, it won't happen. they did not see this coming. they convinced themselves it was -- that the people would never vote this way and yet if you listen carefully you heard the stirrings of it. i think this is a very, very no, ma'am nous sign for the democrats in the united states and i don't think i'm overdrawing it. again, look at what you saw. people voted yesterday but they didn't tell pollsters how they were going to vote. it was seen as highly unfashible.
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>> are you suggesting in this country when poll sters when people call, people are reluctant say yeah, i'm for donald trump, so many people in the mainstream media says if you are for donald trump, you are a racist, big bot. >> people lie to pollsters. the way you anxious the question is kind of virtue signaling. you are talking about the kind of person you are. in '08, voting for obama was very fashionable. he under performed his polls. in the case of trump, the opposite is absolutely true. if you ask a cross-section of people, are you for trump, you know the ones who are, who say i'm not quite sure. you are for trump. it's not about trump. it's not about any politician. it's about the preservation of a distinct country. people made nation states for a reason. it was an organization. the elites don't feel that way. >> tucker, we're awaiting donald
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trump in scotland. we're told he's stepping up to the podium very soon. we might have to interrupt you. in the meantime, you are saying this a good thing for donald trump. is this more about the economy and immigration and how can we expect or what should we expect for november 8th here in the u.s. based on what's happening over there? >> well, we should expect to be surprised. it doesn't mean trump is going to win. there's a long way to go and i think he needs to discipline his campaign in order to win. it tells you the themes that have propelled him thus far are most resona on nate -- resonant. we are the world. it takes a village, the average person doesn't want a village. he wants a country. >> tucker, absolutely.
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you observe the european politics and the trends there. is this a gasp of the uk, the most u.s country, is this something that we could see spread elsewhere in europe? >> that's exactly right. that's the per septemberi -- perseptive. >> look at the numbers. this is the untold story. in france, for example, not a right wing country, 61% of people in france want to leave the eu. you are going to see annex o odd -- an ex-exodus. >> people had a choice, exit or remain. here they have a choice. do you want the establishment
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candidate who knows how washington works because she's been there for 40 years? well, actually not that long. in politics. or do you want this outsider guy, this upstart, this insurgent whose number one topic is illegal immigration and the sovereignty of our borders? it's a clear choice. >> that's exactly right and they are inextricable and the reason this stuff is so shocking to the people in charge is because they consider it irrational, the bankers said look, this is going to inhibit the free flow of capital. this is bad for business. you are going to see massive job loss in the financial sector. they couldn't imagine people would vote for that. they don't understand people is the problem. >> tucker, it was interesting that boris johnson who is behind the leave campaign, his entire family wand to stay.
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his parents, his sister, they were wearing stay t-shirts throughout the night and yesterday being interviewed on different networks. not even supporting their own son. so what does this mean for him going forward? do you think he will become the prime minister? >> well, it means -- one, they have a lot at stake at most affluent do in the union, in the status quo, in globalism and it means boris johnson could be the next prime minister. >> tucker, thawnk very much for some instant analysis on what's going on over in great britain where they have voted to exit the european union. tucker will be here on the couch tomorrow morning. we're awaiting donald trump. we'll bring it to you live. you see it right there. turnberry, scotland. as soon as he steps up to the podium, we'll have it live, of course. in the meantime, we'll take a quick little break.
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you are looking live at turnberry trump in scotland, where they have upscale rooms and suites. donald trump is going to be at that lecturn very shortly. he's going to be talking a little bit about the brexit bombshell, the united kingdom, great britain voted yesterday to exit after six decades in the european union. >> we're going to be talking with stuart varney. he's on the curb curve have couch. here we go again. two deputies overnight were shot. a manhunt is now intensifying to find out who was responsible. gunfire outside los angeles shortly before 11:00 p.m. pacific time. two deputies rush to the hospital as police search for a suspect or suspects involved. more than 40 patrol cars responding to that scene.
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the officers' conditions are not known yet and no word on what was the cause of that shooting. we'll keep you posted on that story. they have been waiting for justice for five years now, and now a trial date has finally been set for one of the alleged master minds behind the benghazi attack. akmed abaaoud fa tal la will go in front of a judge. attorney general loretta lynch says she will not go for the death penalty. communities underwater in west virginia following intense flash flooding there. take a look. folks in the area in shock as a burning house up rooted and carried down a creek. this happening in white sulfur springs, a desperate searching pickup truck this morning for a four-year-old carried away by
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strong currents. playing in an area called ravenswood. and wheeling, crews rush in to rescue families who are trapped in those rising waters. we'll bring you more. >> thank you, heather. looking live, turnberry scotland, that's trump-owned courses that's to say. joining us on the curvy couch, a man with dual u.s. and english citizenship, stuart varney. yesterday, the people of england largely outside of london -- because that's where the majority came from -- voted to exit. in london, they are said you know what we like the idea of organized government thinking for us over at the eu. what is your thoughts? >> the near 4 point margin of victory for the leave campaign is a surprise.
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nobody really expected this. all the way up to the last minute. >> yesterday, the polls were the opposite. >> they were the opposite and the elites were saying don't worry about it. they are not going to leave. they have got more sense than that and by midnight eastern time last night, it became very clear that the leave campaign had won and won i think decisively in this particular vote. >> so they voted to leave the european union very soon. what were they rejecting? >> i think there's a direct parallel between what they voted on in britain yesterday and what we will be voting on in november. the issues are the same. immigration. control our country, control your borders, control your own parliament, make your own laws for your own people and we don't like the elites. they have led us oun the -- down the gaferreden path. we're not better off. you are not telling us the truth. those three factors they voted on in britain yesterday.
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same thing here. in american political terms, hillary lost and trump won. that's my interpretation. the american interpretation of the vote yesterday. >> it's going to take at least two years they are saying. now they have to secure the borders. >> for the next two years, britain negotiates its exit from europe. what the british vote has really done is unravel europe. i think it's going to collapse. the european union as we know is is done. >> you see it cascading. >> i do. marie lapenne is calling for a referendum in france. >> mixture hul came out and -- hillary clinton came out and said pause thes part of the establishment, they need to remain. our president famously went over
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there and said that we should -- they should stay in the eu because they don't want to step to the back of the queue, and famously donald trump said you know what, if i was president, they wouldn't be at the back of the queue in my administration. >> donald trump is the only significant personality anywhere in the world who said get out. >> is hillary clinton waking up terrified? >> i wouldn't say that word precisely. but i think she's got cause for concern. >> since you said that trump is the only foreign luminary of note who came down on the side of, yeah, get out, do you think that today's peach which we're awaiting very shortly at trump turnberry in scotland, is this going to be a victory lap? >> i think so. he's the only one who said you brits get out. he's going to say i'm right. the issues that you are backing me for won in britain.
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that's something he's going to say. >> you know what, at the same time it looks like they are very shortly going to start speaking, donald trump will take the stage, a number of republican strajests said he's out of his mind to visit scotland during this particular vote. >> it ended out working out in his favor. >> watch out for this. the left is going to say the haters won. they are going to brand the people who wanted to leave the european union as haters. you can see it coming from a mile. boris johnson he is the former mayor of london, when he emerge from his house this morning, remember he was the leader of the leave campaign, he can the next prime minister of britain. he was met by a crowd of people shouting racist scum. that's the haters trying to shut it down. >> the markets are going to react to this in a volatile way initially. how does this affect the uk in
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the long term? >> you're 401(k) is going to be down a bit in the early going and then i think it's going to bounce back. >> thank you very much. we were expecting donald trump to make his speech just a little while ago. i'm sure that guy is telling the cameraman is about 2 minutes away and why don't we step aside. >> we're awaiting donald trump. let's break. share the joy of real cream... ...with reddi-wip.
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eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i accept i don't play quite like i used to. but i'm still bringing my best. and going for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. well, ladies and gentlemen, we're waiting donald trump. he has arrived at his golf course. as you can see, in turnberry, scotland. we arrived via chopper and family members a little while ago. he's sporting a white make america great again hat. he's one of few foreign luminaries who told the people of the united kingdom get out. president barack obama and
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hillary clinton both famously said remain. donald trump, i look for him to take a little victory lap. you know what, i think i was right. >> i think he will be doing that. ivanka arrived hip. we saw eric and his grandchild. >> it was a long-planned trip to go to scotland. to keep it. not knowing what the vote is goi going to go. he's one of the few people who said this is right. the issues he's talking about here apply there as well. >> people have spoken. they are fed up with the establishment. john roberts is in turnberry with more on what we can expect. good morning, john. >> ainsley, steve, peter. donald trump was going to come here to reopen the new turnberry golf course. we're standing on the 9th tee,
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with the light house in the background. donald trump has found himself in in the middle of a huge story with the stunning story of the brexit with people voting to leave. donald trump is the person who said in the run up to the referendum yesterday he would like people in the uk to exercise their right to self-determination and independence and leave the eu and they have done that. he might take a little bit of a victory lap this morning. he may just do that. here's a statement that his campaign released just a short time ago. trump when he arrived here by the way he thought it was a great result and people here were exercising their right to inspect, but he said further in a statement, the people of the united kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all free people's. they have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders and economy. trump administration should be elected president pledges to strengthen our ties with the free and independent britain, deepening our bonds in commerce, culture, and mutual defense.
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the whole world is more peaceful and stable when our two countries and two people are together. he relates it to the american election. a lot of people are looking at people arising here against the status quo in the uk, people might do that in the united states. come november, the american people will have a chance to redeclare their independence. they will have a chance to vote for trade, immigration, foreign policy to put our citizens first. they will have a chance to reject the rule of the global elite. i hope america is watching. it will soon be time to believe in america again. one of interesting aspects of this is while across the uk, people voted 52-48 to leave the european union. here in scotland, where trump's mother is from, they voted 62-38 to stay. now there's talk after the failed referendum for scottish independence last year, they may hold another referendum. if that is in favor of independence, scotland would
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leave the uk and perhaps rejoin the eu. so the beginning of the story is just being written now. we've got a long way to go to see what the eventual outcome is going to be. >> john roberts who i think would like to stay in scotland where his family is from. you are there at the newly renovated trump turnberry. what's it like? i'm sure it's fantastic, right? >> you know, they did modify a couple of holes on the front nine, but it's really this triplet of 9, 10, and 11 that is absolutely spectacular. i played here with my wife a couple of years ago in the pouring rain. it was the tail-end of a hurricane and this turn was kind of just, run of the mill if you look, but the way they redesigned 9, 10, 11, it's nothing short of spectacular. i would compare these three
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holes the amen corner in augusta. they won't reopen the open here here for a few years. it's going to be a spectacular course. >> john roberts is odd igsing for a job on the golf channel. we're going to go to donald trump. he's going to be taking the podium behind you shortly. >> the good news, if he's expensing this trip, it's going to be a lot cheaper because the pound is way down. >> your dollars are going a lot farther. when donald trump got off the plane, he was wearing that "make america great again" hat. he's going to talk about that. in the meantime, the big news is the brexit bombshell as you can see right there, the people of england have voted to exit the european union. david cameron, the current prime minister, has been very staunch.
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we've got to remain. now, the people say let's go. david cameron says, you know what, i should go too. here he is calling it quits. >> the british people have made a very clear decision to take a different path. and as such, i think the country requires fresh leadership to take it in this direction. i will do everything i can as prime minister to steady the ship over the coming weeks and months. but i do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination. >> and it looks like he will remain in place for the next three months. >> there's a transition period. almost too smart for his own good. he as part of his re-election effort, put this referendum on the ballot. then he came out against the reference dem he put on the ballot. lost the referendum and now he's out. british politics, they will see a new leader. >> ashley webster, we've been
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talking to him this morning, you saw him live, he was talking to people on the ground to get reaction from folks there in london. take a listen. >> people just have to think for themselves and what's going to be better for us and it's safer to leave. it's safer to leave. >> giving money to other people, other countries when we've got our own to look after. >> absolutely wonderful. the best news ever. we want england to come back, great britain to come back as it was years ago. >> there you go. a return to glory. >> making them great again. >> the main issues the people were voting on, unemployment is a problem there, social security issues, and, of course, the migrant crisis because the way eu is set up, it's very easy to travel from one ei country to another, thus, the security, the sovereignty of each and every nation in great britain, they said we don't like the way they run it, we want to go back the old way. >> we are awaiting donald trump.
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you see the live shot there of turnberry, his golf course in turnberry, scotland. he's requesting to -- he's going to step up to the microphones in a few minutes and we'll bring that to you live just ahead. tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people... to experience... complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr. the easy-to-swallow tablet is here. [phone buzzing] some things are simply impossible to ignore. the strikingly designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. the suv that dares to go beyond utility. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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hillary clinton and the establishment was they should stay, but historically now, the people of england had said we're going to go. >> i wish this guy would get out of the way so we could see him. >> you talked earlier with stuart varney about how many people were criticizing him for going over there, but look at this. i mean, this is a great opportunity for him politically. picturesque. it doesn't get prettier than that. they go inside and they come out and beautiful attire. >> a lot of symbolism. almost a triumphant approach on a dawn of a new day. a country like that under the tentacles of the e ux, people are calling this the new independence day in the uk. word to the control room. could we put up sarah palin's facebook page to show what she was up to. she commented. keep in mind the polls yesterday
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at this hour showed that it looked like the people of great britain would vote to stay, but the polls got it exactly backwards. that's one of the reasons she went to her facebook page and said this, time out between kids -- to tune in to good news of uk to leave the european union. afarming status that controls its own borders and protects its own people. happy brexit prevails. >> we hear the bagpipes. let's listen to a press conference of donald trump in turnberry, scotland. >> good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, i just like to bid you all a very warm welcome as we call it here the sunshine corner of scotland. i think yesterday we were worried about rain. i got a call about ten minutes ago, where is the hundred umbrellas, no need. great pleasure to have you here
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it's an amazing day. very historic day for a lot of reasons, not only to turnberry. there was one of the big votes in the history of europe and scotland and everywhere. it was very exciting coming in and we were landing and we had just heard the results, so i wish everybody a lot of luck. i think that it's purely historic, and what's happening is historic, so it's an honor to be with you. my mother was born in scotland, she loved scotland. she would be here a lot. she would come here every year with my sisters and they just loved it. her loyalty to scotland was incredible. she respected and loved the queen, and she loved the ceremony and the pomp, pomp and circumstance, and she was something special, and to think that we would be here owning turnberry one day would be incredible. she would come to turnberry with
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her friends, and they would have dinner at turnberry. she didn't play golf, but they would have dinner at turnberry, so having -- taken this hotel and done the job that we've done with it is just an honor that i was given the opportunity. we bought it about 4 1/2 years ago. the town council has been incredible. the local politicians and all of the politicians all throughout have been absolutely incredible. they have proved virtually everything that we asked for. we asked for the right things but the approval process because it's so historic, it had to go through many different layers but every single thing that we wanted, they agreed that they thought it was good, and in some cases, great. we've taken the light house, which is a very, very important building in florida -- i mean, in scotland, and we've taken that building and made it something really special. inside the light house right now
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is incredible suites and it's called a halfway house because this is the 9th tee and it's call halfway house on the bottom you have dining and golfers will stop and they will go and get something to eat and they go on the tenth hole, tenth tee right next door and it was in disrepair and all of the people from landmark, scotland, all the people that we had to go through, i just thank you because it was a long, difficult process getting that approved but they really wanted to see it at the highest level and now it's a higher level than it ever was. when you see, i don't know if you'll get the chance, you should see the suites because they are two of the most beautiful suites you'll ever see and when the water is rough today -- it's very calm. i've almost never seen it like that, but sometimes you have waves that are literally crashing on to this piece of land that we're standing on. it's one of most beautiful sights you'll see.
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this hole didn't exist. it's been incredible. they have worked with us on design. they wanted to do these changes for probably close to 50 years because they were so obvious and we've years because they were so obvious. we have made certain changes to the course. and in addition to that, we fully renovated the course. brand-new sprinkler system, the highest level. many of the holes have been jiggered, made even longer and yet it's the same turnberry. but the whole 9, 10 and 11 and 4 have been changed and moved out into the ocean. this hole is an example from approximately this area, you would hit over there. this was a par 4. and you'd hit over there and it was a much different thing. now you're hitting out over the ocean. and just to the right of the light house you have a green and a lot of people think this will be the greatest par 3 anywhere in the world.
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and then 10 becomes a par 5 that the golfers and the members know. i think we have a lot of the members of turnberry right in the back. the captain and we appreciate you being here. we have then number 11 which is a spectacular hole. also par 3. built right on the cliffs. and that hole was moved about 200 yards to the left. and tom watson saw me and he won the british open many times, peter, right, many times and he said 5. he said, what a change. you know, he actually thought it was a very easy hole the way it was. but he probably liked it because he would birdie it all the time. but what we have done is what everybody has wanted to do for many, many decades. i want to thank martin ebert who has done an incredible job as the architect. and i called up the royal and
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ancient peter dawson, an amazing man and a great guy and a talented person. and loves the sport and loves scotland and frankly, i said who should i use as the architect? and he did me a big favor, he recommended martin. so i want to thank you and i want to thank peter dawson who is here with us now. peter dawson headed up the royal and ancient for years. and he has been just a great friend. i thank you for everything, peter. your recommendations have been incredible. thank you very much. my son eric was in charge of the job. i wanted to be -- i wanted to come over here and ivanka and don came with me to congratulate eric. he was really -- we gave him the responsibility of building the hotel, as you know it was gutted down do to the steel and rebuild. i think it will be one of the great hotels of the world. it already was, but it was in somewhat dilapidated shape. we had a choice, paint it, or do
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it the way we did it. we went back to the original plans. we were able to get the plans from the original architects from many, many years ago. 1906, and we went back to those plans. which are magnificent rooms, very big. they were cut in half and all sorts of things happened over the years and we have something that's very special. it's considered one of the most beautiful buildings in all of golf. i think we can say that, peter. you know, usually a building when you have a building on a golf course that's not an asset. that's called a liability. this is one of the buildings where even though it's in the distance when you're on the 18th hole and looking at this building it's considered one of the great beautiful and historical sites in golf. jack nicklaus won the open championship and tom watson, you know, you have so -- actually, the greatest -- i guess they say one of the greatest tournaments if not the single greatest
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tournament in the history of golf was the duel in the sun. 1977 with tom watson and jack nicklaus. that was just birdie, birdie, birdie. everybody else was -- they weren't in the match. they were going wild. that's what tom watson chipped in from the area you couldn't hit the green let alone get it in the hole. he chipped it in, that's what he did. jack is an incredible sportsman and the way he walked off the course was one of the great scenes in all of golf. and jack nicklaus is a friend of mine and a great champion and n or champions, whether it's nick price, we have had amazing winners at turnberry and really not only amazing winners for the open championship, but some of the best tournaments they've ever had. so we listened to the royal and ancient. we did what they wanted us to do. and in addition, they put in tremendous miles of television
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cables and everything is underground so it's all ready to go from that standpoint. and the town is so happy and so thrilled and the town council who's here -- i want to thank you all very much for being here. they have been really terrific. so again, in honor of my mother mary mcleod who is a terrific person, she came to the united states at the age of 19. she was a beautiful, beautiful woman and a very smart woman and she met my father and that was it. they were married for a long time. and they had a great marriage. and really a great marriage, but in honor of my mother, mary mcleod and in honor of my children, don was instrumental in buying it. we had -- the owners they were here, they were friends of mine from dubai, great people, but this wasn't their thing because they didn't know too much about golf. they thought why should we move a hole in the ocean when we
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already had a hole? i said it's a lot better. but they didn't understand the golf thing. but it always did well. you know, turnberry because of the location, because of the fact that you're on the ocean, because it's one of most spectacular properties in the world, it always did well. but now since we opened, we actually opened a number of weeks ago, the course, and we haven't had an empty slot. peter, you'll be happy to hear this. we haven't had one empty slot, from morning to night, it's packed. so it's special location. i don't know, it's just the location. everybody comes here, whether it's from london or wherever they want to be. they want to come to turnberry. with that, i just want to thank a few people. i have to thank ralph who -- the one thing the other owners did they said -- where is ralph? ralph, the one thing they said, you have a man named ralph. he was an assistant manager at that time. and one of the owners, he was sort of a friend said he's the most talented hotel person -- hotelier and they said, you
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should have him be the manager. we did, we appointed him as the manager and it's been nothing but great stuff. and the hotel opened about two weeks ago and it's been -- been amazing. eric did such a good job. we had very few complaints, almost no complaints. usually when a hotel opens, you have drains that aren't connected or pipes that aren't connected, water spewing through the roofs and all sorts of things. we haven't had anything. they have done a great job. the contractors have done a fantastic job. and the hotel is built to the absolute highest standards of luxury. and the course is built to the absolute highest standards of tournament -- >> all right, ladies and gentlemen, a very proud donald trump talking about the renovations made at trump turnberry in scotland where as we just learned a little while ago that lighthouse back there has been turned into the halfway house as it's got a fantastic suite. if you're interested. he started by talking a little bit about the people of great
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britain voting to exit the european union which is a bombshell. this is the big news today. they said they want to get out and donald trump who backed them, he said it was truly historic and that flies in the face of what barack obama and hillary clinton both have said in the past where they said they sided with the establishment of the united kingdom and said that england should stay. but the people of england said, we want to get out. >> one of those individuals that wanted to stay in the eu was the -- is the former prime minister of england, tony blair, who joins us now. >> good morning. >> what was your reaction to david cameron? we all woke up and heard the news. this happened for us over in the u.s. and david cameron, the current prime minister or i guess was a few -- >> still is. >> still is. he said he was going to resign because he was not in support of this. was that a good decision to do that so quickly?
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>> well, i feel at a personal level sorry for him. but i'm most of all sorry for the country obviously because i think this result has huge implications for us. economically and politically. i mean, i don't really know whether this was the right thing to do for him right now, but he will in any event stay probably until october. so it will at least allows us to take some time with him still as prime minister which i think is important. so that we reflect on the result and we reflect on the consequences of it and see how we can stabilize our country and how we can better engage in a very, very difficult negotiation with the rest of europe. >> mr. blair, the analysis today is about the parallels about what's happening in the united states and what has happened in europe and what is happening in great britain as well, and you have got to admit, the people of england and by the way, trump is just concluding his comments
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over there. his son eric taking to the podium, going to talk a little more about that particular resort there in scotland. mr. prime minister, the peop people -- a majority in your country, they're just sick of the eu. they don't like the way it's been going and they said, we can do a bet -- do it better on our own. >> yep. and you know, we have got to accept the result, the people have delivered. when you have a referendum like this you do indeed make momentous decisions but as you can see from the reaction on the financial markets and with our own currency today, we have grown trading relations with europe over 40 years. it was the policy of successive governments. margaret thatcher's, john major's, my own, david cameron's, to stay inside europe because we believe it's
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important economically and politically. once we separate ourselves out that's going to be very difficult. yes, you're right. particularly on the issue of immigration, there was a huge amount of anxiety and concern about that. i don't think we will deal with that concern by leaving europe. but undoubtably it was a popular revolt against the -- those who have taken this position across the political spectrum for many years. >> mr. prime minister, you're not leaving europe, you're still part of the continent. but they'll make it tougher to get into the country. you have a border again. that's what the people in the united states are angry about. >> yeah, but, you know, we're actually part of the full arrangements within europe and in any event, what you did have within europe is the free movement of people. of course that -- >> too free. >> that goes both ways. i understand the anxieties that people have, although the fact that we've got eastern europe anchored in the european union
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today, particularly when you look what's happening with russia is in my view a good thing. one thing to understand about the economic situation is that now half of the goods and services that we create going to that european market. if we want access back into that market, we're going to have to negotiate the terms and we have to negotiate them and each of the 27 countries, their government, parliament, got to agree to the terms and the european parliament. i'm not ignoring the vote, but people shouldn't ignore the consequences. they'll be quite big. >> don't you feel like the people of the uk have felt the consequences of the policies, something mentioned quite a bit here in the united states is that the most popular boy's name in london is muhammad. there are massive demographic changes across your landscape. are the people rejecting the open border policy, the idea that we're accepting refugees or migrants but not demanding assimilation? is that a big part of this? are regular britons saying enough is enough with this? >> look, it is part of it, but
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you put your finger on what the problem is. this vote doesn't change any of those issues. the majority of the immigration comes from outside of europe. not people within the european union moving around between countries. and for example, in respect to syrian refugees we have the perfect right because we're not part of the full european system. we have a perfect right to determine who comes into the -- >> pardon the interruption, donald trump is at the podium and he has questions about brexit. let's listen. >> i see a big parallel. i think people see a big parallel, a lot of people are talking about that. not only in the united states but other countries. people want to take their country back. they want to have independence in a sense and you see it with
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europe, all over europe. you're going to have more than just in my opinion what happened last night. i think many other cases where they want to take their borders back. they want to take their monetary back. they want to take a lot of things back. they want to be able to have a country again. so i think you're going to have this happen more and more. i really believe that. i think it's happening in the united states. it's happening by the fact that i have done so well in the polls. you look at the recent polling and you look at the swing states and you see how i'm doing. i haven't started my campaign yet essentially. we have done very well, we're raising a lot of money for the republican party. i'm going to be funding a lot myself, but we're raising a lot for the republican party and you will see the numbers come out over the next 30 days, in particular, 60 days. the numbers put out last week, that was a very start. that was a small period of time, just a start. but we have raised a lot of money, especially money coming in from small donors. you'll be amazed when you see
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the kind of numbers that we're talking about. because i was amazed. that will be reported soon. i do see a parallel between what's happening in the united states and what's happening here. people want to see borders. they don't necessarily want people pouring into their country that they don't know what that are and they where they come from. they have no idea. i think, you know, not only did it win, but by a much bigger margin than people thought it would happen. >> how would your administration -- >> well, you have to embrace it. it's the will of the people. it's the will of the people. not a question of embracing it. it's always the will of the people, ultimately that wins out. >> are you concerned about -- >> right, well, nobody knows. look f the pound goes do down, they'll do more business. if the pound goes down, more people are coming to turnberry, frankly. the pound has gone down and let's see what the impact of that has. i think places like scotland and england and different places in great britain, i think you'll see a lot of activities.
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the pound got high, people weren't able to do maybe what they wanted to do. but for traveling and for other things, you know, i think it could very well turn out to be a positive. nobody really knows. you'll know in about five years. you'll be able to analyze it. maybe it will take longer than that. but what is known is that they have taken back their independence. and that's a very, very important thing. katy? >> you're on the world stage. are you traveling with any of your foreign policy advisers? you knew this was going to happen today. there was some sort of a decision. are you huddling with them to find out what the best way -- >> well, i have been in touch with them. but there's nothing to talk about. you know, i have been saying that i would prefer what happened. i thought this would be a good thing. i think it will turn out to be a good thing. maybe short term not, but ultimately i think it will be a good thing. and i have actually been in touch. some by the way don't like it, some do like. advisers are like everybody else.
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they probably know less -- somebody said, gee, you should use advisers that have been really hot for the last five years i said, really? i think i want to use ones that haven't been involved. take a look at what's happened in the world. go ahead, katy. >> you have had a special relation, the u.s. and the uk for quite some time right now. they're standing in the world -- the standing in the world will be diminished, their influence will be diminished. will they be the first call for you, for the u.s. -- >> i don't know, first or second call, they'll be a very powerful call. it will be a great relationship. they're great allies, they always have been. i think zero will change on that score. nothing will change on that score, katy. >>. [ inaudible question ] >> well, president obama did say i guess that they should move to the back of the line. that wouldn't happen with me. the uk has been such a great ally for so long.
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they'll always be at the front of the line. they have been amazing allies. in good times and in bad times and sometimes they make mistakes together. but as we know. but they have been great allies. i will tell you, i think that i was very surprised when i heard president obama say that. and i think he said that because he thought for sure it was going to stay together. but it didn't stay together. and i felt it wouldn't stay together and again, i think that's what's happening in the united states. it's not staying together, it's a really positive force taking place. they want to take their country back. the people want their country back. we don't want to lose our jobs. we don't want to lose our borders. they want to have wage increases, they haven't -- for the numbers and all the members at turnberry, we have had hard working people who haven't had a wage increase in 18 years. they're working harder and making less money. >> the treasury secretary and
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fed chairwoman said they expect this to have a negative impact on the u.s. economy. are you worried about that at all? >> they don't know. we have to see how it plays out. what i like is that i love to see people take their country back. and that's really what's happening in the united states. and i think you see that. and that's what's happening in many other places in the world. they're tired of it. they want to take their countries back. you know, this isn't such a phenomena like some people are saying. when people ask me what i thought was going to happen i thought they'd break away. and it's just turned out that way. it was a little bit surprising because the polls indicated probably that it wouldn't happen. 80%. and when i landed this morning, the first thing i asked was that, and i mean, it was fairly close. but it wasn't that close. so we'll what happens. i think it will be a good thing. you're taking your country back. you'll let people you want into your country. people that you don't want or people that you don't think will be appropriate for your country or good for your country you
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won't have to take. look, europe like the united states has made tremendous mistakes over the last period of time. look at germany, look at some of the things that are happening. there are tremendous mistakes that have been made. so i think it's going to end up being a very good thing. but it will take time. tom? >> your campaign has gotten global attention. all over the world people know who donald trump is and your campaign for president. do you think anything you said in the united states influenced voters here in britain when it comes to leaving the eu? >> that's a good question. if i said yes, total influence, that's terrible. his ego is terrible, so i will never say that, tom. i'd like to give you that one but i can't say that. the question is what do i think and i gave my opinion a few times over the last few months but i said i don't want people to listen to it. because it's not me. it's about them. it's about them. it's their country. but my opinion is that what happened should have happened. and i think they'll end up being stronger for it. and they'll control their country and they'll control
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everything about their country. yes? >> david cameron said that you were wrong when you proposed banning muslims from entering the u.s. do you think he got the mood of his country wrong and do you think he was right to resign? >> well, i like david cameron and he had a couple of rough statements, but that's okay. i think david cameron is a good man. he's -- he's -- he was wrong on this. he didn't get mood of his country right. he was surprised. i think he was very surprised to see what happened. but he's a good man. and he felt that way. and probably did the right thing. but we'll see what happens. but i like david cameron. yes, sir? >> do you think following your arguments about sovereignty, do you think scotland should have its independence? would you support that? >> that's up to the people of scotland. we have been through this. really again i leave it up to the people -- i love the people of scotland. that's why i built -- you know,
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i built in aberdeen one of the great golf courses of the world. it was just adjudged to be the greatest course ever built new. new from 1960 to present. you know, we're very proud of it. i have gotten to know the people of scotland so well and, you know, through my mother and through everything else. the people of scotland are amazing people. and, you know, that question really has to be addressed to the people. it was a very, very close vote. i don't know that people want to go through that again. i was here when they were going through that vote. i didn't take sides but i will tell you it was a nasty period. and i can't imagine to go through that again. but the people of scotland may speak differently. yes, sir? >> just on what you said as well about europe and other countries in europe, would you support the breakup of the european union, because t happen? >> it looks like it's on its way and we'll see what happens. i can tell you i have a lot of friends living in germany that have always been very proud
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germans. to a level that you wouldn't believe. they would be bragging about their country. they would be talking about their country as though there was no other place. they're members of mar-a-lago and different places that i have and now those same people -- some of them are saying they're leaving germany. they're moving. they never even thought of moving. now they're thinking about moving because of the tremendous influx of people and you know what's happening in germany. it's a real problem. and these are people that were very proud germans that were beyond belief they thought the greatests that ever was and now talking about leaving germany. you see the problems in germany. so i could see it happening. i have no opinion really, but i could certainly see it happening. i saw this happening. i could read what was happening here and i could see things happening in germany. i hope they straighten out the situation because, you know, it can really become a nasty -- it can be very nasty what's going on could be very, very nasty. building safe zones in syria, great idea.
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building safe zones, magnificent, big, safe as can be. but when you're taking them into the united states by the thousands and we don't know who they are, when you're taking them into germany and other countries, look around the world to see what's happening. there's some real problems. >> it is easy for politicians to use immigration to divide electorates. how do the leaders unite people? >> you unite people by having a happy country. when people pour into the country and it doesn't work, whether it's because of crime or, you know, various other things. you're not going to be uniting anybody. i just told about you about germany,they want to leave germany. i would never said these people want to leave, but they're leaving. so you can't unite a country by forcing things down the people's throats and that's what happened
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here. people are not happy. yes, sir? go ahead. >> do you intend to scale back your investments in scotland and how does it feel -- >> no, if anything, i have big investments over in europe. i have as you know i own the hotel in ireland. one of the most beautiful hotels. one of the most highly rated hotels in all of europe. it's got a golf course on this large -- almost 500 acre parcel of land on the atlantic ocean and does great. i own turnberry. i own aberdeen. i'm going to go stop at aberdeen for little while. i'll only be here one night because i have to go back and campaign which i love to do. really i wanted to support my children who have poured their hearts and souls into this development. i think you understand. yes, go ahead. >> speaking of campaigning a lot of people in the states are
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saying did you really have to be here for them -- >> yeah, you know why i'm here? because i support my children. next, tom go ahead. >> -- turnberry -- >> right. >> now you're a politician. does it bug you have to pick up the phone and ask people to donate to your campaign? >> yeah, i don't like doing it. i'm an honest politician, one of the few. tom is asking does it bother me to when you're raising money -- again, i'm raising this money for the republican party. something i have never done. i have always contributed money to lots of people. a lot of campaign contributions over the years. once i ran i became an outsider. i don't like doing that, but i have done it. we have had amazing week. last week i was in houston. we had tremendous lines. i made a speech also and the lines were actually on abc they reported -- abc local, they followed the lines to highways. i have never seen that. and in dallas we had a similar thing. but we also had fund-raisers and i have -- i sit with 20 people and we talk and they all hand
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you checks. bing, bing, bing. and they're checks to the rnc, the republican party. i feel i have an obligation to do that. tom, the numbers are going to e be -- i think quite staggering. especially in july. in fact, steve is here some place. he's one of the great financiers of the country. i chose him, and he wanted to do this. and the numbers are staggering. don't forget, we just sort of started this process a few weeks ago. the first filing was for a very limited period of time and it was almost before we started. and the numbers are amazing. actually, the numbers for the small donations, we have taken in a lot of money otherwise. but the numbers for the small donations are coming in at -- i mean, it's beyond anything that we thought. you know, the $25 and $50 and $100 donations. but we'll be reporting in june, but especially the july report i think will show you some pretty
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massive numbers. >> mr. trump -- >> well, i did it the other day. i match, right, i put up $2 million. i say, you know, let's see who's going to go. we have raised more than 2. but i guess i offered a $2 million incentive for people to put up money. i don't know if that was the reason but we had a tremendous response to it. so -- >> mr. trump -- >> david? i know david. you don't have to -- go ahead. >> back to the brexit thing. you said that david cameron misread the mood of his country. given that president obama came over to vote remain and hillary clinton said remain and given the fact she's the former secretary of state -- >> well, she's always misread everything. no, if you think. she's misread this. i was surprised that she was so bold and to say -- well, the
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only reason she did it is because obama wanted it. you know, if obama wanted the other way, if he said leave she would have said leave. she does whatever he wants her to do. now, you know why, but that's okay. we don't have to get into that. but i was actually very surprised that president obama would have come over here, he would have been so bold as to tell the people over here what to do. and i think that a lot of people don't like him. and a lot of people voted -- i think if he had not said it, i think your result might have been different. but when he said it, people were not happy about it. and i thought it was totally inappropriate. when i said what i said, i told people, i said don't do what i'm saying necessarily, do whatever you think. but this was my opinion. he came in and really tried to convince people to stay. and i thought it was inappropriate. then she doubled down and did the same thing. obviously, for the 219th time they were wrong. they're always wrong. that's the problem with them. yes, sir?
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>> mr. trump, david cameron resigning today, would you back boris johnson -- >> i don't know him. i'm sure he'll be good. he got it right. so that gives him an advantage, but i don't know him. john? >> your campaign shakeup i guess it was earlier in the week, i can't remember what day it is now. we have seen a campaign that has become more focused, more disciplined, more aggressive and rapid response. you more on point i think than we have seen you in the past. is this the new you? >> i really don't think. so first of all, corey was fantastic. and we did a great job with a very small group of people. i say this to all the folks that don't come from the united states, i ran a campaign in the primaries where we got the largest number of votes in the history of the republican party, primary votes. larger than ronald reagan, larger than richard nixon up,
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larger than dwight d. eisenhower and we ran a very lean campaign. i had fewer people, i spent less money and i funded the money myself. i spent what, sarah, $55 million, something -- i think it was -- but by the way, i'm forced -- you know, legally i have to pay myself back. in other words this is to support my children, if i use one of the resorts in the united states, we have a press conference or something, by law i have to pay myself back. i would like not to. i would like to say use the ballroom and let's not bother with it. but you know because a couple of people say i pay -- by law you have to pay yourself back. i think this, i think that we should have been given credit for in addition to winning for winning with less money spent and with the smallest staff. so now we have a staff of 73 people. and hillary has a staff of 900 people. i won, she won. i don't think that -- i mean, honestly as a businessman, i
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say, wow, he won with spending less money and the smaller staff. i view that as an advantage. a lot of pundits say she has a much bigger staff. well, i think we're very nimble. i think we're very nimble. i think we're doing well. you have seen the polls that are coming out. they're very close and very equal. i think we had one come out from west virginia where i have a 25-point lead. north carolina came out yesterday, we have a two-point lead. ohio is even, pennsylvania is even. the national polls are getting very close. and i'm spending much less money. she's spending tremendous amounts of money. we haven't even started yet. so it will be very interesting because she spent what was it, $28 million. she spentsd a lot of -- spent a lot of money and we're even. i think that's a good sign. when i won new hampshire i spent a tiny fraction of what other candidates spent. i won by a landslide that person came in seventh. i think you know when you can do it on a smaller budget and with
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fewer people, that's the kind of person they want to be the president. because to me, that's a big thing. yeah, go ahead, sarah. >> seven in ten voters told us in the cnn polls they want to see you cut ties with your business -- >> i will do that. >> will you do that? >> while you're running though? >> i will do that. well, i don't think it matters while i'm running. it doesn't matter. again i'm here for the sole reason although i did want to see the job that eric did, because if he didn't do a good job he wouldn't be standing here right now. i would give him hard time. he did a beyond job. beyond. this is phenomenal. just as you view this great course, you have to see the hotel that we build. it's phenomenal. but no, i will absolutely cut ties. you know, the rules are -- nobody know, okay? it's never happened where this somebody had this big of a business and runs for president and wins. even though i don't have to do that, i will put everything in trust. my children will run it along
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with my executives. it's a big company. my children will run it along with my executives and just do a good job of running it. let me tell you the importance of the opportunity that i may be given is so important and so massive. making great trade deals with china and with you folks by the way, but with china, the numbers are so staggering. when you look at trade deficits of 4 and $500 billion a year, the numbers are so staggering and so incredible. i wouldn't even be thinking about the business. i mean, who cares? i mean i would say who cares? no, i would absolutely -- you don't have to do this, but i would most likely put it in a blind trust and they would run it or something. >> well, i think this is the ninth trump property we have visited during your presidential campaign. why do you continue to have events -- >> this is my property -- number one, i have the best properties. okay, you can they. i will say a lot of the press
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will say, whether you like him or not, he has the best properties. the other thing, why should i use somebody else's properties? number one, they're not as good and number two, one of those things. i wish frankly i wasn't forced by law to pay myself back. we're forced to pay -- you do understand that, sarah. a couple of people say he's paying to his campaign i'm not paying to my campaign. i'm forced by whatever the fair market value of a ballroom is, or an airplane, if i use a plain i have to pay it back. >> a long standing tradition in american politics that politics stops at the water's edge and given your comments about president obama this morning you don't seem to buy into that. >> well, he didn't stop at the water's edge because he made statements about this incredible part of the world. and this particular country and
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frankly a large group of countries should do. i mean, he's constantly dictating to the world what they should do. the world doesn't listen to him. obviously, you can see that by the vote. but he's constantly dictating to other countries so, you know, certainly it doesn't stop at the water's edge with him. you know, very importantly, he got it totally wrong. he's embarrassed. he's embarrassed by the supreme court decision yesterday which was a real rebuke and he's very embarrassed by he got involved, i don't know if that was through a friendship with david cameron, i can understand friendship and i can understand why he did it. but i think it's something he shouldn't have done. it's not his country. it's not his part of the world. he shouldn't have done it. i think his recommendation perhaps caused it to fail. okay. one more, one more question. yes? >> how much do you think the brexit vote is about economic issues you have been hammering home, like low wages and lack of growth in the economy?
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>> i think a lot of is, but i think a lot is borders and immigration. i have spoken. i have hundreds of members sitting in the back and i have spoken to them. they're not happy with the people flowing into the country. they don't want that to happen. and i think that has a lot to do with it. i think the borders -- you know, not so different. amazing the world is not so different. we're on the other side of the ocean, but it's not so different. way over there, many, many miles right in that direction. and to be honest with you, i think a lot of it has to do with immigration. but i also think a lot of it has to do with the fact that they wanted to be independent. they got tired of seeing stupid decisions just like the american people are tired of seeing stupid decisions. whether it's the iran deal, whether it's the border, where people just flow across the border like swiss cheese. they are tired of seeing stupid decisions made. they're tired of looking at horrible trade deals, and you have bad trade deals here too.
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i think that has a lot to do with it. >> well, i think the brexit deal -- i think when you talk about leave, you know, i felt again knowing the people here very well, but not wanting to get involved, but i felt that was going to happen. i felt it was going to happen. and there is great similarities between what happened here and my campaign. yeah, people want to take their country back. okay, maybe one more question. [ inaudible ]. >> by the way, they said there were 2,000 protesters and we counted them, 43. 43 they're way over there. the police did a great job. but it was nothing much to do, frankly. there were 43. just on the record. because we heard there were going to be thousands of protesters. 43. and my members are very happy with donald trump i can tell you. is that a correct statement? [ applause ] they love donald trump.
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so, no, they love what we have done here. you know, this is a little bit what we'll do to the united states. you know, the united states has rotted infrastructure. we have roads that are crumbling. i have a friend who's a trucker, big trucker, one of the biggest in the world actually. he said he buys these brand-new magnificent trucks that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. and he's never had this problem before. they're just getting destroyed because the highways are loaded up with potholes. when you have an 18-wheeler or a 16-wheeler and you have these big, massive trucks and they're being -- going down the highway at 65 miles an hour, and they hit a pothole and they're loaded up with tons of stuff, he said those trucks no matter how good they are, they get wiped out. that's what's happening to our country. and thing is sort of a miniexample of what we have done here. the members love us. scotland loves us for what we have done. the council -- our council member here, do we have our council members here? yes. the council has been so incredible and, you know, it's
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just been a big love fest. what we do is the united states needs its infrastructure fixed. the bridges are a disaster, the roads are a disaster. my friend told me, he's never had a problem like this before. he said, you go down the highways and a brand-new truck that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, virtually destroyed. they have to bring it back and have it rehauled because they're hitting potholes all over the place on the highways. our infrastructure is crumbling in the united states. we spent probably if you add it up now $4 trillion, maybe more than in in the middle east. we have a problem. >> the country is not a golf course. >> no, it's not. you'd be amazed at how similar it is, it's a place that needs to be fixed. there's nobody that knows how to fix or build like me. you look very good on television last night. i saw you in the dark with the sign behind you and you were even fairly nice.
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okay. yes. how about these two. sarah, go ahead. go ahead. >> given whatsaid, this is the ninth property we have been to. tomorrow will be the tenth property. >> right, katy. >> you've faced a lot of criticism out there from people saying that your motivations are really about your brand. >> no. i don't care. i don't care. it's about my brand, i wouldn't have done this. >> what is your rebuttal? >> if it was about my brand i would haven't done this. i have given up a lot. i have given up "the apprentice." steve burke wanted me to do years more of it. i had to give it up because you're not allowed to do with this equal time laws and provisions and you're not allowed to do it. i lost certain things, especially early on. i lost macy's, you know i'm glad to see that macy's stock tanked because they were very disloyal. but just over the subject of illegal immigration, i lost macy's as a -- you know, as a vendor for ties and shirts and things. not a big deal, but it was still -- it was a loss. no, this is not for brand. if i wanted to do good for my brand i wouldn't have done this. because, you know, when you --
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one thing about politics. everybody liked me but once you run for politics you'll have 55 for you, 45 against. i never had that before. my wife said to me, you know i never heard this before. there was some crowd -- some of the crowd was a little hostile. i have been with you for many years and the crowd always loved you. half the crowd loves you now and half hates you. that's politics. if you get 55% of the vote that's a landslide. that means that 45% of the people don't like you. so for my brand, this has not been a good thing. although, you know, look where we've come. we were one of 17 and we won. we won. i think we'll go much further than that. >> mr. trump, how tough can you beat -- can you beat eric on it? >> this is a tough course. i won't be able to beat eric, he hits it by a mile.
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i think my days are numbered as far as beating eric. one more question. >> you gave a speech -- >> what do you make of the commentators and the media outlets that say that vladimir putin and you are the chief benefactors of brexit? >> that putin and me are the chief -- i don't know about that i know that i think he would be probably because i know how he's been scorned by certain -- to a certain extent. certainly he's not a person that likes our president very much. and our president doesn't like him very much. he said some very nice things about me. i think he probably is somewhat of a beneficiary and we'll just see how it works out. i think it's going to end up being a great thing and the beautiful, beautiful, beautiful thing is your people have taken the country back. and there's something very, very nice about this. and they voted and it's been peaceful.
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and it was strong and very contentious and in many respects i watched last night. it was a little bit ugly, but it's an amazing process to watch. a big move. you know, when i came here, i said who's going to come out here? it turned out that probably more people came out here. a tremendous turnout. >> -- who did not show up today, specifically -- >> what? >> you invited a lot of local politicians here today. >> i did. no, we have everybody, we have the entire town council -- excuse me, we have the entire town council. i have no idea. i have no idea. i have no idea. anybody else? >> mr. trump -- >> [ inaudible ]. >> you said it was a love fest, on that point, david cameron said he didn't want to meet you. >> where's david cameron right now? david cameron, no, excuse me. david cameron would have met me. david cameron was negotiating to meet me.
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but right now i don't think david cameron wants to meet anybody. katy, did you have one other thing? >> -- labor party, they regard you as toxic. >> no, i think what happened -- nasty, nasty guy. i think we have a -- i think we have something that people really respect what i did. i took one of the great assets of scotland, and brought it back to a level that it's never even seen. as great as turnberry has been over the years and it's been one of the greats of the world it's now at a higher level than it's ever been. never seen these levels before. so we're very proud of it. one more, katy, go ahead. >> -- to be an endorsement of your immigration policies or ideas and extreme rhetoric when it comes to building a wall, or banning muslims from coming into america. are you going to continue on a with that? >> well, it's moving along. all i do is i do the right thing. i mean, i'm doing what's right for our country. obviously it resonates because i have a tremendous number of
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backers and support. say it again. >> is today's vote here an indicator that your rhetoric and your extreme rhetoric is something -- >> i don't know. i don't think i have extreme rhetoric actually. i don't know, katy, i think t t that -- i think that what happened, i was watching some of the commentators before and a lot of them were saying that. i'm not sure it matters from my standpoint. but i think it does show something about the people wanting their country back and i can tell you in the united states the people want their country back. in the united states people want smart decisions. not dumb decisions. and we have been given dumb decisions for many years and the people are tired of it. and i have a feeling the same thing has happened over here and that's why you had the result that you had. i love you all, thank you very much and thank you to my members and thank you to the council. the council has been amazing and thank you for all being here.
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thank you. thank you. thank you, sarah. thank you. >> there you have donald trump, you know, he was only going to take one more question, one more question. there were 15 one more questions but tell you what, we just heard -- wait, no. is he listening to me? here's the thing. there he is, trump turnberry in scotland and he's reacting to the fact that the country of england voted overnight to leave the european union. in great britain, the headlines are black friday. he said -- donald trump did, regarding this, it's purely historic. he said there are parallels with the united states. he said the people have taken their country back. for reaction let's go to stuart varney who has dual citizenship. stuart, donald trump just spoke for about 48 minutes. he was remarkably on message and his message was strong. >> looks like the new donald trump.
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you're right. he was very much on point. he wasn't outrageous, he was measured in his tone, he handled the media extremely well. you're right, the thing that he came back to contemplate was the parallel between the vote yesterday in britain and the issues they voted on, and the vote that's coming up in november. bottom line to me at least as an observer as this, trump won, hillary lost. by association with the issues discussed over there. >> regarding hillary, she had come out with the president of the united states saying that england should remain in the european union but the people of england said no, we'll get out. he said of hillary she misread everything. she supported staying because barack obama wanted her to. he said he was surprised obama came to england to tell people what to do. if he hadn't done that, maybe they would have vote the other way. >> mr. trump drew a sharp contrast between himself, he said i leave it up to you.
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made a point of that. there was a contrast between what he said and what the president had said and done when he went to britain a couple of months ago said hey, if you leave europe you can get back of the line. he said actually back of the queue. in order, get to the back of the line when it comes to negotiating new trade deals certainly with america. so there's a sharp contrast between the way that donald trump handled what he thought about the vote and what the president had done about the vote a couple of months ago. >> you heard tony blair with us right before trump started answering the questions. and then someone asked him how should these leaders who wanted to stay, how should they respond, he said they'll have to embrace it. you can't help but think about hillary clinton and the democrats that don't like donald trump. if he does win here in the u.s., is that the message for the rest of our country? >> i would predict that the left goes on a rant about how donald trump and the people who voted to leave in britain are haters. not uniters. but dividers and haters.
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i think that will be the line of the left as we go towards november. >> and donald trump said you can't unite people by ramming things down their throat. he mentioned that david cameron didn't get the mood of his country right. how out of touch are the elites in the uk compared to here? >> they did not see it coming and again there's a parallel between the elites there and the elites here. they're all opposed to donald trump. they were all in favor of the brits staying in europe. they read it completely wrong. got it wrong. >> i think a lot of people did. you think of britain and think of how they love tradition and don't like the change. were you shocked by this? >> i was shocked by the margin of victory. nearly four points for the leave camp. i didn't think it would be that big and i'm surprised. the elites have piled on. if you do this, the sky will fall. you'll have a recession. even one newspaper said there will be a war. >> sure. >> well, you know, that's lot of pressure the british resisted that pressure and voted to leave anyway. >> they absolutely did. looking at donald trump, he's
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making his way back to his golf course which got a trillion dollars worth of great publicity in the last press event. at one point, a member of the world press asked, do you have to be here at turnberry because, you know, you have a presidential thing going on in the united states? and he said, yes, because i'm going to -- i need to support my kids. then regarding the fact that the latest fec filings have shown that hillary has outdone him in the raising money department, he responded that the reporting period was very short. maybe even before he started taking donations. he said that so far, donations have been coming in beyond what they thought. he said the july number is going to be massive. >> a lot of people have said that him going over there this particular time in the middle of the campaign, that was a mistake. >> yeah. >> wrong. it was a good move. >> many people are wondering if that's money that folks were supporting bernie and now giving the small donations to trump.
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coming up next, judge jeanine pirro and their thoughts on brexit. plus, a whole bunch of other news on the friday, including severe weather across the united states. and unbelievable video. we have so much on tap, so stick around. look at that wild weather. it's on fire. >> the water. ♪ so nice, so nice.
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incr...think it wouldotection in a pwork, but it does.dn't... it's called always discreet for bladder leaks, the super... ...absorbent core turns liquid to gel. i know i'm wearing it but no one else will. always discreet for bladder leaks. people want to take their country back. and they want to have independence in the sense. and you see it with europe. all over europe. you're going to have more than just in my opinion, more than just what happened last night. you'll have i think many other cases where they want to take their borders back. they want to take their monetary back. they want to take a lot of things back. they want to be able to have a
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country again. so i think you'll have this happen more and more. i really believe that. i think it's happening in the united states. it's happening by the fact that i have done so well in the polls. >> there you've got, donald trump he ended a one-hour press event. largely initially to promote his new golf course in turnberry, scotland, but his message what happened in great britain, this is seismic, they're calling it a black friday over there, it's got parallels to the united states. we have got judge jeanine pirro with us this morning and peter johnson jr. with some reaction. what do you think? ladies first. >> they're calling it independence day, june 23rd. this is huge, 72% of the brits voted. and they voted to leave. so what does it mean? what it means is that people want a nation state. they want to have their own identity. >> they want some borders. >> they want what, borders, right. of course they want borders and they want to identify as a country. so, you know, when cameron was
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against it and obama was against it, i think that this finally is something that is a bellwether of what's going to happen in this country. people are fed up with people invading their countries. angela merkel invading all the immigrants in and i think she said this was not a great day and, you know, people are now saying it's a vindication of a thousand years of british democracy. it bodes well for that's going on in this country. and, you know, the fact that people want to be their own identity. >> sure. donald trump thought -- he even said there are so many similarities. so many parallels to what's happening there and what's happening here. >> i think trumpism is global. so we see sovereignties as important, nationalism as important. we will see a shakeout though in terms of the markets big time. bank stocks are down. generally stocks are down. the markets are going to open much lower here in the united states. it could be a tremendous hit. but at the same time, throughout
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europe, denmark, austria, netherlands, france, there are right wing movements that are saying we need to follow what they did. at the same time, scotland as you guys pointed out earlier this morning, they may break out of the united kingdom and go back to the european union. this is going to break out over the next couple of years in ways that we will not understand. the problem we have in terms of the markets though, is that there's not a lot of movement. so we'll see that with any kind of little political shakeup like this, the markets are going to move big because there's not a lot of room in terms of interest rates to get it right. >> judge, they always say the sky is falling, the trade is over. we're pushed aside from europe. is that going to happen or will that -- >> well, what peter says is right. there's uncertainty right now in the markets. you know, they're going to have to renegotiate their trade deals. but what i think is interesting is obama says if they do this,
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if they break from the eu they go back to the back of the line. no. they have been allies of ours since we broke from them. what we have right now, come ran said i'm leaving in october, i'm not going to trigger article which breaks them from the european union which is a bloc of 27 nations. he is saying i'll it to my successor to do it. he's going to go out kicking and screaming but you know what, shame on him. you need to listen to the people. around the world, people are not happy. >> you know, peter jonss, it's establishment versus the insur gents -- insur gents like here in this country. you have hillary clinton and you have a man saying we have to change. >> to take it back in a step in the places you have been -- the places that you have fought, pete, a lot of this is because of the rise of islamic extremism. >> sure. >> because of the refugee issue as a result of terror being
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dominant in the mideast. a lot of people in this country trace that back to barack obama and hillary clinton as secretary of state. there's a direct relationship between the rise in sovereignty, this nationalistic fervor and the fact that people want to break away to start anew again. especially with this influx of people who are terrified that they're going to be terrorists. >> it's interesting to see -- >> you know what's telling that hillary clinton as of this moment has not said anything. >> that's right. >> what can she say? >> calling in and saying what do we do now? this is not good for me. >> she'll moderate it today and going forward. in two weeks you will believe she was for it. >> well, it's friday. people will be talking about it this weekend. see what the polls say. >> pirro and peter, thank you very much. all right. straight ahead, sorry, president obama, the supreme court has struck down his controversial immigration order. we'll tell you what that means coming up shortly.
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the highly anticipated "independence day" hitting the theaters today. it is worth all the hype? kevin mccarthy, come on in, our friend. he'll tell you whether to spend your money on it. goodbye thick sunscreen. hi! [ nervously laughing ] hello coppertone clearly sheer. it provides beach level protection that's ultra light to let your skin breathe. coppertone clearly sheer. hello sunshine. think yotry nexium 24hr.'s best for your heartburn? now the #1 choice of doctors & pharmacists... for their own frequent heartburn. get complete protection with nexium 24 hour. hmmmmm....... [ "dreams" by beck ] hmmmmm...
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i spent $22 watching it in new york imax 3-2. when i was 12 years i went to the first "independence day." it blew my mind t special effects were incredible. the second one has some good action scenes. the problem is, no will smith. and the will smith character is not in this film. you feel him being missed. they mention him, see pictures and portraits of him. the script is painfully bad at times unfortunately. here's the problem. i don't mind a bad script in the action movie but sometimes if they're forcing it too much. >> how many stars? >> i gave it a 2.5 out of 5. skip the imax 3-d. overall, they tried to force it -- >> why wasn't he in it? >> there are a bunch of different reasons, i don't know the official one. he didn't want to do a sci-fi one. >> this is not the sequel to "jaws" but "the shallows" is out there. a shark movie. >> yeah, blake lively got
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injured and hit her nose. watch this. >> the buoy falls down, and i cracked my face. i swim into the buoy and i have this bloody nose. that was real. that wasn't planned. >> so real bloody nose? >> real bloody nose. real crack. that was really -- i mean, that was really, really awful and scary. but when i came up, i thought i'm going to pass out right now, or i'm going to continue the scene and i'm going to be so awesome and proud and just show the people what i have done. i didn't pass out, thankfully. you get hurt like that, you want it to show. >> they kept it in the movie. that was cool. >> yeah. >> her husband is in one of the best movies of the year "dead pool", ryan reynolds. it has the scary quality. my stomach was in knots. >> something to see. >> i love it. >> thank you.
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fox news alert, donald trump celebrating britain's stunning vote to leave the european union during his two-day visit to scotland. geraldo rivera here to weigh in live on the donald in scotland, coming up next. >> geraldo, how are you? >> that mustache -- >> yeah, good to see you, buddy. ♪ (vo) you can check on them. you can worry about them. you can even choose a car for them. (mom) honey, are you ok? (child) i'm ok. (announcer vo) love. (mom) we're ok. (announcer vo) it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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people want to take their country back and they want to have independence in a sense and you see it with europe. all over europe. you'll have more than just in my opinion more than just what happened last night. you're going to have i think many other cases where they want to take their borders back. they want to take their monetary back. they want to take a lot of things back. they want to be able to have a country again. so i think you're going to have this happen more and more. i really believe that. i think it's happening in the united states. it's happening by the fact that i have done so well in the polls. >> that's donald trump speaking in turnberry, scotland, at his golf course there. he was there talking about the
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opening of the golf course and the vote came down this morning or last night i should say, while we were all sleeping. europe is changing. the brits have decided to pull away from the eu and as a result -- >> after 40 some years. >> exactly. so a lot of changes here. the will of the people, they have heard the will of the people. the people have spoken. 51.9% voted to leave. david cameron as a result, because he didn't want to leave, he came out this morning and said he is resigning. will stay in office for the next three months. so that they can find a new leader. >> this is truly historic and monumental. as the vote became clear they were going to leave, you realize after 59 year, 27 countries really a continent that had united. britain said we want our sovereignty back. we want our freedom back, we want our independence back and the elites got it all wrong. they thought they'd remain but the will of the people, the people there in the uk said we want our freedom back. we want our independence back. >> so when trump went to
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turnberry a number of republican strategist said you're out of your mind to go, because there's this big vote. yesterday at this time, it looked like they were going to they. then as it turn out the pollsters got it wrong. and the one -- one of the few foreign luminaries on the winning side was donald trump because donald trump said you know what, i think they should probably leave. barack obama said stay. hillary clinton said stay. interestingly enough we have still not heard from hillary. it will be interesting how she attenuates that message that she got that wrong. regarding the will of the people. so when donald trump was there at turnberry this morning, just about an hour and a half ago, to talk about the new golf course, everybody wanted to hear about how he felt there were parallels between what's happening there and what's happening here and he did not disappoint. here's donald trump in scotland on the eu vote. >> you have to embrace it, it's the will of people. not a question of approaching it. it's the will of the people.
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it's always the will of the people. that wins out. nobody knows, you'll know in about five years. you'll be able to analyze it and maybe it will take longer that than. but what is known is that they have taken back their independence. and that's a very, very important thing. look, i really think the boards -- you know, not so different. maizing the world is not so different. we're on the other side of the ocean, right over there, you go, many, many miles right in that direction. and to be honest with you, i think a lot of it has to do with immigration but i also think a lot has to do with the fact that they wanted to be independent. they got tired of seeing stupid decisions, just like the american people are tired of seeing stupid decisions. whether it's the iran deal, whether it's the border, where people just flow across the border like swiss cheese. they're tired of seeing stupid decisions. she's always misread everything. if you think, she's misread this. i was surprised that she was so
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bold and to say -- well, the only reason she did it is because obama wanted it. if obama wanted it the other way, if he said leave, she would say leave. he does whatever he wants her to do now you know why, but that's okay. we don't have to get into that. but i was surprised that president obama would come over here and tell the people over here what to do. and i think a lot of people don't like him and i think if he had not said it, your result might have been different. but he said it, people were not m happy about it. when i said what i said, i said don't do what i'm saying necessarily. do whatever you think. but this was just my opinion. he came in and really tried to convince people to stay. and i thought it was inappropriate and then she doubled down and she did the same thing and obviously for the 219th time they were wrong. they're always wrong. that's the problem with them.
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>> there you go, donald trump referring to the president of the united states and hillary clinton who both said that england should remain and yet the people of england said we're going to leave the european union. look who's on the couch today. >> hi, stevie. >> what do you think? >> i went to bed thinking they were going to stay and to remain and they are not. yet, you know, you think of these -- good morning, everybody. you think of these first of all, like the stone in the pond and the ripple effect. you think first of all how does it affect me? i think they'll lose a ton of money in 55 minutes. >> it will come back. >> it should come back. i'm not selling. but it will be -- it will be a real shock to the world financial system. it already is in europe and the market here will be down 500 or 600 points. having said that -- also it is stunning to me to see trump put the blame on president obama. he says president obama is responsible. but what really is the headline in my view is -- check out your sock there.
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>> can we get a close-up? catch geraldo rivera's eye -- >> i love that. geraldo is in the middle of deep thought. >> union jack -- >> you remind me that what the implications of this, people have to understand that northern ireland wanted to stay in europe because the rest of ireland is in europe. northern ireland which famously is part of the united kingdom and fought and these troubles, is northern ireland going to say i'm staying with ireland, i'm not staying with england, i'm irish. ireland staying and the same thing with scotland. we had a vote, scotland was going to leave. they defeated that referendum, scottish independence, is scotland going to leave? are we watching the dismemberment of the united kingdom? >> if they work in southern ireland, there's a big chunk
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that do, and they have to go through customs. >> that's right. going back to what i said about politics here, the immigration issue as i have discovered here at fox and on this couch and elsewhere in this building and in my travels around the country is a potent issue. it is something that makes people crazy to the extent of almost all other issues. it's not about the economy, it's not about national defense or space or cyber. it is about immigration and borders and people are so absolutely obsessed with it. that you saw the results over here. >> you have a sovereign nation without a border. >> i'm not here to debate you. >> people like the idea of a wall. >> i'm merely pointing out the potency of this issue. donald trump, i don't know if he was in scotland just by chance, i don't know. it was brilliant. he was in the right place at the right time to make that message the central message i submit of his campaign. to emphasize that the people of england, the white, middle class
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people of england have said enough with the refugees. 300,000 last year, how many next year, we have no control over the borders so they voted to leave the eu. right, all of that. they voted to leave the eu, what implications does that have in the u.s. election? man oh, man, i don't know, fasten your seat belts. >> they found that the eu had become a trojan horse and imposes more control. their lost their sovereignty. isn't this a rejection of the elites and the internationalists and we're citizens of the world and our own country? >> like richard branson. everyone thinks he's so cool, virgin airlines. i said, wow, i'm like with branson. i'm sort of a modern guy. i want the world to evolve. but now i see this is an absolute rejection of that evolutionary track. this is for borders, this is for walls, this is for the traditional english channel moat that separated the united
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kingdom from the rest of europe. i heard one all-time british guy saying, god gave us this moat. why do we spend all our energy trying to fill it in and destroy our separation from here? >> geraldo, one of the reporters asked donald trump, do you think you take credit for this, i said, if i answer that, then i will be called egotistical. is this the new donald trump? >> no, because he answered it by not answering it. you note he's bursting at the seams for people like me to say i credit trump. >> maybe a few weeks ago, he would have said absolutely. but now -- you know, his message has changed. >> i think you may be bending over backwards to try to give him some political acumen i'm not sure he deserves but he was definitely in the right place at the right time. he was right on point. he -- his campaign totally taps into the emotion that led to this profound rejudgment in europe. >> he got 20 minutes in primetime to talk about his golf
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course. >> his properties are fabulous. the guy does have the best properties on earth. >> geraldo, thank you very much. >> my measure. >> for more headlines out there, we have heather nauert. >> good morning. i hope you're off to a great day. a couple headlines, we start with a fox news alert. this has happened once again, two deputies shot in california. the manhunt is now intensifying to find out who did it. shots rang out, this happened outside of los angeles. the officers were manning a dui check point when the gunman who was inside a car then started firing. that suspect took off and then a few minutes later another shoot-out went down. both officers are expected to survive thankfully. well, waiting for justice for five years now. a trial date finally set for one of the alleged master minds behind the benghazi terror attack that left four of our americans dead. khattala will go before the judge in 2017. attorney general loretta lynch not seeking the death penalty
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for the attack on the u.s. consulate. another grim discovery to tell you about this morning in that urgent search for the family lost at sea off the coast of florida. rescue teams now announcing that they discovered a second body off the florida's gulf coast. ace kimberly and three teenage children were sailing from sarasota to ft. meyers when they ran into rough waters. rescuers found 17-year-old rebecca kimberly's body, but they have yet to identify the second body. some incredible video following intense flooding taking place in west virginia. take a look at this. well, folks stand big shooting that video as a burning house -- that's actually what you're seeing as it floats down a creek. this happened in white sulfur springs. there's a search under way right now for a 4-year-old boy in ravenswood, west virginia. he was carried away by the
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strong currents as he was playing nearby. an 8-year-old was killed in the flooding. a rescue effort is under way to get 500 people out who were trapped in the mall. a bridge collapsed. a dangerous situation in west virginia. we're continuing to watch it. >> thank you very much. meanwhile, the brexit bombshell has since -- has the global markets into a tail spin. the market opens just in about 100 minutes. what does it mean for your wallet? the results shocked everybody except stuart varney. he will tell us what to expect today. that's right. another major bombshell, president obama's immigration policies are illegal according to the supreme court. so what happens with those millions of illegals that are hiding from deportation? you wouldn't believe what's in this kiester. a farmer's market. a fire truck.
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to take their borders back. they want to take their monetary back. they want to take a lot of things back. they want a country again. so i think you're going to have this happen more and more. i really believe that. i think it's happening in the united states. it's happening by the fact that i have done so well in the polls. >> there you have donald trump within the last hour at his golf course in scotland, weighing in on the united kingdom's decision to break away from the european union after 40 some odd years. >> that's right. stuart varney, he will be on the fox business network shortly. he's here right now. >> donald trump is talking about the brits opening up the door for europe to break up. the european union, it's going to change. dramatically. that's why you've got the stock markets so far down today. because you have this uncertainty about what's going to happen in the wake of the brexit deal. and we're going to be down about
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500 points on the dow jones industrial average that's a forecast i can willingly make, we'll go down 500 points. after that -- >> don't look at your 401(k), it could be down a couple of hundred bucks out of the gates. how long do you see this uncertain -- >> i have seen the sudden sharp sell-offs once every couple of years. at some point, it comes back. so the advice to the small investor is usually unless you think it's going to be down forever, don't sell now. don't panic. just look at what's going on. i'll tell you something more. there will be people out there today who are look for bargains, looking to buy. if they see some of the big-name technology stocks beaten down three or four percentage points you might see -- >> i know tourism is a big deal in london. i was reading that the average american spends $4,500 when they
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go over on their trips. what does this mean though? the pound is down, so this is a good time to go, right? >> this is a bargain for people with american dollars going to england. yesterday at this time, the british pound was worth $1.50. today, right now, 24 hours later, it's worth $1.34. this is a huge drop in the value of the pound and the huge jump in the value of your dollars when you go over there. >> are you saying that the british pound is getting pounded? >> very funny. that's the weakest i ever heard. >> i thought it was good. >> thank you. it was a sterling joke. stuart, we'll watch you over on fox business. 41 minutes from now. meanwhile, trump said the brexit vote shows the brits are serious about securing their borders. could the change -- could that change the controversial refugee immigration movement? tavis smiley has written another book and he'll join us and weigh in on that next. good morning, tavis. let's talk about hot dog. the temperature inside that car -- oh, my gosh, 160 degrees.
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how they saved that puppy's life, straight ahead. but first, it's friday and that means, yes, the summer concert series is happening. it is live outside on the plaza with "american idol" winner, the final winner of "american idol," the 15th season, trent harmon. here is "dream weaver." ♪ ♪ to leave my world behind oh, dream weaver ♪ ♪ i believe you can get me through the night ♪ ♪ dream weaver i've been reaching the morning light ♪ ♪ ♪ riding high through the starry sky ♪
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the supreme court making some major headlines this morning. the justices delivering a massive plow to the president's executive action on immigration. the court blocked his plan to shield 5 million immigras in this country from deportation. the split decision, delivering a win to 25 of the states that are challenging obama's immigration executive action. and the high court also putting new rules on dui
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suspects who refuse alcohol tests. drivers can now face criminal charges if you refuse that test. however, police need a search warrant to make you the driver take it. that's not you, because you shouldn't be drinking and driving. finally, affirmative action policies to remain in effect at texas. meaning it's still okay to consider race when it comes to students' admissions. overnight, a historic vote, the united kingdom deciding to bow out of the european union, they brexited, they're out. donald trump said a lot of the issues that spurred the decision are the same as we see here in the united states. take a listen. >> i really think the borders, you know, it's not so different. it's amazing the way that the world is not so different. amazing we're on the other side of the ocean. right over there, you go many, many miles right in that direction and to be honest with you, i think a lot of it has to do with immigration. but i also think has to do with the fact that they wanted to be
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independent. they got tired of seeing stupid decisions, just like the american people are tired of seeing stupid decisions. whether it's the iran deal, whether it's the border, where people just flow across the border like swiss cheese. they are tired of seeing stupid decisions. >> there you go. that's over there in turnberry, scotland. here to react is tv talk show host, tavis smiley. he has a new book out. so donald trump says the reason the people of england voted to get out of the european union, they wanted to take their country back. borders are important. they didn't like what's going on with social security over there. with unemployment. of course with immigration. >> to be sure there's anger and frustration but that doesn't mean that you appeal to the worst elements in people to respond to that frustration. >> that do you mean? >> i think that the rise of racial campaigns around the world including this country is
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troubling. there clearly was fear mongering. david cameron made a sharp turn to the right last year that put his future in jeopardy. obviously his resignation and puts the future of the country in jeopardy. we live in a global world and if you think that you can isolate yourself on an island you'll find yourself very lonely and bankrupt bankrupt. >> and meanwhile, they have seen the refugees and we have seen it triggered by infiltration of isis. what does it have to do with race if you're talking about securing your country? that's so much of what has sparked fears here and in the uk? >> i understand the frustration and yet cameron through immigrants dun under the -- under the bus. >> he was for remain. >> yeah, last year he tried to make his case through the -- he threw the immigrants under the bus. he tried to tie them mayoral candidate now mayor to fear
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mongering. it obviously backfired. >> tavis, we're talking this morning, hearing donald trump talk about the parallels between what's happening there and here. if you go to social media one person on twitter, brexit is further proof that donald j. trump will be the next president of the united states. if you think trump can't win, you're lazy, complacent and very dangerous. >> i'm not a trump supporter, but i will to be first to admit that's the first thought i had this morning. that it underscores for me, not that it means that donald will win, but fear works. donald is playing fear works. when you scare people about what the future can be, fear always works and so first thought i had was that if worked in england it might work in this country. >> we have an immigration crisis in this country. there are millions of people who did not sign the guest book and
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he's said he's for immigration -- legal immigration. you have a brand-new book out called "before you judge me: the triumph and tragedy of michael jackson's last days." tavis just told me that today marks seven years -- >> tomorrow, saturday. >> >> tomorrow. that was fast, since michael jackson died. >> that was quick. i was a fan of michael, and the die that he died i was gob smacked because i had purchased my concert tickets and the plane tickets to go to london and i wanted to know what happened. this it is, one more time, 16 weeks later you're dead. my ultimate question, why are you gone so soon? that was my question, steve. i got into the research. and what i realized was that my question was the wrong question. it wasn't why are you gone so soon, it was how do you survive this long? when i saw all that was going on in his world in the last 16 weeks i don't know how he made it. >> we have heard stories, but did you uncover -- >> i think so. this prop apill that you take to
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take at night to go to sleep, you have the managers -- he's changing managers like changing socks. his father has him under pressure to cancel the o-2 concerts and the reunion tour with his brother. so much going on in his world it's no wonder he could. shut it off at night. it is sad. >> what are the lessons for all of us when you learn about the research because you talk about his father. >> sure. >> many of us are parents. what's the lesson you learned? >> number one, be careful what you ask for. number two, greed kills. michael made a lot of bad decisions to be sure, but people got their claws into him and that's a problem. i'm wondering now whether or not i believe anymore in child actors, in child performers. >> why? >> when you put them in that position so early on it's a very, very difficult road to hoe. i'm praying every day for his daughter paris now. you can see publicly the turmoil
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and the drama and the pain that she's going through. >> at that age, yeah -- >> absolutely. it's tough. >> brand-new book "before you judge me", check it out. >> congratulations on the book, tavis. >> on this friday, the police officer at the center of the freddie gray case just found not guilty of his murder. the next question, should the state attorney general step down? >> marilyn mosby ought to have the intestinal fortitude to go before the judge tomorrow and say, remove the charges that i put forth and let the city of baltimore move forward. >> what is the next thing for the other officers facing charges? the answer straight ahead. medical mistake news the third leading cause of death in america. >> wow. >> in 60 days of being a nurse i saw a patient killed by a medication error. >> wow. how could that be? our own bill hemmer investigates. and he joins us next.
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but first, "american idol" winner trent harmon performing "there's a girl" which is available on itunes today. go and buy it. ♪ if you need advice for your business, legalzoom has your back. our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. visit legalzoom today. the legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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this is the pursuit of perfection. i've been blind since birth. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. learn about non-24 by calling 844-844-2424. or visit they're calling it a brexit bombshell. or black friday today. as the united kingdom is now the first country to leave the european union. so long. >> and hours after david cameron says he is calling it quits. >> the british people have made a very clear decision to take a different path. and as such, i think the country requires fresh leadership to take it in this direction. i will do everything i can as
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prime minister to steady the ship over the coming weeks and months. but i do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination. >> well, all of the media and intelligentsia got the vote wrong and when it went the wrong way, he resigned, but trump was in favor of the leave vote previously. to react -- he's reacting to this news from scotland, he said it's a great thing that the people have their country back. >> well, i like david cameron. he had a couple of rough statements but that's okay. i think he's a good man. i think he -- he was wrong on this. he didn't get the mood of his country right. i think he was surprised to see what happened. i think he probably did the
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right thing, but we'll see what happens. >> here to analyze from "america's newsroom" bill hemmer. >> are the planets aligned this way? scotla trump announced he'd be in scott land and it goes the same way -- what is going on around here? >> republican strategists said that trump is out of his mind to leave during this vote. he shows up, of course, and said we were talking earlier, the polls got it 180 degrees wrong. suddenly when trump took the podium at his golf course in scotland he looked like a genius. because he had said -- >> a genius or a luck or a little bit of both? pretty extraordinary he was in the right place at the right time. the other thing that's happening right now, at least in europe they carry trump's press conference live so here you have a guy who looks like the brother of boris johnson, who shows up in a white hat that says make america great again. i don't think even a great publicist and marketer like he is could have expected something like this to go in his favor. wow. >> it's -- there's so many parallels. boris johnson, you mentioned
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him, people are saying he looks like donald trump. he acts like donald trump. he was the former governor of london and now what's in charge of this party that's decided to leave. even his own dad, daughter. they were wearing stay t-shirts throughout the night and yesterday. they weren't for this. >> they were a little split. divided households. now we'll see what scotland does. they'll push for independence yet again. i believe what's happening in a 52-48 vote is that the people throughout the uk were sick and tired of brussels telling them what they had to do. >> of course. >> because they have to follow the decision and ultimately pay for it. i think that's the reaction. >> indeed. >> let's talk about your big special. >> yeah, you have a big special coming out. >> we have a documentary that a great team here at fox -- we fanned out all across the country to figure out medical errors in america. and what you as a patient need to know. there was a study, dr. marty macri out of johns hopkins
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medical center he believes that medical errors in america is the third leading cause of death. >> what? third? >> that's what we thought. behind cancer and heart disease. we wanted to find out whether or not his study was legitimate. there were a lot of people that disagree with that finding. but he believes the lack of transparency is what is to blame here. he's trying to do something about it. there are people -- when you start talking about this story, everyone has a story of their own. whether it's their own individual case or whether it's something that happened to them over a family member. or a friend. everybody has a story. including this one from the middle of the country. >> within 60 days of being a nurse i saw a patient killed by a medication error. >> tell me what happened. that must have been such a shock to you. you're fresh out of school, you keir on the job, excited for your new career? >> worse than that, i discovered the medical error. >> there's so critical. >> you're going to leave with us that? we want to know. >> we're all human beings and
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there's no ill intent here on behalf of doctors or nurses or pharmacists. they're human beings also. a lot of them working a lot of hours. but, you know, one misreading on the prescription can change everything. we met a family in ohio whose daughter was given the wrong medication and she died as a result of it. we'll present the other side, to find out whether or not this is a legitimate claim. ultimately, i believe the take away will be this. what do you as a patient need to be armed with in terms of information when you go to the doctor or the hospital. 8:00 we premiere on saturday night. one last thing, you get on the plane, you talk to the pilot, trust him to get you there safely. same thing with the doctor. you're trusting that medical technician to -- >> to save your life in some cases. >> but to literally go inside your body and you trust them,
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what is more intimate than that? >> you convinced me to watch. >> saturday night. >> we'll be watching you in 20 minutes by the way. >> we'll watch heather nauert deliver some headlines. there's more proof that hillary clinton not so good at keeping records. the associated press finding that she failed to document dozens of meetings with political donors and also lobbyists while she was serving as secretary of state. the a.p. comparing her calendars with those of her aides. raising questions about how she handles records and contracts while she was secretary of state. well, the future of the freddie gray case is now in question after the third officer to be tried is cleared of all charges. a judge ruling that prosecutors failed to prove any crime was committed by officer caesar goodson. goodson drove the van where freddie gray suffered the deadly neck injury. sheriff david clarke tells our
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megyn kelly that it's time for marilyn mosby who brought the charges against the officers to now step aside. >> marilyn mosby ought to have the intestinal fortitude and the courage to go in before a judge tomorrow and say, i want to -- i want to remove these charges i put forth and let the city of baltimore move forward. >> demonstrators gather outside the courthouse. and three others are waiting to be tried. an extreme heat prompts the rescue of three dogs left inside a car reaching 160 degrees inside. firefighters in sacramento removing the little dog, you can see here on the dashboard. you see that white fluffy one? they say that the pup was panting inside the window with a slightly cracked open window. just slightly cracked open. the dogs were in the car, but they were too aggressive to be taken out. the police cited the dog's owner. those are your headlines. see you back here in a bit. thanks. >> thank you.
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all right, the brexit bombshell sending global stock markets in the tail spin and u.s. stocks are poised to open way down in 45 minutes. nicole petallides is live coming up next. >> and trent harmon performs live, coming up. ♪ nexium 24 hour introduces new, easy-to-swallow tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people... to experience...n fromfrequent .
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a brexit bombshell. a historic vote overnight. now the uk the first to leave the european union. >> sending shock waves through the stock market. >> let's get to nicole petallides about why it might get worse. >> that's right. the dow futures are pointing to the elower open to -- to the lower open of about 500 dow points. we have been done 800 over -- down 800 overnight. when we see them choosing to leave the european union, what happens next? we are seeing selling in every sector. goldman sachs looking to shave off points, all will be on the down side. i wanted to look also, if we start to see some major selling these are the circuit breakers. if we sell off about 7% on the s&p 500, that would bring us to the level of 1965.
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you get a halt for 15 minutes. then again if it's 13%, another halt for 15 minutes. if it happens at the end of the day they halt it for the rest of the session. that's dramatic, but good to know the numbers just in case. we won't meet the sell-off of previous big sell-off days. it doesn't look that way, but the big point moves we have had in prior years. big picture here, everybody is ready for a busy day on wall street. don't look at your 401(k) today, but maybe next week. >> it will be miller time at 4:00 p.m. thanks, nicole. well, his rise to fame was faster than he ever realized. ♪ >> this morning the final "american idol" winner, his name is trent harmon, as you know. he takes the stage as the summer concert series rolls on. ♪ when you booked this trip,
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♪ "dinner!" "may i be excused?" get the new xfinity tv app and for the first time ever stream live tv, watch on demand, and download your dvr shows anywhere. that is "american idol" series finale winner trent harmon and he is here now. he's taking the music world by storm. his first single "there's a girl" is available on itunes today. you should all download that song. so that money goes into your pocket. congratulations on all your success. >> thank you, ma'am. thank you. >> you're from mississippi. a farm from mississippi. you worked in your parent's supermarket. how did you go from there to the big stage? >> lots of practice, prayer and perseverance. >> i like that.
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all the "p" words. >> yeah. a bit of alliteration. >> what have the last few months been like? >> it's a lot different, a year ago i was on a tractor, and now i'm on tour with this awesome band. and i -- i realize that things have changed but i try to take it in stride. >> well, we're so happy for you. congratulations to all of you. what are you singing for us? >> we are about to sing some zz top. "sharp dressed man." i sang this on the show and it went over pretty well. >> i can't wait to hear it. take it away. >> thank you, ma'am. ♪ ♪
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♪ clean shirt, new shoes i don't know where i'm going to ♪ ♪ silk suits, black tie and i don't need a reason why, why, why ♪ ♪ because they'll come running as fast as they can ♪ ♪ because every girl crazy about a sharp dressed man ♪ ♪ ♪ i ain't missing a single thing ♪ ♪ coming running as fast as they
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because i wanna dance ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm looking for love, they come running just as fast as they can ♪ ♪ every girl crazy about a sharp dressed man ♪ ♪ every girl crazy about a sharp dressed man ♪ ♪ every girl crazy about a sharp dressed man ♪ how long can you wear your shoes before corns, calluses and bunions make them unbearable? introducing dr. scholl's cushions
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with advanced duragel technology. they provide a thin, flexible layer between your shoes and foot pain. so you can move with confidence. new dr. scholl's cushions. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing
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you can use whipped topping made ...but real joyful moments.. are shared over the real cream in reddi-wip. ♪ reddi-wip. share the joy. a farmer's what's in this kiester. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. and what a performance today as the all-american summer concert series, trent harmon. >> trent! >> so many individuals have had
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an opportunity to audition or be a part of "american idol." when it ended we were all sad. because it's such a special show for all of us. congratulations on winning. you're going to be singing for us in the "after the show show." >> yes, ma'am, thank you. >> go to facebook live. >> thank you for having me. bill: fox news alert good morning. waking up to a new world order. what does this mean? great britain sends shock waves around the world. they vote to leave the european union. british prime minister david cameron says he will step down. martha: the brexit fallout has already begun. you have crowds celebrating across england. some crying in their pub beer. the dow is expected to open harply slower 30 minutes from now.
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