tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News June 24, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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of bill clinton's oval office exposes explosive new clinton secrets and scandals, you can't afford to miss it. thanks for joining us. have a great weekend. we'll see you monday night. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm eric bolling in for bill o'reilly. watching us tonight. let's get straight to our top story. the stunning political and economic fallout from britain's vote to leave the european union. bill o'reilly sounded off with his thoughts on the big vote just last week. >> david crad dock birmingham, england what is your view having lived in london i believe you guys should leave eu, british traditions under assault. >> and the political fallout being matched by crushing day in the markets. we have more on that later in the program but joining us now on the phone bill o'reilly. so, bill, what's this really
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all about? what's going on? >> it's about immigration, open borders. when i made my analysis last week just answering a letter, i based it on the fact that i lived in london for almost a year. i spent my third year in college in the a university of london system. and i have been back quite a number of times since then. and british tradition is very strong. and what has happened over the past 30 years is that the british system has allowed so many people in and those folks generally speaking, have not assimilated. so that if you go to parts of london, you are not really in england, you are in pakistan or you are in the middle east or you are in the west indies. and everybody knows this. i think that when with the open border eu policy where anybody can go anywhere at any time that the english people said you know what?
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enough. we're not feeling comfortable with being overwhelmed and we are feeling under siege that's what they voted on. i don't think it was economic. i think it was all about immigration. >> bill, this has been around for more than auto years. and this is -- this possibility of one or more countries pulling out of the european union has come up time and time again. why did it work this time? why did it happen that they got the vote they needed this time? some are pointing at president obama's comments from a couple of months ago. >> oh, no. that didn't have anything to do with it. it's terrorism. there is a huge muslim component in england. they have muslim mayor of london, you know, recently banned subway ads that he didn't like. women in bathing suits. i think the british people have had it. and they fear terrorism just as the american people fear terrorism. now, do they brush all muslims with the terrorist label? no. no. but there is enough, if you
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go and travel england as i did in 1970, it was very, very traditional and now it isn't. and a lot of people over the age of 40 don't like the change. so they say, you know, we don't want to be part of an open border society. so we're going to now have our own country and try to get it back. you are going to see some of that happen in the u.s.a. as well. >> so, okay, so you are saying it started over there, came over here. what about those that think -- you know, the old saying when america sneezes the rest of the world catch as cold. do you think some of the trump stuff here is spreading over there. >> no, i think just the opposite. i think trump tapped into the nationalism that has been apparent in on the european continent for about 10 years. you look at every country. the fastest growing political parties are the center right parties, which are saying, you know, we don't want to be overrun by
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people in north africa and in the middle east and in the south asian area. we just don't. it's not a matter of racism. this is what the left will always just by doing this commentary, bolling, i'm going to get called a racist on the far left crank web sites. it's not about that it's about being able to assimilate the immigrants who want to come to any certain country. in great britain, they haven't been able to do that. there are certain cities that are dominated by non-english speaking people. i mean, you can't even hear english spoken. and in parts of america we are starting to see that as well. so, what trump did was basically see that americans are getting fed up with the same things that english people are getting fed up with. too much, too fast, and they are not asimulating. things are changing and people don't like it. ands that what's going on. >> what about the financial aspects of this, bill. the u.k., the net contribution to the u.k. is they are paying more into
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the european union than they're getting out of it to the tune of 7 billion euros. the only one with more net contribution is snearm with 14 billion euros. meanwhile, there are about 15 countries who are net takers from the system. at some point you get tired of picking up the tab all the time, don't you? >> there is that. but i don't really think that that throwed the vote. i think it was emotional vote against open borders. i really think that. and i'm not wrong, bolling, sometimes i say maybe i can be wrong, i'm not wrong. and i think that the british people feel that they can have a strong economy without open borders. and that they want their country to be regulated to some extent. and i think they are right. you know, i think this big 600 point stock market drop today is a buying opportunity. i'm very conservative investor. but i bought a little stock today. >> oh, boy.
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>> i did. i don't think this going to hurt the u.s. economy. it might hurt the british economy. but it's a two-year deal. they have two years to get out of it. so i think this was, you know, a panic sell and you know how that goes. but i could be wrong on that. that i could be wrong on. the reason they voted to get out of the eu i'm not wrong on. >> no, but can i maybe -- can we compromise here a little bit? i agree with you it's immigration, but immigration can income pass many things. it can be the economy, jobs, because if there is a million people coming in to your economy, they're working. they are taking jobs of nationals. >> there is something to that but, you know, edge demand doesn't have a crisis economy or a crisis unemployment situation. and we don't have a crisis unemployment situation in america. it's more cultural. it's more we don't like all of this change. we don't want open borders. on monday, i'm going to do
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the talking points on the fact that we all know what the left will never say. many people on the left want open borders in the united states. they don't want any -- anybody stopping anyone from coming here. >> i have to stop it bill. thank you very much for calling and we appreciate that. next on the rundown, is european union ditching the
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u.k.-u.s. trade agreement it's not going to happen any time soon because our focus in negotiating with a big block of the european union to get a trade agreement done. and u.k. is going to be in the back of the cue. >> however, today, president obama and hillary clinton both released statements saying they respect the decision of the british people not everyone, however, being quite so respectful. >> what they claim it says right off the bat is that they were tired of all the bureaucracy of the european union. they didn't want all the constraints. they want their sovereignty but what this was really about was fear, zen know phobia and in some xenophobia and in some cases racism. >> joining us from chicago professor austan goolsbee former chairman of the economic advisors under president obama. great to have you today, perfect timing for you, professor. tell us a little bit about this. is this racism? is this economics? is this immigration? what's this all about and how does hillary clinton
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handle this? >> well, thanks for having me back, first of all. you got a lot of questions in there. i was just over in london not very long ago. i think most of what this campaign had turned into in the u.k. was about immigration that was the single biggest issue. what had started with discussions about regulation and things about economics had really become about immigration. so, i think there is at least some warning in that to hillary clinton for sure because the polls were saying that the remain was going to win and they didn't. so the polls were wrong. so if in brooklyn the clinton campaign is taking great comfort that they are ahead in the polls, i think this has at least got to put a warning flag on there that some of these issues may be worse than what the polls say. >> because if you apply the same logic, you bring it over here, bring it back across the pond here and you
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see donald trump who has the -- has basically the exit strategy of the u.k. saying hey, let's close our borders until we find out what's going on. it was the open border policy in the european union that drove the people to vote to leave. >> yeah. in a way i think you can have an insight. certainly donald trump himself was trying to promote that view. i wonder though if trump should have been as excited as he seemed to be because if this things leads to a recession in the u.k. in the short run, you certainly saw all the stock markets including ours go down quite a lot. if they start having serious economic problems in the short run because of a policy that was perceived as trumpism i don't think that would necessarily help trump so i think he should be a little. >> let's talk about that a little bit. what really has changed? we saw massive volatility in markets today. at the end of the day, there is not a lot that's changed. you have taken great britain out of the european union.
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>> not a lot has changed yet. >> they're still producing what they produced before. >> you are right. nothing has changed yet because they haven't negotiated the terms of the exit. and you saw the brexit crowd saying well, there is no rush. we will take a long time to negotiate it. but the europeans, they don't want that at all. they don't want this to spread like a brush fire across the other countries. >> nothing has really changed. if germany has -- >> -- something has changed. three things have changed. >> go ahead. what major things have changed? economically? >> okay. economically, number one, you've got literally millions of british citizens working in the eu and several million from the eu working in britain. and as soon as they are out, the normal labor laws are not going to apply. they are going to have to figure out are they going to need work visas? anybody who is making stuff in the u.k. that they are going to ship to an eu country they are going to have to negotiate well, what
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will be the tariffs and how will u.k. products be treated compared to eu products? oso all of that at the very least business investment is going to say let's do nothing for a few months until we see how it gets sorted out. that's going to be a major economic downer in i. >> it's all bureaucratic. patriot working in the u.k. i just need to get a work visa in the u.k. you are not shutting down plants and manufacturing. >> i don't know what you are talking about. shut down the plants? >> why? >> look, let me give you a perfect example. japanese automakers built auto plants in the u.k. to send the cars into the eu. they did that several years ago. those plants are going to slow down whoa, whoa, don't make some cars. they have to negotiate a free trade agreement. >> where? these japanese automakers
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may come to the u.s. if we have a great deal with great britain with the u.k., for example. my point is this. >> that's why i say. >> global economy. >> five years from now. >> all you're going to do is change. >> five years from now you are right. >> change business from one section of the globe to another but you're really not slowing the eu down by breaking the u.k. out of it. >> see, i don't know why you keep saying that i just gave you an example in which it's going to slow down on both sides. look, you have been telling me about the impact of political uncertainty and why you thought that was slowing down the u.s. economy. what could be a bigger political uncertainty on the european economy than whether they're going to disintegrate europe? it's a slowdown. >> it's not disintegrating. it's just breaking up. it would be like the u.s. >> what do you mean it's not disintegrating. it's putting literally breaking into a lot of small pieces: >> we would still be producing at the level we would be producing and
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demand for the products. >> i just told you of course they wouldn't. you are going to at least slow down. five years from now i agree with you. they will have sorted it out there. are countries not in the eu that do fine. switzerland, canada, norway. >> maybe it's an opportunity to get some of that manufacturing and bring it from the european exunion back to the united states. maybe there is opportunity here. austan, always good to talk to you. up next, is the u.k. exit from the eu a political gift for the trump campaign? two of trump's most trusted advisors will be right here to respond. stay tuned. ♪ remember when every new fork on the trail, led to a new adventure? then keep the tradition going with great deals at bass pro shops' 4th of july sale. and check out tahoe boats - including gift cards plus cash rebates with purchase of select models.
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supporter of britain's exit from the european union and trump reacted to the vote results while in scotland, today. >> people want to take their country back. they want to have independence in a sense and you see it with europe all over europe. you're going to have more than just, in my opinion, more than just what happened last night. you're going to have i think, many other cases where they want to take their borders back. they want to take their monetary back. they want to take a lot of things back. they want to be able to have a country again. so i think you're going to have this happen more and more. i really believe that and i think it's happening in the united states. it's happening by the fact that i have done so well in the polls. you look at the recent polling and you look at the swing states and you see how i'm doing and i haven't even started my campaign yet, essentially. >> joining us now with radicalization former presidential candidate dr. ben carson who is also a trump supporter. dr. carson i woke up this morning and saw donald trump in scotland. i understand it was planned. was it planned because he
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knew the vote was coming down this day and hoping on vindication on something he predicted? >> i think it was just a coincidence. but, you know, what's really interesting is, you know, the pundits and the polls all predicted a very different result. and i don't think they understood the level of frustration of the british populist. the hourly workers who are seeing their jobs lost to people coming in who don't necessarily share their same values and culture. and i think it does have implications for the united states. i think many particularly the punditry think that they actually know what's going on and they think they actually know the mind of the american people. and i don't think they do. >> and what do you think this is? do you think what is going on in europe is some sort of trump populism or nationalism spreading to europe? >> well, i don't know that donald trump is responsible for it. but he certainly represents, you know, the people, once
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again, exerting themselves. it's it's a the very same thing that thomas jefferson said was going to happen. he said we would begin to lose our country because people were being non-vigilant that government would grow, expand and dominate.o something else, the people would awaken, recognize what was going on, rise up and regain control. i believe that's what trumpism is. >> and the donor class and some of the pundits said he shouldn't be going to scotland today on this trip but he pushed back, why? >> well, he should push back because anything the pundits say is pretty much wrong. i wish somebody would do a special looking at what the pundits have said over the last couple of years. and then you would see this probably not very good use for them. >> dr. carson we say thank you very much. thanks for joining us. let's bring in can a -- katrina pierson. we did a bigger picture with dr. carson macrolet's go
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microinside how. how does donald trump use this to his ad vantage in the election 2016? >> well, you know, eric, it's pretty interesting what has happened today simply because, you know, only the people that are shocked are those who have created mass wealth on globalism with complete disregard for the workers. and you can only ask the working class to foot the bill to their own detriment for so long. they have rejected it in britain. here we have our own situation going on with median household incomes that have been flat. we have immigration out of control. you have hillary clinton and barack obama wanting to bring in more refugees. people who cannot take care of themselves. we have an elitism in this country who now wants to give americans benefits to the illegals who are in this country. this is donald trump's message. it is americans and our families first. >> very carefully, katrina, he has to be careful not to take too big of a victory lap because we saw big massive volatility in the stock market.
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we saw the british pound get really really hammered today. it hasn't been this low in 30 years. celebrating i was right on the heels of a lot of people losing money in their 401(k)s is a tricky dance. >> he didn't take a victory lap. he just noted that he sided with the people of the u.k. there was a lot of criticism because he didn't give some massive speech based upon the brexit. and that is because his main concern for being in scotland was to be there to support his family. and is he going to come home and continue to campaign because it is very important that we do get back to the basics in this country, we don't want to be a country whose entire economy resolves around what some other country or what other unions are doing across the globe. mr. trump is definitely going to continue to modify forward with that same message because at the end of the day, the united states is still al sovereign nation. even though you have the elites that have been trying to give ai think that sovereignty for so long, which is exactly what hillary clinton wants to do
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with her support of the transpacific partnership which will be the end of economic sovereignty in the united states. that's exactly why we have to get. >> go further, what is it about hillary clinton that mirrors what's going on in the european union? >> and she even supported staying a part of the european union where they have dissolved borders. there is no communication between the countries and terrorism. we saw what happened in brussels. this is something that hillary clinton is a part of. and you can look at the clinton foundation. these people have created mass wealth for themselves on the backs of the working class. and the transpacific partnership is going to overhaul all of the u.s. economy whether it comes from wages. >> fair enough. let me ask you this though i know the transpacific partnership and donald trump has been against that. is he also in favor of breaking up nafta? i don't have a lot of time. north america. would he be interested in seeing mexico, canada and the united states independent of each other completely? >> absolutely. mr. trump wants to take each trade deal and renegotiate
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all of them. particularly those that have been harmful to the country. like nafta, losing 3 million jobs and moving forward and even obamacare, something as simple as one piece of legislation that is affecting our country that has killed 3 million jobs. mr. trump wants to get in office and renegotiate every horrible thing that the elites have done for this country. >> katrina, thank you very much. directly ahead, the u.k. vote sparks a brutal day for financial markets around the world. how will all this turmoil effect your wallet? we will get top insight moments away. one shot from them. one mortgage-free year for you. it's the quicken loans hole in one sweepstakes and you could be the next winner. enter today at for your chance to win a year's worth of mortgage payments.
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so live your whole day, not part... with 12 hour aleve. live from america's news headquarters, a state of emergency in west virginia. 23 people have been killed in flash floods across the state. as much as eight to 10 inches fell and it's being called a one in a thousand year event and the worst flood on record for west virginia. the governor says in addition to homes and businesses, roads and bridges have been destroyed. reporters from egypt air flight 804 are being sent to france. investigators will see if they can salvage the information off of them. egypt air was flying from paris to cairo when veering off course and dove into the mediterranean, killing all 66 people on board.
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now back to "the o'reilly factor". for all of your headlines, remember to log on to to for all the latest headlines. in the personal story segment tonight, what does the u.k. exit vote mean to your money and economic security? the news sent financial markets plummeting around the world today. here in the u.s., the dow closed down a stunning 611 points or about 3.4%. let's bring in two all-star anchors from the fox business network to analyze. charles payne joins us from the floor of the new york stock exchange and with us in studio trish regan. i go to the floor first, i remember those days on the floor jittery traders. what happens on monday once they get a chance to digest the news? what are they saying. >> no one was brave enough to step into the carnage today but the traders were somewhat upbeat because this is seen as sort of a knee jerk emotional reaction to
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something that a lot of analysts think ultimately will be a good thing. it will be a good thing for the united kingdom, making them more competitive nation and probably that bleeds into europe making them a more competitive nation. the way it was structured before, had you a bunch of ailing economies sort of leaning on each other and maybe holding each other back. but for the u.s. investors out there, understand, the fight for the u.s. dollar makes that strong. puts a lot of pressure on multinational companies. that's why your portfolio was hit. i think overall the feeling is and certainly my feeling is we will be okay and this market reaction is going to be short lived. >> markets get jittery. >> market don't like to be surprised. and they were surprise why this vote. now going forward, they are saying what does it mean for the rest of the european union? does it mean france, italy,
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portugal or spain is going to say i want out, too? that's what they're questioning? is there going to be more uncertainty to follow? another thing i keep hearing from sources they are concerned about some the banks over there. for example, in places like italy. are they capitalized enough? do they have enough money on hand to be able to withstand any hiccups right now in the overall economy? so i agree with charles. i think everything is going to be fine, ultimately. but it could be a rough road in the interim. >> trish and charles, and i kind of agree with you but later in the show we had austan goolsbee professor saying this is turmoil in the eu my question is nothing has changed. they are still producing the same goods. demand for goods is still about the same. i'm trying to figure out what the big change. what would send stocks down 611 today? >> the uncertainty factor. strong dollar factor hurts multinationals and also this is to trish's point, this is the first, maybe we all grew up watching that old cartoon
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where somebody pulled a thread out of an old suit and the whole suit fell apart. spain goes to the polls. massive movement. catalonia wants to be independent. we don't know. and that was the anxiety part. remember, down 3%. european markets were down a lot more. what i was impressed with is that the british market opening down almost 9% came all the way back, was only down 3%. i think that tells a bigger story than the knee jerk reaction. >> trish, we know yesterday, the stock market, the united states stock market was up in expectation of a stay vote. the betting markets were expecting a stay vote. >> they got that wrong. >> until about 10:00 last night it looked like stay was going to win. it's the surprise factor that sometimes makes people jittery. >> it makes people rattled. the question now is what's going to happen. >> should investors be jitedry -- jittery right now? >> unless you saw alexander
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hamilton taking over europe say we are going to work together and become the united states of europe. you can't have economic unit without having some kind of centralized political power and good luck trying to get all those countries that speak different languages and different cultural histories to work together. the eu from the get-go was one of those things that was great in theory but you know what? practically it doesn't work. we are starting to see the realization of that right now, eric. >> charles, some people come up and say should i be bailing out of stuff? should i be selling my 401(k) out? what should i do? should i trade this? you are there what are the guys staying. >> hold on there. own great american companies. that's the key. you have ups and downs. volume digits is here to stay. no doubt to trish's point. best bet probably trish is we can get hamilton a tour of europe. other than that, listen, this was a vote against immigration. establishment, multi-culturallism. feminism, a lot of the movements that have really accident western europe and now america are being
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rebuffed. >> all right. final thoughts, trish. hang, bail, add? what do we do here. >> hold on and then buy. sorry, trish. >> i totally agree with you. it could be resolved in a couple of weeks ultimately we are all going to be okay. the u.k. is going to be okay. europe is going to be okay. the u.s. economy i guarantee is going to be okay. >> if you ever want to know what's going on with the stock market and u.k. tune in to the fox business network. they are all over it. >> how the exit from the european union could throw a wrench into the fight against islamic terror. we hope you stay tuned to that report. nexium 24 hour introduces new, easy-to-swallow tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people... to experience... complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr. the easy-to-swallow tablet is here.
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thanks for staying with us. for bill o'reilly. and in the unresolved problem segment tonight, what britain's vote to leave the eu means for the war against islamic terror. joining us now with radicalization from washington, sebastian gorka, author of the best selling book "defeating jihad." let's start off the top. are we as a nation, as a globe less safe with the u.k. leaving the european union? >> no, i don't think so. i think the brexit vote could, in fact, have some
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very positive national security side effects and not only for the u.k. or and europe but potentially for the united states. so we know that we've had a decades' long special relationship with london. i think that will be reinforced. each president obama today was explicit that that will be maintained. but i think the brexit vote is really at its core an attack against political correctness, against faceless bureaucrats centralizing in some utopian dream. it's that kind of political correctness that's made america so unsafe in the last seven and a half years. look at what happened after orlando. the attorney general saying, you know, this is not about jihad or terrorism. i'm going to redact the transcript of what the attacker said to the 911 dispatchers. all we need is to defeat the
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jihadis. that's political correctness. britain has stood up to that political correctness and that's good for everybody, america included. >> one of the cited is refugee program. allowing a million refugees to come in. people across the european union saying i'm not sure i want that free and easy access of those refugees come in through germany to enter any one of the 28, now 27 countries in the european union. >> yeah, eric. this is hugely important. i think fundamentally the brexit issue was about sovereignty and nationhood. but i think the last nail in the coffin that made the brexit leave a campaign win was the migrant issue. think about just one fact. after the two paris attacks and brussels atrocity, we found out that the jihadis had exploited the my granted movement. they falsified syrian passports and, in fact, they had won refugee status on the european continent
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before they executed the attack. that's just suicidal. the idea that you open your gates, you open your borders and everything is going to be fine. isis has said, we will exploit the migrant influx and they have, eric. >> now, does this empower the united kingdom to maybe go a little tougher against the war on islamic terror? in other words, there are some people who say they have been very easy. the french have been easy on the neighborhoods. they haven't policed neighborhoods to the extent they may have policed other neighborhoods, the islamic neighborhoods. does this change that dynamic at all? >> i think it okay i think you are hitting something very interesting. we have areas like bradford that are almost sharia compliant or very difficult to police or especially to get human intelligence resources into. we have all the no-go areas in france. i think if we see this as a reassertion of sovereignty and that national security is more important than what some guy in brussels says,
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then i think we may see a more, let's say more robust attitude to these areas and there will not be places like the no go haven where, remember, the paris attacker hid in brussels in the capital if you will of the eu for four months before he was caught. that kind of thing may be difficult to maintain in the future after brexit. >> if we only have about a half a minute or so, dr. gorka. if, in fact, other countries in the european union pull out, exit the union, will that i don't know, hurt us in our ability to share intel with europe? there is a lot of terrorist cells going on as you point out in brussels, in france, and even in england? >> it's a function of politics. i have worked very closely with the fbi. i'm familiar with the european security services. the operators get it. the guys on the ground, the pavement pounders. they understanding the threat. the question is will their
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political leaders allow them to cooperate as they should or are they going to maintain some kind of political correctness? we can collaborate as well as we need to. the question is will the political leaders wake up and allow the operators to do so, eric. >> all right. we're going to have to leave it right there. sebastian, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> coming up, is the u.k. vote to leave the eu a sign of what's to come in our own presidential election? stay tuned.
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definitely immigration. the whole of the things getting mixed up immigration. as you know from the u.s. but we can see it anywhere in europe today this issue to do with immigration has the power to move electorates in a very sharpened and clear direction. >> so is this a preview clear d. >> reporter: is this a preview of what's coming in november? joining us rick grinl, and with us in studio, scott rasmussen. scott, he pointed out immigration was a big topic. it moves needles. it moves needles here with trump and in the european union. is it coming back here? >> it's a big issue, but part of the power comes because the political class doesn't want to be an issue at all. they want to ignore legitimate concerns of voters and simply say if you disagree on immigration, you're a racist. that's not how to win people
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over. we have a political clash here, and there was a similar situation in europe where legitimate concerns were not being addressed. that gives rise to the leave vote, and it will -- it has driven rise to donald trump here in the united states. >> how did that miss this so badly, rick? everybody did. >> it's unbelievable. across the board i think the narrative and the mean from the media, even in europe -- i was in london last week -- you hear the undertone of what scott said, racism. conservatisms have to do a better job of bifurcating immigration from illegal immigration. donald trump needs to make clear he's talking about illegal immigration. that way the immigrants who want people to wait in line because they waited in line, they're going to be willing to hear that message and receive it better. i think to answer your question, what the media is trying to do is blur the two.
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they're an advocacy organization. what we saw in europe and we saw in the united states, they're pushing the narrative that somehow donald trump and his supporters hate all immigration. >> but don't we blur it too, also? don't we blur it when we say immigration can lead to, let's say, homeland, too much immigration could open up home grown terrorism? >> i hope we don't. >> radicalize americans, even? don't we do that? >> i hope we don't. i try to make sure when i'm talking about these concerns that we have, that we're talking about policy fixes. for instance, when we do have immigrants coming here, because we absolutely must have immigrantings because our birthrate is not up enough. when we have immigrants, we have to screen them. i don't think it's too much to say let's take a pause because we don't have proper information coming from syria, for instance. taking a pause is not a radical position. the state department should have thought of that a long time ago.
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our state department is not engaged in syria or on the immigration issue, as evident by the 51 career diplomats who threw up their hands and said this policy isn't working. we need something different. >> hang on, scott, exit polging throughout the economy. the economy has been number one in american's minds. safety has been number two. has this now pushed immigration topic towards the top of the list of american's concerns? >> that's part of a whole bundle of concerns. i think the biggest concern is that they don't think anybody is listening. if you go to what we used to call the rust belt, they don't think anybody in either party really cares about them, and the other issue here is people believe that there is -- that they can solve problems for themselves. they understand why an immigrant wo would want to come to america and raise their family here. they understand the legitimate concerns. let's find a way to solve it,
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but they don't get solved. >> how is it not the same issue when great britain says we want out of the european union, we want sovereignty and donald trump says i want to build a wall on the southern border. isn't it the same thing. >> they're related issues. building a wall is not necessarily the best message to send. maybe if you said we want to enforce laws and take away federal funding from sanctuary cities. what happens after you get here? how do you live and assimilate into society in that's the real challenges. let's be clear. what happened yesterday is not changing anything. it is confirming a change that already took place. the attitudes toward europe changed long before this vote. >> i got less than a minute. 30 seconds or so. do you agree with scott that things are still the same, it's just the matter of a boarder?
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>> i don't. we have 28 countries in the european union. it's been the lowest common demon nay or the of policy. the brits have always tried to raise the level. they've been bringing it up. with them gone, the eu policy is even more watered down. i think we're going to have a great nato ally. now they have to rely on nato for their security. >> straight ahead, this new sunday's legends and lies episode gives a fascinating look at another exit that shook the world 240 years ago. you'll get a sneak peek after this.
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the revolt against the british crown. this week's episode of legends and lies features the battle of bunker hill and benjamin franklin. >> from the looks of your strategic position, you have wrapped the british in their own mouse hole. >> now if i can only launch an attack? >> oh, no gains without pains, sir. no gains without pains. >> he's a new englander, they're undisciplined, untrained. and there are some 5,000 of them that expect it. we are in the want of weapons, of uniforms, of adequate things required by a proper army. >> i had no idea that the situation was so dire. >> you asked what i need, dr. franklin. i need everything. and i need it now. or this war will be over before it even begins. >> the episode airs sunday at
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8:00 p.m. eastern on fnc. don't miss it. also, there's a new pod cast, "the contributing factor". you should check it out. the pod cast is available on bill o', and the first one features bill o'reilly himself. >> there's two schools of thought with donald trump. let him be him and act more like a regular candidate. which one do you advise? >> the latter right now. the polls say about 22 % of americans haven't made up their minds. he needs to gain 15% of the 22% to win. i think everybody knows he's a scorched earth guy when he has to be. i would pivot into a little more diplomatic but still maintain my edge. >> way better than serial pod cast. also please don't forget about my book "wake up america".
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it goes on sale next week. bill o'reilly will be back monday. the spin stops right here. we're looking out for you. >> breaking tonight in a move sending shock waves around the world. one of america's most important allies parts aways from the european union in what looks like a show of frustration over immigration, economic opportunity, and the inability to control their own lives. sound familiar? welcome to the kelly file. i'm megyn kelly. this vote has divided europe, caused a huge hit in stock narcoti markets around the world and raised questions about global security. perhaps more importantly, it's sent a stunning message to political leaders, pollsters and pundits who never thought this would happen, happen. and part of that message is how the
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